South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2005 Regular Session


This statutory database is current through the 2005 Regular Session of the South Carolina General Assembly. Changes to the statutes enacted by the 2006 General Assembly, which will convene in January 2006, will be incorporated as soon as possible. Some changes enacted by the 2006 General Assembly may take immediate effect. The State of South Carolina and the South Carolina Legislative Council make no warranty as to the accuracy of the data, or changes which may have been enacted since the 2005 Regular Session or which took effect after this database was prepared and users rely on the data entirely at their own risk.

Title 39 - Trade and Commerce




SECTION 39-35-10. "Imitation butter" and "imitation cheese" defined.

For the purpose of this article, substance or compound, not produced wholly from pure milk, designed to be used as a substitute for butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream from pure milk is hereby declared to be imitation butter or imitation cheese, as the case may be; provided, that the use of salt, rennet and harmless coloring matter for coloring the product of pure milk or cream shall not be construed to render such product an imitation.

SECTION 39-35-20. Use of harmless coloring matters in milk products permitted.

Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the use of salt, rennet or harmless coloring matter for coloring the products of pure milk or cream from pure milk.

SECTION 39-35-30. Manufacture and sale of certain imitation butter or cheese prohibited.

No person shall produce, manufacture, sell or keep or offer for sale any imitation butter or imitation cheese made or compounded in violation of this article, whether such imitation shall have been made or produced in this State or elsewhere.

SECTION 39-35-40. Manufacture and sale of certain imitation butter or cheese permitted.

Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the manufacture and sale of imitation butter or imitation cheese, under the regulations herein provided, when such imitation butter or cheese has not been manufactured or colored as herein prohibited.

SECTION 39-35-50. Sale of imitation butter or cheese as genuine prohibited.

No person shall sell or offer for sale any imitation butter or imitation cheese under the pretense that the same is genuine butter or genuine cheese.

SECTION 39-35-60. Substitutes shall be plainly marked.

Every person who lawfully manufactures any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter or for cheese shall mark by branding, stamping or stenciling upon the top side of each tub, box or other vessel in which such substitute shall be kept or in which it shall be removed from the place where it is produced, in a clear and durable manner, in the English language, the words, "substitute for butter" or "substitute for cheese," as the case may be, in printed letters in plain roman type, each of which shall be not less than one inch in height and one-half inch in breadth.

SECTION 39-35-70. Possession of unmarked imitations prohibited.

No person shall have in his possession or control any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter or for cheese unless the tub, box or other vessel containing such substance shall be clearly and durably marked as provided in Section 39-35-60. But this section shall not apply to a person who has such imitation butter or imitation cheese in his possession for the actual consumption of himself or his family.

SECTION 39-35-80. Penalties; certificate of analysis shall be prima facie evidence.

Any person violating any provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be proceeded against by any of the processes provided for misdemeanors and tried by any court having jurisdiction of misdemeanors in this State. Upon conviction, he shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars and not less than ten dollars. The sworn certificate or a certified official report of the chemist of the Department of Agriculture of the analysis of a suspected sample shall be recognized in all courts of this State as prima facie evidence of such analysis and of the composition and character of such sample.

SECTION 39-35-90. Article shall be inapplicable to oleomargarine.

This article shall not be construed to include within its provisions the food products known as "oleomargarine" or "margarine."



SECTION 39-35-210. Sale of oleomargarine without a certain amount of vitamin A shall be unlawful.

It shall be unlawful for any manufacturer, processor or dealer in oleomargarine in this State to sell or offer for sale any oleomargarine within the State which does not contain at least nine thousand United States Pharmacopoeia units of vitamin A per pound.

SECTION 39-35-220. Oleomargarine shall be labeled.

All oleomargarine sold in the State must be labeled in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare governing the labeling of oleomargarine with added vitamins sold in interstate trade.

SECTION 39-35-230. Specifications as to vitamins shall conform to certain Federal standards.

The State Department of Agriculture shall change or add to the specifications for ingredients and the amounts thereof as necessary to conform to any changes in the ruling of the Federal agency concerning the addition of vitamins to oleomargarine appearing in Volume 6, page 2763, of the Federal Register, under date of June 7, 1941.

SECTION 39-35-240. Enforcement.

The State Department of Agriculture shall enforce this article. The Department may, for the purpose of enforcing this article, enter upon the premises of any manufacturer, processor, refiner or person engaged as a retail or wholesale dealer in oleomargarine for the purpose of making such investigations as may be necessary to properly enforce this article.

SECTION 39-35-250. Penalties.

Any person found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be guilty of violating the terms of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days for each and every offense.

Legislative Services Agency
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