View Amendment Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 62

The Committee on Education and Public Works proposes the following amendment (LC-62.WAB0015H):

Amend the bill, before the enacting words, by adding:

Whereas, providing parents with more options for educating their children is in the best interest of students, parents, and the State of South Carolina; and

Whereas, South Carolina has long embraced school choice in other areas, including higher education and early childhood education; and

Whereas, this act is modeled on existing school choice programs, including Higher Education Tuition Grants, Section 59-113-10, et seq., the South Carolina Education Lottery Act, Section 59-150-10 et seq., and the Child Early Reading Development and Education Program in the South Carolina Read to Succeed Act, Section 59-156-110 et seq., all of the S.C. Code; and

Whereas, the General Assembly has carefully and respectfully crafted this act to comply with the South Carolina Supreme Court's interpretation of Article XI, Section 4 of the South Carolina Constitution in Eidson v. S.C. Dep't of Education, 906 S.E.2d 345 (S.C. 2024), and specifically finds that Chief Justice Kittredge's description of the Education Scholarship Trust Fund program represents how the program created by this act is structured; and

Whereas, based on this the South Carolina Supreme Court's decision in Hartness v. Patterson, 255 S.C. 503, 179 S.E.2d 907 (1971), and the subsequent constitutional amendment that adopted Article XI, Section 4, the General Assembly finds that the funds deposited in the South Carolina Education Scholarship Trust Fund cease to be public funds upon that deposit and any benefit conferred on any religious or other private educational institution is indirect only. The scholarships provide educational services that directly benefit school-aged children and where the funds go stems immediately from the parent's decision. Now, therefore,

Amend the bill further, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

SECTION 1. Section 59-8-110 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-110. For purposes of this chapter:
 (1) "Department" means the South Carolina Department of Education.
 (2) "Education Scholarship Trust Fund", "ESTF", or "fund" means the individual account that is administered by the department to which funds are allocated to the parent of an eligible student to pay for qualifying expenses.
 (3) "Eligible school" means a South Carolina public school or a nonprofit independent school that chooses to participate in the program. "Eligible school" does not include a school in which a member of the General Assembly or an immediate family member of a member of the General Assembly has any ownership. For purposes of this section, "immediate family member" means as defined in Section 8-13-100(18).
 (4) "Eligible student" means a student who:
  (a) is a resident of this State; and
 (b)(i) attended a public school in this State during the previous school year;
 (ii) had not yet attained the age of five on or before September first of the previous school year but who has attained the age of five on or before September of the current school year; or
 (iii) received a scholarship pursuant to this chapter for the previous school year; and
 (c)(i) in school year 2024-2025, has a household income that does not exceed two hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines;
 (ii) in School Year 2025-2026, has a household income that does not exceed three hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines; and
 (iii) in School Year 2026-2027 and all subsequent years, has a household income that does not exceed four hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
(b) (i) has attained the age of five on or before September first of the year in which scholarship funds are awarded; or
 (ii) has received a scholarship pursuant to this chapter for the previous school year;
 (iii) in School Year 2025-2026, has a household income that does not exceed three hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines; and
 (iv) in School Year 2026-2027, has a household income that does not exceed four hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines; and
 (v) in School Year 2027-2028, and all subsequent years, no income threshold may exist but early application windows must be extended to identified groups pursuant to Section 59-8-115(B); and
  (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a student attending his resident school may be an eligible student if he meets all other eligibility criteria and the Department of Education has certified the district in which the resident school is located cannot adequately provide for an essential service to the student.
  "Eligible student" does not include students participating in the Educational Credit for Exceptional Needs Children's Fund program, as provided in Section 12-6-3790 or a student who is not subject to the compulsory attendance requirements of Section 59-65-10.
 (5)(3) "IDEA" means the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act found in 20 U.S.C. Section 1400, et seq.
 (6)(4) "Parent" means a resident of this State who is the natural or adoptive parent, legal guardian, custodian, or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of an eligible student.
 (7)(5) "Education service provider" means a person or organization approved by the department that receives payments from ESTF an account to provide educational goods and services to scholarship students.
 (6) "K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship," "lottery scholarship," "scholarship," "program," or "fund" means the individual fund that is administered by the department to which funds are allocated to the parent of an eligible student to pay for qualifying expenses.
 (8)(7) "Program" means the ESTF K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship program created by this chapter.
 (9)(8) "Resident school district" means the public school district in which the student is domiciledzoned for attendance.
 (10)(9) "Scholarship" means education funding allocated from an account established pursuant to this chapter.
 (11)(10) "Scholarship student" means an eligible student who is participating in the Education Scholarship Trust FundK-12 Education Lottery Scholarship program.
 (12)(11) "Substantial misuse" means wilfully and knowingly receiving or spending any portion of a scholarship for any purpose other than a qualifying expense.
 (13) "Trustee" means the individual or entity appointed by the Superintendent pursuant to section 59-8-120(A)(2).
(13)(12)(14) "Qualifying expense" means:
  (a) tuition and fees for attendance at a non-profit of an education service provider or eligible school, including out-of-district tuition charged by a public school district;
  (b) textbooks, curriculum, or other instructional materials including, but not limited to, any supplemental materials or associated online instruction required by either a curriculum or an education service provider;
  (c) tutoring services approved by the department;
  (d) computer hardware or other technological devices that are used primarily for a scholarship student's educational needs and approved by the department or a licensed physician;
 (e) fees paid for Internet connection;
  (e)(f) tuition and fees for an approved nonpublic online education service provider or course;
  (f)(g) fees for approved:
   (1) national norm-referenced examinations, advanced placement examinations, or similar assessments;
   (2) industry certification exams; or
   (3) examinations related to college or university admission;
  (g)(h) educational services for pupils with disabilities from a licensed or accredited practitioner or provider including, but not limited to, occupational, behavioral, physical, and speech-language therapies;
  (h)(i) approved contracted services from a public school district, or a public charter school including individual classes, after school tutoring services, transportation, or fees or costs associated with participation in extracurricular activities;
  (i)(j) contracted teaching services and education classes approved by the department;
  (j)(k) fees for transportation paid to a fee-for-service transportation provider for the scholarship student to travel to and from an eligible provider as defined in this section, but not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars for each school year;
 (k) fees for ESTF account management by private financial management firms approved by the department; or
  (l) any other educational expense approved by the department.fees for interdistrict public school transfers; or
  (m) cost of school uniforms which are required for attendance;
  (n) any consumables and items necessary to complete a curriculum or that are otherwise applicable to a course of study that has been approved by the department;
  (o) payment to an educational consultant or compliance organization approved by the department; or
  (p) any other educational expense approved by the department.
A qualifying expense does not mean a duplicate service already offered as part of a student's enrollment in school.

SECTION 2. Section 59-8-115 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-115. (A) The department shall create a standard application process and establish the timeline for parents to establish the eligibility of their student for the Education Scholarship Trust Fund programK-12 Education Lottery Scholarship program. The application window established shall last at least forty-five days, opening no earlier than January fifteenth and closing no later than March fifteenth each calendar year. The department shall continue to accept applications for the lottery scholarship program on a rolling basis until capacity is met and then shall maintain a waitlist to maximize program participation.The department shall begin accepting applications for new program participants no earlier than January fifteenth each year. The department shall extend the opportunity to re-enroll in the program to any existing participant who continues to reside in the State. Re-enrollment may be completed either in conjunction with the regular application cycle or in advance of its opening. The department shall continue to accept applications for the ESTF program on a rolling basis until capacity is met and then shall maintain a waitlist to maximize program participation.
 (B) Pursuant to the timeline established pursuant to subsection (A), the department shall ensure the following:
  (1) process applications must be processed in the order in which they are received, after a preference has been extended to all prior-year participants and their respective siblings within each of the priority and general application windows; and
  (2) enroll and issue award letters within thirty days of the deadline for receipt of completed applications and all required documentation
 (2) after allowing current participants the opportunity to continue in the program for the upcoming school year, an early application window of not less than seven calendar days must be extended to their siblings;
 (3) after the conclusion of the early application window for siblings, a secondary early application window for new program participants must be open for not less than thirty calendar days for students who meet the following criteria:
 (a) has a parent or guardian who is an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States and will be living in South Carolina as a result of their duty station;
 (b) has a household income that does not exceed three hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines;
 (c) is in the custody or guardianship of the Department of Social Services. A foster parent, pre-adoptive parent, or person responsible for the welfare of the child who resides in a childcare facility or residential group care home may apply on the student's behalf; and
 (d) meets the definition of "exceptional needs child" in Section 12-6-3790(A)(2);
 (4) once the secondary early application window has closed, the general application window must open for any student who did not meet the early application window criteria; and
 (5) within thirty days of submission of all required documentation, award letters must be enrolled and issued, and the student's online account must be created.
 (C) Before awarding a scholarship, the department shall have obtained evidence of the student's eligibility through the card issued in the student's name from the Department of Health and Human Services for Medicaid eligibility included as applicable with application documentation.
(D)(C) Before awarding a scholarship, the department must obtain evidence of all other student eligibility criteria set forth in Section 59-8-110.
(E)(D) The department shall approve an initial application for scholarship if:
  (1) the parent submits an annual application for a scholarship in accordance with the application and procedures established by the department;
  (2) the student on whose behalf the parent is applying is an eligible student;
  (3) funds are available for the ESTFscholarship; and
  (4) the parent signs an annual agreement with the departmentannually attests to the following:
   (a) to provide, at a minimum, a program of academic instruction for the eligible student in at least the subjects of English/language arts to include writing, mathematics, social studies, and science;
   (b) to acknowledge and agree to comply with the education service provider's prescribed curriculum, dress code, and other requirements of enrolled students;
   (c)(b) to ensure the scholarship student takes assessments as referenced in Section 59-8-150 or provides assessments in a similar manner through other means if the scholarship student does not receive full-time instruction from an education service provider;
   (d)(c) to use program fundsthe scholarship for qualifying expenses only for an approved provider to educate the scholarship student, subject to penalty;
   (e)(d) not to enroll their scholarship student in a public school as a full-time student in the resident school district, as defined in this chapter;
   (f)(e) not to participate in a home instruction program under Sections 59-65-40, 59-65-45, or 59-65-47; and
 (g) that includes documentation of the consultation process between the parent, the resident school district, the education service provider, and any school district that the education service provider contracts with under an IEP or services plan, for each scholarship student with a disability regarding the special education and related services, and the manner by which these services as listed in the student's IEP or services plan, will be provided to a scholarship student with a disability; and
 (h)(f) to confirm that, if the parent's child is a student with disabilities, the parent has received notice from the department that participation in the ESTF scholarship program is a parental placement of the scholarship student under IDEA, along with an explanation of the rights that parentally placed students possess under IDEA and any applicable state laws and regulations, including the consultation process provided for in 20 U.S.C. Section 1412(a)(10) and the Individual Education Program requirements described in Section 1414(d) of IDEA.
(F)(E) The department shall make available on its website in a conspicuous location information in conformity with 34 C.F.R. Sections 300.130 through 300.144, Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities, explaining to parents the rights of children with disabilities under IDEA both in public schools and as parentally placed students in private schools.
(G)(F) A parent will be allowed to make payments for the cost of educational goods and services not covered by the funds in their student's ESTF; however, personal Personal deposits into an ESTFan individual student account are prohibited.
(H)(G) Funds received pursuant to this section do not constitute taxable income to the parent of the scholarship student or to the student.
(I)(H) A parent's signed agreement under subsection (E)(D)(4) satisfies the state's compulsory attendance law pursuant to Section 59-65-10.
(J)(I) The State Board of Education shall may promulgate regulations for the administration of the program as may be applicable.
(K)(J) The department may contract with qualified organizations to administer the program application process or specific functions, maintenance, and monitoring of the program application process as required above.
(K) Students must be considered enrolled in the program until the parent notifies the department of a decision to terminate participation or the department determines that the student is no longer eligible.
 (L) The department shall deliver an annual report to the General Assembly of the number of applications denied or not accepted. The report must include the demographic and socio-economic data and the geographical distribution of the applicants. In reporting the information required by this subitem, the department shall protect and may not display any personally identifiable information of applicants, their families, or legal guardians.

SECTION 3. Section 59-8-120 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-120. (A)(1) There is established at the department, the "South Carolina Education Scholarship Trust FundK-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund" that is separate and distinct from the general fund, consisting of monies appropriated to the department to provide scholarships to eligible students for qualifying expenses from the K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund. The fund must receive and hold all monies allocated for it as well as all earnings until disbursed as provided in this section. Monies deposited in the K-12 Education LotterySouth Carolina Education Scholarship Fund may not revert to the general fund or be appropriated by the General Assembly for any other purpose. If the K-12 Education Lottery ScholarshipSouth Carolina Education Scholarship Trust Fund program ceases for any reason, then the money in the fund shall revert back to the South Carolina Education Lottery directed to an educational purpose designated by the General Assembly.
 (2)(i) The State Superintendent of Education shall appoint the Trustee of the South Carolina Education Scholarship Trust Fund to serve at will. The Trustee may not be a public entity or an employee of any public entity. The Trustee may be either an individual or entity and shall have, in the Superintendent's sole discretion, the necessary expertise and good reputation to serve as the Trustee. The Trustee must have, at a minimum, at least five years' experience as a trustee, a master's degree in accounting or be currently licensed as a South Carolina certified public accountant. The Trustee must not have filed for bankruptcy pursuant to Title eleven, chapters seven or thirteen of the United States Bankruptcy Code or been convicted of criminal fraud, tax fraud, embezzlement, conversion, money laundering, or theft crimes. The trustee shall be bound by all duties of trustees under South Carolina law, unless such duties conflict with the requirements of this chapter, in which case the requirements of this chapter control. The State Superintendent shall have the authority to remove the Trustee.
 (B) The departmentTrustee shall administer the fund and is responsible for keeping records, managing accounts, and disbursing scholarships awarded pursuant to this section and as directed by the parent. Information contained in or produced from a tax return, document, or magnetically or electronically stored data used by the department in the exercise of its duties as provided in this chapter must remain confidential and is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Personally identifiable information, as described in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, of children applying for or receiving scholarships must remain confidential and is not subject to disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.
 (C) Upon request of the parent and approval of an eligible student's application by the department, the State Treasurer shall transfer six thousand dollars per scholarship student for the 2025-2026 School Year. from the South Carolina Education Lottery Account to the K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund an amount equal to ninety percent of the average per pupil funding from state sources for the prior academic year as provided by the Office of Revenue and Fiscal Affairs to the Education Scholarship Trust Fund as directed by the General Assembly,For all subsequent school years, the allocation must be equivalent to the allocation used in the previous year, increased by the percentage increase in the State Aid to Classroom funding for the current Fiscal Year, if any, unless an increased or decreased limit is authorized in the annual general appropriations act.
 (D) The department shall create an individual online ESTF account for each scholarship student.
  (1) The parent must be able to access the individual online account for the scholarship student using a secure portal.
  (2) The individual scholarship student's account must be created within thirty days of the application approval.
 (E) The departmentTrustee shall make payments to an individual scholarship student's account from the ESTF K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund on a quarterly basis with the first payment being distributed by July thirty-first of each year and the second payment by December thirty-first of each year.
 (F) By September first of each school year and again on January fifteenth and March fifteenth of the school year, the department shall compare the list of scholarship students with the public school enrollment lists to avoid duplicate payments.Prior to depositing each semi-annual payment into the student's online account, the department shall verity that the student is not enrolled in the public school as a full-time student in the zone in which the student is zoned for attendance and provide that information to the Trustee.
 (G) Education service providers may not refund, rebate, or share a student's scholarship funds directly with a parent or the scholarship student. The funds in an account may only be used for qualifying expenses as defined in this chapter and provided by the department.
 (H) The department may contract with qualified organizations to administer the program.
(I)(H) Neither the South Carolina Education Scholarship Trust Fund not an individual student's account constitutes a debt of the State or any political subdivision thereof, including school districts. The South Carolina Education Scholarship Trust Fund and individual student's accounts must be held and apply The trust Fund does not constitute a debt of the State or any political subdivision thereof, including school districts. The trust fund must be held and applies solely toward carrying out the purposes of this chapter.

SECTION 4. Section 59-8-125 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-125. (A) The department shall develop an online electronic system for payment for services authorized by participating parents pursuant to this chapter and the guidelines provided by the department. Parents may not be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.
 (B) The General Assembly shall appropriate funds to the department for initial costs to create the program. Thereafter, theThe departmentTrustee shall transfer to the departmentdeduct an amount from the ESTF K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund to cover the costs of overseeing the accounts and administering the program up to a limit of twoseven percent. Annually, on or before December thirty-first, the department shall notify the respective Chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee and House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee regarding the amount deducted for administrative costs and an itemization of the costs incurred to administer the program for the previous school fiscal year.
 (C) The department may contract with qualified vendors to manage accounts and shall establish reasonable fees for private financial management firms participating in the program based upon market rates.The department shall establish reasonable fees for the Trustee.
 (D) The department may contract with qualified organizations to administer the program or specific functions of the program.
(E)(D) Payments made by the department must remain in force until a parent or scholarship student is proven to have participated in a prohibited activity specified in this chapter, a scholarship student returns to a public school in his resident public school district, a scholarship student no longer resides in this State, or a scholarship student graduates from high school or attains twenty-two years of age, whichever occurs first. A scholarship student who enrolls in his resident public school district is considered to have returned to a public school for the purpose of determining the end of the term. Any money remaining in the student's account reverts to the South Carolina Education Lottery Account.
 (F) The departmentTrustee may suspend or deactivate an account for substantial misuse or the scholarship student leaves the program for any reason, at which time any remaining funds must revert to the ESTF South Carolina Education Lottery Account.
 (G) Unused funds must be rolled over to the following school year for a scholarship student who applies and continues to meet eligibility requirements to participate in the program revert to the South Carolina Education Lottery Account.
 (H) A scholarship terminates automatically if the student is no longer domiciled in this State, and any money remaining in the account reverts to the ESTF.
(I)(H) Only one account may be established for a scholarship student.

SECTION 5. Section 59-8-130 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-130. If a scholarship student's program of academic instruction is terminated for any reason before the end of the semester or school year and the student does not resume instruction within thirty days, then the parent shall notify the department and remaining funds in the account revert to the ESTF South Carolina Education Lottery Account.

SECTION 6. Section 59-8-135 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-135. (A) Beginning with the 2024-2025 School Year, the annual number of ESTF eligible students is limited by the following capacity:
  (1) in School Year 2024-2025, the program is limited to five thousand scholarship students;
  (2)(1) in School Year 2025-2026, the program is limited to ten thousand scholarship students; and
  (3)(2) in School Year 2026-2027, and for all subsequent school years, the program is limited to fifteen thousand scholarship students; and
 (3) in School Year 2027-2028, and for all subsequent school years, the department shall submit an annual budget request based on the number of current scholarship recipients and previously unmet demand for scholarships as evidenced by the prior year's applications. The number of program participants shall be determined based upon funding as determined on a yearly basis by the General Assembly.
 (B) In 2027, and every five years thereafter, the department shall conduct an eligibility and use review of the program and shall make recommendations to the General Assembly to improve the program.

SECTION 7. Section 59-8-140 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-140. (A)(1) The department must develop an application approval process for participation in the ESTF scholarship program for education service providers, including eligible schools.
  (2) The department must require an independent school that applies to be an education service provider to be located in the State, to have an educational curriculum that includes courses set forth in the state's diploma requirements and to meet the compulsory attendance and State Board of Education approval requirements in Section 59-65-10.
  (3) An education service provider that participated in the program in the previous school year and desires to participate in the program in the current school year shall reapply to the department. The education service provider reapplyingannually shall certify to the department that it continues to meet all program requirements. An education service provider required to administer academic testing shall provide to the department test score data from the previous school year. If individual student test score data is not submitted, then the department shall remove the education service provider from the program.
  (4) By February first of each year, the department will certify the list of approved education service providers for participation in the program that meet all program requirements. The department may waive the deadline requirement upon good cause shown by an education service provider.
  (5)(4) An education service provider that is denied approval pursuant to this section may seek review by filing a request for a contested case hearing with the Administrative Law Court in accordance with the court's rules of procedure.
  (6)(5) By February fifteenth of each year, theThe department shall publish on its website a comprehensive list of approved education service providers. The list must include the name, address, telephone number, and website address for each education service provider.
 (B) If approved by the department, newNew education service providers may be added to the list of approved providers on a rolling basis. The providers will be added to the comprehensive list available on the department's website.
 (C) The department may bar an education service provider from the program if the department establishes that the education service provider has:
  (1) failed to comply with the accountability standards established in this section; or
  (2) failed to provide the scholarship student with the educational services funded by the account.
 (D) The department shall create procedures to ensure that a fair process exists to determine whether an education service provider should be barred from receiving payments from accounts.
  (1) If the department decides to bar an education service provider from the program, it shall notify affected students and their parents of this decision as quickly as possible.
  (2) Education service providers may appeal the department's decision to bar the education service provider from receiving payments from accounts pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act.
(E) The State Board of Education shall promulgate regulations to allow scholarship students to return to their resident school districts during the course of their participation in the program.
 (F)(1) For scholarship students utilizing a scholarship to attend an online education service provider, the department must track data on scholarship student wellness through mandatory in-person days of attendance at least once per semester at their resident public school. For first semester the in-person date shall be no later than November fifteenth. For the second semester the in-person date shall be no later than March fifteenth. During the in-person attendance, a school teacher, counselor, principal, assistant principal, school attendance officer, social or public assistance worker, school nurse, on-site mental health, or allied health professional, or other appropriately designated mandated reporter at the local public school as defined in Section 63-7-310 must complete a comprehensive wellness check to screen for abuse and neglect as defined in Section 63-7-20.
  (2)(E) All employees at an online education service provider who are employed in same or similar roles as defined in Section 63-7-310 shall be considered persons required to report and must complete the training programs required pursuant to Section 63-7-310(A) and hold all the same rights, responsibilities, and potential penalties as defined in Sections 63-7-315, 63-7-320, 63-7-350, 63-7-360, 63-7-370, 63-7-380, 63-7-390, 63-7-400, 63-7-430, 63-7-440, and receive information pursuant to Section 63-7-450.

SECTION 8. Section 59-8-145 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-145. (A) The department shall adopt procedures to inform students and their parents annually of their eligibility for the program.
 (B) The department shall adopt procedures to annually inform scholarship students and their parents of the approved education service providers.
 (C) The department shall provide to parents of a scholarship student written instructions for the allowable uses of an account and the responsibilities of parents and the duties of the department.
 (D) The department may declare that a parent student is ineligible for continuation in the program due to substantial misuse of their account funds.
 (E) The department may conduct or contract for the auditing of accounts, and shall, at a minimum, conduct random audits of education service providers and scholarship accounts on an annual basis.
(F)(E) The department may refer cases of substantial misuse of funds to law enforcement agencies for investigation.
(G) The department may contract with one or more qualified organizations to administer some or all portions of this program.
(H)(G)(F) The department shall maintain a record of the number of applications received annually for the program, the number of students accepted into the program each fiscal year, and the number of students not accepted into the program each fiscal year with a corresponding explanation as to why the student was not accepted into the program. The department shall compile this information and provide a report on the previous fiscal year to the General Assembly by December thirty-first of each year.

SECTION 9. Chapter 8, Title 59 of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:

 Section 59-8-147. (A) The department shall prominently post, on the main page of the South Carolina Department of Education website, advertisement of and access to the application for the program. The department shall be responsible for facilitating access to the application and supporting applicants throughout the application process.
 (B) In the event that an application is submitted and is substantially complete but found to contain errors including, but not limited to, errors of minor omission and misspelling, the submitting party must be notified and given two weeks to correct the errors before a final decision is made regarding the acceptance or denial of the application. If space in the program is limited, preference will be given to applicants whose applications are on hold due to error until the two weeks allotted for correction have passed.

SECTION 10. Section 59-8-150 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-150. (A) To ensure equitable treatment and personal safety of all scholarship students, all education service providers shall:
  (1) comply with all applicable health and safety laws or codes;
  (2) hold a valid occupancy permit if required by the municipality in which the education service provider is located;
  (3) not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin. This item shall not be interpreted to preclude any independent or religious educational provider from exercising an exemption allowed under federal law; and
  (4) conduct and maintain records of completed criminal background checks on employees. An education service provider that is not an accredited or licensed school must submit documentation of completed background checks to the department as part of their initial application. All education service providers must and exclude from employment anyone who:
   (a) is not permitted by state law to work in a school;
   (b) reasonably might pose a threat to the safety of students; or
   (c) is listed on federal, state, or other central child abuse registries; and
  (5) maintain a working publicly accessible website that provides information on the educational services available to families.
 (B) To ensure that funds are spent appropriately, all education service providers shall:
  (1) provide parents with a receiptan invoice, for services purchased, or a receipt for goods purchased for all qualifying expenses; and
  (2) demonstrate their financial viability by filing a surety bond with the department prior to the start of the school year if they are to receive fifty thousand dollars or more during the school year. After their first school year of participation the surety bond is required of education service providers who exceed fifty thousand dollars in qualifying expenses received in the previous school year.
 (C) In order to allow parents and the public to measure the achievements of the program, academic progress must be documented annually for each scholarship student. Students with an Individualized Education Plan that cannot be accommodated with standardized testing are excluded from the requirements of item (1). Education service providers that provide academic instruction must monitor the progress of students with significant cognitive disabilities through alternative assessments including portfolios.
  (1) Education service providers that provide full-time academic instruction shall:
   (a) ensure that each scholarship student in grades three through eight takes the SC Ready or SC Readyannual state summative assessment or alternative summative assessment in English language arts, math, science or social studies as required of students in public schools in this State;
   (b) ensure that each scholarship student in grades four and six takes the SC Pass or SC Pass alternative summative assessment required of students in public schools in this State;
   (c)(b) in lieu of the assessments required by subitems (a) and (b), ensure that each scholarship recipient in grades three through eight takes a nationally norm-referenced formative assessment at the beginning of the school year, at the end of the first semester, and at the end of the school year. The assessment must be approved by the department, aligned with state standards, and include a linking study;
   (d)(c) ensure that each scholarship student in grades nine through twelve takes a department approved, nationally norm-referenced assessment, or formative assessment, or assessment that demonstrates the student's college or career readiness. approved by the department. Students with disabilities for whom standardized testing is not appropriate are exempt from this requirement;
   (e)(d) collect high school graduation information of scholarship students for reporting to the department as required in this section; and
   (f)(e) ensure that the parent or guardian of a scholarship student taking the assessments above receives a written report of the student's performance on each assessment. The report must include the student's score on the assessment and an indication of how the student's assessment performance compares to other South Carolina students.
The department may promulgate regulations to carry out the requirements of this subsection.
  (2) The department shall ensure that the education service provider has access to and is trained in administering the state assessments required in subitems (1)(a) and (b). The department shall assume any costs associated with training, administering, or taking assessments with no charges to the provider or ESTF students.
  (3) For the purpose of evaluating program effectiveness, education service providers that provide full-time academic instruction shall ensure that results in item (1) are:
   (a) provided to the parent of a scholarship student and must be provided to the department on an annual basis, beginning with the first year of program implementation; and
   (b) disaggregated by grade level, gender, family income level, race, and English learner status.
  (4) The department, or the appropriate organization chosen by the department, if any, must be informed of the scholarship student's graduation from high school.
 (D) The department shall:
  (1) comply with all student privacy laws;
  (2) collect all test results; and
  (3) annually provide individual student assessment results and information to the Education Oversight Committee. The transmission of the information must be made in a manner that safeguards the data to ensure student privacy.
 (E) The Education Oversight Committee shall:
  (1) comply with all student privacy laws;
  (2) report on and publish associated learning gains and graduation rates to the public by means of a state website with data aggregated by grade level, gender, family income level, number of years participating in the program, and race and a report for any participating school if at least fifty-one percent of the total enrolled students in the private school participated in the ESTF program in the prior school year or if there are at least thirty participating students who have scores for tests administered. If the Education Oversight Committee determines that the thirty participating-student cell size may be reduced without disclosing the personally identifiable information of a participating student, the Education Oversight Committee may reduce the participating-student cell size, but the cell size may not be reduced to fewer than ten participating students;
  (3) evaluate and report the academic performance of scholarship students compared to similar public school populations; and
  (4) collaborate with the department to develop and administer an annual parental satisfaction survey for all parents of scholarship students on issues relevant to the ESTF program, to include effectiveness and length of the program participation. Results of this survey must be provided to the General Assembly by December thirty-first of each year.
 (F) An education service provider, not a public school, is autonomous and not an agent of the state or federal government, therefore:
  (1) the department or any other state agency may not regulate the educational program beyond what is set forth in this chapter of an approved education provider that accepts funds from an account;
  (2) the creation of the program does not expand the regulatory authority of the State, its officers, or a school district to impose regulation of education service providers beyond those necessary to enforce the requirements of the program;
  (3) the freedom of education service providers to provide for the educational needs of scholarship students without governmental control must not be abridged;
  (4) an education service provider that accepts payment by a parent from an ESTF from a K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship account pursuant to this chapter is not an agent of the state or federal government; and
  (5) education service providers shall not be required to alter their creeds, practices, admissions policy, or curriculum in order to accept payments by a parent from an ESTF a K-12 Education Lottery Scholarshipaccount.
 (G) A person paid by, contracted with, employed by, or having a financial interest in an education service provider shall not be allowed to serve on the board of an organization contracting for services with the department as defined in Section 59-8-115(J), serve on the board of a vendor or private management firm contracted to manage accounts as defined in Section 59-8-125(C), on the board of any other provider of contracted-for services under Section 59-8-110(12) or under Section 59-8-120(H), or on the ESTF K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Review Panel. Any education service provider violating this subsection shall be barred from participating in the program for two years and shall return any funds received under the program to the ESTFK-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund.
 (H) A person serving as a board member or director of an education service provider shall have a fiduciary duty to the provider and shall avoid any conflicts of interest with the provider.
 (I) No member of the General Assembly or their immediate family, as defined by Section 8-13-100(18), may have a financial interest in an education service provider. This does not prevent a member or their immediate family from qualifying under the provisions of this chapter to participate in the ESTF program.
 (J) A person shall not serve in a position of leadership with an education service provider who has been convicted of a financial crime.

SECTION 11. Section 59-8-160 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-160. (A) There is created the "ESTF K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Review Panel" that shall serve as an advisory panel to the department.
 (B) The review panel shall consist of ten members, pursuant to the following:
  (1) the Governor, or his designee, who shall serve as the chair of the panel;
  (2) three members to be appointed by the Governor;
  (3) one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
  (4) one member appointed by the President of the Senate;
  (5) one member appointed by the Chairman of the House of Representatives Education and Public Works Committee;
  (6) one member appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee; and
  (7) two parents of scholarship students to be appointed by the Governor.
 (C) The review panel may advise the department on whether certain expenses meet the requirements to be considered a qualified expense under this chapter when requested by the department. The review panel periodically may make recommendations to the General Assembly about improving the program.
 (D) Members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority. In making appointments to the panel, the appointing authorities, as appropriate, shall consider legal, financial, accounting, and marketing experience and race, gender, and other demographic factors to ensure nondiscrimination, inclusion, and representation of all segments of the State to the greatest extent possible.
 (E) Members may not receive mileage or per diem.

SECTION 12. Section 59-8-165 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-165. The provisions of the chapter do not restrict a school district's ability to enact or enforce a district's student transfer policy. The department shall develop a model policy for interdistrict transfers to assist local boards of trustees in establishing an interdistrict enrollment policy. The model policy shall serve as the minimum standard, ensuring a baseline of expectations for all districts. Each local policy shall be based on an evaluation of available data reflecting student, school, district, and community needs to ensure access and efficient resource allocation. The policy must include and describe the application requirements, timelines, communication plans, capacity standards, approval and denial criteria, priorities of acceptance, and transportation. Capacity standards are required to be based on objective measures such as facility constraints, staffing levels, and class size limits. A school district may, but is not required to, expand capacity at a school or program to accommodate increased demand for interdistrict transfers. Each district shall review and publicly post available capacity for interdistrict student transfers on its website and update this information at least annually. School districts are not required to provide transportation but must disclose their transportation policy. Districts may establish cost-sharing agreements for interdistrict students who require transportation. All school districts must have an interdistrict policy in place within one hundred twenty days of the publication of the model policy by the department. Any school district with an existing interdistrict policy must review and ensure compliance with this section within 90 days of its enactment. The department shall review all local interdistrict transfer policies to ensure alignment with the model policy. If a district fails to meet minimum standards, the department may withhold administrative funding until the district demonstrates full compliance. The provisions of this chapter do not restrict a school district's ability to enact or enforce an intradistrict student transfer policy.

SECTION 13. Section 59-8-170 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 59-8-170. A scholarship student transferring from one public high school to another public high school in grades nine through eleven or from one public middle school to another public middle school in grades six through eight pursuant to this program is not subject to any prohibition by the South Carolina High School League on a transfer student from participating in a sportan interscholastic sport immediately upon transfer. After the initial transfer, any subsequent transfer by a scholarship student to another public school shall be subject to the South Carolina High School League eligibility rules.

SECTION 14. Section 59-150-350(D) of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 (D) At the beginning of the first fiscal year after the state lottery becomes operational, the Comptroller General shall certify the amount of net proceeds including investment earnings on the net proceeds credited to and accrued in the Education Lottery Account during the preceding fiscal year. The sum of certified net proceeds and investment earnings must be designated as annual lottery proceeds. Appropriations from the Education Lottery Account must be allocated only for educational purposes and educational programs by the General Assembly in its annual general appropriations bill or any bill appropriating monies for previous or current fiscal years. Funds made available from the Education Lottery Account must be used to provide Palmetto Fellows Scholarships to all eligible applicants, to provide LIFE Scholarships for eligible resident students attending four-year public institutions in those amounts provided by law; to the South Carolina State Library for public library state aid, to be distributed to county public libraries on a per capita basis and to be used for educational technology delivery, upgrade, and maintenance; to the Commission on Higher Education for tuition assistance at state technical colleges and two-year public institutions; for the SC HOPE Scholarship Program; to the Department of Education for school-based grants for pilot programs, to include programs providing deregulation as requested by school districts with an overall absolute or improved designation of average or better, with first priority given to schools reported as average, below average, or unsatisfactory in accordance with the Education Accountability Act; to the Department of Education to fund homework centers, and these funds must be allocated to the local school districts based on a per pupil basis and may be used for salaries for certified teachers and for transportation costs, provided that priority in the distribution of funds must be given to schools designated as below average or unsatisfactory in accordance with the Education Accountability Act; to the Commission on Higher Education for higher education assistance, including need-based grants, grants to teachers for advanced education with priority to annual grants earmarked for teachers working toward their masters' degrees or advanced education in their areas of certification, or both; for the National Guard Tuition Repayment Program; and funding for elementary and secondary public education as determined pursuant to the Education Accountability Act of 1998 and education improvement legislation enacted into law after the effective date of this chapter; new programs enacted by the General Assembly for public institutions of higher learning, including public four-year colleges and universities and their branches and two-year colleges, as defined in Section 59-103-5, and state technical colleges, which programs may include the creation of endowed chairs at the state's universities, with an emphasis in the areas of, but not limited to, engineering, computer science, and the sciences; to the State Department of Education for the purchase or repair of school buses; to the South Carolina Educational Television Commission for digitalization; to the Commission on Higher Education to administer a construction and renovation fund for the historically black colleges and universities, and to the Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission to administer tuition grants. The proportion of total recurring general fund and special fund revenues of the State expended for the total of public elementary, secondary, and higher education allocations in any fiscal year must not be less than the proportions in the fiscal year immediately before the fiscal year in which education revenues are first received from a state lottery, and must not be reduced or supplanted later by revenues received from a state lottery.

SECTION 15. If any section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such holding shall not affect the constitutionality or validity of the remaining portions of this act, the General Assembly hereby declaring that it would have passed this act, and each and every section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase, and word thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words hereof may be declared to be unconstitutional, invalid, or otherwise ineffective.

SECTION 16. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. Current eligible participants may continue receiving benefits under the Education Scholarship Trust Fund, until the end of the 2024-2025 School Year.

Renumber sections to conform.

Amend title to conform.