South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2001 Session

Copyright and Disclaimer

The State of South Carolina owns the copyright to the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as contained herein. Any use of the text, section headings, or catchlines of the 1976 Code is subject to the terms of federal copyright and other applicable laws and such text, section headings, or catchlines may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or for inclusion in any material which is offered for sale or lease without the express written permission of the Chairman of the South Carolina Legislative Council or the Code Commissioner of South Carolina.

This statutory database is current through the 2001 Regular Session and the 2001 Extra Session of the South Carolina General Assembly. Changes to the statutes enacted by the 2002 General Assembly, which will convene in January 2002, will be incorporated as soon as possible. Some changes enacted by the 2002 General Assembly may take immediate effect. The State of South Carolina and the South Carolina Legislative Council make no warranty as to the accuracy of the data, and users rely on the data entirely at their own risk.

The Legislative Council by law is charged with compiling and publishing the 1976 Code and it is maintained in a database which may be accessed for commercial purposes by contacting the Legislative Council or the office of Legislative Printing, Information and Technology Systems.

Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft





SECTION 50-21-5. Short title.

This act may be cited as the "South Carolina Boating and Safety Act of 1999."

SECTION 50-21-10. Definitions.

As used in this title unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

(1) "Associated equipment" does not include radio equipment and means:

(a) a system, part, or component of a boat as originally manufactured or a similar part or component manufactured or sold for replacement, repair, or improvement of the system, part, or component;

(b) an accessory or equipment for, or appurtenance to, a boat;

(c) a marine safety article, accessory, or equipment intended for use by a person on board a boat.

(2) "Boat" means a vessel:

(a) manufactured or used for recreational or commercial use;

(b) leased, rented, or chartered for recreational or commercial use; or

(c) used to carry any passengers either for recreational or commercial purposes.

(3) "Boat livery" means a business, which holds a vessel for rent, lease, or charter.

(4) "Certificate of number" means the registration.

(5) "Certificate of origin" means a document establishing the initial chain of ownership, such as manufacturer's certificate of origin or statement of origin, importer's certificate of origin, and builder's certification.

(6) "Dealer's permit" means a certificate issued by the department to a marine business to extend the privilege of using marine dealer registration numbers on boats or motors for demonstration or testing purposes and assignment on appropriate documents. Abuse of these privileges results in termination of the dealer's permit. A dealer who fails to meet minimum requirements each year may request in writing a review of the permit and sales. After review of the dealer's records and after good cause has been shown by the dealer for not meeting the minimum requirements, the department may renew the permit for the calendar year. A dealer permit is valid only for the calendar year and it must be displayed prominently to the public. Applications for renewals must be received by December fifteenth each year. "Demonstration numbers" means a temporary certificate of numbers issued to a permitted marine dealer or to a manufacturer for the purpose of demonstrating new and used boats or for any other legal purposes by a permitted marine dealer employee. The demonstration numbers must not be permanently attached to the vessel. The demonstration numbers must be attached to removal plates or placards for temporary display during any legal use. Demonstration numbers must be used only on boats, motors, or watercraft owned by the permitted dealer, or on customer boats, motors, or watercraft when servicing or testing. Permitted dealers or manufacturers are limited to nine sets of dealer numbers. Temporary certificate of numbers is a temporary registration assigned to a vessel to allow permitted marine dealers to operate a vessel for any legal use permitted.

(7) "Demonstration numbers" means a temporary certificate of numbers issued to a permitted marine dealer or manufacturer for the purpose of operating dealer owned watercraft, or used on watercraft that are placed with the dealer for repair. The demonstration numbers must not be permanently attached to the vessel. The dealer numbers must be on board the watercraft at all times during operating to identify that the dealer truly is licensed and operating legally. The dealer numbers may be used for any legal purpose. Each dealer will be allowed to purchase nine demonstration numbers.

(8) "Department" means the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.

(9) "Hull identification number" means the letter and number combination required by the United States Coast Guard or its successor agency on all watercraft manufactured after November 1, 1972.

(10) "Marina" means a facility which provides mooring or dry storage for watercraft on a leased or rental basis.

(11) "Marine dealer" means a person who engages primarily or secondarily in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, or servicing watercraft or outboard motors, new or used, on outright or conditional sale, bailment, lease, chattel mortgage, or otherwise, and who has an established place of business for the sale, trade, and display of the watercraft or outboard motors, or both. A marine dealer must have a proper business license for each facility not under the same roof and shall sell a minimum of ten watercraft or outboard motors each calendar year to renew his permit. Exclusions must be for sale at organized marine dealer association boat shows. Each dealer shall apply to the department annually for a dealer's permit with a fee of ten dollars for each facility on forms prescribed by the department. A permit is valid for the calendar year and must be displayed in a prominent place for public view. Renewal applications must be received by December fifteenth each year. Permitted marine dealers are eligible for demonstration numbers. A marine dealer licensed under this section shall consent to public or random inspections of his or its business as provided in Section 50-23-185. A dealer refusing the inspections forfeits his license immediately and permanently.

(12) "Marine manufacturer" means a person engaged in the manufacturing of watercraft or outboard motors for sale or trade.

(13) "Motor boat" means a vessel equipped with propulsion machinery of any type whether or not the machinery is the principal source of propulsion.

(14) "No Wake--Idle Speed" means a boating restricted area established to protect the safety of the public and property. "No Wake--Idle Speed" means that a vessel cannot proceed at a speed greater than that speed which is necessary to maintain steerageway.

(15) "Operate" means to navigate, steer, or drive. It also includes the manipulation of moving water skis, a moving aquaplane, a moving surfboard, or similar moving device.

(16) "Operator" means the person who operates or has charge or command of the navigation or use of a vessel or watercraft.

(17) "Outboard motor" means a completely self-contained propulsion system, excluding the fuel supply which is used to propel a watercraft and which is detachable from the watercraft as a unit. No outboard motor of less than five horsepower or its equivalent is required to be titled under this chapter.

(18) "Owner" means a person, other than a lienholder, who claims lawful possession of a vessel by virtue of legal title or equitable interest in it which entitled him to possession.

(19) "Passenger" means every person carried on board a vessel other than:

(a) the owner or his representative;

(b) the operator;

(c) bona fide member of the crew engaged in the business of the vessel who has contributed no consideration for their carriage and who is paid for his services; or

(d) a guest on board a vessel, which is being used exclusively for pleasure purposes, who has not contributed consideration, directly or indirectly, for his carriage.

(20) "Person" means an individual, a partnership, a firm, a corporation, an association, or other legal entity.

(21) "Reportable boating accident" means an accident, collision, or other casualty involving a vessel subject to this chapter which results in loss of life, injury which results in loss of consciousness, necessity for medical treatment, necessity to carry a person from the scene, disability which prevents the discharge of normal duties beyond the day of casualty, or actual physical damage to property including vessels in excess of five hundred dollars.

(22) "Serial number" means the identifying manufacturer's number affixed to a watercraft before November 2, 1972, and to outboard motors before, on, and after that date. The serial number of watercraft manufactured after November 1, 1972, is part of the hull identification number.

(23) "Temporary certificate of number" is a temporary registration assigned to a vessel to allow operation for a limited purpose.

(24) "Undocumented vessel" means a vessel which does not have and is not required to have a valid marine document issued by the United States Coast Guard or federal agency successor to it.

(25) "Use" means operate, navigate, or employ.

(26) "Vessel" means every description of watercraft, other than a seaplane on the water, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.

(27) "Water device" means a motorboat, boat, personal watercraft or vessel, water skis, an aquaplane, surfboard, or other similar device.

(28) "Waters of the State" means waters within the territorial limits of the State but not private lakes or ponds.

(29) "Water craft" means any motorboat, boat, personal watercraft or vessel. It does not include water skis, aquaplanes, surfboards, rowboats, canoes, kayaks, or other similar hand-propelled devices.

SECTION 50-21-20. Legislative declaration of policy.

It is the policy of this State to promote safety for persons and property in and connected with the use, operation, and equipment of vessels and to promote uniformity of laws relating thereto.

SECTION 50-21-30. Scope of chapter; local laws and ordinances; special rules and regulations of Division.

(1) The provisions of this chapter, and of other applicable laws of this State shall govern the operation, equipment, numbering and all other matters relating thereto whenever any vessel shall be operated on the waters of this State or when any activity regulated by this chapter shall take place thereon; but nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the adoption of any ordinance or local law relating to operation and equipment of vessels the provisions of which are identical to the provisions of this chapter, amendments thereto, or regulations issued thereunder; provided, that such ordinances or local laws shall be operative only so long as and to the extent that they continue to be identical to provisions of this chapter, amendments thereto, or regulations issued thereunder.

(2) Any subdivision of this State may, at any time, but only after three days' public notice make formal application to the department for special rules and regulations with reference to the operation of vessels on any waters within its territorial limits and shall set forth therein the reasons which make such special rules and regulations necessary or appropriate.

(3) The department is hereby authorized to make special rules and regulations with reference to the operation of vessels on waters within the territorial limits of this State.

SECTION 50-21-35. Use of demonstration numbers; contents of application form; penalties.

(A) The use of dealer demonstration numbers must be limited to the watercraft that are:

(1) owned by the dealership;

(2) assigned to the dealership, including customer watercraft in for service;

(3) used for prospective buyer for test ride purposes;

(4) being operated on South Carolina waters by persons employed by the dealership or persons associated personally with the dealership such as a corporate officer;

(5) being operated by prospective watercraft buyers while in test operation. If a customer operates a boat or watercraft during an extended demonstration, the dealer must execute a form designating the buyer to use such watercraft. Prospective buyers are limited to operating with dealer numbers for a period of seventy-two hours;

(B) Employees, owners, and agents who operate or may operate dealer owned watercraft using dealer demonstration numbers must be listed on the dealer application form. This list must include the name, address, and social security number. The names may be updated during the current licensing year as employees are added or leave and must be updated within a thirty-day period.

(C) A dealer who is convicted of misusing dealer demonstration numbers must be punished as follows:

(1) for a first offense, a one hundred dollar fine;

(2) for a second offense, a two hundred dollar fine;

(3) for a third offense, a three hundred dollar fine;

(4) for a fourth and subsequent offense, a three hundred dollar fine and the department may suspend the dealer's license.

SECTION 50-21-40. Administration of chapter.

The administration of this chapter shall be vested in the department. The department shall enforce this chapter through its Natural Resources Enforcement Division.

SECTION 50-21-45. Administration of oaths; acknowledgment of signatures.

Officers and employees of the Department engaged in the work of administering and enforcing the provisions of this chapter may administer oaths and acknowledge signatures and must do so without fee.

SECTION 50-21-50. Director and other personnel shall carry out provisions of chapter; salary and terms of employment.

The director shall employ or assign such clerical, administrative, technical and enforcement personnel as may be required to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

SECTION 50-21-60. Personnel, expenses and salaries shall be approved by Budget and Control Board.

The personnel to be employed for the enforcement of this chapter and all expenses and salaries in connection therewith shall first be submitted to and approved by the Budget and Control Board.

SECTION 50-21-70. Limit on expenses and costs of administration.

The expenses and cost of administration of this chapter shall at no time exceed the revenue derived through the provisions of this chapter and funds received from the federal government for use in administering boating laws.

SECTION 50-21-80. Enforcement of chapter; authority to stop and board vessels, make arrests and issue summonses.

Any person employed or elected by this State or political subdivision thereof, whose duty it is to preserve the peace or to make arrests or to enforce the law, including, but not limited to, members of the sheriff's departments, state police, enforcement officers, or deputies or other qualified persons may, upon recommendation of the appropriate agency, be empowered to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The department shall be primarily responsible for enforcement of this chapter and rules and regulations issued thereunder. Any such person shall also have the authority to stop and board any vessel subject to the provisions of this chapter or to any rule or regulation for the purpose of inspection or determining compliance with the provisions of this chapter and is empowered to issue a summons for appearance in court or before a magistrate or make arrest for violations of this chapter or of the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder. Every vessel subject to this chapter if underway and upon being hailed by a designated law-enforcement officer shall stop immediately and lay to, or shall maneuver in such a way as to permit such officer to come aboard.

SECTION 50-21-85. Conditions for operation of vessel displaying blue light; operating procedure in presence of such vessel; violations.

No person shall operate any vessel displaying, reflecting or flashing a blue light unless a duly commissioned law enforcement officer is on board.

The operator of any vessel being approached by a vessel flashing a blue light shall stop or maneuver in such a way as to permit boarding, so far as possible without endangering his own vessel, and not begin normal movement again until directed by the law enforcement officer or until the vessel flashing a blue light has cleared the immediate area.

The operator of any vessel approaching any area where a vessel flashing a blue light is located or patrolling shall slow his vessel to a no wake speed and shall maintain such speed until clear of the area.

Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in Section 50-21-150.

SECTION 50-21-87. Operation of vessel prohibited within fifty feet of vessel displaying diver down flag; diving prohibited within fifty feet of vessel whose occupant is fishing.

(A) A person may not operate a vessel within fifty feet of another vessel when a diver is displaying a diver down flag (red with a diagonal white stripe) to mark the location of the diver. When the flag is being displayed in a water body too narrow to allow passage of another vessel other than within fifty feet, a vessel operator may proceed only past the displayed flag at a no-wake speed and allowing as much clearance between his vessel and the displayed flag as is safe and practical.

(B) A person may not engage in diving activities within fifty feet of a vessel whose occupant is fishing.

(C) A person does not violate this section if he fishes or displays a dive flag in an area before another person subsequently engages in diving activities or operates a vessel within fifty feet of a displayed dive flag.

SECTION 50-21-90. Boating safety and educational program.

The department is hereby authorized to inaugurate a comprehensive boating safety and boating educational program, and to seek the cooperation of boatmen, the federal government and other states.

SECTION 50-21-100. Records to be kept by owners of boat liveries.

The owner of a boat livery shall cause to be kept a record of the name and address of the person or persons hiring any vessel; the identification number thereof, and the departure date and time, and the expected time of return. The record shall be preserved for at least six months.

SECTION 50-21-105. Towing of watercraft by department.

The department may tow away and store at the nearest commercial marina or any other suitable facility any unattended watercraft, a watercraft the operator of which is ill, intoxicated, or under a disability which renders him incapable of functioning safely, or other object which constitutes a hazard to navigation and which is not within an anchorage area approved by the United States Coast Guard.

The owner may regain control of the watercraft or other object by proving ownership to the operator of the facility and paying the fee charged for storage.

SECTION 50-21-110. Negligent operation of water device; offense; penalties.

(A) No person may operate any water device in a negligent manner.

(B) Negligent operation includes, but is not limited to, operating a water device at more than idle speed in a no wake zone, failing to maintain a proper lookout for other boats or persons, operating too fast for conditions on the water, racing, or pulling a skier through a designated swimming area.

(C) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days for each violation.

(D) In addition to other penalties, the department shall require any person who is convicted under this section three times within a five-year period to attend and complete a boating safety education program approved by the department. The person required to attend the class shall reimburse the department for the expense of the class. A person's privilege to operate a water device within this State must be suspended until successful completion of the required class.

SECTION 50-21-111. Reckless operation of water device; offense; penalties.

(A) A person who operates any water device in such a manner as to indicate either a wilful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless operation.

(B) Reckless operation includes, but is not limited to, weaving through congested vessel traffic at more than idle speed; or jumping the wake of another vessel within two hundred feet of that vessel; or crossing the path or wake of another vessel when the visibility around the other vessel is obstructed; or maintaining a collision course with another vessel or object and swerving away in close proximity to the other vessel or object.

(C) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.

(D) A person convicted of reckless operation, in addition to any other penalties, shall be required by the department to attend and complete a boating safety education program approved by the department. The person required to attend the program shall reimburse the department for the expense of the program. A person's privilege to operate a water device within this State shall be suspended until successful completion of the required program.

A person's privilege to operate a water device within this State shall be suspended by the department for a period of ninety days upon conviction of a second offense of reckless operation of a water device within a five-year period. Following the ninety-day suspension, the person's privilege shall remain suspended until successful completion of a boating safety education program approved by the department. The person required to attend the program shall reimburse the department for the expense of the program.

SECTION 50-21-112. Operation of moving motorized water device or water device under sail while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol; offense; penalties.

(A) It is unlawful for a person to operate a moving motorized water device or water device undersail upon the waters of this State while under the:

(1) influence of alcohol to the extent that the person's faculties to operate are materially and appreciably impaired;

(2) influence of any other drug or a combination of other drugs or substances which cause impairment to the extent that the person's faculties to operate are materially and appreciably impaired; or

(3) combined influence of alcohol and any other drug or drugs, or substances which cause impairment to the extent that the person's faculties to operate are materially and appreciably impaired.

For purposes of this section "drug" means illicit or licit drug, a combination of licit or illicit drugs, a combination of alcohol and an illicit drug, or a combination of alcohol and a licit drug.

(B) A person violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished:

(1) for a first offense, by a fine of two hundred dollars or imprisonment for not less than forty-eight hours nor more than thirty days. However, in lieu of the forty-eight hour minimum imprisonment, the court may provide for forty-eight hours of public service employment. The minimum forty-eight hour imprisonment or public service employment must be served at a time when it does not interfere with the offender's regular employment under terms and conditions, as the court considers proper. However, the court may not compel an offender to perform public service employment instead of the minimum sentence;

(2) for a second offense, by a fine of not less than two thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars and imprisonment for not less than forty-eight hours nor more than one year. However, the fine imposed by this item may not be suspended in an amount less than one thousand dollars. Instead of service of imprisonment, the court may require that the individual complete an appropriate term of public service employment of not less than ten days upon terms and conditions the court considers proper. Upon imposition of a sentence of public service, the defendant may apply to the court to be allowed to perform his public service in his county of residence if he has been sentenced to public service in a county where he does not reside;

(3) for a third offense, by a fine of not less than three thousand five hundred dollars nor more than six thousand dollars and imprisonment for not less than sixty days nor more than three years.

(C) Any person convicted of operating a water device in violation of subsection (A), in addition to any other penalties, must be prohibited by the department from operating any water device within this State for six months for the first conviction, one year for the second conviction, and two years for the third conviction. Only those violations, which occurred within ten years including and immediately preceding the date of the last violation, shall constitute prior violations within the meaning of this section.

A person whose privilege is suspended under the provisions of this section must be notified by the department of the suspension and of the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete an Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program certified by the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services prior to reinstatement of the privilege. An assessment of the extent and nature of the alcohol and drug abuse problem, if any, of the applicant must be prepared and a plan of education or treatment, or both, must be developed based upon the assessment. Entry into and successful completion of the services, if such services are necessary, recommended in the plan of education or treatment, or both, developed for the applicant is a mandatory requirement of the restoration of privileges to the applicant. The Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program shall determine if the applicant has successfully completed the services. The Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services shall determine the cost of services provided by each certified Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program. Each applicant shall bear the cost of services recommended in the applicant's plan of education or treatment. The cost of services must be within the limits set forth in Section 56-5-2990(C). No applicant may be denied services due to an inability to pay. Inability to pay for services may not be used as a factor in determining if the applicant has successfully completed services. If the applicant has not successfully completed the services as directed by the Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program within one year of enrollment, a hearing must be provided by the Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program and if further needed by the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services.

The department and the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services shall develop procedures necessary for the communication of information pertaining to reinstating the privilege, or otherwise. The procedures must be consistent with the confidentiality laws of this State and the United States.

A person convicted under this section, in addition to any other penalties, shall be required by the department to attend and complete a boating safety education program approved by the department. The person required to attend the program shall reimburse the department for the expense of the program. The person's privilege to operate a water device within this State shall be suspended until successful completion of the required program.

(D) The suspension penalties assessed under this section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other civil remedies or criminal penalties which may be assessed. No part of the minimum sentences provided in this section may be suspended.

(E) For the purposes of this chapter any conviction, entry of a plea of guilty or of nolo contendere or forfeiture of bail, for the violation of any law or ordinance of this or any other state or any municipality of this or any other state that prohibits any person from operating a vessel or water device while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a combination of both constitutes a prior offense for the purpose of any prosecution for any subsequent violation of this section. Only those offenses which occurred within a period of ten years including and immediately preceding the date of the last offense constitutes prior offenses within the meaning of this section.

SECTION 50-21-113. Operation of moving water device while under the influence of alcohol or drugs resulting in property damage, great bodily injury or death; offense; penalties.

(A) A person who, while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or the combination of alcohol and drugs operates a moving water device, or is in actual control of a moving water device within this State and causes great bodily injury or death of a person other than himself, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be punished by a mandatory fine of not less than:

(1) five thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars and mandatory imprisonment for not less than thirty days nor more than fifteen years when great bodily injury results;

(2) ten thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars and mandatory imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than twenty-five years when death results.

No part of the mandatory sentences required to be imposed by this section may be suspended, and probation may not be granted for any portion.

(B) As used in subsection (A) "great bodily injury" means bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious, permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.

(C) A person who, while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or the combination of alcohol and drugs operates or is in actual control of a moving water device within this State and causes damage to property other than his own, or injury other than great bodily injury to a person other than himself, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both.

(D) The department shall suspend the privilege of a person who is convicted or who pleads guilty or nolo contendere under this section to operate a water device or be in actual control of a moving water device within this State for a period to include any term of imprisonment plus:

(1) three years in the case of death or great bodily injury; or

(2) one year in the case of property damage or injury other than great bodily injury.

(E) The suspensions under this section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other civil remedies or criminal penalties.

SECTION 50-21-114. Chemical test or analysis of breath, blood, or urine; implied consent to test; presumptions arising from blood alcohol content levels.

(A)(1) A person who operates a water device is considered to have given consent to chemical tests or analysis of his breath, blood, or urine to determine the presence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both, if arrested for an offense arising out of acts alleged to have been committed while the person was operating or directing the operation of a water device while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. A test given must be administered at the direction of the arresting law enforcement officer. At the direction of the arresting officer, the person first must be offered a breath test to determine the alcohol concentration of his blood. If the person is physically unable to provide an acceptable breath sample because he has an injured mouth, is unconscious for any other reason considered acceptable by licensed medical personnel, a blood sample may be taken. If the officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person is under the influence of drugs other than alcohol, the officer may order that a urine sample be taken for testing. If the breath analysis reading is ten one-hundredths of one percent or above by weight of alcohol in the person's blood, the officer may not require additional tests of the person as provided in this chapter.

(2) The breath test must be administered by a person trained and certified by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, SLED, using methods approved by SLED. The arresting officer may administer the tests so long as it is done in conformity with the standards set out by SLED. Blood and urine samples must be taken by physicians licensed by the State Board of Medical Examiners, registered nurses licensed by the State Board of Nursing, or other medical personnel trained to take the samples in a licensed medical facility. Blood samples or urine samples must be obtained and handled in accordance with procedures approved by SLED. No tests may be administered or samples taken unless the person has been informed that he does not have to take the test or give the samples but that his privilege to operate a water device must be suspended or denied for one hundred eighty days if he refuses to submit to the tests.

(3) A hospital, physician, qualified technician, chemist, or registered nurse who takes samples or conducts the test or participates in the process of taking the samples or conducting the test in accordance with this section is not subject to a cause of action for assault, battery, or any other cause contending that the drawing of blood or taking of samples at the request of the arrested person or a law enforcement officer was wrongful. This release from liability does not reduce the standard of medical care required of the person taking the samples or conducting the test. This qualified release also applies to the employer of the person who conducts the test or takes the samples. No person may be required by the arresting officer, or by any other law enforcement officer, to obtain or take any sample of blood or urine.

(4) The person tested or giving samples for testing may have a qualified person of his own choosing conduct additional tests at his expense and must be notified of that right. A person's failure to request additional blood or urine tests is not admissible against the person in a criminal trial. The failure or inability of the person tested to obtain additional tests does not preclude the admission of evidence relating to the tests or samples taken at the direction of the law enforcement officer.

(5) The arresting officer shall provide reasonable assistance to the person to contact a qualified person to conduct additional tests.

(6) SLED shall administer the provisions of this subsection and may promulgate regulations necessary to carry out its provisions. The cost of the tests administered at the direction of the law enforcement officer must be paid from the general fund of the State. A fee of fifty dollars is assessed, at the time of the sentencing, persons convicted of, pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or forfeiting bond for violating Section 50-21-112 or Section 50-12-113. This fee must be forwarded by the county treasurer to the State Treasurer and credited to the general fund of the State to defray any costs incurred by SLED and individuals and institutions obtaining the samples forwarded to SLED.

(B) In any criminal prosecution where a test or tests were administered pursuant to this chapter, the amount of alcohol in the person's blood at the time of the alleged violation, as shown by chemical analysis of the person's breath or other body fluids, gives rise to the following inferences:

(1) If there was at that time five one-hundredths of one percent or less by weight of alcohol in the person's blood, it is presumed conclusively that the person was not under the influence of alcohol.

(2) If there was at that time in excess of five one-hundredths of one percent but less than ten one-hundredths of one percent by weight of alcohol in the person's blood, that fact does not give rise to any inference that the person was or was not under the influence of alcohol, but that fact may be considered with other competent evidence in determining the guilt or innocence of the person.

(3) If there was at that time ten one-hundredths of one percent or more by weight of alcohol in the person's blood, it may be inferred that the person was under the influence of alcohol.

(C) The provisions of this section may not be construed as limiting the introduction of other competent evidence bearing upon the question of whether or not the person was under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them. Refusal, resistance, obstruction, or opposition to testing pursuant to this section is admissible as evidence at the trial of a person charged with the offense that precipitated the request for testing.

(D) A person who is unconscious or otherwise in a condition rendering him incapable of refusal is considered to be informed and not to have withdrawn the consent provided by subsection (A).

(E) If a person under arrest refuses, upon the request of a law enforcement officer, to submit to chemical tests provided in subsection (A), none may be given, but the department, on the basis of a report from the law enforcement officer that the arrested person was operating a water device within this State while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them, and that the person had refused to submit to the tests, must suspend his privilege to perform the above-mentioned activities for one hundred eighty days. The one hundred eighty-day period of suspension begins with the day after the date of the notice required to be given, unless a hearing is requested as provided, in which case the one hundred eighty-day period begins with the day after the date of the order sustaining the suspension. The report of the arresting officer must include what grounds he had for believing the arrested person was conducting the above-mentioned activity while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them.

(F) Upon suspending the operating privilege of a person, the department immediately shall notify the person in writing and upon his request give him an opportunity for a hearing as provided in Article 3, Chapter 23, Title 1 of the 1976 Code. The review must be scheduled by the Administrative Law Judge Division in accordance with the division's procedural rules. The scope of the hearing is limited to the issues set out by the Administrative Procedures Act and the division's procedural rules. Upon order of the administrative law judge, the department either shall rescind its order of suspension or continue the suspension of the privilege.

(G) If a boating accident or marine casualty involves a fatality, the coroner having jurisdiction shall direct that a chemical blood test be performed on the deceased, within forty-eight hours of receiving notification of the death, to determine blood alcohol concentration or the presence of drugs, and that the results of the test be recorded properly in the coroner's report.

(H) The suspensions under this section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other civil remedies or civil penalties which may be assessed.

SECTION 50-21-115. Reckless homicide by operation of boat; penalty; persons convicted of certain offenses prohibited from operating boat.

When the death of a person ensues within three years as a proximate result of injury received by the operation of a boat in reckless disregard of the safety of others, the person operating the boat is guilty of reckless homicide. A person convicted of reckless homicide or a person who enters a plea of guilty of reckless homicide and receives sentence thereon must be fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both. A person convicted of reckless homicide, involuntary manslaughter, manslaughter, or murder in the operation of a boat must be prohibited by the court having jurisdiction of these violations from operating any boat within this State for a period of not more than five years.

SECTION 50-21-116. Chemical tests to determine presence of alcohol and/or drugs; requesting additional tests; release of results.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person must submit to either one or a combination of chemical tests of his breath, blood, or urine for the purpose of determining the presence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of alcohol and drugs, if there is probable cause to believe that the person violated or is under arrest for a violation of Section 50-21-113.

The tests must be administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer who has probable cause to believe that the person violated or is under arrest for violation of Section 50-21-113. The administration of one test does not preclude the administration of other tests. The resistance, obstruction, or opposition to testing pursuant to this section is evidence admissible at the trial of the offense which precipitated the requirement for testing. A person who is tested or gives samples for testing may have a qualified person of his choice conduct additional tests at his expense and must be notified of that right. A person's request or failure to request additional blood or urine tests is not admissible against the person in the criminal trial.

The provisions of Section 50-21-114, relating to the administration of tests to determine a person's alcohol concentration, additional tests at the person's expense, the availability of other evidence on the question of whether or not the person was under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them, availability of test information to the person or his attorney, and the liability of medical institutions and person administering the tests are applicable to this section and also extend to the officer requesting the test, the State or its political subdivisions, or governmental agency, or entity which employs the officer making the request, and the agency, institution, or employer, either governmental or private, of persons administering the tests. Notwithstanding any other provision of law pertaining to confidentiality of hospital records or other medical records, information regarding tests performed pursuant to this section must be released, upon subpoena, to a court, prosecuting attorney, defense attorney, or law enforcement officer in connection with an alleged violation of Section 50-21-113.

SECTION 50-21-117. Operation of water device while privileges suspended; offense; penalties.

(A) A person who operates any water device while his privileges are suspended is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined two hundred dollars or imprisoned for thirty days for the first violation; for a second violation must be fined five hundred dollars and imprisoned for sixty consecutive days; and for a third or subsequent violation must be imprisoned for not less than ninety days nor more than six months, no portion of which may be suspended by the trial judge.

(B) If the privileges of the person convicted were suspended pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-21-112 or 50-21-113, he must be punished as follows and no part of the minimum sentence may be suspended:

(1) for a first offense, imprisoned for not less than ten nor more than thirty days;

(2) for a second offense, imprisoned for not less than sixty days nor more than six months;

(3) for a third and subsequent offense, not less than six months nor more than three years.

(C) A person who is convicted under the provisions of subsection (A) must have his privileges suspended for an additional three years by the department.

(D) The suspension penalties assessed under this section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other civil remedies or criminal penalties which may be assessed.

SECTION 50-21-120. Duty of boat livery as to equipment, registration and the like; liability of owner for negligent operation of vessel.

Neither the owner, his agent, or employees of a boat livery operating in this State shall permit any vessel to depart from his premises unless it is in sound and safe operating condition, have a valid registration, is properly numbered and is provided, either by the owner or the renter, with the equipment required pursuant to Section 50-21-610 and any regulations made pursuant thereto; and the owner of a boat livery shall be liable for damage or injury which may result directly from his failure to meet the requirements of this paragraph; provided, however, that readily identifiable livery boats of less than twenty-six feet in length leased or rented to another for the latter's noncommercial use for less than seven days may have the registration certificate retained ashore by the owner or his representative.

The owner of a vessel shall be liable for any injury or damage occasioned by the negligent operation of such vessel whether the negligence consists of a violation of the provisions of the statutes of this State or neglecting to observe the ordinary care in the operation as the regulations of common law require. The owner shall not be liable, however, unless the vessel is being used with his express or implied consent or is in the possession of a person or organization legally responsible therefor. It shall be presumed that the vessel is being operated with the knowledge and consent of the owner if, at the time of the injury or damage, it is under control of a member of the owner's household. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to relieve any other person from any liability which he would otherwise have. Provided, the owner of a boat livery shall not be liable as an owner as provided in this paragraph, and in case of any negligent injury or damage occasioned by the operation of a vessel rented or hired from a boat livery, the operator of the vessel shall be liable as owner thereof.

SECTION 50-21-125. Restriction on swimming near public boat landing or ramp in vicinity of utility for hydroelectric generation; establishment of no wake zone.

It is unlawful for any person to swim within fifty feet of a public boat landing or ramp located on a lake or reservoir constructed or developed by an investor-owned utility for hydroelectric generation. For the purposes of this section, a public boat landing or ramp is one owned or maintained by an investor-owned utility for hydroelectric generation and is available to the public at large. The no swimming area must be clearly marked and signs must be posted to give public notice that no swimming is allowed in the area. Watercraft shall slow to no wake speed when operated within two hundred feet of the landing or ramp. The department shall issue a sufficient number of signs to inform operators of motorboats that the area is a no wake zone. The signs must have printed on them "SLOW TO NO WAKE SPEED". The provisions of this section do not apply in that portion of Game Zone No. 4 in Lancaster County.

SECTION 50-21-130. Duties of vessel operator involved in collision; offense and penalties; immunity of person rendering assistance; accident reports; suspension of privileges.

(A) It is the duty of the operator of a vessel involved in a collision, accident, or other casualty, if he can do so without serious danger to his own vessel, crew, passengers, and guests, to render assistance as may be practical or necessary to persons affected by the collision, accident, or other casualty including personal injury or property damage and also to give his name, address, and identification of his vessel in writing to any person injured and to the owner of any property damaged in the collision, accident, or other casualty. A person who fails to stop or to comply with the requirements of this section, is guilty of:

(1) a misdemeanor, when personal injury or property damage results but great bodily injury or death does not result; and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than one year or fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or both;

(2) a felony when great bodily injury results and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ten years and fined not less than five thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars; or

(3) a felony when death results and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not less than one year nor more than twenty-five years and fined not less than ten thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars.

(B) Any person who complies with subsection (1) of this section or who gratuitously and in good faith renders assistance at the scene of a vessel collision, accident, or other casualty shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of the rendering of assistance or for any act or omission in providing or arranging salvage, towage, medical treatment, or other assistance.

(C) In the case of a reportable accident, the operator or owner of any vessel involved shall file a full description of the accident with the department, including any information the department may require. If the operator or owner is incapable of making the report, the investigating officer shall submit the report.

(D) The report shall be without prejudice, shall be for the information of the department, and shall not be open to public inspection. Provided, however, the report shall be made available to any person injured or damaged or to any person alleged to have caused injury or damage in the accident, or to his attorney. The fact that such report has been made shall be admissible in evidence solely to show compliance with this section but no such report nor any part thereof nor any statement contained therein shall be admissible as evidence for any purpose in any civil trial. An insured may not be reimbursed for property lost until he files a report in compliance with this section.

(E) The department shall administer a State Casualty Reporting System which shall be in conformity with that established by the United States Coast Guard.

(F) The department must suspend the privileges of a person convicted under this section for:

(1) two years if the operator of a vessel is convicted of not rendering assistance to persons affected in a collision, accident, or other casualty;

(2) one year if the operator of a vessel is convicted of not reporting a boating accident;

(3) a person's privilege to operate a watercraft shall not be reinstated until the person attends and completes a boating safety education program approved by the department. The person required to attend the class shall reimburse the department for the expense of the program.

(G) The suspension penalties assessed under this section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other civil remedies or criminal penalties which may be assessed.

SECTION 50-21-132. Lake Moultrie no wake zone established; boundaries.

There is established a no wake zone on that portion of Lake Moultrie lying within one hundred feet of the entrance to and including the canal adjacent to Jack's Hole at Bonneau Beach. The boundaries of the no wake zone must be clearly marked with signs designed and installed by the department.

SECTION 50-21-133. Sullivan's Island and Combahee River no wake zones established; penalty.

(A) There is established a no wake zone to begin at Nautical Day Marker Number 125 at Cove Inlet running to a line perpendicular to the westernmost tip of Sullivan's Island where the Intracoastal Waterway joins the Charleston Harbor. These boundaries must be clearly marked by signs. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

(B) There is established a no wake zone to begin one hundred fifty feet on either side of an existing boathouse or pier as of the effective date of this section at Cherokee Plantation on the Combahee River in Colleton County. These boundaries must be clearly marked by signs. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

(C) A person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished as provided in Section 50-21-150.

SECTION 50-21-135. Ashley River no wake zone established.

There is established a no wake zone on the Ashley River within one hundred yards of the Dolphin Cove Marina in Charleston County. These boundaries must be marked clearly with signs. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

SECTION 50-21-136. Hilton Head Island no wake zones established; offense; punishment.

(A) There are established no wake zones on the following creeks and coves on Hilton Head Island in Beaufort County:

Broad Creek, to begin at the end of the existing no wake zone at Palmetto Bay Marina, running upstream in an easterly direction to the Cross Island Parkway Bridge, including all waters to the high tide line; to begin 50 feet downstream of the Broad Creek Marina, running in a northwest to southeast direction to the low tide lines that bound its channel, to 50 feet upstream of Nautical Day Marker Number 10, running in a southwest to northeast direction to 550 feet east of a dock located at 63 River Club Drive (Lot 3) to the low tide lines that bound its channel; to begin 50 feet downstream of the Long Cove docks, running in a north to south direction to the low tide lines that bound its channel, to 50 feet upstream of the Long Cove docks, running in a north to south direction to the low tide lines that bound its channel; and to begin at Nautical Day Marker Number 19, running upstream in a northeasterly direction to the headwaters of Broad Creek, including all waters to the high tide line.

Old House Creek;

Bear Creek (also known as Park Creek);

Lawton Creek;

Jarvis Creek;

Braddock Cove;

Calibogue Creek (also known as Baynard Cove);

Folly Creek;

Fish Haul Creek (also known as Coggin Creek);

Point Comfort Creek;

Jenkins Creek;

Skull Creek between Nautical Day Marker Number 13 and Nautical Day Marker Number 14.

There is also established a no wake zone between one hundred yards north of Nautical Day Marker Number 40 and Nautical Day Marker Number 41 on the New River in Beaufort County.

The no wake zone boundaries must be marked clearly with signs. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

(B) Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished by a fine of two hundred fifty dollars or imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten days, or both, for a first offense or a fine of five hundred dollars or imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days, or both, for a second or subsequent offense.

SECTION 50-21-137. No wake zone on Ashley River near certain historic sites.

There are established no wake zones on the Ashley River within five hundred feet of properties designated as National Historic Landmarks or listed on the National Register of Historic Places lying upstream from Interstate 526. These boundaries must be marked clearly with signs. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

SECTION 50-21-138. No wake zone on Lucy Point Creek.

There is established a no wake zone on that portion of Lucy Point Creek in Beaufort County lying between N Lat. 032� 28.50' W Long. 080�> 37.10' and N 32� 28.75' Long. 080� 36.90'. These boundaries must be clearly marked with signs. The signs must be designed and installed by the department.

SECTION 50-21-139. No wake zone established in Tail Race Canal.

There is established a no wake zone to begin at the Highway 52 Bridge across the Tail Race Canal in Berkeley County and extending to a point one hundred yards below the Dock Restaurant located on the west bank of the canal. These boundaries must be clearly marked with signs. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

SECTION 50-21-140. Division shall furnish information as to collisions and numbering of vessels to officials or agencies of United States.

In accordance with any request duly made by an authorized official or agency of the United States, any information compiled or otherwise available to the department pursuant to Sections 50-21-310 and 50-21-130 shall be transmitted to the official or agency of the United States for analytical and statistical purposes.

SECTION 50-21-141. Repealed by 2001 Act No. 21, Section 2, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor's signature on April 17, 2001).

SECTION 50-21-142. Cooper River no wake zone established.

There is established a no wake zone on a portion of the Cooper River lying between Bushy Park and Moncks Corner, beginning at channel marker 13 near or in the vicinity of Pimlico Plantation and running to the water check station near or in the vicinity of Bluff Plantation. The boundaries for this no wake zone must be clearly marked by signs designed and installed by the department.

SECTION 50-21-143. Little Chechessee Creek no wake zone established.

There is established a no-wake zone on that portion of the Little Chechessee Creek in Beaufort County that parallels Sugar Mill Drive on Callawassie Island extending from the Callawassie Causeway to a point three hundred feet south of the dock on the property located at 31 Sugar Mill Drive.

SECTION 50-21-144. Cat Creek no wake zone established.

There is established a no wake zone on that portion of Cat Creek between the confluence of Cat Creek and Chowan Creek, also known as Cowen Creek, and a point six hundred feet westward of the confluence of Cat Creek and Kitten Creek.

SECTION 50-21-145. No wake and no swimming zones on Lakes Keowee and Jocassee.

On Lakes Keowee and Jocassee in Pickens and Oconee Counties all watercraft must slow to no wake speed when operating within two hundred feet of a public boat landing or ramp and it is unlawful for any person to swim within fifty feet of any public boat landing or ramp. The department shall issue and cause to be erected a sufficient number of signs to inform operators of motorboats that the area is a no wake zone.

SECTION 50-21-146. Discharging firearm at boat landing or ramp prohibited.

A person who discharges a firearm at a public boat landing or ramp is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished as provided in Section 50-1-130.

SECTION 50-21-147. No wake zone in vicinity of Kiawah Docking Facility.

There is established a no wake zone to begin one hundred yards in a southwesterly direction upriver of the Kiawah Docking Facility and extending to a point one hundred yards in a northeasterly direction downriver of the facility. These boundaries must be clearly marked with signs. Expenses for the establishment and maintenance of signs in the area must be borne by the owners of the Kiawah Island Docking Facility. The signs must be designed and installed as specified by the department.

SECTION 50-21-148. Prohibition against obstruction of pier, dock, wharf, boat ramp, or access areas; erection of signs; penalties for violation.

It is unlawful to obstruct any pier, dock, wharf, boat ramp, or the access area to the facilities. Any vessel, vehicle, or other object left unattended which obstructs any of the facilities or the access to them may be removed entirely at the risk and expense of the owner. The department, with the advice of the Department of Transportation, shall erect signs at appropriate locations advertising the provisions of this section. Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction must be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.

SECTION 50-21-149. No wake zone on certain part of Congaree River.

There is established a no wake zone on the Congaree River south of the City of Columbia between the Old Government Locks and the City of Cayce Pumping Station. All watercraft shall slow to a no wake speed at all times while operating in the zone. The department shall erect a sufficient number of signs to inform the boating public of the no wake zone.

SECTION 50-21-150. Penalties.

A person who violates this chapter or regulations promulgated by the department pursuant to it where the penalty is not specified is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days for each violation.

SECTION 50-21-160. Disposition of fees and fines.

(A) Except as provided in subsection (B), all fees or fines collected pursuant to this chapter must be held and utilized for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Natural Resources Enforcement Division of the department and other department operations. Twenty-five percent of all fines must be retained by the county in which the fine is levied.

(B) To the extent fees collected pursuant to Sections 50-21-340, 50-21-370, and 50-21-380, in connection with registration of boats, are attributable to fee increases beginning July 1, 1999, revenues from those fee increases must be used by the department for its law enforcement responsibilities. Any surplus may be carried forward for that use.

SECTION 50-21-170. Relationship between state and federal regulations; effect of changes in federal law or regulations.

The statutes and regulations, including the United States Coast Guard Navigational Rules that pertain to watercraft and watercraft safety, associated marine equipment, performance and operation of watercraft, standard numbering and registration of watercraft, and boating accident reporting as enacted by the Congress of the United States or as promulgated by the appropriate department of the United States government, are the law of the State of South Carolina. Any person violating the provisions of the statutes or regulations, upon conviction, must be punished as provided in Section 50-21-150.

SECTION 50-21-175. Watercraft required to heave to; penalty.

The operator and crew of any watercraft operating in state waters are required to heave to when signaled or hailed, and allow boarding, and cooperate with department personnel, law enforcement officers, or U.S. Coast Guard personnel. The operator or crew members, or both, of any watercraft violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.

SECTION 50-21-180. Riding surfboard near fishing piers.

It shall be unlawful to ride a surfboard within one hundred yards of any fishing pier in Game Zone No. 7 and Georgetown County.

Anyone violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.



SECTIONS 50-21-310 to 50-21-385. Redesignated as Sections 50-23-310 to 50-23-385 pursuant to 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.T, eff July 2, 1999.

SECTIONS 50-21-310 to 50-21-385. Redesignated as Sections 50-23-310 to 50-23-385 pursuant to 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.T, eff July 2, 1999.

SECTION 50-21-390. Repealed by 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.U, eff July 2, 1999.

SECTION 50-21-400. Redesignated as Section 50-23-400 pursuant to 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.T, eff July 2, 1999.

SECTION 50-21-410. Repealed by 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.U, eff July 2, 1999.

SECTIONS 50-21-420, 50-21-425. Redesignated as Sections 50-23-420 and 50-23-425 pursuant to 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.T, eff July 2, 1999.

SECTIONS 50-21-420, 50-21-425. Redesignated as Sections 50-23-420 and 50-23-425 pursuant to 1999 Act No. 124, Section 2.T, eff July 2, 1999.



SECTION 50-21-610. Regulations of Division as to construction, equipment and other safety standards.

(1) The department may promulgate regulations which establish boat construction or associated equipment performance or other safety standards.

(2) In order that boatmen may pass from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in an unhindered manner:

(a) Regulations promulgated by the department which establish any boat construction or associated equipment, performance or other safety standard shall be identical to Federal Regulations for enforcement purposes except that regulations requiring the carrying or using of marine safety articles to meet uniquely hazardous conditions or circumstances within this State may be adopted; and if regulations for such safety articles are not disapproved by the United States Coast Guard, regulations shall not be in conflict with Federal requirements;

(b) Operational regulations and other equipment regulations such as for mufflers shall not be in conflict with Federal requirements.



SECTION 50-21-710. Placing of aids to navigation and regulatory markers; certain conduct prima facie evidence of negligence; prohibited acts.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Aids to navigation" means any device designed or intended to assist a navigator to determine his position or safe course or to warn him of danger or obstructions to navigation.

(2) "Regulatory markers" means any device which indicates to a vessel operator the existence of dangerous areas as well as those which are intended to restrict or control, such as speed zones and areas dedicated to a particular use or to provide general information and directions. This includes bathing markers, speed zone markers, information markers, danger zone markers, boat keep out areas, mooring buoys, wharves, docks, obstructions or hazards to navigation and any activity, object, or construction in the waters of the State.

(B) The department may make rules for the uniform marking of the water areas in this State through the placement of aids to navigation and regulatory markers. Such rules shall establish a marking system compatible with the system of aids to navigation prescribed by the United States Coast Guard. No city, county, or person shall mark or obstruct the waters of this State in any manner so as to endanger the operation of watercraft or conflict with the marking system prescribed by the department.

(C) The operation of any vessel within a prohibited area is negligent operation unless the seriousness of the operation within a prohibited area constitutes reckless operation.

(D) It shall be unlawful for a person to operate a vessel on the waters of this State in a manner other than that prescribed or permitted by regulatory markers.

(E) No person shall moor or fasten a vessel to or wilfully damage, tamper, remove, obstruct, or interfere with any aid to navigation or regulatory marker established pursuant to this chapter.

(F) A person who violates a provision or regulation promulgated pursuant to this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished as provided in Section 50-21-150(2).



SECTION 50-21-810. Motorboat towing person on water skis or similar device shall have observer or rear-view mirror.

No person shall operate a motorboat on any waters of this State for towing a person or persons on water skis, or an aquaplane, or similar device, unless there is in such motorboat a person, in addition to the operator, in a position to observe the progress of the person or persons being towed or such motorboat is equipped with a wide-angle rear-view mirror mounted in such a manner as to permit the operator of the motorboat to observe the progress of the person or persons being towed.

SECTION 50-21-820. Water skiing, surfboarding and similar activity prohibited during certain hours.

No person shall operate a vessel on any waters of this State towing a person or persons on water skis, aquaplane, a surfboard, or similar devices, nor shall any person engaged in water skiing, aquaplaning, surfboarding, or similar activity at any time between the hours from sunset to sunrise.

SECTION 50-21-830. Exemptions.

The provisions of Sections 50-21-810 and 50-21-820 do not apply to a performer engaged in a professional exhibition or a person or persons engaged in an activity authorized under Section 50-21-1010.

SECTION 50-21-840. Certain conduct which endangers person on water skis, surfboard or similar device prohibited.

No person shall operate or manipulate any vessel, tow rope or other device by which the direction or location of water skis, a surfboard, or similar device may be affected or controlled in such a way as to cause the water skis, surfboard, or similar device, or any person thereon to collide with or strike against any object or person.

SECTION 50-21-850. Ski belt, life preserver or similar equipment required; exceptions.

(A) No person may water ski or ride on any object being towed by a motorized watercraft unless he is wearing a United States Coast Guard approved personal flotation device, Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type V. Each personal flotation device must be fastened properly, in good and serviceable condition, and the proper size for the person wearing it.

(B) The following persons are exempt from the requirements of this section:

(1) participants in scheduled water ski tournaments or shows sponsored by a recognized water ski club;

(2) persons holding ratings of first class or higher in the American Water Ski Association;

(3) windsurfers, surfboarders, and sailboarders.

SECTION 50-21-855. Enforcement of regulations affecting windsurfers and sailboarders.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law or Regulation 123.1 of the department, the department may not enforce any regulation requiring windsurfers and sailboarders to wear or carry personal flotation devices.

SECTION 50-21-860. Restrictions on use of airboats.

As used in this section, "airboat" means a watercraft propelled by air pressure caused by a motor mounted on the watercraft aboveboard.

(A) It is unlawful for a person to operate an airboat on the public waters of this State from the freshwater-saltwater dividing line, established by Section 50-17-30, seaward.

(B) It is unlawful to operate an airboat on the waters of the Waccamaw, the Great Pee Dee, the Little Pee Dee, the Black, and the Sampit Rivers in Georgetown and Horry Counties from one hour before legal sunset to one hour after legal sunrise and anytime during the season for hunting waterfowl.

(C) It is unlawful to operate an airboat on the waters of that portion of Lake Marion and Santee Swamp west of the I-95 bridge upstream to the confluence of the Congaree and Wateree Rivers during the season for hunting waterfowl.

A person violating the provisions of this section, upon conviction, must be punished as provided by Section 50-1-130.

The provisions of this section do not apply to the operation of airboats by law enforcement, emergency medical, civil defense, noxious weed control, military personnel, state and federally approved wildlife banding, surveying, biological research programs, and private waters.

SECTION 50-21-870. Personal watercraft and boating safety.

(A) As used in this section:

(1)(a) "Personal watercraft" means a boat less than sixteen feet in length which:

(i) has an outboard motor or an inboard motor which uses an internal combustion engine powering a water jet pump as its primary source of motive propulsion;

(ii) is designed with the concept that the operator and passenger ride on the outside surfaces of the vessel as opposed to riding inside the vessel;

(iii) has the probability that the operator and passenger, in the normal course of use, may fall overboard.

(b) Personal watercraft includes, without limitation, a vessel where the operator and passenger ride on the outside surfaces of the vessel, even if the primary source of motive propulsion is a propeller, and a vessel commonly known as a "jet ski".

(2) "Specialty propcraft" means a vessel which is similar in appearance and operation to a personal watercraft but is powered by an outboard or propeller-driven motor.

(3) "Class 'A' boat" means a motorboat which is less than sixteen feet in length.

(4) "Floating device" includes kneeboards, aqua planes, surfboards, saucers, inner tubes, and other similar equipment.

(B) No person may:

(1)(a) operate, be in possession of, or give permission to operate a personal watercraft or specialty propcraft while upon the waters of this State unless each person aboard the personal watercraft or specialty propcraft is wearing a United States Coast Guard approved personal flotation device, Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type V;

(b) operate, be in possession of, or give permission to operate a Class "A" motor boat while upon the waters of this State unless each person under the age of twelve aboard the Class "A" motor boat is wearing a United States Coast Guard approved personal flotation device, Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type V;

Each personal flotation device must be fastened properly, in good and serviceable condition, and the proper size for the person wearing it;

(2) operate or be in possession of a personal watercraft or specialty propcraft while upon the waters of this State after sunset or before sunrise;

(3) operate or be in possession of a personal watercraft or specialty propcraft while upon the waters of this State unless it is equipped with a self-circling device or a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch;

(4) operate or be in possession of while upon the waters of this State a personal watercraft or specialty propcraft which has been equipped by the manufacturer with a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch unless the lanyard and the switch are operational and unless the lanyard is attached to the operator, the operator's clothing, or a personal flotation device worn by the operator;

(5) operate or be in possession of while upon the waters of this State a personal watercraft or specialty propcraft which has been equipped by the manufacturer with a self-circling device if the self-circling device or the engine throttle has been altered in a way that would prohibit the self-circling device from operating in its intended manner;

(6) operate a personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel while upon the waters of this State in excess of idle speed within 50 feet of a moored or an anchored vessel, wharf, dock, bulkhead, pier, or a person in the water, or within 100 yards of the Atlantic Ocean coast line. The prohibitions contained in this item (6) do not apply to an unoccupied, moored vessel or watercraft;

(7) chase, harass, molest, worry, or disturb wildlife with a personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel except while lawfully angling for, hunting, or trapping wildlife;

(8) tow a water skier or a person on a floating device with a personal watercraft or specialty propcraft unless the watercraft is equipped with a wide-angled mirror which permits the operator to observe the person being towed or carrying a person other than the operator who is in position to observe the person being towed. No person may tow a water skier or a floating device unless the person being towed is wearing a personal flotation device as provided in item (1). A personal watercraft or specialty propcraft may be used to tow another vessel when rendering assistance;

(9)(a) operate a personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel if he is younger than sixteen years of age, unless accompanied by an adult, eighteen years or older, who is not under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them. However, a person younger than sixteen years of age may operate a personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel without being accompanied by an adult if one or more of the following applies:

(i) the person completes a boating safety program as administered by the Department of Natural Resources; or

(ii) the person completes a boating safety program approved by the Department of Natural Resources;

(iii) anyone operating a vessel with less than fifteen horsepower engine will not be required to take the boating safety program.

(b) It is unlawful for a person who has temporary or permanent responsibility for a child to knowingly or wilfully violate item (9) of subsection (B).

(c) The Department of Natural Resources shall promulgate regulations relating to boating safety programs administered by the department or subject to its approval.

(C) It is unlawful for a person who owns a personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel, or who has charge over or control of a personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel to authorize or knowingly to permit the personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessel to be operated in violation of this section.

(D) A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than fifty dollars but no more than three hundred dollars.

(E) This section does not apply to:

(1) the operation of personal watercraft, specialty propcraft, or vessels by the following personnel while in the performance of their official duties:

(a) law enforcement;

(b) emergency medical;

(c) civil defense;

(d) military;

(e) state and federally approved wildlife;

(f) those involved in biological research programs;

(2) activity on private waters;

(3) performers engaged in a professional exhibition or a person preparing to participate or participating in an officially sanctioned regatta, race, marine parade, tournament, or exhibition in an area and at a time designated for that purpose.



SECTION 50-21-1010. Regulation of regattas, races, and similar exhibitions.

(1) The department may regulate the holding of regattas, races, marine parades, tournaments or exhibitions which, by their nature, circumstance or location will introduce extra or unusual hazards to the safety of life on any waters of this State. It shall adopt and may amend regulations concerning the safety of boats, motorboats and vessels and persons thereon, either observers or participants. Whenever a regatta, race, marine parade, tournament or exhibition is proposed to be held the person in charge thereof shall, at least thirty days prior thereto, file an application with the department for permission to hold such regatta, motorboat or other boat race, marine parade, tournament or exhibition. The application shall set forth the date, time and location where it is proposed to hold such regatta, race, marine parade, tournament or exhibition and such other information as the department may by regulation require and it shall not be conducted without written authorization of the department.

(2) The provisions of this section shall not exempt any person from compliance with applicable Federal law or regulation but nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the securing of a State permit pursuant to this section if a permit therefor has been obtained from an authorized agency of the United States.

Legislative Services Agency
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