View Amendment Current Amendment: 4 to Bill 3711 Rep. WHITE proposes the following Amendment No. 4 to H.3711 as introduced by Ways & Means

EXPLANATION: Move Statewide Cyber Security & Consumer Protection proviso from appropriation bill to CRF to follow funding

Amend the joint resolution, as and if amended, after Section 1, page 3, line 19, by adding an appropriately numbered section to read:
/ SECTION . The General Assembly finds, that as a top priority of the current fiscal year, consumer protection is to continue to be provided for those citizens whose personal financial information was compromised as a result of the Department of Revenue Security Breach of 2012. In accordance with that finding, the funds appropriated to the Budget and Control Board for Statewide Cyber Security and Consumer Protection shall first be used to provide, at a minimum, one additional year of consumer protection to those citizens who were enrolled in "ProtectMyID" as of March 31, 2013. Any funds remaining shall be utilized by the board to implement state agency cyber security improvements as recommended in solutions for plans on cyber security improvements.

Renumber items and sections to conform.
Amend totals and titles to conform.