View Amendment Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 3001 Reps. HARRELL, CLEMMONS, BANNISTER, AND OTT propose the following Amendment No. 1 to H. 3001 (COUNCIL\MS\3001C001.MS.AHB13):

Reference is to the resolution as introduced.

Amend the House resolution, as and if amended, by deleting Rule 1.9 and inserting:

/ "      1.9      All committees shall be appointed by the Speaker, unless otherwise provided for by rule or by law, except Senatorial and Gubernatorial appointees and ex officio members of the House. The Speaker shall name the members constituting each committee in alphabetical order. The Chairman shall be elected by the respective committees during the organizational session. If any subsequent vacancy shall occur in a committee's chairmanship, the election of a new committee chairman shall take place at the time and date to be set by the presiding officer of the respective committee. The committees may at their discretion elect a Vice-Chairman and such other officers as they may choose." /

Amend the House Resolution further, by deleting Rule 4.2(9.) and inserting:

/ "9.      House of Representatives Legislative Ethics Committee - 6 10." /

Amend the House Resolution further, by deleting Rule 4.16a. and inserting:

/ "4.16 a.       The House of Representatives Legislative Ethics Committee consists of six (6) ten (10) members. The ten members of the House of Representatives Legislative Ethics Committee shall be elected by the members of the House. Five members of the committee shall be members of the majority party represented in the House of Representatives and five members shall be members of the minority party represented in the House of Representatives or be nonaffiliated with any party or another party not in the majority. The Chairman of the Ethics Committee shall be one of the five members of the committee from the majority party represented in the House to be elected by the members of the committee. Other officers of the committee are not required to be affiliated with a particular party and shall be elected by members of the committee as well.
     The committee has the following powers and duties:
           (1)(a)      to receive complaints or charges concerning conduct alleged to be unethical from any citizen of this State or member of the House against:
           (i)            House members;
           (ii)      former House members, provided the allegations are related to the former member's service in the House;
           (iii)      candidates for the House;
           (iv)      former candidates for the House, provided the allegations are related to the former candidate's bid for the House;
           (v)      officers and employees of the House;
           (vi)      staff and independent contractors of a House legislative caucus committee.
Only sworn written complaints or charges may be considered;
           (b)      to file a complaint upon concurrence of at least four members of the House Ethics Committee when alleged violations are identified;
           (c)      for purposes of this Rule, unethical conduct may include, but is not limited to, a:
           (i)            violation of Chapter 13, Title 8;
           (ii)      violation of Chapter 17, Title 2; or
           (iii)      breach of this Rule by a person designated in a.(1)(a) above or as designated by statute;
           (2)      to investigate these complaints and charges and, if warranted, to report the results of these investigations to the House with recommendations for further appropriate action as authorized by law;
           (3)      upon request of any member, officer, or employee of the House to render advisory opinions with regard to legislative ethics when, in their judgment, these opinions would serve the public interest, and to act as an advisory body to the House and to individual members of or candidates for the House on questions pertaining to the disclosure and filing requirements;
           (4)      to make available annually to the House a compilation of the principles provided in advisory opinions rendered;
           (5)      to administer or recommend appropriate sanctions or dismiss charges;
           (6)      to ascertain whether a person has failed to comply fully and accurately with the disclosure requirements of Chapter 13, Title 8 and promptly notify the person to file the necessary notices and reports to satisfy the requirements; and
           (7)      to recommend a rule or statutory change relating to ethics as the committee deems appropriate."/

Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.