Senator Ott proposes the following amendment (SMIN-62.MW0005S):
Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 4, by striking Section 59-8-125(E), (F), (G), and (H) and inserting:
(E) Payments made by the department must remain in force until a parent or scholarship student is proven to have participated in a prohibited activity specified in this chapter, a scholarship student returns to a public school in his resident public school district, or a scholarship student graduates from high school or attains twenty-two years of age, whichever occurs first. A scholarship student who enrolls in his resident public school district is considered to have returned to a public school for the purpose of determining the end of the term. Any money remaining in the student's account reverts back to the K-12 education lottery scholarship fund South Carolina Education Lottery Account.(F) The department may suspend or deactivate an account for substantial misuse or the scholarship student leaves the program for any reason, at which time any remaining funds must reverts to the ESTFK-12 education lottery scholarship fund South Carolina Education Lottery Account.
(G) Unused funds must be rolled over to the following school year for a scholarship student who applies and continues to meet eligibility requirements to participate in the program revert to the South Carolina Education Lottery Account.
(H) A scholarship terminates automatically if the student is no longer domiciled in this State, and any money remaining in the account reverts to the ESTFK-12 education lottery scholarship fund South Carolina Education Lottery Account.
Amend the bill further, SECTION 5, by striking Section 59-8-130 and inserting:
Section 59-8-130. If a scholarship student's program of academic instruction is terminated for any reason before the end of the semester or school year and the student does not resume instruction within thirty days, then the parent shall notify the department and remaining funds in the account revert to the ESTFK-12 education lottery scholarship fund South Carolina Education Lottery Account.Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.