South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2010 Session


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Title 23 - Law Enforcement and Public Safety





SECTION 23-4-10. Legislative findings.

The General Assembly finds that the increasing incidence of crime threatens the peace, security and general welfare of the State and its citizens. To prevent crime, to insure the maintenance of peace and good order, and to assure the greater safety of the people, it is necessary for law enforcement, judicial administration and corrections to be better coordinated, intensified and made more effective at all levels of government.

SECTION 23-4-20. Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Committee" means the Governor's Committee on Criminal Justice, Crime and Delinquency.

(B) "Advisory Council" means the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council.

(C) "J.P.C." means the Judicial Planning Committee.

(D) "Office" means the Division of Public Safety Programs, Office of the Governor.

(E) "Criminal justice system and agencies" shall encompass all state, local, and private nonprofit agencies and organizations involved in law enforcement including line police agencies, adult and juvenile corrections, adult and juvenile courts, prosecution and defense, as well as private eleemosynary organizations of professional or citizen membership involved in the system including organizations directly related to crime and delinquency prevention.



SECTION 23-4-110. Creation of committee; members and officers.

There is created the Governor's Committee on Criminal Justice, Crime and Delinquency. The committee must be composed of persons named by the Governor from the State at large who are representative of agencies and organizations comprising the state's criminal justice system as defined by this chapter. In addition to the gubernatorially-appointed members, the following criminal justice agency heads are ex officio voting members:

(A) Commissioner, South Carolina Department of Corrections;

(B) Executive Director, South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services;

(C) Chief, State Law Enforcement Division;

(D) State Attorney General;

(E) Commander, State Highway Patrol;

(F) Commissioner, South Carolina Department of Youth Services;

(G) Director, South Carolina Office of Court Administration;

(H) Chief Justice, South Carolina Supreme Court;

(I) Director, South Carolina Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse;

(J) Executive Director, South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy;

(K) Chairman, Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council.

The Governor shall appoint the at-large members who shall serve at his pleasure. The number of appointed at-large voting members on the committee shall not exceed twenty-eight. The Governor shall appoint the chairman of the committee. The Director of the Division of Public Safety Programs shall serve as the executive secretary of the committee but may not vote. Support staff for the committee must be provided by the Division of Public Safety Programs.

SECTION 23-4-120. Duties of committee.

The committee shall advise the Governor and the General Assembly on criminal justice policy matters and shall further serve as the supervisory board for the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council in accordance with the mandates of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974.

SECTION 23-4-130. Reports.

The committee shall file with the Governor by December thirty-first of each year an annual report of its activities and progress, citing its recommendations for changes and legislative initiatives relating to the improvement of the criminal justice system in South Carolina. The Governor shall review the report and may adopt these recommendations and findings in presenting his annual legislative proposals to the General Assembly.

SECTION 23-4-140. Meetings; quorum; proxies.

The committee shall meet as soon as practical after appointment and at this meeting organize and adopt rules for governing its proceedings. The committee shall meet at those other times as may be designated by the chairman or the Governor. A majority of the members at any regular meeting or called meeting constitutes a quorum. Both appointed at-large members and ex officio members of the committee may be represented by proxy, but only ex officio proxies have voting rights and must be included in determining a quorum.



SECTION 23-4-210. Creation of council; members.

There is hereby created a Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. The council shall consist of not less than twenty-one and no more than thirty-three members who have training, experience, or a special knowledge concerning the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency or in the administration of juvenile justice. The council shall be established separate from the committee. The membership of the council shall be selected by the Governor and shall include representation of units of local government, law enforcement, and juvenile justice agencies, and shall be in accord with Section 223(A)(3) of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 so long as it is in effect.

SECTION 23-4-220. Duties of council.

The advisory council shall advise the committee and the office on all matters referred to it relevant to juvenile justice; shall participate in the development of the juvenile justice component of the State's comprehensive plan; shall recommend priorities for the improvement of juvenile justice services and shall offer technical assistance to state and local agencies in the planning and implementation of programs for the improvement of juvenile justice.

SECTION 23-4-230. Quorum.

The provisions of Section 23-4-140 for a quorum shall apply to the advisory council.



SECTION 23-4-310. Creation of committee; members; terms.

There is hereby established a Judicial Planning Committee whose membership shall be appointed by the Supreme Court in accordance with the Crime Control Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-503) so long as it is in effect. The Chief Justice or his designee shall serve as chairman of the committee. The members of the J.P.C. shall serve at the pleasure of the Supreme Court.

SECTION 23-4-320. Duties of committee.

The J.P.C. shall establish court improvement priorities, consider court improvement programs and projects and develop an annual judicial plan which shall be in accordance with the Crime Control Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-503) so long as it is in effect; shall advise the committee on all matters referred to it relevant to the courts; shall recommend priorities for the improvement of judicial services and shall offer technical assistance to state and local agencies in the planning and implementation of programs contemplated for the improvement of judicial services.

SECTION 23-4-330. Consultation with committee by other agencies.

The Office of Criminal Justice Programs shall consult with and seek the advice of the Judicial Planning Committee in carrying out its functions under Article 9 of the chapter insofar as they affect the state court system. In addition, any grant of federal or other funds made or approved by the committee which is to be implemented in the court system and related functions such as prosecution and public defense shall be submitted to the Judicial Planning Committee for its review and recommendations before being presented to the committee for its action.

SECTION 23-4-340. Staff support.

Staff support for the J.P.C. shall be provided by the Office of Court Administration, but the cost of staff support shall be reimbursed by the Office of Criminal Justice Programs to the extent that federal funds can be made available for that purpose.

SECTION 23-4-350. Meetings; rules.

The J.P.C. shall meet at such times as may be established by the Chief Justice or his designated chairman. The rules for the purpose of governing the J.P.C. and determining a quorum shall be established by the Supreme Court.



SECTION 23-4-510. Creation of programs.

There is hereby created the Office of Criminal Justice Programs within the Office of the Governor.

SECTION 23-4-520. Duties of office.

The office in conjunction with the Governor's Committee on Criminal Justice, Crime and Delinquency has the duties:

(A) In cooperation with other agencies, to collect and disseminate information concerning crime and criminal justice for the purpose of assisting the General Assembly and of enhancing the quality of criminal justice at all levels of government in this State;

(B) To analyze South Carolina's activities in the administration of criminal justice and the nature of the problems confronting it and to make recommendations and to develop comprehensive plans of action for the improvement of criminal justice for crime and delinquency control and related matters for consideration and implementation by the appropriate agencies of state and local government. In developing such plans, the office shall draw upon the planning capabilities of other agencies such as the Judicial Department, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Youth Services, the Office of the Attorney General and the State Law Enforcement Division;

(C) To advise and assist law enforcement agencies in the State to improve their law enforcement systems and their relationship with other agencies and the statewide system;

(D) To act as the state planning agency under the "Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act" of 1968 (Public Law 90-351);

(E) To do all things necessary to apply for, qualify for, accept, and distribute state, federal, or other funds made available or allotted under Public Law 90-351 and under any other law or program designed to improve the administration of criminal justice, court systems, law enforcement, prosecution, corrections, probation and parole, juvenile delinquency programs and related fields;

(F) To conduct evaluation studies on the programs and activities assisted through the office.

SECTION 23-4-530. Executive director.

The office shall be administered by an executive director, who shall be appointed by, and be responsible to, the Governor, and hold office at the pleasure of the Governor. The executive director shall be in sole charge of the administration of the office.

SECTION 23-4-540. Appointment of employees; policies for governing office; employees as subject to laws applicable to state employees.

The executive director may appoint and prescribe the duties for such deputies, assistants, other officers, employees and consultants as he may deem necessary. The executive director shall establish policies and procedures for governing the office and coordinating with local planning agencies, grant recipients and federal, state and local officials. All employees of the office except the executive director shall be subject to the laws applicable to other state employees.

SECTION 23-4-550. Obtaining information by executive director.

The executive director may request and receive from any department or agency of the State or any political subdivision thereof such assistance, information and data as will enable him to carry out his duties.



SECTION 23-4-710. Compensation of members of committee, advisory council and J.P.C.

The members of the committee, the advisory council and the J.P.C. shall receive no salary but shall be allowed the usual mileage, subsistence and per diem as authorized by law for commissions, committees and boards.

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