South Carolina Legislature


Session 125 - (2023-2024)Printer Friendly
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Title 01
01-001-0030 through 01-001-0050, Daylight savings time; make permanent standard time In SC; other provisions: h3879, h4026
01-001-0499, Technology; require DOA to prohibit electronic devices it manages from access and use of websites and applications that threaten cybersecurity and infrastructure from threats: h3448
01-001-0612, Seabird; provide that the brown pelican is the official seabird of the state: H5246
01-001-0619, 420 Day; designate April 20 of each year as 420 Day; direct PPP to pardon at least 20 percent of persons convicted of simple possession of marijuana on that date each year: h4358
01-001-0661, State plant; name venus fly trap the official carnivorous plant in SC: S0581, h4233
01-001-0668, State pastime; designate the restoration, exhibition, showing and enjoyment of classic and antique vehicles as the official family-friendly pastime of SC: h3732
01-001-0671, Flag, SC; provide for design, color, and other elements of the SC State Flag: s0088, h3727
01-001-0686, Dum Spiro Spero; designated as official choral anthem of the state: h3123
01-001-0686, SC Poultry Festival in Lexington County designated as the official State Poultry Festival: H3960
01-001-1100, SC Sovereignty Act; prohibit implementation of unconstitutional federal orders: h3539
01-001-1110, Payments; provide any establishment holding a retail license must accept case for payment for transactions: h3694
01-001-01520, Faithful Constitutional Convention Commissioners Act; establish offenses for certain acts related to duties and authority of commissioners to a constitutional convention; provide penalties: h4625
01-001-1110 through 01-001-1120, Legal tender; provide gold and silver coins minted foreign or domestic shall be legal tender in SC; both parties must agree to coins as tender; other provisions: h3080
01-001-1520, Convention of States, commissioners and alternates; require to take an oath; provide penalties for violating oath and other provisions: s0391
01-001-1710, Anti-semitism; provide framework in which anti-semitism is considered in all laws prohibiting discriminatory acts: H4042
01-001-1710, Anti-semitism; provide framework in which anti-semitism is considered in all laws prohibiting discriminatory acts; educate state personnel and officials on anti-semitism: s0419, h3686
01-001-1710, DEI; prohibit promotion of DEI in all state office and higher education institution; provide exceptions: h4663
01-001-1710, Federal treaties; prohibit state or political subdivisions from implementing provisions of federal treaties before treaty is ratified by US Senate: h4246
01-001-1720, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-001-1730, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-001-1740, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-001-1750, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-001-1760, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-001-1770, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-001-1800 through 01-001-1810, Electromagnetic pulse; require critical infrastructure to install equipment to protect against electromagnetic pulse; other provisions: h4954
01-003-0070, Agency heads; provide governor is responsible for hiring and removal of all state agency heads: h5227
01-003-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-006-0010, Agency, definition; make conforming changes: h4597
01-006-0037, Inspector General; authorize to investigate county, municipal, or nonprofit entity that receives state funds; specify manner in which investigation may be initiated: h4597
01-007-0095, Attorney General; clarify that the AG does not undertake representation of state agencies and cannot be considered to have possession, custody, or control over agency documents or electronic info; other provisions: s0486, h3866
01-007-0095, Presidential executive orders; provide orders not affirmed by congress my be reviewed and recommended for review to the AG to determine constitutionality: h3056
01-007-0335, Sentencing reports; require cost-analysis regarding sentencing recommendations prior to sentencing; other provisions: h3039
01-007-0409, Circuit solicitor funding; prohibit reduction in funds below the funded amount the previous year: s0132, h3091
01-007-1510 through 01-007-1630, Address Confidentiality Program, created; create program in AG office; provide procedures for protection of info of victims; provide for penalties and other provisions: h3443
01-011-0492, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-011-0498, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-011-0499, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5204
01-011-0499, Cybersecurity; require all agencies, departments and political subdivisions to prohibit electronic devices it manages from access and use of websites and apps that threaten security and infrastructure such as tiktok: h4596
01-011-0720, PEBA; include school board members in benefits: s0950
01-011-0735, State health plan; provide plan must include coverage for contraceptives for dependents of participants in the plan: s0339
01-011-0775, Lactation care and services; provide State Health Plan must provide coverage; provide for scope of coverage; prohibit application of cost-sharing provisions; other provisions: h5543
01-011-0790, PEBA; provide board to consult with treating physicians and medical professionals when proposing changes to current state health care plan: s0312
01-011-1210 through 01-011-1220, Fallen First Responder Survivor Advocate; create within DOA and provide for duties and responsibilities: h3523
01-013-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-013-0130, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-013-0140, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-023-0165, Environmental law; prohibit agency authorized to implement or enforce from adopting rule for the protection of the environment or natural resources that are more restrictive than federal: s1061
01-023-0690, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-030-0040, DHEC; make conforming changes to abolish DHEC and create Department of Public Heath: h3239
01-030-0135, Departments of state government; add Department of Public Health: S0399, h4124
01-030-0140, Consumer affairs; provide for transition to executive branch: s0365, h3953
01-030-0140, Contraceptives; provide certain state agencies must provide access of contraceptives for anyone older than 13; provide guidance and prohibit person under 16 must have parental consent: s0338
01-030-0140, Departments of state government; add Department of Environmental Services: S0399, h4124
01-030-0200, Licensure; mandate expedited review options for certain licenses and permits; require timely approval; other provisions: h4823
01-031-00070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-031-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-031-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-031-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-031-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
01-032-0210 through 01-032-0290, Live and Let Live Act; prohibit government from discriminating against certain individuals and organizations based on beliefs on marriage or person's sex; other provisions: h3611
TItle 01, Chap. 001, Art. 002, Daylight savings time; make permanent standard time In SC; other provisions: h3879, h4026
Title 01, Chap. 001, Art. 017, Legal tender; provide gold and silver coins minted foreign or domestic shall be legal tender in SC; both parties must agree to coins as tender; other provisions: h3080
Title 01, Chap. 001, Art. 017, Payments; provide any establishment holding a retail license must accept case for payment for transactions: h3694
Title 01, Chap. 001, Art. 017, SC Sovereignty Act; prohibit implementation of unconstitutional federal orders: h3539
Title 01, Chap. 001, Art. 027, Anti-semitism; provide framework in which anti-semitism is considered in all laws prohibiting discriminatory acts: H4042
Title 01, Chap. 001, Art. 027, DEI; prohibit promotion of DEI in all state office and higher education institution; provide exceptions: h4663
Title 01, Chap. 001, Art. 027, Federal treaties; prohibit state or political subdivisions from implementing provisions of federal treaties before treaty is ratified by US Senate: h4246
Title 01, Chap. 007, Art. 011, Address Confidentiality Program, created; create program in AG office; provide procedures for protection of info of victims; provide for penalties and other provisions: h3443
Title 01, Chap. 01, Art. 027, Electromagnetic pulse; require critical infrastructure to install equipment to protect against electromagnetic pulse; other provisions: h4954
Title 01, Chap. 011, Art. 008, Fallen First Responder Survivor Advocate; create within DOA and provide for duties and responsibilities: h3523
Title 01, Chap. 032, Art. 002, Live and Let Live Act; prohibit government from discriminating against certain individuals and organizations based on beliefs on marriage or person's sex; other provisions: h3611
Title 02
02-001-0060, Term limits; limit terms to six terms in house and four terms in senate: h3249
02-001-0060, Term limits; limit terms to six terms in house and three terms in senate: s0213
02-001-0105, Elections and appointments, made by General Assembly; provide a family member of a sitting General Assembly member or former member whose term ended less than one year prior: s0215, h4989
02-001-0260, Congressional Fund Approval Committee, established; create committee to determine which federal funds are available to state and make recommendations: h5051
02-001-0260, General Assembly, members; require every member to serve as a substitute teacher or otherwise volunteer in public school k-12: h4665
02-001-0260, General appropriations; provide General Assembly may not appropriate fund in Appropriations Act for nonessential projects through set-asides or earmarks: h4181
02-001-0260, Government Transparency Act; require legislative committee meetings be available online as well as certain documents; set forth manner for earmarks; other provisions: h3932
02-001-0260, Reduction in force; require a nonprofit corporation with certain annual gross revenue imposing a reduction in force of more than 100 employees to prepare and present report for rationale; other provisions: h3094
02-001-0270, Government Transparency Act; require legislative committee meetings be available online as well as certain documents; set forth manner for earmarks; other provisions: h3932
02-003-0021, Compensation; provide members receive an additional in-district compensation of 1500 dollars each month: h5106
02-006-3805, Income tax, credit; provide credit for taxpayer that contracts with small business which necessitates the small business hiring additional full-time employees: h3964
02-015-0067, Management performance audit; provide Audit Council shall conduct audit of each public institutions of higher ed every 10 years pursuant to a schedule: h3321
02-017-0055, Public funds; prohibit use to contract with person whose activities include lobbying: h4713
02-019-0095, Supreme Court; provide candidate must be a resident of Greenville county in order to be eligible for appointment: s1058
02-019-0115, Magistrates; require candidates be screened by judicial merit selection commission and provide circumstances for appointment by governor with advice and consent of senate: h3535
02-047-0052, Permanent improvement projects; exempt certain projects from being considered a permanent improvement project: S0314
02-080-0010 through 02-080-0070, Anti-Gerrymandering Act; establish Multipartisan Redistricting Commission for reapportionment plans: h4222
02-080-0010 through 02-080-0090, SC Fairness, Accountability, and Integrity in Redistricting Act; establish criteria and process for apportionment plans: h3069
02-080-0010 through 02-080-0180, SC Citizens Redistricting Commission, established; submit reapportionment plans to General Assembly; provide for membership, qualifications, powers, duties and terms; other provisions: h3245
02-081-0010 through 02-081-0070, Joint Committee on Women's Reproductive Rights, established; provide for membership, duties, hearings, rules, and other provisions: h3418
Title 02, Chap. 080, Anti-Gerrymandering Act; establish Multipartisan Redistricting Commission for reapportionment plans: h4222
Title 02, Chap. 080, SC Citizens Redistricting Commission, established; submit reapportionment plans to General Assembly; provide for membership, qualifications, powers, duties and terms; other provisions: h3245
Title 02, Chap. 080, SC Fairness, Accountability, and Integrity in Redistricting Act; establish criteria and process for apportionment plans: h3069
Title 02, Chap. 081, Joint Committee on Women's Reproductive Rights, established; provide for membership, duties, hearings, rules, and other provisions: h3418
Title 02, Chap. 091, Joint Committee on Federalism, created; evaluate certain federal laws; provide for membership, evaluation and other duties: s0389
Title 04
04-001-0190, Amateur Radio Antenna Protection Act; provide a county may not enact or enforce ordinances that do not conform to the amateur radio preemption: h4549
04-001-0190, Property tax; require county to consult with other affected taxing entities before entering into a fee in lieu of property tax agreement; require report and other provisions: h3511
04-001-0190, Property; provide when county may authorize maintenance or improvement to private property: h3516
04-001-0190, Recreation Commissions; provide county legislative delegation may appoint members of recreation commission and serve at the pleasure of the delegation; provide for removal and other provisions: s0010, s0016, h3276
04-002-0010 through 04-002-0080, Driver's license fee; provide a county may impose addition fees upon residents new to state upon successful referendum; provide funds collected to be used for infrastructure; other provisions: s0204
04-009-0032, Legislative delegations; require county councils to provide office space and appropriate monies for delegation office; other provisions: h3257
04-009-0200, Property taxes; provide any increase must be adopted by two-thirds vote of county council and provide public access to meetings: h4714
04-009-1310 through 04-009-1350, Taxpayer Transparency Act; provide county council shall develop and make publicly available a searchable budget database; other provisions: h4643
04-010-0010, General elections; make conforming changes: h4661
04-010-0610, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
04-010-1110 through 04-010-1150, Driver's license fee; provide a county may impose addition fees upon residents new to state upon successful referendum; provide funds collected to be used for infrastructure; other provisions: s0208
04-010-1110, Comprehensive Tax Reform Act; proportionally reduce local sales and use taxes in the same manner as state sales and use tax: s0835
04-012-0030, Chinese businesses; prohibit a county from entering into an agreement with Chinese business: s0163
04-019-1410 through 04-009-1450, Sheriff; provide procedure Sheriff may be elected in nonpartisan election: h3585
Title 04, Chap. 002, County Council elections; provide county council elections may be conducted on a partisan or nonpartisan basis; provide partisan elections are the default; other provisions: s0204
Title 04, Chap. 009, Art. 015, Sheriff; provide procedure Sheriff may be elected in nonpartisan election: h3585
Title 04, Chap. 010, Art. 011, Comprehensive Tax Reform Act; proportionally reduce local sales and use taxes in the same manner as state sales and use tax: s0835
Title 04, Chap. 010, Art. 011, Driver's license fee; provide a county may impose addition fees upon residents new to state upon successful referendum; provide funds collected to be used for infrastructure; other provisions: s0208
Title 04, Chap. 09, Art. 015, Taxpayer Transparency Act; provide county council shall develop and make publicly available a searchable budget database; other provisions: h4643
Title 05
05-003-0095, Annexation Fairness Act; provide county has legal standing to challenge municipal annexation: h4651
05-003-0105, Annexation by municipality; allow for annexation if area completely surrounded by municipality; provide exceptions and procedures: h3236
05-003-0275, Private Landowner Protection Act; provide counties may deannex areas of existing municipality corporate limits: h4586
05-015-0064, Municipal elections; provide for instant runoff voting method: h4022
05-031-0152, Wells and septic tanks; prohibit DHEC from denying repair, replacement or construction of wells and septic tanks on certain rural lands regardless of availability of municipal water and sewer: s0200, h3769
Title 06
06-001-0195, Private Property Protection Act of 2024; prohibit governing body from enacting or enforcing prohibitions on rentals of residence to short-term guest; provide penalties and define terms: h4573
06-001-0195, Rentals, short-term guest; prohibit ordinance or resolution that prohibits rentals; provide penalties; define terms: h3253
06-001-0200, Defense of Children's Innocence Act; provide any business where drag shows are held is deemed to sexually oriented business for all local ordinances: h3616
06-001-0200, Local planning and permitting; provide entities shall review and render decisions within 45 days after submission or application must be deemed approved; provide remedies and other provisions: h4652
06-001-0200, Nonprofit hospitals and higher learning institutions; authorize local government to impose a community charge; provide guidelines for method of determining charge; provide collection measures: h3093
06-001-0200, Referendum, local levy taxes, fees or debt; provide must be held at same time as general election in November of even numbered year: h4661
06-001-0210, Defense of Children's Innocence Act; prohibit any state entity or political subdivision from using any public funds to hose or provide a drag show: h3616
06-001-0520, SC Inclusionary Zoning Act; provide that counties and municipalities are authorized to use inclusionary zoning strategies to increase availability to affordable housing: s0309
06-001-0525, Accommodation tax; authorize certain counties and municipalities to impose supplemental local accommodations tax; cap the rate and provide for limited use of proceeds: s1133
06-001-0780, Local hospitality tax; provide penalty, fine, or other additional cost may not be imposed with tax payments received within 7 days of due date that in aggregate exceeds 5 percent of delinquent tax: h3149
06-001-2020, Government Transparency Act; require certain political subdivisions post budget appropriations: h3932
06-001-2100, Lodging marketplaces; provide definitions: s0953
06-001-2110, Short-term rentals; prohibit governing body from prohibiting short-term rentals; provide exceptions: s0953
06-004-0012, Housing impact analysis; require local government to prepare a housing impact analysis before using funds for workforce housing: S0284
06-007-0025, Single family home; provide number of unrelated adults that may live in a single family residence; provide exceptions; provide for civil penalties: s0287
06-007-0300 through 06-007-0340, SC Inclusionary Housing Act; authorize counties and municipalities to adopt and use voluntarily inclusionary housing strategies to increase affordable housing: s0891
06-007-0510 through 006-007-0520, SC Residential Opportunity and Education Act; provide for findings; provide that counties and municipalities are authorized to use inclusionary zoning strategies to increase affordable housing: h4334
06-007-0510, SC Inclusionary Zoning Act; provide for findings of General Assembly: s0309
06-011-0115, Water service; permit a special purpose district providing water in a county bordering an adjoining state to become member of and participate in a joint agency or authority under laws of adjoining state: h3846
06-011-0345, Special purpose districts; clarify power to own, purchase, hold, use, lease, convey, sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of property in furtherance of certain functions; other provisions: H4563
06-027-0060, Local Government Fund; provide a local government violating state law forfeits its next four quarters from the fund; other provisions: h3492
06-029-0550, Residential development plan; require a county to report plan to a city under certain circumstances: h5017
06-029-0725, Development rights; permit transfer of development rights: h4996
06-039-0005 through 06-039-0100, Transit-Oriented Development Projects; set forth a process by which a county or municipality may create a transit-oriented redevelopment agency to develop certain areas in planning existing facilities: h4013
06-039-0010 through 06-039-0130, SC Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resilience Act; provide definitions, create and establish program, provide for application and administration; other provisions: s0542, h3937
06-039-0010, Constuction; reduce certain administrative and permitting costs and barriers; other provisions: s0004
06-039-0020, Constuction; reduce certain administrative and permitting costs and barriers; other provisions: s0004
06-039-0030, Constuction; reduce certain administrative and permitting costs and barriers; other provisions: s0004
Title 06, Chap. 007, Art. 005, SC Inclusionary Housing Act; authorize counties and municipalities to adopt and use voluntarily inclusionary housing strategies to increase affordable housing: s0891
Title 06, Chap. 007, Art. 005, SC Residential Opportunity and Education Act; provide for findings; provide that counties and municipalities are authorized to use inclusionary zoning strategies to increase affordable housing: h4334
Title 06, Chap. 039, SC Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resilience Act; provide definitions, create and establish program, provide for application and administration; other provisions: s0542, h3937
Title 06, Chap. 039, Transit-Oriented Development Projects; set forth a process by which a county or municipality may create a transit-oriented redevelopment agency to develop certain areas in planning existing facilities: h4013
Title 07
07-003-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
07-003-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
07-003-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
07-005-0035, Clean Voter Roll Act; enumerate certain duties devolved upon county boards; require separate master files of active and inactive registered electors; other provisions: h4261
07-005-0035, Voter access; improve access to certain records in electronic format: h5303
07-005-0115, Partisan elections; provide person must be registered member of party: s0403, s0767, h3161, h3472, h3685
07-005-0200, Elections; provide elector must be registered with party within certain time period prior to partisan primary or advisory referendum in order to vote; other provisions: h3695
07-005-0200, Secure, Accurate and Verifiable Elections Act; require use of paper poll books only at voting locations throughout the state: h4935
07-005-0200, Voter Access and Transparency Act; require use of paper poll books only at voting locations throughout state: h4260
07-005-0321, Voter registration information; elector may have personal information declared confidential upon presentation of a certified copy of an injunction or restraining order: s0093
07-011-0022, Presidential election, ballots; require candidacy form to appear of partisan ballot; prohibit name on ballot if statements not filed or don't meet qualifications for office: h3167
07-011-0035, Presidential election; require signed and notarized statement of qualifications to be files by a party that nominates by convention; name may not be on ballot if not filed: h3167
07-011-0087, Presidential election; require signed and notarized statement of qualifications to be files by a party that nominates by convention; name may not be on ballot if not filed: h3167
07-013-0042, Primary; provide candidate with most votes is nominated: h3606
07-013-0353, Candidates; require a declaration by candidate of fines owed for ethics and provide may not be on ballot unless enrolled in payment plan for outstanding fines and is not in default; other provisions: s0986
07-013-0870, Voter Access and Transparency Act; establish certain inherent rights of observation for all election observers: h4260
07-013-0870, Voting provisions; prohibit use of ranked choice voting or instant runoff ballots: h4591
07-013-0871, Secure, Accurate and Verifiable Elections Act; require all voters cast be hand-marked, paper ballots and printed on secure paper; require all ballots counted in public view; other provisions: h4935
07-013-0880, Secure, Accurate and Verifiable Elections Act; require use of chain of custody records for certain time after election: h4935
07-013-0880, Voter Access and Transparency Act; require use of chain of custody documentation for all election-related materials and the maintenance of chain of custody records for certain time period after election: h4260
07-013-1180, Elections; provide all elections shall be followed by a hand-count audit in at least 10 percent of precincts for statewide election: h5303
07-013-1180, Hand Count Audit Act; require each county board to conduct a postelection audit of election results through a hand count of votes cast within a minimum number of randomly selected precincts: s0875, h4259
07-013-1190, Hand Count Audit Act; authorize county chairperson of political party and governing body of a county to investigate election integrity by requesting a full hand recount; other provisions: h4259
07-013-1455, Hand-count audit; provide certain requirements when audit reveals a discrepancy with the tabulated vote count equal to or greater than a certain amount: h5303
07-013-1510, County boards, tabulation reports; require to publish ballot tabulation reports with timestamps associated with each ballot cast: s0875
07-013-1625, Voting systems; provide any system purchased my utilize hand-marked paper ballots that are counted by hand: s1045, h3162
07-015-0382, Absentee ballots; provide unlawful for a person to witness signature of more than 5 absentee ballot applicants; provide penalties: h3823
07-015-0425, Absentee voting; establish a procedure a voter may cure certain absentee ballot deficiencies: h4117
07-017-0110, Election protest; provide for extension of election protest filing deadline which falls on legal holiday: S0092, h3584
07-019-0130, Popular vote; adopt the agreement among states to elect president by popular vote; other provisions: h3240, h3807
07-025-0230, Election officials and workers; establish offense on interfering with election official or worker and provide penalties: h4117
07-025-0230, Media; prohibit distribution of deceptive and fraudulent deepfake media within 90 days of election unless requisite disclosure language included; allow for injunctions and other provisions: h4660
07-025-0300 through 07-025-0370, Election Official Protection Act; establish offenses for certain acts of conduct against election officials; provide for protections of personal info; other provision: h5006
Title 07, Chap. 025, Art. 003, Election Official Protection Act; establish offenses for certain acts of conduct against election officials; provide for protections of personal info; other provisions: h5006
Title 08
08-001-0200, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
08-001-0200, First Responders Protection Act; provide certain injured first responders must be paid by employer on same basis as before injury: h3822
08-001-0200, Vacancy of office, criminal conviction; provide official shall reimburse the costs for elections; other provisions: s0196, h3244
08-011-0151, Paid parental leave; define terms and provide for paid parental leave upon a qualifying event for eligible school district employees: H3908
08-011-0156, Paid parental leave; define terms and provide for paid parental leave for adoption for eligible school district employees: H3908
08-011-0164, Agency heads; provide GA may suspend a state agency head by passage of concurrent resolution: h5228
08-011-0188, State Employment Skills Based Hiring Act; require HR to conduct reviews of education, experiential, and training requirements for executive branch jobs; other provisions: s0859
08-011-0625, Annual leave; provide state employees earning AL at the rate of 30 days a year must receive a lump sum payment for days fewer than 30 days not used or donated in a calendar year; other provisions: s0382
08-011-1310 through 08-011-1420, SC State Employee Equal Pay for Equal Work Act; prohibit discrimination by gender in pay for same work; provide exceptions and enforcement; other provisions: h3148
08-013-0160, Special purpose districts; provide chapter applies to special purpose district that charges a fee or rate to a consumer to provide a service: s0395
08-013-0701, Financial gain; prohibit public official or family member from receiving any financial gain resulting from governmental matter or business: h4648
08-013-0746, House members; prohibit member from providing any assistance to another candidate for House for compensation or anything of value; other provisions: h5112
08-013-1123, Economic interests; require additional information regarding family members; require filing of statement three years after leaving office; other provisions: h4647
08-013-1345, Appointments; prohibit person making campaign contribution to an elected official within the previous four years from being appointed to a public office by official; other provisions: s0199
08-015-0020, State classification and compensation system; direct HR of DOA to implement the recommendations of study and increase each pay band annually to account for inflation: h3068
08-015-0090, First Responders Communication Act; provide public employee may not be prohibited from communicating with an elected public official for any job-related purpose: h4646
08-027-0070, Rate Payer Protection Act; provide definitions: h3614
08-027-0080, Rate Payer Protection Act; prohibit utility from taking adverse employment action again a whisteblower: h3614
08-027-0090, Rate Payer Protection Act; provide remedies if a public utility takes adverse action against a whistleblower: h3614
Title 08, Chap. 011, Art. 012, SC State Employee Equal Pay for Equal Work Act; prohibit discrimination by gender in pay for same work; provide exceptions and enforcement; other provisions: h3148
Title 09
09-001-0005, SCRS; close the system: s0622
09-001-0665, PORS; provide certain emergency medical personnel may be covered under PORS: s0192
09-001-2300 through 09-001-2410, SC Small Business Retirement Savings Plan and Trust Fund Act; establish retirement savings plans and trust funds for small businesses: h5019
09-011-0028, PORS; provide council may allow municipal court judge to participate in PORS: s1168
09-011-0095, Officers, retired; allow for retired officer who maintains constable certification after certified to be employed by one or more agencies without being subject to earning limitation: s1006
09-011-0610, Police Officer Retention Incentive Program, created; provide for program: h5182
09-016-0057, SCRS; provide Retirement Investment Commission may not invest public retirement funds in Chinese companies: h3567
09-016-0110, ESG Pension Protection Act; provide AG may bring action to enforce certain provisions: H3690
09-016-0110, State Pension Fiduciary Duty Act; provide SCRS must be invested solely to achieve a return for pension plan and not to achieve certain political and social objectives: h3565
09-016-0110, State Retirement Investment Commission; provide AG shall enforce provisions: s0583
09-022-0010 through 09-022-0920, SC Shared-Risk Defined Benefit Plan, established; provide for plan and provide for covered employees: s0622
09-024-0005 through 09-024-0100, SC Wealthbuilder-Primary Retirement Savings Plan; provide for plan and covered employees: s0622
Title 09, Chap. 001, Art. 019, SC Small Business Retirement Savings Plan and Trust Fund Act; establish retirement savings plans and trust funds for small businesses: h5019
Title 09, Chap. 011, Art. 005, Police Officer Retention Incentive Program, created; provide for program: h5182
Title 09, Chap. 022. SC Shared-Risk Defined Benefit Plan, established; provide for plan and provide for covered employees: s0622
Title 09, Chap. 024, SC Wealthbuilder-Primary Retirement Savings Plan; provide for plan and covered employees: s0622
Title 10
10-001-0064, Flags; provide a US Flag flow at a public building or on public grounds or purchased using public funds must be made in the US: h3885
10-001-0169, Public buildings; display certain posters of state and US flags, and national motto; provide for acquisition: h3282
10-001-0181, African American Confederate Veterans Monument; provide for monument: h3415
10-001-0182, African American Confederate Monument Commission, created; provide for powers and duties; establish deadline for monument and other provisions: h3415
10-001-0185, Robert Smalls Monument; establish on the State House grounds; create commission to determine design and location; provide membership and sunset of commission: H5042
10-001-0220, Confederate flags; prohibit from being flown or displayed on any public building except a museum: h3082
10-003-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
Title 11
11-001-0130, Board and Trustee members; provide persons may not serve as members if member of organization that receives state funding or incentives: h4638
11-001-0130, Critical infrastructure; prohibit certain contracts with certain foreign-owned companies in connection with critical infrastructure: h3119
11-001-0130, Economic incentives; require state to ensure SC residents give priority in hiring before offering incentives to recruit the business in this state; other provisions: h4664
11-001-0130, Eliminate Economic Boycotts Act; require companies that contract with the state to certify that they do not boycott or discriminate against certain companies: h3564
11-001-0130, Festivals; provide any festival that receives state funding or incentives must provide free admission to SC residents: h4637
11-001-0130, Financial transaction card; provide treasurer, comptroller, or accountant or designee may use card for business-related expenditures; provide for reimbursement and recordkeeping; other provisions: s0139
11-001-0130, Grants; provide state agency that receives a grant shall provide an itemized list of any matching funds and a summary of any conditions associated with grant: h4634
11-001-0130, Incentives; provide State or political subdivisions may not offer incentives or subsidies to certain companies that engage in promotion of environmental, social, or governance objectives: h4699
11-005-0300, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
11-007-0070, State Auditor; provide Governor shall appoint with advice and consent of Senate: h5016
11-011-0060, Government Transparency Act; require agency budget requests include explanations: h3932
11-011-0085, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
11-011-0135, Carry forward funds; Executive Budget Office must compile info from each agency on cary forward balances and the uses to which they will be applied; other provisions: s0158
11-011-0250, In-District Essential Goods and Services Fund, created; provide for administration of fund: h4181
11-011-0250, Palmetto Dividend Fund, created; provide 400 dollars each month to those over age 17: h3420
11-011-0270, Tax Reform Reserve Fund, created; specify purpose: s0835
11-035-5350, Contacts; prohibit contracting with companies that boycott energy companies: h3525
11-040-0280, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
11-049-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
11-050-0040, Rural Infrastructure Act; define environmental facilities: h3076
11-050-0190, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
11-054-0005 through 11-054-0030, I-95 Corridor Authority Act; provide for composition, duties, and powers of the board: s0030, h3120
11-055-0060, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
11-058-0100 through 11-058-0180, SC Education Bank Act; establish board, provide for powers,funding, liability protections, deposits, annual reporting, and local school board funding request requirements: s0136
11-059-0010 through 11-059-0080, Quasi-state agencies; provide fiscal accountability by Senate Finance and House Ways and Means; require agencies to provide certain financial information, bond information and other provisions: s0002
11-059-0010 through 11-059-0150, Investments; prohibit investments in companies that boycott energy companies: h3525
Title 11, Chap. 054, I-95 Corridor Authority Act; provide for composition, duties, and powers of the board: s0030, h3120
Title 11, Chap. 058, SC Education Bank Act; establish board, provide for powers,funding, liability protections, deposits, annual reporting, and local school board funding request requirements: s0136
Title 11, Chap. 059, Investments; prohibit investments in companies that boycott energy companies: h3525
Title 11, Chap. 059, Quasi-state agencies; provide fiscal accountability by Senate Finance and House Ways and Means; require agencies to provide certain financial information, bond information and other provisions: s0002
Title 12
12-002-0150, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
12-002-0150, Revenue Department; prohibit DOR from garnishing wages in an amount more than 10 percent of a person's compensation for deliquent debt to a public hospital: s0015
12-006-0511, Income tax rates; reduce rates by one percent each year until rate across all brackets equals zero percent: h5044
12-006-0511, Income tax; create percentage increase on top marginal rate based on certain income ranges: h3420
12-006-0511, Income tax; eliminate on individuals, estates and trusts: h3526
12-006-0525, Filings; allow married taxpayer to file joint federal to calculate state tax as if filed separately under certain circumstances: h3513
12-006-1140, Income tax, deductions; provide allowable deduction for certain retirement income that receives a penalty for premature distribution: s0020
12-006-1172, Income tax, deduction; allow deduction of all military retirement or first responder retirement income: s0122
12-006-1172, Income tax, deductions; provide for all military or first responder retirement income deduction: h4102
12-006-1172, Retirement income deductions; exempt retirement income of qualifying retired state employees: s0692, h4210
12-006-1172, Retirement income; exempt income of first responders, law enforcement and teachers: h4697, h5009
12-006-1172, Sara Weaver Act; provide for first responder retirement income deduction: s0547, h3928, h4534, h5080
12-006-1180, Income tax, deduction; allow deduction for each clinical rotation served as a preceptor for certain programs: h5225
12-006-1230, Income tax; provide for a childcare advance which enables taxpayers to defer payment of a portion of their income tax: h4993
12-006-1230, Tax, exemptions; provide overtime income is exempt from certain taxes: h4811
12-006-2297, Broadcast entity; provide broadcast entity shall source certain gross receipts from broadcasting to SC: s0982, h4220
12-006-3361, Income tax, credit; allow small business a credit equal to 20 percent of costs in first 5 years and provide limitations: h3528
12-006-3395, Long-Term Care Tax Credit Act; allow for credit of 15 percent of total amount of premiums paid to long-term care insurance contract not to exceed 2,000 dollars a year; prohibit double benefit: s0105
12-006-3595, Income tax, credit; provide credit for taxpayer that claims federal credit for qualified adoption expenses; establish amount of the credit: h3593
12-006-3595, Income tax, credit; provide for tax credit for qualified adoption expenses related to domestic adoption: s0800
12-006-03760, Income tax, credit; provide for credit against liability of a taxpayer equal to 50 percent of costs incurred by the taxpayer for habitat management for wild turkey: s1082
12-006-3760, Income tax, credit; provide credit for contributions to South Carolinians with Disabilities Economic Development Trust Fund: h3482
12-006-3785, Income tax credit; allow individual to claim credit if serves as caregivier for a person who is at least 75; set amount of credit: s0018
12-006-3791, Income tax, credit; allow credit for contributions to scholarship funding organization that provides grants for students to attend independent or home schools; other provisions: s0285, h3422
12-006-3810, Children's Promise Act; provide for income tax credit for taxpayer who makes certain contributions to qualified charitable organizations: h4018
12-006-3810, Critical Recruitment of Teachers (CRT) Act; allow a teacher who purchases school supplies and materials to claim income tax credit: h3569
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; allow credits for unprepared healthy food purchase: h3504
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; provide 500 dollar credit for educators that incur expenses for school supplies and materials: h3781
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; provide credit for certain taypayers who have a child attending a qualifying private school, parochial school, or home school: h4645
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; provide credit for grocer opening location in a food desert: h5307
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; provide for credit for completion of basic or advanced handgun education course: s0356
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; provide for credit up to 50 percent eligible taxpayers railroad reconstruction or replacement expenditures; provide for administration of tax credit: S1021
12-006-3810, Income tax, credit; provide taxpayer allowed equal amount the taxpayer claimed on federal income tax return for child tax credit: h4551
12-006-3810, Livable Homes Tax Credit Act; provide income tax credit for new home or retrofitted home for accessibility; other provisions: s0526, h4065
12-006-3810, Pregnancy Resource Act; provide for income tax credit for taxpayer who makes contributions to an eligible charitable organization: h4019
12-006-3810, SC Community Jobs Act; provide income tax credit for eligible employer that hires certain employees: h5021
12-006-3810, Short Line Railroad Modernization Act; provide income tax credit equal to 50 percent an eligible taxpayers qualified railroad construction or replacement expenditures: s0269, h3737
12-006-3810, Solar energy property; provide for tax credit for person or business who places solar energy property in service to the state; provide definitions: h3106
12-006-3810, Tax Credit for Parental Choice in Education Act; provide income tax credit for individual who chooses to educate child outside public school system: s0519
12-006-3810, Trail easement; provide income tax credit to a property owner who encumbers his property with a certain trail easement: H3121
12-006-3810, Veterans, disabled; provide for income tax credit for disabled veterans: h3115
12-007-0010 through 12-007-0740, SC Job Creations and Competitiveness Act of 2023; provide tax rate is 3.5 percent of the difference between federal taxable income and SC standard deduction; other provisions: h3103
12-008-0610, Income tax; provide certain employers are not required to withhold income tax: h3613
12-036-0072, Definitions; provide definition for lodging marketplaces: s0953
12-036-0160, Comprehensive Tax Reform Act: s0835
12-036-0915, Comprehensive Tax Reform Act: s0835
12-036-1310, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
12-036-2120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
12-036-2700, SC Public Lands Enhancement Act; require amount equal to annual general fund portion of sales tax revenue derived from sporting goods be appropriated for capital improvements on certain lands: s0281
12-037-0130, Property tax; provide imposition of statewide millage on all real and personal property subject to property tax for raising public school revenues: h3114
12-037-0160, Annexed property; provide certain property assessed as agricultural or related may not be annexed by a municipality: s1017
12-045-0440, Motor vehicle taxes; prohibit county from accepting payment or issuing tax receipt on motor vehicle solely because of other delinquent property tax: h3085
12-045-0440, Property tax; require county treasurer to accept partial property tax payments from a taxpayer affected by an error by the county: h5328
12-045-0440, Save Our Property Act; authorize assessor to defer property taxes until next year on certain residential or agricultural property for applicants under certain income: h4666
12-051-0180, Foreclosure; provide if under state of emergency no county treasurer may foreclose on property: h3512
12-051-0180, Property tax, delinquent; authorize officials to contract with a third-party collection agency to collect delinquent property taxes on personal property: h3839
12-062-0110, Film project funds; provide any funds committed must be carried forward and used for same purpose; any uncommitted funds be carried forward for wage and supplier rebate funds: h3089
12-070-0100 through 12-070-0180, SC Agribusiness, Rural, and Opportunity Zone Jobs Act: s0294, h3938
Title 12, Chap. 007, SC Job Creations and Competitiveness Act of 2023; provide tax rate is 3.5 percent of the difference between federal taxable income and SC standard deduction; other provisions: h3103
Title 12, Chap. 070, SC Agribusiness, Rural, and Opportunity Zone Jobs Act: s0294, h3938
Title 13
13-001-0055, Chinese business; prohibit Commerce Dept from offering or awarding incentives to Chinese companies; other provisions: h3510
13-001-0055, Chinese businesses; prohibit offering or awarding incentives to Chinese companies; prohibit incentives for companies contracting with prohibited companies; other provisions: s0163
13-001-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0130, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-0140, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
13-001-1720, Coordinating Council for Economic Development; prohibit from granting extensions, modifications, or waivers when company awarded incentives; other provisions: s0166
13-001-2210 through 13-001-2240, SC Stem Opportunity Act; establish STEM Coalition; establish STEM Education Fund within treasury; establish STEM Coalition Advisory Council and provide functions and purpose: h4703
13-017-0042, Transparency in Justice Act; provide unlawful for an officer to use a chokehold or carotid hold: s0210
13-017-0155, Transparency in Justice Act; provide an officer shall not seek or execute a no-knock warrant: s0210
Title 13, Chap. 001, Art. 017, SC Stem Opportunity Act; establish STEM Coalition; establish STEM Education Fund within treasury; establish STEM Coalition Advisory Council and provide functions and purpose: h4703
Title 14
14-001-0250, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-001-0250, Insurance fraud; require judges and judicial officials to report all cases of suspected false statements or misrepresentations to Insurance Fraud Division: h3980
14-001-0260, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-001-0270, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-001-0280, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-001-0290, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-001-0300, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-003-0460, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-009-0270, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
14-023-1040, Probate judges; reenact eligibility requirements enforceable beginning March 1, 2025: s1300
14-025-0250, Case dispositions; require every clerk of court to report to SLED within 10 days of disposition of each case and 48 hours the issuance of order; other provisions: h3055
14-032-0010 through 14-032-0040, Judicial Criminal Information Technology Committee, created; establish membership, duties and responsibilities; provide for study of and recommendations for improvements of technology and reporting: s0042
14-032-0010 through 14-032-0050, Judicial Criminal Information Technology Committee, created; establish membership, duties and responsibilities; provide for study of and recommendations for improvements of technology and reporting: h4470
Title 14, Chap. 032, Judicial Criminal Information Technology Committee, created; establish membership, duties and responsibilities; provide for study of and recommendations for improvements of technology and reporting: s0042, h4470
Title 15
15-001-0315, Removal from car; provide any person may remove minor, vulnerable adult, or animal from a vehicle if life threatening or extreme health threatening situation and is immune from liability; other provisions: h4809
15-003-0710, Liability; provide liability for a person or establishment who illegally gives alcohol to someone who injures a third party; other provisions: s1048
15-003-0710, Sexual abuse; provide religious institution or personnel may be immune from civil liability for disclosing an individual's employer information regarding sexual abuse offense: h3800
15-003-0800, SC Dram Shop Act; provide definitions: s1175
15-003-0810, SC Dram Shop Act; provide persons or property damaged by intoxicated person has cause of action against permit holder of server is permit holder knowingly served and was proximate cause of injury: s1175
15-003-0820, SC Dram Shop Act; provide persons or property damaged by under age person has cause of action against permit holder of server is permit holder knowingly served and was proximate cause of injury: s1175
15-003-0900 through 15-003-0990, SC Public Expression Protection Act; establish cause of action asserted for a civil action based upon a person's communication in certain circumstances; establish requirements for proceedings: h4274
15-037-0230, Civil action, defamation, slander, or libel; require plaintiff to pay all court costs and attorney fees if plaintiff does not prevail: h5454
15-039-0160, Foreclosure; provide if under state of emergency no court case on foreclosure may be held: h3512
15-039-0625, Property; provide for sale of property by private selling officer: s0179, h3833
15-047-0170, Uniform Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act; provide provisions do not apply to grand jury or special grand jury in a foreign jurisdiction does not have same powers and duties as if in this state; other provisions: h4293
15-050-0025, Structured settlements; provide list of acts in which a structured settlement company cannot engage: S0259
15-050-0080, Structured settlements; provide for court appointed attorney in certain cases: S0259
15-050-0090, Structured settlements; provide company must register with Secretary of State: S0259
15-050-0100, Structured settlements; provide that registration is valid for one year and renewed by application filed every year: S0259
15-050-0110, Structured settlements; provide company must post a bond with Secretary of State or pay cash bond in amount of 50,000 dollars: S0259
15-050-0120, Structured settlements; provide company must file a notice of judgement with Secretary of State and other provisions: S0259
15-050-0130, Structured settlements; provide liability is not affected by breach of contract, warranty, or any other act of omission of the company: S0259
15-050-0140, Structured settlements; provide Secretary of State must receive written notice of cancellation or modification of surety bond within 20 days prior to cancellation or modification: S0259
15-050-0150, Structured settlements; provide an asignee is not required to register as a company to acquire payment rights: S0259
15-050-0160, Structured settlements; provide Secretary of State may assess an adminstrative fine if person required to register do not do so within 15 days of receipt of notice to register: S0259
15-050-0170, Structured settlements; provide a transfer order does not constitute a qualified order and other provisions: S0259
15-067-0280, Adverse possession; abolish doctrine of adverse possession: h5469
15-073-0050, Firearms and ammunition; prohibit legal actions by state or political subdivision again manufacturer, trade association, distributor or dealer of firearms or ammunition under certain circumstances: h4061
15-075-0030, Consortium claims; permit parental and filial consortium claims: h4304
15-075-0310 through 15-075-0370, Uniform Civil Remedies for Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act; define terms, create civil action and provide exceptions to liability: h3025
15-076-0010 through 15-076-0040, Liability, transporting seniors; limit liability of person who provides volunteer transportation to a senior adult; provide exceptions and other provisions: s0435
15-078-0125, Catastrophic injury fund; provide process and procedures; create Tort Reform Study Committee to recommend changes; other provisions: s0085
15-083-0010 through 15-083-0030, Liability; provide liability protection for certain volunteers who transport vulnerable adults: h5308
15-083-0110 through 15-083-0150, Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Claims Transparency and Claims Legitimacy Act; establish required disclosures and related discovery provisions; other provisions: s0747
15-085-0010 through 15-085-0130, SC False Claims Act; providing liability for false or fraudulent claim under certain circumstances , provide for procedures, and other provisions: s0086
15-085-0020 through 15-085-0080, SC False Claims Act: s0970
TItle 15, Chap. 003, Art. 007, SC Public Expression Protection Act; establish cause of action asserted for a civil action based upon a person's communication in certain circumstances; establish requirements for proceedings: h4274
Title 15, Chap. 067, Art. 004, Adverse possession; abolish doctrine of adverse possession: h5469
Title 15, Chap. 075, Art. 003, Uniform Civil Remedies for Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act; define terms, create civil action and provide exceptions to liability: h3025
Title 15, Chap. 076, Liability, transporting seniors; limit liability of person who provides volunteer transportation to a senior adult; provide exceptions and other provisions: s0435
Title 15, Chap. 083, Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Claims Transparency and Claims Legitimacy Act; establish required disclosures and related discovery provisions; other provisions: s0747
Title 15, Chap. 083, Liability; provide liability protection for certain volunteers who transport vulnerable adults: h5308
Title 15, Chap. 085, SC False Claims Act; providing liability for false or fraudulent claim under certain circumstances , provide for procedures, and other provisions: s0086, s0970
Title 16
16-001-0135, SC Citizens' Defense Act of 2023; provide general penalty for crimes against law enforcement: s0272
16-001-0140, Enhanced sentence; enhance possible sentence for a person convicted of serious or lesser offense or violent crime if out on bond when crime committed; other provisions: s0140
16-003-0006, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0015, Life imprisonment; prohibit penalty for any individual under 18 at time of offense; provide max sentence for those committing offense as a minor: s0267
16-003-0065, Reckless endangerment; create offense, define terms, and provide penalties: h4603, h4605
16-003-0080, Drug-induced homicide; provide penalty and prohibit affirmative defense: s0001, s0238, s0586, h3476
16-003-0100, Embryos and eggs; provide embryos and eggs that exist outside of the uterus are not considered unborn children; other provisions: h5157
16-003-0100, In Vitro Fertilization Protection Act; provide definition of assistive reproductive technologies and provide protections: s1121
16-003-0105, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0106, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0107, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0108, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0605, Educators or Officers, assault against; create an enhanced penalty for convictions during performance of duties: s0114, h4894
16-003-0605, Reckless endangerment, offense created; create offense, define terms and provide penalties: s0880
16-003-0605, Strangulation; define terms and create offense of strangulation and aggravated strangulation; provide penalties and exceptions: h3684
16-003-0605, Transparency in Justice Act; unlawful to harm or kill based on discrimination; add penalties: s0210
16-003-0760, Cyber harassment; create offense, provide penalties and delineate exceptions: h3058, h3615
16-003-0760, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0761, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0762, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0763, SC Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023; provide definitions and provide an unborn child who is a victim of homicide is afforded same protection under homicide laws with exceptions: h3549
16-003-0910, Kidnapping; allow sentencing for the kidnapping offenses when also sentenced for murder: S0142
16-003-0930, Luring a child; create offense of luring a child; provide penalties; provide defense of prosecution: h3015
16-003-1092, Law Enforcement Officers Helping Alleviate Lawful Obstruction (HALO) Act; provide that all bystanders shall remain at least 12 feet away from law enforcement when bystanders recording; provide penalty: h3543
16-003-1410, Crime victim services training, department; delete provisions exemption certain crime victim service providers from basic certification requirements: h3060
16-003-1656, Victim assistance organizations; require organization to protect confidentiality and privacy of clients; provide exceptions: s0147, s0226
16-003-2110 through 16-003-2195, Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights Act: h3534
16-003-2410 through 16-003-2420, Hate Crimes; provide additional penalties for hate crimes; provide for civil action: h3005
16-003-2410, Clementa C Pinckney Hate Crimes Act; provide additional penalties for persons whose victims were selected based on certain factors; provide for civil action; other provisions: h3014
16-003-2410, Hate Crimes Act; provide additional penalties for hate crimes; provide for civil action: s0003
16-003-2410, Hate crimes; provide additional penalties for persons who commit delineated crimes when victim was intentionally selected based on certain factors: s0615
16-003-2410, Hate crimes; provide penalties: s0296, h3020
16-007-0310 through 16-007-0390, Immigration; provide for arrest and prosecution of persons who enter SC illegally; provide penalties and civil action; other provisions: h5350
16-008-0510 through 16-008-0530, Terrorism; provide offense of furthering terrorism; provide penalties and other provisions: h3035
16-008-0510 through 16-008-0550, SC Street Gang and Criminal Enterprise Prevention and Anti-Racketeering Act; create anti-racketeering provisions, define terms, and create various offenses and penalties: s0154, h3003
16-011-0040, Squatting; provide certain penalties for a person who unlawfully detains or occupies residential property: h5375, h5468
16-011-0445, Self-defense, deadly force; provide justification if in place of worship in certain circumstances: h3442
16-011-0460, Immunity order; provide order is immediately appealable; provide defendant who does not appeal the order immediately may appeal the denial after convictions and sentencing: h3042
16-011-0705, Litter; provide for crime of illegal tire dumping; define terms and provide penalties and fines: s1020
16-011-0705, Littering; establish civil offense: h3174
16-011-0735, Trespassing; provide graduated penalties upon grounds or property of a publicly owned water utility: h4375
16-011-0765, Right of way; provide unlawful to park in right of way of highways under certain circumstances; provide for disposal of vehicles and provide penalties: h4682
16-011-0785, Squating and damages; provide criminal penalty for unlawfully detaining, occupying, or trespassing upon a residential dwelling and intentionally damages cause a certain amount in damages: s1231
16-011-0795, Squating; provide criminal penalty for person who presents a false document purporting to be a valid lease agreement, deed or other document conveying property rights: s1231
16-011-0799, Residential property; provide criminal penalty for person who lists or advertises property for sale, lease or rent knowing seller has no legal title or authority to sell, rent or lease the property: s1231
16-013-0020, Impersonating another person; create offense of impersonation through email, social media, or other internet website; provide penalty and terms: h3038
16-015-0260, Unlawful dissemination of sexually explicit material; create offense: h3059, h3468
16-015-0340, Luring a child; create offense and provide penalties; provide defenses to prosecution and other provisions: S0142
16-015-0390, Obscene visual representations of child sexual abuse; create offense and establish penalties: s0996, h4972
16-015-0430, Gavin's Law; create offense of sexual extortion and aggravated sexual extortion; define terms and provide penalties: H3583
16-015-0450, Cabaret performances; prohibit adult cabaret performances on public property and in places where performances can be viewed by minors: s0585
16-015-0450, Sexual extortion; provide law enforcement shall develop and manage a statewide sexual extortion investigation and outcome database: h4607
16-017-0470, Eavesdropping, peeping and voyeurism; revise and define terms; increase penalty when victim is a minor: s0141
16-017-0485, Tracking; define tracking device and provide offense of unlawful tracking; provide penalties and exceptions: h3036
16-017-0535, Breach of peace; allow persons found guilty to be granted conditional discharge under certain circumstances: h3981
16-017-0605, Unlawful concealment of death, offense created; create offense and provide penalties: s0870
16-017-0722, False police reports; revise statute; provide for offense of swatting and provide graduated penalties: s1060, h4974
16-017-0780, Crime scene images; prohibit distribution on social media or similar means; define terms and provide penalties: h3021
16-017-0780, Novel vaccines; prohibit mandates for novel vaccine or gene therapy: s0975
16-017-0780, Off-shore drilling; create criminal offense of unlawful permitting: h3184
16-017-0780, Service contracts; provide unlawful for providers to classify defects as preexisting conditions under service contract under certain conditions: h3261
16-019-0135, Gambling; provide certain sports wagering and fantasy sports contests are not a violation of certain laws: h3749
16-023-0025, Handguns; unlawful to sell, deliver, lease, rent, barter, exchange or transport for sale to a person under age of 18; unlawful for person under 18 to posses a hangun; provide exceptions: s0127
16-023-0100 through 16-023-0130, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; require firearm transfer must be preceded by background check; provide exceptions, notice, penalties and other provisions: s0848, s0889
16-023-0290, Assault weapons; provide for circumstances for manufacturing, importing, distributing, sold or offered for sale; provide penalty: h4472
16-023-0495, SC Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2023; provide penalties for persons convicted of committing or attempting to commit concealable weapons crimes; other provisions: H3594
16-023-0540, Firearm storage; create offense of criminally negligent storage and provide penalties: h3470, h4931
16-023-0540, Firearm; create offense of theft of firearm and provide penalty: h3412
16-023-0540, Firearms; create offense of negligent carrying of firearm in a motor vehicle when vehicle is unattended and unlocked and contains a firearm subsequently stolen and used in crime; provide graduated penalties: h5331
16-023-0540, Lizzy's Law; require owner or person possessing firearm to report loss or theft of each weapon; require law enforcement to collect certain info; provide penalties and other provisions: h3984
16-023-0545, Firearms; create offense of felony possession of a firearm and provide penalty: h3412
16-023-0550, Firearms; require reporting of loss or theft within 24 hours and provide penalties for violations: h3470
16-023-0550, Stolen firearm; create offense of stolen firearm during commission of a violent crime; provide penalty: h3412
16-023-0910 through 16-023-0930, Background checks for firearm sales and transfers; establish requirements: h4470
16-023-0910 through 16-023-0930, Firearms; prohibit any gun transfer without background check; provide for penalties and other provisions: h3055
16-024-0010 through 16-024-0060, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; create tiered offenses of criminal storage of firearms; provide exception and other provisions: s0848
16-024-0010 through 16-024-0070, Children's Firearm Accident Prevention Act; provide definitions and create tiered offenses of criminal storage of a firearm; provide exceptions and other provisions: s0021
16-025-0130, Address confidentiality program, established; allow victims of DV, trafficking, assault, harrassment or stalking may use a designated adderss rather than residential address; other provisions: s0147
16-025-0130, Victims; establish the address of confidentiality program within the AG office to protect victims of DV, human trafficking, stalking, harassment and other sexual offenses: S0142
Title 16, Chap. 003, Art. 021, Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights Act: h3534
Title 16, Chap. 003, Art. 022, Clementa C Pinckney Hate Crimes Act; provide additional penalties for persons whose victims were selected based on certain factors; provide for civil action; other provisions: h3014
Title 16, Chap. 003, Art. 022, Hate Crimes Act; provide additional penalties for hate crimes; provide for civil action: s0003, h3005
Title 16, Chap. 003, Art. 022, Hate crimes; provide penalties: s0296, h3020
Title 16, Chap. 007, Art. 005, Immigration; provide for arrest and prosecution of persons who enter SC illegally; provide penalties and civil action; other provisions: h5350
Title 16, Chap. 008, Art. 005, SC Street Gang and Criminal Enterprise Prevention and Anti-Racketeering Act; create anti-racketeering provisions, define terms, and create various offenses and penalties: s0154, h3003
Title 16, Chap. 008, Art. 005, Terrorism; provide offense of furthering terrorism; provide penalties and other provisions: h3035
Title 16, Chap. 023, Art. 002, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; require firearm transfer must be preceded by background check; provide exceptions, notice, penalties and other provisions: s0848, s0889
Title 16, Chap. 023, Art. 009, Background checks for firearm sales and transfers; establish requirements: h4470
Title 16, Chap. 023, Art. 009, Firearms; prohibit any gun transfer without background check; provide for penalties and other provisions: h3055
Title 16, Chap. 024, Children's Firearm Accident Prevention Act; provide definitions and create tiered offenses of criminal storage of a firearm; provide exceptions and other provisions: s0021
Title 16, Chap. 024, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; create tiered offenses of criminal storage of firearms; provide exception and other provisions: s0848
Title 17
17-001-0015, DUI, great bodily harm or death; provide a charge may not be nolle prossed or dismissed without consent of AG: h4614
17-001-0043, Arrest records; provide for destruction within 180 days if person arrested by mistaken identity; prohibit fee under these circumstances: h3019
17-001-0043, Expungement; require destruction of arrest records of person arrested by mistaken identity under certain circumstances: s0112
17-001-0057, Magistrates; grant authority to hear and consider motions to reconsider bond until there is a grand jury indictment or circuit court has already ruled or scheduled hearing: h3887
17-001-0065, SC Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2023; provide persons may apply for expungement for unlawful possession of handguns under certain circumstances: H3594
17-001-0070, Dismissed charges; allow persons with specific offenses to petition to have charges dismissed if not adjudicated or dismissed after a certain time period; other provisions: h3019
17-003-0365, Statewide grand Jury Defense Division, created; create within Indigent Defense Office; provide for duties and responsibilities; other provisions: h3814
17-005-0135, Coroners; allow coroners to possess and administer opioid antidotes under certain circumstances: H3691
17-005-0150, Coroners and deputy coroners; provide they are considered public safety officers if killed in line of duty: H3691
17-013-0142, Electronic communications; authorize law enforcement officer, prosecutor, or AG to require disclosure of electronic communication and other records by provide or remote computing service under certain circumstances: s0954, h3825
17-013-0180, Stops and seizures; provide scent of marijuana alone does not provide law enforcement with reasonable suspicion to stop, search, seize or arrest: s0892, h3829
17-013-0180, Subpeonas and orders; provide businesses must treat a subpeona, order or warrant from another state as if issued by SC court: h3477
17-013-0190, Electronic data; provide for issuance, execution and return of search warrants for electronic data or info: h3477
17-015-0035, Electronic monitoring; define terms provide procedures for court-ordered monitoring in lieu of bond or as additional condition of bond: H3532
17-015-0037, Electronic monitoring; authorize SLED to promulgate regulations and provide parameters: H3532
17-015-0175, Bench warrant; provide a judge may not issue for failure to appear unless notice has been provided to attorney of record before issuing: h3044
17-015-0270, Jamal Sutherland Justice Act; provide for mental health evaluation before bond hearing after arrest from mental health facility or institution; provide notification to guardian and other provisions: h3531
17-015-0270, Mental health patients; require evaluation before bond hearing for patient arrested at a mental health institution or facility: h4470
17-015-0270, Pretrial release or bond; provide sentencing enhancements for person committing certain additional crimes while on release or bond: h3032, H3532
17-015-0280, Pretrial release or bond; prohibit for persons charged with certain additional crimes and provide procedures: h3032
17-015-0500, SC Pretrial Reform Commission, established; provide for membership and duties; provide for termination of commission on a certain date: H3532
17-022-0910, Expungement; add new references: h4602
17-022-0940, Expungement process; provide for verification of eligibility by court for participants in drug treatment courts before expungement: h4602
17-022-1310 through 17-022-1380, Drug Court Program Act; direct each circuit solicitor to establish a drug court program for adults and juveniles; provide criteria for eligibility and other provisions: s0083
17-022-1310 through 17-022-1390, Drug Court Program Act: s0277
17-022-915, Expungement, allow for expungement of first offense of nonviolent offenses and drug treatment court offenses after certain time periods without pending charges or additional convictions: h4602
17-023-0168, Courtesy summons; provide that summons must be issued when charges are dismissed or nol prossed after preliminary hearing when defendant is subsequently indicted by grand jury for similar charges: h3037
17-025-0035, Sentence with no punishment; make conforming changes: s0267
17-025-0040, Convictions and sentences; provide a person must not be sentenced to death or a term of life without parole if under 18 at the time of offense: s0075
17-025-0040, FOIA; provide defendants may seek to and courts may limit public access to certain information presented during hearings: h3369
17-025-0040, Parole; provide eligibility fro any individual under age of 18 at time of offense; apply retroactively: s0267
17-032-0010 through 17-032-0060, Criminal Asset Forfeiture; provide procedures for forfeiture of monies, property and other assets: s0041
17-032-0010 through 17-032-0210, Asset forfeiture and Private Property Act; provide procedures and requirements for asset forfeiture and protection of private property in certain circumstances: h4470
17-032-0010 through 17-032-0230, Asset Forfeiture and Private Property Protection Act; provide for processes: s0048
Title 17, Chap. 022, Art. 013, Drug Court Program Act: s0277
Title 17, Chap. 022, Art. 013, Drug Court Program Act; direct each circuit solicitor to establish a drug court program for adults and juveniles; provide criteria for eligibility and other provisions: s0083
Title 17, Chap. 032, Asset Forfeiture and Private Property Protection Act; provide for processes: s0048
Title 17, Chap. 032, Asset forfeiture and Private Property Act; provide procedures and requirements for asset forfeiture and protection of private property in certain circumstances: h4470
Title 17, Chap. 032, Criminal Asset Forfeiture; provide procedures for forfeiture of monies, property and other assets: s0041
Title 19
19-011-0110, Vicitm assistance organizations; prohibit from testifying in actions and proceedings about communications made by client or records kept during service; provide exceptions: s0147, s0226
Title 20
20-001-0225, Religious Freedom in Marriage Act; require selection of divorce grounds on marriage license application: h3488
20-003-0015, Divorce; allow for corroboration of evidence in certain divorce actions through affidavits: h3199
20-003-0132, Alimony; require use of certain spousal benefit payments to offset alimony owed: h3228, h4558
20-003-0165, Alimony; authorize DSS Child Support Enforcement Division to enforce certain alimony obligations: h3222
20-004-0020, Order of protection; define household and dating relationship: s0143
20-004-0035, Magistrates; allow magistrate to issue ex parte orders of protection in certain circumstances: h3867
20-004-0040, Order of protection; designate people who can apply for an order on behalf of a minor: s0143
20-021-0110, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; provide definitions for multifamily dwelling and other terms: s0508
20-021-0120, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; define qualified inspector: s0508
20-021-0130, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; require LLR to adopt a multifamily dwelling balcony code establishing minimum standards: s0508
20-021-0140, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; require LLR to periodically conduct inspections of balconies for compliance: s0508
20-021-0150, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; provide LLR shall charge a property owner a fee for inspections of balconies: s0508
20-021-0160, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; provide remedies for violations: s0508
20-021-0170, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; provide LLR may authorize waivers or exemptions under balcony code: s0508
20-021-0180, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; provide penalties for violations of balcony code: s0508
Title 22
22-001-0045, Senators; prohibit senator from appearing as attorney in magistrates court located in a county the senator represents: s0409
22-001-0200, Case dispositions; require magistrates of court to report to SLED within 10 days of disposition of each case and 48 hours the issuance of order; other provisions: h3055
Title 23
23-001-0235, Auto license plate readers; provide only certain entities may use readers; provide for locations and information that may be obtained; provide penalties and other provisions: h3374
23-001-0235, Cell-site simulator; provide law enforcement agencies shall not purchase technology or devices and discontinue if currently possess technology or devices; other provisions: h3389
23-001-0235, Cell-site simulators; provide law enforcement agencies shall not purchase from companies requiring NDAs; other provisions: h3390
23-001-0240, Body cams; provide circumstances in which the policies and procedures must include for activation and provide data is subject to FOIA: h3545
23-001-0242, Body cams; prohibit deletion or destruction of data from body cams with intent to alter or influence an action or investigation; provide penalties and exemptions: s0308
23-001-0243, Body cams; prohibit destruction or deletion of data from body cams; provide penalties and other provisions: h3545
23-001-0250, Excessive force; unlawful to use excessive force when detaining or arresting persons; provide for penalty and procedure for investigation; other provisions: h3541
23-001-0250, Incident reports and orders; require each law enforcement agency to report to SLED within 24 hours the filing of each incident report or order relating to DV or in which a person may be prohibited from having a firearm: h3055
23-001-0250, Law enforcement agencies; provide agencies may not acquire or purchase certain military items: h3495
23-001-0250, Mental health professionals, licensed; provide all law enforcment agencies must employ or maintain contracts: h3346
23-001-0250, Officer-involved deaths; law enforcement shall have written policies regarding investigation of officer-involved deaths; provide for contents of policy; provide for investigations and reports; other provisions: s0077
23-001-0250, Police Brutality Citizens Review Committee, created; establish in every county to investigate alleged police brutality and publish report; other provisions: h3263
23-001-0250, Recorded statements; provide certain statements during questioning or interrogation must be recorded; provide court must instruct jury that it make draw adverse inference for failure to record; other provisions: s0073
23-001-0250, Tasers and stun guns; require law enforcement agencies to have written policies that meet or exceed SLED policy; require documentation of use of taser or stun gun; require reports and other provisions: h3530
23-001-0250, Transparency in Justice Act; provide officer may not receive certain property from a military equipment surplus and may only purchase property; establish reporting requirements; other provisions for rights violations: s0210
23-001-0250, Warrants; provide for procedures, penalties and civil remedies; other provisions: h3365
23-001-0255, Excessive force; provide unlawful to use excessive force when detaining or arresting persons; provide penalty; provide for death investigation; other provisions: h4470
23-001-0260, Citizenship Verification Act; provide law enforcement must check immigration status of persons arrested; provide status must be recorded in criminal record and other provisions: h5391
23-001-0260, Help Find the Missing Act; provide circumstances bodies are sent to SLED's forensic lab; provide certain info provided to certain databases; provide for dissemination of records and other provisions: s0672
23-001-0260, Illegal immigrants; provide must obtain a criminal background check at their expense when requested by law enforcement and provide penalties for violations: h3725
23-001-0260, Law enforcement; provide agencies may not acquire or purchase certain military items: h4470
23-001-0260, Mass violence; establish certain duties to prevent or mitigate mass violence; provide civil liability for breaches of duties; provide defenses and immunities; other provisions: h3178
23-001-0260, Officers; provide minimum salary for certain state or local officers: h3413
23-001-0260, Vehicle security systems; provide companies that maintain in-vehicle security systems for motor vehicles must release vehicle location info to law enforcement in emergency situations: h4160
23-001-0270, Tasers; require law enforcement agencies to adopt and maintain written policy regarding the use of taser devices or stun guns; other provisions: h4470
23-002-0015 through 23-002-0145, Ethical Policing Transparency and Accountability Act; provide for standardized practice, conduct and procedures; create a Citizen's Review Board; other provisions: h3338, h3339
23-003-0042, SLED; provide SLED must not release certain info regarding arrests pursuant to criminal history background checks: s1159
23-003-0080, Illegal Immigration Enforcement Unit, created in SLED; provide for administration and duties; other provisions: H4120
23-003-0087, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-003-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-003-0090, SLED; grant SLED jurisdiction and authority to conduct investigation of all officer-involved shootings that result in injury or death; establish protocols for collection and processing; other provisions: s0074
23-003-0090, SLED; provide appropriations act must provide funds for PTSD resulting from law enforcement activities: h3413
23-003-0092, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-003-0095, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-003-0097, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-003-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-003-0340, Alert notifications; provide SLED must send wireless emergency alert notifications to law enforcement agencies and public when missing person is diagnosed with dementia or alzheimers: h3856
23-003-0340, Call location info; provide carriers shall give call location to law enforcement in order to respond to a call for emergency services for risk of serious harm or death; other provisions: s0235
23-003-0430, Sex offender registry; add offense of obscene visual representations of child sexual abuse to sex offender registry: s0996, h4972
23-003-0463, Sex offender registry; provide procedure for certain juvenile offenders to be removed from registry; other provisions: h3380
23-003-0557, Sex offenders; provide for when offenders may have contact or custody of children; provide offenders must report children to court and solicitor must provide other parent about safeguarding children: h3363
23-003-0560, Sex offender registry; provide person required to register may petition to terminate registration 10 years after initial registration under certain circumstances: h3350
23-003-0910 through 23-003-0920, Use of force and traffic stop database, established; require SLED to establish and promulgate regulations: h3544
23-003-1500 through 23-003-1560, Asset seizure and forfeiture tracking database; Prosecution Coordination Commission shall establish and maintain database and a searchable website; other provisions: s0041
23-003-1500, Center for School Safety and Targeted Violence, established; establish within SLED: H3360
23-003-1800 through 23-003-1860, Immigration laws; provide local law enforcement may enter into memorandums or understanding with federal agencies to enforce immigration laws: h5471
23-006-0197, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-009-0199, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-023-0045, Certification; provide all officers must undergo mental health evaluation before certification: h3353
23-023-0045, Continuing education; provide officers are required to complete training in autism spectrum disorders: h4950
23-023-0045, Officers; provide officers must undergo mental health evaluation that must include an assessment of implicit bias before certification; other provisions: s0223
23-023-0045, T-CPR; require all 911 telecommunicators be trained in telecommunicator CPR: s0976, H4867
23-023-0045, Transparency in Justice Act; provide Criminal Justice Academy must require de-escalation training and continuing education credits in de-escalation training: s0210
23-023-0057, Continuing education; provide certified officers annually must complete continuing ed in diversity training: h3352
23-023-0112, School Guardian Act; provide Law Enforcement Council must develop guidelines for school guardians that must be offered at Criminal Justice Academy; other provisions: s0237
23-023-0112, School Protection Officer Act; provide Law Enforcement Council must develop guidelines for school protection officer training ; other provisions: h4708
23-023-0160, Law Enforcement Training Council; establish policies, procedures, and training courses relation to circumstances upon which an officer may engage in vehicular pursuits: s0024
23-023-0160, Use of force policies; require law enforcement agencies to develop policies and Law Enforcement Training Council develop model use of force policy that may be adopted by agencies; other provisions: s0222
23-023-0165, Law Enforcement Training Council; provide council shall develop a minimum set of standards for establishing and implementing a mediation program as alternate to resolving complaints: h4719
23-023-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-023-0170, Law Enforcement Training Council and Academy; provide all other funds collected must be remitted to the general fund if funded by appropriations act: h3413
23-023-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
23-023-0200, Student loans; provide certain officers qualify for student loan forgiveness; provide appropriations: h3402
23-023-0210 through 23-023-0220, Center for School Safety and Targeted Violence, established; establish within SLED: h3361
23-031-0070 Firearms Criminal Background Checks; Firearms; require results from national instant background check before sale, exchange or transfer of firearm: h3011
23-031-0070 through 23-031-0100, Firearms; require national background check before sale, exchange or transfer; require national instant checks at gun shows; provide for procedures; other provisions: h3010
23-031-0218, SC Citizens' Defense Act of 2023; provide for institutional concealed weapons permits: s0272
23-031-0240, Concealed weapons; include active circuit public defenders and public defenders as allowed to carry: s0037
23-031-0245, SC Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2023; provide when officers may search, detain or arrest persons openly carrying weapons: H3594
23-031-0900 through 23-031-0920, Second Amendment Sanctuary Act; provide AG must issue opinion regarding constitutionality of any federal law or regulation relating to the second amendment; provide for action and other provisions: s0359
23-031-0910, Firearms; provide unlawful to give or sell a firearm to a person whose name is on terrorist watch list; provide penalty: h3013
23-031-1100, Firearms; require SLED to establish the SC Voluntary Do-Not-Sell firearms list to provide to background check systems of those why voluntarily waive their right to purchase a firearm: s0638
23-031-1110 through 23-031-1150, Firearm manufacturers and retailers; provide unlawful for financial institutions or governmental entities to discriminate against firearm manufacturers and retailers; provide penalties: h3393
23-031-1110, Firearms; specify requirement of application of Do-Not-Sell Firearms list and request for removal: s0638
23-031-1120, Firearms; prohibit person required to perform background check from selling to anyone on Do-Not-Sell Firearms list; provide penalties: s0638
23-031-1210 through 23-031-1260, Red Flags Act; provide for law enforcement to seize firearms and ammunition if person poses a risk to harm self or others; establish criteria and other provisions: s0005, h3560
23-031-1210 through 23-031-1260, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; provide authority to law enforcement to seize firearms and ammunition if person poses risk; establish criteria and other provisions: s0848
23-031-9010, Firearms; provide possession of a firearm requires liability insurance to covers negligence or accidental use; provide for proof of insurance; other provisions: s0224
23-031-9010, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; require carry liability insurance and proof of insurance; provide penalties and other provisions: s0848
23-047-0080, 911 services violations; reference penalties for swatting: s1060, h4974
23-047-0085, First responder; provide 911 professionals are entitled to certain benefits: h3345
Title 23, Chap. 002, Ethical Policing Transparency and Accountability Act; provide for standardized practice, conduct and procedures; create a Citizen's Review Board; other provisions: h3338, h3339
Title 23, Chap. 003, Art. 011, Hate crimes database; provide SLED shall establish database and provide promulgation of regulations: h3356
Title 23, Chap. 003, Art. 011, Use of force and traffic stop database, established; require SLED to establish and promulgate regulations: h3544
Title 23, Chap. 003, Art. 017, Asset seizure and forfeiture tracking database; Prosecution Coordination Commission shall establish and maintain database and a searchable website; other provisions: s0041
Title 23, Chap. 003, Art. 018, Immigration laws; provide local law enforcement may enter into memorandums or understanding with federal agencies to enforce immigration laws: h5471
Title 23, Chap. 023, Art. 017, Center for School Safety and Targeted Violence, established; establish within SLED: H3360
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 0012, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; provide authority to law enforcement to seize firearms and ammunition if person poses risk; establish criteria and other provisions: s0848
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 002, Firearms Criminal Background Checks; Firearms; require results from national instant background check before sale, exchange or transfer of firearm: h3011
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 002, Firearms; require national background check before sale, exchange or transfer; require national instant checks at gun shows; provide for procedures; other provisions: h3010
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 009, Firearms; provide unlawful to give or sell a firearm to a person whose name is on terrorist watch list; provide penalty: h3013
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 009, Second Amendment Sanctuary Act; provide AG must issue opinion regarding constitutionality of any federal law or regulation relating to the second amendment; provide for action and other provisions: s0359
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 011, Firearm manufacturers and retailers; provide unlawful for financial institutions or governmental entities to discriminate against firearm manufacturers and retailers; provide penalties: h3393
Title 23, Chap. 031, Art. 012, Red Flags Act; provide for law enforcement to seize firearms and ammunition if person poses a risk to harm self or others; establish criteria and other provisions: s0005, h3560
Title 23, Chap. 031, SC Omnibus Firearm Safety Act of 2024; require carry liability insurance and proof of insurance; provide penalties and other provisions: s0848
Title 24
24-001-0142, Inmate classification system; require DOC to regularly conduct validation studies: h3191
24-001-0330, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0340, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0350, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0360, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0370, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0380, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0390, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0400, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0410, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0420, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0430, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0440, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0450, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-001-0460, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-003-0975, Cell phones in prisons; provide unlawful to possess on grounds; provide penalties: h3189
24-003-0975, Inmate phone calls; provide phone calls may not be intercepted, monitored, recorded or divulged to other persons under certain circumstances: h3370
24-003-0980, Feminine hygiene products; provide state and local prisons must supply feminine hygiene products in public restrooms free of charge: h3517
24-003-0980, Inmates; provide unlawful for inmate to possess telecommunication device unless authorized; other provisions: H4002
24-003-0980, Legal counsel; provide inmates shall not be prohibited access to legal counsel when requested under certain circumstances; other provisions: h3368
24-003-0980, Visits; provide inmates must be allowed at least one in-person meeting each month; other provisions: h3367
24-003-0980, Voter registration; provide DOC and PPP shall inform person convicted of election law crime and served sentence that he is eligible to register: h3349
24-004-0010 through 24-004-0070, Contraband Cell Phone Act; allow officers with reasonable suspicion to use devices to detect cell phones in prisons or detention facilities; to request suspension of service for phone; other provisions: s0117
24-004-0010 through 24-004-0080, Contraband Cell Phone Act; allow officers with reasonable suspicion to use devices to detect cell phones in prisons or detention facilities; to request suspension of service for phone; other provisions: h3189
24-007-0600, Inmates; provide for circumstances in which an inmate incarcerated for at least fifteen years can petition to have sentence modified: s0277
24-013-0037, Inmates; provide for treatment of pregnant and postpartum inmates: h3170
24-013-0185, Visitation rights; provide inmates may not be denied visitation under certain circumstances; provide electronic communication devices may not be used for communication with visitors: h3378
24-013-0190, Inmates; provide inmate must be provided with written notice of eligibility to register to vote with instructions on how to register at completion of sentence: s0220
24-013-0310 Conditional release; provide director of DOC may conditionally release inmates convicted of controlled substance offenses and offer chemical dependency treatment programs: h3376
24-013-0740, Supervised furlough program; provide termination of program once remaining offenders enrolled complete program: h3403
24-013-1710 through 24-013-1740, State work program; established within DOC: h4473
24-013-2310 through 24-013-2380, Wrongful convictions; provide for monetary recompense: h3546, h4067
24-021-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
24-021-0495, Probation; provide probation agent must be provide person with written notice of eligibility to register to vote with instructions on how to register: s0220
24-021-0720, Parole eligible inmates; require Dept of Corrections to create an intake case plan for all parole eligible inmates: s0277
24-021-0720, Parolee; provide a parolee must be provided with written notice of eligibility to register to vote with instructions on how to register: s0220
24-021-0925, Pardons; provide for pardon for person convicted of crimes not considered violent that allow them to possess firearm for hunting only; provide fee: h3381
24-025-0035, Palmetto Unified School District 1, funds; delete outdated code references: h3193
Title 24, Chap. 004, Contraband Cell Phone Act; allow officers with reasonable suspicion to use devices to detect cell phones in prisons or detention facilities and to request suspension of service for phone; other provisions: s0117, h3189
Title 24, Chap. 013, Art. 004, Conditional release; provide director of DOC may conditionally release inmates convicted of controlled substance offenses and offer chemical dependency treatment programs: h3376
Title 24, Chap. 013, Art. 017, State work program; established within DOC: h4473
Title 24, Chap. 013, Art. 022, Wrongful convictions; provide for monetary recompense: h3546, h4067
Title 24, Chap. 027, Art. 007, Inmates; provide for circumstances in which an inmate incarcerated for at least fifteen years can petition to have sentence modified: s0277
Title 25
25-001-0080, Second Amendment Protection Act; provide for duties and responsibilities of unorganized militia: s0440
25-001-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
25-001-0180, Military chaplains; provide criteria for certain chaplains; provide military chaplains have privilege to refuse to disclose certain confidential communications: h4845
25-001-0435, Board of Emergency Management; create, populate, and provide terms: s0275
25-001-1930, Defend the Guard Act; provide SC National Guard may not be released to active-duty combat unless Congress takes certain action: h4533
25-011-0040, County Veterans' Affairs Officers; provide secretary shall appoint one county officer for each county and General Assembly shall appropriate necessary funds for two full-time employees in each county: h4640
25-011-0710 through 25-011-0720, Veteran Homes; transfer to Veterans' Affairs the authority to establish and operate: S0399
25-011-0910 through 25-011-0970, Veterans' Bill of Rights Act; provide certain rights and duties of Veterans' Affairs Dept.: h4983
Title 25, Chap. 011, Art. 007, Veteran Homes; transfer to Veterans' Affairs the authority to establish and operate: S0399
Title 25, Chap. 011, Art. 009, Veterans' Bill of Rights Act; provide certain rights and duties of Veterans' Affairs Dept.: h4983
Title 27
27-001-0055, HOAs; require documents and regulations must not prohibit peaceful assembly during reasonable hours, organizing events with speakers, canvassing and other provisions; provide civil penalties: s0421
27-001-0065, Solar panels; provide a deed restriction, covenant, or HOA document must not prohibit installation of solar energy system: s0422
27-001-0080, Chinese companies, towers; provide chinese businesses shall not have any real estate use within 50 miles of a military base or installation for the purpose of erecting certain towers: h3118
27-001-0080, Chinese companies; provide Chinese companies may not own, lease, possess or exercise any control over any real estate in SC: h4543
27-001-0080, Chinese companies; provide Chinese companies may not own, lease, possess or exercise any control over more than 100 acres of real estate in SC: h3566
27-001-0080, Co-owned home; provide any regulation, imposition or taxation of co-owned home must be done by the GA: s1134, h5232
27-001-0080, Squatting; provide a property owner may request immediate removal of a person unlawfully occupying residential dwelling and provide complaint form: h5375, h5468
27-001-0080, Tenant proceedings; provide right to counsel for tenants in certain proceedings: h3140
27-001-0310 through 27-001-0370, Unfair Service Agreements Act; define terms, provide exceptions, prohibit recording of unfair service contracts and provide penalties: h4247
27-018-0410, Unclaimed property; provide certain funds held in trust are considered to be unclaimed property: h4943
27-024-0010 though 27-024-0150, Uniform Voidable Transaction Act; provide remedies for certain transactions by a debtor that are unfair to creditors; provide choice of law rules and define terms: h3128
27-028-0010 through 27-028-0050, Prohibition of Unfair Real Estate Service Agreements Act; make prohibitions for any unfair real estate service agreements: S0881
27-030-0135, Disclosure requirements; establish certain financial disclosure requirements: h3568
27-030-0137, HOAs; prohibit HOAs from paying utility bills on behalf of homeowner: h3568
27-030-0145, Homeowners associations; require HOA to provide a statement of unpaid assessments and other charges against a unit to owner upon request: s0118
27-030-0180, Amateur Radio Antenna Protection Act; HOAs may not prohibit property owner from installing or using an amateur radio antenna: h4549
27-030-0180, Lot owners; provide any provision of governing document which restricts constitutional right of a lot owner or person residing in residential planned community is void: h5304
27-030-0180, Political signs; allow homeowners to display within certain time frames; allow HOA to establish certain rules for political signs: h3258
27-033-0060, Landlords; provide certain landlords shall provide certain info to prospective tenants regarding fees; provide for certain notices after denial; other provisions: h4015
27-037-0200, Squating; provide procedure for removal of persons unlawfully occupying a residential dwelling: s1231
27-039-0070, Landlord and tenants; provide a landlord may not require a credit score from a potential tenant: h4815
27-039-0370, Rent; provide restrictions on raising residential rent: h3264
27-040-0350, Landlords and tenants; prohibit landlord from taking certain photos of tenant personal belongings: h4553
27-040-0350, Rental agreements; provide that tenants who are victims of domestic violence may terminate rental agreement and provide requirements: h4158
27-040-0435, Landlords; provide landlords are to provide certain security to protect tenants from criminal activity of third parties; provide for liability; provide for duties concerning security and other provisions: h3461
27-040-0460, Landlord tenant; allow crime victim tenant to request a new lock and provide procedure if perpetrator is a tenant; allow DV victims to terminate rental agreements under certain circumstances; other provisions: h3573
27-040-0635, Healthy Rental Housing Act; provide remendies for tenants with rental property with mold: s0019, h3251
27-040-0680, Eviction proceeding; provide tenant has a right to counsel and authorize court to appoint counsel if tenant unable to financially retain adequate counsel: s0887
27-040-1010 through 27-040-1170, Tenant's Rights; provide definitions and rights; provide for situations in which a protected tenant may terminate a lease; provide for reports of DV and other provisions: h4987
Title 27, Chap. 001, Art. 003, Unfair Service Agreements Act; define terms, provide exceptions, prohibit recording of unfair service contracts and provide penalties: h4247
Title 27, Chap. 024, Uniform Voidable Transaction Act; provide remedies for certain transactions by a debtor that are unfair to creditors; provide choice of law rules and define terms: h3128
Title 27, Chap. 028, Prohibition of Unfair Real Estate Service Agreements Act; make prohibitions for any unfair real estate service agreements: S0881
Title 27, Chap. 040, Art. 011, Tenant's Rights; provide definitions and rights; provide for situations in which a protected tenant may terminate a lease; provide for reports of DV and other provisions: h4987
Title 28
28-002-0035, Condemnation; provide person with power of condemnation must hold a public meeting to disclose likelihood of condemnation on surrounding properties when purchasing new property or changing use of property: s0457
28-002-0520, Eminent domain; require condemnor to utilize property obtained by eminent domain to be used for public purpose identified for eminent domain; require annual independent audit ; other provisions: h5010
Title 29
29-001-0070, Mortgage payment; provide mandatory minimum grace period and define terms; other provisions: h3804
Title 30
30-002-0500 through 30-002-0510; Law Enforcement Personal Information Privacy Protection Act; provide officer may formally request his personal identifying information not be disclosed; provided exceptions and other provisions: S0252
30-002-0515, Personal info; allow eligible requesting party to petition court for an order and prohibit liability from accruing to a state or local employee for claims or damages; other provisions: s1034
30-002-0700 through 30-002-0710, Judicial Personal Privacy Protection Act; provide active and former judiciary may formally request his personal identifying information not be disclosed; provided exceptions and other provisions: S0252
30-002-0715, Personal info; allow eligible requesting party to petition court for an order and prohibit liability from accruing to a state or local employee for claims or damages; other provisions: s1034
30-002-0900 through 30-002-910, Prosecution Personal Privacy Protection Act; provide prosecutors have the option of making personal contact info confidential and not subject to disclosure; other provisions: h4576
30-002-0900 through 30-002-910, Prosecutors Personal Privacy Protection Act; provide prosecutors have the option of making personal contact info confidential and not subject to disclosure; other provisions: s0841
30-004-0170, Government Transparency Act; require certain public bodies to make available certain salary information with either DOA or its own website: h3932
Title 30, Chap. 002, Art. 005, Law Enforcement Personal Information Privacy Protection Act; provide officer may request personal identifying information not be disclosed; provide exception and other provisions: S0252
Title 30, Chap. 002, Art. 007, Judicial Personal Privacy Protection Act; provide active and former judiciary may formally request his personal identifying information not be disclosed; provided exceptions and other provisions: S0252
Title 30, Chap. 002, Art. 009, Prosecution Personal Privacy Protection Act; provide prosecutors have the option of making personal contact info confidential and not subject to disclosure; other provisions: h4576
Title 30, Chap. 002, Art. 009, Prosecutors Personal Privacy Protection Act; provide prosecutors have the option of making personal contact info confidential and not subject to disclosure; other provisions: s0841
Title 31
31-001-0060, Religious Institutions Affordable Housing Act; provide religious organization may build certain affordable housing and maintain property tax-exempt status: h4544
31-001-0900, Heirs' Property Commission, created; provide for membership, reporting requirements and other provisions: s0436, h3903
31-003-0060, Landlord and tenants; provide personal property belonging to a tenant removed from a public housing unit must be stored for 6 months and require authority to meet certain notice requirements: h4816
31-003-0060, Public Housing Authority; require PHA and agencies to provide certain housing to displaced residents: h4539
31-003-0060, Public housing; provide maintenance personnel are required to have a valid license or certification in order to perform work for a Public Housing Authority: h4814
31-003-0060, The Eviction Right to Counsel Program, created; provide for administration of program in Housing Authority; other provisions: h3844
31-013-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
31-013-0430, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
31-018-0065, Shooting range; provide range must develop and maintain written safety plan for protection of participants and public; provide penalties and other provisions: h3130
31-018-0070, Shooting ranges; provide ranges may not be located in certain areas: h3104
31-021-0065, Uniform Antidiscrimination Act; prohibit discrimination on basis of race, color, or national origin: h3738, h5156
31-021-0160, Covenants; provide certain individuals may record a new instrument to remove certain restrictive covenants: s1244, h4119
31-021-0170, Covenants; provide process for individual may remove certain restrictive covenants: s1244, h4119
31-021-0180, Covenants; provide for certain civil actions: s1244, h4119
Title 32
32-002-0020, Indemnification agreements; provide contracts with government entities are against public policy and unenforceable: s0229
32-008-0347, Cremations; provide for use of alkaline hydrolysis as means of cremation for human remains: s0981
Title 33
33-033-0010 through 33-033-0330, Revised Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act; define terms, specify applicability, set forth powers, specify liability and other provisions: h3090
33-042-0090, Limited partnerships; provide that chapter 43 applies to limited partnerships except when inconsistent with chapter 42: h3497
33-043-0101 through 33-043-1204, SC Uniform Partnership Act of 2023; provide for formation of partnerships, transfer of interest and rights, limited liability and other provisions: h3497
Title 33, Chap. 033, Revised Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act; define terms, specify applicability, set forth powers, specify liability and other provisions: h3090
Title 33, Chap. 043, SC Uniform Partnership Act of 2023; provide for formation of partnerships, transfer of interest and rights, limited liability and other provisions: h3497
Title 34
34-001-0230, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
34-003-0105, Fees; limit fees banks or financial institutions may charge for money transfer, deposits or withdrawals done at ATM: h4569
34-003-0120, Banking institutions; define non-pecuniary objectives and require disclosure of how pursuit of non-pecuniary objectives may affect consideration of loans or services: s0583
34-003-0120, Banks; provide banks may not use social credit score when making decisions concerning provided services: s0559
34-003-0120, Customer data; provide a bank may not allow a governmental tax collection agency to collect certain customer data: h3099
34-021-0080, Trust institutions; require disclosure if a trust institution uses non-pecuniary objectives and require disclosure of how pursuit of non-pecuniary objectives may affect consideration of loans or services: s0583
34-026-0120, Credit unions; provide banks may not use social credit score when making decisions concerning provided services: s0559
34-026-0895, Credit unions; require disclosure if credit union uses non-pecuniary objectives and of how pursuit of non-pecuniary objectives may affect consideration of loans or services: s0583
34-029-0025, Discrimination; provide that banks or financial institutions may not discriminate based on certain subjective or aribitrary standards: s0111
34-047-0010, Crytocurrency; provide definitions: s1039
34-047-0020, Digital assets; permit an individual to use digiatl assets and prohibit additional taxation of digital assets: s1039
34-047-0030, Digital mining; permit an individual to participate in home digital asset mining: s1039
34-047-0040, Digital asset mining; provide an individual engaged in home digital asset mining or a business shall not be required to obtain a money transmitter license and permit the use of notes; other provisions: s1039
Title 37
37-001-0110, Commercial circulars and handbills; provide an individual may opt out of receiving on private property and other provisions: h4462
37-001-0304, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
37-003-0414, Loans; provide a database to prevent a person from having a short-term vehicle secure loan that exceeds a certain limit and to track loan transactions in general; other provisions: s0054
37-003-0415, Loans, short-term vehicle secured; define terms: s0054
37-003-0700 through 37-003-0710, Student loans; limit amount of time that interest may accrue: h3419
37-005-0120, Repossessed equipment; provide a contractor or company may repossess any and all removable equipment under certain circumstances: h4463
37-006-0120, Service contracts; provide no clause for renewal may be included unless holder gives notice of intention to terminate at a certain time; other provisions: S0434
37-006-0513, Consumer Affairs; allow department to utilize funds and fees: s0014
37-006-0610, Consumer Affairs; allow department to carry forward certain funds: s0014
37-019-0110 through 37-019-0150, Medical dept; prohibit reporting of medical debt and other info not relevant to credit or payment history; provide means for investigating violations; provide penalties: h4571
37-031-0010 through 37-031-0070, Consumer Protection from Indemnified Products Act; prohibit mandating indemnified products to consumers which would result in certain losses: h4907
37-031-0100 through 37-031-0290, Technology transparency; provide governmental entity may not communicate with social media platform in certain instances; provide applicability, exemptions and consumer rights; other provisions: h4696
37-031-0110 through 37-031-0170, Foreclosure Resolution Program; create program under Consumer Affairs; require dept to adopt certain rules; require notice of rights to participate and other provisions: h4991
Title 37, Chap. 003, Pt. 007, Student loans; limit amount of time that interest may accrue: h3419
Title 37, Chap. 019, Medical dept; prohibit reporting of medical debt and other info not relevant to credit or payment history; provide means for investigating violations; provide penalties: h4571
Title 37, Chap. 031, Consumer Protection from Indemnified Products Act; prohibit mandating indemnified products to consumers which would result in certain losses: h4907
Title 37, Chap. 031, Foreclosure Resolution Program; create program under Consumer Affairs; require dept to adopt certain rules; require notice of rights to participate and other provisions: h4991
Title 37, Chap. 031, Technology transparency; provide governmental entity may not communicate with social media platform in certain instances; provide applicability, exemptions and consumer rights; other provisions: h4696
Title 38
38-003-0105, Director, DOI; provide for election in general election; provide for qualifications, term, vacancy and other provisions: h3277
38-003-0250, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
38-005-0025, Healthcare sharing ministry; provide it is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that establishes criteria and procedures to facilitate matching participants; provide not insurance and other provisions: s0537, h4024
38-005-0300, Insurance; require disclosure if an insurance company uses non-pecuniary objectives; require disclosure as to how pursuit of non-pecuniary objectives may affect consideration of coverage: s0583
38-012-0110, Long-term care insurance; prohibit discrimination against living organ donors: s0644
38-053-0055, Electronic monitoring; provide person monitoring report to court and law enforcement if defendant has contact with victim: H3532
38-053-0083, Electronic monitoring; provide only licensed bondsman or runner may engage in electronic monitoring of a defendant: s0367
38-053-0084, Electronic monitoring; provide a person engaged in electronic monitoring must notify solicitor within 48 hours of any violation of condition of bond: s0367
38-053-0084, Electronic monitoring; require notification to solicitor if order violated; provide relief from bond for failure to pay for monitoring; provide for revocation of bondsman license for failure to comply with reporting: H3532
38-055-0190, Life insurance; provide insurers shall provide life insurance policy info of a decedent to funeral directors and establishments on behalf of the family; provide procedures and other provisions: h4658
38-055-0570, Insurance Fraud DIvision; include reference to the obligation of judges to report: h3980
38-055-0730, Insurance; allow insurers to post an insurance or endorsement on their website if certain conditions are met: s0544, H3977
38-059-0235, Health and accident insurance; provide insurance shall confirm receipt of certain claims-related info upon request and in a certain manner; other provisions: h4587
38-061-0090, Direct primary care agreement; establish a direct primary care agreement is not a contract of insurance and provide definitions: h4157
38-063-0110, Insurance; prohibit certain insurers from cancelling, limiting or denying coverage or establish differentials in rates based on genetic information: h4218
38-063-0110, Life insurance; prohibit discrimination against living organ donors: s0644, H3255
38-063-0110, Life insurance; require insurers to offer life insurance coverage for embryos: h5275
38-065-0130, Group life insurance; prohibit discrimination against living organ donors: s0644, H3255
38-065-0130, Insurance; prohibit certain insurers from cancelling, limiting or denying coverage or establish differentials in rates based on genetic information: h4218
38-065-0130, Life insurance; require insurers to offer life insurance coverage for embryos: h5275
38-071-0048, Abortion; provide health insurance must also offer coverage for abotions and related services and medical procedures intended to permanently prevent pregnancy: s0029
38-071-0048, Hearing aids; require health insurance and benefit plans to cover hearing aids and replacements for insured with impaired hearing; other provisions: s0119
38-071-0048, Insulin; require all insurance plans and health insurers, maintenance organizations and state health plan to cap insured's monthly cost-sharing obligation for covered prescription insulin drugs: h3910
38-071-0048, Reproductive Freedom Bill of Rights Act; provide health insurance policies that provide pregnancy and child birth coverage must offer abortion coverage; other provisions: h3911
38-071-0049, Assistive reproductive technologies; provide health insurance policies must offer coverage: s0029
38-071-0049, Reproductive Freedom Bill of Rights Act; provide health insurance policies must offer coverage for assistive reproductive technologies: h3911
38-071-0105, Disability income insurance; prohibit discrimination against living organ donors: s0644, H3255
38-071-0146, Contraceptives; require health insurance plans to provide coverage: S0474
38-071-0146, Health insurance; provide plans must include coverage for contraceptives: s0339
38-071-0146, Human Life Protection Act; require all insurance and HMO policies to cover contraceptives and other provisions: s0240, h3552, h3774
38-071-0180, Medicare; provide standards for supplement policy provisions and certificates: s0952
38-071-0235, Dental policies; include to inclusion of alternative benefit clauses in dental policies issued: h3935
38-071-0236, Dental policies; prohibit the exclusion of preexisting conditions in dental policies issued: h3936
38-071-0292, Billing; prohibit insurers and health care providers from engaging in surprise billing: s0185
38-071-0292, Insurance; outline applicability and requirements for cost sharing for insurers: s1024, h3618
38-071-0292, Insurance; require insurers to include cost-sharing amounts paid when calculating enrollee's contribution: h3537
38-071-0295, SC's Children Deserve Help not Harm Act; prohibit health benefit plans and carriers from reimbursing gender transition procedures on minors under 18; other provisions: h4619
38-071-0300, Insurance; prohibit certain insurers from cancelling, limiting or denying coverage or establish differentials in rates based on genetic information: h4218
38-071-0441, Vision insurance; prohibit a vision care plan from using extrapolation to complete an audit: s0967
38-071-0442, Vision insurance; prohibit a vision care plan from using extrapolation to complete an audit: s0967
38-071-0443, Vision insurance; prohibit a vision care plan from using extrapolation to complete an audit: s0967
38-071-0820, Insurance; outline applicability and requirements for cost sharing for insurers: s1024, h3618
38-071-0820,Insurance; require insurers to include cost-sharing amounts paid when calculating enrollee's contribution: h3537
38-071-1610, Accident and health insurance; define terms: s0175
38-071-1620, Accident and health insurance; require carriers must first file a description of their program with DOI: s0175
38-071-1630, Accident and health insurance; provide carriers must make program available as component of all health plans offered: s0175
38-071-1640, Accident and health insurance; provide program shall provide incentives from providers that charge less than the average price paid by carrier for shoppable service; other provisions: s0175
38-071-1650, Accident and health insurance; provide if enrollee elects to receive a shoppable service from out of service provider then carrier shall apply certain amount: s0175
38-071-1660, Accident and health insurance; provide for shared savings incentive administrative expense; other provisions: s0175
38-071-1670, Accident and health insurance; provide for annual reporting: s0175
38-071-1680, Accident and health insurance; provide DOI may adopt rules necessary: s0175
38-071-2270, Insurance; require pharmacy benefits managers to include cost-sharing amounts paid when calculating enrollee's contribution: h3537
38-071-2270, Pharmacy benefit managers; outline applicability and requirements for cost sharing for pharmacy benefit managers: s1024, h3618
38-071-2310 through 38-071-2350, Pharmacy services adminstrative organizations; define terms and outline responsibilities: S0520
38-072-0110, Insurance; prohibit certain insurers from cancelling, limiting or denying coverage or establish differentials in rates based on genetic information: h4218
38-072-0110, Long-term care insurance; prohibit discrimination against living organ donors: s0644, H3255
38-075-0070, Earthquakes; require insurers to offer coverage for loss or damage resulting from earthquake to all policies: h3950
38-075-0070, Leaks; prevent insurer from denying claim arising from leak under certain circumstances: h3274
38-077-0128, Auto insurance; prohibit insurer from considering work-related record of a first responder in determining the premium rate for personal auto insurance: h3273
38-077-0158, Auto insurance; provide carriers that offer optional new car replacement coverage shall make an offer of such coverage on the optional coverage form: h4565
38-077-0285, Auto insurance; provide appraisers and insurers may not required insureds to use certain facilities to repair or replace damaged safety glass; provide penalties and other provisions: h4635
38-077-0300, Insurance; provide health plan must provide coverage under same terms and conditions to spouse or dependent of first responder under certain circumstances: h5080
38-077-0410, Auto insurance; provide policy covering person driving rented or leased vehicle shall be primary policy: h5148
38-077-0410, Auto insurance; require all auto insurance policies to contain appraisal clause: h3947
38-077-0420, Auto insurance; provide policy that covers operating a rented or leased vehicle shall be primary to a motor vehicle insurance policy: h3947
38-077-0420, Insurance; require insurers to pay sales tax for auto paint when required to provide car painting services: h5148
38-077-0430, Auto insurance; require insurers to pay sales tax for automobile paint when required to provide car painting services: h3947
38-077-0430, Insurance; establish procedure to resolve a dispute between an insurer and insured as to the amount of loss of a vehicle: h5148
38-077-0440, Insurance; establish procedure to resolve a dispute between an insurer and insured as to the amount of loss of a vehicle: h5148
38-077-0450, Insurance; establish procedure to resolve a dispute between an insurer and insured as to the amount of loss of a vehicle: h5148
38-077-0460, Insurance; establish procedure to resolve a dispute between an insurer and insured as to the amount of loss of a vehicle: h5148
38-077-0470, Insurance; establish procedure to resolve a dispute between an insurer and insured as to the amount of loss of a vehicle: h5148
38-077-1310 through 38-077-1340, Rural Area Support Act; require auto insurance policies to contain appraisal clause; require repairs to follow manufacturer's instructions; allow insured select vendor and other provisions: h3813
38-077-1310 through 38-077-1370, Rural Area Support Act; require auto insurance policies to contain appraisal clause; prohibit collusion; provide insurance covers rented or leased vehicle; other provisions: h3256
38-078-0055, Service contract; provide preexisting condition on property may not be classified as preexisting 30 days after provider provides notice of preexisting condition: h3262
38-078-0055, Service contracts; allow holder to cancel without penalty under certain conditions: h3261
38-078-0055, Service contracts; provide no clause for renewal may be included unless holder gives notice of intention to terminate at a certain time; other provisions: S0434
38-091-0010 through 38-091-0190, Insurance Adjusters; define terms, outline licensure requirements, allow for nonresident licenses, provide for exams and continuing education; other provisions: s1032
38-092-0010 through 38-092-0180, Public Insurance Adjusters; define terms, outline licensure requirements, provide for exams and continuing education; other provisions: s1032
38-103-0010 through 38-103-0070, Fair Access to Insurance Requirements; provide affordable option to provide liquor liability insurance to business or person; create liquor liability fund; provide taxes to be put in fund: h5066
38-103-0010 through 38-103-0080, Paid Family Leave Insurance Act; establish family leave benefits; outline requirements and provide exclusions; other provisions: s0944, h4990
Title 38, Chap. 071, Art. 023, Pharmacy services adminstrative organizations; define terms and outline responsibilities: S0520
Title 38, Chap. 077, Art. 013, Rural Area Support Act; require auto insurance policies to contain appraisal clause; prohibit collusion; provide insurance covers rented or leased vehicle; other provisions: h3256, h3813
Title 38, Chap. 077, Art. 013, Rural Area Support Act; require auto insurance policies to contain appraisal clause; require repairs to follow manufacturer's instructions; allow insured select vendor and other provisions: h3813
Title 38, Chap. 091, Insurance Adjusters; define terms, outline licensure requirements, allow for nonresident licenses, provide for exams and continuing education; other provisions: s1032
Title 38, Chap. 092, Public Insurance Adjusters; define terms, outline licensure requirements, provide for exams and continuing education; other provisions: s1032
Title 38, Chap. 103, Fair Access to Insurance Requirements; provide affordable option to provide liquor liability insurance to business or person; create liquor liability fund; provide taxes to be put in fund: h5066
Title 38, Chap. 103, Paid Family Leave Insurance Act; establish family leave benefits; outline requirements and provide exclusions; other provisions: s0944, H4832, h4990
Title 39
39-001-0100, Restrooms, provide that retailers must allow purchasers or perspective purchasers use of facilities upon request: h3986
39-005-0030, Predatory loans; prohibit and define certain practices; provide for exemptions and enforcement; other provisions: s0910
39-005-0045, Billing; make it unfair trade practice for insurers and health care providers to engage in surprise billing: s0185
39-005-0045, Defered presentment transaction; provide a person who accepts a check from a defered presentment transaction violates unfair trade practices: s0057
39-005-0045, Loans; provide it is unfair trade practice for supervised lenders to provide short-term vehicle secured loans: s0054
39-005-0055, Attorney General; specify that the AG is acting in the public interest of the state in unfair trade practice proceedings and provide exception: s0486, h3866
39-005-0190, Child Online Safety Act; provide unlawful to make pornographic website available to persons under age of 18; provide AG shall create certain procedures; provide private right of action: H3424, h3426
39-005-0190, Copyright infringement; provide unlawful trade practice to make bad faith assertion of copyright infringement; provide evidentiary considerations and remedies: h4188
39-005-0190, Likeness and image; provide every individual has property right in use of own name, photo, voice, or likeness in any medium in any manner and provide penalties: h5374, h5393
39-005-0610 through 39-005-0660, Social media; stop certain social media censorship; provide penalties and exceptions: h3102
39-005-0620, Social media; provide for accountability and define terms: s0268
39-005-0630, Social media; prohibit censorship and provide legal remedies: s0268
39-005-0810 through 39-005-0840, Consumer Wheelchair Repair Bill of Rights Act; require powered wheelchair manufacturer to provide certain info and resources for repairs; other provisions: h4003
39-005-0810 through 39-005-0890, SC Earned Wage Access Services Act; provide for requirements for earned wage access services providers; provide exemptions and limitations: S0700
39-005-0810 through 39-005-0900, Social Media Regulations; provide social media may not permit certain minors to be account holders;provide for requirements, restrictions and parental consent; other provisions: h4700
39-005-0910 through 39-005-0960, Children's Default to Safety Act; provide protections for children against unfiltered devices; require filters blocking material harmful to minors on devices; other provisions: h4540
39-005-0910 through 39-005-0980, Pornography; provide a covered platform operator may not upload or allow upload of pornography without certain verification; provide for procedures and consent; other provisions: h4542
39-005-0910 through 39-005-1010, Child Data Privacy and Protection Act; provide certain data protection impact assessments; provide certain entities use privacy by default; provide for criminal procedures and other provisions: h4541
39-005-0910, Unfair trade practice; provide it is unfair trade practice for lenders or finance groups to charge fees or interest rates that exceed a certain amount: s0518
39-005-0920, Consumer's recovery; provide recovery is not controlling regarding an award of attorney's fees: s0518
39-005-0930, Unfair trade practice; provide lender cannot use certain corporate structures to circumvent provisions: s0518
39-015-0050, Ribonucleic acid; require labeling of food or food products containing messenger ribonucleic acid; provide penalty: h3798
39-073-0375, Commodity code; provide AG may retain all fines and penalties collected: s0601
39-073-0400, Commodity code; severability clause: s0601
39-079-0010 through 39-079-0050, Commercial Financing Disclosure Act; provide definitions; provide which commercial financing transactions apply; provide written disclosures, prohibitions, and enforcement: s1187
39-079-0010 through 39-079-0070, South Carolina Age-Appropriate Design Code Act; provide requirements for covered entities; provide prohibitions; provide for data and enforcement; other provisions: h4842
39-079-0010 through 39-079-0140, Safety in Private Spaces Act; provide a covered entity must have exclusive facilities for males and females or a unisex facility; provide exceptions and reporting requirements: h4535
39-079-0100, SC Ireland Trade Commission, created; provide for members and establish duties: S0621, h4135
39-079-0100, South Carolina-Caribbean Islands Trade commission; create and provide for membership; provide for duties: h5546
39-079-0100, South Carolina-Colombia Trade commission; create and provide for membership; provide for duties: h5544
39-079-0100, South Carolina-Taiwan Trade commission; create and provide for membership; provide for duties: h5545
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 006, Social media; stop certain social media censorship; provide penalties and exceptions: h3102
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 008, SC Earned Wage Access Services Act; provide for requirements for earned wage access services providers; provide exemptions and limitations: S0700
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 009, Child Data Privacy and Protection Act; provide certain data protection impact assessments; provide certain entities use privacy by default; provide for criminal procedures and other provisions: h4541
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 009, Children's Default to Safety Act; provide protections for children against unfiltered devices; require filters blocking material harmful to minors on devices; other provisions: h4540
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 009, Consumer Wheelchair Repair Bill of Rights Act; require powered wheelchair manufacturer to provide certain info and resources for repairs; other provisions: h4003
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 009, Pornography; provide a covered platform operator may not upload or allow upload of pornography without certain verification; provide for procedures and consent; other provisions: h4542
Title 39, Chap. 005, Art. 009, Social Media Regulations; provide social media may not permit certain minors to be account holders;provide for requirements, restrictions and parental consent; other provisions: h4700
Title 39, Chap. 079, Commercial Financing Disclosure Act; provide definitions; provide which commercial financing transactions apply; provide written disclosures, prohibitions, and enforcement: s1187
Title 39, Chap. 079, SC Ireland Trade Commission, created; provide for members and establish duties: S0621, h4135
Title 39, Chap. 079, Safety in Private Spaces Act; provide a covered entity must have exclusive facilities for males and females or a unisex facility; provide exceptions and reporting requirements: h4535
Title 39, Chap. 079, South Carolina Age-Appropriate Design Code Act; provide requirements for covered entities; provide prohibitions; provide for data and enforcement; other provisions: h4842
Title 39, Chap. 079, South Carolina-Colombia Trade commission; create and provide for membership; provide for duties: h5544
Title 39, Chap. 079, South Carolina-Taiwan Trade commission; create and provide for membership; provide for duties: h5545
Title 39, Chap. 079, South Carolina-Caribbean Islands Trade commission; create and provide for membership; provide for duties: h5546
Title 40
40-001-0035, Licensure; provide people who have valid and current employment authorizations approved by immigration are eligible for occupational and professional licensure: h3288
40-001-0035, SC Dreamers Act of 2024; provide person who has a legal presence and not illegal immigrant may establish domicile for purpose of licensure: s1144
40-001-0075, Licensure; provide that professional boards and commissions may not solely deny licensure based on applicant's previous criminal conviction unless the crime directly relates to occupation: s0165
40-001-0077, Earn and Learn Act of 2023; provide a method to allow a worker to earn a paycheck while fulfilling applicable licensing requirements: H3605
40-001-0077, Licensure; provide licensure for applicants who complete certain apprenticeship programs: s0165
40-001-0630, Professional and occupational licenses, military spouses; make license permanent for spouses of active duty members stationed in SC; remove temporary designation; make conforming changes: h4562
40-005-0235, Lawyers; provide lawyers licensed more than 40 years who are found to lack working knowledge of US or SC Constitutions must take and pass uniform bar exam: s0473
40-007-0040, Barber pole; prohibit display if not licensed in practice of barbering: h5151
40-012-0110 through 40-012-0180, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; require LLR to adopt multifamily dwelling balcony code; establish minimum standards and other provisions: h4064
40-012-0110 through 40-012-0310, Estheticians, regulation; provide for composition and functions of board; prohibit provision of esthetics services or education without licensure; provide requriements and other provisions: h5309
40-013-0265, Cosmetology; provide licensed cosmetologist, estheticians, and nail techs may provide services at client home or an event venue; other provisions: h4580
40-013-0365, Cosmetology; provide for mobile salon and portable cosmetologist, esthetician or nail operation permitting and regulation: s0857
40-015-0217, Dental Administration of Neuromodulators Act; authorize board to issue permits; provide requirements for permits and provide scope of practice; other provisions: h4084
40-018-0075, Private investigators; prohibit from disclosing certain info and knowingly representing multiple parties with opposing interests in civil or criminal matter; provide penalties: h3328
40-019-0105, Funeral homes; provide when body is transferred the transferor may recover certain unpaid service and legal fees from transferee in certain circumstances; provide magistrate court jurisdiction: h3290
40-019-0295, Funeral services; prohibit dividing fees or other compensation charged or received by licensees for delivery or performance of funeral services: H4116
40-021-0010 through 40-021-240, Dietician Licensure Compact Act; provide purpose, function, operation, and definitions: s1344
40-027-0205, Physicians; prohibit physicians from performing gender reassignment surgery on minors; prohibit administering certain substances for purpose of altering appearance; other provisions: s0243
40-042-0010 through 40-042-0030, SC Telehealth and Telemedicine Modernization Act; define terms and provide requirements for certain regulated health care professionals who provide telehealth: H4159
40-043-0072, Narcotic treatment programs; authorize permitting and operation; establish requirements to require board of pharmacy to fulfill certain obligations; other provisions: H3870
40-043-0197, Pharmacy Practice Act; permit a pharmacy or pharmacist's aquisition, administration and dispensation of drugs compounded or repackaged by an outsourcing facility: s0911
40-047-0039, Physians and medical professionals; provide that a physician must be a member of the SC Medical Association to practice medicine in SC: s0060
40-047-0300, Gender reassignment; provide definitions: s0274
40-047-0300, Gender transition; provide definitions: s0627
40-047-0310 through 40-047-0360, SC's Children Deserve Help not Harm Act; prohibit health care from providing or facilitating gender transition procedures on minors under 18; prohibit public funds; provide penalties; other provisions: h4619
40-047-0310, Gender reassignment; provide a person under 21 may not undergo transition procedures: s0274
40-047-0310, Gender transition; prohibit provision of gender transition procedures to a person under 18: s0627
40-047-0320, Gender reassignment; provide a person under 21 may receive medical services otherwise related to gender transition procedures under limited circumstances: s0274
40-047-0320, Gender transition; provide exceptions: s0627
40-047-0330, Gender reassignment; provide prerequisites for a person over 21 to undergo transition procedures: s0274
40-047-0330, Gender transition; prohibit use of public funds for gender transition procedures: s0627
40-047-0340, Gender reassignment; provide no public funds may be used: s0274
40-047-0340, Gender transition; provide penalties: s0627
40-047-0937, Physicians Assistant Practice Act; provide different scope of practice for certain experienced PAs and provide protections: s0553
40-047-1710 through 40-047-1800, Athletic trainers; transfer regulatory authority to Medical Examiners Board: S0397
40-047-1710 through 40-047-1825, Midwife Practice Act; transfer regulatory authority to Medical Examiners Board; set forth practice requirements and prohibitions; provide for licensing and other provisions: h3487
40-057-0725, Real estate; establish administrative citations, penalties and appeals: H4754
40-057-0820, Real estate brokers; establish that licensees are responsible for their work product: H4754
40-057-0910 through 40-057-0930, Real Estate; outline requirements for providers of prelicensing and continuing education: H4754
40-059-0035, Residential Builders Commission; provide that work of certain licensees that complies with applicable regulations must be deemed to satisfy certain warranties: h4086
40-059-0040, Implied warranties; provide implied warranties include only those performance standards in violations identified by a homeowner within 12 months: h4086
40-063-0500 through 40-063-0640, Social Work Member State Compact, created; outline rules and define terms: s0778
40-063-0510 through 40-063-0640, Social Work Interstate Compact Act; provide for compact and designate Art. 001 as General Provisions: h3310
40-063-0510 through 40-063-0660, Social Work Interstate Compact Act; provide for compact and designate Art. 001 as General Provisions: h4365
40-068-0145, Tax credits and incentives; provide for determination with respect to client companies of professional employer organizations: s0311
40-069-0310, Animal vaccines; provide who may administer vaccines to animals: s1147, h4303
40-075-0910 through 40-075-1050, Professional Counseling Compact Act; provide purpose, function, operations and definitions for compact: S0610, h3784
40-080-0065, Firefighters; provide for reimbursement of training to department by other department that hires the firefighter: h3463
40-084-0010 through 40-084-0240, Genetic counselors; provide for regulation of genetic counselors; establish Board of Genetic Counselors Examiners; provide for licensure and investigation into violations; other provisions: S0241
40-085-0010, Laser Hair Removal Act; provide definitions: s0853
40-085-0020, Laser Hair Removal Act; provide on FDA approved lasers may be used: s0853
40-085-0030, Laser Hair Removal Act; provide only health professionals may perform laser hair removal; provide training: s0853
40-085-0040, Laser Hair Removal Act; regulate practice: s0853
40-085-0050, Laser Hair Removal Act; the act does not prohibit any person from engaging in the practice of medicine or nursing for which they are duly licensed: s0853
Title 40, Chap. 012, Estheticians, regulation; provide for composition and functions of board; provide definitions; prohibit provision of esthetics services or education without licensure; provide requirements and other provisions: h5309
Title 40, Chap. 012, Multifamily Dwelling Safety Act; require LLR to adopt multifamily dwelling balcony code; establish minimum standards and other provisions: h4064
Title 40, Chap. 021, Art. 001, Dietician Licensure Compact Act; provide for purpose, function, operation and definitions: s1344
Title 40, Chap. 042, SC Telehealth and Telemedicine Modernization Act; define terms and provide requirements for certain regulated health care professionals who provide telehealth: H4159
Title 40, Chap. 047, Art. 003, SC's Children Deserve Help not Harm Act; prohibit health care from providing or facilitating gender transition procedures on minors under 18; prohibit public funds; provide penalties; other provisions: h4619
Title 40, Chap. 047, Art. 011, Athletic trainers; transfer regulatory authority to Medical Examiners Board: S0397
Title 40, Chap. 047, Art. 011, Midwife Practice Act; transfer regulatory authority to Medical Examiners Board; set forth practice requirements and prohibitions; provide for licensing and other provisions: h3487
Title 40, Chap. 057, Art. 009, Real Estate; outline requirements for providers of prelicensing and continuing education: H4754
Title 40, Chap. 063, Art. 003, Social Work Interstate Compact Act; provide for compact and designate Art. 001 as General Provisions: h3310, h4365
Title 40, Chap. 063, Art. 005, Social Work Member State Compact, created; outline rules and define terms: s0778
Title 40, Chap. 075, Art. 006, Professional Counseling Compact Act; provide purpose, function, operations and definitions for compact: S0610, h3784
Title 40, Chap. 084, Genetic counselors; provide for regulation of genetic counselors; establish Board of Genetic Counselors Examiners; provide for licensure and investigation into violations; other provisions: S0241
Title 41
41-001-0023, Ban the Box Act; provide job application may not include questions related to criminal convictions unless related to job duties; other provisions: h3331
41-001-0027, Sick leave; provide employees may use up to 3 days sick leave for certain chronic illness or condition without doctor's note; other provisions: h3337
41-001-0035, Job applications; no application may ask question related to convictions of crime unless crime directly relates to job; other provisions: h3306
41-001-0045, Workforce Opportunity Act; provide state may not inquire, consider or require criminal history or record disclosure of applicant for employment before conditional offer is made; other provisions: s0025
41-001-0055, Vaccines or gene therapy; prohibit employers from taking any adverse pre-employment or employment action against an individual who declines to receive a vaccine or gene therapy: s0975
41-001-0115, Credit score; prohibit credit score for being basis of any personnel action; provide penalties and define terms: h3462
41-001-0125, Minimum wage; provide base rate of 17 dollars per hour; provide remedies for violations and other provisions: h3805
41-001-0140, Paid parental leave; require eligible employers to provide paid parental leave to eligible employees after birth of child; define terms and provide penalties: h4226
41-001-0140, Working-aged adults; provide DEW shall maintain and provide access to info regarding economic value of college majors; transfer certain adult ed programs to Tech Board and other provisions: h4060
41-003-0150, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
41-003-0160, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
41-003-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
41-008-0125, Employment verification; provide DEW and certain law enforcement agencies are entitled to receive e-verify documentation; other provisions: h4657
41-010-0035, Minumum wage; provide minimum wage is greater than 10 dollars or the wage set by Fair Labor Standards Act: h5187
41-010-0210 through 41-010-0280, SC Minimum Wage Act; provide for certain minimum wage; prohibit retaliation; provide civil remedies; other provisions: s0291
41-010-0210 through 41-010-0280, SC Minimum Wage Act; provide for certain minimum wage; provide DEW adjust minimum wage by rate of inflation; other provisions: s0216
41-012-0010 through 41-012-0060, Act to Establish Pay Equity; provide no employer cannot discriminate on wages paid; provide exceptions; provide for civil action and other provisions: h4212
41-012-0010 through 41-012-0120, SC Equal Pay for Equal Work Act; prohibit lesser pay for comparable work based on sex and other provisions: h3428
41-026-0010 through 41-026-0070, SC Call Center Jobs Act; provide protections for employees of call centers whose employer relocates to foreign country; provide notice and requirements; other provisions: h3234
41-030-0110 through 41-030-0720, Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act; create Workforce Development Coordination in DEW; centralize oversight of certain services; provide for management and other provisions: H3726
41-046-0110 through 41-046-0160, SC Service Corps Act; provide for purpose, administration, and duties of service corp; provide persons who complete term are eligible for certain higher ed tuition assistance; other provisions: h4986
Title 41, Chap. 010, Art. 003, SC Minimum Wage Act; provide for certain minimum wage; prohibit retaliation; provide civil remedies; other provisions: s0291
Title 41, Chap. 010, Art. 003, SC Minimum Wage Act; provide for certain minimum wage; provide DEW adjust minimum wage by rate of inflation; other provisions: s0216
Title 41, Chap. 012, Act to Establish Pay Equity; provide no employer cannot discriminate on wages paid; provide exceptions; provide for civil action and other provisions: h4212
Title 41, Chap. 012, SC Equal Pay for Equal Work Act; prohibit lesser pay for comparable work based on sex and other provisions: h3428
Title 41, Chap. 026, SC Call Center Jobs Act; provide protections for employees of call centers whose employer relocates to foreign country; provide notice and requirements; other provisions: h3234
Title 41, Chap. 030, Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act; create Workforce Development Coordination in DEW; centralize oversight of certain services; provide for management and other provisions: H3726
Title 41, Chap. 046, SC Service Corps Act; provide for purpose, administration, and duties of service corp; provide persons who complete term are eligible for certain higher ed tuition assistance; other provisions: h4986
Title 42
42-007-0220, SC First Responder Line of Duty Death Benefit Fund, established: S0108
42-007-0230, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
42-009-0050, Covid-19 vaccine; provide employees may seek compensation for adverse health conditions or death caused by employer-mandated vaccination: s0056, h3536
42-009-0050, First responders; provide requirements for filing workers' comp claim for stress or mental injury unaccompanied by a physical injury: h3272, h4992
42-009-0050, First-responders; provide benefits for first responders diagnosed with PTSD arising from work related issues and other provisions: s0251
42-017-0015, Workers' Comp; provide settlement agreements are not enforceable to the extent that they are conditioned upon the release of certain legal claims by injured; other provisions: h3777
Title 43
43-001-0270, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0280, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0290, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0300, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0310, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0320, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0330, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0340, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0350, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0360, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-001-0370, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-005-0135, SNAP; exclude income earned by a minor child from household income in calculating SNAP benefits: h4411
43-005-0250, Fruit and Vegetable SNAP Grant program, established; provide certain additional allotment, establish fund, and provide DSS shall coordinate with grocery stores and farmers' markets: h3125
43-005-1191, SNAP, exemptions; exempt individuals from eligibility with drug convictions and provide for ineligibility for parole violations; other provisions: s0277
43-020-0010 through 43-020-0730, Disabilities and Special Needs Dept; eliminate commission and provide director appointed by Governor with powers and duties transferred to director; other provisions: s0602
43-021-0210, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-021-0210, Senior call-check program, established; provide for senior call-check and notification program within Department of Aging: s1084
43-031-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-031-0190, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
43-035-0610 through 43-035-0730, Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment Registry Act; require SLED, DSS, and DHEC to determine certain reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation are indicated and if there is a perpetrator; other provisions: h4556
Title 43, Chap. 020, Disabilities and Special Needs Dept; eliminate commission and provide director appointed by Governor with powers and duties transferred to director; other provisions: s0602
Title 43, Chap. 035, Art. 006, Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment Registry Act; require SLED, DSS, and DHEC to determine certain reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation are indicated and if there is a perpetrator; other provisions: h4556
Title 44
44-001-0143, Home-based food production; allow use of eggs from chickens kept at individual's dwelling or from roadside stand: h3729
44-001-0144, Residential food production; allow food to be served and eaten within the residence; exempt from regulation as retail; establish certain requirements; other provisions: h3214
44-001-0320, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0320, Mold remediation; require DHEC to establish voluntary minimum standards for companies; approve training courses and certifications; publish list of certified remediators: h3203
44-001-0320, No Compliance Required Authorization Passport Act; prohibit development and enforcement of a vaccine passport: h3693
44-001-0320, Septic tanks; prohibit construction or installation of septic tanks within a certain proximity to waterways or coast: h4685
44-001-0330, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0340, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0350, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0360, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0370, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0380, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0400, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0410 through 44-001-0480, Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Act; create Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Division in DHEC; create advisory board; provide for hearings and reports; other provisions: h3480
44-001-0410, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-001-0420, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0042, Medicaid; require state plan submitted by DHEC for federal approval to provide coverage be available to adults under 65 with income not exceeding 133 percent of federal poverty level with 5 percent disregarded: s0135, s0228
44-006-0116, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0117, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0118, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0119, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0120, Medicaid; authorize 12 chiropractic visits per state fiscal year for eligible medicaid beneficiaries: h5368
44-006-0120, Medicaid; provide eligibility for 65 or younger with income at or below 133 percent of federal poverty level with 5 percent income disregard; other provisions: h3206, h4980
44-006-0120, Rapid whole genome sequencing; require DHHS to include coverage as a separately payable service for certain medicaid recipients; other provisions: s0876
44-006-0121, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0122, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-0123, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-006-1110 through 44-006-1155, Ambulance assessment fee; create fee for private ambulance services; require DHHS establish and charge ambulance services; establish trust fund and provide for use of fund; other provisions: H4113
44-006-1310 through 44-006-1370, SC Medicaid Buy-In Act; establish medicaid buy-in program; provide quality and affordable health insurance for certain residents: h3562, h4988
44-007-0025, Cameras in patient rooms; provide nursing homes, residential care facilities and the like shall provide cameras in rooms for family to remotely monitor care; other provisions: h4630
44-007-0055, Hospital fees; prohibit hospitals from charging fees to uninsured patients in excess of maximum fees charged to insured patients for same services: h3985
44-007-0055, Immigration status; require hospitals to collect data on immigration status of patients and report to DHEC; other provisions: h4688
44-007-0161, State Health Facility Licensure Act; provide MUSC must appear before JBRC and obtain approval from SFAA prior to taking certain actions; establish CON Study Committee: S0164
44-007-0266, Ambulatory surgical facilities; require to provide uncompensated indigent care and other provisions: S0164
44-007-0267, Acute hospital care at home programs and services; require DHEC to promulgate regulations for licensing: S0858
44-007-0267, Doctor practice; prohibit use of contractual agreements by health care facilities to limit a doctor's ability to practice after termination; provide exceptions: h4488
44-007-0327, Patient billing; establish certain requirements for itemized billing: h4622
44-007-0395, No Patient Left Alone Act; allow visitation during state of emergencies and direct DHEC to impose civil penalty for violation; other provisions: h3215
44-009-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-009-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-012-0010 through 44-012-0060, Executive Office of Health and Policy, created; provide duties and restructuring of certain departments of state government: h4927
44-014-0010 through 44-0140-0160, Cure Act; provide for multistate compact governed by a commission that facilitates cash prizes awarded for the cure of certain diseases; establish power and duties; other provisions: h3224
44-020-0040, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-020-0050, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-020-0060, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-020-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-020-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-028-0510 through 44-028-0570, South Carolinians with Disabilities Economic Development Trust Fund, created; provide assistance to pursue entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities through grants; other provisions: h3482
44-029-0205, Nursing schools; prohibit from requiring students be vaccinated with a novel vaccine: h5233
44-031-0040, Nursing homes; provide procedure for tuberculosis testing of applicant residents and newly-admitted residents of nursing homes and community care facilities: S0558
44-032-0310 through 44-042-0360, Gender reassignment; define terms; prohibit provisions of gender transition procedures to persons under 18; provide exceptions; prohibit use of public funds and provide penalties: H4624
44-041-0090, Abortion; prohibit use of state funding for abortion-related expenses: S0474
44-041-0090, Human Life Protection Act; provide state health insurance program may not pay for abortions and other provisions: s0240, h3552, h3774
44-041-0510 through 44-041-0540, SC Pro Birth Accountability Act; require compensation of certain women giving birth to a child but for a fetal heartbeat law could choose to terminate; other provisions: s0209
44-041-0810 through 44-041-0840, SC Birth Accountability Act; require compensation of certain women giving birth who but for fetal heartbeat law could choose to terminate the pregnancy; other provisions: s0874
44-041-0810 through 44-041-0890, Human Life Protection Act; ban abortions in SC and provide for exceptions; other provisions: s0240, h3552, h3774
44-043-0015, Blood, human tissue and organs; provide be tested for presence of certain contaminants and labeled accordingly before distribution for use; allow patients to decline; provide immunity and other provisions: h5060
44-048-0115, Commitment; provide for challenge under certain circumstances: S0146, h3233
44-048-0180, Sexual violent offenders; ensure cases be given priority status for purpose of scheduling: S0146, h3233
44-049-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-049-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
44-049-0310 through 44-049-0370, Alcohol and other drug abuse services; to approve a credentialing entity to develop and administer voluntary certification program for recovery housing; other provisions: S0445
44-053-0125, Drug samples; require SLED provide drug analysis within a certain period of time after sample is submitted; other provisions: h3878
44-053-0364, Pressley Calvin Stutts, Jr. Patient and Health Provider Protection Act; authorize prescribing of off-label medications and if prescribed require their dispensing; provide exceptions: h4684
44-053-0372, Xylazine; prohibit production, manufacturing, distribution, or possession with exceptions; establish criminal penalties: s0849, H4617
44-053-0373, Xylazine; create an exception for veterinary use: H4617
44-053-0379, Drug-related conviction; prohibit possession of a firearm or ammunition: H3503
44-053-0393, Drug paraphernalia; provide does not include certain testing equipment: H3503
44-053-1810, Compassionate Care Act; make conforming changes: h3486
44-053-1820, Compassionate Care Act; make conforming changes: h3486
44-053-1830, Compassionate Care Act; make conforming changes: h3486
44-053-2000, Definitions; provide definition for healthcare practitioner and non-opioid treatment: s1265
44-053-2010 through 44-053-2030, SC Kratom Consumer Protection Act; provide for regulation of sale of kratom products and create penalties for violations: h5043
44-053-2010 through 44-053-2520, Compassionate Care Act; provide for use, regulation, dispensing, taxing and SC Medical Cannabis Fund for medical cannabis; other provisions: h3486
44-053-2010 through 44-053-2560, SC Compassionate Care Act; provide for sale of medical cannabis products under certain conditions: s0423
44-053-2010, Non-opioid drugs; provide healthy connections medicaid may adopt or amend state preferred drug list and shall ensure that no non-opioid drug is discouraged: s1265
44-053-2020, Non-opioid drugs; provide managed care organization or other health insurance shall not deny coverage of non-opioid drug in favor of an opioid: s1265
44-053-2030, Non-opioid drugs; provide Health Dept shall develop and publish an educational pamphlet regarding the use of non-opioid alternatives for pain treatment: s1265
44-053-2040, Non-opioid drugs; provide practitioner shall inform patient of non-opioid alternatives for treatment; other provisions: s1265
44-053-2220 through 44-053-2770, Put Patients First Act; authorize registered patients to use medical marijuana; create confidential registry; provide defense and protections; authorize dispensaries; other provisions: h3226
44-055-0125, Safe Water Act; require public or private water systems to provide water purification levels; other provisions: h3478
44-055-0130, Water; require DHEC to promulgate regulations to establish maximum contaminant levels for certain pollutants in public water systems: h3499
44-055-0655, Septic tanks; authorize DHEC to create a pilot program that allows certain septic tank installers to conduct septic tank field evaluation tests for department: h4486
44-061-0080, EMT certification; provide EMT training program must include course in autism spectrum disorder: h4950
44-061-0125, Ambulance; require ambulance to be equipped with epinephrine auto-injectors and other provisions: h4890
44-063-0145, Birth certificates for foreign birth of child of SC resident; require DHEC to issue certificate upon receipt of documentation of foreign birth of US citizen; other provisions: h3225
44-071-0120, No Patient Left Alone Act; allow visitation during state of emergencies and direct DHEC to impose civil penalty for violation; other provisions: h3215
44-075-0105, Athletic trainers; prohibit from recruiting student athletes to transfer to sports teams of other schools; define prohibited conduct and provide penalties: h4016
44-083-0010 through 44-083-0090, Electronic monitoring devices; authorize use by residents of long-term care facilities in certain circumstances; authorize DHEC to fine facilities that discriminate; establish penalties for tampering: h3479
44-083-0100 through 44-083-0150, Covid vaccine mandates; provide state or local government may not enact mandate; provide for certain unemployment benefits and other provisions: s0965
44-089-0110, Perinatal Integration Act of 2023; require DHEC to promulgate regulations that integrate midwives and birthing centers into perinatal levels of care: h3708
44-090-0010 through 44-090-0240, Midwife Practice Act; create Midwifery Board under DHEC; provide for practice requirements and prohibitions; provide for licensure and regulation; other provisions: h3489
44-095-0045, Smoking; provide political subdivisions may not enact any laws or ordinances pertaining to ingredients, flavors or licensing of smoking products; other provisions: s0414, h3483, H3681
44-095-0065, Electronic nicotine delivery systems; provide regulations for sale and provide penalties for violations: s0994
44-117-0510, Pharmacies; provide definition for patient, third party and 340B drug pricing: s1239
44-117-0520, Pharmacy; provide a third party shall inform a patient before allowing use of mail-order pharmacy; other provisions: s1239
44-117-0530, Pharmacy; provide all claims processed by a pharmacy that participates in 340B drug pricing are final at point of adjudication: s1239
44-117-0540, Pharmacy; provide Insurance Commissioner may promulgate rule to implement provisions of chapter: s1239
44-130-0065, Opioid antidotes; allow schools to maintain supply to be administered by trained employees in an emergency; require certain state agencies to implement plan and other provisions: h3735, h3990
44-130-0065, Opioid use disorders; authorize civil and criminal penalties for failing to seek treatment in certain circumstances: h3221
44-130-0090, Opioid overdose; require Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services Dept to develop public campaign to raise awareness about importance of calling for emergency assistance when a person overdoses: h3736
44-131-0010 through 44-131-0070, Prescription Drug Affordability Board, established; provide for membership, powers, and duties; create a stakeholder council and provide for membership and duties; other provisions: h4984
44-140-0010 through 44-140-0030, In Vitro Fertilization Protection Act; provide definition of assistive reproductive technologies and provide protections: s1121
44-140-0010 through 44-140-0040, SC Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act; prohibit altering appearance of a minor's gender or delaying puberty; provide exceptions; other provisions: h3551
44-140-0010 through 44-140-0930, Reproductive Freedom Bill of Rights Act; provide a woman may have an abortion prior to the viability; provide for abortion after viability and process a minor may have an abortion; other provisions: h3911
44-140-0020, SC Harm Reduction Act; provide DHEC shall establish and administer syringe services program: s0310
44-140-0030, SC Harm Reduction Act; establish advisory committee: s0310
44-140-0040, SC Harm Reduction Act; establish duties of advisory committee: s0310
44-140-0050, SC Harm Reduction Act; provide DHEC shall make annual report to General Assembly: s0310
44-140-0060, SC Harm Reduction Act; provide certain circumstances that a program employee or participant shall not be in violation of law: s0310
44-140-0810 through 44-140-0890, Abortion; provide a woman may have abortion prior to viability of embryo or fetus; provide for circumstances for abortion after viability; provide process for minors to have abortion; other provisions: s0029
44-141-0010 through 44-141-0030, Gene therapy; provide for regulation of gene therapy by requiring certain labeling of gene therapy products, disclosure of information and informed consent: h4873
44-141-0010 through 44-141-0040, Millstone Act of 2023; prohibit healthcare professionals from making referrals for or providing gender-transition procedures or services for anyone under 26; other provisions: h3730
Title 44, Chap. 001, Art. 002, Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Act; create Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Division in DHEC; create advisory board; provide for hearings and reports; other provisions: h3480
Title 44, Chap. 006, Art. 009, Ambulance assessment fee; create fee for private ambulance services; require DHHS establish and charge ambulance services; establish trust fund and provide for use of fund; other provisions: H4113
Title 44, Chap. 006, Art. 010, SC Medicaid Buy-In Act; establish medicaid buy-in program; provide quality and affordable health insurance for certain residents: h3562, h4988
Title 44, Chap. 012, Executive Office of Health and Policy, created; provide duties and restructuring of certain departments of state government: h4927
Title 44, Chap. 028, Art. 005, South Carolinians with Disabilities Economic Development Trust Fund, created; provide assistance to pursue entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities through grants; other provisions: h3482
Title 44, Chap. 041, Art. 006, SC Pro Birth Accountability Act; require compensation of certain women giving birth to a child but for a fetal heartbeat law could choose to terminate; other provisions: s0209
Title 44, Chap. 041, Art. 007, Human Life Protection Act; ban abortions in SC and provide for exceptions; other provisions: s0240, h3552, h3774
Title 44, Chap. 041, Art. 008, SC Birth Accountability Act; require compensation of certain women giving birth who but for fetal heartbeat law could choose to terminate the pregnancy; other provisions: s0874
Title 44, Chap. 042, Gender reassignment; define terms; prohibit provisions of gender transition procedures to persons under 18; provide exceptions; prohibit use of public funds and provide penalties: H4624
Title 44, Chap. 049, Art. 002, Alcohol and other drug abuse services; to approve a credentialing entity to develop and administer voluntary certification program for recovery housing; other provisions: S0445
Title 44, Chap. 053, Art. 020, Compassionate Care Act; provide for use, regulation, dispensing, taxing and SC Medical Cannabis Fund for medical cannabis; other provisions: h3486
Title 44, Chap. 053, Art. 020, SC Compassionate Care Act; provide for sale of medical cannabis products under certain conditions: s0423
Title 44, Chap. 053, Art. 020, SC Kratom Consumer Protection Act; provide for regulation of sale of kratom products and create penalties for violations: h5043
Title 44, Chap. 053, Art. 022, Put Patients First Act; authorize registered patients to use medical marijuana; create confidential registry; provide defense and protections; authorize dispensaries; other provisions: h3226
Title 44, Chap. 083, Covid vaccine mandates; provide state or local government may not enact mandate; provide for certain unemployment benefits and other provisions: s0965
Title 44, Chap. 083, Electronic monitoring devices; authorize use by residents of long-term care facilities in certain circumstances; authorize DHEC to fine facilities that discriminate and establish penalties for tampering: h3479
Title 44, Chap. 090, Midwife Practice Act; create Midwifery Board under DHEC; provide for practice requirements and prohibitions; provide for licensure and regulation; other provisions: h3489
Title 44, Chap. 131, Prescription Drug Affordability Board, established; provide for membership, powers, and duties; create a stakeholder council and provide for membership and duties; other provisions: h4984
Title 44, Chap. 140, Abortion; provide a woman may have an abortion prior to the viability of her embryo or fetus; provide for circumstances for abortion after viability; provide process for minors to have abortion; other provisions: s0029
Title 44, Chap. 140, Cure Act; provide for multistate compact governed by a commission that facilitates cash prizes awarded for the cure of certain diseases; establish power and duties; other provisions: h3224
Title 44, Chap. 140, In Vitro Fertilization Protection Act; provide definition of assistive reproductive technologies and provide protections: s1121
Title 44, Chap. 140, Reproductive Freedom Bill of Rights Act; provide a woman may have an abortion prior to the viability; provide for abortion after viability and process a minor may have an abortion; other provisions: h3911
Title 44, Chap. 140, SC Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act; prohibit altering appearance of a minor's gender or delaying puberty; provide exceptions; other provisions: h3551
Title 44, Chap. 141, Gene therapy; provide for regulation of gene therapy by requiring certain labeling of gene therapy products, disclosure of information and informed consent: h4873
Title 44, Chap. 141, Millstone Act of 2023; prohibit healthcare professionals from making referrals for or providing gender-transition procedures or services for anyone under 26; other provisions: h3730
Title 45
45-009-0011, Uniform Antidiscrimination Act; prohibit discrimination on basis of race, color, or national origin: h3738, h5156
Title 46
46-001-0170, Agriculture; prohibit local governments from restricting the use of private property to grow plans for human consumption: h3438
46-001-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
46-001-0310 through 46-001-0320, Aging Petroleum Tank Replacement Program; define terms and outline program requirements; redesignate Art. 001 as General Provisions: h4911
46-001-0310 through 46-001-0330, Farmers Protection Act; prevent discrimination in financing against farmers: h5169
46-003-0290, Beef; establish certified sc raised beef designation and provide labels; other provisions: h5149
46-003-0290, Certified SC Grown; prohibit use of designation on food or food products that contain mrna and provide penalties: h4348
46-003-0300 through 46-003-0340, Black Farmer Restoration Program; Ag to establish Black Famer Restoration Fund to purchase farmland and grant it to eligible individuals; Farm Conservation Corp to provide training; other provisions: h3540
46-013-0250, Mosquitocide; prohibit administering treatment within certain distance of reservoir or body of water used for drinking: h3434
46-056-0010 through 46-056-0100, Help-derived cannabinoid; provide for regulation of sale and distribution of products: s1214
46-057-0010 through 46-057-0045, Food Safety Division, created; create within Agriculture Department; transfer certain food safety responsibilities from DHEC: S0399
46-057-0010 through 46-057-0140, SC Right to Grow Act; define applicability of nuisance claims against farms; provide Dept of Ag to establish best practices and handle complaints; other provisions: h3432
46-057-0065, Cultivated food; prohibit labeling any cultivated food product as beef, poultry, fish or any other meat that the cultivated food product may resemble; other provisions: s1150
Title 46, Chap. 001, Art. 003, Aging Petroleum Tank Replacement Program; define terms and outline program requirements; redesignate Art. 001 as General Provisions: h4911
Title 46, Chap. 001, Art. 003, Farmers Protection Act; prevent discrimination in financing against farmers: h5169
Title 46, Chap. 003, Art. 001, General Provisions, redesignated: h3540
Title 46, Chap. 003, Art. 003, Black Farmer Restoration Program; Ag to establish Black Famer Restoration Fund to purchase farmland and grant it to eligible individuals; Farm Conservation Corp to provide training; other provisions: h3540
Title 46, Chap. 056, Help-derived cannabinoid; provide for regulation of sale and distribution of products: s1214
Title 46, Chap. 057, Food Safety Division, created; create within Agriculture Department; transfer certain food safety responsibilities from DHEC: S0399
Title 46, Chap. 057, SC Right to Grow Act; define applicability of nuisance claims against farms; provide Dept of Ag to establish best practices and handle complaints; other provisions: h3432
Title 47
47-008-0010 through 47-008-0050, Public Contact with Dangerous Wild Animals; define terms; prohibit contact with dangerous wild animals; provide exceptions and allow for enforcement; other provisions: h5263
47-009-0420, Farm animals; prohibit the interference or interaction with farm animals being transported by a motor vehicle without permission: H4871
47-009-0910 through 47-009-0990, Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act of 2023; prohibit entering an animal protection zone without consent; prohibit interference or interaction with farm animals; other provisions: h3884
47-017-0160, Beef; allow beef producers to carry certified sc raised beef designation: h5149
47-023-0010 through 47-023-0050, SC Equine Promotion Act; establish Equine Promotion Board and provide for composition and duties; provide how funds may be used to promote equine industry; other provisions: h3266
Title 47, Chap. 008, Public Contact with Dangerous Wild Animals; define terms; prohibit contact with dangerous wild animals; provide exceptions and allow for enforcement; other provisions: h5263
Title 47, Chap. 009, Art. 009, Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act of 2023; prohibit entering an animal protection zone without consent; prohibit interference or interaction with farm animals; other provisions: h3884
Title 47, Chap. 023, SC Equine Promotion Act; establish Equine Promotion Board and provide for composition and duties; provide how funds may be used to promote equine industry; other provisions: h3266
Title 48
48-001-0091, NPDES permits; require any person possessing permit which allows discharge of effluent into state waters to post a sign; provide requirements for sign and establish exemptions: s0999, h4958
48-001-0092, Pollutants; require person who discharge certain pollutants into the waters of SC to be liable for all response, containment and cleanup costs: h4929
48-001-0105, Emissions; prohibit emission of air contaminants from a regulated source; Air and Environmental Control's Bureau of Environmental Health Services, established; other provisions: s0194
48-001-0105, Water related permits, approvals or certifications; require DHEC to establish processes and procedures for express permit and certification reviews for certain ones: s0909
48-003-0260, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-006-0010 through 48-006-0080, Department of Environmental Services, created; assume environmental-related functions of DHEC; provide for appointment of director by Governor; other provisions: S0399, h4124
48-006-0010 through 48-006-0100, Department of Environmental Control, created; provide for director appointment by Governor, transfer DHEC divisions, office and programs of DHEC; other provisions: h3239
48-006-0065, DHEC restructuring: h5092
48-006-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-006-0090, Chemicals, discharge; require DHES to promulgate regulations prohibiting discharge of certain chemicals into waterways and drinking water supplies: h4686
48-006-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-006-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-023-0310, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-023-0320, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-023-0330, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-039-0148, Critical areas; authorize business with a deck, dock, or other structure located in a critical area to use the structure for purposes of providing food or beverage service to patrons: H4843
48-045-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
48-052-0690, State owned buildings; require any new buildings to comply with latest addition of ASHRAE and require over certain size be commissioned by a third party: s1205
48-053-0025, Escaped substances or cargo; provide vehicles shall not be operated that allow escape of large pieces of materials and define large pieces: h3962
48-059-0150, Working Farmland Protection Fund; establish fund in State Treasury: H3951
48-059-0150, Young Farmer Loan Program, established; establish under conservation bank: h4717
Title 48, Chap. 006, Department of Environmental Control, created; provide for director appointment by Governor, transfer DHEC divisions, office and programs of DHEC; other provisions: h3239
Title 48, Chap. 006, Department of Environmental Services, created; assume environmental-related functions of DHEC; provide for appointment of director by Governor; other provisions: S0399, h4124
Title 50
50-003-0200, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
50-003-0210, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
50-003-0220, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
50-003-0230, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
50-003-0240, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
50-003-0317, Tattoos; limit DNR policy regarding tattoos on enforcement officer candidates: H5001
50-005-0400, Blue crabs; establish limited commercial blue crab license and requirements for obtaining: s0955, H4386
50-005-1302, Blue crabs; establish recreational limit per person per day and per boat: s0955, H4386
50-005-1345, Crabbing; prevent traps in SC waters from January 16-29 of each year: s0955, H4386
50-009-0560, Saltwater fishing; provide for sale of annual subsistence saltwater fishing licenses and provide for distribution of fees: h4292
50-009-0930, Saltwater fishing; provide for distribution of revenue collected from sale of stamps, licenses, prints and related articles: h4292
50-009-0975, SC Waterways Protection Act; establish fund and purposes for revenue in fund expended: s0484
50-011-0039, Migratory fowl; provide unlawful to hunt migratory fowl within 200 yards of a dwelling on Little River without written permission of owner and occupant: s0501
50-011-0370, Depredation; permit taking of deer committing depredation without a depredation permit under certain conditions: h5041
50-011-0785, Electronic collars; prohibit unlawful removal or destruction of electronic collars or other electronic devices placed on dogs by owner; provide penalties: H4611
50-011-1190, Hunting from aircraft; provide DNR may issue permits for taking of feral hogs while airborne in a helicopter under certain circumstances; provide for penalties: H4612
50-013-0647, Robust redhorse; prohibit the taking, harming or killing or robust redhorse: H4386
50-015-0100, Plants and animals; prohibit release of records regarding the occurrence of rare, threatened, endangered, or imperiled plant and animal species by DNR: H4047
50-015-0700 through 50-015-0730, Sea Turtle Protection Act; provide DNR shall establish designated beaches that are likely to be utilized for nesting; prohibit use of artificial light to illuminate designated beach; other provisions: s0133
50-017-0010 through 50-017-0130, Captive wildlife; provide for regulation, outline permitting process, list exceptions and provide for penalties; other provisions: h4874
50-021-0095, Watercraft; provide unlawful to operate watercraft on SC waters without boating safety certificate; provide exceptions: S0096
50-021-0107, Watercraft; provide owners of watercraft more than 50 horsepower must carry liability insurance; provide penalties and collection of fines: s0033
50-021-0118, Boating under the influence resulting in death; provide person convicted must pay restitution in form of child maintenance to each of a victims' children until child is 18: s0177, h3683, h3707
50-023-0037, Boats, anchored; require owners of certain anchored boats to maintain marine recovery insurance; provide penalties: h4844
Title 50, Chap. 015, Art. 007, Sea Turtle Protection Act; provide DNR shall establish designated beaches that are likely to be utilized for nesting; prohibit use of artificial light to illuminate designated beach; other provisions: s0133
Title 50, Chap. 017, Captive wildlife; provide for regulation, outline permitting process, list exceptions and provide for penalties: h4874
Title 51
51-001-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
51-001-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
51-001-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
51-023-015; Parks and Recreation Development Fund; provide for funding: s0592
51-024-0010 through 51-024-0050, State Trails Trust Fund, created; provide for administration: s0592, h3929
51-025-0010 through 51-025-0050, Beach Restoration and Improvement Trust Fund; place under authority of PRT and rename; require General Assembly to appropriate certain amounts annually; other provisions: s0282, h3930
Title 51, Chap. 024, State Trails Trust Fund, created; provide for administration: s0592, h3929
Title 51, Chap. 025, Beach Restoration and Improvement Trust Fund; place under authority of PRT and rename; require General Assembly to appropriate certain amounts annually; other provisions: s0282, h3930
Title 52
52-005-0300, SC Equine Advancement Act; establish grant program to assist with growth and development of industry: s0303, h3514
52-005-0310, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide definitions: s0303, h3514
52-005-0320, SC Equine Advancement Act; establish SC Equine Commission: s0303
52-005-0330, SC Equine Advancement Act; establish powers of the commission: s0303, h3514
52-005-0340, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide adminstrative support for commission: s0303, h3514
52-005-0350, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide guidelines for pari-mutuel wagering: s0303, h3514
52-005-0360, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide application guidelines for pari-mutuel wagering: s0303, h3514
52-005-0370, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide for application and license fees: s0303, h3514
52-005-0380, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide for equine industry development fund: s0303, h3514
52-005-0390, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide guidelines and protection for committee members: s0303, h3514
52-005-0400, SC Equine Advancement Act; provide guidelines and protection for committee members: s0303, h3514
52-005-0410, SC Equine Advancement Act; require commission to submit annual report: s0303, h3514
52-023-0200 through 52-023-0680, Interactive wagering; provide that certain sports wagering is lawful; provide definition, licensure, and a privilege tax; provide for betting and restrictions; provide penalties and other provisions: h3749
Title 52, Chap. 023, Interactive wagering; provide that certain sports wagering is lawful; provide definition, licensure, and a privilege tax; provide for betting and restrictions; provide penalties and other provisions: h3749
Title 53
53-003-0087, Sarah Mae Fleming Day designated as June 22 of each year: h3347
53-003-0240, Women in Hunting and Fishing Awareness Day declared as third Saturday in November of each year: H3868
53-003-0270, Clog Dancing Day designated as August 8 of each year: H4291
53-003-0270, Indigenous Peoples Day designated as the second Monday of each October: h3435
53-003-0270, Robert Smalls Day designated May 13th of each year: H3142
53-003-0270, Water Professionals Day declared as first Monday in March of each year: H3799
53-003-0300, Birthday of SC; designate March 26 of each year as the birthdate of SC: h5261
53-003-0300, Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month designated as July of each year: h4536
53-005-0110, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; require school districts to be closed: h3084
53-005-0110, Paid holiday leave; provide FTE state employee is entitled to one paid holiday during birth month: h4545
Title 55
55-001-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
55-001-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
55-001-0130, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
55-007-0010 through 55-007-0040, Aircraft; provide for disposal of abandoned or derelict aircraft by airport manager: h3138
55-009-0235, Airports; provide for sale and consumption of alcohol throughout TSA screened portion of qualifying SC airports: S0459
Title 55, Chap. 007, Aircraft; provide for disposal of abandoned or derelict aircraft by airport manager: h3138
Title 55, Chap. 019, SC Blue Origin Flight Lottery Commission, established; create annual lottery to fly on a blue origin flight, provide for commission membership and purpose; other provisions: h3460
Title 56
56-001-0142, DMV fees; require DMV to waive certain fees for foster youth: h3200
56-001-0219, Work Zone Program, established; establish within DMV: H5023
56-001-0219, Work Zone Program, established; establish within DMV: s1076
56-001-0520, Driver's license; provide unlawful to drive with a license not recognized in this state and provide penalty: h4678
56-001-0555, Driver's license and ID cards; provide DMV may establish system for issuing optional electronic or digitally issued cards: s1109
56-001-0555, Driver's licenses; provide DMV may establish a system for issuing optional electronic or digitally issued cards; other provisions: h4672
56-001-0555, Suspended license; provide individuals may not be placed under arrest when stopped for driving under suspension; provide for reinstatement of license and dismissal of driving while under suspension: h3371
56-001-0557, Driver's license suspension; provide suspension must be stayed while appeals case is occuring or when petition for rehearing has been filed; other provisions: h3362
56-001-0560, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
56-002-0140, Utility terrain vehicle; provide for definitions; provide for registration and operation for road use; other provisions: h3359, h3409, h3519
56-002-5000 through 56-002-5030, Personal delivery devices; provide definitions and provisions for operation of personal delivery devices: h5329
56-002-5000, Medium speed vehicles; provide for regulations for operation: s0504
56-003-0030, Dealer license; provide for certain actions that only licensed dealer may undertake: S0549
56-003-0116, SC Citizens' Defense Act of 2023; DMV may add a notation on private passenger-carrying registration to indicate autism, asperger, or tourette: s0272
56-003-0117, Registration; provide DMV must refuse to renew registration of a person who has not paid vehicle personal property tax; provide county or municipality must notify DMV: s0635, h4938
56-003-0205, License plate decals; provide DMV may issue revalidation decals and contract with certain entities to issue plates and decals; other provisions: s0635, h4938
56-003-0211, Temporary license plate; provide issuance to certain motor vehicles and farm trucks: S0549
56-003-0212, Temporary license plate; provide for issuance to certain motor vehicles: S0549
56-003-0213, Special permits; provide DMV may issue special permits to operate certain motor vehicles: S0549
56-003-0214, Quality assurance program; provide DMV shall implement quality assurance program to ensure integrity of electronic registration and titling program: S0549
56-003-0600, Registration; provide for annual payment of vehicle registration and license fees: s0635, h4938
56-003-0705, Untitled utility trailers; provide for licensing and registration by DMV: s1198
56-003-7100, Special license plates; Autistic and Neurodivergent special license plate issued: H4674, h4956
56-003-7340, Special license plate, Native American; plates may be issued to owners of motorcycles: H4674
56-003-15010, Special license plates; Military Veteran PTSD special license plate issued: h3342
56-003-15020, Special license plates; Hearing Impaired special license plate issued: s0009, H4674
56-003-16000, Special license plate; SC Equine Industry special license plate issued: H4674
56-003-16000, Special license plates; Catawba Nation special license plate issued: h5244
56-003-16000, Special license plates; SC Equine Industry special license plate issued: s1016
56-003-16010, Special license plates; Catawba Nation special license plate issued: H4674
56-003-16010, Special license plates; SC Beekeepers Association special license plate issued: s1094
56-003-16110, Special license plates; Catawba Nation special license plate issued: H4674
56-003-16210, Special license plates; SC Beekeepers Association special license plate issued: H4674
56-003-16310, Special license plates; SC Association for Pupil Transportation special license plate issued: H4674
56-005-0170, Definitions; include waste service vehicles in defeintion of authorized emergency vehicle; provide may be equipped with strobe lights: s1063, h5119
56-005-0850, Funeral escorts; provide definitions; provide certain equipment my be maintained on funeral escort and lead vehicles; provide right of way conditions; provide liability and other provisions: h4615
56-005-1897, Waste service vehicles; provide limitations for vehicles meeting or overtaking a waste service vehicle; provide penalties: s1063, h5119
56-005-2915, Maddie's Law; create offense of reckless driving with great bodily injury; provide penalties: h4677
56-005-2915, Reckless driving with great bodily injury; offense created and penalties provided: h3348
56-005-2925, Drivers causing great bodily harm or death; distinguish between misdemeanor and felony: h5145
56-005-2937, Vehicular homicide under influence; provide person convicted must pay restitution in form of child maintenance to each of a victims' children until child is 18: s0177, h3683, h3707
56-005-2956, DUI; provide all evidence be removed from driving record if acquitted: h3388
56-005-2960, Felony driving; provide person convicted of felony driving DUI causing death of parent or guardian may be ordered to pay child support as restitution; other provisions: s0852
56-005-3895, Driving while using electronic device; provide unlawful to drive while using electronic device not equipped with hands-free; provide penalties: h3812
56-005-3910, DUI; provide criminal penalty for driving under the influence of cannabis: h3486
56-005-3910, SC Compassionate Care Act; provide unlawful for driver to vape cannabis products while driving; provide penalties: s0423
56-005-3910, Smoking; provide unlawful for a person to smoke tobacco products in a motor vehicle with a minor passenger present; provide penalties: s0026
56-005-3995, SC Hands-Free and Distracted Driving Act; provide for circumstances it is unlawful to use wireless device, create offenses, and provide penalties: h3394
56-005-4072, Towing; provide circumstances operators utilizing fifth wheel assemblies may tow additional trailing vehicle: H3355
56-005-4905, Speedometers; provide unlawful to operate motor vehicle without working speedometers; provide penalties and other provisions: h3385
56-007-0085, Excessive noise; provide motor vehicle and motorcycle owners may be charged for violation of local ordinances that restrict excessive noise: h4627
56-007-0090, Arrest; provide may not be arrested when charged with certain traffic offenses for which a uniform traffic ticket is issued: h3383
56-009-0085, Claim settlement; provide offer for injury or death from motor vehicle prepared by counsel prior to filing civil action must be in writing and contain certain terms: s0357
56-009-0130, Motor vehicle sales; require dealer charging closing fee to pay registration fee and require fee must be included in advertised price; establish procedures and other provisions: s0344
56-009-0495, Uninsured motor vehicle; provide court may order payment for damages to be garnished from debtor's wages; provide DMV garnish wages in accordance with code: h4560
56-014-0170, Unfair practices; provide unlawful for manufacturers, representatives, distributors, or dealers to engage in unfair methods of competition or deceptive acts and practices; provide penalties: h3410
56-023-0060, Driver training schools; delete term defensive driving course and replace with driver training course: S0549
56-023-0105, Definitions; define term classroom training: S0549
56-023-0105, Driver training; define term classroom training; provide components of online classroom training instruction, testing and course completion: h4185
56-033-0010 through 56-033-0090, Motor vehicle repair facilities; require written estimate and consent for services or repairs; prohibit exceeding estimate and other provisions: s0860
56-036-0010, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Act; provide for liability, insurance, and exceptions; provide requirements and other provisions: s0611
56-036-0020, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Act; provide definitions: s0611
56-036-0030, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Act; provide for liability, insurance requirements and exceptions: s0611
56-036-0040, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Act; provide record keeping requirements, safety recall repairs and insurance coverage: s0611
56-036-0050, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Act; provide limits of transaction for purposes of sales tax: s0611
56-036-0060, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Act; provide for regulations: s0611
56-037-0010 through 56-037-0080, Motor Vehicle Dealer Performance Evaluation System, established; evaluate performance record of dealers, create Dealer Review Board, and provide process for revocation or suspension of license: S0549
Title 56, Chap. 002, Art. 005, Personal delivery devices; provide definitions and provisions for operation of personal delivery devices: h5329
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 060, Special license plates; Autistic and Neurodivergent special license plate issued: H4674
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 150, Special license plate; SC Equine Industry special license plate issued: H4674
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 150, Special license plates, Hearing Impaired special license plate issued: s0009
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 150, Special license plates; Military Veteran PTSD special license plate issued: h3342
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 151, Special license plates; Catawba Nation special license plate issued: H4674
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 152, Special license plates; Cherokee Indian Nation special license plate issued: H4674
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 153, Special license plates; SC Beekeepers Association special license plate issued: H4674
Title 56, Chap. 003, Art. 154, Special license plates; SC Association for Pupil Transportation special license plate issued: H4674
Title 56, Chap. 033, Motor vehicle repair facilities; require written estimate and consent for services or repairs; prohibit exceeding estimate and other provisions: s0860
Title 56, Chap. 037, Motor Vehicle Dealer Performance Evaluation System, established; evaluate performance record of dealers licensed, create Dealer Review Board, and provide process for revocation or suspension of license: S0549
Title 57
57-001-0100, Commuter rail service; provide DOT conduct a study and undertake a project to establish a commuter rail service: h5347
57-003-0240, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
57-003-0240, Damage due to road hazards; require DOT to maintain a toll-free hotline system to call to file a complaint and receive information; other provisions: h3451
57-003-0250, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
57-003-0260, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
57-003-0619, Interstate 95 Bridge Toll Act; authorize DOT to install toll-collecting booths at four bridges along 95; provide for disbursement of revenue and other provisions: s0674
57-003-0619, Lake Marion; require DOT impose a toll along 95 where it crosses Lake Marion in either Orangeburg County or Clarendon County: s0499
57-005-1710, Progressive design-build project delivery method; provide DOT may establish and implement a pilot project to award contracts using progressive design-build project delivery method: h5312
57-013-0140, Bridges; prohibit DOT from destroying bridges on 278 over Skull Creek and Mackay Creek in Beaufort County: h3507
57-023-0810, Yard debris; provide unlawful to deposit yard debris on public highway; provide penalties: h4712
57-023-1160, Piedmont Gateway Scenic Byway, created; identify three segments that comprise the byway: S0207, h4101
57-023-1200, Dean Stuart Campbell, Squire of the Dark Scenic Memorial Byway named: h3886
Title 57, Chap. 023, Art. 022, Dean Stuart Campbell, Squire of the Dark Scenic Memorial Byway named: h3886
Title 57, Chap. 023, Art. 022, Piedmont Gateway Scenic Byway; identify segments that comprise the byway: h4101
Title 58
58-001-0060, Public utility; prohibit legal fees included in rate base or other customer billing where utility violated statute, regulation, or ordinance: s0176
58-001-0070, Customer information; prohibit gas or electric utility from disclosing customer information to a third party without consent: s0156
58-001-0070, Electrical substations; require utility to have security cameras and other provisions: h3577
58-001-0070, Public utility; prohibit utility or third party collection or collect additional fee; provide penalty: h3157
58-001-0070, Utilities; require a utility with drive through window to permit a customer to make a payment through window; other provisions: h5090
58-004-0052, Complaints, ORS; specify the information and form required to file complaint with ORS; provide penalties for filing groundless complaint: h5345
58-004-0140, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
58-004-0150, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
58-004-0150, ORS; require to prepare a comprehensive state energy assessment and action plan; establish requirements for plan: h5521
58-004-0150, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; require ORS to prepare comprehensive state energy assessment and action plan; establish SC Energy Policy Institute: h5118
58-004-0160, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
58-004-0160, Energy efficiency and demand-side management programs; require ORS to conduct study to evaluate establishing a third party administrator for energy efficiency and demand-side management: h5521
58-004-0160, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; require ORS to conduct a study to evaluate establishing a third-party administrator for energy efficiency and demand-side management: h5118
58-005-0416, Natural Gas Rate Stabilization Act; provide limitation on duration of elections: s0152
58-005-0760, Water and sewer service; provide a class a water or sewer utility must submit an integrated resource plan to PSC; provide contents for reporting requirements: s0162
58-007-0010 through 58-007-0070 Special Provisions Affecting Gas, Water or Petroleum Pipeline Companies, designated: h3155
58-007-0300 through 58-007-0480, Petroleum pipelines; establish provisions; provide for application, permitting, and hearings; provide ORS require records and other provisions: h3155
58-009-0060, Comprehensive Tax Reform Act; provide maximum tax that may be imposed on telecommunications services: s0835
58-012-0015, Cable service; require provider to issue refunds to customers due to service interruption: h3158
58-017-1685, Railroad; require railroad corporation to provide commodity flow study to ORS and each county in which corporation transports hazardous materials: h4021
58-017-3470, Railroads; require Class 1 corporation to cooperate with local government to provide dedicated emergency response equipment and training in the even of incident involving hazardous materials: h4021
58-023-0800 through 58-023-0810, Commercial Driver License Holder Employment Protection Act; provide for holding a commercial license constitutes evidence of basic qualifications to drive a commercial vehicle; other provisions: h3241
58-027-0025, Electricity lines; provide utility bury all new power transmission lines within boundary of municipality and bury existing lines according to graduated schedule; other provisions: h3808
58-027-0256, Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act; require electrical utilities to establish a task force to ensure community-driven transition in the closing and decommissioning of coal generating plants: s0779
58-027-0861, Rate terms; provide definitions and certain rate terms for qualifying customers: s0909
58-027-0862, Terms of service and rates; provide definitions and certain terms of service and rates for eligible electric customers: s0909
58-027-2700 through 58-027-2760, Energy Imbalance Market, established; provide for requirements and processes; other provisions: s0909
58-027-2800 through 58-027-2885, Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act; permit the issuance of ratepayer protection bonds and provide for standards and procedures related to those bonds: s0779
58-031-0205, PSA; permit to jointly own electric generation and transmission facilities with investor-owed electric utilities; provide conditions for ownership: s0909
58-031-0205, PSA; permit to jointly own electrical facilities with certain conditions: h5521
58-031-0205, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; permit PSA to jointly own electrical generation and transmission facilities with investor-owned electric utilities; provide requirements: h5118
58-031-0215, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; authorize PSA to serve as an anchor subscriber of natural gas and pipeline capacity; other provisions: h5118
58-033-0020, Definitions; define like facilities: s0909
58-033-0175, Grant of certificates; establish that grant of certificate for generation facility constitutes a conclusive determination that public purpose exist for condemnation; other provisions: s0909
58-033-0195, Natural gas-fired combined cycle energy; encourage providers and PSA to construct one or more facilities; other provisions: s0909
58-033-0195, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; certain electrical generation facilities to be evaluated and provide considerations related to facilities: h5118
58-033-0196, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; encourage consideration of deployment of nuclear facilities and provide related requirements: h5118
58-033-0196, Small modular nuclear facilities; encourage studies and require annual project reports to PSC; other provisions: s0909
58-033-0440, PowerSC Innovation Fund, established; provide for requirements and grants related to the fund: s0909
58-033-0510 through 58-033-0610, Solar, Agricultural, Farmland, and Environmental Act; provide definitions, establish certificate requirements for construction of photovoltaic energy facilities; other provisions: h3989
58-037-0030, Demand-side activities of gas and electrical utilities; make technical change: s0909
58-037-0035, Demand-side management programs; permit electrical utilities to purpose programs and incentives to encourage where a customer uses a customer-sited distribution energy resource or combination; other provisions: s0909
58-037-0035, Demand-side management programs; permit programs and customer incentives to encourage or promote demand-side management programs for customer-cited distribution resources; other provisions: h5521
58-037-0035, Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act; provide standards for electrical utility programs and customer incentives to encourage demand-side management programs: s0779
58-037-0035, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; permit programs and customer incentives to encourage or promote demand-side management programs: h5118
58-037-0045, Energy; establish findings by the General Assembly relating to economic development, future energy sources, transition from coal, and consideration for PSC to take into account when evaluating integrated resource plans: s0909
58-037-0070, Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act; require various electrical utilities to file a low-income affordability tariff with the PSC: s0779
58-037-0070, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; permit a small modular nuclear pilot program and establish requirements: h5118
58-037-0100 through 58-037-0140, Energy infrastructure project applications; provide for state agency review and provide a sunset: h5521
58-037-0100 through 58-037-0140, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; provide for state agency review of energy infrastructure project applications and provide sunset: h5118
58-038-0010 through 58-038-0040, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; establish SC Energy Policy Institute: h5118
58-041-0025, Competitive procurement of renewable energy facilities; provide process: h5521
58-041-0025, Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act; establish filing requirements, standards, and proceedings for competitive procurement program for renewable energy, energy storage facilities or their output: s0779
58-041-0025, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; provide for process for competitive procurement of renewable energy facilities: h5118
58-041-0050, Bulk power solutions; provide for requirements and provisions related to economic development and reasonable and prudent cost deferral: h5521
58-042-0010 through 58-042-0040, Renewable energy; establish requirements, processes, and procedures for electrical utilities to obtain renewable energy and energy storage resources through competitive procurement;other provisions: s0909
58-043-0010 through 58-043-0020, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; establish economic development rates for electrical utilities: h5118
58-043-0010 through 58-043-0040, Resilient energy resources and renewable energy microgrids; establish findings and requirements for programs; provide for studies and other provisions: s0909
58-043-0010 through 58-043-0040, Resilient energy resources and renewable energy microgrids; provide standards and procedures; require PSC to reevaluate filing schedule; other provisions: s0779
58-37-0070, Small modular nuclear pilot program; permit pilot program and establish requirements: h5521
Title 58, Chap. 007, Art. 003, Petroleum pipelines; establish provisions; provide for application, permitting, and hearings; provide ORS require records and other provisions: h3155
Title 58, Chap. 023, Art. 008, Commercial Driver License Holder Employment Protection Act; provide for holding a commercial license constitutes evidence of basic qualifications to drive a commercial vehicle; other provisions: h3241
Title 58, Chap. 027, Art. 024, Energy Imbalance Market, established; provide for requirements and processes; other provisions: s0909
Title 58, Chap. 027, Art. 025, Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act; permit the issuance of ratepayer protection bonds and provide for standards and procedures related to those bonds: s0779
Title 58, Chap. 033, Art. 009, Solar, Agricultural, Farmland, and Environmental Act; provide definitions, establish certificate requirements for construction of photovoltaic energy facilities; other provisions: h3989
Title 58, Chap. 037, Art. 003, Energy infrastructure project applications; provide for state agency review and provide a sunset: h5521
Title 58, Chap. 037, Art. 003, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; provide for state agency review of energy infrastructure project applications and provide sunset: h5118
Title 58, Chap. 038, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; establish SC Energy Policy Institute: h5118
Title 58, Chap. 042, Renewable energy; establish requirements, processes, and procedures for electrical utilities to obtain renewable energy and energy storage resources through competitive procurement;other provisions: s0909
Title 58, Chap. 043, Resilient energy resources and renewable energy microgrids; establish findings and requirements for programs; provide for studies and other provisions: s0909
Title 58, Chap. 043, Resilient energy resources and renewable energy microgrids; provide standards and procedures; require PSC to reevaluate filing schedule; other provisions: s0779
Title 58, Chap. 043, SC Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act; establish economic development rates for electrical utilities: h5118
Title 59
59-001-0060, Student-teacher ratio; provide ratios may not be changed without 2/3 vote of General Assembly; other provisions: s0183
59-001-0210, Competency-based education; provide definitions: H3295
59-001-0315, Audits; provide for audits at request of 5 members of the General Assembly or two members of School Board; other provisions: h3318
59-001-0375, Veteran's Day; provide all public schools must be closed on Veteran's Day and exempt higher education institutions from requirement: s0011
59-001-0395, District employees holding elected offices; provide entitled to equivalent of 5 paid workdays during each school year to attend meetings or trainings related to office; provide requirements: h4706
59-001-0407, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-001-0415, Drinking water; provide childcare centers and schools shall test drinking water outlets for lead and remediate as needed; provide for reporting and other provisions: h4994
59-001-0430, Sex identification and personal pronoun usage; establish statewide policies for K-12; other provisions: h4707
59-001-0456, Paid leave; provide employers may grant paid leave for employees to attend certain public school functions or engage in volunteer teaching activities in public schools during work hours; other provisions: h3983
59-001-0462, Absences; excuse certain absences for work-based learning experiences including FFA or 4-H; provide responsibility for missed assignments: h4623
59-001-0471, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-001-0472, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-001-0485, Technology; provide SDE shall review websites, apps, and other software used on school devices to ensure alignment to curriculum; provide requirements and restrictions; other provisions: h4572
59-001-0485, Workforce readiness; establish a statewide workforce readiness goal: h4060
59-001-0497, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-001-0498, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-001-0505, School board members; provide for stipend and per diem; create a commission to redistrict boundaries for school board members; other provisions: h5355
59-001-0505, Tutoring intervention; provide SDE shall establish pilot program for providing tutoring intervention to students using a high-quality tutoring program: h5204
59-001-0505, Wifi; require General Assembly to provide funds for wifi in every k-12 school and every school bus; require districts to adopt plans to make buses available to students on non-school days; other provisions: s0063
59-003-0010, Superintendent of Education; provide candidate for to meet qualifications prior to filing and other provisions: h3456
59-005-0066, Audits; provide SDE shall conduct certain audits and on-site inspections of school districts to determine compliance with school safe policies; provide reporting requirements and other provisions: h4653
59-005-0066, Parental involvement; require BOE to establish method to track parental involvement; provide additional requirements and reports; other provisions: h3441
59-005-0105, Emergency response to schools; create school mapping data program to facilitate efficient response times; other provisions: s1160, h5144
59-005-0170, Athletics; establish Division of Interscholastic Athletics within SDE to be sole governing body of athletics for public schools; provide for powers, duties and authority; other provisions: h4388
59-006-0130, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-007-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-007-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-007-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-008-0110 through 59-008-0170, Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program; provide requirements, oversight, administration and other provisions: S0039
59-008-0810 through 59-008-0030, School Districts Administration Office, established; provide for establishment in Governor's office; provide for appointment and oversight of school districts; abolish SBE and EOC; other provisions: h3439
59-010-0215, Seizure Safe Schools Act; provide each school district and charter school shall adopt a seizure training program; provide for purposes and requirements: H3309
59-015-0010 through 59-159-0060, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program, established; create definitions, establish goals, requirements, guidelines and selection standards for selection of a provider, other provisions: h5311
59-0159-0020, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program; create definitions: s1115
59-017-0035, Countywide school districts; require countywide school districts by certain date: h3154
59-017-0036, Countywide school districts; provide for consolidation by certain date: h3154
59-017-0153, Feminine hygiene products; provide every school shall provide a supply that students may use free of charge and must be maintained in the office or school nurse office: h3302
59-017-0165, School districts; consolidate all school districts to a county school district and other provisions: h4100
59-017-0165, Smart Heart Act; provide for development and implementation of a cardiac emergency response plan in each public school: s0977, h4866
59-017-0165, Student Bullying Advisory Council, created in each district; provide for membership, duties and to advise on bullying problems: h3454
59-017-0170, Booster club treasurer; provide a person with certain criminal convictions is prohibited from serving as treasurer of booster club; each booster shall register annually with school board; other provisions: S0245
59-017-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-017-0170, Government Transparency Act; require school board meetings to be made available online: h3932
59-017-0170, School district, budget; provide school district may not expend more than a certain amount of its budget on operational expenses: h3112
59-017-0170, Smart Heart Act; provide for development and implementation of an athletics emergency action plan in each school: s0977, h4866
59-017-0170, Surplus land; authorize school districts to use surplus land for development of certain affordable housing: h5206
59-017-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-017-0190, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-017-0200, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-017-0210, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-018-0322, Retention; provide for student retention when testing below two or more grade levels on statewide academic assessment until meets grade level: h3455
59-018-0940, Racial disparity performance; provide school districts shall develop a summary detailing racial disparity performance on certain assessments; provide for reports and posting of reports; other provisions: h3301
59-018-1115, Teachers, noncertified; establish a pilot program allowing districts to hire noncertified teachers up to a ratio up to 10 percent of teaching staff; provide requirements; other provisions: s0124
59-018-1970, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require school district must contact transfer student's prior school within two days of enrollment and require previous school to send records within two days; other provisions: s0278
59-019-0025, School Boards; provide all elected members must be elected in partisan elections; provide methods and deadlines; other provisions: h5052
59-019-0065, School board trustee vacancies; require to be filled in same manner as original appointment or by special election: s0334
59-019-0075, School district trustees; provide trustee may not delegate or appoint proxies to vote or act on their behalf and to do so will make them subject to removal by Governor; other provisions: h4570
59-019-0085, School board meetings; provide public access by requiring live electronic transmission of meetings; include charter school and special school governing bodies; other provisions: s0134
59-019-0090, Fees; delete provisions where school board may charge matriculation or incidental fees as condition for enrolling or attending school: h3320
59-019-0092, Fees; provide school board may not charge matriculation or incidental fees as condition for enrolling or attending school: h3320
59-019-0275, School security; provide school districts with more than 15,000 students may use certain security personnel to promote safety and security; other provisions: h4649
59-019-0360, Competency-based education; provide process for exemption from certain laws and regulations; provide requirements for implementation and provide requirements for SDE and Higher Ed Commission: H3295
59-019-1980, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require school to provide school liaison to assist transfer student due to involvement in DJJ system: s0278
59-020-0042, Student-teacher ratios; provide each school district must attain certain ratios and not allow a teacher to teach more than 150 students in one semester to qualify for funding: s0186
59-020-0051, Teacher salaries; provide beginning 2024-2025 school year a new teacher will have starting salary of no less than 52,000 dollars; a current teacher must receive no less than 55,000: h4575
59-020-0051, Teacher salaries; provide beginning 2024-2025 school year a new teacher will have starting salary of no less than 70,000 dollars; a current teacher must receive no less than 75,000: h4631
59-020-0052, Teacher salaries; establish goal that minimum salary schedule is at least equal to the national average of teacher salaries; provide method and other provisions: s0190
59-023-0410 through 59-023-0440, SC Student Physical Privacy Act; provide restrooms or changing areas must be designated for use by only one sex; provide penalties: s1213, h4538, h5407
59-024-0007, Principals; provide principals shall teach at least one class each semester; provide for annual appointment of principals by full-time faculty at the school; provide requirements and procedures: h3296
59-025-0035, Teacher retention; provide districts may pay lump-sum bonuses to aid in teacher retention; provide bonuses must be approved by school boards; provide for cap and other provisions: s0064
59-025-0060, Loan forgiveness; provide certain teachers qualify for student loan forgiveness; provide for appropriations: h3117
59-025-0060, Teacher Bill of Rights; enumerate basic rights which all certified public school teachers are entitled: h4864
59-025-0060, Teaching certificates; provide prior work experience may be awarded to initial certification if work is in related field; other provisions: s0305
59-025-0112, Educator Assistance Act; provide professional certificates issued by SBE are permanent and not subject to renewal unless revoked or suspended; other provisions: h4280
59-025-0425, Teacher duties; limit duties under salary schedules to classroom and certain related duties; require compensation and consent for assigned extra duties; other provisions: h3294
59-025-0435, Teachers' Freedom of Speech Act; provide districts may not retaliate against teachers for making public policy expressions; other provisions: s0201
59-025-0445, Teacher allegations; require district superintendents to notify SBE of allegations and steps taken to investigate: s0584
59-025-0910 Teacher retention; establish school district teacher recruitment and retention program under SDE; provide for qualifications for stipends and other provisions: s0293
59-025-0910, Teacher Bill of Rights; enumerate basic rights all certified public teachers are entitled: s0202
59-026-0025, Certificates; provide certification require masters degree: h3456
59-026-0042, Teaching certificates; provide person issued certificate and teaches for 20 or more years may renew annually by participating in district professional dev without any additional requirements; other provisions: s0867
59-026-0065, Teacher employment contracts; provide contracts may not impose any restraints on teachers who terminate contract for employment in other districts; exempt from FOIA and other provisions: s0219
59-029-0012, Critical Race Theory; provide schools may not direct or compel students to affirm or adhere to tenets of CRT; provide related instruction and other provisions: h3464
59-029-0012, Education; provide ed focused on excellence and integrity; teach independent and critical thinking; require curriculum transparency; provide for investigation; other provisions: s0424, h3827
59-029-0033, Celebrate Freedom Week designated a certain week in September for annual observance; require implementation requirements for SDE and SBE: h3452
59-029-0056, Curriculum; provide history curriculum shall include teachings about persons who owned slaves: h3779
59-029-0115, Curriculum; require all schools give instruction on international human rights and relations; require for graduation and require SBE to develop requirements; other provisions: h3506
59-029-0245, Remediation; provide remediation seniors lacking requisite academic prep; provide coursework may be used to meet graduation requirements; other provisions: h4060
59-029-0250, Curriculum; require one unit of advanced manufacturing be offered in middle and high schools: h3271
59-029-0250, SC Computer Science Education Initiative Act; provide for expansion and enhancement of computer science education in public schools through statewide plan; other provisions: h4702
59-029-0260, Curriculum; require one unit of harbor pilotage be offered in middle and high schools: h3271
59-029-0600 through 59-029-0670, SC Transparency and Integrity in Education Act; prohibit certain concepts from being included in public school instruction; provide for procedures and violations; other provisions: h3304, h3728
59-029-0610 through 59-029-0640, Curriculum; provide websites must include certain info and means of providing feedback concerning instructional materials and curricula in use; provide for reporting requirements and other provisions: h3466
59-029-0610, Publicly funded schools; provide schools must respect the individual freedom of students, teachers, and staff by adhering to certain instructional principles: s0246
59-029-0620, Publicly funded schools; provide schools must respect the individual freedom of students, teachers, and staff by adhering to certain instructional principles; provide may not violate other rights: s0246
59-031-0005, Restricting Explicit and Adult-Designated Education Resources (READER) Act; define terms: h4701
59-031-0005, School libraries; define terms: h4654
59-031-0015, Library and media center materials; provide all must be age and grade appropriate; provide SBE create model policy for materials; other provisions: h3284
59-031-0015, Restricting Explicit and Adult-Designated Education Resources (READER) Act; provide for creation of public school library collection standards and other provisions: h4701
59-031-0015, School libraries; provide for creation of public school library collection standards and other provisions: h4654
59-031-0047, Restricting Explicit and Adult-Designated Education Resources (READER) Act; provide schools shall not provide access to sexually relevant material without written consent: h4701
59-031-0047, School libraries; provide schools shall not provide access to sexually relevant material without written consent: h4654
59-032-0035, Dating violence; require school boards to develop and implement policy on dating violence and annually submit report to SBE and DHEC; other provisions: h3582
59-032-0035, Gender identity; provide disorders may be taught as part of comprehensive health education program; other provisions: s0274
59-032-0036, Gender perception; prohibit public school staff from withholding knowledge of a minor's perception of their gender from parents: H4624
59-032-0036, Gender perception; prohibit school staff and officials from withholding knowledge of a minor's perception of gender from parents: s0627
59-033-0125, Teacher allegations; require district to develop policies to ensure sufficient staff are present when certain services are provided to handicapped students: s0584
59-036-0160, Interscholastic athletics; provide SDE and DOE determinations of eligibility under this section are binding: s1173
59-036-0310 through 59-036-0410, Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (Lead-K) Act; provide SDE and SBE select language development milestones as resources for parents to track development; other provisions: s0671
59-039-0105, Federal aid; provide seniors shall complete and submit a free application for student aid before graduation; provide exemptions; other provisions: h4060
59-039-0165, Interscholastic sports; require an appeals process for alleged rule violations and other provisions: s1093
59-039-0290, Competency-based education; direct SBE to adopt, establish, and promulgate regulations: H3295
59-040-0112, Charter schools; provide means for voluntary termination of charter schools: h4944
59-040-0237, Charter schools; Superintendent may withhold state funding for schools that fail to comply with Charter Schools Act; other provisions: s0182
59-040-0250, Charter schools; provide qualifying charter schools shall receive a certain increase in funding: h4812
59-043-0040, GED; provide test battery must be given in any language offered by GED testing service in US: h3589
59-047-0130, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-047-0140, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-047-0150, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-048-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-048-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-048-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-049-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-050-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-050-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-050-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-051-0060, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-051-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-051-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-053-0035, Tech and Comprehensive Education; provide board shall adopt policy applicable to all that recognize and award credentials and college credit for courses and experiences completed in military; other provisions: h5105
59-053-0042, Teaching certificates; provide teachers serving 20 or more years in SC may renew certificate annually by participating in district professional development only; other provisions: h3311
59-053-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-053-0170, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-059-0065, SBTCE; require SBTCE to provide an annual list of industry certification credentials offered by the institution in the system and require department to approve them; other provisions: s0257
59-059-0066, CTE program; recognize CTE programs requiring less than three credit hours in the aggregate to be recognized as on carnegie unit: s0257
59-059-0215, Dual enrollment college coursework; make available to all students 10th through 12th grades; provide requirements and make lottery tuition assistance available: h3326
59-063-0025, Enrollment; provide open enrollment option in public schools: s0315, h3843
59-063-0033, Military Temporary Remote School Enrollment Act; require enrollment compliance and proof of residence; provide schools may accept applications for enrollment and registration by electronic means; other provisions: s0556, H3797
59-063-0041, Uniform Antidiscrimination Act; prohibit discrimination on basis of race, color, or national origin: h3738, h5156
59-063-0077, Student athletes; require student to have EKG during physical for participation; require doctor to clear the student before eligible to participate; other provisions: h3287
59-063-0085, Sunscreen; provide public schools shall not prohibit possession or personal use of sunscreen; other provisions: S0256
59-063-0096, Opioid antidotes; allow schools to maintain supply to be administered by trained employees in an emergency; require certain state agencies to implement plan and other provisions: h3735
59-063-0097, Seizure Safe Schools Act; require establishment of seizure action plans and provide requirements for plans; other provisions: s0906
59-063-0105, Interscholastic athletics; provide association, body or entity must provide in their constitution, rules or policies a range of sanctions for violations; other provisions: s1173
59-063-0105, Water bottles; allow public school students and employees to bring water bottles to school with exceptions: h4818
59-063-0155, Harassment and bullying; provide school administrators shall compile and report incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying to SDE; provide requirements of SDE and provide penalties for noncompliance: h3587
59-063-0205, Discipline; provide schools shall establish disciplinary classrooms for assignment of students not meriting suspension or expulsion; other provisions: h3297
59-063-0285, Preschool; define terms and provide for education and training for teachers and staff for maintaining enrollment and provide for data collection: s1108
59-063-0810, Free breakfast and lunch; provide eligible schools that participate shall provide breakfast and lunch without charge to all students; provide guidelines: s0148, h4982, h5022
59-063-0910, Drills; provide each semester all schools shall one conduct fire drills, one active shooter drill, and one severe weather drill: s0203
59-063-097, Opioid antidotes; allow schools to maintain supply to be administered by trained employees in an emergency; require certain state agencies to implement plan and other provisions: h3990
59-063-1010 through 59-063-1030, Weapons Detector System in Schools Act; provide weapons detectors must be installed in all public school buildings and athletic venue entrances; other provisions: h4321
59-066-0025, Resource officers; provide districts shall ensure continuous presence of resource officers during regular operating hours at each school; provide one officer for every 500 students; other provisions: h3314
59-066-0310 through 59-066-0380, School Guardian Act; schools may designate employees as school guardians to provide armed protection and other related public safety functions on campuses: s0237
59-066-0310 through 59-066-0380, School Protection Officer Act; provide schools may designate school employees as protection officers; define terms and provide requirements: h4708
59-067-0310, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-067-0330, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-067-0340, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-067-0800, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-068-0100 through 59-068-720, SC School Bus Privatization Act of 2024: h4606
59-069-0280, Association memberships; provide appropriated funds for operating purposes may not be used for associations; provide employee must receive salary increase in amount of membership fees up to a certain amount: h4705
59-101-0060, Diversity, higher education; provide reports of staff that work with DEI; prohibit admission and employment based on DEI; prohibit mandatory diversity training; other provisions: h4290
59-101-0145, Educator Assistance Act; authorize the use date being collected under certain procedures to report on certain postsecondary matters concerning graduates; require streamlining data collection; other provisions: h4280
59-101-0220, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-101-0220, Dating violence; require higher ed to develop and implement policy on dating violence and annually maintain report on compliance; other provisions: h3582
59-101-0295, Study abroad; provide public institution shall not enter agreement that enables students to study abroad if partner entity requires more stringent covid-19 vaccination requirements; other provisions: h4184
59-101-0415, Higher Education; provide Commission on Higher Ed and State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education annually report certain info documenting performance of preparing students for workforce; other provisions: s0461
59-101-0435, USC and Clemson football teams; provide shall annually play on a home and home basis under terms and condiditons of thier boards: h5117
59-101-0440, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-101-0440, Colleges and Universities; provide schools must respect the individual freedom of students, teachers, and staff by adhering to certain instructional principles: s0246
59-101-0440, Higher education; prohibit certain concepts in course instruction, curriculum, assignments and other instructional material as well as policies and protocols; other provisions: s0833
59-101-0440, Tuition and scholarships; provide student eligible for in-state tuition and scholarships if attended high school in SC for 3 or more years, graduated or earned GED; other provisions: h3330
59-101-0450, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-101-0450, Higher education; establish what constitutes discrimination in certain settings: s0833
59-101-0450, Publicly funded schools; provide schools must respect the individual freedom of students, teachers, and staff by adhering to certain instructional principles; provide may not violate other rights: s0246
59-101-0460, Higher education; establish certain definitions and further prohibit admission and employment decisions conditioned upon support or disagreement with any political ideology or movement: s0833
59-101-0470, Higher education; provide article does not unduly burden a person's state and federal constitutional rights: s0833
59-101-0680, Admission; provide institution may not condition or promise admission or benefits to certain applicants for certain support or disagreements with certain diversity and inclusion issues: h4289
59-101-0810 through 59-101-0840, Student and Administration Equality Act; provide requirements and procedures concerning student and student organization disciplinary matters; other provisions: h3586
59-101-0810, Campus Free Expression Act; define conduct that materially and substantially disrupts expressive activity: s0255
59-101-0820, Campus Free Expression Act; protect free expression rights: s0255
59-101-0830, Campus Free Expression Act; list free expression rights: s0255
59-101-0840, Campus Free Expression Act; identify publicly-accessible outdoor areas of public higher education campuses as public forums: s0255
59-101-0850, Campus Free Expression Act; guarantee existent expressive activity protection: s0255
59-101-0860, Campus Free Expression Act; guarantee existent expressive activity protection: s0255
59-101-0870, Campus Free Expression Act; guarantee existent expressive activity protection: s0255
59-101-0880, Campus Free Expression Act; guarantee existent expressive activity protection: s0255
59-101-0890, Campus Free Expression Act; permit public institutions of higher education to charge security fees for expressive activities based on neutral criteria: s0255
59-101-0900 through 59-101-0940, Student Athlete Stipends; provide for annual award of stipend to student athlete who participates in intercollegiate sport and maintains good academic standing as financial aid; other provisions: s1245
59-101-0900, Campus Free Expression Act; provide for causes of actions following violation of expressive rights: s0255
59-101-0900, Student athlete stipends; define terms: s0306
59-101-0910, Campus Free Expression Act; provide for causes of actions following violation of expressive rights: s0255
59-101-0920, Campus Free Expression Act; provide for causes of actions following violation of expressive rights: s0255
59-101-0920, Student athlete stipends; provide athlete may only receive one stipend: s0306
59-101-0930, Student athlete stipends; provide all stipends are financial aid: s0306
59-101-0940, Student athlete stipends; provide for accounting of stipends by institutions: s0306
59-101-1000 through 59-101-1050, Student Athlete Trust Fund; provide for trust fund to be funded with a percentage of intercollegiate sport gross revenue; other provisions: s1245
59-101-1000, Student athlete stipends; define terms: s0306
59-101-1010, Student athlete stipends; provide institutions create Student Athlete Trust Fund and fund trust with percentage of intercollegiate sport gross revenue: s0306
59-101-1020, Student athlete stipends; provide 5,000 dollars given to student athlete maintain good academic standing not to exceed 25,000 dollars; other provisions: s0306
59-101-1030, Student athlete stipends; provide athlete may only receive one payment: s0306
59-101-1040, Student athlete stipends; provide all payments are financial aid: s0306
59-101-1050, Student athlete stipends; provide for accounting by institutions: s0306
59-101-9010, Student athlete stipends; provide annual award of stipend to intercollegiate athlete maintaining good academic standing and other provisions: s0306
59-104-0027, Palmetto Fellows; establish durations and make available for accelerate undergraduate-to-graduate degree programs: h3457
59-111-0080, Scholarships; provide certain written notice to students before terminating or reducing scholarships: h3319
59-111-1100 through 59-111-1120, Health Care Professional Loan Forgiveness Program; provide eligibility, administration and funding of program; create advisory committee and other provisions: s0847
59-112-0015, Domicile; provide temporary absence solely for employment does not change meaning of domicile: s0233
59-112-0015, Tuition rates and fees; provide means for determining domicile for tuition rate is affected by temporary absense solely for employment-related purposes: h3298
59-112-0045, SC Dreamers Act of 2024; provide person who has a legal presence and not illegal immigrant may establish domicile for purpose of receiving in-state tuition and fees and scholarships: s1144
59-112-0105, In-state tuition; provide Coastal Carolina, Francis Marion, USC-A, USC-B, USC Upstate, and Winthrop may offer in-state tuition to students who reside in a state that borders SC; other provisions: h3325
59-119-0170, Regulatory and Public Service Programs, regulations; provide all regulation promulgated must be in accordance with Adminstrative Procedures Act: s0173
59-121-0500, Palmetto Legislative Military Appointment, established; define terms: s0673
59-121-0510, Palm Appointment Scholarship; provide to cover all costs for an appointee to attend the Citadel for a maximum of 4 years; provide for nominations and selection; other provisions: s0673
59-121-0520, Palmetto Legislative Military Appointment, established; provide eligibility requirements for appointment: s0673
59-121-0530, Palmetto Legislative Military Appointment, established; provide for appointment obligations for appointees: s0673
59-121-0540, Palmetto Legislative Military Appointment, established; provide for procedures for nomination of individuals and determination of each nominee's qualification for military service: s0673
59-121-0550, Palmetto Legislative Military Appointment, established; provide procedures for appointees who fail to fulfill appointment obligations and repayment of appointment scholarships: s0673
59-121-0560, Palmetto Legislative Military Appointment, established; provide for appropriations: s0673
59-123-0330, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
59-138-0010, SC College and University Board of Regents, established; provide for membership, powers, duties, and responsibilities: s0066
59-139-0100, Prekindergarten; provide SDE shall develop and administer prekindergarten expansion grant program: h5205
59-148-0110 through 59-148-0210, Freedom of expression; provide measures to protect expressions by students on public campuses; provide requirements, policies, procedures and redress of violations: h3467
59-149-0017, Palmetto Access to HigherEd (PATH) Act; estbalish PATH scholarships; provide purpose, eligibility requirements, and define terms for scholarships: h5349
59-149-0170, Life scholarship; provide student not qualified until after freshman year: h3107
59-150-0145, Lottery; exempt certain identifiable info concerning claims from nonconsensual disclosure under FOIA; Commission may disclose some info without consent; provide exceptions and other provisions: s0650, H3872
59-150-0372, SC Lottery Scholarship Guaranteed Admission Act; create program; provide institutions that receive lottery scholarship funds must guarantee admission to students who graduate top 10 percent of class; other provisions: h5373
59-150-0420, SC Lottery Scholarship Increase and Inflation Adjustment Act; increase certain lottery scholarships by 25 percent and provide for future increases: h5020
59-155-0155, Read to Succeed; provide requirements for the number of universal reading screeners that districts may use; provide requirements for screeners; provide for administering at least three times a year; other provisions: S0418
59-155-0155, Reading; provide SDE shall approve early literacy and numeracy assessment instruments for selection and use by districts; provide requirements for instruments: s0128
59-155-0205, SC Reading Panel, created; provide for composition, functions and duties: s0128
59-158-0045, Athletics; provide actions, sanctions, bylaws and rules of governing bodies may not interfere with ability of athletes to earn compensation for NIL or participate in events unless rules violation: h4583
59-159-0010, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program; established: s1115
59-159-0030, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program; establish goals and standards for election of a provider: s1115
59-159-0040, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program; ensure availability of the program: s1115
59-159-0050, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program; establish enrollment requirements and guidelines for recruitment plans: s1115
59-159-0060, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program; require annual report: s1115
59-160-0065, Lottery Commission; provide commission may own, market and regulate certain cash deposit-activated games of skill machines for prize for 18 and older; other provisions: h3333
Title 59, Chap. 008, Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program; provide requirements, oversight, administration and other provisions: S0039
Title 59, Chap. 008, School Districts Administration Office, established; provide for establishment in Governor's office; provide for appointment and oversight of school districts; abolish SBE and EOC; other provisions: h3439
Title 59, Chap. 010, Art. 005, Behavioral Health Services; provide school boards may not prohibit providers from providing these services to students during school hours upon parental request; other provisions: h3458
Title 59, Chap. 023, Art. 004, SC Student Physical Privacy Act; provide restrooms or changing areas must be designated for use by only one sex; provide penalties: s1213, h4538, h5407
Title 59, Chap. 025, Art. 009, Teacher retention; establish school district teacher recruitment and retention program under SDE; provide for qualifications for stipends and other provisions: s0293
Title 59, Chap. 029, Art. 005, Curriculum; provide websites must include certain info and means of providing feedback concerning instructional materials and curricula in use; provide for reporting requirements and other provisions: h3466
Title 59, Chap. 029, Art. 005, SC Transparency and Integrity in Education Act; prohibit certain concepts from being included in public school instruction; provide for procedures and violations; other provisions: h3304, h3728
Title 59, Chap. 036, Art. 003, Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (Lead-K) Act; provide SDE and SBE select language development milestones as resources for parents to track development; other provisions: s0671
Title 59, Chap. 063, Art. 010, Weapons Detector System in Schools Act; provide weapons detectors must be installed in all public school buildings and athletic venue entrances; other provisions: h4321
Title 59, Chap. 066, Art. 003, School Guardian Act; schools may designate employees as school guardians to provide armed protection and other related public safety functions on campuses: s0237
Title 59, Chap. 066, Art. 003, School Protection Officer Act; provide schools may designate school employees as protection officers; define terms and provide requirements: h4708
Title 59, Chap. 068, SC School Bus Privatization Act of 2024: h4606
Title 59, Chap. 101, Art. 004, Student and Administration Equality Act; provide requirements and procedures concerning student and student organization disciplinary matters; other provisions: h3586
Title 59, Chap. 101, Art. 009, Student Athlete Stipends; provide for annual award of stipend to student athlete who participates in intercollegiate sport and maintains good academic standing as financial aid; other provisions: s1245
Title 59, Chap. 101, Art. 010, Student Athlete Trust Fund; provide for trust fund to be funded with a percentage of intercollegiate sport gross revenue; other provisions: s1245
Title 59, Chap. 111, Art. 011, Health Care Professional Loan Forgiveness Program; provide eligibility, administration and funding of program; create advisory committee and other provisions: s0847
Title 59, Chap. 149, Freedom of expression; provide measures to protect expressions by students on public campuses; provide requirements, policies, procedures and redress of violations: h3467
Title 59, Chap. 159, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Program, established; create definitions, establish goals, requirements, guidelines and selection standards for selection of a provider, other provisions: h5311
Title 60
60-001-0180, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-011-0075, Monuments markers and plaques; provide subject to review and approval by Archives; provide requirements for review and approval; other provisions: h3772
60-013-0060, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-013-0070, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-013-0080, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-013-0090, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-015-0100, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-015-0110, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
60-015-0120, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
Title 61
61-002-0270, Alcohol by the drink; provide for sale and consumption of liquor, beer, and wine by the drink at certain golf courses: h4534
61-002-0670, SC Save of Venues Act; provide for certain civil rights of action of injuries resulting from alcoholic consumption: h4529
61-003-0000 through 61-003-0170, Responsible Alcohol Server Training Act; provide for mandatory alcohol server training and education program; other provisions: s0260
61-004-0045, Alcohol; provide DOR may issue certain licenses or permits allowing curbside delivery or pick up: s0425, h4364
61-004-0125, Alcohol; authorize licensed manufacturer of hard cider or mead to provide tastings on premises and up to 3 off-site locations; other provisions: h4698
61-004-0280, Alcohol; provide retail dealer may hire delivery service to deliver certain beer and wine; provide requirements: s0425, h4364
61-006-1155, Micro-Distillery Parity Act; provide licensed micro-distillery may operate food establishment and establish requirements; other provisions: h3147
61-006-1570, Alcohol; provide DOR may issue certain licenses or permits allowing curbside delivery or pick up: s0425, h4364
61-006-1580, Alcohol; provide retail dealer may hire delivery service to deliver certain liquor; provide requirements: s0425, h4364
61-006-4725, Alcohol; permit conditional discharge of first-time offenders under certain sections; permit county and municipal prosecutors to conditionally discharge first-time open containter offenders and permit expungment: s0129
61-012-0080, Substance abuse and treatment block grant funds; provide a single county agency shall receive certain funds: h3855
61-015-0100, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0110, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0120, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0130, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0140, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0150, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0200, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0210, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0300, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0310, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0320, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0370, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0380, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0390, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0400, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0410, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0420, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0430, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0510, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0520, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0600, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0610, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0620, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0700, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0710, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0720, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0730, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
61-015-0740, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
Title 61, Chap. 003, Responsible Alcohol Server Training Act; provide for mandatory alcohol server training and education program; other provisions: s0260
Title 62
62-003-0108, Appointment proceedings; provide appointment proceedings may be maintained in relation to estate of individual pursuant to Honoring Our Pact of 2022: s0850
62-006-0401, Death designations; establish transfer on death: H4234
62-006-0401, Death designations; provide for transfer on death designations for certain categories of titled personal property: s0755, h5189
62-007-0508, Grantor trust reimbursements; provide for certain reimbursements: h5316
62-015-0500, Marijuana; provide for personal use, amounts, licensing, manufacturing, regulations and prohibitions; other provisions: s0211
Title 62, Chap. 006, Art. 006, Pt. 004, Death designations; provide for transfer on death designations for certain categories of titled personal property: s0755, h5189
Title 63
63-001-0300 through 63-001-0350, Children's Default to Safety Act; provide for protections for children against unfiltered machines; other provisions: s0591
63-001-0310 through 63-001-0360, Children's Device Protection Act; require smart phones and tablets to have certain filters and other features to prevent access to obscene material on internet; other provisions: h4689
63-003-0660, Perjury; provide mandatory imprisonment for a party to a proceeding in family court who commits perjury: s0540
63-005-0090, Luring a child, create offense; create offense of luring a child in a conveyance, dwelling or structure; provide penalties and defenses for prosecution: s0877
63-005-0380, Automated decision systems; prohibit use by internet-based applications to place content on social media platforms for users under age of 18; require age verification practices and other provisions: s0404
63-005-0380, Prescriptions; provide parent or legal guardian of minor must be notified when meds are prescribed; prohibit pharmacist from fill with parent or legal guardian consent; other provisions: s0882
63-007-0693, Safety plans; require safety plans be executed before DSS place a child outside the home without taking legal custody; establish limitations and other provisions: h3558
63-007-0696, Safety plans; require safety plans be executed before DSS place a child outside the home without taking legal custody; establish limitations and other provisions: h3558
63-007-1605, Child abuse; establish family court proceeding and process for review of certain DSS determinations of findings of child abuse or neglect: h4908
63-007-2410, Foster care; require DSS to collect info about the outcomes of youth who have aged out of foster care; other provisions: h3550
63-007-2810 through 63-007-2870, Legal guardianship; require DSS to establish and administer program of supplemental benefits for legal guardianship; require regulations and other provisions: S0380
63-009-0085, Uniform Unregulated Child Custody Transfer Act; require child placing agencies to provide certain information to prospective parents; other provisions: h3217
63-009-0765, Postadoption contact agreements; provide agreements to be enforced if agreed to by the parties: s0800
63-009-1205 through 63-009-1245, Uniform Unregulated Child Custody Transfer Act; prohibit unregulated child custody transfer of children placed for adoption; create penalties and other provisions: h3217
63-011-1726, First steps; provide all publicly funded early childhood serving agencies and entities shall participate in certain data sharing initiatives supported by advisory council: H4023
63-011-2300, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-015-0600 through 63-015-0690 Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act; provide legal mechanism to protect children from credible risks of abduction in custody or visitation instances; other provision: H3220
63-017-0325, Child support; provide child support from date of conception: S0474
63-017-0325, Human Life Protection Act; require a biological father to pay child support beginning at conception: s0240, h3552, h3774
63-019-0100 through 63-019-0130, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; establish the "Children's Bill of Rights"; other provisions: s0278
63-019-0210, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require that law enforcement must arrange for a child 15 or younger to meet with legal counsel prior to a custodial interrogation; provide exceptions: s0278
63-019-0362, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require before submitting a petition for child in custody for misdemeanor that DJJ must attempt to resolve situation through administrative approaches: s0278
63-019-0500, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0500, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require DJJ to establish at least one pre-detention intervention program in each judicial circuit; establish program requirements and eligibility: s0278
63-019-0510, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0520, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0520, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; establish juvenile justice improvement fund; allow DJJ to divert moneys saved from decreased out-of-home placement to fund community intervention programs; other provisions: s0278
63-019-0530, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0540, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0550, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0560, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0570, Budget Proviso Codification Act of 2024: h5203
63-019-0700 through 63-019-0750, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require circuit solicitor to establish juvenile offender civil citation program to provide a civil diversion program for a child committing act of delinquency: s0278
63-019-0815, Interrogation, children; require officer to comply with certain requirements before interrogating child taken into custody for crime or ordinance violation; other provisions: h3230
63-019-1050, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; prohibit charging fee to child as condition of diversion and limit amount of restitution required of child in diversion: s0278
63-019-1070, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; establish family court may adjourn a criminal proceeding against juvenile in contemplation of dismissal upon completion of certain conditions established by court; other provisions: s0278
63-019-1415, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2020; allow circuit solicitor to operate one or more specialty treatment courts if allowed by supreme court: s0278
63-019-1480, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; provide family court may conduct post-dispositional reviews to determine if sentencing has been met and may be closed; other provisions: s0278
63-019-1690, Restraints; prohibit use of restraints, isolation, and room confinement for juvenile; provide exceptions: s0267
63-019-2510 through 63-019-2550, Juvenile Pretrial Diversion Courts, established; provide for eligibility and establish parameters; other provisions: h5012
63-023-0010 through 63-023-0020, Parental rights; parents have ultimate responsibility of raising children; prohibit state from burdening parental rights; create cause of action and other provisions: h4691
63-023-0010 through 63-023-0070, Families Rights and Responsibilities Act;provide for rights of parents in upbringing, education and care of children; other provisions: h3485
63-023-0010 through 63-023-0080, Adoption and Foster Care Protections Act; prohibit state from discriminating against persons who provide adoption or foster-care services based upon religious beliefs; other provisions: h3801
63-023-0110 through 63-023-0180, Parental Bill of Rights; provide for rights of parents in upbringing, education and care of children: s0234, s0743, h3197
Title 063, Chap. 001, Art. 003, Children's Device Protection Act; require smart phones and tablets to have certain filters and other features to prevent access to obscene material on internet; other provisions: h4689
Title 63, Chap. 001, Art. 003, Children's Default to Safety Act; provide for protections for children against unfiltered machines; other provisions: s0591
Title 63, Chap. 007, Art. 009, Legal guardianship; require DSS to establish and administer program of supplemental benefits for legal guardianship; require regulations and other provisions: S0380
Title 63, Chap. 009, Art. 012, Uniform Unregulated Child Custody Transfer Act; prohibit unregulated child custody transfer of children placed for adoption; create penalties and other provisions: h3217
Title 63, Chap. 015, Art. 006, Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act; provide legal mechanism to protect children from credible risks of abduction in custody or visitation instances; other provision: H3220
Title 63, Chap. 019, Art. 002, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; establish the "Children's Bill of Rights"; other provisions: s0278
Title 63, Chap. 019, Art. 006, SC Juvenile Justice Reform Act; require each circuit solicitor to establish juvenile offender civil citation program to provide a civil diversion program for a child committing act of delinquency: s0278
Title 63, Chap. 019, Art. 025, Juvenile Pretrial Diversion Courts, established; provide for eligibility and establish parameters; other provisions: h5012
Title 63, Chap. 023, Adoption and Foster Care Protections Act; prohibit state from discriminating against persons who provide adoption or foster-care services based upon religious beliefs; other provisions: h3801
Title 63, Chap. 023, Families Rights and Responsibilities Act;provide for rights of parents in upbringing, education and care of children; other provisions: h3485
Title 63, Chap. 023, Parental Bill of Rights; provide for rights of parents in upbringing, education and care of children: s0234, s0743, h3197
Title 63, Chap. 023, Parental rights; parents have ultimate responsibility of raising children; prohibit state from burdening parental rights; create cause of action and other provisions: h4691

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