South Carolina Legislature


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H 3082
Session 115 (2003-2004)

H 3082 General Bill, By Scarborough, Simrill, Hinson, Merrill, White, Trotter, 
Thompson, M.A. Pitts, Duncan, Barfield, Edge, Clemmons, Viers and Bailey

Similar(S 328, S 662) A BILL TO AMEND SECTIONS 1-23-120 AND 1-23-125, BOTH AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BOTH RELATING TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY REVIEW OF REGULATIONS AND REQUESTS TO WITHDRAW REGULATIONS, SO AS TO REQUIRE AFFIRMATIVE APPROVAL OF REGULATIONS RATHER THAN ALLOWING THEM TO BECOME EFFECTIVE AFTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DAYS, TO DELETE REFERENCES TO THE ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-DAY PERIOD AND TO PROVIDE THAT IF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE A REGULATION HAS NOT BEEN ENACTED BY THE END OF THE SECOND YEAR OF THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION, THE REGULATION MUST BE PROMULGATED AS A NEW REGULATION BEFORE SUBMITTING FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVAL. 12/04/02 House Prefiled 12/04/02 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary 01/14/03 House Introduced and read first time HJ-37 01/14/03 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-37 02/11/03 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: White, Trotter, Thompson 02/26/03 House Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary HJ-106 02/27/03 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: M.A.Pitts, Duncan 02/27/03 House Requests for debate-Rep(s). Scarborough, Harrison, McLeod, Talley, Kennedy, Richardson, Thompson, White, Bailey, JE Brown, Hinson, Merrill, EH Pitts, Snow, Toole, Jennings, Altman, Anthony, Freeman, Whipper, R Brown, Mack, Loftis, Coates, Leach, Davenport, Vaughn, Rice, Hosey and Bowers HJ-16 03/05/03 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Barfield, Edge, Clemmons 03/06/03 House Debate interrupted HJ-34 03/19/03 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Viers, Bailey 03/19/03 House Amended HJ-48 03/19/03 House Read second time HJ-59 03/19/03 House Roll call Yeas-74 Nays-33 HJ-59 03/20/03 Scrivener's error corrected 03/25/03 House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-38 03/26/03 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-19 03/26/03 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-19 05/22/03 Senate Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Judiciary SJ-13 05/27/03 Scrivener's error corrected 03/02/04 Senate Special order SJ-19 03/16/04 Senate Amended SJ-23 05/06/04 Senate Read second time SJ-29 05/06/04 Senate Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-29 05/06/04 Senate Minority report withdrawn SJ-29 05/06/04 Senate Debate adjourned SJ-29 05/19/04 Senate Amended SJ-75 05/26/04 Scrivener's error corrected

H. 3082


Indicates Matter Stricken

Indicates New Matter


May 19, 2004

H. 3082

Introduced by Reps. Scarborough, Simrill, Hinson, Merrill, White, Trotter, Thompson, M.A. Pitts, Duncan, Barfield, Edge, Clemmons, Viers and Bailey

S. Printed 5/21/04--S.    [SEC 5/26/04 2:20 PM]

Read the first time March 26, 2003.




Amend Title To Conform

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION    1.    Section 1-23-110(C) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:

"(C)(1)    The agency shall consider fully all written and oral submissions respecting the proposed regulation.

(2)    Following the public hearing and consideration of all submissions, an agency shall not submit a regulation to the General Assembly for review if the regulation contains a substantive change in the content of the regulation as proposed pursuant to subsection (A)(3) and the substantive change was not raised, considered, or discussed by public comment received pursuant to this section. The agency must refile such a regulation for publication in the State Register as a proposed regulation pursuant to subsection (A)(3)."

SECTION    2.    Section 1-23-120 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by an unnumbered act bearing Ratification Number 309 of 2004, is further amended to read:

"Section 1-23-120.    (A)    All regulations except those specifically exempted pursuant to this section subsection H must be submitted to the General Assembly for review in accordance with this articleNext, but however, a regulation must not be submitted to the General Assembly more than one year after publication of the drafting notice initiating the regulation pursuant to Section 1-23-110, except those regulations requiring a final assessment report as provided in Sections 1-23-270 and 1-23-280. A regulation submitted to the General Assembly for review must not be withdrawn or modified by the agency for any reason except upon written notification by a committee that the committee by majority vote cannot approve the regulation in the form submitted, as provided for in Section 1-23-125.

(B)    To initiate the process of review, the agency shall file with the Legislative Council for submission to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a document containing:

(1)    a copy of the regulations promulgated. Regulations proposing to amend an existing regulation, or any clearly identifiable subdivision or portion of a regulation, must contain the full text of the existing regulation, or the text of the identifiable portion of the regulation; the text that is proposed to be deleted must be stricken through, and text that is proposed to be added must be underlined;

(2)    a request for review;

(3)    a brief synopsis of the regulations submitted, explaining which explains the content and any changes in existing regulations resulting from the submitted regulations;

(4)    a copy of the final assessment report and the summary of the final report prepared by the division pursuant to Section 1-23-115. A regulation that does not require an assessment report because it the regulation does not have a substantial economic impact must include a statement to that effect. A regulation exempt from filing an assessment report pursuant to Section 1-23-115(E) must include an explanation of the exemption;

(5)    a copy of the fiscal impact statement prepared by the agency as required in by Section 1-23-110;

(6)    a detailed statement of rationale which shall state states the basis for the regulation, including the scientific or technical basis, if any, and shall identify identifies any studies, reports, policies, or statements of professional judgment or administrative need relied upon in developing the regulation.;

(7)    a copy of the economic impact statement, as provided in Section 1-23-270(C)(1)(a).; and

(8)    a copy of the regulatory flexibility analysis, as provided in Section 1-23-270(C)(1)(b).

(C)    Upon receipt of the request regulation, the President and Speaker reviewing the request shall submit it shall refer the regulation for consideration review to the standing committees of the Senate and House which are most concerned with the function of the promulgating agency. A copy of the regulation or a synopsis of it the regulation must be given to each member of the committee, and Legislative Council shall notify all members of the General Assembly when regulations are submitted for review. The committees to which regulations are referred have one hundred twenty days from the date the regulations are submitted to the General Assembly to consider and take action on these regulations. However, if a regulation is referred to a committee and no action occurs in that committee on the regulation within sixty calendar days of receipt of the regulation, the regulation must be placed on the agenda of the full committee beginning with the next scheduled full committee meeting.

(D)    If a joint resolution to approve a regulation is not enacted within one hundred twenty days after the regulation is submitted to the General Assembly or if a joint resolution to disapprove a regulation has not been introduced by a standing committee to which the regulation was referred for review, the regulation is effective upon publication in the State Register. Upon introduction of the first joint resolution disapproving a regulation by a standing committee to which the regulation was referred for review, the one-hundred-twenty-day period for automatic approval is tolled. A regulation may not be filed under the emergency provisions of Section 1-23-130 if a joint resolution to disapprove the regulation has been introduced by a standing committee to which the regulation was referred. Upon a negative vote by either the Senate or House of Representatives on the resolution disapproving the regulation and the notification in writing of the negative vote to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate by the clerk of the house in which the negative vote occurred, the remainder of the period begins to run. If the remainder of the period is less than ninety days, additional days must be added to the remainder to equal ninety days. The introduction of a joint resolution by the committee of either house does not prevent the introduction of a joint resolution by the committee of the other house to either approve or disapprove the regulations concerned. A joint resolution approving or disapproving a regulation must include:

(1)    the synopsis of the regulation as required by subsection (B);

(2)    the summary of the final assessment report prepared by the division pursuant to Section 1-23-115 or, as required by subsection (B), the statement or explanation that an assessment report is not required or is exempt.

(E)    The one-hundred-twenty-day period of review begins on the date the regulation is filed with the President and Speaker. Sine die adjournment of the General Assembly tolls the running of the period of review, and the remainder of the period begins to run upon the next convening of the General Assembly excluding special sessions called by the Governor.

(F)    Any member of the General Assembly may introduce a joint resolution approving or disapproving a regulation thirty days following the date the regulations concerned are submitted referred to a standing committee for review and no committee joint resolution approving or disapproving the regulations has been introduced and the regulations concerned have not been withdrawn by the promulgating agency pursuant to Section 1-23-125, but the introduction does not toll the one-hundred-twenty-day period of automatic approval.

(G)    A regulation is deemed withdrawn if it has not become effective, as provided in this PreviousarticleNext, by the date of publication of the next State Register published after the end of the two-year session in which the regulation was submitted to the President and Speaker for review. Other provisions of this PreviousarticleNext notwithstanding, a regulation deemed withdrawn pursuant to this subsection may be resubmitted by the agency for legislative review during the next legislative session without repeating the requirements of Section 1-23-110, 1-23-111, or 1-23-115 if the resubmitted regulation contains no changes from the previously submitted version.

(G)(H)    General Assembly review is not required for regulations promulgated:

(1)    to maintain compliance with federal law including, but not limited to, grant programs; however, the synopsis of the regulation required to be submitted by subsection (B)(3) must include citations to federal law, if any, mandating the promulgation of or changes in the regulation justifying this exemption;

(2)    by the State Board of Financial Institutions in order to authorize state-chartered banks, state-chartered savings and loan associations, and state-chartered credit unions to engage in activities that are authorized pursuant to Section 34-1-110;

(3)    by the South Carolina Department of Revenue to adopt regulations, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, and technical advice memoranda of the Internal Revenue Service so as to maintain conformity with the Internal Revenue Code as defined in Section 12-6-40; or

(4)    as emergency regulations under Section 1-23-130.

(H)    (I)    For purposes of this section, only those calendar days occurring during a session of the General Assembly, excluding special sessions, are included in computing the days elapsed.

(I)    Each state agency which promulgates regulations or to which the responsibility for administering regulations has been transferred shall by July 1, 1997, and every five years thereafter, conduct a formal review of all regulations which it has promulgated or for which it has been transferred the responsibility of administering, except that those regulations described in subsection (G) are not subject to this review. Upon completion of the review, the agency shall submit to the Code Commissioner a report which identifies those regulations:

(1)    for which the agency intends to begin the process of repeal in accordance with this PreviousarticleNext;

(2)    for which the agency intends to begin the process of amendment in accordance with this PreviousarticleNext; and

(3)    which do not require repeal or amendment.

Nothing in this subsection may be construed to prevent an agency from repealing or amending a regulation in accordance with this PreviousarticleNext before or after it is so identified in the report to the Code Commissioner."

SECTION    3.    Section 1-23-125 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 411 of 1996, is further amended by deleting subsection (E), which reads:

"(E)    If a regulation, when finally promulgated, includes a substantive change in the content of the regulation as proposed and published in the State Register, and the substantive change was not raised, considered, or discussed by public comment required in Section 1-23-110, the regulation must be refiled by the agency with the Legislative Council and published as revised in the State Register and processed as a new regulation in accordance with this Previousarticle."

SECTION    4.    Chapter 23 of Title 1 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:

"Section 1-23-121.    No fee or fine may be established, modified, or increased unless authorized by law or authorized through regulation promulgated within an agency's grant of statutory authority."

SECTION    5.    This act takes effect July 1, 2004, and applies to regulations for which a notice of a public hearing has been published in the State Register, in accordance with Section 1-23-110(A)(3) of the 1976 Code, on or after July 1, 2004; all other regulations under General Assembly review on this act's effective date must be processed and reviewed in accordance with the law in effect on June 30, 2004.


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