South Carolina Legislature

1976 South Carolina Code of Laws
Updated through the end of the 2015 Session


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Title 52 - Amusements and Athletic Contests


Pool and Billiards [Repealed]

SECTIONS 52-11-10, 52-11-20. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 308, Section 6.

Editor's Note

Former Sections 52-11-10 to 52-11-20 were derived from 1962 Code Sections 5-501, 5-502; 1952 Code Sections 5-501, 5-502; 1942 Code Sections 6337, 6338, 6340; 1932 Code Sections 6337, 6338, 6340; 1924 (33) 895.

Former Section 52-11-10 set forth definitions relating to pool and billiards and the regulation thereof. Current provisions requiring a license to operate any billiard or pocket billiard table for profit may be found in Section 12-21-2730. Former Section 52-11-20 pertained to applications for licenses to operate billiard rooms.

SECTION 52-11-30. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 308, Section 6.

Editor's Note

Former Section 52-11-30, which was derived from 1962 Code Section 5-503; 1952 Code Section 5-503; 1942 Code Section 6338; 1932 Code Section 6338; 1924 (33) 895; 1968 (55) 2826; 1976 Act No. 695, Section 1, set forth the qualifications required of applicants for licenses to operate billiard rooms.

SECTIONS 52-11-40 to 52-11-90. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 308, Section 6.

Editor's Note

Former Sections 52-11-40 to 52-11-90 were derived from 1962 Code Sections 5-504-5-509; 1952 Code Sections 5-504-5-509; 1942 Code Sections 6339-6341, 6346; 1932 Code Sections 6339-6341, 6346; 1924 (33) 895.

Former Section 52-11-40 provided for issuance of licenses to operate billiard rooms. Former Section 52-11-50 prescribed the form of licenses to operate billiard rooms. Former Section 52-11-60 provided for the filing of a bond by the applicant for a license to operate a billiard room. Former Section 52-11-70 pertained to actions on bonds filed by applicants for licenses to operate billiard rooms. Former Section 52-11-80 provided for the filing of a new bond in the amount of $500 by a person operating a billiard room whose bond had been reduced to two hundred fifty dollars. Former Section 52-11-90 prohibited certain activities in billiard rooms.

SECTIONS 52-11-100 to 52-11-120. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 308, Section 6.

Editor's Note

Former Sections 52-11-100 to 52-11-120 were derived from 1962 Code Sections 5-510-5-512; 1952 Code Sections 5-510-5-512; 1942 Code Section 6341-6343; 1932 Code Section 6341-6343; 1924 (33) 895.

Former Section 52-11-100 provided for the forfeiture of a billiard license for subletting a billiard business. Former Section 52-11-110 prohibited obstructions between the entrance to a billiard room and the rear of the billiard room. Former Section 52-11-120 prohibited billiard rooms from being physically connected with gambling areas or places where persons congregate for immoral purposes.

SECTION 52-11-130. Repealed by 1981 Act No. 71, Section 3.

Editor's Note

Former Section 52-11-130 was derived from 1962 Code Section 5-513; 1952 Code Section 5-513; 1942 Code Section 6349; 1932 Code Section 6349; 1924 (33) 895; 1974 (58) 1925.

This section, which pertained to the playing of billiards by minors, was repealed as part of a comprehensive reorganization of provisions dealing with juvenile, domestic and family matters. A similar provision now appears as Section 20-7-350.

SECTIONS 52-11-140 to 52-11-180. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 308, Section 6.

Editor's Note

Former Sections 52-11-140 to 52-11-180 were derived from 1962 Code Sections 5-514 to 5-518; 1952 Code Sections 5-514 to 5-518; 1942 Code Sections 6344, 6348, 6352; 1932 Code Sections 6344, 6345, 6348, 6352; 1924 (33) 895.

Former Section 52-11-140 required the posting, in every licensed billiard room, of a placard bearing the provisions of former Section 52-11-130, which prohibited persons under 18 years of age from playing or loitering in billiard rooms without a parent or guardian. Former Section 52-11-150 required persons in charge of billiard rooms to use reasonable diligence to see that the provisions of Sections 52-11-10 et seq. were observed. Former Section 52-11-160 provided penalties for operating a billiard room without a license. Former Section 52-11-170 provided penalties for violations of the provisions governing the operation of billiard rooms. Former Section 52-11-180 provided for the forfeiture of a license to operate a billiard room for certain violations of the law.

SECTIONS 52-11-190 to 52-11-210. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 308, Section 6.

Editor's Note

Former Sections 52-11-190 to 52-11-210 were derived from 1962 Code Sections 5-519-5-521; 1952 Code Sections 5-519-5-521; 1942 Code Sections 6347, 6350, 6351; 1932 Code Sections 6347, 6350, 6351; 1924 (33) 895; 1933 (38) 223; 1967 (55) 560.

Former Section 52-11-190 established a license tax for operators of billiard rooms. Former Section 52-11-200 exempted certain billiard room operators from the provisions of Sections 52-11-10 et seq. when no fees were charged for the use of the billiard tables. Former Section 52-11-210 specified the duties of the South Carolina Tax Commission with regard to the operation of billiard rooms.

Legislative Services Agency
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