South Carolina Legislature


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H 2769
Session 106 (1985-1986)

H 2769 General Bill, By Russell, M.O. Alexander, W.S. Anderson, D. Blackwell, 
J.D. Bradley, P.T. Bradley, T.A. Brett, T.M. Burriss, Davenport, P.W. Derrick, 
T.W. Edwards, Fair, T. Ferguson, E.D. Foxworth, P. Freeman, J.V. Gregory, 
J.L. Harris, D.O. Hawkins, J.R. Klapman, E.S. Lake, J.E. Lockemy, D.M. McEachin, 
McKay, J.W. McLeod, D.A. Moss, J.T. Petty, L. Phillips, J.I. Rogers, 
T.F. Rogers, Sheheen, C.L. Sturkie, J.H. Toal and Wilkins
 A Bill to require any person donating or selling his blood to be tested for
 the presence in his blood of the HTLV-III antibody, to require the blood from
 a person whose test is confirmed positive to be destroyed or used only for
 research and to authorize the Department of Health and Environmental Control
 to promulgate regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act.
   04/11/85  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-2320
   04/11/85  House  Referred to Committee on Medical, Military,
                     Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-2320

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