South Carolina Legislature

State Election Commission

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+ Committee Details

Below are current members of the subcommittee to which this agency is assigned. If the agency is under study, these are the members studying the agency at the subcommittee level. If the agency is not currently under study, please see the applicable subcommittee report for the names of the members on the subcommittee at that time, as they may be different from those listed below.

Hon. Joseph H. Jefferson, Jr. ,

Hon. Travis A. Moore

Hon. Wm. Weston J. Newton

Hon. Melissa Lackey Oremus



The information below is typically only updated when an agency is under study. For completed studies, it may no longer reflect the current structure or operation of the agency.

+ 2017 Study

The study of this agency was completed on December 29, 2017.
To view the study report, please click here.

Oversight Committee
  • Meetings
  • January 10, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:00am
  • Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:41 in the archived video (next agencies for study)
  • February 15, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Wednesday, February 15, 2017 9:00am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 35:11 in the archived video
  • March 9, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Thursday, March 9, 2017 1:00pm
  • Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Public input on multiple agencies begins at 03:25 in the archived video
  • April 5, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:30am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:50 in the archived video
  • April 18, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, April 18, 2017 10:00 am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:40 in the archived video
  • May 3, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 8:30 am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:37 in the archived video
  • May 9, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, May 9, 2017 10:00 am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:30 in the archived video
  • June 13, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, June 13, 2017 10:00 am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:31 in the archived video
  • June 27, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:00 am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:20 in the archived video
  • July 31, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Monday, July 31, 2017 10:00 am
  • Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Agency begins at 1:22 in the archived video
  • November 13, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  • Monday, November 13, 2017 10:30 am
  • Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Agency begins at 0:09:35 in the archived video part 2
  • December 19, 2017 - Meeting Minutes

  • 2021 Issue Study: Election Commission's process for maintaining accurate voter rolls

    Pursuant to the authority granted in Committee Rule 6.3, the Committee Chair created an ad hoc committee to review the State Election Commission's process for maintaining the accuracy of voter rolls with regards to qualified electors, including, but not limited to, removing deceased people from the state's active voter registration list.

    Members of the Ad Hoc Committee Include:

    Wm. Weston J. Newton, Chairman
    Kambrell H. Garvin Rosalyn D. Henderson-Myers
    William M. "Bill" Hixon Joseph H. Jefferson, Jr.
    Timothy A. "Tim" McGinnis Adam M. Morgan
    Russell Ott John Taliaferro "Jay" West

    + Meetings and Agency Presentations

    Agency Presentations

  • None

  • Individual Meetings

  • Thursday, April 8, 2021 1:00 p.m. or 30 minutes after the House adjourns, whichever is later (Blatt 110) Public Input Meeting
  • Full Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Applicable testimony during the meeting begins at 11:55 in the Archived Video

  • Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 9:00am (Blatt Room 110)
  • Ad Hoc Committee � State Election Commission � Public Input Opportunity
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Meeting Packet
  • Discussion of agency begins immediately in the archived video

  • + Correspondence

    The blue arrow in the chart below indicates the header by which the information in the chart is currently sorted. If you click on the same header again, the information in the chart should short by that header again, but in reverse order. If you would like to sort the chart by a different header, please click on the applicable header. When you click on the header, the arrow in that header should turn blue and the information in the chart should sort by that header.

    Date of correspondence From To Topic
    2021.04.29 Committee Chairman Ad Hoc Committee Members
  • Appointment to Ad Hoc Committee - Appointing members to ad hoc committee and outlining scope of issue study.
  • 2021.05.06 Committee Chairman State Election Commission
  • Study process - Committee provides explanation of the oversight study process and applicable documents to the agency
  • 2021.06.08 Committee Chairman Commission
  • Flow chart illustrating the agency's process for maintaining the accuracy of voter rolls as it relates to removal of deceased individuals from the active voter rolls
  • See Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Meeting Packet for Flow Chart
  • 2021.07.08 State Election Commission Committee Chairman
  • Continued work with DHEC and DMV to receive reports of out-of-state deaths
  • Copies of agreements agency entered with the following:
  • Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)
  • Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR)
  • PEW Charitable Trust Foundation
  • 2021.09.28 Extension requested and granted

    State Election Commission Committee Chairman Response to 2021.08.31 letter
  • Update on implementation status of the ad hoc committee's recommendation for increased interagency transparency collaboration with the Department of Health and Environmental Control and Department of Motor Vehicles to assist with removing deceased voters from the state's active voter roll
  • Agency's process for responding to constituents
  • Update on state active voter roll list maintenance
  • Flow chart that may assist in understanding relevant processes relating to agency operations
  • Requests information to help inform the public, without compromising security, about physical and electronic election systems in place and safeguard for those systems
  • 2021.09.28 Department of Health and Environmental Control Committee Chairman Response to 2021.08.31 letter
  • Update on implementation status of the ad hoc committee's recommendation for increased interagency transparency collaboration with the State Election Commission to assist with removing deceased voters from the state's active voter roll
  • 2021.09.22

    2021.11.05 (Update)
    Department of Motor Vehicles Committee Chairman Response to 2021.08.31 letter
  • Update on implementation status of the ad hoc committee's recommendation for increased interagency transparency collaboration with the State Election Commission to assist with removing deceased voters from the state's active voter roll

  • + Public Input

    Note: Input a member of the public provides via a link on the Committee's webpage is posted verbatim as it is received by the Committee. It is not the comments or expression of the House Legislative Oversight Committee, any of its Subcommittees, or the House of Representatives.

  • Public Testimony
  • Meetings during which members of the public testify
  • April 8, 2021 (1)
  • June 30, 2021 (15)

  • Other input received via Committee webpage

  • + Additional Study Details

  • Summary of information learned from constituents, State Election Commission, and Rep. Hixon (3.11.21 letter from Committee Chairman to Committee)
  • Additional details regarding removal of deceased individuals from state's voter registration database (4.7.21 letter from State Election Commission)
  • Update to April 7, 2021 letter - Agency explains its work to improve list maintenance processes and provides results of research into general records showing a date a vote occurred after the date of death (4.28.21 letter from State Election Commission)

  • Steps for Removal of Deceased Individuals from S.C. Active Voter List

  • Agreements between State Election Commission and the following entities:

  • Excel version of Enclosures from State Election Commission's October 29, 2021, Correspondence to the Committee
  • (See correspondence section above to access full text of letter and PDF version of agency's response)

    Address Changes - How does the State Election Commission update a voter�s status in the SC Voter registration system?
  • This document notes:
  • Methods to obtain updated address (see page 1)
  • Change that may occur (see page 1)
  • Frequency method is utilized (see page 1)
  • Situations in which the method applies (see page 1)
  • Categories in the SC Voter Registration system (see page 3)
  • DMV process for address changes (see page 2)

  • Legislative Services Agency
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