Reps. CROMER, HARRIS, MAGNUSON, PACE, and WHITE proposes the following amendment (LC-3815.AHB0014H):
Amend the resolution, as and if amended, by deleting Rule 4.9, as contained in item (9), and inserting:
4.9 In all cases the House may resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole. The motion to resolve the House into a Committee of the Whole shall specify the subject(s) to be considered in the Committee of the Whole. In the event the House resolves itself into a Committee of the Whole, the Committee of the Whole shall limit discussion to the subject(s) specified in the motion. The Speaker shall leave the Chair after appointing a Chairman to preside, who shall, in case of disturbance or disorderly conduct, have the power to cause same to be cleared. No bill or resolution may be considered by the Committee of the Whole House, except by a two thirds vote, unless same has first been considered by the appropriate Standing Committee of the House. (Reserved.) In addition to and notwithstanding any other Rule relating to the operation of committees, the Chairman of a committee or subcommittee must be a member of the Majority Party.
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.