South Carolina Legislature


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H 2633
Session 107 (1987-1988)

H 2633 General Bill, By B.O. Baker, M.O. Alexander, K.E. BaileyNext, J.M. Baxley, 
LPrevious.E. BeNextnnett, H.H. Clyborne, W.N. Cork, Davenport, Elliott, P. Evatt, 
J.C. Hearn, W.H. Jones, J.E. Lockemy, T.T. Mappus, J.G. Mattos, A.C. McGinnis, 
J.W. McLeod, D.A. Moss, Neilson, Phillips, C.H. Rice, T.F. Rogers, 
E.C. Stoddard, B.E. Thrailkill and C.C. Wells
 A Bill to amend Section 56-3-620, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina,
 1976, relating to the registration and license fees for private
 passenger-carrying vehicles and property-carrying vehicles, so as to eliminate
 the fee for a disabled veteran on the personal vehicle owned by the veteran
 exempt from ad valorem taxes.
   03/11/87  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-955
   03/11/87  House  Referred to Committee on Education and Public
                     Works HJ-956
   04/14/87  House  Tabled in committee


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