South Carolina Legislature


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Session 107 (1987-1988)

S*0307 Resolution, By Senate Rules
 A Senate Resolution to amend Rule 1 of the Rules of the Senate relating to
 daily meeting so as to specify the days and times of statewide and local and
 uncontested session days; to amend Rule 3 relating to attendance so as to
 authorize a call for absent members when a quorum is present and further
 provide for the counting of members to determine a quorum; to amend Rule 15
 relating to fixing a certain time to vote so as to further provide for the
 method for bringing debate to a close, to change certain vote requirements, to
 require a signed motion to be offered and to provide for certain time and
 other limitations; to amend Rule 34 relating to the order of business so as to
 add a new order for uncontested statewide matters pending third reading and to
 further provide for the order of business and when a motion to vary the order
 of the day is in order; to amend Rule 35 relating to the motion period so as
 to specify the motions allowed; to amend Rule 37 relating to admission to the
 floor so as to further define persons eligible to be admitted to the floor, to
 that area behind the rail, and beyond the outer doors of the Senate
 antechamber, and how the privilege of the floor may be granted; and to amend
 Rule 49 relating to recording Senate proceedings so as to further define
 matters which may be recorded.
   01/28/87  Senate Introduced SJ-308
   02/03/87  Senate Debate adjourned SJ-386
   02/05/87  Senate Debate interrupted SJ-472
   02/10/87  Senate Debate adjourned SJ-500
   02/11/87  Senate Debate interrupted SJ-525
   02/12/87  Senate Debate interrupted SJ-530
   02/17/87  Senate Debate interrupted SJ-535
   02/18/87  Senate Debate interrupted SJ-554
   02/19/87  Senate Amended SJ-608
   02/19/87  Senate Adopted SJ-617

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