South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2015 Session


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Title 4 - Counties


County Planning [Repealed]


The County Planning Act [Repealed]

SECTIONS 4-27-10 to 4-27-360. Repealed by 1994 Act No. 355, Section 2, as amended by 1999 Act No. 15, Section 1, eff April 30, 1999.

Editor's Note

Former Section 4-27-10 was entitled "Short title; election to come under provisions" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-351; 1952 Code Section 14-351; 1942 (42) 1631; 1962 (52) 1947; 1966 (54) 2163.

Former Section 4-27-20 was entitled "Division of county into districts for zoning purposes; regulations in various districts may differ" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-352; 1952 Code Section 14-352; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-30 was entitled "Governing body may adopt regulations and provide for county planning" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-353; 1952 Code Section 14-353; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-40 was entitled "Purposes of zoning regulations" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-354; 1952 Code Section 14-354; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-50 was entitled "County planning board" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-355; 1952 Code Section 14-355; 1942 (42) 1631; 1955 (49) 583; 1963 (53) 595.

Former Section 4-27-60 was entitled "Employees; State officials, departments and agencies shall cooperate" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-356; 1952 Code Section 14-356; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-70 was entitled "Planning board shall cooperate with other agencies; committees and rules" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-357; 1952 Code Section 14-357; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-80 was entitled "Jurisdiction of planning board and governing body" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-357.1; 1952 Code Section 14-357.1; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-90 was entitled "Planning board may act within municipalities" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-358; 1952 Code Section 14-358; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-100 was entitled "Power and duty of municipal governing body to adopt and enforce planning measures" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-358.1; 1957 (50) 293.

Former Section 4-27-110 was entitled "Regional planning board" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-359; 1952 Code Section 14-359; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-120 was entitled "Master plan and maps for systematic future development" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-360; 1952 Code Section 14-360; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-130 was entitled "Zoning plan to be certified to governing body" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-361; 1952 Code Section 14-361; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-140 was entitled "Hearing on plan before board; notice; board may summon witnesses, administer oaths and compel testimony" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-362; 1952 Code Section 14-362; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-150 was entitled "Hearing on plan before county governing body; notice; changes or departures from certified plan" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-363; 1952 Code Section 14-363; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-160 was entitled "Procedure to amend districts or regulations; public hearing" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-364; 1952 Code Section 14-364; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-170 was entitled "Nonconforming uses" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-365; 1952 Code Section 14-365; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-180 was entitled "Regulations concerning new streets, roads and subdivisions; preparation of preliminary and final plans" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-366; 1952 Code Section 14-366; 1942 (42) 1631; 1955 (49) 583.

Former Section 4-27-190 was entitled "Regulation of building or set-back lines on streets and highways proposed for widening; public hearing" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-367; 1952 Code Section 14-367; 1942 (42) 1631; 1955 (49) 583.

Former Section 4-27-200 was entitled "Board of adjustment; appointment, term, removal, vacancies and associate members" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-368; 1952 Code Section 14-368; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-210 was entitled "Board of adjustment; officers, meetings and minutes" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-369; 1952 Code Section 14-369; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-220 was entitled "County board of adjustment may act for municipality" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-370; 1952 Code Section 14-370; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-230 was entitled "Joint boards of adjustment; expenses may be apportioned" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-371; 1952 Code Section 14-371; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-240 was entitled "Rules governing board of adjustment" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-372; 1952 Code Section 14-372; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-250 was entitled "Appeals to board of adjustment" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-373; 1952 Code Section 14-373; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-260 was entitled "Hearing on appeal to board; public notice; majority vote of members sufficient to determine appeal" and was derived 1962 Code Section 14-374; 1952 Code Section 14-374; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-270 was entitled "Powers of board of adjustment on appeal" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-375; 1952 Code Section 14-375; 1942 (42) 1631; 1958 (50) 2002.

Former Section 4-27-280 was entitled "Appeal to circuit court" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-376; 1952 Code Section 14-376; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-290 was entitled "Notice of appeal to circuit court and filing of transcript" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-377; 1952 Code Section 14-377; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-300 was entitled "Effect of appeal to circuit court" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-378; 1952 Code Section 14-378; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-310 was entitled "Hearing and decision of circuit court; findings of fact by board of adjustment conclusive at hearing; costs" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-379; 1952 Code Section 14-379; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-320 was entitled "Appeal from circuit court judgment to Supreme Court" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-380; 1952 Code Section 14-380; 1942 (42) 1631; 1961 (52) 8; 1999 Act No. 55, Section 7, eff June 1, 1999.

Former Section 4-27-330 was entitled "Appropriations; gifts" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-381; 1952 Code Section 14-381; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-340 was entitled "Contempt of planning or adjustment board" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-382; 1952 Code Section 14-382; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-350 was entitled "Injunction against violations" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-383; 1952 Code Section 14-383; 1942 (42) 1631.

Former Section 4-27-360 was entitled "Penalties" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-384; 1952 Code Section 14-384; 1942 (42) 1631.

For new provisions, see Sections 6-29-310 et seq.


County Planning Commissions [Repealed]

SECTIONS 4-27-510 to 4-27-650. Repealed by 1994 Act No. 355, Section 2, as amended by 1999 Act No. 15, Section 1, eff April 30, 1999.

Editor's Note

Former Section 4-27-510 was entitled "Authority to establish; election to come under provisions" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-391; 1952 Code Section 14-391; 1951 (47) 85; 1966 (54) 2163.

Former Section 4-27-520 was entitled "Appointment of members; term of office; vacancies" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-392; 1952 Code Section 14-392; 1951 (47) 85; 1967 (55) 214.

Former Section 4-27-530 was entitled "County governing body may be appointed as the county planning commission" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-393; 1968 (55) 2306, 2313.

Former Section 4-27-540 was entitled "Salary of commissioners; reimbursement of expenses; appropriations" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-394; 1952 Code Section 14-394; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-550 was entitled "Quorum; officers; meetings; rules for conducting business; records" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-395; 1952 Code Section 14-395; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-560 was entitled "Authority to contract for services" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-396; 1952 Code Section 14-396; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-570 was entitled "Appointment of administrative officers; employees; enforcement of orders and regulations" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-397; 1952 Code Section 14-397; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-580 was entitled "Powers of commission; municipalities shall approve certain regulations" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-398; 1952 Code Section 14-398; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-590 was entitled "Division of county into districts; regulations among various districts may differ" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-399; 1952 Code Section 14-399; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-600 was entitled "Regulations to accord with master plan; purposes" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-399.1; 1952 Code Section 14-399.1; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-610 was entitled "Appeal from act or decision of commission" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-399.2; 1952 Code Section 14-399.2; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-620 was entitled "Circuit court review of commission decisions" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-399.3; 1952 Code Section 14-399.3; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-630 was entitled "Appeal to Supreme Court and was derived from" 1962 Code Section 14-399.4; 1952 Code Section 14-399.4; 1951 (47) 85; 1961 (52) 7; 1999 Act No. 55, Section 8, eff June 1, 1999.

Former Section 4-27-640 was entitled "Effect of findings of fact by commission" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-399.5; 1952 Code Section 14-399.5; 1951 (47) 85.

Former Section 4-27-650 was entitled "Penalties" and was derived from 1962 Code Section 14-399.6; 1952 Code Section 14-399.6; 1951 (47) 85.

Legislative Services Agency
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