View Amendment Current Amendment: 4 to Bill 3815

Reps. HARRIS, CROMER, MAGNUSON, PACE, and WHITE proposes the following amendment (LC-3815.DG0002H):

Amend the resolution, as and if amended, by adding at the end:

( ) That Rule 5.3(F) of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended to read:

F. Earmark Projects and Programs: For purposes of this section:

  1. 'Appropriations bill' means the annual general appropriations bill, a supplemental appropriations bill, the joint resolution appropriating revenues of the capital reserve fund, a bill appropriating contingency reserve fund revenues, bond bills, or any other bill appropriating state revenues while under consideration by the House Ways and Means Committee or Senate Finance Committee or any subcommittee of it and any free conference committee on an appropriations bill. For purposes of this definition, a bill includes a joint resolution.

  2. (a) 'Earmark project or program' means an appropriation for a specific program or project not originating with a written agency budget request, executive budget recommendation, or not included in an appropriations act from the prior fiscal year.

 (b) An appropriations bill proviso directing the expenditures of funds appropriated to an agency for a purpose not originating with a written agency budget request or not included in an appropriations act from the prior fiscal year.

  3. Each request for an earmark project or program included in an appropriations bill must be memorialized in writing on a form designed by the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. The form must include the member's name who requested the earmark project or program, an explanation of the earmark project or program requested, and such other information as the form may require. The form must be filed with the House Ways and Means Committee. No appropriations bill shall contain any earmark.

 4. Each request for an earmark project or program included in the House Ways and Means Committee version of an appropriations bill must be listed on a separate document prepared by the appropriate committee and placed on the members' desks before beginning debate of the appropriations bill on second reading. The document must include the members' name requesting the earmark project or program, a brief description of the earmark project or program request, and such other information as the form may require and must be posted on the General Assembly's website.

 5. An earmark project or program request made while an appropriations bill is in the Senate and is included in the report of a committee of conference must be listed on a separate document, similar to the form described in item 4., and placed on the members' desks before beginning debate of the report of the committee of conference. The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is charged with providing this form to the House membership.

 6. An earmark project or program request made while an appropriations bill is in a committee of free conference must be listed on a separate document, similar to the form described in item 4., and placed on the members' desks before beginning debate of the report of the committee of free conference. The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is charged with providing this form to the House membership.

 7. If the provisions of this subsection are not followed in reference to an individual earmark project or program, a two thirds vote of the membership present and voting is required to include the earmark project or program in the appropriations bill or the report of the committee of conference or free conference.

 G. The Annual General Appropriations Bill must be considered section by section on second reading, and when the pending question is the adoption of an individual section, the yeas and nays must be taken by roll call and the votes on it must be recorded by name in the Journal except when the House agrees to a section by unanimous consent.

Renumber sections to conform.

Amend title to conform.