South Carolina Legislature


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Session 105 (1983-1984)

S*0729(Rat #0399, Act #0352 of 1984)  General Bill, By N.A. Theodore, 
I.E. Lourie, F.H. McGill and R.C. Shealy

Similar(H 3433) A Bill to amend Chapter 7 of Title 52, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to prize fighting and boxing by adding ArticleNext 1 so as to establish a State Boxing Commission to regulate boxing in the State, provide for its powers and duties, and provide a penalty for violations, and by adding PreviousArticleNext 3 so as to redesignate and conform existing provisions relating to prize fighting and county boxing commissions to the requirements of the amended chapter. 01/26/84 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-479 01/26/84 Senate Referred to Committee on General SJ-480 02/14/84 Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment General SJ-636 02/16/84 Senate Amended SJ-683 02/16/84 Senate Read second time SJ-684 03/27/84 Senate Amended SJ-1196 03/27/84 Senate Read third time and sent to House SJ-1196 03/27/84 House Introduced and read first time HJ-1995 03/27/84 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-1995 03/28/84 House Recalled from Committee on Judiciary HJ-2022 03/28/84 House Committed to Committee on Interstate Cooperation HJ-2023 04/12/84 House Committee report: Favorable Interstate Cooperation HJ-2373 04/17/84 House Read second time HJ-2455 04/18/84 House Read third time and enrolled HJ-2482 04/26/84 Ratified R 399 05/01/84 Signed By Governor 05/01/84 Effective date 07/01/84 05/01/84 Act No. 352 05/10/84 Copies available

(A352, R399, S729)


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

State and county boxing commissions

SECTION 1. Chapter 7, Title 52 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:

"PreviousArticleNext 1

State Boxing Commission

Section 52-7-10. There is created the State Boxing Commission (Commission) to consist of seven members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. One member must be appointed from each congressional district of the State and a member who shall serve as Chief Boxing Commissioner must be appointed from the State at large. The terms of the members are for four years and until their successors are appointed and qualify, except that the initial members from the first, third, and fifth congressional districts must be appointed for terms of two years each. Vacancies must be filled by the Governor for the remainder of an unexpired term. The Commissioners and employees of the State Boxing Commission may not have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in the promotion, management, or result of any boxing or sparring exhibitions, contests, or performances.

Section 52-7-20. The Commission shall meet at least twice yearly at the call of the Chief Boxing Commissioner and the members are allowed the usual per diem, mileage, and subsistence as provided by law for members of boards, committees, and commissions. The Chief Boxing Commissioner shall administer the affairs of the Commission under policies established by the Commission. Decisions of the Chief Boxing Commissioner may be appealed to the full Commission.

Section 52-7-30. The Commission shall have direction, management, control, and supervision over all boxing and sparring events,

exhibitions, contests, and performances (events) in this State. The Commission shall promulgate regulations as necessary for the protection of the health and safety of participants and spectators and to carry out the provisions of this PreviousarticleNext. The Chief Boxing Commissioner may appoint a chief inspector and referees, inspectors, other officials, and clerical help as he determines necessary to administer the provisions of this PreviousarticleNext.

Section 52-7-40. No person may hold or participate in an event without a license from the Commission. All licenses are valid for one year. The Commission shall by regulation establish a schedule of fees for licenses.

Section 52-7-50. Every application for a license under this section must be duly verified and in writing, and, in the case of a corporation or association, signed by its president and attested by its secretary. It shall set forth the information required by the Commission and the application for a participant's license must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant's birth certificate or other proof of age as may be acceptable to the Commission and a written waiver by the applicant of any cause of action against any member or employee of the Commission, or of any county boxing commission, referee, or ringside physician arising out of the proper performance of their official duties. No license may be granted to a participant less than eighteen years of age but the Commission may by unanimous vote waive this age limit for a specific participant. License applications must be filed with the Commission at least one week prior to the Commission's actions.

Section 52-7-60. The Commission may revoke any license, after hearing, for cause. It may discipline any principal, manager, second, promoter, match maker, or participant who violates the provisions of this PreviousarticleNext or the applicable regulations. Disciplinary action may take the form of a civil penalty or revocation or suspension of a license held by a licensee connected with the violation for all or any part of the unexpired portion and a refusal to renew a license, or both.

Section 52-7-70. No event may be held by any person unless the person shall have notified, at least two weeks in advance, the Commission, in a form prescribed by the Commission, of the proposed event and in addition to having a license as contained in Section 52-7-30, shall have obtained from the Commission at least ten days prior to the proposed date, a written permit. No permit may be issued unless the applicant:

(1) Provides the names of all participants;

(2) Provides evidence that a policy of medical and hospitalization insurance satisfactory to the Commission covers every participant;

(3) Files a surety bond with the applications in an amount equal to the total value of any purse offered.

Section 52-7-80. No person may be licensed to participate in any event who is not at least eighteen years of age but the Commission may waive this prohibition for a specific participant as provided in Section 52-7-50.

Section 52-7-90. No event may be held unless a licensed physician is at ringside and each participant must have a physician's certificate issued prior to the event stating that the participant is in good physical condition.

Section 52-7-100. A participant who has suffered a knockout may not take part in any event for thirty days following the knockout.

Section 52-7-110. No event may be more than fifteen rounds in length. The participants shall wear gloves weighing at least eight ounces.

Section 52-7-120. Any building or structure used or intended to be used for any boxing or sparring event must be properly ventilated and provided with fire escapes and must conform with the laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to buildings in the political subdivision where it is situated.

Section 52-7-130. Any person who sells, or causes to be sold, more tickets or invitations for any boxing or sparring event than the seating capacity of the building or structure actually used for an event shall forfeit his license, and is disqualified from receiving any new license or any renewal of license.

Section 52-7-140. The provisions of this PreviousarticleNext do not apply to any boxing, wrestling, or sparring exhibition, contest, or performance conducted by any institution of higher education or secondary school if all participants are students regularly enrolled in the institution or school, nor does this PreviousarticleNext apply to boxing matches sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union or the United States Amateur Boxing Federation. No amateur boxer may appear on a professional card.

Section 52-7-150. Any person who knowingly violates the provisions of this PreviousarticleNext, or regulations promulgated thereunder is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both."

"PreviousArticle 3

County Boxing Commissions

Section 52-7-310. The boxing commission of each county shall consist of five members, two to be appointed by the Senators representing the county, two by the members of the House of Representatives representing the county and one by the mayor of the city having the largest population within the county. If a county has municipalities in excess of fifty thousand population then that member must be appointed by the mayors of such municipalities. All of the members shall serve without compensation and their respective terms of office shall be coterminous with the terms of office of persons by whom they were appointed. No member may have any financial interest, direct or indirect in the promotion, management, or result of any boxing or sparring contest.

Each commission shall file an annual report of its activities in the month of January with the State Boxing Commission. It is the responsibility of each commission to safeguard the health and safety of participants in boxing matches and to encourage good sportsmanship by the manner in which matches are conducted.

Section 52-7-320. The county boxing commission may regulate boxing contests in the county by regulations that are in addition to and not inconsistent with the regulations of the State Boxing Commission and it has no authority over boxing or sparring events conducted by any institution of higher education or secondary school if all participants are students regularly enrolled in the institution or school, and events sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union or the United States Amateur Boxing Federation.

Section 52-7-330. Any person who knowingly violates the regulations promulgated by the county boxing commission is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction must be fined not more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days."

Time effective

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1984.

Legislative Services Agency
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