Senate Finance Special Subcommittee on S. 535 - The Clemson University Enterprise Act
Memorandum to the Members of the Committee - April 5, 2013
April 23, 2013 Meeting
- Agenda
- Technical College Presidents Letter Supporting HR Relief
- Technical College System Letter to Sen. Cleary 4/16/13
- CHE Letter to Sen. Cleary 4/18/13
- MUSC Letter to Sen. Cleary 4/18/13
- S 535 Amendment Adopted by Subcommittee 4/23/13
April 16, 2013 Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes from April 10, 2013 Meeting
- Letter from 4 Yr Public Sector Comprehensive College Presidents re: S. 535
- State Budget Office Fiscal Impact Statement S. 535
April 10, 2013 Meeting
I. Agenda
- Clemson University Appropriations History (E&G and PSA) � FY07 � FY13
- Clemson University Auxiliary Operations Balance Sheet (CAFR � FYE12)
- SC Bond Overview, Generally
- Clemson Bond Overview (Outstanding Debt and Coverage, CAFR)
- Clemson Athletic Revenue Bonds (Debt Service and Coverage, CAFR) and State Law � Clemson Athletic Revenue Bonds
- Clemson Example �Splits� � E&G vs. Enterprise (Employment, Procurement, Facilities and Budgets), General
- Clemson Example �Splits� � E&G vs. Enterprise Components (Public Service, Econ. Develop., Research, Auxiliaries), Specifically
- Clemson�s "2020" Capital Plan � Construction, Upgrades and Renovations � Example "Splits" � E&G vs. Enterprise
- Employment, Procurement, and Facilities (MUSC vs. MUSC Hospital Authority) vs. Clemson Example (E&G vs. Enterprise)
- State Law � Medical University Hospital Authority Statute
- Medical University Hospital Authority � Budget and Control Board Executive Summary of Authority�s Alternate Procurement Policy
- Medical University vs. Medical University Hospital Authority Procurement Policies Side by Side Summaries
- Technical Colleges "Enterprise Campus" Summaries by College
- State Law � Midlands Technical College Enterprise Campus � Statute
- Midlands Technical College Enterprise Campus Overview and Annual Report Introduction
- State Law � Trident Technical College Enterprise Campus � Statute
- State Law � Other Technical College Enterprise Campus � Statute
- Bill � S. 172 "The Higher Education Efficiency and Administrative Policies Act (HEEAP) of 2011"
- Bill Summary - S. 172 "The Higher Education Efficiency and Administrative Policies Act (HEEAP) of 2011", General
- Summary � Procurement Relief in HEEAP
- HEEAP Human Resources Task Force Report and Recommendations to Budget and Control Board � Executive Summary and Supporting Information
II. Opening Remarks, President James Barker, Clemson University
III. Committee Notebook Contents
Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3
Tab 4
Tab 5
Tab 6
Tab 7
Tab 8