Law Enforcement Training Council and Criminal Justice Academy
LOC Subcommittee: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Subcommittee
LOC Subcommittee Chair: Hon. Edward R. Tallon Sr.
LOC Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams; Hon. Jeffrey E. "Jeff" Johnson; Hon. Micajah P. �Micah� Caskey, IV
Agency Website: Criminal Justice Academy
Agency Head: Lewis J. "Jackie" Swindler
Study Contact: Tom McQueen
Contact Email: [email protected]
Responses to online surveys posted on this Committee's webpage are provided verbatim as they were received by the Committee. They are not the comments or expression of the House Legislative Oversight Committee, any of its Subcommittees, or the House of Representatives.
To view the study report, please click here.
Oversight Committee
- Full and Subcommittee Study Reports
- Agency Reports
- 2015 - Agency ARR and Seven-Year Plan (March 25, 2015)
- 2016 - Agency ARR (January 8, 2016)
- Program Evaluation Report Guidelines (May 16, 2016)
- Agency PER - Amended (August 12, 2016) (updated April 13, 2017)
- 2017 - ARR Guidelines (June 20, 2016)
- 2015-16 Agency Accountability Report
- 2016-17 Agency Accountability Report
- 2017-18 Agency Accountability Report
- 2018-19 Agency Accountability Report
- 2019-20 Agency Accountability Report
- 2020-21 Agency Accountability Report
- 2021-22 Agency Accountability Report
- 2022-23 Agency Accountability Report
- 2023-24 Agency Accountability Report
- Annual Requests for Information (RFI)
- 2017 Guidelines (June 28, 2017)
- 2017 Completed RFI (September 14, 2017)
- 2018 Guidelines (July 13, 2018)
- 2018 Completed RFI (October 30, 2018)
- 2019 Completed RFI (October 23, 2019)
- Public Survey & Public Input via LOC webpage
- Press Release announcing Public Survey (April 29, 2016)
- Results of Survey of Department of Agriculture; Department of Health and Environmental Control; Law Enforcement Training Council and Criminal Justice Academy; Department of Archives and History; and Retirement System Investment Commission (May 1 - 31, 2016)
- Public Input about LETC & CJA received via Committee webpage (June 15, 2017)
- Correspondence
- Letter from Oversight Committee to CJA (February 4, 2016)
- Statewide Media Release Inviting the Public to Provide Testimony About Six Agencies Under Study (February 16, 2017)
- Letter from Oversight Subcommittee to LETC/CJA (March 21, 2017)
- Letter from LETC/CJA to Oversight Subcommittee (March 29, 2017)
- Advanced Training Course Responses
- Decertification and Discipline Inquiry Response
- Funding of Academies in Different States
- Academy Forms
- Graduation Rates for Basic Training from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016
- Sorted Alphabetically by entity
- Sorted by Percentage Graduated
- Sample Law Enforcement Entity Pre-Academy Training
- Training Council Members and Timeline of Service on Council
- Letter from Oversight Subcommittee to LETC/CJA (April 19, 2017)
- Letter from LETC/CJA to Oversight Subcommittee (April 21, 2017)
- Fines and Fees Audit Proposal from CJA
- Personnel Change in Status Form
- Employee Separations and Reasons for Separations (FY13-FY 17)
- Cost to the Academy per class - Basic Training (FY12 - FY16)
- Cost to the Academy per class - Advanced Classes (FY12 - FY16)
- Funding of Academies in different states - follow up
- Letter from Oversight Subcommittee to LETC (May 3, 2017)
- Letter from State Auditor to Director of Criminal Justice Academy (May 25, 2017)
- Letter from Oversight Committee to LETC/CJA (September 7, 2017)
- Letter from Oversight Committee to LETC/CJA (October 4, 2017)
- Letter from Oversight Subcommittee to LETC/CJA (February 24, 2020)
- State Human Resources Data
- Authorized, Filled, and Unfilled Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Positions (September 27, 2016)
- State HR Dashboard - Law Enforcement Training Council and Criminal Justice Academy (February 7, 2017)
- State HR Dashboard - Law Enforcement Training Council and Criminal Justice Academy (September 6, 2017)
- Training Council Members
- Training Council Membership - SC Statutes
- Training Council Members and Timeline of Service on Council
- Organization Charts
- Organizational Chart (2007-08)
- Organizational Chart (2008-09)
- Organizational Chart (April 17, 2010)
- Organizational Chart (2010-11)
- Organizational Chart (April 17, 2011)
- Organizational Chart (July 1, 2012)
- Organizational Chart (2012-13)
- Organizational Chart (July 1, 2013)
- Organizational Chart (June 30, 2014)
- Organizational Chart (September 17, 2015)
- Organizational Chart (July 1, 2016)
- Organizational Chart (September 2, 2016)
- Organizational Chart (February 2, 2017)
- Turnover
- Strategic Plan Details (Excel Spreadsheet)
- Comparisons
- Finances
- Funding of Academies in Different States
- Strategic Budgeting - Details (Excel Spreadsheet)
- FY 2017-18 Budget Requests (September 29, 2016)
- Cost to the Academy per class - Basic Training (FY12 - FY16)
- Cost to the Academy per class - Advanced Classes (FY12 - FY16)
- Fines and Fees
- Fines and Fees Audit Proposal from CJA, requested by Subcommittee
- County and Municipality fines and fees submissions for FY15 through April 25, 2017
- Monthly Revenue from fines and fees to the Criminal Justice Academy for FY09-FY17
- Audits related to fines and fees performed on entities from FY06 - May 2016
- List of County and Municipal Courts (provided by State Auditor�s Office on May 30, 2017)
- Annual Report of Fee and Fine Audit Findings (2013-14)
- Annual Report of Fee and Fine Audit Findings (2014-15)
- Annual Report of Fee and Fine Audit Findings (2015-16)
- SC Codes relating to State Treasurer�s authority
- Withholding - Amounts withheld from Counties or Municipalities as of June 6, 2017
- Form - Revenue Remittance Form submitted monthly by Municipalities to the State Treasurer�s Office
- Form - Revenue Remittance Form submitted monthly by Counties to the State Treasurer�s Office
- Fee Memorandum - Clerks of Courts and Registers of Deeds (June 22, 2016)
- Fee Memorandum - County Treasurers (June 22, 2016)
- Fee Memorandum - Magistrates and Municipal Judges; cc to Municipal Treasurers (June 22, 2016)
- Fines, Fees, and Assessments by offense (June 1, 2017)
- Judges Total Calculator (June 1, 2017)
- Case Management Systems utilized by Municipal Courts (unofficial list as of June 6, 2017)
- Agency Overview video provided by CJA during the agency�s entry meeting with the Subcommittee (April 20, 2016)
- Agency Glossary (July 13, 2016)
- Class Descriptions and Schedules
- All training during FY 2017-18 (Master Training Schedule)
- Course Descriptions for FY 2016-17
- All training during FY 2016-17
- All training during FY 2016-17, revised after hurricane
- Basic Detention Class (October 3-21, 2016)
- Basic Law Enforcement (October 17, 2016 - January 20, 2017)
- Basic Telecommunications Officer Training (September 5-16, 2016)
- Limited Duty Law Enforcement Class (October 24, 2016 - November 4, 2016)
- Advanced Classes - List of courses and date course was last revised
- Advanced Training - How to ensure classes are current; and Are out-of-state students allowed to take courses
- Feedback from across the state
- Physical Fitness Standards Survey
- Training Needs and Services Survey
- School Resource Officer Job Task Analysis Survey
- Graduation Rates
- Aptitude Testing Memo (April 19, 2010) Graduation Rates for Basic Training from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016
- Sorted Alphabetically by entity
- Sorted by Percentage Graduated
- Sample Law Enforcement Entity Pre-Academy Training
- Separation - Routine and Decertification
- State Regulations
- Separation from Law Enforcement Employment - SC Code of Regulations 37-022
- Reporting of Events Requiring Withdrawal of Certification - SC Code of Regulations 37-023
- Investigation of Events Requiring Withdrawal of Certification; Notification to Officer - SC Code of Regulations 37-024
- Denial of Certification for Misconduct - SC Code of Regulations 37-025
- Withdrawal of Certification of Law Enforcement Officers - SC Code of Regulations 37-026
- Notification of Separation Due to Misconduct Form
- Current Timeline, litigation related expenses, and proposed new timeline
- Proposed Legislation - S.518 - Misconduct process at CJA
- Forms
- Separation Steps - Personnel Change in Status Forms, Routine and Misconduct
- Notification of Administrative/Routine Separation (last revised June 6, 2016)
- Notification of Separation Due to Misconduct
- Mandatory Retraining Notification (MRN) (last revised May 2, 2016)
- Additional forms provided by the agency on March 29, 2017 include�
- Registration Forms
- Registration Checklist
- Candidate Training & Certification Application
- Medical History Form
- DHEC Tuberculosis Form
- Limited Duty Firearm and EVO Affidavit
- Application for Accommodations
- Request Application for Food Accommodations
- BTOT Forms
- Documentation for BTOT Registration Checklist
- Basic Telecommunication Operator Application and Document Attestation
- Certification/Compliance Forms
- Personnel Change in Status (PCS)
- New Employee
- Routine Separations
- Separation Due to Misconduct
- 911 TCO PCS
- Mandatory Retraining Notification (MRN)
- Standards/Testing
- Departmental Lesson Plan Format
- Departmental LP Cover Sheet and Approval Form
- Institutional Provider Application for Course Approval
- Application for Special Test Accommodations
- Advanced Training
- Field Training Officer Course Request Form
- Advanced Training
- Field Training Officer Course Request Form
- Traffic Safety
- SMD Course Request Form
- SMD Road Proficiency Test Form
- SMD Instructor Road Proficiency Submittal Form
- SMD Instructor Recertification
- SFST Course Request Form
- SFST Proficiency Form
- SFST Instructor Recertification Form
- Reserve Training
- Application for Approval as SC Reserve Department (must be completed annually)
- Application for SC Reserve Officer Training Implementation (must be completed before each training program begins)
- Reserve Attestation and Autorization to Release Form
- Departmental Training Verification
- Reserve Firearms, EVO and Local Ordinances/Policies Qualification and Training Verification Form
- Reserve Officer Training Program PPCT Proficiency Form
- Out of State Transfers
- Training Review Request Form
- Release Authorization Form
- K9 Certification
- K9 Certification Form
- Arson Investigators
- Guidelines for Arson Investigator Certification
- CALEA - Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc.
- Legal Requirements
Completion of the 2015-16 Accountability Report, by the deadline stated in the report, fulfills the requirement to complete a Restructuring Report this year for the House Legislative Oversight Committee. The House Legislative Oversight Committee has worked with the South Carolina Department of Administration to integrate and combine many aspects of the Annual Restructuring Report into the Annual Accountability Report.
In 2016 the Oversight Committee worked with the Executive Budget Office to combine the information sought in the Annual Restructuring Report and Annual Accountability Report, into one report.
In 2016 the Oversight Committee worked with the Executive Budget Office to combine the information sought in the Annual Restructuring Report and
Annual Accountability Report, into one report. Since that time the Agency Accountability Report also satisfies the agency�s requirement for an Annual Restructuring Report.
Agencies that have completed a Program Evaluation Report may be asked to complete this document to ensure the information about the agency on this website remains current.
The Oversight Committee notifies the agency it has been selected for study.
The Subcommittee sends this letter, after the March 21, 2017 Subcommittee meeting, requesting information on the following topics: (1) term limits; (2) graduation rates; (3) advanced training classes; (4) forms; and (5) de-certification/discipline policies.
The Academy provides the following information in response to the Subcommittee�s March 21, 2017 letter.
The Subcommittee sends this letter as a follow up to the April 19, 2017 Subcommittee meeting. This letter requests information on the following topics: (1) Audits related to Fines and Fees; (2) Employees; (3) Costs; and (4) Personnel Change in Status Reports.
The Academy provides the following information in response to the Subcommittee�s April 19, 2017 letter
The Subcommittee sends this letter as a follow up to the May 2, 2017 Subcommittee meeting. This letter requests the Law Enforcement Training Council�s input on a potential recommendation and attendance at the next Subcommittee meeting.
The Subcommittee sends this letter to request flow charts related to investigations of crimes to add to the comprehensive criminal justice flow chart the Subcommittee is building from its study of law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
The documents below are provided by the Division of State Human Resources based on information the agency inputs into the South Carolina Enterprise Information System (SCEIS). The aggregated data about agency employees includes, but is not limited to, (1) Number of authorized, filled and vacant positions; (2) Education level; (3) Race by Generation; (4) Gender by Generation; (5) Number of full time equivalent employees by funding source; (6) Number of Service and TERI employees at the agency; (7) Number of employees eligible to retire in five years; (8) Number of Trial and Probationary employees by generation; (9) Average salary by payband; (10) Number of certified public manager graduates at the agency; etc.
Mission, Goals & Strategic Plan
Finances & Performance
The State Treasurer�s Office is authorized to withhold State Aid from Counties and Municipalities as outlined in Proviso 98.9 of the 2016-17 General Appropriations Act and summarized in the SC Codes relating to State Treasurer�s authority document above. This chart explains the reason the amounts are withheld, but does not state whether or not the County or Municipality owes any court fines and fees to the State or the Local Victims Assistance Fund. The County or Municipality may receive the funds whenever they comply with the applicable law. After an amount is withheld for two years, it is transferred to the General Fund. While the amount is transferred to the General Fund, a County or Municipality may still receive the funds at any time in the future, once they are in compliance.
Memorandum published by Court Administration which includes statutory provisions for the distribution of revenue generated by the circuit courts, and family courts; fees and related charges of the registers of deeds.
Annual memorandum published by Court Administration which includes statutory provisions for the distribution of revenue generated by the circuit courts, family courts, magistrate courts and municipal courts; fees and related charges of the registers of deeds.
Memorandum published by Court Administration which includes statutory provisions for the distribution of revenue generated by the magistrate courts and municipal courts.
Chart provided by Court Administration which provides the following information on each offense: CDR Code; Offense Section in Statute; Penalty Section in Statute; Minimum Fine; Minimum Jail Sentence; Minimum Fine with Assessments; Maximum Fine; Maximum Jail Sentence; Maximum Fine with Assessments; Mandatory Court Appearance; and Recommended Roadside Bond. This information is available to all Municipal, Magistrate, and General Sessions Judges.
Chart provided by Court Administration which calculates total fine payments with assessments for criminal offenses in general sessions, magistrate, and municipal court by entering the amount of fine and the number of installment payments.
This Excel document is an unofficial list of case management systems utilized. It is correct in regards to the entities utilizing the South Carolina Judicial Department's Case Management System (CMS). However, other entries may not be correct. The Committee encourages any municipalities who see information that is incorrect on the chart to contact the Committee so the information can be corrected.
Other Materials
The Law Enforcement Training Council and Criminal Justice Academy (CJA) periodically send surveys to all of the entities across the state that receive training from the CJA. The surveys are sent to the head of the entity and the training officer. Below are examples of recent surveys sent by CJA and the responses received.
Obtains information on physical fitness requirements and/or training entities have for employees prior to sending the employee to the CJA.
Obtains information about training needs of entities across the state for the purpose of analyzing revisions to current training provided by CJA and/or additional training courses needed. Past responses to this survey have resulted in the addition of the Standard Field Sobriety course, Data Master course, and increased hands on/practical scenario based training.
Obtains information about the tasks performed by School Resource Officers to determine if any revisions were needed to current training provided by CJA.