View Amendment Current Amendment: 3579CBH.P1.31A.docx to Bill 3579 Senator HUTTO proposed the following amendment (3579CBH.P1.31A):
    Amend amendment 31A bearing document number 3579R067.EB.LKG, as and if amended, by striking Section 57-1-310(A) and inserting the following:
/         "Section 57-1-310.     (A)     The congressional districts of this State are constituted and created Department of Transportation Districts of the State, designated by numbers corresponding to the numbers of the respective congressional districts. The There is established the Commission of the Department of Transportation which shall be composed of one member appointed by the Governor from each transportation district elected by the delegations of the congressional district and one member appointed by the Governor from the State at large. The Governor's at large appointment shall serve as chair of the Commission. The Governor's appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. from the State at large. Such elections or appointment, as the case may be, In making appointments to the commission, the Governor shall take into account race, and gender, and other demographic factors, such as residence in rural or urban areas, so as to represent, to the greatest extent possible, all segments of the population of the State. Also, the Governor shall ensure that the commission is comprised of least two commissioners who reside in a county with a population of one hundred thousand or less and at least two commissioners who reside in a county with a population greater than one hundred thousand. however, However, consideration of these factors in making an appointment or in an election in no way creates a cause of action or basis for an employee grievance for a person appointed or elected or for a person who fails to be appointed."     /

    Renumber sections to conform.
    Amend title to conform.