1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2005 Regular Session
This statutory database is current through the 2005 Regular Session of the South Carolina General Assembly. Changes to the statutes enacted by the 2006 General Assembly, which will convene in January 2006, will be incorporated as soon as possible. Some changes enacted by the 2006 General Assembly may take immediate effect. The State of South Carolina and the South Carolina Legislative Council make no warranty as to the accuracy of the data, or changes which may have been enacted since the 2005 Regular Session or which took effect after this database was prepared and users rely on the data entirely at their own risk.
Title 23 - Law Enforcement and Public Safety
SECTION 23-10-10. Operation of South Carolina Fire Academy; Fire Academy advisory committee created; membership.
The State Fire Marshal has the sole responsibility for the operation of the South Carolina Fire Academy (Academy). The Academy is operated for the express purpose of upgrading the state's paid, volunteer, and industrial fire service personnel. All buildings, facilities, equipment, property, and instructional materials which are now or become a part of the Academy are assigned to the Academy and may not be integrated with any other local or state agency, association, department, or technical education center, without the consent of the Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation or his designee.
There is created the South Carolina Fire Academy Advisory Committee which shall advise and assist the State Fire Marshal in developing a comprehensive training program based upon the needs of the fire service in this State. Membership on the committee includes:
(A) the Chairman and appointed members of the Fire School Committee of the South Carolina State Firemen's Association. The Chairman of the Fire School Committee also shall serve as the Chairman of the South Carolina Fire Academy Advisory Committee;
(B) one member from the South Carolina Fire Chief's Association appointed by the president;
(C) one member from the South Carolina Fire Inspectors Association appointed by the president;
(D) one member from the South Carolina Society of Fire Service Instructors Association appointed by the president;
(E) one member from the Professional Firefighters Association appointed by the president;
(F) one member from the South Carolina Chapter of International Association of Arson Investigators appointed by the president;
(G) the Director of the South Carolina Fire Academy who shall serve as secretary without voting privileges. Membership from the South Carolina Fire Academy is limited to the director only;
(H) one industrial fire protection representative appointed by the president of the South Carolina Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers;
(I) the Executive Director of the South Carolina State Firemen's Association who shall serve as a member ex officio without voting privileges;
(J) the State Fire Marshal as a member ex officio without voting privileges;
(K) one member from higher education having experience and training in curriculum development appointed by the Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation; and
(L) one member from the South Carolina Fire and Life Safety Education Association appointed by the president.