Senate Finance Committee Meeting Handouts
Senate Finance Committee Meeting Handouts - 2020 Legislative Session
- Presentation by Mr. Frank Rainwater, the Executive Director of Revenue & Fiscal Affairs
- Joint Resolution (Act 95): Summary of Process and Recommendations
- Next Era Energy's Proposal to Acquire Santee Cooper
- Dr. Traxler's comments to Senate Finance Committee 2020 Schedule for Appropriation Bill Deliberations - Last updated: February 27, 2020
- BrianGaines_SFCPresentation 6.16
- CARES Act Overview for SFC 6.16.20
- GUIDEHOUSE_SC COVID Grant Management handout
- Re-Open SC Report
- Re-Open CARES Act dollars
- Re-Open vs Governor
- CRF $ Recommendations
- SFC Adopted Amendment H.5202
- RFA - Senate Finance Committee 9-1-20
- SC CARES Program Update - 09.01.2020 SFC
- CARES Funding PP Updated
- Corrections - Senate Hearing 9-1-2020
- Senate Finance COVID Briefing by SOT Hall Sept 1 2020
- PRT - FY21 SCPRT Senate Finance COVID-Budget Presentation
- CHE Senate Finance Committee September 3 2020 BEST VERSION
- DEW - Senate Finance Presentation 9-3-2020
- ORS - Senate Finance 9.3.2020
- ORS - Summary of Hotspots and Wirelines Ordered_09.01.2020
- DHEC - Final 9 03 20 Senate Finance Presentation
- MUSC - SC Senate Testimony 2020 09 03
- MUSC Budget Requests
February 4, 2020 Meeting
February 18, 2020 Meeting
February 19, 2020 Meeting
March 17, 2020 Meeting
Presentation and Material from Brian Gaines, Director, Executive Budget Office
Report from Re-Open SC Select Committee
Coronavirus Relief Fund Recommendations Part 1
Amendment Adopted 6/16/2020
Mr. Frank Rainwater, Director, Revenue and Fiscal Affairs
Mr. Brian Gaines, Director, Executive Budget Office
Superintendent Molly Spearman, Department of Education
Mr. Tom Osmer, Deputy Director of Finance, Department of Corrections
Ms. Christy Hall, Secretary, Department of Transportation
Mr. Duane Parrish, Director, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Dr. Tim Hardee, President, SC Technical College System
Dr. Rusty Monhollon, Director, SC Commission on Higher Education
Mr. Dan Ellzey, Director, Department of Employment and Workforce
Ms. Nanette Edwards, Director, Office of Regulatory Staff
Mr. Marshall Taylor, Acting Director, DHEC
Dr. Patrick Cawley, M.D., CEO, Vice President for Health Affairs, MUSC Health
Mike Shealy, Budget Director, Senate Finance Committee
General Information for 2019 Session