View Amendment Current Amendment: 12 to Bill 3815

Reps. MAGNUSON, CROMER, HARRIS, PACE, and WHITE proposes the following amendment (LC-3815.AHB0017H):

Amend the resolution, as and if amended, by deleting item (1) and inserting:

(1) That Rule 6.3 14. And 15. of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended to read:

 14.  a. motion period;

   b. consideration of local contested bills and joint resolutions on second reading;

 15. consideration of statewide contested bills and joint resolutions on second reading in the order in which they appear on the Calendar;

   a. Notwithstanding the order of business set forth in Rule 6.3 a matter may be set for Special Order for consideration on a particular day at a particular hour or at a particular place on the Calendar.

   b. Special orders may be set for appropriations bills and local bills by majority vote of the House. Special orders on all other bills on the Calendar shall be set only by written resolution, which has been referred to the Rules Committee or originates therein, and agreed to by two-thirds of the members of that committee and agreed to by majority of the members of the House present after the committee has made its report; provided, however, that notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 9 governing the amendability of bills and resolutions, no amendments may be offered to any Special Order resolution, which amendments do not pertain to the bill which is the subject of the Special Order resolution, except as to the time and date called for in such resolution.

 Provided, that for the purpose of explaining any Special Order resolution the time limit for opponents shall not exceed five minutes and the time limit for proponents shall not exceed five minutes.

   c. A Special Order set for a certain day and hour, not being considered by the House at the hour named, shall be transferred by the Clerk of the House to the Special Orders of the following day until disposed of, in the chronological order of original appointment.

 Any member may insist upon a Special Order of the Day, or other Special Orders, until it be discharged.

   d. The motion period provided for the daily order of business under Rule 6.3 shall be limited to ten minutes only.

 Provided, however, that time consumed by roll call votes shall not be construed as part of time allotted to said motions period. (Reserved.) The only motion that may be made during the motion period is a motion to require a public committee hearing on a particular piece of legislation.

   e. Consideration of uncontested local bills and joint resolutions on third and second readings as provided in subsection 7a and b of this rule shall be limited to a total of ten minutes only. Consideration of contested local bills and joint resolutions on second and third readings as provided in subsections 12b and 14b of this rule is limited to a total of ten minutes for second reading bills and joint resolutions and ten minutes for third reading bills and joint resolutions.

   f. Consideration of uncontested statewide bills and joint resolutions on third and second readings as provided in subsection 8a and b of this rule shall be limited to a total of thirty minutes only.

   g. No debate shall be allowed in the uncontested period, provided, however, the Speaker may recognize a proponent and opponent of any uncontested bill or joint resolution for a brief explanation of their position.

   h. Consideration of unanimous consent requests as provided for in subsection 12 of this rule shall be limited to five minutes only. No unanimous consent requests except those unanimous consent requests dealing with the pending matter may be considered at any time other than during the time provided for in subsection 12 of this rule.

Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.