South Carolina Legislature


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Session 109 (1991-1992)

H*3711(Rat #0158, Act #0095 of 1991)  General Bill, By 
 House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
 A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 20
 to Title 50 so as to provide for the Recreational Fisheries Conservation and
 Management Act of 1991.

   03/20/91  House  Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar
                     without reference HJ-45
   03/28/91  House  Debate adjourned until Tuesday, April 2, 1991
   03/28/91  House  Debate adjourned HJ-22
   04/03/91  House  Objection by Rep. Beasley, Holt, Kirsh, Baxley &
                     D. Martin HJ-10
   04/11/91  House  Objection withdrawn by Rep. Holt HJ-65
   04/18/91  House  Amended HJ-47
   04/18/91  House  Read second time HJ-48
   04/23/91  House  Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-244
   04/24/91  Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-10
   04/24/91  Senate Referred to Committee on Fish, Game and Forestry SJ-10
   05/09/91  Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment Fish,
                     Game and Forestry SJ-16
   05/14/91  Senate Amended SJ-19
   05/14/91  Senate Read second time SJ-19
   05/14/91  Senate Ordered to third reading with notice of
                     amendments SJ-19
   05/15/91  Senate Amended SJ-19
   05/15/91  Senate Read third time and returned to House with
                     amendments SJ-24
   05/16/91  House  Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-31
   05/21/91         Ratified R 158
   05/27/91         Signed By Governor
   05/27/91         Effective date 07/01/92
   05/27/91         Act No. 95
   05/27/91         See act for exception to or explanation of
                     effective date
   07/09/91         Copies available

(A95, R158, H3711)


Whereas, marine recreational fishing is an important activity in South Carolina which provides significant recreational and economic benefits to the state's citizens and visitors; and

Whereas, the proper management and development of the resources which support these fisheries require information on the number of people utilizing these resources and information on their catches as well as funds to carry out management and development activities; and

Whereas, a marine recreational fisheries stamp system is the best way to obtain this information and fund these needed activities; and

Whereas, the legislative intent of this act is to provide:

(1) that residents and nonresidents of South Carolina sixteen years of age or older, except as otherwise provided, on the tidal waters of this State may not possess, land, take, catch, or kill fish or shellfish with a fishing device for sport, recreation, or personal consumption or attempt to do these things without first procuring a marine recreational fisheries stamp;

(2) a mechanism for the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department to produce and sell additional stamps, prints, and related items as commemorative or collector's items;

(3) that funds accruing from the sale of marine recreational fisheries stamps, permits, prints, and related articlesNext are utilized solely for marine recreational fisheries conservation and management purposes;

(4) that funds accruing from the implementation of this act are not used as a substitute for state appropriated funds to the department. Now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

South Carolina Recreational Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of 1991

SECTION 1. The 1976 Code is amended by adding:


South Carolina Recreational Fisheries

Conservation and Management Act of 1991

Section 50-20-10. This chapter may be cited as the South Carolina Recreational Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of 1991.

Section 50-20-20. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) `Fishing' means:

(a) catching, taking, landing, or harvesting marine fish;

(b) attempting to catch, take, land, or harvest marine fish;

(c) other activity reasonably expected to result in the catching, taking, landing, and harvesting of marine fish.

(2) `Recreational fishermen' includes persons engaging or intending to engage in fishing for recreation only.

(3) `Marine fish' includes all species of finfish, oysters, and clams in South Carolina's tidal waters.

(4) `Charter fishing vessel' means a vessel used to transport marine recreational fishermen for hire and includes charter, party, and head boats.

(5) `Tidal waters' means waters where the tide regularly rises and falls and in the areas defined in Section 50-17-30 corresponds to the existing freshwater/saltwater dividing lines seaward.

(6) `Public fishing pier' refers to piers open to the public and which charge a fee to fish.

Section 50-20-30. (A) No person sixteen years of age or older may engage in fishing for recreation in South Carolina's tidal waters without a marine recreational fishing stamp issued pursuant to this chapter, except as provided in Section 50-17-660 and this chapter.

(B) The stamp must be validated by the signature of the licensee across the face of the stamp.

(C) No vessel may transport marine recreational fishermen for a fee without a charter fishing permit. No person may charge a fee to the public to fish from a pier without obtaining a marine public fishing pier permit.

(D) The stamp and permit must be available for inspection at all times.

Section 50-20-40. (A) Charter fishing vessels shall maintain a log of the number of persons carried each day, number of hours engaged in fishing, and number and weight of fish by species caught each day.

(B) Public fishing piers shall maintain a log of the number of persons fishing from that structure each day.

(C) The logs must be submitted to the department once a month. A subsequent permit must not be issued unless the requirements of this section are met.

Section 50-20-50. The following stamps and permits must be made available throughout the State by the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department or its authorized agents for issuance or sale and are issued for the time provided in Section 50-9-20:

(1) marine recreational fishing stamp for residents and nonresidents. The annual fee for the issuance of the stamp is five dollars and fifty cents. Fifty cents may be retained by the issuing agent, and the balance must be paid to the department;

(2) public fishing pier permit. The annual fee for the issuance of the permit is three hundred fifty dollars;

(3) charter vessel permit. The annual fee for the issuance of the permit is one hundred fifty dollars for vessels licensed to carry six or fewer passengers, three hundred dollars for vessels licensed to carry seven to forty-nine passengers, and five hundred dollars for vessels licensed to carry more than forty-nine passengers.

Section 50-20-60. The following are exempt from purchasing the stamp:

(1) fishermen using a hook and line from the shore or a shore-based structure;

(2) fishermen fishing from a charter fishing vessel with a valid charter fishing permit or from a public fishing pier with a valid public fishing pier permit;

(3) members of the United States Armed Forces who are residents of South Carolina stationed outside this State upon presentation of official furlough or leave papers;

(4) persons exempted under PreviousArticleNext 9, Chapter 9 of Title 50.

Section 50-20-70. If a coastal state which has or establishes a marine recreational fisheries stamp, license, or permit recognizes through statute, regulation, or reciprocal agreement the validity of a South Carolina marine recreational fisheries stamp or permit within its boundaries, South Carolina recognizes the validity of a marine recreational fisheries stamp, license, or permit held by residents of that state.

Section 50-20-80. The department may produce additional stamps as commemorative or collector's items which must be sold for not less than five dollars and fifty cents. The proceeds must be retained by the department.

Section 50-20-90. The department shall create and design the stamp and permit and develop marine recreational fisheries prints and related PreviousarticlesNext. The department is responsible for the administration, sale, and distribution of the stamps, permits, prints, and related PreviousarticlesNext.

Section 50-20-100. (A) Monies from the sale of the stamps, permits, prints, and related PreviousarticlesNext must be paid into a special account separate from the general fund. Monies in the account are carried forward each year and may be used to match available federal funds. They may be used only for the following programs which directly benefit marine recreational fishing:

(1) development of marine recreational fishing facilities;

(2) scientific research relating to management of marine recreational fisheries;

(3) protection, maintenance, or enhancement of marine habitat important to the continued production of fish stocks and their food sources of significance to marine recreational fishing;

(4) administrative and coastal enforcement activities for the issuance of stamps and permits and development of prints and related PreviousarticlesNext;

(5) enforcement of the laws and fishery management regulations relating to marine recreational fisheries, including habitat protection;

(6) other programs directly benefiting marine recreational fishing recommended by the Marine Recreational Fisheries Advisory Board provided in this chapter.

(B) Funds from the special account expended for administration and coastal enforcement activities in subsection (A)(4) and (5) may not exceed twenty-five percent of monies paid into the account annually from the sale of stamps, permits, prints, and related PreviousarticlesNext.

(C) Funds from the special account must be used to publish an annual report to be made available to stamp and permit holders to indicate how the previous year's funds were utilized.

Section 50-20-110. (A) A Marine Recreational Fisheries Advisory Board is established to assist in prioritizing the expenditures of monies received in the special account. The board is composed of:

(1) one member of the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Commission;

(2) two at-large members appointed by the Governor;

(3) one member from each of the following coastal counties appointed by a majority of the respective legislative delegations: Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper.

(B) The members in subsection (A)(2) and (3) shall represent the marine recreational fishing community.

(C) Official expenses for board members are as provided by law for state employees on public business and must be paid from revenues from the sale of stamps, permits, prints, and related Previousarticles.

(D) The terms of members in subsection (A)(2) and (3) are for four years and are limited to two consecutive terms.

Section 50-20-120. A person violating this chapter, upon conviction, must be fined not more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days."

Time effective

SECTION 2. Upon approval by the Governor, this act takes effect July 1, 1992, except Section 50-20-90 of the 1976 Code in Section 1 which takes effect upon approval and except appointments to the Marine Recreational Fisheries Advisory Board established in Section 50-20-110 in Section 1 which may be made before terms begin on July 1, 1992.

Approved the 27th day of May, 1991.

Legislative Services Agency
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