Reps. Magnuson, B. Newton propose the following Amendment No. to H. 4919 (COUNCIL\HB\4919C021.BH.HB22):
Reference is to Printer's Date 2/23/22--H.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by adding appropriately numbered SECTIONS to read:
/SECTION _. Section 7-3-20(C) of the 1976 Code is amended by adding appropriately numbered items to read:
"( ) conduct, in conjunction with the county boards of voter registration and elections, as necessary, postelection hand-count audits after each statewide general election. Five percent of all ballots cast in each county must be audited pursuant to this item unless the commission determines a higher percentage is warranted;
( ) establish other methods of auditing election results which may include risk-limiting audits, hand-count audits, results verification through independent third-party vendors that specialize in election auditing, ballot reconciliation, or any other method deemed appropriate by the executive director. Election result audits must be conducted in all statewide elections after the election concludes, but prior to certification by the State Board of Canvassers, and may be performed following any other election held in the State at the discretion of the executive director. One completed, audit reports must be published on the commission's website;" /