South Carolina Legislature


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2018-2019 As passed by the House



81.1. (LLR: Fire Marshal - Authorization to Charge Fees for Training) The Fire Academy may charge participants a fee to cover the cost of education, training programs, and operations. The revenue generated may be applied to the cost of operations, and any unexpended balance may be carried forward to the current fiscal year and utilized for the same purposes.

81.2. (LLR: Real Estate - Special Account) Revenue in the Real Estate Appraisal Registry account shall not be subject to fiscal year limitations and shall carry forward each fiscal year for the designated purpose.

81.3. (LLR: POLA - Ten Percent, Other Funds) The Professional and Occupational Offices in Program II.F. PNextrofessional and Occupational Licensing must remit annually an amount equal to ten percent of the expenditures to the general fund. The Contractors Licensing Board must remit all revenues above their expenditures to the general fund. The revenue remitted by the Contractors Licensing Board to the general fund includes the ten percent.

81.4. (LLR: Fire Marshal Fallen Firefighters Memorial) The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation - Division of the State Fire Marshal is authorized to accept gifts or grants of services, properties, or monies from individuals or public and private organizations to honor South Carolina firefighters who have died in the line of duty. All excess monies collected to erect a memorial are to be placed in a fund for upkeep and maintenance. Any later contributions are to be used for upkeep and maintenance.

81.5. (LLR: Firefighter Mobilization Project) The department is directed to utilize $165,000 of the funds derived under Section 2 of Act 1377 of 1968, as amended by Act 60 of 2001 from the tax of thirty-five one-hundredths percent imposed annually on the gross premium receipts less premiums returned on canceled policy contracts and less dividends and returns of unabsorbed premium deposits of all fire insurance companies doing business in the State to fund the Firefighter Mobilization Project.

81.6. (LLR: Match for Federal Funds) State PreviousappropriationsNext to the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation that are required to provide match for federal grant programs in the prior fiscal year may be carried forward into the current fiscal year and expended for the same purpose as originally appropriated.

81.7. (LLR: Flexibility) In order to provide maximum flexibility in absorbing the general fund reductions to the OSHA and OSHA Voluntary Programs, the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation shall be authorized to spend agency earmarked and restricted accounts to maintain these critical programs previously funded with general fund Previousappropriations. Any increase in spending authorization for these purposes must receive the prior approval of the Executive Budget Office.

81.8. (LLR: Immigration Bill Funding Report) Prior to any funds carried forward from the prior fiscal year in Subfund 3135 being transferred to fund any other purpose, $250,000 must be retained by the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to fund the departments responsibilities under the South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act. The department shall compile an accountability report outlining expenditures of the Immigration Bill funding to be issued to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Natural Resources and Economic Development Subcommittee, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Transportation and Regulatory Subcommittee. Said report must be issued on the first Tuesday of February in the current fiscal year.

81.9. (LLR: Authorized Reimbursement) The Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation cannot authorize reimbursement under Section 40-1-50(A) of the 1976 Code to members of any board listed in Section 40-1-40(B) for meetings held at any location other than the offices of the department unless there has been a determination that the department is unable to provide space for the meeting in a state-owned or leased facility in Richland or Lexington County.

81.10. (LLR: Illegal Immigration Hotline Assistance) Upon the request of the Commission on Minority Affairs, the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation shall provide assistance to establish and maintain a twenty-four hour toll free telephone number and electronic website to receive, record, collect, and report allegations of violations of federal immigration laws or related provisions of South Carolina law by any non-United States citizen or immigrant, and allegations of violations of any federal immigration laws or related provisions in South Carolina law against any non-United States citizen or immigrant.

Such violations shall include, but are not limited to, E-Verify or other federal work authorization program violations, violations of Chapter 83, Title 40 of the 1976 Code relating to immigration assistance services, or any regulations enacted governing the operation of immigration assistance services, false or fraudulent statements made or documents filed in relation to an immigration matter, as defined by Section 40-83-20, violation of human trafficking laws, as defined in Section 16-3-930, landlord tenant law violations, or violations of any law pertaining to the provision or receipt of public assistance benefits or public services.

81.11. (LLR: Board of Pharmacy) The Board of Pharmacy must accept affidavits of practical experience from interns whose practical experience internships occurred in this State. The affidavit must provide that the supervising pharmacist and the site of experience is licensed and in good standing with the board and that the internship falls within the criteria for internships set by the board. The affidavit must be accompanied by a ten dollar fee to cover administrative costs associated with compliance with this proviso.

81.12. (LLR: Office of State Fire Marshal - Clothing) The Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation is authorized to purchase and issue clothing to the non-administrative staff of the Office of the State Fire Marshal that are field personnel working in a regulatory aspect and/or certified to be a resident state fire marshal.

81.13. (LLR: Amusement Park Rides) For the current fiscal year, the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation may not enforce provisions contained in Chapter 18, Title 41 of the 1976 Code, relating to amusement park rides, against open-wheel motorsport vehicles, karts, superkarts, gearbox or shifter karts, or go karts used for racing at speeds in excess of fifty miles per hour.


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