South Carolina Legislature


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H 3381
Session 111 (1995-1996)

H 3381 Joint Resolution, By J. Brown, Anderson, Askins, D.W. Beatty, Breeland, 
G. Brown, A.W. Byrd, Cave, Clyburn, Govan, J. Hines, Howard, Inabinett, Lloyd, 
McMahand, Moody-Lawrence, J.H. Neal, Scott, Stille, Whipper, L.S. Whipper, 
Wilder and D. Williams
 A Joint Resolution to create the Governor's Commission on Socially
 Disadvantaged Black Males to study the education and the economic and health
 survival of Black males in South Carolina.

   01/25/95  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-20
   01/25/95  House  Referred to Committee on Medical, Military,
                     Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-20



Whereas, all citizens of South Carolina should have the opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives; and

Whereas, historical disenfranchisement, discrimination, inadequate education and skill levels, damaged self-esteem, and thwarted aspirations have often undermined the chances of poor blacks to compete successfully in the labor market; and

Whereas, costs to society increase as a result of high unemployment in this segment of the population, resulting in increases in welfare rolls, involvement with drugs and substance abuse, health problems, crime, and alienation from the family and society; and

Whereas, the unemployment rate for black males has been a persistent problem for more than twenty years and contributes to a disproportionately high percentage of unemployment in South Carolina; and

Whereas, black males represent a disproportionate percentage of out-of-school suspensions and dropouts; and

Whereas, a small percentage of the number of students attending South Carolina's four-year colleges and universities are black males; and

Whereas, black males also have traditionally faced limited access to health care; and

Whereas, black males have experienced a decrease in life span and are at a higher risk for AIDS, hypertension, alcohol, drug, and tobacco use; and

Whereas, due to the stresses created by those limitations, black males often repeat the cycle of victimization through peer pressure, teen pregnancy, and violence; and

Whereas, most murder victims are black males, and a large percentage of all murder victims in 1992 were black males under the age of thirty; and

Whereas, law enforcement officials report that the increase in black male murder is related to drug trafficking and gang violence. Now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION 1. (A) There is created the South Carolina Governor's Commission on Socially Disadvantaged Black Males to study the education and the economic and health survival of black males in South Carolina. The commission shall:

(1) oversee and supervise four separate and distinct subcommittees devoted to solving problems and advancing recommendations exclusively pertinent to black males in the areas of unemployment, criminal justice, education, and health;

(2) conduct research to determine the nature and extent of the problems concerning black males in the four targeted areas;

(3) hold public hearings for the purpose of collecting data;

(4) identify existing federal, state, and local programs that address problems and solutions relevant to the targeted areas of study;

(5) implement appropriate new programs and demonstration projects;

(6) develop and implement community education and public awareness programs especially designed for black males;

(7) develop strategies to improve the social condition of the black male;

(8) report to the General Assembly and the Governor the activities, findings, and recommendations of the commission.

(B) The South Carolina Governor's Commission on Socially Disadvantaged Black Males shall consist of twenty-five members chosen by the Governor from elected officials, civic and community leaders, representatives of the employment, criminal justice, education, and health communities. The members of the commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor without compensation. The directors of the Department of Economic Development, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Department of Social Services, Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, Department of Education, and the Commission on Higher Education shall provide physical facilities, staff, and services to the commission as are necessary for the commission to discharge its obligations effectively.

(C) The commission shall submit a preliminary report to the General Assembly and Governor within the first six months of its existence and shall submit a published, final report to the General Assembly and Governor no later than March 1, 1996. Upon submitting its final report, the commission is abolished.

(D) All agencies, boards, and commissions shall cooperate fully with the charge of the commission.

SECTION 2. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.


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