South Carolina Legislature


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Session 104 (1981-1982)

H*3652(Rat #0505, Act #0407 of 1982)  General Bill, By W.E. Applegate, 
D.L. Aydlette, J.D. Bradley, Branton, C.M. Dangerfield, G.W. Dukes, T. Gadson, 
J.E. Gonzales, D.N. Holt, R.A. Kohn, A.V. Rawl, Washington, D.E. Winstead and 
R.R. Woods
 A Bill to amend Section 4-3-100, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976,
 relating to the boundaries of Charleston County, so as to further delineate
 the boundary line between Dorchester and Charleston Counties, to provide that
 the boundary line of Dorchester County shall also be redelineated accordingly
 and to provide for the recording of a plat showing such redelineated boundary

   03/04/82  House  Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar
                     without reference HJ-1225
   03/11/82  House  Read second time HJ-1357
   03/12/82  House  Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-1395
   03/16/82  Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-6
   03/16/82  Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-6
   04/28/82  Senate Committee report: Favorable Judiciary SJ-24
   05/28/82  Senate Read second time SJ-327
   05/31/82  Senate Read third time and enrolled SJ-26
   06/02/82  House  Ratified R 505 HJ-3840
   06/08/82         Signed By Governor
   06/08/82         Effective date 06/08/82
   06/08/82         Act No. 407
   06/24/82         Copies available

(A407, R505, H3652)


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

Boundary of Charleston County

Section 1. Section 4-3-100 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:

"Section 4-3-100. Charleston County is bounded as follows: by a line beginning opposite the mouth of the South Edisto River, where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean, and following up the center of said river to the point where the Dorchester County line intersects the Edisto River; thence eastwardly along the center line of the Parker's Ferry Road to the intersection with Rantowles Creek; thence northerly up Rantowles Creek to its intersection with the Dorchester County line; thence along said line to a point of intersection with the property of Charles H. P. Duell (Middleton Gardens); thence along the eastern boundary of the property of Charles H. P. Duell (Middleton Gardens) to the eastern bank of the Ashley River; thence down said river to a point on the eastern bank of the Ashley River 472' west of the point where Saw Pit Creek enters said Ashley River; thence from the eastern bank of the Ashley River on a true bearing of N 22° 38' 39" E along a ditch on the east boundary of Archdale Hall Subdivision and on for a total distance of 248.61 chains to a concrete monument marked 'CHAS/DOR'; thence on a true bearing of N 42° 15' 31" W to a point of intersection with the property line of Monroe E. and Winifred J. Hartzog; thence northeasterly 800 ft. (plus or minus) along the property line of Monroe E. and Winifred J. Hartzog to a point of intersection with the property of James C. and Mary Palmer; thence southeasterly along the property line of James C. and Mary Palmer for 406 ft. (plus or minus); thence northeasterly to a point on the north side of Highway #S10-1120; thence easterly along the north boundary of Highway #S10-1120 to the intersection of Ladson Rd. (S10-76); thence along the northwesterly boundary of Ladson Rd. (S10-76) to the intersection of Ladson Rd. (S10-76) and the Lincolnville Rd. (S10-881); thence in a northwesterly direction, a distance of 9,700 ft. (plus or minus) along the southwesterly boundary of the Lincolnville Rd. (S10-881) to a point; thence southwesterly 5,400 ft. (plus or minus) to a point; thence northwesterly a distance of 550 ft. (plus or minus) to a point; thence southwesterly 600 ft. (plus or minus) to a point on the proposed county line; thence in a northwesterly direction on a true bearing of N 42° 15' 31" W to a point in the center of Saw Mill Branch; 51.1 chains southwest of the southwestern right-of-way line of the Southern Railway (measured in a straight line); thence from this point along the run of Saw Mill Branch to the southeastern right-of-way line of Richardson Avenue; thence from this point southeasterly along Richardson Ave. to the intersection of Richardson and Owens Rd.; thence northeasterly on the eastern boundary of Challedon and Meadowbrook Subdivisions to a point on the north side of East Third St. North; thence northwesterly a distance of 1,200 ft. (plus or minus) to a point; thence northeasterly to a point on the north side of 5th North (US #78); thence along the north boundary of 5th North (US #78) to a point; thence southwesterly a distance of 325 ft. (plus or minus) to a point; thence southeasterly a distance of 379 ft. (plus or minus) to a point; thence northeasterly a distance of 325 ft. (plus or minus) to a point on the north side of 5th North (US #78); thence a distance of approximately 760 ft. (plus or minus) to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction a distance of 1,500 ft. (plus or minus) along the property line of the real estate of John Finucan and Maggie F. Peters to a point at which the northeastern corner of Dorchester County intersects with Berkeley and Charleston Counties; thence S 50° 20' E to intersection of eastern right-of-way line of United States Route No. 78, a distance of 83.9 chains; then southeastwardly along the southeastern right-of-way line of United States Route No. 78 to intersection of the south right-of-way line of the Ladson Rd. a distance of 259.1 chains; thence eastwardly along the southern line of the Ladson Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Elms Tract, now owned by Goose Creek Land Company; thence southwardly along the eastern boundary of said tract to its intersection with the run of Goose Creek; thence with the run of Goose Creek, in an eastwardly direction, to its intersection with the western right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; thence southwardly along the western right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Remount Rd.; thence eastward by a direct line to the mouth of Goose Creek on the western bank of the Cooper River; thence southwardly along the Cooper River to the intersection with the Wando River; thence along the Wando River in a northeastwardly direction to the mouth of Guerin's Creek; thence northeastwardly along Guerin's Creek to intersection with the Guerin Bridge Rd.; thence northwardly along the Guerin Bridge Rd. to intersection with Halfway Creek Rd.; thence northeastwardly along Halfway Creek Rd. to Thompson Rd. and southerly along Thompson Rd. to intersection of run of Wambaw Creek; thence along the run of Wambaw Creek, eastwardly to South Santee River; thence down the South Santee River to the Atlantic Ocean to the line of jurisdiction of the State: thence southwardly along the line of jurisdiction of the State to a point opposite the mouth of the South Edisto River, the point of beginning."

Delineation of boundaries

Section 2. The further delineation of the boundaries of Charleston County as contained in Section 4-3-100 of the 1976 Code revised pursuant to the provision of Section 1 of this act are also shown on a plat prepared by Sigma Engineers, Inc., dated July 10, 1978, and signed on behalf of Sigma Engineers. Inc., by Harold J. LeaMond, P.E. and L.S. The governing body of Charleston County shall cause such plat to be recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Charleston County and the governing body of Dorchester County shall cause such plat to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Dorchester County. To the extent that the further delineation of the boundaries of Charleston County as contained in Section 4-3-100 of the 1976 Code also affects the boundaries of Dorchester County, such boundaries of Dorchester County are hereby redelineated accordingly.

Time effective

Section 3. This act shall take effect upon the approval by the Governor.

Legislative Services Agency
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