View Amendment Current Amendment: 31 to Bill 3094

Senator McLEOD proposed the following amendment (CM\3094C004.GT.CM21):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to read:

/SECTION___. Chapter 23, Title 23 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:

" Section 23-23-35.(A) The Race Relations Advisory Committee to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Training Council is hereby created and shall consist of five members who shall serve a one-year term that is concurrent with the terms of the eleven member Law Enforcement Training Council. Committee members may be reelected up to four consecutive years.

(B) Membership on the Race Relations Advisory Committee shall consist of the following and where possible, represent each of the state's four geographical regions:

(1)a South Carolina attorney who is an active member of the South Carolina Bar and has a minimum of seven years' experience in civil rights law;

(2)a f ormer South Carolina judge or justice of the Circuit Court, Appellate Court or Supreme Court, with extensive experience in civil rights cases;

(3) a r acial or ethnic minority community member;

(4)a r acial or ethnic minority member of a rural community;

(5) a Chief Diversity Officer of a South Carolina public university

(C) Members shall be appointed by Speaker of the House of Representatives, and may be removed for cause by the Speaker of the House.

(D) The first meeting of the Race Relations Advisory Committee shall commence within ninety days of the enactment of this law; members shall elect a chair and vice chair to begin serving on January 1, 2022. The committee shall meet at the call of the chair or at the call of the majority of the members, and shall meet no fewer than six times per year.

(E) Members shall not receive compensation, but may receive the mileage, subsistence, and per diem allowed by law for members of state boards, committees, and commissions.

(F) The Committee shall conduct an independent study of current attitudes and actions of law enforcement and how these attitudes and actions are perceived by communities of color in each county or region of the State. Disparities and inconsistencies in enforcement, racial profiling practices or propensities, disparate treatment of minorities and de-escalation techniques of law enforcement also will be studied and assessed annually by the Race Relations Advisory Committee. The committee's findings, along with joint recommendations of the council and committee, will be reported to the South Carolina House of Representatives no later than January thirty-first of the following year." /