View Amendment Current Amendment: 3440R005.EB.GH.docx to Bill 3440     Senator HEMBREE proposed the following amendment (3440R005.EB.GH):
    Amend the bill, as and if amended, by adding an appropriately numbered new SECTION to read:

/     SECTION __.     Section 56-5-2941(A) of the 1976 Code is amended to read:

    (A)     The Department of Motor Vehicles shall require a person who is a resident of this State and who is convicted of violating the provisions of Section 56-5-2930, 56-5-2933, 56-5-2945, 56-5-2947 except if the conviction was for Section 56-5-750, or a law of another state that prohibits a person from driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, to have installed on any motor vehicle the person drives, except a moped, an ignition interlock device designed to prevent driving of the motor vehicle if the person has consumed alcoholic beverages. This section does not apply to a person convicted of a first offense violation of Section 56-5-2930 or 56-5-2933, unless the person submitted to a breath test pursuant to Section 56-5-2950 and had an alcohol concentration of fifteen one-hundredths of one percent or more. The department may waive the requirements of this section if the department determines that the person has a medical condition that makes the person incapable of properly operating the installed device. If the department grants a medical waiver, the department shall suspend the person's driver's license for the length of time that the person would have been required to hold an ignition interlock restricted license. The department may withdraw the waiver at any time that the department becomes aware that the person's medical condition has improved to the extent that the person has become capable of properly operating an installed device. The department also shall require a person who has enrolled in the Ignition Interlock Device Program in lieu of the remainder of a driver's license suspension or denial of the issuance of a driver's license or permit to have an ignition interlock device installed on any motor vehicle the person drives, except a moped.             /

    Renumber sections to conform.
    Amend title to conform.