South Carolina Legislature


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H 2615
Session 107 (1987-1988)

H 2615 General Bill, By Fair and Hayes
 A Bill to amend Chapter 41, Title 44, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976,
 relating to abortions, so as to revise the provisions governing the regulation
 of abortions by providing for definitions; the requirements for the
 performance of an abortion; the responsibilities of physicians, employers, and
 educational institutions; civil actions; restriction of public funds,
 employees, and facilities; exemptions; and penalties; and to amend Section
 16-1-10, relating to crimes classified as felonies, so as to include the crime
 contained in Section 44-41-60.
   03/05/87  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-867
   03/05/87  House  Referred to Committee on Medical, Military,
                     Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-867

Legislative Services Agency
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