South Carolina Legislature


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H 3930
Session 106 (1985-1986)

H 3930 General Bill, By P. Freeman
 A Bill to amend Chapter 3 of Title 5, Code of Laws of South CaroliNextna, 1976,
 relating to the methods of changing the corporate limits of a municipality, by
 adding Section 5-3-235 so as to provide that no municipality may annex the
 property of any single freeholder where the assessed value of the real
 property exceeds twenty-five percent of the assessed value of real property of
 the existing area of the municipality, to make exceptions, and to provide that
 the provisions of this Section do no apply when the freeholder has filed a
 written election to have the property considered as part of the area proposed
 to be annexed; and to repeal Act Previous464 of 1980 relating to the requirement that
 no municipality may annex the property of any single freeholder where the
 assessed value of the real property exceeds twenty-five percent of the
 assessed value of real property of the existing area of the municipality.
   05/20/86  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-3131
   05/20/86  House  Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-3132

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