South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2009 Session


The South Carolina Legislative Council is offering access to the unannotated South Carolina Code of Laws on the Internet as a service to the public. The unannotated South Carolina Code on the General Assembly's website is now current through the 2009 session. The unannotated South Carolina Code, consisting only of Code text and numbering, may be copied from this website at the reader's expense and effort without need for permission.

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While every effort was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the unannotated South Carolina Code available on the South Carolina General Assembly's website, the unannotated South Carolina Code is not official, and the state agencies preparing this website and the General Assembly are not responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in these files. Only the current published volumes of the South Carolina Code of Laws Annotated and any pertinent acts and joint resolutions contain the official version.

Please note that the Legislative Council is not able to respond to individual inquiries regarding research or the features, format, or use of this website. However, you may notify Legislative Printing, Information and Technology Systems at [email protected] regarding any apparent errors or omissions in content of Code sections on this website, in which case LPITS will relay the information to appropriate staff members of the South Carolina Legislative Council for investigation.

Title 1 - Administration of the Government



SECTION 1-34-10. Purpose.

The public policy of South Carolina is to maintain reasonable and consistent standards of construction in buildings and other structures in the State in order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. Accordingly, all agencies should enforce the same editions of nationally recognized codes and standards for the construction, manufacture, renovation, improvement, and maintenance of structures. To effect this policy, it is intended that all state regulatory agencies enforce the same editions of nationally recognized codes.

SECTION 1-34-20. Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(1) "Agency" or "state agency" means each state board, commission, department, executive department, or office, other than the General Assembly or the courts, charged with the regulation of buildings or other structures by enforcing a nationally recognized code. An agency is charged with the regulation of buildings or other structures by enforcing a nationally recognized code if the code is referenced in the statutes or regulations administered by that agency.

(2) "Building code" means building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas, or fire codes which are part of the International Building Code series or Standard Building Code series, as published, promulgated, or made available by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., the energy code as published by the Council of American Building Officials, and the National Electrical Code and Fire and Life Safety Code, as made available by the National Fire Protection Association, if the code is referenced by any other statute or regulation.

(3) "Latest edition" means latest complete edition officially published, adopted, or approved by the organization which issued the nationally recognized code.

(4) "Nationally recognized code" means all building codes or standards. Unless expressly adopted as stated in this chapter or otherwise required by law, a "nationally recognized code" does not include its appendices. For the purposes of this chapter, "nationally recognized code" does not include any provision of a building code or standard which concerns the qualification, removal, dismissal, duties, responsibilities of, or administrative procedures for all building officials, fire officials, deputy officials, chief inspectors, or other inspectors, assistants, or administrators.

(5) "Revision" means a change to a nationally recognized code if that change was officially published, adopted, or approved other than at the time a complete edition was officially published, adopted, or approved.

(6) "Standard" means building, energy, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas, or fire standards published by organizations including the American National Standards Institute, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Standard Testing Materials Institute, and the National Fire Protection Association if the standard is referenced by any other statute or regulation.

SECTION 1-34-30. Adoption of latest edition of nationally recognized codes; notice requirements; public comments; agencies requiring compliance with earliest edition of a code.

(A) An agency shall adopt the latest edition of all nationally recognized codes which it is charged by statute or regulation with enforcing. An agency may propose the adoption of the latest edition of a nationally recognized code by publishing a notice in the State Register. The notice shall contain:

(1) a reference to the agency's original adoption of the nationally recognized code;

(2) the complete name of the nationally recognized code and the edition being adopted;

(3) the name and address of the organization which issued the nationally recognized code; and

(4) an invitation to comment to the agency concerning particular sections of the proposed edition.

(B) If no comments are received within sixty days of publication provided pursuant to subsection (A), the agency may file a notice with the Legislative Council to be published in the State Register that the nationally recognized code is promulgated without amendment. Publication of the notice creates a rebuttable presumption that the edition to which it refers was promulgated under this section, is available for public inspection at the agency, and was promulgated without amendment.

(C) If negative comments are received concerning sections of the latest edition or if the agency proposes amendments to the latest edition, the notice provided for in subsection (A) shall serve as the notice of drafting required pursuant to Section 1-23-110 and all affected sections must be proposed as regulations pursuant to Section 1-23-120 and are subject to the Administrative Procedures Act. All other sections of the latest edition may be promulgated by notice pursuant to subsection (B).

(D) An agency that requires compliance with an earlier edition of a nationally recognized code shall accept full and complete compliance with the latest edition of that code unless it has promulgated amendments to the code pursuant to this section.

SECTION 1-34-40. Compliance with latest edition of a nationally recognized code.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency shall accept full and complete compliance with the latest edition of a nationally recognized code as compliance with a provision of a statute or regulation which refers to a particular edition of that nationally recognized code unless the agency has published a notice under Section 1-34-30(C) stating that the edition has not been adopted.

(B) This section does not affect when, or the circumstances under which, a nationally recognized code is applicable.

SECTION 1-34-50. Adoption of a nationally recognized code appendix.

If an agency is authorized or required by law to enforce the provisions contained in a nationally recognized code appendix, the agency may adopt the appendix, in accordance with Section 1-34-30, in conjunction with, or in addition to, the adoption of the nationally recognized code.

SECTION 1-34-60. Promulgation of regulations by agencies authorized to modify nationally recognized code.

An agency authorized to modify a nationally recognized code by promulgating regulations shall promulgate these regulations in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act.

SECTION 1-34-70. Enforcement of provision of nationally recognized code inconsistent with state statute.

Unless otherwise required by law, an agency may not enforce a provision of a nationally recognized code to the extent it is inconsistent with any state statute or regulation that does not rely on a nationally recognized code.

Legislative Services Agency
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