South Carolina Legislature


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H 2233
Session 107 (1987-1988)

H 2233 General Bill, By D.M. Beasley and Fair
 A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section
 56-5-2935 so as to permit a preliminary screening test to determine whether an
 arrest should be made for a violation of Section 56-5-2930 (DUI); and to amend
 Section 56-5-2950, relating to implied consent to a chemical test to determine
 the alcoholic content of blood, so as to add urine or blood tests to the
 implied consent statute, to provide procedures for their use, to release
 persons administering the tests from criminal and civil liability unless
 grossly negligent, and to provide for an immediate suspension of driving
 privileges if a blood alcohol content of ten one-hundredths of one percent or
 greater is registered.
   01/21/87  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-176
   01/21/87  House  Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-176
   05/05/87  House  Tabled in committee

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