View Amendment Current Amendment: 1a to Bill 5100
EXPLANATION: Amend bill back to the House version and amend further.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on March 13, 2024, which is hereby incorporated into this amendment.

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 3, line 18, opposite /Math Resources and Support/ by decreasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 6, line 3, opposite /Regional Education Centers (R600)/ by decreasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 6, line 11, opposite /Dept of Juvenile Justice (N120)/ by increasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 6, line 20, opposite /Dept. of Corrections (N040)/ by increasing the amount in Columns 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 6, line 23, opposite /Project HYPE (H630)/ by increasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 13, THE CITADEL, page 25, line 10, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 3,000,000 3,000,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 19, SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY, page 37, line 10, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 4,190,000 4,190,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 39, line 7, opposite /NEW POSITIONS � ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 200,000 200,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 39, line 9, opposite /NEW POSITIONS � ATTORNEY I/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 39, line 10, opposite /NEW POSITIONS � STUDENT SERVICES MANAGER I/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 500,000 500,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 39, line 14, opposite /NEW POSITIONS � PROFESSOR/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 720,000 720,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 39, line 16, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 2,812,000 2,812,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 41, line 14, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 2,000,000 2,000,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 20A, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 42, line 2, opposite /EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 768,000 768,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 23, MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, page 57, line 34, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by decreasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 2,000,000 2,000,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 33, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, page 81, line 5, opposite /CLTC- COMMUNITY LONG TERM CARE/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 1,500,000 1,500,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 33, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, page 81, line 6, opposite /COORDINATED CARE/ by decreasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 2,000,000 2,000,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 33, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, page 81, line 31, opposite /DISABILITIES & SPECIAL NEEDS/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 500,000 500,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 38, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, page 99, line 19, opposite /CASE SERVICES/ by increasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 38, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, page 100, line 12, opposite /CASE SERVICES/ by increasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 38, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, page 100, line 17, opposite /IMD GROUP HOMES/ by increasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6


Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 38, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, page 100, line 26, opposite /CLASSIFIED POSITIONS/ by increasing the amount in Column 5 by:

 Column 5 Column 6



Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 39, COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND, page 106, line 26, opposite /CLASSIFIED POSITIONS/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

(2.00) (2.00)

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 50, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, page 139, immediately after line 4, by inserting a new line to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 1 1

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 50, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, page 141, immediately after line 33, by inserting a new line to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 1 1

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 50, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, page 141, immediately after line 33, by inserting a new line to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 1 1

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 53, S.C. CONSERVATION BANK, page 145, immediately after line 11, by inserting a new line to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 1 1

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 62, STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, page 163, immediately after line 20, by inserting a new line to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 1 1

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 62, STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, page 163, immediately after line 20, by inserting a new lines to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 (2.00) (2.00)


 (1.00) (1.00)


 (1.00) (1.00)

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 62, STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, page 164, line 26, opposite /NEW POSITIONS- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II/ by increasing the amount(s) in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 348,486 348,486

 (3.00) (3.00)

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 63, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, page 167, line 24, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 45,000 45,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 63, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, page 167, line 26, opposite /SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 2,000,000 2,000,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 74, WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION, page 185, line 7, opposite /Other Operating Expenses/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 2,500,000 2,500,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 91A, LEG. DEPT- THE SENATE, page 209, line 7, opposite /Other Operating Expenses/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 300,000 300,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 91C, LEG. DEPT- CODIFICATION OF LAWS & LEG. COUNCIL, page 211, immediately after line 7, by inserting a new line to read:

 Column 5 Column 6


 120,000 120,000

 (1.00) (1.00)

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 91C, LEG. DEPT- CODIFICATION OF LAWS & LEG. COUNCIL, page 211, line 8, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 6,000 6,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 91C, LEG. DEPT- CODIFICATION OF LAWS & LEG. COUNCIL, page 211, line 20, opposite /EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS/ by increasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 54,000 54,000

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 92D, OFFICE OF RESILIENCE, page 216, line 4, opposite /CLASSIFIED POSITIONS/ by decreasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 1,912,770 1,912,770

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 92D, OFFICE OF RESILIENCE, page 217, line 26, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by decreasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 737,700 737,700

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 106, STATEWIDE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, page 243, line 7, opposite /HEALTH INSURANCE- EMPLOYER/ by decreasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 10,292,140 10,292,140

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 107, CAPITAL AND GENERAL RESERVE FUNDS, page 244, line 2, opposite /Capital Reserve Fund/ by decreasing the amounts in Columns 5 and 6 by:

 Column 5 Column 6

 20,347,881 20,347,881

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 1A, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION- EIA, page 324, lines 31-33 by striking subsection (C).

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 1A, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION- EIA, page 325, after line 35, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (SDE-EIA: Systematic Study of Higher Education) With the funds appropriated to the Education Oversight Committee, the Committee shall contract with state and national experts, consultants, and advisors to conduct a study that will ensure that South Carolina's public higher education system can provide the workforce for the future. The report will identify and recommend strategies that will address the sustainability, accessibility, and affordability of public higher education for the citizens of the State. The study shall address, but not be limited to, the following topics and analysis: (1) analysis of the impact of the declining birth rate on the current and future enrollment trends in public higher education from a State and from regional perspectives; (2) assessment of the utilization of existing physical space/buildings on existing campuses and projections of additional capital projects needed given enrollment trends and utilization of virtual technologies; (3) analysis of the graduation rates and credentials and diplomas earned in public higher education institutions compared to the workforce needs of the State; (4) recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our public higher education system; and (4) identification of barriers that prevent citizens from earning a postsecondary degree or credential, which must include an analysis of the cost of a postsecondary degree or credential compared to other states in our region. The thirty-three public institutions of higher education, the Commission on Higher Education, the South Carolina Technical College System, and the Department of Employment Workforce will collaborate with and provide data as requested by the committee. Procurements by the committee of any experts, consultants, and advisors including, but not limited to, accountants and attorneys, are exempt from the purchasing procedures of the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code in Chapter 35, Title 11, and any other provisions of the general law of this State in conflict with these directives. Procurements made by the committee pursuant to this provision shall be made with as much competition as is practicable under the circumstances. The committee shall submit the final report to the Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, President of the Senate, and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee by June 30, 2025. In the event that the committee needs an extension of up to six months, the extension can be granted upon the approval of the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 3, LOTTERY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT, page 332, proviso 3.6, line 3, by striking /$16,348,953/ and inserting /$12,348,952/

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 3, LOTTERY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT, page 332, proviso 3.6, after line 5, by inserting:

/( )Commission on Higher Education � College Transition Program Scholarships$1;

( ) Commission on Higher Education � Newberry College Dyslexia Program  $1,000,000;

( )Education Oversight Committee � Governor's

Study on Higher Education  $3,000,000; /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 3, LOTTERY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT, page 332, proviso 3.6, line 11, by striking /$30,000,000/ and inserting /$29,999,998/.

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 3, LOTTERY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT, page 332, proviso 3.6, after line 16, by inserting:

/( ) Commission on Higher Education � Technology � Public Four-Year, Two-Year, and State Technical $1;

( ) Department of Education- Teacher Strategic Compensation Pilot Program $1;

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 11, COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION, page 344, after line 4, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (CHE: Dual Enrollment Study) Of the funds appropriated to the Commission on Higher Education, the commission shall convene an appropriately representative working group of stakeholders to examine the current process utilized to review and approve dual enrollment credit sites at the sixteen technical colleges in the State and the four two-year institutions at the University of South Carolina. The commission shall report the working group's findings and recommendations, if any, to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, and the Chairman of the House Education and Public Works Committee by June 30th of the current fiscal year./

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 49, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION & TOURISM, page 407, after line 6, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (PRT: Criterion Club of Dillon Funds) Funds remaining of the $125,000 appropriated in Act 239 of 2022, Proviso 118.19 (B)(93)(ffff) to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism for the Criterion Club of Dillon shall be transferred and used for the Dillon School District 4 Facility upgrades. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 50, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, page 410, after line 29, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (CMRC: Lexington County Repurpose) The $10,000,000 appropriated in Act No. 84 of 2023, by proviso 118.19, Item (87)(o) to the Town of Lexington for the Lexington Conference Center shall be redirected to be used for the Sunset Split project. Unexpended funds may be carried forward to be expended for the same purpose. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 55, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, page 416, after line 29, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (DES: York Water Filtration Fund) Funds remaining of the $700,000 appropriated in Act 239 of 2022, Proviso 118.19 (B)(83)(h) to the Department of Environmental Health & Services for the York Water Filtration Plant shall be transferred and used for the Lincoln Road Sidewalk Project. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 73, OFFICE OF REGULATORY STAFF, page 446, paragraph 73.10, line 11, AFTER / STATE. / BY INSERTING:

/ Grant funds provided by the SC Broadband Office under ARPA and the IIJA will be treated as contributions of capital of the recipients for South Carolina tax purposes. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 73, OFFICE OF REGULATORY STAFF, page 446, paragraph 73.10, line 25, by striking / Energy Office / and Inserting / SC Broadband Office /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 93, DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, page 470, after line 35, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (DOA: State House Complex Improvements) With the funds appropriated, the Department of Administration shall produce a cost analysis study related to the burying of the powerlines and infrastructure improvements on and around the State House Complex. A copy of this study shall be presented to the Governor, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 108, PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFIT AUTHORITY, page 492, after line 4, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/(PEBA: Employer Contribution Requirement) A retired member who has been restored to active employment by appointment of the governor and whose compensation in that employment is subject to Section 8-11-160 of the Code of Laws shall be considered eligible for the provisions of Section 9-1-1590 if the member continues in such service for a period of at least thirty-six consecutive months at an annual compensation equal to or greater than seventy-five percent of his average final compensation at retirement. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 108, PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFIT AUTHORITY, page 492, after line 4, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (PEBA: JSRS Benefits) For the current fiscal year, the monthly benefit of a member of the Retirement System for Judges and Solicitors of the State of South Carolina (JSRS) who was retired and continuing to serve as a judge as of May 1, 2024, pursuant to Section 9-8-60(7)(b), and who vacated his or her office no later than June 1, 2024, must be calculated based upon the position the judge held at the time he or she vacated office. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 109, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, page 494, proviso 109.19, lines 20- 30, by striking the proviso in its entirety.

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 109, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, page 494, after line 30, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (DOR: Food Manufacturing Equipment) Clothing required by Current Good Manufacturing Practices pursuant to 21 C.F.R. Section 111.10, as it may be amended, at perishable prepared food manufacturing facilities defined by the North American Industry Classification System 311991 to prevent health hazards, including outer garments, gloves of an impermeable material, hairnets, headbands, beard covers, caps, hair covers or other effective hair restraints, and other attire required pursuant to 21 C.F.R. Section 110.10 for persons working in direct contact with food, food contact services, and food packaging materials to protect against contamination of food in perishable prepared food manufacturing facilities shall be exempt from all sales and use taxes. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 112, DEBT SERVICE, page 495, paragraph 112.2, line 32, by inserting at the end to read:

/ All outstanding agency loans, to include any accrued interest, made pursuant to Proviso 112.2 of Act 264 of 2018 shall be deemed satisfied. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 524, proviso 117.90, lines 19-24 , by striking the proviso in its entirety.

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 561, proviso 117.181, lines 1-3 , by striking the proviso in its entirety and inserting:

/ 117.181.(GP: Retiree Return to Work) For the current fiscal year, Section 9-1-1790 is suspended for any retiree under the South Carolina Retirement System or the Police Officers Retirement System who retired on or before December 31, 2023, and returns to employment with a public school district as a school bus driver. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 561, after line 3, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (GP: Required Net Yield) For the current fiscal year, the required net yield referenced in S.C. Code Sections 37-23-20(6), (15) is replaced with the average prime offer rate as defined in 12 C.F.R. 1026.35(a)(2) that applies to a comparable transaction, as published by the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as of the last date the discounted interest rate for the transaction is set before consummation. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 561, after line 3, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (GP: Regulation review period) In the current fiscal year, the one hundred-twenty-day legislative review period for regulations is tolled, except for the period beginning on the second Tuesday in January and ending on the second Thursday in May. No funds appropriated or authorized in this act may be expended, in contradiction of this proviso, to make a regulation become effective by automatic approval by publication in the State Register. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 561, after line 3, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (GP: Judgeship) A judge who is elected to serve after the age of sixty-two shall vest in the retirement system in the same manner as that of solicitors. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 118, STATEWIDE REVENUE, pages 590-595, proviso 118.20, by striking the proviso in its entirety and inserting:

/ (SR: Nonrecurring Revenue) (A) The source of revenue appropriated in subsection (B) is nonrecurring revenue generated from the following sources:

(1) $57,879,811 from Contingency Reserve Fund;

(2) $453,077,259 from Fiscal Year 2023-24 Projected Surplus;

(3) $9,058,046 from Litigation Recovery Account;

(4) $5,151,700 from Excess Debt Service;

(5) $7,674,703 from Excess Statewide Employee Benefits;

(6) $74,500,000 from COVID-19 Vaccine Reserve Fund (Act 2 of 2021) � Admin 31070000;

(7) $22,133,208 from COVID-19 Vaccine Reserve Fund (Act 2 of 2021) � DHEC 31070000;

(8) $36,580,215 COVID-19 Vaccine Response Fund (Act 2 of 2021) � DHEC 31060000;

(9) $10,600,000 from Statewide Airport Growth Response in Act 239 of 2022 set aside pursuant to proviso 118.19(67.1);

(10) $7,000,000 Part 1A Transfer;

(11) ($4,955,000) for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Incremental Income Tax Reduction; and

(12) any residual certified unappropriated general fund dollars.

Any restrictions concerning specific utilization of these funds are lifted for the specified fiscal year. The above agency transfers shall occur no later than thirty days after the close of the books on Fiscal Year 2023-24 and shall be available for use in Fiscal Year 2024-25.

This revenue is deemed to have occurred and is available for use in Fiscal Year 2024-25 after September 1, 2024, following the Comptroller General's close of the state's books on Fiscal Year 2023-24.

(B) The appropriations in this provision are listed in priority order. Item (1) must be funded first and each remaining item must be fully funded before any funds are allocated to the next item. Provided, however, that any individual item may be partially funded in the order in which it appears to the extent that revenues are available.

The State Treasurer shall disburse the following appropriations by September 30, 2024, for the purposes stated:

(1) A150- Codification of Laws and Legislative Council

Printing Expenses $ 100,000;

(2) A170- Legislative Services Agency

Network Infrastructure $ 246,235;

(3) B040- Judicial Department

Legal Fees $ 5,000,000;

(4) D100- State Law Enforcement Division

(a) Agency Operating $ 1,000,000;

(b) Animal Fighting Personnel and Equipment $ 217,800;

(c) Center for School Safety and Targeted Violence $ 7,197,226;

(d) CWP Program $ 1;

(e) Personnel Equipment $ 500,000;

(f) Specialized Vehicles $ 1;

(5) D300- Office of Resilience

Disaster Relief and Resilience Reserve Fund $ 26,000,000;

(6) D500- Department of Administration

(a) Audit Contracting $ 3,000,000;

(b) Cybersecurity and Asset Protection Systems $ 4,050,000;

(c) First Responder Communication

Modernization (800MHz) $ 1,000,000;

(d) Rent Increase for State-Owned Buildings $ 1,000,000;

(e) Statehouse Grounds Study $ 200,000;

(7) E120- Comptroller General's Office

Office Modernization $ 1,250,000;

(8) E160- State Treasurer's Office

(a) Audit Support $ 1,200,000;

(b) Database Services $ 192,000;

(9) E200- Attorney General's Office

(a) Crime Victim Assistance SAVS Program $ 3,000,000;

(b) Legal Fees $ 1,800,000;

(c) Residential and Emergency Housing for

Minor Victims of Human Trafficking Grants $ 1,000,000;

(10) E210- Prosecution Coordination Commission

Diversion Program Database $ 11,310;

(11) E240- Adjutant General's Office

(a) City of Bamberg- Tornado Response $ 1;

(b) Greenwood County- Emergency Services Complex $ 1;

(c) SC LEAP $ 36,000;

(d) SCEMD � State EOC Expansion $ 6,251,000;

(12) E260- Department of Veterans' Affairs

(a) Military Child Education Coalition $ 182,000;

(b) Military Enhancement Fund $ 6,000,000;

(c) South Carolina Veteran Coalition and Mobile

Application $ 150,000;

(d) Veteran Homes- Capital Improvements $ 29,048,440;

(e) Veteran Homes- Critical Capability Development $ 87,164;

(13) E280- Election Commission

(a) Election Operations $ 1;

(b) State Matching Funds for 2023 HAVA Grant $ 216,977;

(c) Voting System Upgrade $ 1;

(14) E500- Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office

Cybersecurity and IT Fees $ 300,000;

(15) E550- State Fiscal Accountability Authority

AHSC Performance Management Study $ 130,000;

(16) F010- General Reserve Fund

General Reserve Fund Contribution $ 1;

(17) H090- The Citadel

(a) Duckett Hall Renovation $ 1,000,000;

(b) Renovation of Workforce Housing $ 1;

(18) H120- Clemson University

College of Veterinary Medicine $ 1;

(19) H150- University of Charleston

Campus Expansion $ 1;

(20) H180- Francis Marion University

Leatherman Science Facility/

McNair Science Building Renovation $ 1;

(21) H210- Lander University

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(22) H240- South Carolina State University

Replacement of the Whittaker Library $ 25,000,000;

(23) H270- University of South Carolina- Columbia

Center for Civil Rights History and Research $ 1;

(24) H290- University of South Carolina- Aiken

Athletic Facilities Relocation $ 1;

(25) H340- University of South Carolina- Upstate

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 2,000,000;

(26) H390- University of South Carolina- Sumter

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(27) H470- Winthrop University

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(28) H510- Medical University of South Carolina

Dental Workforce $ 1;

(29) H590- State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education

(a) Aiken Technical College- Maintenance,

Renovation, and Replacement $ 1,570,000;

(b) Central Carolina Technical College �

Kershaw Campus Expansion $ 10,000,000;

(c) Sumter Campus Advanced Manufacturing Training

Center $ 7,700,000;

(d) Florence-Darlington Technical College �

Industrial Trades Training Facility $ 7,800,000;

(e) Darlington County Campus $ 1;

(f) Greenville Technical College �

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(g) Horry-Georgetown Technical College �

Health Professions Training Complex $ 1;

(h) Midlands Technical College �

QuickJobs and Dual Enrollment $ 1;

(i) Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College �

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 838,904;

(j) Piedmont Technical College �

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(k) Edgefield Campus Completion $ 1;

(l) Spartanburg Community College �

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(m) Cherokee County Campus $ 1;

(n) Tri-County Technical College-

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(o) Trident Technical College �

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(p) York Technical College �

Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1;

(q) Training Program Equipment and Materials $ 1;

(r) Electric Vehicle Training Equipment $ 1,250,000;

(30) H630- Department of Education

(a) Character and Resiliency Education

(CARE) and Civics Initiatives $ 1;

(b) Educational Experience Partnerships $ 1;

(c) Grants Committee $ 1;

(d) School of Workforce Innovation Pilot $ 1;

(e) Western York County Agriculture Arena $ 1;

(31) H650- Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

Cooling Tower Replacement $ 320,000;

(32) H670- Educational Television Commission

ETV Statewide Transparency Services $ 1;

(33) H710- Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School

Dorm Improvement $ 650,000;

(34) H750- School for the Deaf and the Blind

(a) Campus Upgrades $ 340,000;

(b) Campus Wide HVAC $ 3,000,000;

(c) Campus Wide Improvements $ 1;

(35) H790- Department of Archives and History

(a) Digital Enhancements for Research Room Customers $ 300,000;

(b) Energy Surcharge and DTO Service Costs Offset $ 250,000;

(c) Exhibit Hall and Meeting Space Expansion $ 1;

(d) SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission $ 1;

(36) H910- Arts Commission

Implementation of SCAC Hubs $ 2,000,000;

(37) H950- State Museum Commission

Reimagine the Experience Permanent

Gallery Improvement Project $ 1;

(38) H960- Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum Commission

(a) Edens Collection of SC Artifacts $ 177,000;

(b) Renovate Gist Rotating Exhibit Gallery $ 213,000;

(39) J020- Department of Health and Human Services

(a) Children's Hospital Collaborative $ 1;

(b) Meals on Wheels of Greenville �

New Facility Construction $ 1;

(c) Middle Tyger Resource Center �

Construction of New Facility $ 1;

(d) Oconee Memorial Hospital Foundation Cancer

Institute $ 1;

(e) Project Hope Foundation Autism Support �

Expansion of Services in the Upstate $ 1;

(f) Safe Harbor- Improve Facilities and Services

for Domestic Violence Victims $ 1;

(g) Williamsburg County- Renovate Facility for

VA, DAODAS and Mental Health Services $ 1;

(40) J060- Department of Public Health

(a) Community Violence Intervention and Prevention

(CVIP) $ 500,000;

(b) Fiscal Impact of Restructuring- Facilities $ 1;

(c) Fiscal Impact of Restructuring- IT $ 1;

(d) IT Infrastructure Maintenance $ 3,000,000;

(e) Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign $ 1;

(f) SmokeFree SC  $ 1;

(41) J120- Department of Mental Health

(a) Alternative Transportation Program $ 1;

(b) Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Youth Treatment at

W.S. Hall $ 1;

(42) J160- Department of Disabilities and Special Needs

Greenwood Genetics Center $ 1;

(43) K050- Department of Public Safety

(a) Berkeley County- Rehabilitation of

Berkeley County Regional Services Training Center $ 1;

(b) IT Infrastructure Maintenance $ 1,900,000;

(c) Newberry County Sheriff's Office �

Tactical Vehicle and Technology Upgrades $ 1;

(d) Palmetto 800 Fire and EMS Pageland $ 1;

(e) Town of Yemassee Capital Improvements $ 1;

(f) Vehicle Equipment and Radars $ 500,000;

(g) Vehicle Maintenance Costs $ 1,000,000;

(h) Weapon Transition $ 1;

(44) L040- Department of Social Services

(a) ESSAM-DDI Phase $ 1;

(b) Family Resource Center- Judicial Circuit 14 $ 1,000,000;

(45) L080- Department of Children's Advocacy

SC Network of Children's Advocacy Centers $ 1;

(46) L120- Governor's School for Agriculture at John de la Howe

(a) Campus Security Cameras $ 400,000;

(b) De la Howe Hall Site Work $ 3,000,000;

(c) Meat Processing Lab and Cannery $ 1,000,000;

(47) L320- Housing Finance and Development Authority

(a) City of Columbia- Neighborhood Revitalization

and Weatherization $ 1;

(b) Dorchester County Community Outreach �

Homeless Shelter Relocation and Expansion $ 1;

(48) N040- Department of Corrections

(a) Agency Operating $ 7,989,000;

(b) Marion County- Improvements to

County Detention Center $ 1;

(c) Transitional Care Unit and K9 Unit $ 500,000;

(49) N080- Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services

IT Infrastructure Maintenance $ 1,200,000;

(50) N120- Department of Juvenile Justice

(a) Cyber Security Remediation $ 1;

(b) IT Application Assessment $ 1;

(c) Master Plan Implementation $ 1;

(d) Technical Consulting and Assistance $ 2,500,000;

(51) P120- Forestry Commission

Recruitment and Retention $ 350,000;

(52) P160- Department of Agriculture

(a) ChangeSC Pilot Project $ 1;

(b) DHEC Food Protection Restructuring $ 1;

(c) Pee Dee State Farmers Market RV Park and Paving $ 1;

(d) State Farmers Market Safety and Traffic Upgrades $ 1;

(e) Technology Efficiency Infrastructure $ 1;

(53) P200- Clemson University Public Service Activities

PSA Renovation, Repair, and Equipment $ 2,500,000;

(54) P210- SC State University Public Service Activities

(a) Construction of the South

Carolina Limnology Research Center $ 1;

(b) Health Quad Initiative $ 250,000;

(55) P240- Department of Natural Resources

(a) Agency Equipment $ 1;

(b) Body Worn Camera Implementation $ 1;

(c) Habitat Protection and Land Conservation $ 1;

(d) Hatchery Operations $ 500,000;

(e) Insurance Reserve Fund Increase and Utilities $ 2,500,000;

(f) Law Enforcement Boat Rotation $ 500,000;

(g) Technology Equipment Rotation and

Communication Lines $ 1;

(56) P280- Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism

(a) Agency Property Development $ 12,000,000;

(b) Beaufort County Economic Development

Corporation- Gullah Geechee Cultural Center and Market $ 1;

(c) Calhoun Falls Marina Replacement $ 1;

(d) City of Columbia- Marketplace at Congaree Pointe $ 1;

(e) City of Conway- Kingston Ferry and Trail $ 1;

(f) City of Darlington- Blue Street Ballfields

Renovation $ 1;

(g) City of Forest Acres �

Richland County Mall Redevelopment $ 1;

(h) City of Isle of Palms- Beach Renourishment $ 1;

(i) City of Laurens- Laurens Amphitheater Project $ 1;

(j) City of Myrtle Beach- Downtown Revitalization $ 1;

(k) City of North Myrtle Beach- Cherry Grove Dredging $ 1;

(l) City of Sumter- Downtown

Lighting and Event Infrastructure $ 1;

(m) City of Sumter- Riley Ballpark Support Facilities $ 1;

(n) City of Sumter- Swan Lake Iris Gardens  $ 1;

(o) City of West Columbia- Historic Mill

Village Redevelopment and Mobility Improvements $ 1;

(p) City of Westminster- Streetscape and Recreation $ 1;

(q) City of York- Recreation Facility

Upgrades and Additional Parking $ 1;

(r) Darla Moore Foundation- Art Fields $ 1;

(s) Destination Specific Grants $ 11,450,000;

(t) Film Incentives $ 10,000,000;

(u) Georgetown County- Murrells Inlet Dredging $ 1;

(v) Hickory Park Remodel $ 1;

(w) Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park- Interpretive Center $ 1;

(x) Horry County- Conway to Myrtle Beach Multi-Use Path $ 1;

(y) International African American

Museum- Marketing Support $ 1;

(z) Lexington County Recreation Commission �

Multi Sports Facility Complex $ 1;

(aa) Oconee County- Community Investments $ 1;

(bb) SCATR- Regional Promotions $ 1,100,000;

(cc) Sports Marketing Program $ 5,000,000;

(dd) State Park Boardwalk and Dock Improvements $ 1;

(ee) State Park Cabin Upgrades $ 1;

(ff) State Park Road Paving $ 1;

(gg) Statewide Marketing $ 1,000,000;

(hh) Sumter County- County Building Renovation $ 1;

(ii) Tourism Development $ 2,000,000;

(jj) Town of Cheraw- Downtown Revitalization $ 1;

(kk) Town of Clover- Construction of New

Indoor Recreation Facility $ 1;

(ll) Town of Mount Pleasant- Mathis Ferry Trail $ 1;

(mm) Town of Mount Pleasant �

Shem Creek Sustainability/Dredging $ 1;

(nn) Undiscovered SC Grant Program $ 250,000;

(oo) Venues at Arsenal Hill Project $ 1,000,000;

(57) P320- Department of Commerce

(a) Charleston International Airport $ 20,000,000;

(b) City of Clinton- Industrial Park Upgrades $ 1;

(c) Closing Fund $ 10,000,000;

(d) Columbia Airport $ 1;

(e) Columbia Airport- Customs Expansion $ 1;

(f) Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport $ 4,000,000;

(g) Interagency Loan Repayment $ 1;

(h) LocateSC $ 1;

(i) Myrtle Beach International Airport $ 1;

(j) SC Nexus $ 10,000,000;

(k) Spartanburg Regional Airport $ 1;

(l) Strategic Existing Workforce Retraining $ 1;

(58) P400- SC Conservation Bank

Conservation Grant Funding $ 13,000,000;

(59) P450- Rural Infrastructure Authority

(a) Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund Match $ 4,082,990;

(b) Woodruff-Roebuck Water District- System Expansion $ 1;

(60) P500- Department of Environmental Services

(a) Clean-Up of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites $ 2,500,000;

(b) Fiscal Impact of Restructuring- IT $ 1;

(c) IT Infrastructure Maintenance $ 1,977,443;

(d) Transfer- State Water Plan and River

Basin Planning Implementation $ 2,800,000;

(61) R360- Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation

(a) Matching Funds for Grants $ 503,095;

(b) Office of State Fire Marshal- Operational Expenses $ 1,054,333;

(62) R400- Department of Motor Vehicles

(a) Act 37 of 2021 $ 1,600,000;

(b) SCDMV IT System Modernization $ 3,400,000;

(63) U120- Department of Transportation

(a) Bridge Modernization (NR Proviso) $ 100,000,000;

(b) City of Columbia- Five Points Parking Garage $ 1;

(c) City of Columbia- Quiet Zone �

Infrastructure and Technology at Rail Crossings $ 1;

(d) Pickens County CTC- Traffic Mitigation in Easley $ 1;

(e) SCDOT- Highway 90 Improvements $ 1;

(f) York County- Transportation Infrastructure $ 1;

(64) U300- Division of Aeronautics

(a) Beaufort County Airports Board �

Relocation of St. James Baptist Church $ 1;

(b) Investing for Statewide Airport System General Airports $ 1;

(65) X220- Aid to Subdivisions- State Treasurer

Aid to Planning Districts $ 1,000,000;

(66) E240- Adjutant General's Office

(a) City of Sumter- Military Museum $ 3,000,000;

(b) National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership $ 5,000,000;

(c) Polaris Tech Charter School �

Jasper Area Emergency Response Center $ 500,000;

(67) E260- Department of Veterans' Affairs

(a) City of Walterboro- Washington

Street Plaza & Colleton Co. Veterans Memorial Rehab Project $ 125,000;

(b) Dillon VFW Post 6091- Building Improvements $ 75,000;

(c) Operation Patriots FOB- Warrior Program $ 100,000;

(d) Upstate Circle of Friends- Vetforward Housing Project $ 96,000;

(68) H030- Commission on Higher Education

(a) Riley Institute at Furman University �

SCALE Afterschool Program $ 400,000;

(b) UIDP- HBCU Engage 205 $ 300,000;

(69) H630- Department of Education

(a) Abbeville County Career Center �

Automotive Technology Lab Equipment

Upgrades $ 300,000;

(b) ActivEd- Walkabouts Active Learning Program $ 400,000;

(c) Back the Pack- Rock Hill Schools Education

Foundation $ 80,000;

(d) Bettis Preparatory Leadership Academy �

Multipurpose Shelter $ 550,000;

(e) BRAVO Foundation of Clarendon County

Teacher Innovation & Service Learning Grant

Program $ 50,000;

(f) ColaJazz Foundation- Music Education Camps $ 100,000;

(g) Communities in Schools- Behavioral Programs $ 100,000;

(h) Due West Robotics- Palmetto Innovation

and Technology Center $ 250,000;

(i) Foster Park Elementary- The Leader In Me $ 36,000;

(j) Greenbrier Resource Community

Development Center- After-school Facility $ 50,000;

(k) Healthy Learners $ 100,000;

(l) Johnathan Foundation- Middle School Screenings $ 300,000;

(m) Laurens County School District 55 and 56 CATE

Center $ 1,500,000;

(n) Maroon Innovation Services Inc.- Literacy Program $ 175,000;

(o) Pattison's Academy- Service Continuity $ 211,000;

(p) SC First- Regional Robotics Competition $ 150,000;

(q) SC Football Hall of Fame- The Leadership Minute $ 905,000;

(r) Teachers Up & Kids Club $ 500,000;

(s) The Greater Waverly Foundation- Village Initiative $ 150,000;

(t) Trinity Educational Community Center- Project Tech $ 300,000;

(70) H790- Department of Archives and History

(a) African American Settlement Communities

Historic Commission, Inc.- 1904 Long Point

School House Restoration $ 150,000;

(b) City of Florence- Historic Carolina Theatre $ 2,000,000;

(c) Cultural Arts Foundation Fountain Inn �

Younts Center for Performing Arts $ 700,000;

(d) Dorchester Heritage Center, Inc. �

Community Facility Construction $ 1,400,000;

(e) Lancaster Society for Historical Preservation, Inc. �

Lancaster County Archives Center Construction $ 1,950,000;

(f) National Heritage Corridor- South Carolina 7 $ 250,000;

(g) Soapstone Empowerment Foundation �

Historic Site Preservation $ 250,000;

(71) H870- State Library

(a) Abbeville County Library- Computer Equipment $ 50,000;

(b) Clarendon County- Turbeville Library $ 950,000;

(c) Colleton County- Cottageville Library New Building $ 1,000,000;

(d) Pat Conroy Literary Center- Fall 2024 Signature Events $ 50,000;

(e) Sumter County- Main Library Renovations $ 800,000;

(72) H950- State Museum Commission

(a) Children's Museum of the Lowcountry �

Summerville Children's Museum $ 1,000,000;

(b) Darlington African American Museum- Upgrades $ 500,000;

(c) Dennis Community Development Corporation of

Lee County- Improvements to Historic

Dennis High School $ 100,000;

(d) Fork Shoals Historical Society �

McCullough's House Inn Restoration $ 500,000;

(e) Friends of Honey Hill, Inc.- Honey Hill Battlefield $ 725,000;

(f) Friends of the Aiken Railroad Museum $ 350,000;

(g) Georgetown Rice Museum- Elevator Replacement $ 50,000;

(h) Gibbes Museum of Art- Art Charleston Festival $ 500,000;

(i) Goodwill Educational and Historical Society, Inc. �

Improvements to Historic Goodwill Parochial School $ 594,000;

(j) Historic Bluffton Foundation- Heyward House

Museum and Bluffton Welcome Center $ 200,000;

(k) Lincoln High School Preservation Alumni Association �

African American History Museum $ 700,000;

(l) Parris Island Heritage Foundation Museum

Enhancement $ 125,000;

(m) South Carolina Alliance of Children's Museums �

Safety Improvements $ 500,000;

(n) St. George Rosenwald School- Children's Museum $ 213,000;

(o) The Charleston Museum- From Civil War to Civil

Rights Exhibit $ 400,000;

(73) J020- Department of Health and Human Services

(a) ALS Association- ALS Care Services $ 500,000;

(b) Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine �

Sustainability Program $ 300,000;

(c) Community Medicine Foundation, Inc �

Sickle Cell Program $ 750,000;

(d) Pregnancy Center & Clinic of the Low Country �

Prenatal Medical Care $ 100,000;

(e) Rural Health Center, Inc. $ 500,000;

(f) SC Association of Pregnancy Care Centers �

Statewide Pregnancy Care Center Support $ 3,000,000;

(g) The Kollock Alumni Association- Facility Upgrades $ 156,000;

(h) Town of McClellanville- McClellanville Medical Facility

& Community Center $ 750,000;

(i) United Way of the Midlands- Young Men United $ 250,000;

(74) J060- Department of Public Health

(a) Behavioral Health Services of Pickens County �

Renovations $ 2,000,000;

(b) Berkeley County- EMS Apprenticeships for Veterans $ 270,000;

(c) Clarity Upstate- Audiology Services $ 150,000;

(d) EMS Closet $ 50,000;

(e) Greenville Prisma Health Sickle Cell  $ 2,000,000;

(f) Hope Health Inc.- Men's Health Center $ 500,000;

(g) Kershaw County Health Services District �

Indoor Pool and Community Health Center $ 1,500,000;

(h) Lions Vision Services- Palmetto Eyecare Program $ 500,000;

(i) Louvenia D. Barksdale Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation �

Project Hope $ 100,000;

(j) MedEx Academy- Summer Educational Programs $ 150,000;

(k) No One Left Alone- Long COVID Research Support $ 900,000;

(l) Sandhills Medical Foundation- Expansion of

Services in Mental and Healthcare $ 1,000,000;

(m) St. John Holistic Wellness Center $ 100,000;

(75) J120- Department of Mental Health

(a) Department of Mental Health �

Incarcerated Inmates Support $ 400,000;

(b) MIRCI $ 250,000;

(c) The Giving Back Fund c/o Mental Wealth Alliance �

Mental Health Gym $ 175,000;

(76) J160- Department of Disabilities and Special Needs

(a) Osprey Village- Amenities Center $ 500,000;

(b) The Therapy Place- Therapeutic Pool and Critical

Repairs $ 400,000;

(77) J200- Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services

(a) DAODAS/ Athletic Coaches Association- Coaches vs.

Overdoses $ 800,000;

(b) Cope EMS Wingman App $ 820,000;

(c) RIZE Prevention- Teen Drug Prevention Program $ 300,000;

(d) The Courage Center- Midlands Recovery

Community Expansion and Operation $ 300,000;

(78) K050- Department of Public Safety

(a) Abbeville Police Department- Vehicle Support $ 135,000;

(b) Allendale County- Sherriff's Department $ 620,000;

(c) Anderson County Sheriff's Office- Rapid Deployment

Command Vehicle $ 300,000;

(d) Beaufort County Sheriffs- Crime Lab $ 500,000;

(e) Berkeley County Emergency Services- Training Center

Refurbishment $ 1,617,000;

(f) Berkeley County Sheriff's Office- Mobile Incident

Command Vehicle $ 1,250,000;

(g) Calhoun County Sheriff's Office- Technology Upgrades $ 100,000;

(h) Chester County Sheriff's Office- Body Scanner and

Drone Vehicle $ 265,000;

(i) City of Conway Police and Fire Departments � Radio

Upgrades $ 500,000;

(j) City of Dillon- First Responder Equipment $ 100,000;

(k) City of Florence- Police Department Evidence Storage $ 1,000,000;

(l) City of Inman Police Department- Replacement of

Police Vehicles $ 125,000;

(m) City of Mauldin Police Department � Mobile

Command Center & SRT Equipment $ 500,000;

(n) City of Sumter Police Department- Vehicles, Equipment,

and Software $ 1,000,000;

(o) City of Walhalla- Police Station $ 4,250,000;

(p) Darlington County Sheriff's Department � LENSLOCK

Cameras $ 63,000;

(q) Dillon County Sheriffs Office- Equipment & Training

Facility Grant $ 100,000;

(r) Horry County Government- Public Safety

Enhancements $ 4,000,000;

(s) Lancaster County Sheriff's Office � Equipment

Replacement $ 600,000;

(t) Lee County Sheriff's Office- AFIS, Drone and Security

and Safety Upgrades $ 80,000;

(u) Lexington County Sheriff's Office- A. Lewis McCarty

Firearms Range and Training Facility $ 573,000;

(v) Marion County Sheriff's Office- Training Facility

and Equipment $ 300,000;

(w) Richland County Sheriff's Department � Mobile

Command Post $ 900,000;

(x) Serve and Connect- Law Enforcement Community

Connection Program $ 1,000,000;

(y) Sumter County Sheriff's Office- Phase II of Training

Center $ 879,000;

(z) Town of Batesburg-Leesville- First Responder

Equipment $ 200,000;

(aa) Town of Bluffton Police Department- K9 Program $ 50,000;

(bb) Town of Varnville- Public Safety Communication

Equipment $ 280,000;

(cc) Town of Yemassee- Yemassee Police Station $ 500,000;

(79) L040- Department of Social Services

(a) ASAFO Community Development Association �

Conflict to Careers Mentoring Program $ 200,000;

(b) Beaufort- Jasper YMCA of the Lowcountry $ 600,000;

(c) Bethany Christian Services- Post Adoption Services $ 150,000;

(d) Feed the City $ 100,000;

(e) Florence Crittenton Programs of SC- Housing and

Support Services $ 400,000;

(f) Fostering the Family- Foster Support Programs $ 100,000;

(g) Jenkins Youth and Family Village/Orphan Aid

Society, Inc.- Summer Enrichment Program $ 100,000;

(h) Juveniles Upholding Morals and Principles of Society

(JUMPS)- Mentoring Initiatives $ 200,000;

(i) Midlands Community Development Corporation $ 300,000;

(j) Midlands Fatherhood Coalition- Site Expansion $ 644,000;

(k) My Community's Keeper Mentor Group- Advance Peace $ 70,000;

(l) Palmetto Hope Foundation- Charleston Navigation

Center $ 200,000;

(m) Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual

Assault- New Beginnings Transitional Shelter $ 50,000;

(n) Richland County- Family Services Center $ 1,000,000;

(o) Smart Box- Food for All $ 50,000;

(p) The Hive Community Circle $ 500,000;

(q) The Salvation Army of Greenville County � Social

Services Campus $ 500,000;

(r) Trent Hill Center $ 250,000;

(s) United Way Association of South Carolina, Inc. �

AmeriCorps $ 1,014,000;

(80) L060- Department on Aging

(a) Allendale County- Recreational Walking Trail $ 325,000;

(b) Antioch Senior Center $ 250,000;

(c) The Unumb Center of Neurodevelopment � Adult

Residential Campus $ 3,000,000;

(d) Tri-City Visionaries Inc.- Senior Housing Repairs $ 400,000;

(81) L240- Commission for the Blind

Sight Savers America- Vision Screenings $ 250,000;

(82) L320- Housing Finance and Development Authority

(a) City of Columbia- Belvedere & Greenview

Neighborhood Revitalization Programs $ 1,000,000;

(b) City of Columbia- Fairwold Housing Assistance

Program $ 500,000;

(c) St. Francis Center on St. Helena Island- Home Repair

Program $ 100,000;

(83) N080- Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services

(a) Pilot Program at Orangeburg-Calhoun Detention Center $ 400,000;

(b) Turn90- Prison Re-Entry Services $ 500,000;

(84) N120- Department of Juvenile Justice

Palmetto Project- Charleston Alternative to Detention $ 250,000;

(85) P160- Department of Agriculture

The FARM Center in Oconee County $ 985,000;

(86) P240- Department of Natural Resources

(a) Beaufort County- Alljoy Boat Landing Improvements $ 1,200,000;

(b) Cross Chapter #45 of Wildlife Action, Inc �

Updates to Wildlife Community Center $ 20,000;

(c) DNR- Waddell Mariculture Center Hatchery Support $ 250,000;

(87) P280- Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism

(a) Arts Council of York County- Blues and Jazz Festival $ 25,000;

(b) Battery Park Alumni Association- Battery Park

Elementary School Renovation $ 500,000;

(c) Bluffton Eagles Community Action Property

Improvement $ 50,000;

(d) Bon Secours Wellness Arena- Renovation and

Expansion $ 5,000,000;

(e) Brookgreen Gardens- Welcome Center & Conservatory

Gardens $ 1,000,000;

(f) Cameron Community Club- Facility and Grounds

Upgrades $ 262,000;

(g) Campbell Chapel African Methodist

Episcopal Church- Restoration and Rehabilitation $ 200,000;

(h) Cancer Survivors Park $ 500,000;

(i) Christmasville $ 72,000;

(j) City of Cayce- Riverwalk Expansion $ 500,000;

(k) City of Columbia- Riverfront Park Trail Enhancements $ 350,000;

(l) City of Gaffney- Henry L. Jolly Park Amphitheater

Cover $ 500,000;

(m) City of Marion- Green St. Sports Complex $ 450,000;

(n) City of Seneca- Recreation Complex Addition $ 5,150,000;

(o) City of Spartanburg- Mary H. Wright Greenway $ 455,000;

(p) City of Sumter- African American Historic Park $ 1,500,000;

(q) City of Sumter- Richardson Competition Facilities $ 5,900,000;

(r) Coastal Carolina YMCA- Community Outreach and

Program Support $ 500,000;

(s) Dorchester County- Oakbrooks Sports Complex $ 1,000,000;

(t) Dorchester Heritage Center, Inc.- The Wall That Heals $ 64,000;

(u) Edgefield County Star Park $ 750,000;

(v) Festival on the Avenue $ 100,000;

(w) Forty-One Community Center- Building Renovations $ 100,000;

(x) Freedom Walkway Event $ 10,000;

(y) Greenville Zoo- Farmyard $ 1,000,000;

(z) Hagood Mill Foundation- Heritage Pavilion Enclosure $ 1,000,000;

(aa) Holly Hill Youth Sports Organization- Activity Bus $ 120,000;

(bb) Indian Land Green $ 1,000,000;

(cc) Land United Foundation- Indian Land Athletic Fields $ 350,000;

(dd) Mill Town Players- Historic Pelzer Auditorium $ 1,000,000;

(ee) Mount Moriah Baptist Church- Prayer Garden $ 35,000;

(ff) N.O.W.W. Empowerment Housing and Community

Projects $ 25,000;

(gg) Pineville Eadytown Community Park Park

Improvements $ 98,000;

(hh) Richland County Recreation Commission � Aquatics

Center $ 6,000,000;

(ii) Riverbanks Zoo & Gardens- Infrastructure $ 1,000,000;

(jj) SC Parks, Recreation and Tourism - Hunting Island

Roads and Grounds Improvements $ 2,500,000;

(kk) Spartanburg County Government- The Daniel Morgan

Trail System $ 2,000,000;

(ll) Special Olympics- 2024 Unified Outreach Initiative $ 300,000;

(mm) Sumter County- Patriot Park Amphitheater $ 3,300,000;

(nn) Surf Dreams Foundation- Surf Clinics $ 10,000;

(oo) The RECing Crew Inc.- North Augusta Multipurpose

Miracle League Field $ 175,000;

(pp) The South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association �

North vs. South All-Star Football Game $ 100,000;

(qq) Town of Aynor- Levister Recreation Center $ 1,500,000;

(rr) Town of Cowpens- East Spartanburg Sports Center $ 2,500,000;

(ss) Town of Eutawville- The 2024 Eutaw Village Festival $ 45,000;

(tt) Town of Irmo- New Town Hall $ 500,000;

(uu) Town of Jefferson- Blue Jay Nest Gymnasium $ 120,000;

(vv) Town of Latta- Historic Edwards House $ 50,000;

(ww) Town of Summerville- Main St. Resiliency Project $ 1,500,000;

(xx) Town of Williamston- Mineral Springs and Brookdale

Parks $ 750,000;

(yy) Tri-Community Center, Inc.- Upfit for National Shelter

System Site Designation $ 50,000;

(zz) Umoja Village- Community Projects $ 250,000;

(aaa) Upstate Greenways & Trails Alliance � Foothills

Trail Revitalization $ 300,000;

(bbb) Wassamassaw Recreation League (WRL) � Outdoor

Projects and Upgrades $ 20,000;

(ccc) Williamsburg County- Muddy Creek Community Center

and Park $ 100,000;

(ddd) York County- Worth Mountain Park Upgrades $ 750,000;

(88) P320- Department of Commerce

(a) City of Mauldin- Multi-Purpose Stadium $ 6,000,000;

(b) City of Myrtle Beach- Revitalization and Tech Hub $ 5,000,000;

(c) SC Center for Visual Arts- Downtown Building

Revitalization Acquisition $ 400,000;

(d) South Carolina Research Authority- AI Symposium $ 55,000;

(e) State Christmas Tree Ornaments �

Columbia Garden Club Foundation $ 5,000;

(f) Vision Center, Inc.- Conference Center Renovations $ 2,000,000;

(89) P450- Rural Infrastructure Authority

(a) Charleston County Public Works- Hollings Road

Drainage Improvements $ 1,000,000;

(b) Chester County Wastewater Recovery � Sewer

Expansion on I-77 NE Quadrant $ 2,000,000;

(c) City of Clemson- Pendleton-Clemson Sewer Upgrade $ 1,500,000;

(d) City of Dillon- Public Works $ 570,000;

(e) City of Georgetown- Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade $ 375,000;

(f) City of Honea Path, SC- Water and Sewer Line Repair $ 175,000;

(g) City of Inman Public Works- Sewer Extension $ 767,000;

(h) City of Isle of Palms- Stormwater Infrastructure $ 1,250,000;

(i) City of Iva- Water and Sewer Line Repair $ 175,000;

(j) City of Sumter- Utility Replacement and Repair $ 1,000,000;

(k) City of West Columbia- Water System Improvements $ 2,000,000;

(l) Dorchester County- Greater St. George Water Treatment $ 2,945,000;

(m) Dupont Wappoo Drainage Improvement Project $ 1,000,000;

(n) Greenville Water- 60 Inch Water Main Project, Phase II $ 1,000,000;

(o) Lancaster County Water and Sewer District � Regional

Water Transmission Infrastructure $ 500,000;

(p) MetroConnects- Judson Mill Village Wastewater

Rehabilitation Project $ 2,500,000;

(q) Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer District- Cinder Branch

Pump Station and Force Main Project  $ 2,500,000;

(r) Town of Chesterfield- Sewer Rehabilitation Project $ 1,200,000;

(s) Town of Harleyville- Radio Read Water

Meter Improvements $ 125,000;

(t) Town of Kershaw- Sewer Pump Station $ 1,200,000;

(u) Windermere Drainage and Outfall Improvement Project $ 1,000,000;

(90) P500- Department of Environmental Services

(a) Clarendon County- Newman Branch Swamp Clearing $ 950,000;

(b) Daufuskie Marsh Tacky Society- Land Improvement

and Infrastructure $ 20,000;

(c) Easley Combined Utilities- Upper Saluda Watershed

Restoration $ 2,200,000;

(d) Grand Strand Humane Society $ 2,000,000;

(e) James Island Public Service District �

Environmental Mitigation $ 500,000;

(f) Kind Keeper- No-Kill Animal Shelter $ 300,000;

(g) Pawmetto Lifeline- Veterinary Services $ 250,000;

(91) R360- Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation

(a) Allendale County- St. Mark Community Upgrades $ 1,200,000;

(b) Alligator Fire District- Asphalt Driveways $ 31,000;

(c) Anderson Fire Department- Safety Equipment $ 125,000;

(d) Bethany Santiago Fire Department $ 400,000;

(e) Boiling Springs Fire Department �

Urban/Wildland Interface Truck $ 450,000;

(f) Boiling Springs Fire District- Safety Equipment $ 350,000;

(g) Calhoun Falls Fire Department- Refurbishment $ 102,000;

(h) Center Rock Fire Department Station 11 Annex

Building $ 100,000;

(i) Centerville Fire Station 9- Critical Repairs $ 91,000;

(j) Chesnee Community Fire Department �

Frontline Fire Engine $ 750,000;

(k) Chester County Emergency Services- West Chester

Fire Department and Ambulance Expansion $ 500,000;

(l) City of Bennettsville- Fire Department $ 750,000;

(m) City of Florence- Fire Engine Apparatus $ 1,250,000;

(n) City of Goose Creek- Fire and Police Training Facility $ 1,500,000;

(o) City of York- Fire Apparatus $ 1,200,000;

(p) CKC Fire Department- Station Construction $ 725,000;

(q) Clarendon County- Fire Rescue Station Ten

Replacement $ 550,000;

(r) Corinth Fire Department- Improvements $ 750,000;

(s) Dillon County Fire Dept. Station 2 Equipment

Upgrades $ 200,000;

(t) Double Springs Fire Department- Renovation $ 13,000;

(u) Fire House #2 with Police Substation $ 3,400,000;

(v) Lake View Rescue Squad- Extrication Equipment $ 40,000;

(w) Oakdale Fire Department- Fire Station Relocation $ 500,000;

(x) Oakland Volunteer Fire Dept.- Brush Truck $ 70,000;

(y) Rock Hill Fire Department- Ballistic Vests $ 13,000;

(z) Sharon Volunteer Fire Department- Equipment and

Upgrades $ 250,000;

(aa) South Spartanburg Fire District �

Firefighter Safety and ADA Compliance $ 965,000;

(bb) Townville Fire Department Station #17- Air Packs $ 55,000;

(cc) Zion Fire Department- Phase II Renovation $ 56,000;

(92) R600- Department of Employment and Workforce

Heart of Life- Youth Workforce Development Program $ 200,000;

(93) U120- Department of Transportation

(a) Charleston County- Highway 61 Corridor Improvements $ 2,000,000;

(b) City of Belton- Sidewalk Repair $ 800,000;

(c) City of Columbia- Assembly St. Railroad Grade

Separation Project $ 5,000,000;

(d) City of Columbia- Bridge to the Greenway $ 2,500,000;

(e) City of Columbia- Five Points Project $ 2,500,000;

(f) City of Greenville- East North Gateway $ 2,250,000;

(g) City of Greenville- Infrastructure Improvements $ 2,250,000;

(h) City of Travelers Rest- N. Poinsett Hwy Project $ 1,000,000;

(i) Department of Transportation- Devine Street Corridor $ 2,000,000;

(j) Greenville County- Bracken Road $ 2,900,000;

(k) Historic Sol Legare Community Safety Project $ 1,000,000;

(l) Horry County- Augusta Plantation Interchange at SC 31 $ 2,000,000;

(m) Lexington County- Caulks Ferry Road Interchange $ 1,000,000;

(n) Locust Hill Road / Highway 290 Widening $ 1,000,000;

(o) SCDOT- Old Buncombe Rd Crash Mitigation Project $ 915,000;

(94) X220- Aid to Subdivisions- State Treasurer

(a) Aiken County Administration- Financial Assistance

for Ambulance Replacements $ 370,000;

(b) Anderson County- Caroline Community Center $ 150,000;

(c) Bamberg County- Courthouse Critical Repairs $ 1,500,000;

(d) Bishopville Depot Renovation & Community Health

and Wellness Center $ 1,000,000;

(e) Capital City/ Lake Murry Country RTB- Lake Murray

Regional Visitor's Center $ 100,000;

(f) Catholic Charities- Next Level Services and Getting

Ahead Programs $ 100,000;

(g) Central Midlands Council of Government � Deferred

Maintenance and Upfit of CMCOG Office $ 1,000,000;

(h) City of Beaufort- Cyber Security Education

Facility $ 1,500,000;

(i) City of Columbia- Beltline Community Improvements $ 1,500,000;

(j) City of Conway- Conservation Property $ 75,000;

(k) City of Florence- Freedom Blvd Water Line Extension $ 5,000,000;

(l) City of Fountain Inn- Municipal Center $ 1,300,000;

(m) City of Loris- Old Loris High School Revitalization $ 1,000,000;

(n) City of Orangeburg- New City Hall $ 1,500,000;

(o) City of Rock Hill- Southside Home Improvement

Program $ 500,000;

(p) City of Simpsonville- Traffic Realignment and

Downtown Improvements $ 1,000,000;

(q) Dillon County- Emergency Services Facility $ 1,500,000;

(r) Georgetown County- Brick Chimney Road Phase II $ 1,000,000;

(s) Nicholtown Community Center- Community Center

Refurbishment $ 550,000;

(t) Omegas of Spartanburg- Uplift Center Renovations $ 452,000;

(u) River Road/Brownswood Road Safety Upgrades $ 5,000,000;

(v) SC Appalachian Council of Governments � Building

Expansion $ 400,000;

(w) Town of Clover- American Thread $ 1,500,000;

(x) Town of Lynchburg- Town Hall Renovations $ 40,000;

(y) Town of North- Parks and Recreation Facilities $ 75,000;

(z) Town of Pamplico- Zero Turn Mower $ 13,000;

(aa) Town of Ridgeville- Community Center Improvement $ 267,000;

(bb) Town of Troy- Revitalization Projects $ 156,000;

(cc) Town of Turbeville- Town Hall Renovations $ 40,000;

(dd) Town of Winnsboro- Washington and Congress

Downtown District Improvements $ 1,000,000;

(ee) West Greenville Community Center $ 500,000;


(ff) Williamsburg County- Alex Chatman Judicial Complex

Renovations $ 500,000.

(C) Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this provision may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes. /

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 118, STATEWIDE REVENUE, page 595, after line 17, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/ (SR: Homestead Exemption Fund) (A) The source of revenue appropriated in subsection (B) is nonrecurring revenue generated from the following source:

$600 million from the Homestead Exemption Fund.

Any restrictions concerning specific utilization of these funds are suspended for the specified fiscal year. The above agency transfer shall occur no later than thirty days after the close of the books on Fiscal Year 2023-24 and shall be available for use in Fiscal Year 2024-25 after September 1, 2024, following the Comptroller General's close of the State's book on Fiscal Year 2023-24.

(B) The appropriations in this provision are listed in priority order. Item (1) must be funded first and each remaining item must be fully funded before any funds are allocated to the next item. Provided, however, that any individual item may be partially funded in the order in which it appears to the extent that revenues are available.

The State Treasurer shall disburse the following appropriations by September 30, 2024 for the purposes stated:

(1) $150 million of the Homestead Exemption Fund balance to counties to be used to provide a property tax credit for owner-occupied property in the current fiscal year against county operating taxes. The funds are to be distributed in the proportion that the population of the county is to the total population of the State. Population data must be as determined in the decennial United States Census and the most recent update to that data as determined by the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office. The credit is an amount determined by dividing the total estimated revenues credited to the county by the number of parcels in the county eligible for the credit. Counties are required to reflect this credit as a separate line on the property tax bill with the phrase "South Carolina Legislative Tax Credit" and the amount of the credit. The Department of Revenue shall provide, by July 31, an estimate of the amount of funds to be disbursed to each county and shall disburse these funds no later than December 1. By March 31st, counties must notify the department of the total amount of these credits issued and return any portion of the funds received in excess of the amount necessary to provide this credit. The department shall have the authority to audit this credit.

(2) U200- County Transportation Funds CTC Acceleration Fund $1;

(3) U120 � Department of Transportation

(a) Bridge Acceleration Fund $1;

(b) Rural Road Safety Program $1;

 (3.1)Of the funds appropriated to the Rural Road Safety Program, an amount not to exceed $21,500,000 shall be used to improve aviation facility access, support traffic flow, and promote economic development.

(4) P450 � Rural Infrastructure Authority

(a) Rural Infrastructure Fund $1;

(b) Statewide Water and Sewer Fund $1;


(5) H270 � University of South Carolina Health Sciences Campus Bond Avoidance$1.

Funding included in item 3 above shall be utilized to enhance both programs and shall not supplant any funds currently designated for these purposes. Allocations of funding contained in items 2, 3, and 4 above shall take into account the availability of matching federal funds.

(C) Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this provision may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes. /

Amend totals and titles to conform.