South Carolina Legislature


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Session 107 (1987-1988)

H*3946 Concurrent Resolution, By J.J. Snow, M.O. Alexander, Alexander, 
D.L. Aydlette, BaileyNext, B.O. BakPreviouser, J.NextM. Baxley, D.M. Beasley, L.E. Bennett, 
T.M. Burriss, Carnell, C.D. Chamblee, R.S. Corning, C.M. Dangerfield, 
T.W. Edwards, Elliott, J.G. Felder, J.V. Gregory, P.B. Harris, Harvin, 
B.L. Hendricks, J.C. Johnson, J.R. Klapman, Martin, J.G. Mattos, J.G. McAbee, 
D.E. McTeer, H.E. Pearce, J.W. Pettigrew, Rhoad, C.H. Rice, T.F. Rogers, 
E.W. Simpson, E.C. Stoddard, L.L. Taylor, B.E. Thrailkill, Townsend, 
J.W. Tucker, D.C. Waldrop, Wilkins and D.E. Winstead
 A Concurrent Resolution to designate Wednesday, April 6, 1988, as Thomas Green
 Clemson Day at the State House and to authorize an appropriate ceremony to be
 conducted in the lobby of the State House marking the occasion planned by the
 Sons and Daughters of Clemson University.
   03/10/88  House  Introduced and adopted HJ-1913
   03/10/88  House  Sent to the Senate HJ-1915
   03/10/88  Senate Introduced SJ-24
   03/10/88  Senate Referred to Committee on Invitations SJ-25
   03/31/88  Senate Committee report: Favorable Invitations SJ-7
   03/31/88  Senate Adopted SJ-7
   03/31/88  Senate Returned to House with concurrence SJ-7


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