Senator FANNING proposed the following amendment (WAB\419C063.AGM.WAB20):
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Section 59-18-310(B)(1), as contained in SECTION 4, by deleting the item and inserting:
/(1) The statewide assessment program must include the subjects of English/language arts, mathematics, and science, and social studies in grades three through eight, as delineated in Section 59-18-320, and end-of-course tests for courses selected by the State Board of Education and approved by the Education Oversight Committee for federal accountability, which award units of credit in English/language arts, mathematics, and science, and social studies. A student's score on an end-of-year assessment may not be the sole criterion for placing the student on academic probation, retaining the student in his current grade, or requiring the student to attend summer school. Beginning with the graduating class of 2010, students are required to pass a high school credit course in science and a course in United States history in which end-of-course examinations are administered to receive the state high school diploma. Beginning with the graduating class of 2015, students are no longer required to meet the exit examination requirements set forth in this section and State Regulation to earn a South Carolina high school diploma. The State Department of Education shall examine how the other forty-nine states have met the current federal ESEA mandate, while reducing state-mandated, standardized assessments. The State Department of Education shall seek to amend South Carolina's ESEA waiver to decrease these assessments accordingly." /