South Carolina Legislature

Homeowners Association Study Committee

NOTICE: The Study Committee is grateful for all the public input it has received. In order to be able to process and distribute the public input so it may be considered by the Study Committee members, please send your comments in an email to [email protected] by no later than noon on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. Thank you.

  • Homeowners Association Study Committee Schedule

  • Final Report of the Study Committee

  • September 29, 2015 Meeting - Documents distributed to the Study Committee Members

  • FY 2015-16 Appropriation Act Proviso Establishing the Study Committee
  • NJ Task Force Report
  • Report Template Study Committee on Homeowners Associations
  • Background
  • Disclosure of Information to Association Members
  • Disclosure of Information to Potential Buyers
  • Educational Requirements for Local Government Planning or Zoning Officials
  • SC Real Estate Commission Disclosure Statement and Addendum
  • Proposed Education Provisions
  • Management Defined
  • Manager Licensing
  • Restatement (Third) of Property
  • South Carolina Statutes Referencing Homeowners Associations
  • Solar Panels and Systems
  • States with Ombudsman Offices
  • Video from September 29, 2015 Meeting

  • October 19, 2015 Meeting - Documents distributed to the Study Committee Members

  • SC Statutory Authority for Disclosure Statement
  • List of Uniform Laws Concerning Common Interest Communities and Condominiums
  • Stephen A. Spitz Testimony Outline
  • HOA Super Priority Liens - Statement of Principles and Additional Documents
  • Video from October 19, 2015 Meeting

  • October 27, 2015 Meeting

  • Video from October 27, 2015 Meeting

  • December 18, 2015

  • Final Report of the Study Committee

  • Legislative Services Agency
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