South Carolina Legislature


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H 2645
Session 104 (1981-1982)

H 2645 General Bill, By S.H. Howard, W.D. Arthur, R.L. Cobb, V.L. Crocker, 
J.E. Kinard and Martin

Similar(H 2440, H 3253) A Bill to amend Section 37-1-101, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, to rename this Section "The South Carolina Credit Code"; to opt out of the Federal Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, with respect to mortgage loans, agricultural loans, business loans, credit sales and interest rates so as to provide that such rates of interest shall be governed by South Carolina Law; to amend Sections 37-1-102, as amended, 37-1-302, and 37-6-104, as amended, so as to provide that credit transactions in this State will conform to the Federal Truth-in-Lending Act; to amend Section 37-1-201, as amended, so as to prevent a creditor from evading the applicability of this Act in a consumer credit transaction with a debtor who is a resident of South Carolina by specifying that the laws of another state will govern the transaction; to amend Section 37-1-202, as amended, to add a new subsection dealing with certain mobile home credit transactions and to add a new subsection excluding margin accounts from regulations under this Title; to amend Section 37-1-301, as amended, so as to provide for definitions of this Act; to amend Section 37-1-303, as amended, so as to index the terms of this Act; to amend Sections 37-2-101, 37-2-104, 37-2-111, 37-2-205, 37-2-409, 37-3-101, 37-3-106, 37-3-502 through 37-3-506, 37-4-101, 37-5-101, 37-5-201, as amended, and 37-6-101 so as to make necessary corrections; to amend Section 37-2-106 to delete the reference in that Section to agricultural loans; to amend Section 37-2-109 so as to allow a creditor to exclude an appraisal fee from the computation of credit service charges; to amend Section 37-2-202, as amended, to provide for charges in certain instances; to amend Section 37-2-207, as amended, by deleting subsection (5); to add Section 37-2-305 so as to provide that a borrower must receive a copy of the consumer credit sale agreement in closed-in transactions and to specify the language to be used; to amend Section 37-2-405 to delete from that Section the exception for agricultural purpose credit sales, to authorize rollover variable rate and renegotiable real estate mortgages, and to provide an additional exception for transactions except by rule of the administrator; to amend Section 37-3-104, as amended, to provide that mortgage loans shall be subject to the consumer credit provisions of this Act; to amend Sections 37-3-109 and 37-3-202, as amended, to redefine "loan finance charge", delinquency and additional charges; to add Section 37-3-305 to provide that a borrower must receive a copy of a consumer loan agreement and to provide the language contained therein; to amend Section 37-3-402 to regulate balloon payments in consumer credit sales transactions; to amend Section 37-3-410, as amended, to make a lender subject to the claims and defenses of a consumer when the lender knows that the seller or lessor has a history of a substantial number of consumer complaints; to amend Section 37-3-501, so as to further provide for the definition of a supervised loan; to amend Section 37-3-601, as amended, to provide that loans may be classified as consumer loans in certain instances; to amend Section 37-3-605, as amended, to provide that there will be no restrictions on the rates of charges made on loans that are not be definition "consumer loans" upon agreement by the parties; to amend Sections 37-5-110 and 37-5-111 relating to venue, and to add Section 37-5-113 relating to venue, 37-5-114, and 37-5-115 relating to notice of consumer's right to cure; to amend Section 37-6-104, as amended, so as to delete the references in this Section to the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act; to amend Section 37-6-105, as amended, delegating administrative enforcement of this Act to the agency having general supervisory authority over a supervised financial organization; to repeal Sections 37-6-416, 34-13-10 through 34-13-40, 34-13-120, 34-25-110 through 34-25-140, 34-31-30, 34-31-31, 34-31-40, 34-31-50, 34-31-60, 34-31-70, 34-31-80, 34-31-90, 34-31-100, 56-17-10, through 56-17-100, Act 7 of 1979, Act 220 of 1979, Act 379 of 1980, Sections 29-3-60, 29-3-210 through 29-3-240, and 38-9-240; to amend Section 29-3-40 relating to priority of certain advancements by mortgage; to amend Section 35-1-1560 relating to rights and remedies; to repeal Section 2 of Act 411 of 1980 and Section 8 of Act 433 of 1980; to amend Section 34-1-110, as amended, to provide that the State Board of Financial Institutions may authorize state-chartered consumer finance companies to engage in the same activities as federally-chartered consumer finance companies, and to delete the proviso which prohibits the State Board of Financial Institutions from authorizing state-chartered finance companies to charge the same rates as federally-chartered finance companies; to amend Section 34-5-90 so as to prohibit a bank conservator from borrowing money; to amend Section 34-31-20, as amended, relating to the legal interest rate on judgments; to amend Section 36-9-404, as amended, so as to require a secured party to file a termination statement if the secured party has collected a termination statement free from the debtor; to amend Section 40-39-100 relating to charges on loans by pawnbrokers; to designate certain Sections of Articles 3 and 5 of Act 1241 of 1974 as Sections of the 1976 Code. 03/31/81 House Introduced and read first time HJ-1517 03/31/81 House Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-1519

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