South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2001 Session

Copyright and Disclaimer

The State of South Carolina owns the copyright to the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as contained herein. Any use of the text, section headings, or catchlines of the 1976 Code is subject to the terms of federal copyright and other applicable laws and such text, section headings, or catchlines may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or for inclusion in any material which is offered for sale or lease without the express written permission of the Chairman of the South Carolina Legislative Council or the Code Commissioner of South Carolina.

This statutory database is current through the 2001 Regular Session and the 2001 Extra Session of the South Carolina General Assembly. Changes to the statutes enacted by the 2002 General Assembly, which will convene in January 2002, will be incorporated as soon as possible. Some changes enacted by the 2002 General Assembly may take immediate effect. The State of South Carolina and the South Carolina Legislative Council make no warranty as to the accuracy of the data, and users rely on the data entirely at their own risk.

The Legislative Council by law is charged with compiling and publishing the 1976 Code and it is maintained in a database which may be accessed for commercial purposes by contacting the Legislative Council or the office of Legislative Printing, Information and Technology Systems.

Title 2 - General Assembly



SECTION 2-3-10. Oath of members.

All members elected to the General Assembly shall take the oath prescribed in Article III, section 26, of the Constitution of the State, before entering upon the duties of their office.

SECTION 2-3-20. Compensation of members.

Members of the General Assembly shall annually receive as compensation for their services such sum as may be provided by law and mileage at the rate provided for by law for the actual distance traveled in the most direct route going to and returning from their homes on weekend adjournments of the General Assembly at the place where the sessions of the General Assembly are held. The terms of this provision shall be subject to limitations imposed by the State Constitution.

The President of the Senate, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House and the Speaker pro tempore of the House shall receive, in addition, such amounts as may annually appear in the State appropriation act.

SECTION 2-3-22. Prohibition of members of the general assembly from receiving in any one calendar year on account of service during the regular session of the general assembly any amount which exceeds the total amount appropriated for personal service.

No member of the General Assembly may receive in any one calendar year on account of service during the regular session of the General Assembly any amount which exceeds the total amount appropriated for personal service for members of the General Assembly for the applicable fiscal year divided by one hundred seventy.

SECTION 2-3-25. Requirement of member of General Assembly to repay compensation in event of resignation or expulsion; procedure; remedy for nonpayment.

Effective after July 1,1995, if a member of the General Assembly resigns or is expelled, he must repay any compensation he has received for that year on a pro rata basis, pro rated from the first day of the session in January each year through the end of the annual session. The Clerk of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, as appropriate, shall request the repayment of the compensation paid. If the member does not repay the monies he has received within thirty days of the date of request by the clerk, the Comptroller General is authorized to deduct the appropriate amount from any retirement benefits the member may receive and remit this amount to the credit of the general fund of the State, pro rated from the first day of the session in January each year through the end of the annual session.

SECTION 2-3-30. Subsistence expenses for members and Lieutenant Governor.

Except for legislative days which, by Senate or House action, are designated for consideration only of local and uncontested matters, members of the General Assembly, including the Lieutenant Governor, shall be paid fifty ($50.00) dollars subsistence expenses for each legislative day. Provided, such subsistence allowance shall be paid for each calendar day occurring within the same legislative day to members of that body in session on each calendar day.

SECTION 2-3-40. Payment to members for postage expense.

The clerk of the Senate shall, on the first day of each session, draw a pay certificate of fifteen dollars in favor of each Senator and the clerk of the House of Representatives shall likewise, on the first day of each session, draw a pay certificate of fifteen dollars in favor of each member of the House of Representatives, which shall be given in lieu of all postage to be used by such Senator or Representative in his official capacity during each session and shall be in addition to his per diem.

SECTION 2-3-50. Stationery for each house.

The clerks of the Senate and of the House of Representatives shall each furnish for his house for its use and for the use of its several committees, such stationery as may be necessary for each session.

SECTION 2-3-60. Supplies and equipment for Speaker of House and President of Senate.

The clerk of the House, upon the request of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall furnish for his office such supplies and equipment as are requested by the Speaker, and the clerk of the Senate, upon the request of the President of the Senate, shall furnish for his office such supplies and equipment as are requested by the President.

SECTION 2-3-70. Purchase of supplies and equipment for General Assembly.

Except as provided for in Section 2-3-110, all supplies and equipment for use of the General Assembly shall be purchased only upon authority of either the Clerk of the Senate, Clerk of the House or the Legislative Council for the respective branches of the General Assembly, and that a copy of such written authority shall be attached to all warrants in payment thereof before such warrants are honored by the Comptroller General.

SECTION 2-3-75. Office of Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources; establishment and administration.

The Office of Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources (LPITR) shall be established under the joint direction and management of the Clerk of the Senate and the Clerk of the House. The Clerks shall employ a director to carry out the business of the office, who shall have authority to hire and discharge staff with the approval of the Clerks, with such funds as may be authorized by the General Assembly. The Office of Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources shall have the following authority and duties:

(1) The Office of Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources shall provide printing and technical services to the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Legislative Council, and the Code Commissioner. The Director of LPITR shall, with the approval of the Clerks, contract for all legislative printing requirements not otherwise provided for by law. LPITR shall also contract for the printing requirements of the Code Commissioner as contained in Section 2-13-60(4).

(2) Any materials which have been printed or paid for under the LPITR printing contract may be sold to other state agencies and private persons. All funds received for such service shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general fund of the State. Before any funds are paid into the state treasury, all necessary expenses incurred by the Office of LPITR in the production and distribution of materials in accordance with this section may be first deducted and retained by the Office of LPITR. Payment for such expenses may be made on order of the Director of Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources and approval of the Clerks of the House and Senate.

(3) Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources may sell by means of electronic transmission or by such other means as it deems appropriate any legislative document or report which may be obtained under the provisions of Chapter 4 of Title 30 of the 1976 Code as amended. Such sale shall be with the approval of the Clerks of the House and Senate upon their prior consultation with the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

SECTION 2-3-80. Election of clerks of Senate and House of Representatives.

The Senate and House of Representatives, immediately after assembling in the session following a general election, shall each proceed to the election of a clerk, to be known as the clerk of the Senate and the clerk of the House of Representatives, respectively.

SECTION 2-3-90. Election of reading clerks, sergeants at arms, and assistant sergeants at arms.

The Senate and House of Representatives shall also, at the same time, each for itself elect a reading clerk, a sergeant at arms, and an assistant sergeant at arms. Should a vacancy occur in the sergeant at arms or assistant sergeant at arms while the General Assembly is not in session, the Lieutenant Governor or the Speaker of the House is authorized to appoint for their respective Houses a sergeant at arms or assistant sergeant at arms until the convening of the next General Assembly.

SECTION 2-3-100. Duties of sergeants at arms.

The sergeant at arms of the Senate and the sergeant at arms of the House of Representatives shall take exclusive care and charge of the Senate chamber and the hall of the House of Representatives and the committee rooms, respectively, and be held responsible for their keeping and the keeping and protection of the furniture and furnishings belonging to them, packing such as may need packing and inspecting and caring for them during the recess of the General Assembly. The sergeant at arms of both houses shall employ such laborers and help as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

SECTION 2-3-110. Speaker designated as department head and chief administrative officer of House; supplies and equipment for Speaker and standing committees.

The Speaker is hereby designated as the department head and chief administrative officer of the House of Representatives. He is authorized to furnish his office and those of the various standing committees of the House with such supplies and equipment as he deems necessary to be paid for from the approved accounts of the House.

SECTION 2-3-120. Election of chaplains.

The Senate and House of Representatives shall each elect, on the first day of the session of each General Assembly, a chaplain, who shall serve as such officer during the sessions.

SECTION 2-3-130. Appointment of other officers and employees of the Senate.

There shall be appointed at the commencement of the first session of every term of the General Assembly for the Senate:

(1) By the presiding officer of the Senate the secretary to the president, the secretary between sessions, the pages, the postmistress, a telephone page, three doorkeepers and a keeper of the president's office;

(2) By the clerk of the Senate an assistant clerk, the general desk clerks, the bill clerks, the journal clerks, the general committee clerks, the committee sergeant, the amendment clerks, the assistant amendment clerks, the attendants and the laborers;

(3) By the chairman of the finance committee two stenographers, a clerk and a keeper of the finance committee room;

(4) By the chairman of the judiciary committee the stenographers and a keeper of the judiciary committee room; and

(5) By the chairman of other committees the general committee stenographers as specified in the general appropriation bill.

SECTION 2-3-140. Appointment of other officers and employees of the House.

The clerk of the House of Representatives shall appoint all of the clerical and stenographic help in the House and in addition thereto shall be authorized to employ one porter. The sergeant at arms of the House shall appoint one porter. The Speaker of the House shall appoint the staff personnel of the various standing committees, the secretary to the Speaker, the amendment clerks and all other employees of the House of Representatives.

SECTION 2-3-150. Additional employees for office of Speaker of House.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall have authority to employ such additional employees, not in excess of two, as he deems necessary for the proper operation of his office and upon his approval their salaries as set by him shall be paid from the approved accounts of the House.

SECTION 2-3-160. Employees shall be designated as temporary or full time in budget requests.

When either the House of Representatives or the Senate submits its annual budget requests all employees shall be designated as temporary or full time and the compensation of all full-time employees shall be shown as a line item.

SECTION 2-3-170. Compensation of officers and employees.

All persons elected or appointed under the provisions of this chapter shall receive such compensation as the General Assembly shall determine.

SECTION 2-3-180. Lists of appointments shall be filed with Treasurer.

All officers making any of the appointments provided for in this chapter shall forthwith, when each appointment is made, furnish correct lists thereof to the clerks of the two houses respectively and copies of such lists, together with a list of the officers or attaches elected by the two houses, shall be filed by said clerks with the State Treasurer.

SECTION 2-3-190. Qualification for appointment of officers and employees.

No person holding or exercising the duties of any office in this State and no person not a permanent resident of this State shall be eligible to election or appointment to any of the offices or positions provided for in this chapter.

SECTION 2-3-200. Pay certificates for members.

The clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives shall furnish each member of their respective bodies a pay certificate for the amount of his mileage and compensation, to include such dates as the General Assembly shall, by concurrent resolution, direct.

SECTION 2-3-210. Certification and attestation of pay certificates.

Such certificates shall be certified by the President of the Senate and attested by the clerk of the Senate for all members of that body and by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the clerk of the House for all members of that body.

SECTION 2-3-220. Pay certificates of officers and employees.

The subordinate officers and employees of the General Assembly shall, in like manner, be furnished with certificates of pay in such amounts as shall be fixed by that branch of the General Assembly to which such officers and employees shall respectively belong except that the pay certificates for services common to the two houses shall be signed by the President of the Senate and countersigned by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

SECTION 2-3-230. Repealed by 1991 Act No. 171, Part II, Section 45, eff June 12, 1991.

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