View Amendment Current Amendment: 5001R015.EB.LB.DOCX to Bill 5001     Senator BRIGHT proposes the following amendment (5001R015.EB.LB.DOCX):
    Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 113, AID TO SUBDIVISIONS - STATE TREASURER, page 464, after line 30, by adding an appropriately numbered new proviso to read:
/113.__ (As - Treas. Withholding Funds for Bathroom Ordinances) Any county, municipality or other political subdivision of this state shall have its portion of the Aid to Subdivisions, Local Government Fund withheld if it adopts any ordinance, regulation or other legislation requiring a business to allow a person to use a restroom, dressing room, or shower room different than the restroom, dressing room or shower room designated for that person's sex as identified on that person's birth certificate. /

    Renumber sections to conform.
    Amend sections, totals and title to conform.