South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2010 Session


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Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development



SECTION 13-11-10. New Horizons Development Authority created; governing body; duration; transfer of powers, responsibilities and the like.

There is hereby created the New Horizons Development Authority, a body politic and corporate under the laws of this State, consisting of and governed by a board of appointed and ex officio members selected as provided in Section 13-11-20 and hereinafter referred to as the Authority. New Horizons Development Authority shall be constituted for a term of five years. At the end of five years the General Assembly may transfer the powers, responsibilities, liabilities and assets of the Authority to another State agency or agencies; but no obligation or contract of the Authority shall be impaired by such transfer. The full faith and credit of the State shall not be pledged to assure the performance of obligations so transferred.

SECTION 13-11-20. Members of board; terms; vacancies.

Members of the board shall be appointed by the Governor as follows: two members upon nomination of the Director of the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; one member upon nomination of the Department of Natural Resources; two members upon nomination of the Director of the Department of Commerce or his designee; one member upon nomination of the Fairfield County Council; one member upon nomination of the Fairfield County Development Board; and one member appointed by the Governor, who shall be the chairman. In addition, the Director of the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, the Director of the Department of Commerce or his designee, the Executive Director of the State Housing Authority, the Executive Director of the Central Midlands Regional Planning Council, the Transportation Commissioner representing Fairfield County, the Mayor of the city of Winnsboro, the member of the House of Representatives from District No. 41 and any Senators from Senatorial District No. 7 who are residents of Fairfield County, and the Executive Director of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History shall serve as ex officio members of the board. Terms of office of the appointed members shall be five years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner of original appointment for the unexpired term.

SECTION 13-11-30. Meetings of board; quorum; compensation.

The board shall meet upon the call of the chairman or a majority of its members, and a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Members of the board shall receive per diem for each day of performance of official duties and actual expense, including travel expense, shall be allowed for attendance thereon.

SECTION 13-11-40. Employees.

The Authority may employ an attorney, consultants and such staff as it deems necessary for the performance of its duties and shall fix their compensation. Upon request, any State agency may, at its discretion, assign any of its employees on a part or full-time basis to assist the board in the furtherance of its duties.

SECTION 13-11-50. Area of jurisdiction; acquisition of property outside area.

For the purposes of carrying out its powers and duties, the Authority shall have jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of this chapter within the boundaries of that watershed in Fairfield County which is drained by the Little Wateree Creek and its tributaries. In addition, it may acquire, by gift or negotiated purchase, real property anywhere within the State for the expressed purpose of exchanging such real property for other real property within the area of its jurisdiction as defined above.

SECTION 13-11-60. Purposes.

The Authority is created as an instrumentality of the State for the accomplishment of the following general purposes, all or any of them, which are intended to broaden and not to restrict any other powers given to it in this chapter:

(1) To foster and stimulate economic growth in Fairfield County as a prototype approach to rural area development in South Carolina through the establishment of housing, industrial, commercial and recreational developments on project lands which are compatible with and complementary to the county's cultural and historic heritage.

(2) To provide a controlled environmental laboratory as a microcosm of statewide environmental, socio-economic, health and settlement patterns and to test advanced technologies, principles and concepts relating to construction, pollution control, waste disposal, housing, the interrelationships of land uses, transportation systems and the delivery of public services.

(3) To establish and operate an environmental science park including laboratories, conference rooms, dormitories, technical libraries and related educational facilities as a learning center and in-service training center for teachers and technicians and to serve as a focal point for citizen participation in a coordinated effort to develop new and innovative ways to protect their cultural, natural and man-made heritage.

(4) To develop a major lake and statewide recreation facility for the pleasure and enjoyment of all the people of South Carolina and for the purpose of recreation research and experimentation with special emphasis on the recreation facilities and activity needs of the aged, and the physically, socially and mentally handicapped.

(5) To foster and stimulate national and international travel to South Carolina by constructing, equipping and maintaining on project lands historical, cultural and environmental interpretive centers, recreation features, convention facilities, exhibition areas, entertainment facilities and accommodations for travelers.

(6) To cooperate with the State of South Carolina and the United States of America, and any agency or any department, corporation or instrumentality thereof, in the maintenance, development, improvement and use of New Horizons lands and facilities and all its functions.

(7) To accept funds, other assets and services from Fairfield County and municipalities located therein and from the State of South Carolina, and to use them in such manner, within the purposes of the Authority as shall be stipulated by the county or the State in any matter coming within the general purposes of the Authority.

(8) To act as agent for the United States of America, or any agency, department, corporation or instrumentality thereof, in any matter coming within the purposes of the Authority.

(9) In general to do and perform any act or function which may tend to or be useful toward the development and improvement of the New Horizons Project and its purposes, including the conduct of statewide research and demonstration programs.

SECTION 13-11-70. Powers.

In order to enable it to carry out the purposes of this chapter, the Authority:

(1) Shall have the powers of a body corporate, including the power to sue and be sued, to make contracts and to adopt and use a common seal and alter it as may be deemed expedient.

(2) May rent, lease, buy, own, acquire, subdivide, mortgage and dispose of such property, real or personal, as the Authority may deem proper to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter, all or any of them.

(3) May acquire, construct, maintain and operate within the area of its jurisdiction industrial parks, housing subdivisions, recreation facilities, interpretive centers, commercial developments, public accommodations, public buildings, water and sewage systems, transportation systems, telephone systems, research, educational and training facilities, roads and bridges, lakes, impoundments, flood and erosion control structures and all such other structures and developments deemed necessary by the Authority to fulfill its educational, recreational, economic development, research and tourist missions.

(4) Shall establish office in Fairfield County and may establish an office in the city of Columbia.

(5) May create such divisions as the board deems necessary.

(6) May pay all necessary costs and expenses involved in and incident to the formation and organization of the Authority and incident to the administration and operation thereof and all other costs and expenses reasonably necessary or expedient in carrying out and accomplishing the purposes of this chapter.

(7) May apply for and accept loans and grants of money from any Federal agency, private sources or any other source for any and all of the purposes authorized in this chapter and expend such moneys in accordance with the directions and requirements attached thereto or imposed thereon and give such evidences of indebtedness as shall be required, except that no indebtedness of any kind incurred or created by the Authority shall constitute an indebtedness of the State, or any political subdivision thereof, and no such indebtedness shall involve or be secured by the faith, credit or taxing power of the State, or any political subdivision thereof.

(8) May adopt, alter or repeal its own bylaws, rules and regulations governing the manner in which its business may be transacted and in which the powers granted to it may be enjoyed; may provide rules and regulations for the use of its facilities by the public, and may provide for the appointment of such committees, and the functions thereof, as the Authority may deem necessary or expedient in facilitating its business.

(9) May do any and all other acts and things authorized or required to be done by this chapter, whether or not included in the general powers mentioned in this section.

(10) May do any and all things necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter; and

(11) May promulgate rules and regulations governing the use of or doing business on the Authority's property or facilities, including the adoption of safety standards and insurance coverage or proof of financial responsibility, and may provide for the licensing of or enter into concession and use contracts with persons, firms or corporations using or doing business on such property or facilities and require license or other fees therefor. Licenses or concession and use contracts may be revoked after notice and hearing by the Authority for willful breach of or failure to comply with such rules and regulations.

SECTION 13-11-80. Acquisition of property; power of eminent domain.

For the acquiring of rights-of-way and property necessary for the accomplishment of the duties and purposes of the New Horizons Development Authority, all or any of such purposes, the authority may purchase them by negotiation or may condemn them, and should it elect to exercise the right of eminent domain, condemnation proceedings shall be maintained by and in the name of the authority, and it may proceed in the manner provided by the laws of the State for procedure by any county, municipality or authority organized under the laws of this State, by the Department of Transportation, by railroad corporations or in any other manner provided by law as the authority may in its discretion elect. The power of eminent domain shall apply not only as to all property of private persons or corporations but also as to property already devoted to public use within the area of jurisdiction of the authority.

SECTION 13-11-90. Exchange of property; removal of buildings or other structures.

The Authority may exchange any property acquired under the provisions of this chapter for other property usable in carrying out the powers hereby conferred or may purchase property for purposes of the Authority and also may remove buildings or other structures from lands needed for its purposes for reconstruction on other locations upon the payment of just compensation if, in its judgment, it is necessary or expedient to do so in order to carry out any of its plans for development under the authorization of this chapter.

SECTION 13-11-100. Cooperation of other agencies.

All State agencies and State supported institutions of higher education shall, to the maximum extent feasible, cooperate with and provide support to the Authority in carrying out its purposes and duties and are hereby authorized to expend State appropriated funds for the New Horizons Project operation, development and research purposes, to assign employees to the Authority on a full-time or part-time basis, to loan or transfer real or personal property to the Authority, to make available to the Authority all data, information or research material in its possession which is not restricted by Federal or State laws, to enter into contracts with the Authority for joint development and use of facilities and to enter into contracts with the Authority for the joint conduct of research and demonstration projects and programs.

SECTION 13-11-110. Authority to issue bonds; limitations and restrictions thereon.

As a means of raising the funds needed from time to time in the acquisition, construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of any facility, building, structure or any other matter or thing which the Authority is herein authorized to acquire, construct, equip, maintain or operate, all or any of them, the Authority may issue bonds, payable both as to principal and interest from project income from any source, and the powers and authority granted to counties, cities, school districts and other political subdivisions of the State are hereby extended to and made available to the Authority. All revenue bonds issued by the Authority to obtain funds for the acquisition, construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of its properties and facilities shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6-21-10 to 6-21-570 and all conditions, restrictions and limitations imposed by such sections, as amended, shall be observed by the Authority in the issuance of such bonds, except as follows:

(1) A pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of its properties and facilities, all or any of them, rather than its gross revenues, may be made; and

(2) Free service may, in the discretion of the Authority, be afforded to the State of South Carolina or the United States of America, or any agency, political subdivision, department, corporation or instrumentality thereof, by any property or facility of the Authority to acquire, construct, equip, maintain and operate which funds were obtained from the revenue bonds purchased and held by a State or Federal agency, provided such free service is with the consent and at the request of the State or Federal agency then holding the whole of such revenue bonds.

SECTION 13-11-120. Deposits and expenditures; use of funds; receipt of gifts.

All funds of the Authority shall be deposited in a bank or banks to be designated by the State Treasurer. Funds of the Authority shall be paid out only upon the signature of the Executive Director of the Authority or his designee upon written warrants of the Comptroller General, drawn on the State Treasurer to the payee designated in the requisition. All funds coming into the hands of the Authority from the sale, lease, mortgage or rental of the Authority's real or personal property, revenues from fees and service charges, public and private contributions, federal grants and loans may be retained by the Authority and carried forward from year to year for debt retirement, operations, maintenance, acquisition and development purposes. The Authority may accept contributions of money or real or personal property from any person, organization or public or private agency including federal and state agencies and institutions and such agencies and institutions are hereby authorized to make such contributions. The South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is specifically authorized to transfer to the Authority all real and personal property acquired with 1973 General Obligation Bond Authorization funds designated for the I-77 project and any and all funds remaining in the Bond Authorization Account including any federal grants or federal monies earned or generated directly or indirectly through the planning, acquisition or development of the I-77 project.

SECTION 13-11-130. Reports.

At least once in each year the Authority shall report to the Governor and the General Assembly a complete detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed by the Authority during the preceding year. Such statement shall also show the several sources from which such funds were received and the balance on hand at the time of publishing the statement and shall show the complete financial condition of the Authority.

SECTION 13-11-140. Exemption from taxation.

The property of the Authority shall not be subject to any taxes or assessments thereon.

SECTION 13-11-150. Penalties for violations of rules and regulations.

If any person using or going upon the property or facilities of the New Horizons Development Authority shall be guilty of a violation of the rules and regulations provided and prescribed by the Authority, such person shall, upon conviction, incur a penalty for each offense of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars.

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