South Carolina General Assembly
103rd Session, 1979-1980

Continuation of Appropriations Act

                                  SECTION 3
                            Legislative Department
                     (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 1)
SUBSECTION 3A:                                Total Funds     General Funds
The Senate:
I.  The Senate:
  Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   President                                        $ 1,575         $ 1,575
                                                        (1)             (1)
   President Pro Tempore                              3,600           3,600
   Senators (@ $10,000)                             460,000         460,000
   Clerk and Attorney for
    Judiciary Comm.(P)                               39,040          39,040
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant to the 
    Clerk and Operations and
     Management Committee (P)                        21,714          21,714
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Sergeant-at-Arms and Director
    of Security                                      31,632          31,632
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (P)                    18,789          18,789
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant (P)                      20,578          20,578
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant (P)                      20,578          20,578
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chaplain (PPT)                                     4,634           4,634
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Legal Assistant-Judiciary (P)               12,435          12,435
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-Legal
    Assistant Judiciary Committee (P)                13,899          13,899
                                                        (1)             (1)
   General Committee Clerk (P)                       25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director of Senate Finance (P)                    22,740          22,740
                                                        (1)             (1)
   General Desk Clerk (P)                            20,578          20,578
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Bill Clerk (T)                                     5,805           5,805
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Bill Clerk (T)                                     5,805           5,805
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Act Clerk (T)                                      5,426           5,426
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Act Clerk (T)                                      5,426           5,426
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Act Clerk (T)                                      4,483           4,483
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Journal and Index Clerk (PPT)                     10,503          10,503
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Journal and
    Index Clerk (P)                                  12,500          12,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Reading Clerk (PPT)                               11,995          11,995
                                                        (1)             (1)
   General Committee Clerk (T)                        4,487           4,487
                                                        (2)             (2)
   General Committee Clerk (T)                        4,487           4,487
                                                        (2)             (2)
   General Committee Clerk (T)                        4,487           4,487
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Committee Attendants (T)                           8,673           8,673
                                                        (5)             (5)
   Amendment Clerks (T)                              10,407          10,407
                                                        (6)             (6)
   Amendment Clerks (T)                               6,484           6,484
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Proof Reader (T)                                   4,483           4,483
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Committee Sergeant (T)                             5,805           5,805
                                                        (3)             (3)
   Administrative Assistant-Judiciary
    Committee (P)                                    19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    President Pro Tempore (P)                        19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Education Committee (P)                          19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Finance Committee (T)                            19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Finance Committee (T)                            10,166          10,166
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Finance Committee (T)                            19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    General Committee (P)                            19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Labor, Commerce, Industry
     Committee (P)                                   19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Fish, Game, Forestry Committee (P)               19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Agriculture Committee (P)                        19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Rules Committee (P)                              19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-Corrections,
    Penology Committee (P)                           19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Transportation Committee (P)                     19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Ethics Committee (P)                             19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Medical Affairs Committee (P)                    19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-Banking
    and Insurance Committee (P)                      19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant-
    Invitation, Textile Committee (P)                19,268          19,268
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Clerk-Finance Committee (T)                        5,385           5,385
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Keeper-Judiciary Committee (T)                     5,385           5,385
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Doorkeeper (T)                                     4,286           4,286
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Doorkeeper (T)                                     4,286           4,286
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Doorkeeper (T)                                     4,286           4,286
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           3,430           3,430
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           3,430           3,430
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           3,430           3,430
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Attendants (T)                                    24,263          24,263
                                                       (16)            (16)
   Bookkeeper (P)                                    16,514          16,514
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Clerical Assistants (T)                           13,759          13,759
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Mail and Supply Clerk (P)                         14,480          14,480
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Messenger Porter (P)                              11,430          11,430
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Messenger Mail Clerk (P)                           8,959           8,959
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistants (P)
    (Study Committees)                               21,000          21,000
                                                        (7)             (7)
   Director Research-
    Judiciary Com. (P)                               25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Finance Comm. &
    Budget and Control
     Board Liaison (P)                               29,478          29,478
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Banking and
    Insurance Committee (P)                          25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Fish, Game,
    and Forestry Committee (P)                       25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Transportation
    Committee (P)                                    25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Education
    Committee (P)                                    25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Labor, Commerce
    and Industry Committee (P)                       25,358          25,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant Office
    of Senate Research (P)                           18,647          18,647
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary Research (P)                             9,712           9,712
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Keeper-Supply Room (T)                             2,909           2,909
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Legislative Aide (P)                               5,200           5,200
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Legislative Aide (P)                               3,919           3,919
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Legislative Aide (P)                               4,653           4,653
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretaries (P)                                  219,085         219,085
                                                       (16)            (16)
  New Positions:
   Research-Agriculture and
    Natural Resources Committee (P)                  15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research-General Committee (P)                    15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research-Ethics Committee (P)                      8,000           8,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research-Medical Affairs
    Committee (P)                                    15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research-Corrections and
    Penology Committee (P)                            8,000           8,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
                                                   --------        --------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,825,875     $ 1,825,875
  Special Items:
   Telephone                                      $ 126,000       $ 126,000
   Postage (46 @ $300)                               13,800          13,800
   Rent-Gressette Building                          364,951         364,951
   Subsistence                                      188,500         188,500
   Official Expense Allowance-
    President                                         1,300           1,300
   Travel Allowance                                  45,000          45,000
   Security-Gressette Building                      150,000         150,000
   Approved Accounts                                240,000         240,000
   Approved Accounts-Research                       160,000         160,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 1,289,551     $ 1,289,551
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total The Senate                               $ 3,115,426     $ 3,115,426
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 34,937        $ 34,937
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 34,937        $ 34,937
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 34,937        $ 34,937
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 455,091       $ 455,091
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 455,091       $ 455,091
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                   $ 455,091       $ 455,091
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 490,028       $ 490,028
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Nonrecurring Appropriations:               ===========     ===========
  Total Legis.-The Senate                       $ 3,605,454     $ 3,605,454
                                                ===========     ===========
    President                                           (1)             (1)
 Total Authorized Positions-Senators                   (46)            (46)
    Staff                                             (139)           (139)
                                              Total Funds     General Funds
House of Representatives:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service
  Unclassified Positions:
   The Speaker                                     $ 11,000        $ 11,000
   Speaker Pro Tempore                                3,600           3,600
   Speaker Emeritus                                   1,500           1,500
   Representatives                                1,240,000       1,240,000
                                                      (124)           (124)
   Clerk (P)                                         36,714          36,714
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Clerk (P)                               24,079          24,079
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Director-Research (P)                   29,719          29,719
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Ways and Means
    and Budget and Control Liaison (P)               29,219          29,219
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant-Ways and
    Means Committee (P)                              15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant-Ways and
    Means Committee (P)                              15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant-Ways and
    Means Committee (P)                              15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant-Ways and
    Means Committee (P)                              15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant-Ways and
    Means Committee (P)                              15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-
    Judiciary Com. (P)                               26,770          26,770
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant-
    Judiciary Committee (P)                          15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Education
    and Public Works Com. (P)                        20,588          20,588
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Labor, Commerce
    and Industry Committee (P)                       23,473          23,473
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Md., Mil., Public
    and Municipal Affairs
     Committee (P)                                   22,818          22,818
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director Research-Agriculture and
    Natural Resources Committee (P)                  21,525          21,525
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Minute and General Desk Clerk (P)                 18,023          18,023
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary to
    Speaker Emeritus (PPT)                            9,581           9,581
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Clerical Assistant-
    Speaker Emeritus (P)                              7,322           7,322
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Information Services (P)                          15,368          15,368
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Bookkeeper (P)                                    16,289          16,289
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Bookkeeper (P)                          13,127          13,127
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary to
    the Speaker (P)                                  21,644          21,644
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant to the Speaker                          17,261          17,261
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary to the Speaker (P)                       6,386           6,386
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Sergeant-at-Arms and Director
    of House Security (P)                            26,360          26,360
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (P)                    15,656          15,656
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Recording Clerk (P)                               15,686          15,686
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Act and General Clerk (P)                         13,136          13,136
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Director
    of Research (P)                                  11,112          11,112
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Calendar and General 
    Desk Clerk (PPT)                                  7,310           7,310
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Assistant (PPT)                              5,650           5,650
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Journal Clerk (PPT)                               11,349          11,349
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Bill Clerk (PPT)                                   7,310           7,310
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Act and General
    Clerk (PPT)                                       5,850           5,850
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Index and General Clerk (PPT)                      6,302           6,302
                                                        (1)             (1)
   General Clerk (PPT)                                7,576           7,576
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Bookkeeper No. 2 (PPT)                   6,963           6,963
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chief Amendment Clerk (PPT)                       11,435          11,435
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Reading Clerk (PPT)                               12,445          12,445
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chaplain (PPT)                                     4,934           4,934
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Ways and
    Means Committee (P)                              18,815          18,815
                                                        (1)             (1)
    and Means Committee (P)                           1,224           1,224
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary-Ways and Means Com. (P)                 10,500          10,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-
    Judiciary Com. (P)                               16,182          16,182
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary-Judiciary Committee (P)                  7,500           7,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
    Judiciary Com. (P)                                1,272           1,272
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Agriculture and
    Natural Resources Committee (P)                  11,826          11,826
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Education and
    Public Works Committee (P)                       17,236          17,236
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Labor, Commerce
    and Industry Committee (P)                       11,723          11,723
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Med., Mil.,
    Public and Municipal
     Affairs Committee (P)                           15,145          15,145
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-
    Speaker Pro Tem (P)                              15,139          15,139
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chief Page (T)                                     5,010           5,010
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Chief Page (T)                           8,932           8,932
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Assistant Chief Page (T)                           8,932           8,932
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Pages (T)                                        136,546         136,546
                                                      (134)           (134)
   Amendment Pages (T)                               15,470          15,470
                                                       (10)            (10)
   Porter (P)                                        10,300          10,300
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Porter (P)                                         7,485           7,485
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Word Processing Supervisor (P)                    15,339          15,339
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Word Processing Clerk II (P)                      12,065          12,065
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Word Processing Clerk-System 6 
    Operator (P)                                     10,767          10,767
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Word Processing Clerk (P)                         10,467          10,467
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Word Processing Clerk (P)                         10,167          10,167
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Word Processing Clerk (P)                         10,167          10,167
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Chief Amendment Clerk (T)                2,169           2,169
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Rules and
    Ethics Committee (P)                             11,723          11,723
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Secretary-Invitations
    Com. and Interstate
     Cooperation Com. (P)                            11,000          11,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chief Receptionist and Blatt
    Building Manager (P)                             11,535          11,535
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Receptionist (P)                                   9,300           9,300
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Receptionist (P)                                   9,300           9,300
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Receptionist (T)                                   5,500           5,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Receptionist (T)                                   5,500           5,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
  New Position:
   Word Processing Clerk (P)                         10,167          10,167
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,339,583     $ 2,339,583
  Special Items:
   Telephone and Telegraph                        $ 250,000       $ 250,000
   Postage (124 @ $300)                              37,200          37,200
   Word Processing Equipment                         25,521          25,521
   Mileage                                           72,000          72,000
   Subsistence                                      483,600         483,600
   Official Expense Allowance-Speaker                 1,300           1,300
   Rental Roll Call Equipment                         9,000           9,000
   Approved Accounts                                241,644         241,644
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 1,748,747     $ 1,748,747
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                           $ 4,088,330     $ 4,088,330
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 2,929         $ 2,929
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,929         $ 2,929
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 2,929         $ 2,929
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 828,951       $ 828,951
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 828,951       $ 828,951
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 828,951       $ 828,951
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Employee Benefits                            828,880         828,880
                                                ===========     ===========
                                                ===========     ===========
Total House of Representatives                  $ 4,917,210     $ 4,917,210
                                                ===========     ===========
  Representatives                                     (124)           (124)
 Total Authorized Positions-Staff                     (217)           (217)
Special Services for Both Houses:
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Clerk on Enrollment of Acts (T)                  $ 6,223         $ 6,223
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Clerks on Enrollment
    of Acts (T)                                       6,414           6,414
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Chief Mail and Supply Clerk (P)                   15,428          15,428
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Chief Mail and
    Supply Clerk (P)                                  9,159           9,159
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Mail Clerks (T)                                    7,109           7,109
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Postmaster (T)                                     5,343           5,343
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Postmaster (T)                           5,343           5,343
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Telephone Pages (T)                                3,140           3,140
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Telephone Pages (T)                                3,207           3,207
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Maid (T)                                           2,358           2,358
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Nurse (T)                                          5,515           5,515
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Telephone Answering Assistant (T)                    637             637
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 69,876        $ 69,876
  Special Items:
   Postage                                         $ 45,000        $ 45,000
   Approved Accounts                                 40,000          40,000
   Joint Study Committee on
    the Court of Appeals                              5,000           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 90,000        $ 90,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 159,876       $ 159,876
                                                ===========     ===========
  State Employer Contributions                     $ 11,903        $ 11,903
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 11,903        $ 11,903
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 11,903        $ 11,903
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 11,903        $ 11,903
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Special Services-Both Houses                $ 171,779       $ 171,779
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (20)            (20)
Codification of Laws and Legislative Council:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Code Commissioner and Director (P)              $ 47,520        $ 47,520
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Unclassified Positions:
   Assistant Director (P)                            41,442          41,442
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chief Staff Attorney (P)                          40,507          40,507
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Attorney (P)                                37,118          37,118
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Attorney (P)                                37,118          37,118
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Attorney (P)                                39,081          39,081
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Attorney (P)                                31,263          31,263
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director of Research (P)                          30,000          30,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Office Manager (P)                                23,372          23,372
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant
    (to Assistant Director) (P)                      21,156          21,156
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant
    (to Assistant Director) (P)                      19,822          19,822
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary (P)                                     18,487          18,487
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary (P)                                     18,487          18,487
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Librarian (P)                            20,391          20,391
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Lawyer (T)                                        14,197          14,197
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Stenographer (T)                                  10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Stenographer (T)                                  10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Stenographer (T)                                  10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Stenographer (T)                                  10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Proofreader (T)                                   10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Proofreader (T)                                   10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Reproduction Director (P)                         17,154          17,154
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Machine Operator (P)                              12,075          12,075
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Clerk (T)                                         10,463          10,463
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Senior Research Clerk (P)                         18,000          18,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Clerk (P)                                15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Clerk (P)                                15,000          15,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Clerk (PPT)                               5,658           5,658
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Clerk (T)                                 3,395           3,395
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chief Page (T)                                     2,263           2,263
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Chief Page (T)                           2,037           2,037
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,664           1,664
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,664           1,664
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,664           1,664
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,664           1,664
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (Interim)                                     2,664           2,664
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (Interim)                                     2,664           2,664
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Legislative Intern                                 6,240
   Legislative Intern                                 6,240
  New Position:
   Secretary (P)                                     18,487          18,487
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                8,731           8,731
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 678,459       $ 678,459
                                                -----------     -----------
  Special Items:
   Other Contractual Services                       $ 2,500         $ 2,500
   For Printing Code Supplement                     200,000         200,000
   Rent-Duplication Machine                          15,000          15,000
   Per Diem and Travel-Committee
    on Statutory Laws                                 1,200           1,200
   Approved Accounts                                 36,500          36,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 255,200       $ 255,200
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 933,659       $ 933,659
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Develop/Print State Register:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Associate Editor (P)                            $ 21,000        $ 21,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Clerks (T)                                        12,000          12,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 33,000        $ 33,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                         $ 4,500         $ 4,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   12,000          12,000
   Travel                                               400             400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 16,900        $ 16,900
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Develop/Print State Register                $ 49,000        $ 49,000
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 96,269        $ 95,422
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 96,269        $ 95,422
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 96,269        $ 95,422
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 96,269        $ 95,422
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Codif. of Laws and
 Legis. Council                                 $ 1,079,828     $ 1,066,501
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (450            (43)
Legislative Audit Council:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director (P)                                    $ 40,500        $ 40,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Unclassified Positions
   Deputy Director (P)                               35,150          35,150
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Executive Assistant (P)                           21,020          21,020
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Assistant (P)                               11,500          11,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Staff Assistant (P)                               10,500          10,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary III (P)                                  9,775           9,775
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Principal Auditor (P)                             24,200          24,200
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Principal Auditor (P)                             22,182          22,182
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Principal Auditor (P)                             22,000          22,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Principal Auditor (P)                             20,138          20,138
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Senior Auditor (P)                                17,401          17,401
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Associate Auditor (P)                             14,957          14,957
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Associate Auditor (P)                             14,957          14,957
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Associate Auditor (P)                             14,957          14,957
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Associate Auditor (P)                             14,494          14,494
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,304          12,304
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,304          12,304
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             14,080          14,080
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,575          12,575
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,574          12,574
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,000          12,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,884          12,884
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Analyst (P)                             12,884          12,884
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem-Board                                     1,600           1,600
   Temporary Positions                                1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 397,432       $ 397,432
  Other Operating Expense:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,600        $ 16,600
   Supplies                                           5,000           5,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   27,450          27,450
   Travel                                             5,080           5,080
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 54,130        $ 54,130
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 451,562       $ 451,562
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 61,629        $ 61,629
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 61,629        $ 61,629
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 61,629        $ 61,629
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 61,629        $ 61,629
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Legislative Audit Council                   $ 513,191       $ 513,191
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (23)            (23)
Legislative Information Systems:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 30,230        $ 30,230
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Unclassified Positions:
   Coordinator Information Systems (P)               21,993          21,993
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Public Information Specialist (P)                 21,346          21,346
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Sr. Applications Programmer (P)                   19,743          19,743
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Sr. Applications Programmer (P)                   19,743          19,743
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Information Systems Specialist (P)                22,442          22,442
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Sr. Procedures and Methods
    Analyst (P)                                      16,837          16,837
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Procedures and Methods Analyst (P)                15,449          15,449
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Procedures and Methods Analyst (P)                15,449          15,449
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant (P)                      16,050          16,050
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Terminal Control Operator (P)                     10,558          10,558
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Data Terminal Operator (P)                        12,645          12,645
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Data Terminal Operator (P)                        12,645          12,645
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Data Terminal Operator (P)                        12,645          12,645
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Data Terminal Operator (P)                        12,645          12,645
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Data Terminal Operator (P)                        12,645          12,645
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 273,065       $ 273,065
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 160,069       $ 160,069
   Supplies                                          11,425          11,425
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   78,909          78,909
   Travel                                             8,000           8,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 258,403       $ 258,403
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 531,468       $ 531,468
                                                ===========     ===========
B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 43,033        $ 43,033
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 43,033        $ 43,033
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 43,033        $ 43,033
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 43,033        $ 43,033
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Legislative
 Information Systems                              $ 574,501       $ 574,501
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (16)            (16)
Joint Legislative Membership Research Committee
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Editor and Director (P)                         $ 23,000        $ 23,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Analyst (P)                              10,500          10,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Consultant (P)                            3,627           3,627
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Researcher/Typist (P)                              7,500           7,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
  New Positions:
   Research Analyst (P)                              12,308          12,308
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Analyst (P)                              12,308          12,308
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             800             800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 70,043        $ 70,043
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 750           $ 750
   Supplies                                             380             380
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,674           2,674
   Travel                                             1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 4,804         $ 4,804
                                                -----------     -----------
  Special Items:
   Publication of Volume 3                         $ 25,000        $ 25,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 25,000        $ 25,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 99,847        $ 99,847
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 1,287         $ 1,287
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,287         $ 1,287
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 1,287         $ 1,287
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 6,384         $ 6,384
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 6,384         $ 6,384
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 6,384         $ 6,384
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 7,671         $ 7,671
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Joint Legislative Membership Research
 Committee                                        $ 107,518       $ 107,518
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (6)             (6)
Joint Legislative Committee on Energy         Total Funds     General Funds
I. Administration: 
  Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Research Assistant (P)                          $ 15,525        $ 15,525
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Coordinator (P)                          26,205          26,205
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary (P)                                     10,350          10,350
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant (P)                      19,362          19,362
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           7,500           7,500
   Temporary                                          8,280           8,280
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 87,222        $ 87,222
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 12,075        $ 12,075
   Supplies                                           1,050           1,050
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      200             200
   Travel                                            11,578          11,578
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 24,903        $ 24,903
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 112,125       $ 112,125
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 12,475        $ 12,475
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 12,475        $ 12,475
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 12,475        $ 12,475
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 12,475        $ 12,475
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Joint Legislative Committee on Energy       $ 124,600       $ 124,600
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (4)             (4)
Joint Legislative Appropriation Review Committee:
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Secretary (P)                                   $ 11,500        $ 11,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           4,620           4,620
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 16,120        $ 16,120
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,446         $ 2,446
   Supplies                                           5,500           5,500
   Travel                                             8,986           8,986
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 16,932        $ 16,932
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 33,052        $ 33,052
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 1,948         $ 1,948
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 1,948         $ 1,948
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,948         $ 1,948
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 1,948         $ 1,948
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Joint Legislative Appropriation
 Review Committee                                  $ 35,000        $ 35,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
Health Care Planning and Oversight Committee:
I. Administration:
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations               $ 132,000       $ 132,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 132,000       $ 132,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 132,000       $ 132,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Health Care Planning and Oversight          $ 132,000       $ 132,000
                                                ===========     ===========
State Reorganization Commission:
I. Administration and Support:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 32,955        $ 32,955
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Senior Projects Director (P)                      27,136          27,136
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Assistant Director (P)                            22,742          22,742
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Legal Counsel (P)                                 20,283          20,283
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Director of Agency Evaluation (P)                 20,283          20,283
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant (P)                      19,329          19,329
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Senior Research Analyst (P)                       16,632          16,632
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Projects Coordinators (P)                         33,265          33,265
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Staff Assistant (P)                               13,400          13,400
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary (P)                                      8,840           8,840
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Secretary (P)                                      9,191           9,191
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           2,500           2,500
   Temporary Positions                                7,141           7,141
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 233,697       $ 233,697
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 154,490        $ 42,511
   Supplies                                          10,335           8,272
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   32,845          32,845
   Travel                                            17,483          14,177
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 215,153        $ 97,805
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Administration and Support                  $ 448,850       $ 331,502
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Human Services Demonstration Project:
  Personal Service:
   Administrative Assistant (P)                    $ 13,108        $ 13,108
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Project Director (P)                              24,150           2,512
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Design Specialist (P)                             19,950           2,075
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Training Specialist (P)                           18,900           1,966
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 76,108        $ 19,661
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 315,629       $ 237,247
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 315,629       $ 237,247
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Human Services Demonstration Project       $ 391,737       $ 256,908
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 6,079         $ 6,079
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,079         $ 6,079
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 6,079         $ 6,079
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 46,774        $ 38,192
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 46,774        $ 38,192
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 46,774        $ 38,192
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 52,853        $ 44,271
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Reorganization Commission             $ 893,440       $ 632,681
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (16)            (16)
Total Legislative Department                   $ 12,154,521    $ 11,880,435
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions--Staff                     (488)           (486)
General Assembly--House                               (124)           (124)
General Assembly--Senate                               (46)            (46)
  Provided, That the positions included in this section designated shall 
denote a permanent employee and the salary is an annual rate.  The positions 
designated (T) shall denote a temporary employee and the salary is for a 
period of six months to be paid at that rate only while the General Assembly 
is in session. The position designated as (Interim) shall denote a temporary 
employee and the salary is for a period of six months to be paid at that rate 
while the General Assembly is not in session. The positions designated (PTT) 
shall denote part-time temporary employees on a twelve months basis. The 
positions designated (PPT) shall denote permanent part-time employees 
retained for full-time work on a six-months basis or the duration of the 
legislative session.
  Provided, Further, That the amounts appropriated in this section for the 
Clerk of the Senate, the Clerk of the House, the Code Commissioner and 
Director of Legislative Council, the Executive Director of the Legislative 
Audit Council, the Director of the Legislative Information System, shall be 
the full salary for these positions and they shall not be entitled to any 
additional base pay increase, merit increment or salary adjustment.
  Provided, Further, That the Speaker of the House is authorized to reimburse 
travel and other expenses incurred by employees of the House of 
Representatives for official business in accord with current rules and 
  Provided, Further, That necessary temporary clerical help for the Members 
of the Senate Finance, House Ways and Means, Senate and House Judiciary 
Committees, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, may be 
paid from Approved Accounts of the respective Houses upon recommendation of 
the respective Chairman, or the Speaker or the President of the Senate, 
  Provided, Further, That the clerks of the two Houses and the Legislative 
Council are authorized to issue their warrants on Approved Accounts for 
necessary extra clerical or other or other services upon approval of the 
Speaker of the House or Lieutenant Governor, respectively. The employment of 
such extra clerical personnel and the expenditure for other services shall be 
reported to the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance 
  Provided, Further, That, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, 
legislative employees designated (P) or (PPT) shall receive base pay 
increases and average merit increases in the same manner as such increases 
are granted to classified state employees.
  Provided, Further, That the Chairmen of the following Senate committees 
shall each be allowed the sum of four hundred dollars during the interim, 
between sessions of the General Assembly, to be paid from approved accounts 
of the Senate: (1) Education; (2) Labor, Commerce and Industry; (3) General; 
(4) Fish, Game and Forestry; (5) Agriculture and Natural Resources; (6) 
Transportation; (7) Corrections and Penology; (8) Medical Affairs.
  Provided, Further, That the Chairman of the House committees on (1) 
Education and Public Works, (2) Agriculture and natural Resources, (3) 
Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs, and (4) Labor, Commerce and 
Industry shall each be allowed the sum of $400.00 for expenses during the 
interim between sessions of the General Assembly, to be paid from Approved 
Accounts of the House.
  Provided, Further, That the Interim and Standing Committees of the Senate 
and House of Representatives are authorized to continue the work during the 
interim to secure such information and investigations as may be assigned to 
the respective committees. The members of the House of Representatives shall 
receive no compensation, but when certified by the Chairman of the respective 
committee shall be paid the regular per diem, mileage and subsistence 
allowance of $50.00 per day to be paid from the Approved Accounts of the 
House of Representatives. The members of the Senate shall receive no 
compensation, but when certified by the Chairman of the respective committee 
shall be paid the regular per diem, travel allowance and subsistence 
allowance of $50.00 per day to be paid from the Approved Accounts of the 
  Provided, Further, That all vouchers for the payment of the expenses and/or 
compensation of committees of the General Assembly shall be prepared by the 
Clerks of the two Houses.
  Provided, Further, That the Clerks of the Senate and the House, with the 
approval of the Senate Operations and Management Committee and the Speaker of 
the House, respectively, shall cause to be installed such telephone service 
as may be appropriate for use of the membership of each legislative body.
  Provided, Further, That the Speaker of the House shall appoint the 
Executive Director of Research. The Speaker, with the advice and consent of 
the individual committee chairman, shall appoint the Director of Research for 
each standing committee, and all Assistant Directors of Research.
  Provided, Further, That one hundred forty-four Pages shall be appointed by 
the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and three Pages and a Porter 
shall be appointed by the Speaker Emeritus, and they shall be available for 
any necessary service to the House of Representatives.
  Provided Further, The Speaker Emeritus shall be provided an office, 
equipment and supplies in the State House, to be approved by him.
  Provided, Further, That the duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms and Director of 
Security of the respective Houses and/or Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms shall be 
those provided by the Code, the Rules of the respective Houses, those 
designated by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate or the Speaker of the 
House, the security of personnel and property of the respective Houses, and 
in addition the Sergeant-at-Arms and Director of Security of the respective 
Houses and/or Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms shall meet and escort visitors in 
and about their respective bodies and shall, during the hours of duty, be 
dressed in a distinctive manner so as to be easily identified as Sergeant-at-
Arms and Director of Security of the respective Houses.
  Provided, Further, That pictures of all standing committees of the House of 
Representatives be made once during each term and copies of such pictures be 
furnished to each member of the committee. The expenses incurred in making 
these pictures shall be paid from
the approved accounts of the House.
  Provided, Further, That the State Auditor shall annually audit the Approved 
Accounts of the Senate, the House, Special Services for Both Houses, and the 
Legislative Council and make a report to the two bodies.
  Provided, Further, That the Legislative Council is authorized to employ 
additional stenographic or other help between sessions as the Council may 
deem necessary, at such salary or salaries as the Council may set, to be paid 
from Approved Accounts.
  Provided, Further, That personnel employed under the provisions of 
subsection 3D of this section for Legislative Research shall be assigned to 
work with the standing or interim committees of the Senate and the House of 
  Provided, Further, That the position of Code Commissioner shall not 
constitute an "office" referred to in Section 3, Article VI, of the State 
  Provided, Further, That the Legislative Information Systems shall be under 
the direction and management of a council composed of the President of the 
Senate, Speaker of the House, Chairman of Senate Finance Committee, Chairman 
of House Ways and Means Committee, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee 
and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
  Provided, Further, That any improvements and additions to the State House 
must be recommended or approved by the State House Committee of the General 
Assembly, and that bidding, executing, and carrying out of contracts shall be 
in accord with standing regulations and procedures for any other work of the 
same type applicable to agencies and institutions of State government.
  Provided, Further, That the work of the Committee Concerning Research on 
Membership of the House of Representatives shall continue under the same 
provisions of H. 2280 of 1970, and that the Speaker of the House continue to 
appoint five members to serve on the committee.
  Provided, Further, That the five members of the Senate appointed by the 
President of the Senate under Senate Resolution 642 of 1979 shall continue to 
serve on the committee updating and revising the biographical directory of 
the Senate.
  Provided, Further, Notwithstanding any other provision of law, Senate 
Research personnel other than Directors of Research and the committee 
research staff shall be paid from funds appropriated for Approved Accounts 
Research at the direction of the Clerk of the Senate.
  Provided, Further, The Committee to Study Possible Alternate Sources of 
Revenue for Counties and Incorporated Municipalities of the State and 
Possible Modification or Repeal of Laws Relating to State Revenue Sharing, 
created by S-829 of 1976 and continued from year to year thereafter, is 
continued throughout the 1980-81 fiscal year. The members of the committee 
shall receive the same subsistence and mileage as members of state boards, 
committees and commissions, to be paid from the approved accounts of both 
  Provided, Further, That in addition to the funds appropriated in this 
section, the funds appropriated to the State Reorganization Commission for 
fiscal year 1979-80 for the Human Services Project (Program II), which are 
not expended during the fiscal year may be carried forward to be expended in 
the fiscal year 1980-81.
  Provided, Further, That Directors of Research for standing committees who 
are licensed attorneys may, upon approval of the Speaker with the advice and 
consent of the individual committee chairman, use the title of either 
Director of Research or Staff Counsel.
  Provided, That the Health Care Planning and Oversight Committee shall study 
the problems of recruiting and retaining qualified "Nursing" personnel in all 
state agencies.
  Provided, Further, That the Committee shall study the School Nurse Program 
in the state's public school systems and shall make recommendations as to the 
improvements of the School Nurse Program. This study shall be conducted in 
cooperation with the State Department of Education.
  Provided, Further, That the Committee shall make its report to the General 
Assembly by January 1, 1981.
  Provided, Further, That the Senate Operations and Management Committee is 
directed to reduce by 10% the number of pages employed by the Senate before 
the convening of the 1981 Session of the General Assembly. Provided, That 
each Senator will be entitled to a minimum of two page positions.
                                  SECTION 4
                              Judicial Department
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 116)
I. Supreme Court:
                                              Total Funds     General Funds
 A. The Court:
  Personal Service:
   Chief Justice                                   $ 62,177        $ 62,177
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Associate Justice                                220,352         220,352
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Classified Positions                             456,415         456,415
                                                       (34)            (34)
   Unclassified Positions                            47,805          47,805
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 786,749       $ 786,749
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 25,350        $ 25,350
   Supplies                                          26,500          26,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   12,272          12,272
   Travel                                            31,650          31,650
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 95,772        $ 95,772
  Special Item:
   Administrative Fund                            $ 102,062       $ 102,062
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Item                              $ 102,062       $ 102,062
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total The Court                                  $ 984,583       $ 984,583
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Board of Law Examiners:
  Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                             $ 18,000        $ 18,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 18,000        $ 18,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                             $ 500           $ 500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                     $ 500            $ 500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Board of Bar Examiners                      $ 18,500        $ 18,500
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Bd. of Comm. on Griev. and Discipl.:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 30,657        $ 30,657
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem - Bd. of Commissioners                    8,000           8,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 38,657        $ 38,657
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Misc. General Operations                        $ 17,000        $ 17,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 17,000        $ 17,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Bd. of Comm. on Griev.
  and Discipl.                                     $ 55,657        $ 55,657
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Judicial Standards Commission:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,968        $ 25,968
                                                        (2)             (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 26,468        $ 26,468
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Misc. General Operations                         $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Judicial Standards Commission               $ 31,468        $ 31,468
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Supreme Court                             $ 1,090,208     $ 1,090,208
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Circuit Court:
  Personal Service:
   Circuit Judges                               $ 1,707,728     $ 1,707,728
                                                       (31)            (31)
   Classified Positions                             724,423         724,423
                                                       (56)            (56)
   Unclassified Positions                           821,348         821,348
                                                       (44)            (44)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,253,499     $ 3,253,499
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 15,000        $ 15,000
   Supplies                                          32,920          32,920
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   55,800          55,800
   Travel                                           250,000         250,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 353,720       $ 353,720
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Circuit Court                            $ 3,607,219     $ 3,607,219
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Family Courts:
  Personal Service:
   Family Court Judges                          $ 2,174,650     $ 2,174,650
                                                       (46)            (46)
   Classified Positions                             472,970         472,970
                                                       (46)            (46)
   Unclassified Positions                           771,120         771,120
                                                       (48)            (48)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,418,740     $ 3,418,740
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 8,360         $ 8,360
   Supplies                                          33,640          33,640
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   82,000          82,800
   Travel                                           245,000         245,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 369,800       $ 369,800
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Family Court                             $ 3,788,540     $ 3,788,540
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Administration:
 A. Court Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 204,433       $ 201,202
                                                       (21)            (20)
   Unclassified Positions                           108,468         108,468
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 312,901       $ 309,670
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 45,104        $ 45,104
   Supplies                                          70,500          70,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   57,452          57,452
   Travel                                            17,000          17,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 190,056       $ 190,056
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Court Administration                         502,957       $ 499,726
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Internal Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 98,196        $ 98,196
                                                        (7)             (7)
  New Position:
   Bus. Mgr. III                                     20,597          20,597
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 118,793       $ 118,793
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,650         $ 6,650
   Supplies                                           7,050           7,050
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  211,559         211,559
   Travel                                               500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 225,759       $ 225,759
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Internal Administration                    $ 344,552       $ 344,552
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administration                              $ 847,509       $ 844,278
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Defense of Indigents:
  Special Items:
   Defense of Indigents                           $ 774,641       $ 774,641
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 774,641       $ 774,641
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Defense of Indigents                       $ 774,641       $ 774,641
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Judicial Commitment:
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Judicial Commitment                            $ 470,000       $ 470,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Public Assistance Payments                $ 470,000       $ 470,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Judicial Commitment                        $ 470,000       $ 470,000
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 58,285        $ 57,489
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 58,285        $ 57,489
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 58,285        $ 57,489
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,969,877     $ 1,968,968
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,969,877     $ 1,968,968
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions             $ 1,969,877     $ 1,968,968
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 2,028,162     $ 2,026,457
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Judicial Department                      $ 12,606,279    $ 12,601,343
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (350)           (349)
  Provided, That county supplements of Judicial Department personnel shall be 
prohibited except in any instance where continued supplementing may be 
necessary to avoid a reduction in the employee's salary based upon the salary 
level paid as of January 1, 1977.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section for 
"Defense of Indigents" shall be apportioned among counties in accord with 
Section 17-3-10, 1976 Code, but at a rate of $265.53 per one thousand 
population, based on the official United States Census for 1970.
  Provided, Further, That the appropriation for continued implementation of 
Article 7, Chapter 17, of Title 44 of the 1976 Code, relating to commitments, 
admissions and discharges to mental health facilities, shall be expended for 
the compensation of court appointed private examiners, guardians ad litem, 
attorneys and state agencies for proposed patients, and related costs arising 
from the filing, service and copying of legal papers and the transcription of 
hearings or testimony. Court appointed private examiners, guardians ad litem 
and attorneys shall be paid at such rates or schedules as are jointly 
determined to be reasonable by the South Carolina Association of Probate 
Judges, the State Court Administrator and the South Carolina Department of 
Mental Health with the approval of the Attorney General.
  Provided, Further, That no money appropriated pursuant to Item VI, Judicial 
Commitment, shall be used to compensate any state employees appointed by the 
court as examiners, guardians ad litem, court reporters or attorneys.
  Provided, Further, That the Judicial Department shall enter into a contract 
with any state agency whose services are necessary in order to carry out the 
provisions of Article 7, Chapter 17, of Title 44 of the 1976 Code.
  Provided, Further, That the Judicial Department and each agency it 
contracts with shall keep records to provide for the proper accounting of 
these funds, including but not limited to the name of each court appointed 
state employee and the hours such employee spent in the performance of such 
  Provided, Further, That the total amount to be contracted with all state 
agencies shall not exceed $50,000, as specified in Item VI, Judicial 
Commitment-State Agencies.
  Provided, Further, That in the payment of funds from "Contractual 
Services," and "Administrative Fund," that no Special Judge shall be paid for 
more than two week term within a fiscal year except that this restriction 
will not apply in case of an ongoing trial.
  Provided, Further, That each Supreme Court Justice  Circuit Judge and 
Family Court Judge shall receive one hundred fifty dollars per month as 
expense allowance.
  Provided, Further, That the Judicial Research Aides to the Circuit Judges 
must have graduated from an accredited law school prior to employment and 
further that permanent employment shall be conditional on successful 
admission to the South Carolina Bar within six months of the date of 
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly  that any 
expense incurred in any county for the defense of indigents in excess of the 
county's share of funds appropriated in this section for such purpose shall 
be borne by the county.
                                  SECTION 5
                              Governor's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 137)
Executive Control of State:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Governor                                        $ 60,000        $ 60,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified                                        34,733          34,733
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Unclassified                                      371,264         371,264
                                                       (19)            (19)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                8,588           8,588
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 474,585       $ 474,585
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 64,630        $ 64,630
   Supplies                                          47,700          47,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,550           9,550
   Travel                                            32,316          32,316
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 154,196       $ 154,196
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 628,781       $ 628,781
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 1,216         $ 1,216
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,216         $ 1,216
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 1,216         $ 1,216
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 68,624        $ 68,624
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 68,624        $ 68,624
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 68,624        $ 68,624
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 69,840        $ 69,840
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Executive Control of State                  $ 698,621       $ 698,621
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (23)            (23)
State Law Enforcement Division:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Chief                                           $ 43,595        $ 43,595
   Classified Positions                             372,220         372,220
                                                       (34)            (34)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                                    4,000           4,000
   Temporary Positions                                7,143           7,143
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 426,958       $ 426,958
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 296,630       $ 296,630
   Supplies                                          74,400          74,400
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   55,450          55,450
   Travel                                             7,500           7,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 433,980       $ 433,980
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 860,938       $ 860,938
                                                ===========     ===========
II. General Law Enforcement:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,586,416     $ 2,586,416
                                                      (149)           (149)
   Unclassified Positions                             9,360           9,360
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,595,776     $ 2,595,776
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 240,955       $ 240,955
   Supplies                                         476,734         476,734
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,900           3,900
   Travel                                           233,106         233,106
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 954,695       $ 954,695
  Special Items:
   Agents Operations                               $ 75,000        $ 75,000
  Total Special Items                              $ 75,000        $ 75,000
 Total General Law Enforcement                  $ 3,625,471     $ 3,625,471
III. Security:
 A. Security--General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 431,001       $ 419,940
                                                       (37)            (36)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 431,001       $ 419,940
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,150         $ 3,150
   Supplies                                          13,350          13,100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      780             760
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 17,280        $ 17,010
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Security--General                          $ 448,281       $ 436,950
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Security--Blatt Building:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 106,612       $ 106,612
                                                       (10)            (10)
  New Position:
   Public Safety Officer                             12,440          12,440
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Services                         $ 119,052       $ 119,052
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                              $ 200            $ 200
   Supplies                                           3,000           3,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      260             260
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,460         $ 3,460
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Security--Blatt Building                   $ 122,512       $ 122,512
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Security                                    $ 570,793       $ 559,462
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Criminal Justice Information:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,336,051     $ 1,336,051
                                                      (115)           (115)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,336,051     $ 1,336,051
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 198,300       $ 198,300
   Supplies                                          49,200          49,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  700,537         700,537
   Travel                                            13,000          13,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 961,037       $ 961,037
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Criminal Justice Information             $ 2,297,088     $ 2,297,088
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Regulatory:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 128,614       $ 128,614
                                                       (10)            (10)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 128,614       $ 128,614
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,000         $ 6,000
   Supplies                                           8,100           8,100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,300           1,300
   Travel                                             7,000           7,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 22,400        $ 22,400
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Regulatory                                 $ 151,014       $ 151,014
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 159,857       $ 157,372
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 159,857       $ 157,372
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 159,857       $ 157,372
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,011,193     $ 1,008,447
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,011,193     $ 1,008,447
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions             $ 1,011,193     $ 1,008,447
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,171,050     $ 1,165,819
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Governor's Office--SLED                   $ 8,676,354     $ 8,659,792
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (360)           (359)
Office of Executive Policy and Programs:
I. Administration Services:
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 412,532       $ 369,715
                                                       (31)            (28)
  Unclassified Positions                            109,053          84,893
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Temporary Positions                                2,384           2,384
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 523,969       $ 456,992
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 220,840       $ 220,840
   Supplies                                          36,388          36,388
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  116,000         116,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 373,228       $ 373,228
  Special Items:
   Washington Office                               $ 36,100        $ 36,100
   Implementing Federal Programs                    358,948         168,487
   Governor's Superior School Students               95,000          95,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 490,048       $ 299,587
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                           $ 1,387,245     $ 1,129,807
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Intern:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 7,934        $       
   Unclassified Positions                            13,500
   Temporary Positions                               15,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 36,434        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                 $ 2,072         $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 2,072         $       
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Cities and Towns-
    -Restricted                                     $ 2,000        $       
   Allocations to Counties-
    -Restricted                                      36,345
   Allocations to Other Entities                     47,000
   Allocations--Private Sector                       27,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                       $ 112,345        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Intern                                     $ 150,851        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administrative Services                   $ 1,538,096     $ 1,129,807
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Comprehensive Employment Training:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,653,904       $        
   Unclassified Positions                           164,384
   Temporary Positions                               65,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,883,288       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 917,525       $        
   Supplies                                         142,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  270,090
   Travel                                           100,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,430,415       $        
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Cities and Towns-
    -Restricted                                $ 12,453,065       $        
   Allocations to Counties-
    -Restricted                                  37,631,606
   Allocations to County Libraries                   75,213
   Allocations to School Districts                4,383,823
   Allocations to Other Entities                 11,120,726
   Allocations--Private Sector                   14,999,550
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                    $ 80,663,983       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Comprehensive Employment
  Training Act                                 $ 83,977,686       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Intergovernmental Affairs:
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                          $ 23,246         $ 3,875
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 23,246         $ 3,875
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,234         $ 3,234
   Supplies                                             600             600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      732             732
   Travel                                               934             934
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,500         $ 5,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 28,746         $ 9,375
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Appalachian Regional Commission:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                          $ 24,532        $ 24,532
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 24,532        $ 24,532
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,984         $ 1,984
   Supplies                                             650             650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      866             866
   Travel                                               200             200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,700         $ 3,700
  Special Items:
   Appalachian Commission                         $ 120,650       $ 120,650
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 120,650       $ 120,650
   Aid to Subdivisions                             $ 30,000       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                        $ 30,000       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Appalachian Regional
  Commission                                      $ 178,882       $ 148,882
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Coastal Plains Commission:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 45,602       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 45,602       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 28,065       $        
   Supplies                                           1,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,591
   Travel                                             2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 35,256       $        
  Special Items:
   Coastal Plains Commission                       $ 76,000        $ 76,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 76,000        $ 76,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Coastal Plains Commission                  $ 156,858        $ 76,000
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Advisory Committee:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 7,543         $ 2,515
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Unclassified Positions                             35,000          11,660
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 42,543        $ 14,175
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 20,437         $ 6,812
   Supplies                                             750             250
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,688             563
   Travel                                             2,400             800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $  25,275         $ 8,425
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Advisory Committee                          $ 67,818        $ 22,600
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Miscellaneous General Operation                 $ 40,000        $ 40,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 40,000        $ 40,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Governor's Nuclear
  Advisory Council                                 $ 40,000        $ 40,000
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Intergovernmental Affairs                   $ 472,304       $ 296,857
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Health and Human Services:
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 46,153        $ 46,153
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Unclassified Positions                             52,454          52,454
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 98,607        $ 98,607
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,550         $ 1,550
   Supplies                                             900             900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,285           6,285
   Travel                                             5.626           5,626
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 14,361        $ 14,361
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 112,968       $ 112,968
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Health Planning:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 87,788        $ 87,788
                                                        (5)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 87,788        $ 87,788
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,401         $ 5,401
   Supplies                                           1,000           1,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,982           7,982
   Travel                                             4,000           4,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 18,383        $ 18,383
  Special Items:
   Match Federal Programs                          $ 15,069        $ 15,069
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 15,069        $ 15,069
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Health Planning                            $ 121,240       $ 121,240
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Human Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 197,484       $ 121,014
                                                       (10)            (10)
   Unclassified Positions                            27,920          15,356
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Per Diem Boards and Commissions                    6,615           1,250
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 232,019       $ 137,620
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 17,371        $ 13,771
   Supplies                                           4,171           1,912
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,420           4,288
   Travel                                            17,961           7,913
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 48,923        $ 27,884
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Human Services                             $ 280,942       $ 165,504
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Developmental Disabilities:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 72.167        $ 18,402
                                                        (5)             (4)
   Unclassified Positions                            45,972          11,493
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 118,139        $ 29,895
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 17,963         $ 8,222
   Supplies                                           1,700           1,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   10,727           3,346
   Travel                                            17,750          12,090
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 48,140        $ 25,258
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Cities and
    Towns Restricted                                $ 5,000        $       
   Allocations to Other Entities                     20,000
   Allocations--Private Sector                       34,820
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                        $ 59,820        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Developmental Disabilities                 $ 226,099        $ 55,153
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Ombudsman Health Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 55,237        $ 39,324
                                                        (4)             (3)
   Unclassified Positions                            24,657          24,657
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 79,894        $ 63,981
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 7,678         $ 5,323
   Supplies                                             600             350
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,904           2,178
   Travel                                             2,609             262
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 13,791         $ 8,113
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Ombudsman Health Services                   $ 93,685        $ 72,094
                                                ===========     ===========
 F. Economic Opportunity:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 336,146       $ 118,315
                                                       (23)            (16)
   Unclassified Positions                            31,435          15,718
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 367,581       $ 134,033
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 222,415        $ 28,385
   Supplies                                          36,849          16,812
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   70,979          47,669
   Travel                                            79,505          27,065
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 409,748       $ 119,931
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Other Entities                $ 1,734,076         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                     $ 1,734,076         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Economic Opportunity                     $ 2,511,405       $ 253,964
                                                ===========     ===========
 G. Office of Child Advocacy:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 21,650        $ 21,650
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 21,650        $ 21,650
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,505         $ 1,505
   Supplies                                             735             735
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,640           3,640
   Travel                                             1,066           1,066
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 6,946         $ 6,946
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Child Advocacy                              $ 28,596        $ 28,596
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Health and Human Services                 $ 3,374,935       $ 809,519
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Energy Resources:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 116,784        $ 26,406
                                                        (7)             (2)
   Unclassified Positions                           136,859           7,401
                                                        (5)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 253,643        $ 33,807
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 666,281        $ 69,191
   Supplies                                          54,200           9,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   42,070          34,520
   Travel                                            30,000           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 792,551       $ 117,911
  Special Items:
   Matching Grant National                      $ 4,278,139       $ 210,889
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 4,278,139       $ 210,889
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Energy Resources                         $ 5,324,333       $ 362,607
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Economic Dev. and Transportation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 184,706        $ 51,250
                                                       (10)             (9)
   Unclassified Positions                            48,875           8,967
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 233,581        $ 60,217
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 1,468,370        $ 27,492
   Supplies                                          16,100          15,100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   21,161          10,529
   Travel                                            12,000           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,517,631        $ 58,121
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Counties-
    -Restricted                                     $ 8,000         $ 8,000
   Allocations to Other Entities                     38,000
   Aid to Other Entities                             18,000          18,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                        $ 64,000        $ 26,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Economic Dev. and
  Transportation                                $ 1,815,212       $ 144,338
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Rural Development:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 105,369        $ 94,669
                                                        (7)             (7)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 105,369        $ 94,669
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 34,504         $ 3,787
   Supplies                                           6,315             900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,382           5,398
   Travel                                             9,275           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 57,476        $ 15,085
  Special Items:
   Matching Federal Programs                       $ 20,000        $ 20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 20,000        $ 20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Rural Development                          $ 182,845       $ 129,754
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Natural Resources:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 15,281        $       
   Unclassified Positions                            20,137           3,357
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 35,418         $ 3,357
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,000         $ 3,000
   Travel                                             2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Natural Resources                           $ 40,418         $ 8,357
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Division of Public Safety:
 A. Criminal Justice:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 688,382       $ 317,655
                                                       (34)            (32)
   Unclassified Positions                            67,115          29,320
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 755,497       $ 346,975
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 103,805        $ 70,212
   Supplies                                          51,040          39,979
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   86,870          49,403
   Travel                                            51,800          31,938
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 293,515       $ 191,532
  Special Items:
   Match Fed. Law Enf. Programs                   $ 200,000       $ 200,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 200,000       $ 200,000
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Cities and
    Twns.-Rest                                     $ 52,500       $        
   Allocations to Other Entities                  3,545,466
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                     $ 3,597,966       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Criminal Justice                         $ 4,846,978       $ 738,507
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Highway Safety:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 130,001       $        
   Unclassified Positions                            23,670
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 153,671       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 23,742       $        
   Supplies                                          11,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   14,200
   Travel                                            18,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 67,542       $        
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Cities 
    and Ts-Rest                                   $ 164,678       $        
   Allocations to Counties-Restr                    395,000
   Allocations to School Districts                   20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                       $ 579,678       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Highway Safety                             $ 800,891       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Public Safety                             $ 5,647,869       $ 738,507
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Education:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 55,580        $ 55,580
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 55,580        $ 55,580
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 57,500        $ 31,500
   Supplies                                           3,000           3,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,000           4,000
   Travel                                            12,000          12,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 76,500        $ 50,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Education                                  $ 132,080       $ 106,080
                                                ===========     ===========
XI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 137,401        $ 39,935
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 137,401        $ 39,935
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 137,401        $ 39,935
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions: 
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 766,463       $ 214,438
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 766,463       $ 214,438
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 766,463       $ 214,438
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 903,864       $ 254,373
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Off. of Exec. Policy
 and Programs                                 $ 103,409,642     $ 3,980,199
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (308)           (146)
Mansion and Grounds:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 28,461        $ 28,461
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Unclassified Positions                            22,865          22,865
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                                   14,888          14,888
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 66,214        $ 66,214
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,532        $ 16,532
   Supplies                                          80,000          80,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,770           5,770
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 102,302       $ 102,302
  Permanent Improvements:
   Lace House/Boyleston House                      $ 25,000        $ 25,000
   Improvements to Mansion                           10,879          10,879
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvement                      $ 35,879        $ 35,879
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 204,395       $ 204,395
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                          $ 8             $ 8
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                                $ 8             $ 8
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                                $ 8             $ 8
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 8,176         $ 8,176
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 8,176         $ 8,176
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 8,176         $ 8,176
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 8,184         $ 8,184
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Mansion and Grounds                         $ 212,579       $ 212,579
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Governor's Office                       $ 112,997,196    $ 13,551,191
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions 
 Governor's Office                                    (694)           (531)
  Provided, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 in Subsection 5C of 
this section for "Implementing Federal Programs", "To Match Federal Law 
Enforcement Funds" and "Matching Grant-- National Energy Act" may be carried 
forward to 1980-81 in such amounts as may be committed for Matching Federally 
Funded Programs extending beyond June 30, 1980.
  Provided, Further, That the South Carolina Development Disabilities Program 
of the Office of the Governor, Office of Executive Policy and Programs is 
authorized to provide aid to sub-grantees for projects and services to 
benefit persons with development disabilities. The intent of this provision 
is not to duplicate other State Agency programs which are considered the 
legal and programmatic mandate of existing State agencies, but rather to fill 
gaps that exist in the state service delivery system related to this target 
population as identified and addressed in the Developmental Disabilities 
State Plan.
  Provided, Further, The Nursing Home Ombudsman Program shall be administered 
by the office of the Governor, Office of Executive Policy and Programs, and 
all federal funds for this purpose shall be designated to the program in the 
office of the Governor.
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations contained in this section, 
$691,184, shall be contingent upon the Governor's Office, Office of Executive 
Policy and Programs receiving and remitting to the General Fund indirect 
and/or overhead cost recoveries of a like amount. If the indirect and/or 
overhead cost recoveries are less than the foregoing amount, the 
appropriations provided in this section shall be reduced by the difference 
between the foregoing amount and the amount actually collected and remitted 
to the General Fund. However, nothing contained herein shall be construed as 
authorizing additional appropriations should the indirect and/or overhead 
cost recoveries exceed $691,184.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980, in 
Subsection 5D of this section for "Building Renovations" and "Lace and 
Boyleston House Garden Renovations" may be carried forward to 1980-81, and 
utilized for the same purposes.
  Provided, Further, That, the classified positions, designated for Security-
-Blatt Building under subitem B of Item III of Subsection 5B shall be 
utilized for the twenty-four hour, daily security of the Blatt Building and, 
in the case of emergencies, for the security of the membership of the House 
of Representatives in the State House and other special circumstances.
  Provided, that in addition to the funds appropriated in Section 5, 
Subsection 5C, III E, Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council, the funds 
appropriated to the Nuclear Advisory Council for fiscal year 1979-80 which 
are not expended during that fiscal year may be carried forward to be 
expended by the Governor's Office in the fiscal year 1980-81 for the 
operations of the Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council.
                                  SECTION 6
                         Lieutenant Governor's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 236)
I. Administration: 
  Personal Service:
   Lieutenant Governor                             $ 30,000        $ 30,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              62,201          62,201
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Intern Program                                     8,180           8,180
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 100,381       $ 100,381
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,200         $ 6,200
   Supplies                                           8,625           8,625
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      440             440
   Travel                                             4,321           4,321
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 19,586        $ 19,586
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 119,967       $ 119,967
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 2,177         $ 2,177
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,177         $ 2,177
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 2,177         $ 2,177
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 15,013        $ 15,013
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 15,013        $ 15,013
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 15,013        $ 15,013
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 17,190        $ 17,190
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Lieutenant Governor's Office                $ 137,157       $ 137,157
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (5)             (5)
                                  SECTION 7
                          Secretary of State's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 247)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Secretary of State                              $ 45,000        $ 45,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              66,384          66,384
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 111,384       $ 111,384
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                         $ 3,900         $ 3,900
   Travel                                             4,224           4,224
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,124         $ 8,124
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 119,508       $ 119,508
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Keeping State Records:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 26,139        $ 26,139
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                2,512           2,512
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 28,651        $ 28,651
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,182         $ 6,182
   Supplies                                          31,600          31,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   26,356          26,356
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 64,138        $ 64,138
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Keeping State Records                       $ 92,789        $ 92,789
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Uniform Commercial Code:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 20,502        $ 20,502
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 20,502        $ 20,502
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Uniform Commercial Code                     $ 20,502        $ 20,502
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Foreign and Domestic Corporations and Trademarks:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 33,324        $ 33,324
                                                        (3)             (3)
  New Position:
   Secy II                                            9,461           9,461
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 42,785        $ 42,785
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Foreign and Domestic
  Corporations and Trademarks                      $ 42,785        $ 42,785
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Administration of Securities Act:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 78,199        $ 78,199
                                                        (6)             (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                  390             390
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 78,589        $ 78,589
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,000         $ 2,000
   Supplies                                         $ 3,000         $ 3,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,926           5,926
   Travel                                             1,100           1,100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 12,026        $ 12,026
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration of
  Securities Act                                   $ 90,615        $ 90,615
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Public Charities Division:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,864        $ 25,864
                                                        (2)             (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                  284             284
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 26,148        $ 26,148
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 600           $ 600
   Supplies                                           1,000           1,000
   Travel                                               300             300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,900         $ 1,900
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Charities Division                   $ 28,048        $ 28,048
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 8,766         $ 8,766
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 8,766         $ 8,766
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 8,766         $ 8,766
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 47,813        $ 47,813
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 47,813        $ 47,813
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 47,813        $ 47,813
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 56,579        $ 56,579
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Secretary of State                          $ 450,826       $ 450,826
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (21)            (21)
                                  SECTION 8
                         Comptroller General's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 267)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Comptroller General                             $ 45,000        $ 45,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             165,112         165,112
                                                        (9)             (9)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                5,000           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 215,112       $ 215,112
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 6,000         $ 6,000
   Contractual Services                              22,923          22,923
   Supplies                                          37,400          37,400
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  117,283         117,283
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 183,606       $ 183,606
  Special Item:
   Confederate Veteran Widow                        $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Item                                $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                            $ 399,718        $ 399,718
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Local Government:
  Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   County Auditors                                $ 456,044       $ 456,044
                                                       (46)            (46)
   County Treasurers                                456,044         456,0~4
                                                       (46)            (46)
   Classified Positions                              70,971          70,971
                                                        (5)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 983,059       $ 983,059
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 3,000         $ 3,000
   Contractual Services                               4,365           4,365
   Supplies                                           6,500           6,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      292             292
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 14,157        $ 14,157
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Aid to Counties Clerks of Court                 $ 69,000        $ 69,000
   Aid to Counties Probate Judges                    69,000          69,000
   Aid to Counties--Sheriffs                         69,000          69,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                       $ 207,000       $ 207,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Local Government                         $ 1,204,216     $ 1,204,216
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Payroll:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 228,544       $ 228,544
                                                       (15)            (15)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 228,544       $ 228,544
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Payroll                                    $ 228,544       $ 228,544
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Accounts Payable:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 262,330       $ 262,330
                                                       (18)            (18)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 262,330       $ 262,330
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Accounts Payable                           $ 262,330       $ 262,330
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Accounting:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 271,412       $ 271,412
                                                       (16)            (16)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 271,412       $ 271,412
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 96,500        $ 96,500
   Travel                                            13,000          13,000
   Supplies                                           1,500           1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 111,000       $ 111,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Accounting                                 $ 382,412       $ 382,412
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 32,416        $ 32,416
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 32,416        $ 32,416
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 32,416        $ 32,416
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 312,739       $ 312,739
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 312,739       $ 312,739
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 312,739       $ 312,739
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 345,155       $ 345,155
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Comptroller General                       $ 2,822,375     $ 2,822,375
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (156)           (156)
  Provided, That the one remaining widow of a Confederate veteran shall 
receive as pension the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars per year, until 
the age of ninety (90) years, and Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars per year 
thereafter. Provided Further, That not more than one pension shall be allowed 
or paid after the death of the pensioner, the said amount after death being 
for the purpose of defraying the funeral expenses of pensioner, that such 
funeral expenses shall not exceed the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00). 
Provided, Further, That the Comptroller General shall pay the above pension 
in a single payment as soon after the beginning of the fiscal year as may be 
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriation contained in Program I, 
Administration, the Comptroller General is authorized to spend an amount not 
to exceed $1,000.00 which, in his determination, will benefit the one 
remaining widow of a Confederate veteran in South Carolina. Provided, 
However, That such expenditure shall not be construed as income to the 
recipient and that such funds should be expended by the Comptroller General 
in such a manner so as not to affect the recipient's eligibility for social 
security assistance, veteran's assistance, or Medicaid benefits.
  Provided, Further, That Comptroller General is hereby authorized to 
designate certain employees to sign, in his stead, warrants drawn against the 
State Treasurer, and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept such 
signatures when notified by the Comptroller General; Provided, That this 
provision shall in no way relieve the Comptroller General of responsibility.
  Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year 1980-81, the State shall pay 
$9,914.00 on the salary of each County Auditor and County Treasurer in 
addition to any amounts presently being provided by the county for those 
positions. Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly 
that the amount appropriated by the county for these positions shall not be 
reduced as a result of the appropriation and that such appropriation shall 
not disqualify each County Auditor and each County Treasurer for salary 
increases that they might otherwise receive from county funds in the future. 
Any reduction by any county in the salary of the County Auditor or County 
Treasurer shall result in a corresponding decrease of funds provided to that 
county by the State.
  Provided, Further, That the Comptroller General may, by payroll deduction, 
(1) collect any fees which may be imposed for parking on state-owned or 
controlled property, and (2) upon request of employees of the state, make 
deductions from the compensation of such employees for deposit to their 
savings accounts in the South Carolina State Employees' Credit Union and 
other State Agency Credit Unions.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in this Section for 
Clerks of Court $1,500 shall be distributed to each County Treasurer, which 
shall be used as a salary supplement to each Clerk of Court. Payment shall be 
made to each County Treasurer in a single lump sum at the beginning of the 
fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in this Section for 
Probate Judges $1,500 shall be distributed to each County Treasurer, which 
shall be used as a salary supplement to each Probate Judge. Payment shall be 
made to each County Treasurer in a single lump sum at the beginning of the 
fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in this section for 
County Sheriffs, $1,500 shall be distributed to each county treasurer which 
shall be used as a salary supplement to each county sheriff. Payment shall be 
made to each county treasurer in a single lump sum at the beginning of the 
fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly that the 
amounts appropriated in this Section for Clerks of Court, Probate Judges and 
County Sheriffs shall be in addition to any amounts presently being provided 
by the county for these positions and any reduction by any county in the 
salary of the Clerks of Court, The Probate Judges and County Sheriffs or any 
other reduction of expenditures in the office of the Clerks of Court, Probate 
Judges and County Sheriffs shall result in a corresponding decrease of funds 
provided to that county by the State except that any county which provided 
for equalization of expenditures of Clerks of Court, Probate Judges and 
County Sheriffs prior to passage of this act is hereby declared to be in 
compliance with the intent of the General Assembly and shall not be subject 
to the decrease of funds penalty provided herein.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly that the 
amount appropriated in this section for salary supplements for Clerks of 
Court, Probate Judges, and County Sheriffs shall include both salary and 
related employer contributions.
                                  SECTION 9
                           State Treasurer's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 284)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   State Treasurer                                 $ 45,000        $ 45,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             204,012         204,012
                                                       (12)            (12)
  New Position:
   Staff Asst. I                                     10,802          10,802
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 259,814       $ 259,814
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 112,600       $ 112,600
   Supplies                                          63,754          63,754
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   91,927          91,927
   Travel                                             2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 270,281       $ 270,281
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 530,095       $ 530,095
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Banking Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 303,588       $ 303,588
                                                       (24)            (24)
  New Position:
   Accountant II                                     30,450          30,450
                                                        (2)             (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                2,408           2,408
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 336,446       $ 336,446
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Banking Operations                         $ 336,446       $ 336,446
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 12,333        $ 12,333
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 12,333        $ 12,333
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 12,333        $ 12,333
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 88,641        $ 88,641
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 88,641        $ 88,641
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 88,641        $ 88,641
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 100,974       $ 100,974
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Treasurer's Office                    $ 967,515       $ 967,515
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (40)            (40)
                                  SECTION 10
                          Attorney General's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 296)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Attorney General                                $ 45,000        $ 45,000
   Classified Positions                             334,313         334,313
                                                       (31)            (31)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 379,313       $ 379,313
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 139,156       $ 139,156
   Supplies                                          24,000          24,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  184,652         184,652
   Travel                                             9,000           9,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 356,808       $ 356,808
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 736,121       $ 736,121
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Civil:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 795,539       $ 696,315
                                                       (42)            (42)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 795,539       $ 696,315
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 80,199        $ 30,237
   Supplies                                           9,000           6,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   17,590          13,000
   Travel                                            57,642          43,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 164,431        $ 92,237
  Special Items:
   Agency Match-Hwy Safety Grant                   $ 15,426        $ 15,426
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 15,426        $ 15,426
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Civil Program                              $ 975,396       $ 803,978
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Criminal:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 559,081       $ 456,893
                                                       (29)            (23)
  New Positions:
   Attorney II                                       48,534          48,534
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Paralegal Asst.                                   28,038          28,038
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 635,653       $ 533,465
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 54,424        $ 44,500
   Supplies                                          10,609           8,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,274           2,500
   Travel                                            35,622          21,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 109,929        $ 76,200
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Criminal Program                           $ 745,582       $ 609,665
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Tax:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 121,067       $ 121,067
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 121,067       $ 121,067
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Tax Program                                $ 121,067       $ 121,067
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Health, Education and Welfare:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 179,815       $ 179,815
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 179,815       $ 179,815
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,000        $ 11,000
   Supplies                                           3,000           3,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,000           2,000
   Travel                                             1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 17,000        $ 17,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Health, Education and
  Welfare Program                                 $ 196,815       $ 196,815
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Special Litigation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 247,125       $ 247,125
                                                       (11)            (11)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 247,125       $ 247,125
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,750        $ 11,750
   Supplies                                           5,000           5,000
   Travel                                            10,000          10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 26,750        $ 26,750
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Special Litigation                         $ 273,875       $ 273,875
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Circuit Solicitors:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 163,032       $ 163,032
                                                       (16)            (16)
  Unclassified Positions:
   Circuit Solicitors                               719,984         719,984
                                                       (16)            (16)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 883,016       $ 883,016
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 12,000        $ 12,000
   Supplies                                          18,000          18,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   48,000          48,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 78,000        $ 78,000
  Special Items:
   Training Grant                                  $ 20,244        $       
   Various Grants                                   139,429
   Judicial Circuits-State Support                1,581,690       1,581,690
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 1,741,363     $ 1,581,690
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Circuit Solicitors                       $ 2,702,379     $ 2,542,706
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Child Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 686,369       $ 171,589
                                                       (51)            (51)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 686,369       $ 171,589
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 49,000        $ 12,249
   Supplies                                          29,000           7,250
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  134,000          33,500
   Travel                                            50,000          12,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 262,000        $ 65,499
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Child Support                              $ 948,369       $ 237,088
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 97,884        $ 76,139
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 97,884        $ 76,139
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 97,884        $ 76,139
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 721,740       $ 605,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 721,740       $ 605,200
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 721,740       $ 605,200
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 819,624       $ 681,339
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Attorney General's Office                 $ 7,519,228     $ 6,202,654
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (213)           (200)
  Provided, That, the amount appropriated in this section for salaries of 
Solicitors shall be paid to each full-time Solicitor at an annual rate of 
  Provided, Further, That salaries of solicitors shall not exceed that of the 
Attorney General.
  Provided, Further, That each solicitor Shall receive two hundred fifty 
dollars per month as expense allowance.
  Provided, That the Attorney General is hereby authorized to contract for 
the collection of debts, claims or obligations due to the State, or any of 
its departments or institutions.
  Provided, Further, That no department or agency of the State Government 
shall hire any attorney or paralegal as an employee to be engaged in legal 
work except upon the written approval of the Attorney General and at a 
compensation approved by him. All such attorneys shall at all times be under 
the supervision and control of the Attorney General except as otherwise 
provided by law unless obtaining prior approval by the Budget and Control 
  Provided, Further, That no department or agency of the State Government 
shall engage on a fee basis any attorney at law except upon the written 
approval of the Attorney General and upon such fee as shall be approved by 
him. This shall not apply to the employment of attorneys in special cases in 
inferior courts where the fee to be paid does not exceed one hundred 
($100.00) dollars unless obtaining prior approval by the Budget and Control 
  Provided, Further, That the Attorney General shall assign and physically 
locate at least one of his Assistants as counsel to perform necessary legal 
work in each of the following agencies: South Carolina Department of Health 
and Environmental Control, Tax Commission, Wildlife and Marine Resources 
Department, Department of Highways and Public Transportation and Department 
of Agriculture. The personnel so assigned shall also be subject to the 
performance of any other duties required by the Attorney General. Appropriate 
office space and reference materials shall be provided and secretariat, 
travel and other expenses of the Assistants thus assigned shall be borne by 
the respective agencies.
  Provided, Further, That the Attorney General is authorized to print for 
public sale copies of his published opinions and index thereto at such 
charges as are established by the state printer, in accordance with the cost 
of the documents. All proceeds from the sale of copies of opinions or indices 
shall be remitted to the general funds of the State and a full accounting 
kept thereof.
  Provided, Further, That each judicial circuit of this State, in addition to 
its other assistant solicitors, shall have one assistant solicitor and one 
investigator who shall be full-time employees. Such assistant solicitor and 
investigator for each Circuit shall be appointed by the solicitor of that 
circuit, shall serve at his pleasure and shall have such responsibilities as 
the solicitor directs.
  The compensation of each such solicitor and investigator or such other 
staff as may be designated by each solicitor for his Circuit and related 
employment expenses shall be provided by this section under "Special Items: 
Judicial Circuits (16)--State Support". Nothing contained herein shall 
prohibit these funds for such staff to be designated by the solicitor from 
being utilized with local and Federal funds.
  Provided, Further, that the amount appropriated in this section for 
"Judicial Circuits (16)--State Support" shall be apportioned among the 
circuits at a rate of 55 cents per capita, based on the population estimates 
of the Division of Research and Statistical Services for 1977.
  Provided, Further, That no circuit shall receive less than $45,000 as its 
share of the above apportionment.
  Provided, Further, That each solicitor shall enter into an agreement with a 
county within his circuit to act as his financial agent for the disbursement 
of the funds so provided and the funds shall be directed by the State 
Treasurer to a special solicitor's account with the administering county 
designated by the solicitor. The administering county shall account for the 
receipt and disbursement of these funds separately from any other funds 
administered by the county. The solicitor may expend the funds for the 
employment of assistant solicitors, investigators, or other such staff for 
his circuit, and payment of expenses related to the employment of such 
personnel, including fringe benefits and travel.
  Personnel employed under the provisions of this section shall be employees 
of the administering county but all personnel costs, including fringe 
benefits, shall be paid by the administering county from funds provided under 
provisions of this section.
  Provided, Further, That each solicitor and the administering county shall, 
not later than sixty days following the close of the county fiscal year, file 
a statement with the State Auditor reflecting the purposes and amounts for 
which expenditures were made.
  The State Auditor may examine the revenues and expenditures of any 
solicitor to determine compliance with the provisions of this section.
  Provided, Further, That the criminal docketing report shall be maintained 
by the Attorney General's office to facilitate implementation of the Attorney 
General's annual report to the General Assembly pursuant to Section 1-7-140 
of the 1976 Code.
                                  SECTION 11
                        Commission on Appellate Defense
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 322)
I. Administration:                            Total Funds     General Funds
  Personal Service:
   Chief Attorney                                  $ 31,809        $ 31,809
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             110,396          52,142
                                                       (11)             (8)
  New Positions:
   Attorney I                                        45,696          45,696
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Law Clerk                                          6,932           6,932
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Legal Secretary I                                 10,526          10,526
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Commissions                                500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 205,859       $ 147,605
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 26,328        $ 16,440
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,947           8,699
   Travel                                             9,056           3,328
   Supplies                                          12,417           8,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 64,748        $ 37,067
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 270,607       $ 184,672
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 7990                       $ 3,132         $ 1,041
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,132         $ 1,041
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 3,132         $ 1,041
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 24,288        $ 14,589
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 24,288        $ 14,589
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 24,288        $ 14,589
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 27,420        $ 15,630
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Commission on
 Appellate Defense                                $ 298,027       $ 200,302
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (17)            (14)
  Provided, That any indigent case referred to the Commission by a court 
appointed attorney shall be disposed of by the Commission.
                                  SECTION 12
                          Adjutant General's Office
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 336)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   The Adjutant General                            $ 45,000        $ 45,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             167,849         160,965
                                                       (12)            (12)
  New Positions:
   Pub. Info. Dir. I                                 17,754          17,754
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Personnel Specialist III                          17,084          17,084
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 247,687       $ 240,803
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 54,800        $ 54,800
   Supplies                                          61,145          61,145
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  161,587         161,587
   Travel                                             8,000           8,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 285,532       $ 285,532
  Unit Maintenance Funds                          $ 215,375       $ 211,375
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Special Items                              $ 215,375       $ 211,375
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Administration                              $ 748,594       $ 737,710
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Military Personnel:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 71,044        $ 71,044
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 71,044        $ 71,044
  Special Items:
   Tuition Assistance-National
    Guard                                         $ 200,000       $ 200,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 200,000       $ 200,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Military Personnel                         $ 271,044       $ 271,044
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Operations and Training:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 38,125        $ 38,125
                                                        (2)             (2)
  New Positions:
   Clk Typist II                                     16,586          16,586
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Admin Asst I                                     $13,575        $ 13,575
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 68,286        $ 68,286
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,954         $ 4,954
   Supplies                                           4,100           4,100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 9,054         $ 9,054
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operations and Training                     $ 77,340        $ 77,340
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Buildings and Grounds:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 148,976       $ 131,462
                                                       (13)            (12)
  New Positions:
   Electronics Tec. II                               12,493          12,493
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Custodial Worker II                                7,987           7,987
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Trades Wrkr.                                       9,820           9,820
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Trades Wrkr. Supv.                                15,327          15,327
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Maint Mech.                                       12,550          12,550
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 207,153       $ 189,639
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 135,597       $ 135,597
   Supplies                                          74,320          74,320
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      500             500
   Travel                                             9,000           9,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 219,417       $ 219,417
                                                -----------     -----------
  Special Item:
   Rent Equipment                                   $ 1,500         $ 1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Item                                $ 1,500         $ 1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Building and Grounds                       $ 428,070       $ 410,556
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Training Sites:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 109,711        $ 20,320
                                                        (9)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 109,711        $ 20,320
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 122,410        $       
   Supplies                                         119,618
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,305
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 245,333        $       
   Permanent Improvements Buildings                 $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                      $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Training Sites                             $ 360,044        $ 25,320
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. National Guard Center: 
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 32,645         $ 8,162
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 32,645         $ 8,162
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 82,822        $ 20,293
   Supplies                                          18,400           4,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      292              73
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 101,514        $ 24,966
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total National Guard Center                      $ 134,159        $ 33,128
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Equipment Maintenance:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 42,250        $ 10,000
   Supplies                                          10,448           2,612
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      200              50
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 52,898        $ 12,662
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Equipment Maintenance                       $ 52,898        $ 12,662
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Army Aviation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 6,895         $ 1,724
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,895         $ 1,724
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 24,989         $ 6,050
   Supplies                                          10,052           2,513
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      100              25
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 35,141         $ 8,588
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Army Aviation                               $ 42,036        $ 10,312
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. McEntire ANG Base:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 279,383        $ 39,648
                                                       (26)            (15)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 279,383        $ 39,648
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 167,000        $ 41,000
   Supplies                                          86,740          21,185
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      300              75
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 254,040        $ 62,260
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total McEntire ANG Base                          $ 533,423       $ 101,908
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Emergency Preparedness:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 473,215       $ 146,109
                                                       (29)            (17)
   Unclassified Positions                            31,378          31,378
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 504,593       $ 177,487
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 57,230        $ 30,130
   Supplies                                          17,480           6,980
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   59,023          18,798
   Travel                                            60,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 193,733        $ 56,908
  Special Item:
   Rent                                            $ 17,870        $ 17,870
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Item                               $ 17,870        $ 17,870
  Aid to subdivision:
   Allocations to other Government
    Entities                                      $ 547,354        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivision                        $ 547,354        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Emergency Preparedness                   $ 1,263,550       $ 252,265
                                                ===========     ===========
XI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 23,649        $ 10,051
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 23,649        $ 10,051
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 23,649        $ 10,051
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 470,139       $ 351,830
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 470,139       $ 351,830
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 470,139       $ 351,830
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 493,788       $ 361,881
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Adjutant General                          $ 4,404,946     $ 2,294,126
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (116)            (84)
  Provided, That the amount appropriated in this section in Program II 
Military Personnel for "Tuition Assistance--National Guard" shall be expended 
in accord with Title 59, Chapter 114 of the South Carolina Code of Laws.
                                  SECTION 13
                          State Election Commission
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 371)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 36,112        $ 36,112
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              66,487          66,487
                                                        (5)             (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Commission Members                       3,150           3,150
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 105,749       $ 105,749
  Other Operating Expense:
   Contractual Services                            $ 42,500         $ 7,500
   Supplies                                           8,351           8,351
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   33,531          33,531
   Travel                                             4,080           4,080
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 88,462        $ 53,462
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 194,211       $ 159,211
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Central Voter Registration System:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 53,954        $ 53,954
                                                        (6)             (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    1,300           1,300
   Temporary Positions                                6,000           6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 61,254        $ 61,254
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                         $ 6,000         $ 6,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,900           9,900
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 15,900        $ 15,900
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   County Boards of Registration                  $ 161,000       $ 161,000
   Local Registration Expenses                      220,000         220,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivision                        $ 381,000       $ 381,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Central Voter Registration                 $ 458,154       $ 458,154
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Elections:
 A. Office of Elections:
 2. County Election Commission:
  Special Items:
  Distribution to Counties:
   County Election Commissioners                   $ 46,000        $ 46,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distribution to Counties                   $ 46,000        $ 46,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Special Items                               $ 46,000        $ 46,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Office of Elections                          $ 46,000        $ 46,000
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Board of Canvassers:
  Personal Service:
   Per Diem Board Members                           $ 9,450         $ 9,450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 9,450         $ 9,450
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 1,200         $ 1,200
   Contractual Services                               1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,200         $ 2,200
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Board of Canvassers                   $ 11,650        $ 11,650
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Educational Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 40,365        $ 40,365
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 40,365        $ 40,365
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,900         $ 2,900
   Supplies                                           1,960           1,960
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,200           3,200
   Travel                                             1,200           1,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 9,260         $ 9,260
  Special Items:
   Election Training Seminar                       $ 5,000          $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Educational Services                        $ 54,625        $ 54,625
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Elections                                   $ 112,275       $ 112,275
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 4,584         $ 4,584
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,584         $ 4,584
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 4,584         $ 4,584
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 32,950        $ 32,950
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 32,950        $ 32,950
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 32,950        $ 32,950
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 37 534        $ 37,534
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Election Commission                   $ 802,174       $ 767,174
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (15)            (15)
  Provided, That the amount appropriated in this section for "County Board of 
Registration members", shall be disbursed annually at the rate of $3,500.00 
to each County treasurer. These funds shall be dispersed equally to the 
members of the County Boards of Registration only. Any funds not used for 
this purpose shall be returned to the State Treasurer.
  Provided, Further, That the amounts appropriated in this section for 
"County Election Commissioners" shall be disbursed annually to the County 
Treasurer at the rate of $200.00 for each member of the County Election 
Commission. The County Treasurer shall use these funds only for compensation 
of Commissioners for state and county general elections. Any funds not used 
shall be returned to the State Treasurer. Provided, That such payments shall 
not be construed as salary compensation.
  Provided, Further, That managers and clerks of state and county elections 
shall receive a per diem of $25.00; but managers shall not be paid for more 
than two days for any election and clerks for not more than three days for 
any election.
   Provided, Further, That $100.00 additional compensation per day
may be paid to each member of the Board of State Canvassers up to a total of 
15 days that may be required for hearings held by the members of the Board of 
State Canvassers.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended funds appropriated in Act 194 of 
1979, Part II, Sec. 1, No. 6, for Computer System Development may be carried 
forward into 1980-81 and expended for the same purpose.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended funds appropriated to the State 
Election Commission for use or reimbursement to counties by Part II of act 
194 of 1979 may be carried forward into 1980-81 and expended for the same 
purpose and distributed to the counties at the rate of thirty-five cents per 
registered voter based on the voter registration on October 26, 1978.
                                  SECTION 14
                           Budget and Control Board
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 391)
Office of Executive Director:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 51,500        $ 51,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Classified Positions                              189,181         189,181
                                                       (10)            (10)
  Other Personal Service:
   Ex Officio Allowance--Bd. Member                   6,000           6,000
   Temporary Positions                                  300             300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 246,981       $ 246,981
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 9,001         $ 9,001
   Supplies                                           7,800           7,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   18,533          18,533
   Travel                                             2,679           2,679
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 38,013        $ 38,013
  Special Items:
   Civil Contingent Fund                          $ 240,000       $ 240,000
   S.C. Protection and Advocacy                     197,500         197,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 437,500       $ 437,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 722,494       $ 722,494
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 5,682         $ 5,682
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,682         $ 5,682
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 5,682         $ 5,682
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 34,766        $ 34,766
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 34,766        $ 34,766
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 34,766        $ 34,766
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 40,448        $ 40,448
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Office of Executive Director                $ 762,942       $ 762,942
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (11)            (11)
Finance Division:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   State Auditor                                   $ 47,520        $ 47,520
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              97,701          97,701
                                                        (6)             (6)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 145,221       $ 145,221
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 18,890        $ 18,890
   Supplies                                           6,560           6,560
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,082          16,082
   Travel                                             3,000           3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 44,532        $ 44,532
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 189,753       $ 189,753
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Audits:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 964,719       $ 724,809
                                                       (54)            (38)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 964,719       $ 724,809
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 22,720        $ 10,520
   Supplies                                           7,900           7,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   65,492          50,100
   Travel                                            78,000          32,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total other Operating Expenses                  $ 174,112        $ 99,920
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Audits                                   $ 1,138,831       $ 824,729
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Budget:                                  Total Funds     General Funds
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 249,944       $ 249,944
                                                       (13)            (13)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 249,944       $ 249,944
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,047         $ 5,047
   Supplies                                           3,150           3,150
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   22,953          22,953
   Travel                                             3,500           3,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 34,650        $ 34,650
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Budget                                     $ 284,594       $ 284,594
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Grants:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 110,901       $ 110,901
                                                        (6)             (6)
  New Position:
   State Budget Analyst                              24,168          24,168
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 135,069       $ 135,069
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,600         $ 2,600
   Supplies                                          10,007          10,007
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   13,189          13,189
   Travel                                               500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 26,296        $ 26,296
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Grants                                     $ 161,365       $ 161,365
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Engineering:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 147,074       $ 147,074
                                                        (6)             (6)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 147,074       $ 147,074
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,250         $ 2,250
   Supplies                                           1,283           1,283
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   25,505          25,505
   Travel                                             4,275           4,275
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 33,313        $ 33,313
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Engineering                                $ 180,387       $ 180,387
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Computer Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 522,327       $ 502,036
                                                       (19)            (19)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 522,327       $ 502,036
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,240         $ 6,028
   Supplies                                           1,800           1,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   21,662          21,056
   Travel                                             6,500           4,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 36,202        $ 33,084
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Computer Management                        $ 558,529       $ 535,120
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Computer Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 769,684       $ 769,684
                                                       (59)            (59)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    7,000           7,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 776,684       $ 776,684
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 113,788       $ 113,788
   Supplies                                          83,500          83,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  747,395         747,395
   Travel                                             1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 945,683       $ 945,683
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Computer Operations                      $ 1,722,367     $ 1,722,367
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Planning:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 89,893        $ 89,893
                                                        (5)             (5)
   Unclassified Positions                            46,698          46,698
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 136,591       $ 136,591
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 23,429        $ 23,429
   Supplies                                           1,800           1,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,253           9,253
   Travel                                             5,500           5,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 39,982        $ 39,982
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Planning                                   $ 176,573       $ 176,573
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 103,218        $ 77,964
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 103,218        $ 77,964
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 103,218        $ 77,964
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 499,164       $ 453,424
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 499,164       $ 453,424
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 499,164       $ 453,424
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 602,382       $ 531,388
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Budget and Control
 Board Finance                                  $ 5,014,781     $ 4,606,276
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (171)           (155)
Research and Statistical Services Division:
I. Administration and Support:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 42,308        $ 42,308
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              59,266          59,266
                                                        (5)             (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                1,950           1,950
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 103,524       $ 103,524
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 94,856        $ 23,912
   Supplies                                           3,900           3,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   21,195          21,195
   Travel                                             3,509           3,509
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 123,460        $ 52,516
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration and Support                 $ 226,984       $ 156,040
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Economic Research and Evaluation Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 113,328       $ 113,328
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                3,100           1,100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 116,428       $ 114,428
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 144,975        $ 34,775
   Supplies                                           2,100           1,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,250           5,250
   Travel                                             4,814           3,814
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 157,139        $ 45,739
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Economic Research
  and Evaluation                                  $ 273,567       $ 160,167
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Federal-State Cooperative Health Statistics:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 217,532       $ 104,759
                                                       (16)             (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               50,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 267,532       $ 104,759
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 513,066         $ 9,700
   Supplies                                           8,100             100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   22,349           2,200
   Travel                                            21,898           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 565,413        $ 13,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Federal-State Cooperative                  $ 832,945       $ 117,759
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Demographic Statistics and Statistical
 Coordination and Research:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 176,500       $ 176,500
                                                       (11)            (11)
  New Position:
   Statistician II                                   23,128          23,128
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                1,233           1,233
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 200,861       $ 200,861
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 116,306        $ 63,047
   Supplies                                           3,850           3,850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    8,559           8,559
   Travel                                            11,600          11,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 140,315        $ 87,056
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Demographic Statistics and
  Statistical Coordination
   and Research                                   $ 341,176       $ 287,917
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Geographic Statistics and Geodetic Survey:
 A. Geographic Statistics:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 121,092       $ 121,092
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                3,779           3,779
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 124,871       $ 124,871
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 69,841        $ 43,841
   Supplies                                           4,200           3,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   11,600           9,100
   Travel                                            11,216          10,716
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 96,857        $ 66,857
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Geographic Statistics                      $ 221,728       $ 191,728
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Geodetic Survey:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 79,991        $ 79,991
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                  630             630
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 80,621        $ 80,621
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 18,052        $ 18,052
   Supplies                                          12,500          12,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,900           2,900
   Travel                                            46,350          46,350
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 79,802        $ 79,802
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Geodetic Survey                            $ 160,423       $ 160,423
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Geographic Statistics
 and Geodetic Survey                              $ 382,151       $ 352,151
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Geology:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 132,719       $ 132,719
                                                        (9)             (9)
   Unclassified Consultants                          12,818          12,818
                                                        (9)             (9)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                4,252           4,252
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 149,789       $ 149,789
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 19,050        $ 19,050
   Supplies                                          17,210          17,210
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   29,581          24,581
   Travel                                            15,000          15,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 80,841        $ 75,841
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Geology                                    $ 230,630       $ 225,630
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 21,818        $ 16,657
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 21,818        $ 16,657
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 21,818        $ 16,657
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 162,469       $ 143,656
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 162,469       $ 143,656
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 162,469       $ 143,656
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 184,287       $ 160,313
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Budget and Control Board
 Research and Statistics                        $ 2,471,740     $ 1,459,977
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (73)            (63)
General Services Division: 
I. Office of Division Director: 
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 44,834        $ 44,834
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             159,891         125,090
                                                        (7)             (6)
   Temporary Positions                               10,000          10,000
  Total Personal Service                          $ 214,725       $ 179,924
                                                -----------     -----------
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 26,650        $ 26,650
   Supplies                                           9,500           9,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   14,286          14,286
   Travel                                            20,500          20,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 70,936        $ 70,936
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 285,661       $ 250,860
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Internal Audit:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 55,897        $ 18,152
                                                        (4)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 55,897        $ 18,152
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Internal Audit                              $ 55,897        $ 18,152
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Systems Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,601        $ 25,601
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 25,601        $ 25,601
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Systems Management                          $ 25,601        $ 25,601
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Support for Boards:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 12,543        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 12,543        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Support for Boards                          $ 12,543        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Legal:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 11,750        $ 11,750
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 11,750        $ 11,750
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Legal                                       $ 11,750        $ 11,750
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Office of Division Director                 $ 391,452       $ 306,363
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Support Services:
 A. Office of Finance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 222,928       $ 172,646
                                                       (21)            (15)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 222,928       $ 172,646
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                 $ 25,874        $ 25,874
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 25,874        $ 25,874
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Office of Finance                          $ 248,802       $ 198,520
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Office of Personnel:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 66,713        $ 56,026
                                                        (5)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 66,713        $ 56,026
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  $ 6,469         $ 6,469
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 6,469         $ 6,469
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Office of Personnel                         $ 73,182        $ 62,495
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Data Processing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,014,621       $ 451,773
                                                       (65)            (27)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,014,621       $ 451,773
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 456,500         $ 5,273
   Supplies                                         113,500          27,450
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  582,564         226,798
   Travel                                            11,000           1,900
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,163,564       $ 261,421
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Data Processing                          $ 2,178,185       $ 713,194
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. State Insurance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 207,693       $ 104,397
                                                       (13)             (6)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 207,693       $ 104,397
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 228,201         $ 4,481
   Supplies                                           4,219           3,919
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,759           7,709
   Travel                                            19,548          15,048
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 259,727        $ 31,157
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Insurance                            $ 467,420       $ 135,554
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Procurement and Supply Services:
 1. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 32,764        $ 32,764
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 32,764        $ 32,764
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,956         $ 1,956
   Supplies                                          22,000          22,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,800           1,800
   Travel                                             2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 27,756        $ 27,756
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Management                                  $ 60,520        $ 60,520
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Central State Purchasing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 489,211       $ 489,211
                                                       (39)            (39)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 489,211       $ 489,211
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 63,595        $ 63,595
   Supplies                                          69,598          69,598
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   37,799          37,799
   Travel                                            10,200          10,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 181,192       $ 181,192
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Central State Purchasing                   $ 670,403       $ 670,403
                                                ===========     ===========
 3. State Printing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 68,593        $ 68,593
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 68,593        $ 68,593
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,460         $ 4,460
   Supplies                                             750             750
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,999           4,999
   Travel                                               675             675
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 10,884        $ 10,884
  Special Items:
   Departmental Printing                          $ 152,000       $ 152,000
   Legislative Printing                             665,000         665,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 817,000       $ 817,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Printing                             $ 896,477       $ 896,477
                                                ===========     ===========
4. Printing and Duplicating Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 85,077       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 85,077       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,475       $        
   Supplies                                          91,375
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   70,764
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 167,614       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Printing and Duplicating
  Services                                        $ 252,691       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
5. Central Supply, Warehousing
 and Courier Services
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 162,266       $ 126,054
                                                       (14)            (10)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 162,266       $ 126,054
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 9,000         $ 2,100
   Supplies                                           3,200           1,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   64,436          26,979
   Travel                                            50,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 126,636        $ 30,979
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Central Supply, Warehousing
  and Courier Services                            $ 288,902       $ 157,033
                                                ===========     ===========
6. Surplus Property:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 276,824       $ 141,941
                                                       (25)            (16)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 276,824       $ 141,941
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 56,200        $ 53,700
   Supplies                                          26,250          24,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,475           3,450
   Travel                                            17,000          17,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 102,925        $ 98,850
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Surplus Property                           $ 379,749       $ 240,791
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Procurement and
 Supply Services                                $ 2,548,742     $ 2,025,224
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Support Services                          $ 5,516,331     $ 3,134,987
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Technical Services:
 A. Engineering Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,235,347       $ 294,901
                                                      (353)            (37)
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,235,347       $ 294,901
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 2,347,244       $ 200,081
   Supplies                                         715,475          68,325
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  167,553          22,825
   Travel                                             7,100             300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 3,237,372       $ 291,531
  Debt Service:
   Principal                                       $ 18,963        $ 18,963
   Interest                                          15,236          15,236
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Debt Service                               $ 34,199        $ 34,199
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Engineering Operations                   $ 5,506,918       $ 620,631
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Construction, Planning and Property
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 253,222        $ 49,229
                                                       (15)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 253,222        $ 49,229
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 752,825        $       
   Supplies                                           2,350
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,998           2,561
   Travel                                             9,300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 772,473         $ 2,561
  Special Items:
   Moving Expense--State Departments               $ 16,500        $ 16,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 16,500        $ 16,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Construction, Planning
  and Property                                  $ 1,042,195        $ 68,290
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Central Telephone:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 324,677        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 324,677
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 7,903,282        $       
   Supplies                                          14,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    8,450
   Travel                                            11,250
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 7,936,982        $       
  Special Items:
   Data Terminal                                  $ 150,000        $       
   Set-up Cost--Sumter                               25,000
   Citadel 812 BTC                                   39,252
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 214,252        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Central Telephone                        $ 8,475,911        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Manufacturing Housing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 88,602        $       
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           3,500           3,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 92,102         $ 3,500
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 14,650         $      
   Supplies                                           3,450
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,000
   Travel                                            32,600           3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 52,700         $ 3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Manufacturing Housing                      $ 144,802         $ 6,500
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Barrier Free Design:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Position                             $ 18,449        $ 18,449
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           2,600           2,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 21,049        $ 21,049
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,550        $ 16,550
   Supplies                                           3,500           3,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,045           1,045
   Travel                                             6,500           6,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 27,595        $ 27,595
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Barrier Free Design                         $ 48,644        $ 48,644
                                                ===========     ===========
 F. Inspection Services and Field Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 490,241       $ 490,241
                                                       (33)            (33)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 492,241       $ 492,241
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 15,450        $ 15,450
   Supplies                                           9,275           9,275
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,898          16,898
   Travel                                           102,000         102,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 143,623       $ 143,623
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Inspection and Field
  Services                                        $ 635,864       $ 635,864
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Technical Services                       $ 15,854,334     $ 1,379,929
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 246,049        $ 95,899
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 246,049        $ 95,899
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 246,049        $ 95,899
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,056,281       $ 463,181
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,056,281       $ 463,181
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions             $ 1,056,281       $ 463,181
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,302,330       $ 559,080
                                                ===========     ===========
Total, Division of General
 Services                                      $ 23,064,447     $ 5,380,359
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (654)           (208)
Motor Vehicle Management Division:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 27,887        $ 27,887
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             151,453         151,453
                                                       (12)            (12)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commission                    2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 181,340       $ 181,340
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 17,299        $ 17,299
   Supplies                                           5,765           5,765
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   14,703          14,703
   Travel                                             6,701           6,701
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 44,468        $ 44,468
  Special Items:
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Urban Mass Transportation Grant                $ 452,560        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distribution to Subdivisions              $ 452,560        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 678,368       $ 225,808
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Motor Pool:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 72,216       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 72,216       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 105,041       $        
   Supplies                                         539,465
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   58,145
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 702,651       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Motor Pool                                 $ 774,867       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 6,537         $ 3,823
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,537         $ 3,823
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 6,537         $ 3,823
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 39,057        $ 29,512
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 39,057        $ 29,512
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 39,057        $ 29,512
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 45,594        $ 33,335
                                                ===========     ===========
Total, Motor Vehicle Management                 $ 1,498,829       $ 259,143
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (19)            (13)
Retirement Division:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 44,834        $ 44,834
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                           1,020,503       1,007,155
                                                       (80)            (80)
  New Positions:
   Clerk III                                          9,708           9,708
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Internal Auditor                                  27,622          27,622
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                7,311           7,311
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,109,978     $ 1,096,630
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 87,320        $ 87,320
   Supplies                                         108,294         108,294
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  134,933         134,833
   Travel                                            21,800          17,800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 352,347       $ 348,247
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                           $ 1,462,325     $ 1,444,877
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Pre-Retirement Education:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 22,613        $ 22,613
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 22,613        $ 22,613
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 536           $ 536
   Supplies                                           1,060           1,060
   Travel                                             5,612           5,612
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,208         $ 7,208
   Retirement Newsletter                           $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Pre-Retirement Education                    $ 39,821        $ 39,821
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 30,554        $ 29,653
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 30,554        $ 29,653
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 30,554        $ 29,653
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 179,779       $ 177,712
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 179,779       $ 177,712
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State employer Contributions               $ 179,779       $ 177,712
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 210,333       $ 207,365
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Retirement Division                       $ 1,712,479     $ 1,692,063
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (85)            (85)
State Personnel Division:
I. Administration:
 A. General Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 43,295        $ 43,295
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             198,156         198,156
                                                       (16)            (16)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             450             450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 241,901       $ 241,901
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 36,320        $ 15,320
   Supplies                                          14,020          10,020
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   24,840          24,540
   Travel                                             9,640           4,940
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 84,820        $ 54,820
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total General Administration                     $ 326,721       $ 296,721
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Data Processing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 288,972       $ 288,972
                                                       (23)            (23)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 288,972       $ 288,972
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 25,529        $ 25,529
   Supplies                                          26,452          26,452
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   50,461          50,461
   Travel                                             2,500           2,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 104,942       $ 104,942
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Data Processing                            $ 393,914       $ 393,914
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administration                              $ 720,635       $ 690,635
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Classification and Compensation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 482,729       $ 473,774
                                                       (34)            (33)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 482,729       $ 473,774
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 28,888        $ 16,888
   Supplies                                           7,100           7,100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   41,280          41,280
   Travel                                             7,039           6,039
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 84,307        $ 71,307
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Classification and
  Compensation                                    $ 567,036       $ 545,081
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Relations:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 154,738       $ 154,738
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 154,738       $ 154,738
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 30,547        $ 10,047
   Supplies                                           3,370           3,370
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   10,194          10,194
   Travel                                             3,325           3,325
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 47,436        $ 26,936
  Special Items:
   Services Awards Program                         $ 16,000        $ 16,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 16,000        $ 16,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Employee Relations                         $ 218,174       $ 197,674
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Insurance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 203,277       $ 203,277
                                                       (16)            (16)
  New Positions:
   Insurance Assistants                              18,334
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                3,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 225,111       $ 203,277
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 9,024         $ 9,024
   Supplies                                          16,873          13,673
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   17,470          17,470
   Travel                                             4,050           4,050
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 47,417        $ 44,217
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Insurance                                  $ 272,528       $ 247,494
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Recruiting:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 78,319        $ 78,319
                                                        (5)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 78,319        $ 78,319
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,610         $ 2,610
   Supplies                                           2,900           2,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,562           7,562
   Travel                                             1,893           1,893
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 14,965        $ 14,965
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Recruiting                                  $ 93,284        $ 93,284
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Training:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 123,762        $ 52,958
                                                        (8)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Dual Employment                                   15,889
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 139,651        $ 52,958
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 80,104         $ 3,700
   Supplies                                          12,775
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   12,372          10,372
   Travel                                            13,212
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 118,463        $ 14,072
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Training                                   $ 258,114        $ 67,030
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Merit System:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 318,863        $       
  New Position:
   Personnel Generalist                              15,226
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           3,360
   Temporary Positions                                3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 340,449        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 29,248        $       
   Supplies                                          34,137
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   72,172
   Travel                                             5,215
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 140,772        $       
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations                $ 14,000        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 14,000        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Merit System                               $ 495,221        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 64,753        $ 48,313
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 64,753        $ 48,313
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 64,753        $ 48,313
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 307,476       $ 241,538
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 307,476       $ 241,538
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 307,476       $ 241,538
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 372,229       $ 289,851
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Personnel Division                  $ 2,997,221     $ 2,131,049
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (140)           (105)
Local Government Division:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 42,278        $ 42,278
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Classified Positions                               21,314          21,314
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 63,592        $ 63,592
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,429         $ 5,429
   Supplies                                           1,100           1,100
   Travel                                             1,269           1,269
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,798         $ 7,798
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Rural Improvements                             $ 350,000       $ 350,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                       $ 350,000       $ 350,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 421,390       $ 421,390
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 370           $ 370
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 370           $ 370
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 370           $ 370
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 8,610         $ 8,610
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 8,610         $ 8,610
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 8,610         $ 8,610
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 8,980         $ 8,980
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Budget and Control Board
 Local Government                                 $ 430,370       $ 430,370
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (3)             (3)
Employee Benefits:
I. State Employer Contributions:
 A. S. C. Retirement System Employer
  Retirement Contributions:
   Retirement Supplement--
    State Employees                             $ 4,176,378     $ 4,176,378
   Retirement Supplement--
    Public School                                 5,682,708       5,682,708
   State Employees--Military                        100,000         100,000
   Group Life--State Employees                        1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Employer Contributions                  $ 9,960,086     $ 9,960,086
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total S. C. Retirement System Employer
  Contributions                                 $ 9,960,086     $ 9,960,086
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Police Officer Retirement Employer
  Retirement Contributions:
   Police Officer--Reg. and SAP.                    $ 1,000         $ 1,000
   Police Officer--PI. and A.                       250,028         250,028
   Group Life Police Officer                          1,000           1,000
   Accidental Death--Police                             500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Employer Contributions                    $ 252,528       $ 252,528
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Police Officer Retirement
  Employer Contributions                          $ 252,528       $ 252,528
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Social Security Employer Contributions:
   Social Security State Employees                  $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Employer Contributions                      $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Social Security                              $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Workmen's Compensation Employer
   Workmen's Compensation Insurance--
    State Employees                                 $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Employer Contributions                      $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Workmen's Compensation                       $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Health Insurance Employer Contributions:
   Health Insurance--Retired
    State Employees                             $ 2,138,547     $ 2,138,547
   Health Insurance Retired
    Public School                                 4,381,461       4,381,461
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Employer Contributions                  $ 6,520,008     $ 6,520,008
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Health Insurance                         $ 6,520,008     $ 6,520,008
                                                ===========     ===========
 F. Unemployment Compensation Employer
   Unemployment Compensation
    Insurance State Employees                       $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Employer Contributions                      $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Unemployment Compensation                    $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Employer Contribution              $ 16,735,622    $ 16,735,622
                                                ===========     ===========
III. State Employee Compensation Plan
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Classified Increments                        $ 4,741,672     $ 4,741,672
   Unclassified Increments                        1,939,425       1,939,425
   Increments, Longevity                            100,000         100,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 6,781,097     $ 6,781,097
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employee Compensation
  Plan Increments                               $ 6,781,097     $ 6,781,097
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. State Employee Base Pay Increase:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Base Pay Increase                           $ 37,131,110    $ 37,131,110
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 37,131,110    $ 37,131,110
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employee Base
  Pay Increase                                 $ 37,131,110    $ 37,136,110
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                        $ 60,647,829    $ 60,647,829
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Budget and Control Board                 $ 98,600,638    $ 77,370,008
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                           (1156)           (643)
  Provided, That warrant requisitions for the disbursement of funds 
appropriated in this Section shall be approved by the respective division 
heads. Provided, Further, That the Civil Contingent Fund, appropriated in 
subsection 14A of this section shall be expended only upon Unanimous approval 
of the State Budget and Control Board, and upon warrant requisitions signed 
as directed by the State Budget and Control Board, to meet emergency and 
contingent expense of the State Government. Provided, Further, That none of 
the Civil Contingent Fund shall be used to increase the salary of any State 
  Provided, Further, That the State Budget and Control Board shall file with 
the South Carolina General Assembly a detailed report of all expenditures 
from the Civil Contingent Fund.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly that any 
agency of the State Government whose operations are covered by funds from 
other than General Fund Appropriations shall pay from such other sources a 
proportionate share of the employer costs of retirement, social security, 
workmen's compensation insurance, unemployment compensation insurance, health 
and other insurance, and any other employer contribution provided by the 
State for the agency's employees.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in 
subsection 14I of this Section as "State Employer Contributions," the State 
Treasurer and Comptroller General are hereby authorized and directed to 
transfer from the General Fund of the State to the proper Retirement System 
Accounts, month by month, during the fiscal year 1980-81, such funds as are 
necessary to comply with the terms of the Retirement Act as amended, as to 
contributions by the State of South Carolina to the Retirement System.
  Provided, Further, That no retired person under the Police Insurance and 
Annuity Fund shall receive less than one hundred dollars monthly.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in 
subsection 14I of this section as "Unemployment Compensation Insurance" to 
cover unemployment benefit claims paid to employees of the State Government 
who are entitled under Federal Law, the State Treasurer and the Comptroller 
General are hereby authorized and directed to pay from the General Fund of 
the State to the South Carolina Employment Security Commission such funds as 
are necessary to cover actual benefit claims paid during the fiscal year 
1980-81 which exceed the amounts appropriated for this purpose to the various 
agencies, departments and institutions subject to unemployment compensation 
claims. The Employment Security Commission shall certify quarterly to the 
Budget and Control Board the State's liability for such benefit claims 
actually paid to claimants who were employees of the State of South Carolina 
and entitled under Federal law. The amount so certified shall be remitted to 
the Employment Security Commission.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in 
subsection 14I of this Section as "Workmen's Compensation Insurance" to cover 
Workmen's Compensation benefit claims paid to employees of the State 
Government, who are entitled under State Law, the State Treasurer and the 
Comptroller General are hereby authorized and directed to pay from the 
General Fund of the State to the State Workmen's Compensation Fund such funds 
as are necessary to cover actual benefit claims paid during the fiscal year 
1980-81 which exceed the amounts appropriated for this purpose to the various 
agencies, departments, and institutions. The State Workmen's Compensation 
Fund shall certify quarterly to the Budget and Control Board the State's 
liability for such benefit claims actually paid to claimants who are 
employees of the State of South Carolina and entitled under State Law. The 
amount so certified shall be remitted to the State Workmen's Compensation 
  Provided, Further, That the amounts appropriated under sub- section 14I of 
this Section for "Health Insurance-State Employees" be applied by the Budget 
and Control Board to the cost of providing group health insurance for retired 
employees of the State and their eligible dependents in accord with such 
plans as may be determined by the Board to be equitable and of Maximum 
benefit to those covered.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
commencing July 1, 1980, the total health insurance premiums for all retired 
state employees and retired school employees who are currently enrolled in 
the state health insurance program shall be paid from state funds. The 
provisions of this section shall not apply to premiums of covered dependents 
of such retirees. All other retirees who elected not to participate in the 
program when they first became eligible will be allowed to enroll at the 
normal retiree open enrollment during January 1981, with an effective date of 
February 1, 1981, and be eligible for state paid benefits at that time.
  Provided, Further, That for all retired state employees qualifying for 
state health insurance, the State's contribution to such health insurance 
premium shall be the full premium cost for such insurance.
  Provided, Further, That the provision of group health, life, accidental 
death and dismemberment and disability insurance for active and retired 
employees of the state and the public school districts of South Carolina and 
their eligible dependents shall be in accord with such plans as may be 
determined by the Budget and Control Board to be equitable and of maximum 
benefit to those covered.
  It is the intent of the General Assembly that the amounts appropriated in 
this Act shall be applicable to uniform plans of insurance for all persons 
  Insurance contracts shall be entered into on the basis of competitive bids 
and shall extend for not more than three (3) years. To the extent considered 
desirable, the Board may employ outside consultant services to develop 
specifications, review bids and contracts for insurance, and may call upon 
the Department of Insurance for counsel and assistance in the administration 
of the program. 
  Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control Board shall set aside in a 
separate continuing account, appropriately identified, in the State Treasury 
all funds, state appropriated and other than general funds, received for 
actual health insurance premiums due.
  Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control Board may hire consultants 
or a management firm to assist in the administration of the unemployment 
compensation program for state employees and for that purpose may use funds 
appropriated or otherwise made available for unemployment payments. The 
Budget and Control Board is authorized to make such transfers as are 
necessary to accomplish this purpose.
  Provided, Further, That no department, agency or institution of State 
Government shall, except as otherwise provided by law, engage Certified 
Public Accountants or Public Accountants to perform audit assignments except 
upon the approval of the State Budget and Control Board. All auditors so 
engaged shall be under the supervision of the State Auditor.
  Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control Board shall continuously 
survey and evaluate data processing installations among the several 
departments, institutions and agencies of the State Government and shall 
require such consolidation and coordination of these systems as will, in its 
opinion promote efficient and economical operation. Provided, However, That 
no department, institution or agency of the State Government, whether using 
State appropriations or other funds, shall rent, purchase or lease any data 
processing equipment without prior approval of the State Budget and Control 
  Provided, Further, That no department, institution, or agency of the State 
Government shall contract in excess of $500 per year for consultant services 
for any purpose without prior approval of the State Budget and Control Board. 
However, consulting contracts between agencies of South Carolina State 
government shall not require such approval.
  Provided, Further, That parking facilities owned and/or controlled by 
agencies of the State Government shall be regulated as follows:
  (1) The State Budget and Control Board is directed to establish and collect 
a schedule of charges for the use of the parking facilities in the Capitol 
Complex and other individually assigned spaces in state-owned parking lots 
and facilities administered by the Budget and Control Board. Proceeds of such 
charges shall be deposited in the State General Fund.
  (2) Any agency or institution of the State Government owning or controlling 
parking facilities may, at its discretion, subject to approval of the Budget 
and Control Board, charge such rates as it may deem appropriate for the use 
of such facilities, and shall, except where such proceeds are pledged to the 
retirement of bonded indebtedness, deposit the proceeds to the credit of the 
General Fund of the State.
  (3) Any unauthorized motor vehicle parked in a reserved space on state-
owned or controlled property may be removed and the cost involved in removing 
and storing such vehicle shall be at the owner's expense.
  Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control Board, through the General 
Services Division is authorized to provide centralized purchasing for all 
state agencies and institutions except as may be exempt by the Board and is 
authorized to provide such other services for the benefit of the several 
departments and agencies of the state Government as will, in its opinion, 
promote efficient and economical operations, including among such services 
the operation of a centralized telephone system, and to charge departments 
and agencies for such services, the revenue from which shall be deposited in 
the State Treasury in a special account and expended only for the cost of 
providing such services. Provided, Further, That the General Services 
Division shall submit a quarterly report to the General Assembly showing 
details of all receipts and expenditures of all funds, other than 
appropriated and federal funds, which are collected or expended in the 
budgeted operations of the Division.
  Provided, Further, That prices offered in connection with contracts for 
purchases made by the State of South Carolina for any county, municipality, 
independent college, political subdivision, school district or agency of the 
State of South Carolina shall not be subject to fair trade contracts.
  Provided, Further. That the General Fund shall be reimbursed by the 
following sources and amounts to cover appropriations in this section:
  (a) General Services Division:
    (1) Insurance Reserve Fund $ 176,195
    (2) Surplus Property Revolving Fund 272,046
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 
"Development State Accounting System" may be carried forward and expended for 
the same purpose in 1980-81.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 "Central 
Personnel/Payroll System" may be carried forward and expended for the same 
purpose in 1980-81.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balances on June 30, 1980 of funds 
appropriated to the General Services Division for renovation, repairs or 
other permanent improvements to State-owned property, may be carried forward 
to the year 1980-81 and expended for the same purposes.
  Provided, Further, That any income derived by the Budget and Control Board 
from training programs for employees or from programs conducted under the 
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (Federal) shall be placed in 
separate, continuing accounts to be used as match for federal funds and for 
the development and conduct of additional such programs.
  Provided, Further, That all funds received by the South Carolina 
Cooperative Interagency Merit System from member agencies which exceed the 
total amount of expenditures for operating expenses within a fiscal year 
shall be returned to the member agencies on a prorated basis.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section under 
"South Carolina Protection and Advocacy System" shall be paid, upon approval 
of the Governing Board of the Protection and Advocacy System and the Budget 
and Control Board, to the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy System for 
the Handicapped, Inc.
  Provided, Further, That, notwithstanding any laws, rules, regulations or 
practices to the contrary, it is the intent of the General Assembly that 
where expenditures of state funds are reimbursed by federal or other funds, 
except those received by the South Carolina Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation, such reimbursements shall be returned to the General Fund of 
the State. The reimbursements referred to herein shall include, but shall not 
be limited to, those received under the provisions of the Federal Title XX 
program, various indirect and overhead cost recoveries and certain "earned" 
funds. State agencies receiving research and student loan indirect cost 
recoveries are exempt from this provision, but must report the intended use 
of these retained indirect cost recoveries to the Budget and Control Board 
and the Joint Appropriations Review Committee within 14 days following the 
receipt of the award. It is the further intent of the General Assembly that 
the Budget and Control Board shall continually monitor the activities of the 
various state agencies to insure that the wishes of the General Assembly are 
carried out.
  Provided, Further, That in providing in this Act for compensation of state 
employees, the General Assembly recognizes that a continuing minimum number 
of position vacancies among state agencies is inevitable and that the full 
amount appropriated for employee compensation will not likely be required. In 
order to provide for efficient administration and use of such appropriations, 
the Budget and Control Board is authorized to require such periodic reports 
from agencies as will reflect actual compensation requirements during the 
course of the year and to allot to agencies on a quarterly basis such amounts 
of appropriations for compensation as may be necessary to meet actual 
requirements only.
  Provided, Further, That the amounts appropriated to the Budget and Control 
Board, Employee Benefits Section, for "base pay increase" shall be allocated 
by the Board to the various state agencies to provide base pay increases for 
agency employees in accordance with the following plan:
  A. The State Budget and Control Board may develop and implement a revised 
classification and compensation plan for classified State positions provided 
that the minimum wage effective January 1, 1981, shall be no less than $3.35 
per hour.
  "B. Effective on the first pay period ending on or after July 1, 1980, the 
compensation of each State employee shall be increased by 7% unless 
prohibited by Paragraphs C through K of this plan.
  Provided, That the institutions of higher learning may, at their 
discretion, consider unclassified, academic employees as full-time staff 
members even though such employees only serve for a nine-month period. 
Provided, However, That such employees have been traditionally considered as 
full-time employees and that the funds for the base pay increment are 
available to the institution of higher learning within the amounts 
  C. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this plan, each classified 
employee shall be entitled to the base pay increases provided in Paragraph B 
or the minimum salary of his pay grade, whichever is greater.
  D. Constitutional Officers and agency heads whose salaries are specifically 
designated by this and other Acts shall not be entitled to the increase in 
Paragraph B of this plan.
  E. Employees other than Constitutional Officers and agency heads, whose 
salaries have been specifically increased in this Act, shall be entitled to 
the higher of the specific or the increases provided in Paragraph B of this 
  F. Salaries of classified employees shall not exceed the adjusted maximum 
pay scale as provided in Paragraph A. Base pay increases shall be granted to 
the extent that such increases may be applied within the maximum limit of the 
appropriate pay grade. This limitation shall not apply to longevity increases 
as provided in Section 18, Part II of Act 644, 1978.
  G. No appropriated funds may be used to increase that portion of any salary 
paid from other than appropriated State funds. However, the Budget and 
Control Board may authorize the use of appropriated State funds to grant base 
pay increases to those employees who are paid from Federal funds under the 
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) and who may not be entitled 
to an increase from Federal funds because of a maximum limitation if such 
increase is permitted under Federal laws and regulations.
  H. Solicitors shall not be entitled to the salary increases provided in 
this plan.
  I. No allocations will be made by the various agencies from the amounts 
appropriated to the agencies, for "general base pay increases 80-81 to 
provide base pay increases for temporary employees, whether full or part-
  J. No increase shall be granted under the provisions of Paragraph B of this 
plan which will have the effect of paying the employee more than the salary 
of his agency head less $500.
  Provided, That the Budget and Control Board may, by unanimous vote, waive 
this restriction. Provided, Further, That this restriction shall not apply to 
employees of constitutional officers whose salaries are fixed by the 
  K. Funds may be transferred by the agencies from the accounts designated as 
"general base pay increases 80-81" and "employer contribution-BPI" only 
during the last quarter of fiscal year 1980-81 and only after required 
reconciliation with and approval of the Budget and Control Board.
  L. With respect to the unclassified employees of the Universities, Colleges 
and the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education, the 
authorities of each agency are authorized to determine the total funds 
required for base pay increases, as set forth in paragraph B of this plan, 
for its unclassified Academic employees as a group and to allot such total 
among individual unclassified academic employees without uniformity. 
Provided, That all such salaries shall be subject to the provisions of 
Section 168 of Part I of this Act and that specific Budget and Control Board 
approval must be obtained before any unclassified employee may be granted an 
annual pay increase in excess of 12% from the combined sources of merit, and 
base pay increases.
  Provided, Further, That upon passage of the 1980-81 Appropriations and 
after the signature of the Governor, the Budget and Control Board shall have 
authority to direct each agency to transfer the category "New Positions" into 
the classified or unclassified Personal Service Accounts and corresponding 
employer contributions accounts.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance, not to exceed $249,665, on 
June 30, 1980, for automation of retirement records, may be carried forward 
into 198~81 and expended for the same purpose.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount shown in Program IV of Section 14 G, 
State Personnel Division, $22,184 is to be funded from the Insurance 
Continuing Account and of the amount shown in Program VIII B, $2,850 is to be 
funded from the Insurance Continuing Account and of the amount shown in 
Section 156A, Item 22, $975 is to be funded from the Insurance Continuing 
                                  SECTION 14A
                    State Employees Retirement Supplement
  Provided, That all retired members of the South Carolina Retirement System 
and the Police Officers Retirement System who qualify for a four percent cost 
of living increase in accordance with Sections 9-1-1810 and 9-11-310 of the 
1976 Code and under the regulations of the State Budget and Control Board 
shall be granted an additional cost of living increase of two percent to be 
paid from the monies appropriated under this section. The State Budget and 
Control Board is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the State 
Department of Education and the Police Officers Retirement System so much of 
these monies as is necessary to carry out the provisions of this proviso.
                                  SECTION 15
                        Commission on Higher Education
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 590)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 50,700        $ 50,700
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             252,563         252,563
                                                       (15)            (15)
   Unclassified Positions                           169,860         169,860
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Commission                              10,500           8,500
   Temporary Positions                                4,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 487,823       $ 481,623
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 126,396        $ 60,541
   Supplies                                          16,483          14,233
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   35,086          35,086
   Travel                                            18,340          12,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 196,305       $ 121,860
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 684,128       $ 603,483
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Service Programs:
  Special Items:
   S.C. Defense Scholarship Fund                  $ 144,370       $ 144,370
  Southern Regional Education Board:
   Fees and Assessments                              64,000          64,000
   Contract Programs                                601,250         601,250
   State Grants Program                              68,000          68,000
   Project Grants, Title I-A                        167,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 1,044,620       $ 877,620
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Service Programs                         $ 1,044,620       $ 877,620
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 6,224         $ 6,224
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,224         $ 6,224
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 6,224         $ 6,224
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 62,306        $ 61,874
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 62,306        $ 61,874
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 62,306        $ 61,874
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 68,530        $ 68,098
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Commission on Higher
 Education                                      $ 1,797,278     $ 1,549,201
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (20)            (20)
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in this section for 
"Contract Programs," whatever amount may be necessary and available may be 
used by the Commission to pay the contract student fees under the Southern 
Regional Compact Program for South Carolina residents enrolled in academic 
degree programs (leading to an associate or higher degree) not offered by a 
public institution in South Carolina, but which are offered by one or more 
accredited institutions in the United States.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section for "State 
Grants Program" shall be used to make grants to South Carolina residents (1) 
enrolled in an accredited institution in a program leading to an associate or 
higher degree, which program is not offered in this State, but is offered by 
some state-supported institution in the United States, or (2) enrolled in an 
accredited institution outside the State of South Carolina in the fields of 
Medicine, Chiropractics, Podiatry, Optometry or Dentistry; Provided, Further, 
That the amount awarded to any such student shall be limited to the lesser of 
$500 or one-third of the tuition and fees charged; Provided, Further, That 
when any such non-contract scholarship grant is approved by the Commission, 
the payment shall be made directly to the institution or school involved for 
the account of such student.
                                  SECTION 16
                  Higher Education Tuition Grants Committee
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 612)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 25,527        $ 25,527
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              57,233          57,233
                                                        (6)             (6)
   Per Diem                                           1,050           1,050
   Temporary Position                                 1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 84,810        $ 84,810
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 21,689        $ 13,681
   Supplies                                          11,650          11,650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   35,300          35,300
   Travel                                             3,990           3,990
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 72,629        $ 64,621
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 157,439       $ 149,431
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Grants Program:
  Special Items:
   Grants                                      $ 11,707,694    $ 10,834,659
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                          $ 11,707,694    $ 10,834,659
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Grants Program                          $ 11,707,694    $ 10,834,659
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        2,003           2,003
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,003         $ 2,003
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 2,003         $ 2,003
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 13,633        $ 13,633
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total State Employer Contributions               $ 13,633        $ 13,633
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Employee Benefits                           $ 15,636        $ 15,636
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Higher Education
 Tuition Grants                                $ 11,880,769    $ 10,999,726
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (7)             (7)
  Provided, That no student may be refused a tuition grant based on the fact 
that he or she did not apply for a grant in any particular year.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980, in the 
appropriation for "Tuition Grants" may be carried forward and expended for 
the same purposes in fiscal year 198~81.
  Provided, Further, That the maximum tuition grant shall not be increased 
above the amount allowable in 1979-80 in fiscal year 1980- 81 until all 
eligible applicants have been funded.
                                  SECTION 17
                                  The Citadel
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 624)
I. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 248,323       $ 192,233
                                                       (26)            (25)
  Unclassified Positions                          3,362,253       2,668,591
                                                      (159)           (158)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   7,700           6,160
   Other--Summer School Faculty                     249,900
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,868,176     $ 2,866,984
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 326,932       $ 298,824
   Supplies                                         154,455         134,923
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,635           4,494
   Travel                                             2,420           2,045
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 491,442       $ 440,286
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction                              $ 4,359,618     $ 3,307,270
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   $ 500        $       
   Temporary Positions                               16,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 16,500        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 17,100        $       
   Supplies                                          23,680
   Fixed charges and Contributions                      900
   Travel                                            30,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 71,680        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                    $ 88,180        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 35,857        $ 28,685
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 35,857        $ 28,685
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 46,800         $ 2,592
   Supplies                                          13,500           2,018
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      700             156
   Travel                                               500             130
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 61,500         $ 4,896
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service                              $ 97,357        $ 33,581
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library/Museum:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 124,148        $ 99,319
                                                       (13)            (13)
   Unclassified Positions                           115,868          92,694
                                                        (6)             (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   4,620           3,696
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 244,636       $ 195,709
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 13,477         $ 8,053
   Supplies                                          38,023          24,993
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    8,123           5,317
   Travel                                             1,500             691
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 61,123        $ 39,054
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Library/Museum                             $ 305,759       $ 234,763
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
   Classified Positions                            $ 39,217        $ 31,373
                                                        (3)             (3)
   Unclassified Positions                           102,142          81,714
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   1,000             800
   Temporary Positions                                5,975           4,780
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 148,334       $ 118,667
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 71,734        $ 61,583
   Supplies                                          36,135          30,425
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   11,350           8,074
   Travel                                            17,349           7,034
   Miscellaneous General Operations                   2,263
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 138,831       $ 107,116
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support                     $ 287,165       $ 225,783
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                            $ 592,924       $ 460,546
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 479,951       $ 383,959
                                                    (39.75)         (39.75)
   Unclassified Positions                            30,125          24,100
                                                    (21.75)         (21.75)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                      500             400
   Student Earnings                                  15,000          12,000
   Temporary Positions                                6,500           5,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 532,076       $ 425,659
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 103,328        $ 61,380
   Supplies                                          72,261          40,815
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   19,519          10,723
   Travel                                            29,180          10,423
   Purchase for Resale                                3,224           1,860
   Sales and Use Tax                                    669             328
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 228,181       $ 125,529
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services                           $ 760,257       $ 551,188
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 50,700        $ 50,700
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                           1,066,084         741,305
                                                       (85)         (77.75)
   Unclassified Positions                           110,600          83,680
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    2,000           1,428
   Student Earnings                                  10,891           7,774
   Temporary Positions                               21,000          14,990
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,261,275       $ 899,877
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 237,104       $ 199,646
   Supplies                                          84,202          66,538
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   81,025          59,844
   Travel                                            17,860          11,531
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 420,191       $ 337,559
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support                    $ 1,681,466     $ 1,237,436
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 970,223       $ 776,178
                                                       (91)            (90)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift differential                   10,000           8,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 980,223       $ 784,178
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 937,307       $ 816,649
   Supplies                                         237,415         191,717
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   61,813          53,889
   Travel                                             1,430             972
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,237,965     $ 1,063,227
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance                $ 2,218,188     $ 1,847,405
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 952,038      $         
   Unclassified Positions                           306,304
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                   10,000
   Student Earnings                                   7,507
   Temporary Positions                               76,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,351,849       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 1,056,500       $        
   Supplies                                       1,875,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   58,600
   Travel                                            40,000
   Purchase for Resale                            1,634,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 4,665,000       $        
  Debt Service:
   Principal                                        $ 5,000       $        
   Interest                                           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Debt Service                                $ 6,000       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                    $ 6,022,849       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      125,177          70,359
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 125,177        $ 70,359
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 125,177        $ 70,359
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,368,174       $ 804,339
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,368,174       $ 804,339
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions             $ 1,368,174       $ 804,339
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,493,351       $ 874,698
                                                ===========     ===========
Total The Citadel                              $ 17,314,190     $ 8,312,124
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                         (559.12)        (444.25)
  Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this section, the 
Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and authorized to adjust the 
amount so appropriated according to the following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the Budget and 
Control Board by October 1, 1980 the actual fall full-time equivalent student 
enrollment. This figure, as reported by the Commission on Higher Education, 
shall be utilized as the number of full-time equivalent students as used in 
paragraphs C and D, of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be determined by 
dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit hours being taken by 
students in undergraduate and first professional courses, Joy twelve for 
graduate courses at the master's level, and by nine for courses at the 
doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference between the 
number of full-time equivalent students so certified by the Commission on 
Higher Education and 2,778 the number upon which the amounts in this section 
is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified by the 
Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as indicated in 
paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall be either increased or 
decreased by an amount equal to the product of $3,011 multiplied by the 
increase or decrease in full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation 
for base pay increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an adjustment to 
the appropriation, the institution shall submit to the Budget and Control 
Board and to the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, no later than 
November 1, 1980, a revised budget reflecting the increase or decrease in 
appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1981, the State Auditor shall audit the computation of 
the full-time equivalent students of the institution and shall report his 
findings to the Budget and Control Board. If the number of full-time 
equivalent students has been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall 
require that the amount of funds  appropriated to the institution as a result 
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent students be 
returned to the General Fund either through a reduction of the appropriation 
or through a payment to the General Fund from fees of the institution
                                  SECTION 18
                 Clemson University (Educational and General)
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 663)
I. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,652,363     $ 1,180,054
                                                   (156.08)        (114.80)
   Unclassified Positions                        16,272,103      12,008,628
                                                   (538.91)        (399.06)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                     1,306,917         971,612
   Other--Summer Faculty                            863,773         605,491
   Other--Students                                  198,011          64,691
   Temporary Positions                               37,106          25,723
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 20,330,273    $ 14,856,199
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 2,344,373     $ 1,986,438
   Supplies                                         591,395         401,253
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  104,307          54,468
   Travel                                           327,345         206,799
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 3,367,420     $ 2,648,958
  Special Items:
   Trainee Stipends                                $ 40,673      $         
   Scholarships                                       4,264
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 44,937      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction                             $ 23,742,630    $ 17,505,157
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 369,702       $ 137,615
                                                    (40.89)         (10.23)
   Unclassified Positions                         1,150,070         556,802
                                                    (45.22)         (16.74)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                       561,254         160,490
   Other--Summer Faculty                            561,603         129,852
   Other--Students                                  163,866          38,459
   Temporary Positions                               36,298           5,111
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,842,793     $ 1,028,329
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 475,809       $ 141,616
   Supplies                                         308,036          72,875
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   26,855           6,679
   Travel                                           161,731          36,806
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 972,431       $ 257,976
  Special Items:
   Library Books and Films                            $ 107       $        
   Trainee Stipends                                     525
   Scholarships                                       1,575
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 2,207       $        
  Permanent Improvements:
   Improvements to Existing Buildings               $ 4,726       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                      $ 4,726       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                 $ 3,822,157     $ 1,286,305
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 827,578       $ 149,509
                                                    (99.32)         (13.76)
   Unclassified Positions                           692,331         294,862
                                                    (23.92)          (9.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                        20,911           2,835
   Other--Summer Faculty                            142,378          66,202
   Other--Students                                  106,135          54,540
   Temporary Positions                               57,962           8,812
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,847,295       $ 576,760
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 504,411       $ 298,491
   Supplies                                         354,928         135,792
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   63,998          39,302
  Public Service:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   25,879          16,247
   Travel                                           107,366          55,397
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,056,582       $ 545,229
  Special Items:
   Scholarships                                    $ 15,736         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 15,736         $      
  Permanent Improvements:
   Improvements to Existing Buildings               $ 1,407         $      
   Nonstructural Improvements                         3,970
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                      $ 5,377         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service                           $ 2,924,990     $ 1,121,989
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Libraries:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 526,877       $ 396,293
                                                    (56.52)         (42.68)
   Unclassified Positions                           418,735         316,137
                                                       (19)         (14.35)
  Other Personal Services:
   Other--Students                                   46,218          31,709
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 991,830       $ 744,139
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 145,608       $ 109,931
   Supplies                                          33,719          25,457
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   15,133          11,425
   Travel                                             3,710           2,801
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 198,170       $ 149,614
  Special Items:
   Library Books and Films                        $ 771,220       $ 533,254
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 771,220       $ 533,254
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Libraries                                $ 1,961,220     $ 1,427,007
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Academic Support--Other:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,424,548     $ 1,071,480
                                                   (112.26)         (84.77)
   Unclassified Positions                           889,307         668,893
                                                    (24.14)         (18.15)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                        62,674          32,047
   Other--Summer Faculty                             12,810           9,347
   Other--Students                                   83,248          43,194
   Temporary Positions                               52,851          39,901
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,525,438     $ 1,864,862
  Special Items:
   Library Books and Films                          $ 6,429            $ 89
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 6,429            $ 89
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support--Other                  $ 2,531,867     $ 1,864,951
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                          $ 4,493,087     $ 3,291,958
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,259,523       $ 947,355
                                                   (104.97)         (79.26)
   Unclassified Positions                           211,844         159,938
                                                     (8.79)          (6.64)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                         2,432           1,836
   Other--Summer Faculty                              2,808           2,120
   Other--Students                                  313,836         233,157
   Temporary Positions                                6,038           4,558
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,796,481     $ 1,348,964
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 548,361       $ 414,000
   Supplies                                         192,932         145,659
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   79,165          57,502
   Travel                                           125,494          94,745
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 945,952       $ 711,906
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services                         $ 2,742,433     $ 2,060,870
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 62,360        $ 62,360
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Classified Positions                            3,799,443       2,856,368
                                                   (273.35)        (206.40)
  Unclassified Positions                            410,213         295,158
                                                    (11.26)          (8.50)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                        84,840          64,052
   Other--Summer Faculty                                298             225
   Other--Students                                  114,309          82,087
   Temporary Positions                               72,524          54,754
  Total Personal Service                        $ 4,543,987     $ 3,415,004
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 641,843       $ 413,696
   Supplies                                         159,310         120,267
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  234,318         176,883
   Travel                                           107,700          80,934
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,143,171       $ 791,780
 Total Institutional Support                    $ 5,687,158     $ 4,206,784
VII. Oper. and Maine., Physical Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 3,717,620     $ 2,796,223
                                                   (365.79)        (276.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Students                                   35,113          26,509
   Temporary Positions                               77,799          58,737
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,830,532     $ 2,881,469
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 1,575,065     $ 1,164,617
   Supplies                                         361,281         245,270
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  129,071          97,446
   Travel                                             6,525           4,926
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 2,071,942     $ 1,512,259
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Oper. and Maine. of Plant                $ 5,902,474     $ 4,393,728
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Scholarships and Fellowships:
  Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                             $ 60,000      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 60,000      $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 997      $         
   Supplies                                           2,065
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,503
   Travel                                             3,489
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 9,054      $         
  Special Items:
   Scholarships                                 $ 1,196,426      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 1,196,426      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Scholarships and Fellowships             $ 1,265,480      $         
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,268,566      $         
   Unclassified Positions                           875,074
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Graduate Assistants                         2,600
   Other--Summer Faculty                              1,087
   Other--Students                                  193,786
   Temporary Positions                               78,819
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,419,932       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 5,450,795       $        
   Supplies                                         837,566
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  453,479
   Travel                                           533,620
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 7,275,460       $        
  Special Items:
   Library Books and Films                            $ 371       $        
   Purchases for Resale                           2,080,672
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                           $ 2,081,043       $        
  Permanent Improvements:
   Nonstructural Improvements                       $ 9,771       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                      $ 9,771       $        
  Debt Service:
   Principal                                    $ 1,250,117       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Debt Service                            $ 1,250,117       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                   $ 14,036,323       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Services:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 490,117       $ 360,786
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Salary Increments                           490,117         360,786
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 6,003,360     $ 3,807,520
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 6,003,360     $ 3,807,520
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions             $ 6,003,360     $ 3,807,520
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 6,493,477     $ 4,168,306
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Clemson University
 (Educational and General)                     $ 71,110,209    $ 38,035,097
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                        (2143.76)       (1302.34)
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations contained in this section, 
$91,00() shall be contingent upon the Clemson University receiving and 
remitting to the General Fund indirect and/or over-head cost recoveries of a 
like amount. If the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries are less than 
the foregoing amount, the appropriations provided in this section shall be 
reduced by the difference between the foregoing amount and the amount 
actually collected and remitted to the General Fund. However, nothing 
contained herein shall be construed as authorizing additional appropriations 
should the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries exceed $91,000.
  Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this section, the 
Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and authorized to adjust the 
amount so appropriated according to the following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the Budget and 
Control Board by October 1, 1980 the actual fall full-time equivalent student 
enrollment. This figure, as reported by the Commission on Higher Education, 
shall be utilized as the number of full-time equivalent students as used in 
paragraphs C and D, of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be determined by 
dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit hours being taken by 
students in undergraduate and first professional courses, by twelve for 
graduate courses at the master's level, and by nine for courses at the 
doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference between the 
number of full-time equivalent students so certified by the Commission on 
Higher Education and 11,056 the number upon which the amounts in this section 
is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified by the 
Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as indicated in 
paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall be either increased or 
decreased by an amount equal to the product of $3,440 multiplied by the 
increase or decrease in full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation 
for base pay increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an adjustment to 
the appropriation, the institution shall submit to the Budget and Control 
Board and to the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, no later than 
November 1, 1980, a revised budget reflecting the increase or decrease in 
appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1981, the State Auditor shall audit the computation of 
the full-time equivalent students of the institution and shall report his 
findings to the Budget and Control Board. If the number of full-time 
equivalent students has been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall 
require that the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result 
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent students be 
returned to the General Fund either through a reduction of the appropriation 
or through a payment to the General Fund from fees of the institution.
                                  SECTION 19
                            College of Charleston
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 720)
I. Instruction:
 A. Instruction, General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 502,241       $ 386,726
                                                       (46)            (46)
   Unclassified Positions                         4,064,108       3,129,363
                                                      (200)           (200)
  Other Personal Service:
   Evening School Faculty                           225,000         168,930
   Summer School Faculty                            240,000
   Part-Time Faculty                                 80,000          60,064
   Student Earnings                                 180,000         135,144
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 5,291,349     $ 3,880,227
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 699,274       $ 608,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  195,900         150,686
   Supplies                                          84,700          65,150
   Travel                                            40,000          30,768
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,019,874       $ 854,804
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction, General                     $ 6,311,223     $ 4,735,031
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Instruction, Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,170     $          
   Unclassified Positions                           156,457
  Other Personal Service:
   Part-Time Faculty                                255,000
   Student Earnings                                  45,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 481,627     $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 224,700     $          
   Supplies                                         174,166
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,300
   Travel                                            95,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 499,166      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction, Restricted                    $ 980,793      $         
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                               $ 7,292,016     $ 4,735,031
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
 A. Research, General
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                          $ 20,000        $ 15,400
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   1,500           1,126
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 21,500        $ 16,526
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,490         $ 4,224
   Supplies                                           4,750           3,654
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      100              77
   Travel                                             5,000           3,846
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 15,340        $ 11,801
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research, General                           $ 36,840        $ 28,327
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Research, Restricted.
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 10,000        $       
   Temporary Positions                               20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 30,000        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 12,700        $       
   Supplies                                          10,000
   Travel                                             1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 23,700        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research, Restricted                        $ 53,700        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Research                                     $ 90,540        $ 28,327
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 184,561       $ 142,112
                                                       (19)            (19)
   Unclassified Positions                           226,856         174,679
                                                       (13)            (13)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  14,750          11,074
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 426,167       $ 327,865
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 33,750        $ 25,961
   Supplies                                           9,950           7,653
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      900             692
   Travel                                             1,200             923
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 45,800          35,229
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support, Library                  $ 471,967       $ 363,094
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 22,787        $ 17,546
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Unclassified Positions                            88,680          68,284
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   1,400           1,051
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 112,867        $ 86,881
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 29,450        $ 22,653
   Supplies                                           5,300           4,077
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      200             154
   Travel                                             3,000           2,308
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 37,950        $ 29,192
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support                     $ 150,817       $ 116,073
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                            $ 622,784       $ 479,167
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 407,241       $ 313,576
                                                       (33)            (33)
   Unclassified Positions                           166,977         128,572
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Services:
   Student Earnings                                  18,500          13,890
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 592,718       $ 456,038
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 73,000        $ 56,153
   Supplies                                          23,500          18,076
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,750           3,653
   Travel                                            10,000           7,692
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 111,250        $ 85,574
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services, General                  $ 703,968       $ 541,612
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Institutional Support: 
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 50,700        $ 50,700
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                           1,094,111         841,423
                                                      (100)           (100)
  Unclassified Positions                            238,660         183,768
                                                        (8)             (8)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  68,000          51,054
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,451,471     $ 1,126,945
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 124,900        $ 96,073
   Supplies                                          93,400          71,843
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,250           4,038
   Travel                                            16,000          12,307
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 239,550       $ 184,261
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support                    $ 1,691,021     $ 1,311,206
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,051,809       $ 904,541
                                                      (128)           (128)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    8,000           6,100
   Student Earnings                                  16,500          12,388
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,076,309       $ 923,029
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 921,130       $ 678,815
   Supplies                                         247,873         212,923
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   61,100          52,485
   Travel                                             1,200           1,031
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,231,303       $ 945,254
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant                                      $ 2,307,612     $ 1,868,283
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 446,510       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    7,000
   Student Earnings                                  95,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 548,510       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 586,840       $        
   Supplies                                       1,221,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  186,700
   Travel                                            56,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 2,050,540       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Services                       $ 2,599,050       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 122,921       $ 107,740
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Salary Increments                         $ 122,921       $ 107,740
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,518,051     $ 1,108,285
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,518,051     $ 1,108,285
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                 $ 1,518,051     $ 1,108,285
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,640,972     $ 1,216,025
                                                ===========     ===========
                                                ===========     ===========
Total College of Charleston                    $ 16,947,963    $ 10,179,651
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (626)           (561)
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations contained in this section, 
$19,500 shall be contingent upon the College of Charleston receiving and 
remitting to the General Fund indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries of a 
like amount. If the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries are less than 
the foregoing amount, the appropriations provided in this section shall be 
reduced by the difference between the foregoing amount and the amount 
actually collected and remitted to the General Fund. However, nothing 
contained herein shall be construed as authorizing additional appropriations 
should the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries exceed $19,500.
  Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this section, the 
Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and authorized to adjust the 
amount so appropriated according to the following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the Budget and 
Control Board by October 1, 1980 the actual fall full-time equivalent student 
enrollment. This figure, as reported by the Commission on Higher Education, 
shall be utilized as the number of full-time equivalent students as used in 
paragraphs C and D, of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be determined by 
dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit hours being taken by 
students in undergraduate and first professional courses, by twelve for 
graduate courses at the master's level, and by nine for courses at the 
doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference between the 
number of full-time equivalent students so certified by the Commission on 
Higher Education and 4,055 the number upon which the amounts in this section 
is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified by the 
Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as indicated in 
paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall be either increased or 
decreased by an amount equal to the product of $2,532 multiplied by the 
increase or decrease in full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation 
for base pay increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an adjustment to 
the appropriation, the institution shall submit to the Budget and Control 
Board and to the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, no later than 
November 1, 1980, a revised budget reflecting the increase or decrease in 
appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1981, the State Auditor shall audit the computation of 
the full-time equivalent students of the institution and shall report his 
findings to the Budget and Control Board. If the number of full-time 
equivalent students has been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall 
require that the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result 
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent students be 
returned to the General Fund either through a reduction of the appropriation 
or through a payment to the General Fund from fees of the institution.
  Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year 1980-81, student revenue 
designated as "tuition" may be used for general operating purposes of The 
College of Charleston. It is the intent of the General Assembly that Fiscal 
Year 1980-81 shall be the last year that tuition may be retained by the 
college for general operating purposes.
                                  SECTION 20
                            Francis Marion College
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 754)
I. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 105,276        $ 83,259
                                                       (11)            (11)
  New Position:
   Secretary I                                        6,960           6,960
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Unclassified Positions                          1,805,825       1,417,287
                                                       (73)         (72.25)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  14,010          11,107
   Temporary Positions                               62,408          45,187
   Summer School                                    240,000         190,261
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,234,479     $ 1,754,061
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 197,941       $ 171,844
   Supplies                                          44,667          29,643
   Travel                                            23,595          12,363
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 266,203       $ 213,850
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction                              $ 2,500,682     $ 1,967,911
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 17,742        $ 14,065
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Unclassified Positions                            27,750          21,999
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                     440             349
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 45,932        $ 36,413
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,200        $       
   Supplies                                           1,000             793
   Travel                                               875             694
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 4,075         $ 1,487
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                    $ 50,007        $ 37,900
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                              $ 7,500         $ 5,946
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 7,500         $ 5,946
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 15,400        $ 11,708
   Supplies                                           3,000           2,378
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 18,400        $ 14,086
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service                              $ 25,900        $ 20,032
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 101,655        $ 80,588
                                                       (13)            (13)
   Unclassified Positions                           142,575         113,027
                                                        (8)             (8)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   6,500           5,153
   Temporary Positions                                  800             634
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 251,530       $ 199,402
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 30,892        $ 23,490
   Supplies                                          10,000           7,928
   Travel                                             1,000             793
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 41,892        $ 32,211
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Library                                    $ 293,422       $ 231,613
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 65,560        $ 51,973
                                                     (6.97)          (6.97)
   Unclassified Positions                            78,350          62,112
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   5,460           4,328
   Temporary Positions                                1,100             872
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 150,470       $ 119,285
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 42,200        $ 32,905
   Supplies                                          16,500          13,080
   Travel                                             4,600           3,647
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 63,300        $ 49,632
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support                     $ 213,770       $ 168,917
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Library and Other
 Academic Support                                 $ 507,192       $ 400,530
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 185,255       $ 146,862
                                                       (19)            (19)
   Unclassified Positions                           202,875         160,830
                                                       (11)            (11)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  26,545          21,044
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 414,675       $ 328,736
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 106,842        $ 83,700
   Supplies                                          39,930          31,155
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   10,960           8,189
   Travel                                            27,185          21,551
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 184,917       $ 144,595
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services                           $ 599,592       $ 473,331
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 50,700        $ 50,700
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             432,454         341,891
                                                    (36.12)         (36.12)
   Unclassified Positions                           107,800          85,459
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  10,235           8,114
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 601,189       $ 486,164
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 155,020       $ 122,893
   Supplies                                          73,377          58,170
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   20,040          15,887
   Travel                                            11,445           9,073
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 259,882       $ 206,023
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support                      $ 861,071       $ 692,187
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 496,430       $ 392,619
                                                       (54)            (54)
  New Positions:
   Custodial Worker II                               20,851          20,851
                                                        (3)             (3)
   Maintenance Mechanic                              11,629          11,629
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    2,000           1,586
   Student Earnings                                  17,085          13,544
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 547,995       $ 440,229
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 702,068       $ 557,822
   Supplies                                         131,650         105,817
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   65,000          51,529
   Travel                                             1,000             793
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 899,718       $ 715,961
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant                                      $ 1,447,713     $ 1,156,190
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprise.
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 32,502         $      
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                1,200
   Student Earnings                                   1,104
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 34,806         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  $ 4,200         $      
   Travel                                               400
   Purchase for Resale                              326,208
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 330,808         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprise                       $ 365,614         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79 80                     $ 51,595        $ 48,610
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 51,595        $ 48,610
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 51,595        $ 48,610
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 688,346       $ 539,402
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 688,346       $ 539,402
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 688,346       $ 539,402
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 739,941       $ 588,012
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Francis Marion College                    $ 7,097,712     $ 5,336,093
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                         (251.09)        (247.34)
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations contained in this section, 
$2,176 shall be contingent upon Francis Marion College receiving and 
remitting to the General Fund indirect and/or over-head cost recoveries of a 
like amount. If the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries are less than 
the foregoing amount, the appropriations provided in this section shall be 
reduced by the difference between the foregoing amount and the amount 
actually collected and remitted to the General Fund. However, nothing 
contained herein shall be construed as authorizing additional appropriations 
should the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries exceed $2,176.
  Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this section, the 
Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and authorized to adjust the 
amount so appropriated according to the following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the Budget and 
Control Board by October 1, 1980 the actual fall full-time equivalent student 
enrollment. this figure, as reported by the Commission on Higher Education, 
shall be utilized as the number of full-time equivalent students as used in 
paragraphs C and D of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be determined by 
dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit hours being taken by 
students in undergraduate and first professional courses, by twelve for 
graduate courses at thee master's level, and by nine for courses at the 
doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference between the 
number of full-time equivalent students so certified by the Commission on 
Higher Education and 2,079 the number upon which the amounts in this section 
is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified by the 
Commission on Higher Education, differ from the number as indicated in 
paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall be either increased or 
decreased by an amount equal to the product of $2,692 multiplied by the 
increase or decrease in full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation 
for base pay increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon the Budget and Control Board of an adjustment to 
the appropriation, the institution shall submit to the Budget and Control 
Board and to the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, no later than 
November 1, 1980, a revised budget reflecting the increase or decrease in 
appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1981, the State Auditor shall audit the computation of 
the full-time equivalent students of the institution and shall report his 
findings to the Budget and Control Board. If the number of full-time 
equivalent students has been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall 
require that the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result 
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent students be 
returned to the General Fund either through a reduction of the appropriation 
or through a payment to the General Fund from fees of the institution.
  Provided, That for the fiscal year 1980-81, student revenue designated as 
"tuition" may be used for general operating purposes of Francis Marion 
College and shall not be applied in accord with the provisions of Title 59, 
Chapter 107, Code of Laws of 1976, relating to the issuance of State 
Institution Bonds. It is the intent of the General Assembly that Fiscal Year 
1980-81 shall be the last year that tuition may be retained by the College 
for general operating purposes.
  Provided, Further, That the Board of Trustees of Francis Marion College, 
with the approval of the Budget and Control Board is authorized to sell the 
present home of the college president in the City of Florence, the proceeds 
of such sale to be applied to the construction or renovation of a residence 
for the president on the college campus. The costs of such construction or 
renovation shall not exceed the amount of $200,000.00. Any unused portion of 
these funds, upon completion of construction or renovation of the president's 
home, shall revert to the general fund.
                                  SECTION 21
                                Lander College
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 784)
I. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 108,693        $ 59,623
                                                        (9)             (8)
   Unclassified Positions                         1,713,038       1,314,453
                                                       (89)            (88)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 158,513          63,768
   Temporary Positions                               39,052          13,457
   Summer School Salaries                           121,000          96,449
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,140,296     $ 1,547,750
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 178,059       $ 144,861
   Supplies                                          94,875          22,879
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   10,575           8,427
   Travel                                            28,130          10,938
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 311,639       $ 187,105
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction                              $ 2,451,935     $ 1,734,855
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                             $ 30,000       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 30,000       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,050       $        
   Supplies                                           4,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,000
   Travel                                             4,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 15,050       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                    $ 45,050       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 61,491        $ 49,193
                                                        (6)             (6)
   Unclassified Positions                            62,597          50,078
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  15,104           4,540
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 139,192       $ 103,811
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,300         $ 5,020
   Supplies                                           7,571           6,034
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,200           1,753
   Travel                                               700             558
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 16,771        $ 13,365
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps, Films                      $ 60,000        $ 44,626
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 60,000        $ 44,626
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Library                                    $ 215,963       $ 161,802
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,051        $ 20,180
                                                        (3)             (3)
   Unclassified Positions                            38,827          16,899
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   2,868             413
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 66,746        $ 37,492
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,482         $ 8,714
   Supplies                                          17,050          13,586
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,350           1,872
   Travel                                             3,000             797
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 38,882        $ 24,969
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support                     $ 105,628        $ 62,461
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                            $ 321,591       $ 224,263
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 230,731       $ 160,956
                                                       (17)            (16)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  39,298          15,807
   Temporary Positions                                7,500           5,431
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 277,529       $ 182,194
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 83,800        $ 32,469
   Supplies                                          23,900          11,517
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   23,040             530
   Travel                                            17,000           6,145
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 147,740        $ 50,661
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services                           $ 425,269       $ 232,855
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 50,700        $ 50,700
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             510,721         372,078
                                                       (43)            (43)
   Unclassified Positions                           131,518         103,975
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           1,500           1,196
   Student Earnings                                  16,941           6,314
   Temporary Positions                                4,000           3,190
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 715,380       $ 537,453
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 131,900        $ 98,659
   Supplies                                          44,400          34,499
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   37,006          29,490
   Travel                                             9,500           5,758
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 222,806       $ 168,406
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support                      $ 938,186       $ 705,859
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 420,237       $ 335,281
                                                       (45)            (45)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   2,574             765
   Temporary Positions                               10,000           7,978
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 432,811       $ 344,024
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 61,283        $ 25,462
   Supplies                                           2,750           2,191
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   51,677          41,181
   Travel                                             1,612           1,285
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 117,322        $ 70,119
  Permanent Improvements:
   Improvement--Existing Buildings                    $ 812        $       
   Ground Development                                   609
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                      $ 1,421        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant                                        $ 551,554       $ 414,143
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 71,228       $        
   Unclassified Positions                            22,700
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  43,591
   Temporary Positions                               12,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 149,519       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 721,051       $        
   Supplies                                          19,150
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   59,301
   Travel                                            25,000
   Purchase for Resale                              208,750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,033,252       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                    $ 1,182,771       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 42,104        $ 37,688
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 42,104        $ 37,688
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 42,104        $ 37,688
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 579,090       $ 409,987
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 579,090       $ 409,987
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 579,090       $ 409,987
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 621,194       $ 447,675
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Lander College                            $ 6,537,550     $ 3,759,650
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (229)           (219)
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations contained in this section, 
$2,745 shall be contingent upon Lander College receiving and remitting to the 
General Fund indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries of a like amount. If 
the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries are less than the foregoing 
amount, the appropriations provided in this section shall be reduced by the 
difference between the foregoing amount and the amount actually collected and 
remitted to the General Fund. However, nothing contained herein shall be 
construed as authorizing additional appropriations should the indirect and/or 
overhead cost recoveries exceed $2,745.
  Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this section, the 
Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and authorized to adjust the 
amount so appropriated according to the following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the Budget and 
Control Board by October 1, 1980 the actual fall full-time equivalent student 
enrollment. This figure, as reported by the Commission on Higher Education, 
shall be utilized as the number of full-time equivalent students as used in 
paragraphs C and D of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be determined by 
dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit hours being taken by 
students in undergraduate and first professional courses, by twelve for 
graduate courses at thee master's level, and by nine for courses at the 
doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference between the 
number of full-time equivalent students so certified by the Commission on 
Higher Education and 1,500 the number upon which the amounts in this section 
is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified by the 
Commission on Higher education, differs from the number as indicated in 
paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall be either increased or 
decreased by an amount equal to the product of $2,507 multiplied by the 
increase or decrease in full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation 
for base pay increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an adjustment to 
the appropriation, the institution shall submit to the Budget and Control 
Board and to the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, no later than 
November 1, 1980, a revised budget reflecting the increase or decrease in 
appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1981, the State Auditor shall audit the computation of 
the full-time equivalent students of the institution and shall report his 
findings to the Budget and Control Board. If the number of full-time 
equivalent students has been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall 
require that the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result 
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent students be 
returned to the General Fund either through a reduction of the appropriation 
or through a payment to the General Fund from fees of the institution.
  Provided, That for the fiscal year 1980-81, student revenue designated as 
"tuition" may be used for general operating purposes of Lander College. It is 
the intent of the General Assembly that Fiscal Year 1980-81 shall be the last 
year that tuition may be retained by the college for general operating 
                                  SECTION 22
                              S. C. State College
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 814)
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 363,729       $ 359,349
                                                       (43)            (43)
   Unclassified Positions                         4,049,354       3,883,768
                                                      (212)           (211)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               47,000          13,129
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 4,460,083     $ 4,256,246
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 380,033       $ 337,389
   Supplies                                         108,218          83,142
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,434           4,044
   Travel                                            61,781          51,970
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 556,466       $ 476,545
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                     $ 5,016,549     $ 4,732,791
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 48,596       $        
   Unclassified Positions                            41,688
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer School Positions                          327,206
   Temporary Position                                32,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 450,090       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 75,731       $        
   Supplies                                          93,245
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,075
   Travel                                           169,845
   In-Service Training                              142,587
   Scholarships                                     114,673
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 601,156       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction Restricted                   $ 1,051,246       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                               $ 6,067,795     $ 4,732,791
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research--Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 183,727       $        
   Unclassified Positions                           164,921
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               80,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 428,648       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 21,292       $        
   Supplies                                          91,504
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      754
   Travel                                            22,548
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 136,098       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research-Restricted                        $ 564,746       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Public Service General
  Personal Service
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                             $ 14,000        $ 14,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 14,000        $ 14,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,200         $ 2,200
   Supplies                                           5,300           5,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,000           1,000
   Travel                                             2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 10,500        $ 10,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service--General                     $ 24,500        $ 24,500
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Public Service--Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 380,645        $       
   Unclassified Positions                           123,981
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 504,626        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 54,425        $       
   Supplies                                          53,075
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,000
   Travel                                            80,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 192,500        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service--Restricted                 $ 697,126        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Service                              $ 721,626        $ 24,500
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Libraries--General
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions                            $ 54,253        $ 54,253
                                                        (6)             (6)
   Unclassified Positions                           152,814         152,814
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 207,067       $ 207,067
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 18,179        $ 10,825
   Supplies                                           9,379           5,889
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      130              81
   Travel                                             2,646           1,661
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 30,334        $ 18,456
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Libraries--General                         $ 237,401       $ 225,523
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  Other Academic Support--General:
 1. Felt on Laboratory School:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 32,326        $ 32,326
                                                        (5)             (5)
   Unclassified Positions                           350,939         195,939
                                                       (25)            (25)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 385,265       $ 230,265
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,799         $ 1,869
   Supplies                                           6,503           4,085
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      661             415
   Travel                                               384             241
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 11,347         $ 6,610
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Felton Laboratory School                   $ 396,612       $ 236,875
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Instructional Media Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 30,281        $ 30,281
                                                        (3)             (3)
   Unclassified Positions                            39,520          39,520
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 69,801        $ 69,801
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,896           $ 805
   Supplies                                           4,973           3,125
   Travel                                               242             152
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      202             126
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,313         $ 4,208
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instructional Media Center                  $ 77,114        $ 74,009
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Other Academic Support                      $ 473,726       $ 310,884
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                            $ 711,127       $ 536,407
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. Student Services--General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 556,192       $ 516,085
                                                       (46)            (46)
   Unclassified Positions                            84,491          84,491
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Services:
   Student Earnings                                 122,000         120,397
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 762,683       $ 720,973
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 14,342         $ 8,012
   Supplies                                          37,964          23,843
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,530           3,473
   Travel                                             4,438           2,787
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 62,274        $ 38,115
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services General                   $ 824,957       $ 759,088
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Student Services--Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions                              $ 8,000       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 8,000       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 83,169       $        
   Supplies                                          10,438
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,977
   Travel                                            10,103
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 105,687       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services Restricted                $ 113,687       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 938,644       $ 759,088
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 50,700        $ 50,700
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             925,145         925,145
                                                       (75)            (75)
   Unclassified Positions                           154,601         154,601
                                                        (6)             (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    3,250           3,100
   Student Earning                                   13,779          13,779
   Temporary Positions                                5,425           5,400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,152,900     $ 1,152,725
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 31,069        $ 27,553
   Supplies                                          42,716          31,832
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  170,230         164,109
   Travel                                             5,144           3,230
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 249,159       $ 226,724
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support                    $ 1,402,059     $ 1,379,449
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 890,468       $ 890,468
                                                      (105)           (105)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    8,450
   Temporary Positions                                5,392
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 904,310       $ 890,468
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 699,672       $ 689,316
   Supplies                                         283,872         271,758
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   38,162          33,969
   Travel                                               575             361
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,022,281       $ 995,404
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant                                      $ 1,926,591     $ 1,885,872
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 809,852       $        
   Unclassified Positions                           182,725
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    2,500
   Student Earnings                                 235,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,230,077       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 763,461       $        
   Supplies                                         197,370
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   30,319
   Travel                                           125,495
   Purchase for Resale                            1,977,254
   Scholarships                                     385,295
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 3,479,194       $        
  Debt Service:
   Principal                                       $ 40,000       $        
   Interest                                         105,825
   Service Charge                                       105
                                                -----------     -----------
   Debt Service                                   $ 145,930       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Auxiliary Enterprises                   $ 4,855,201       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 123,583        $ 85,503
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 123,583        $ 85,503
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 123,583        $ 85,503
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,709,576     $ 1,230,249
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,709,576     $ 1,230,249
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions             $ 1,709,576     $ 1,230,249
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,833,159     $ 1,315,752
                                                ===========     ===========
Total South Carolina
 State College                                 $ 19,020,948    $ 10,633,859
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (727)           (539)
  Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this section, the 
Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and authorized to adjust the 
amount so appropriated according to the following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the Budget and 
Control Board by October 1, 1980 the actual fall full-time equivalent student 
enrollment. This figure, as reported by the Commission on Higher Education, 
shall be utilized as the number of full-time equivalent students as used in 
paragraphs C and D of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be determined by 
dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit hours being taken by 
students in the undergraduate and first professional courses by twelve for 
graduate courses at the master's level, and by nine for courses at the 
doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference between the 
number of full-time equivalent students so certified by the Commission on 
Higher Education and 3,267 the number upon which the amounts in this section 
is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified by the 
Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as indicated in 
paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall be either increased or 
decreased by an amount equal to the product of $3,302 multiplied by the 
increase or decrease in full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation 
for base pay increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an adjustment to 
the appropriation, the institution shall submit to the Budget and Control 
Board and to the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, no later than 
November 1, 1980, a revised budget reflecting the increase or decrease in 
appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1981, the State Auditor shall audit the computation of 
the full-time equivalent students of the institution and shall report his 
findings to the Budget and Control Board. If the number of full-time 
equivalent students has been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall 
require that the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result 
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent students be 
returned to the General Fund either through a reduction of the appropriation 
or through a payment to the General Fund from fees of the institution.
                                  SECTION 23
                         University of South Carolina
                    (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 862)
Columbia Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. Regular:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 3,519,967     $ 2,851,173
                                                   (341.83)        (279.45)
   Unclassified Positions                        27,479,293      22,533,020
                                                   (945.53)        (770.84)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    6,300           6,300
   Summer Faculty                                 2,420,000       1,386,373
   Student Earnings                               3,522,412       2,888,277
   Other-Temporary Help                           1,378,000       1,129,960
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 38,325,972    $ 30,795,103
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 2,982,241     $ 2,924,075
   Supplies                                       1,271,400       1,196,133
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  361,500         340,099
   Travel                                           499,000         469,459
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 5,114,141     $ 4,929,766
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction-Regular-
  General                                      $ 43,440,113    $ 35,724,869
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 223,353       $        
   Unclassified Positions                           377,085
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                    11,219
   Student Earnings                                 211,106
   Other-Temporary Help                              82,138
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 904,901       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 239,558       $        
   Supplies                                         206,628
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   24,590
   Travel                                            59,774
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 530,550       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction-Regular-
  Restricted                                    $ 1,435,451       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction-Regular                      $ 44,875,564    $ 35,724,869
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Medical School:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 962,569       $ 934,744
                                                    (97.75)         (80.15)
  New Positions:
   Library Tech. Assistant                           20,802          20,802
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Assistant Animal Caretaker
    Supervisor                                       12,107          12,107
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Specialist I                             13,575          13,575
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Lab. Instrument Specialist                        15,226          15,226
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Administrative Assistant II                       15,226          15,226
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Micro Biologist II                                15,822          15,822
                                                        (1)             (1)
   System Analyst III                                20,632          20,632
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Unclassified Positions                         2,191,331       2,125,982
                                                    (56.40)         (45.89)
  New Positions:
   Associate Professors                             288,110         288,110
                                                        (5)             (5)
   Professors                                       172,866         172,866
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    1,000             973
   Student Earnings                                 168,275         166,928
   Other-Temporary Help                              39,200          38,669
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,936,741     $ 3,841,662
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 937,937       $ 927,807
   Supplies                                         464,132         441,702
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  213,118         208,840
   Travel                                           146,350         144,160
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,761,537     $ 1,722,509
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                  $ 164,206       $ 160,379
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 164,206       $ 160,379
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Medical School - General                 $ 5,862,484     $ 5,724,550
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                       $ 2,338,594       $        
  New Positions:
   Assistant Professor                              230,488
   Associate Professor                              250,180
   Other--Temporary Help                             52,204
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,871,466       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Medical School - Restricted              $ 2,871,466       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Medical School                            $ 8,733,950     $ 5,724,550
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                              $ 53,609,514    $ 41,449,419
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 442,583       $ 345,461
                                                    (37.70)         (30.90)
   Unclassified Positions                           614,563         503,941
                                                    (23.60)         (19.30)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                     8,900           7,298
   Student Earnings                                 196,000         160,720
   Other - Temporary Help                            74,000          60,680
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,336,046     $ 1,078,100
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 98,600        $ 92,761
   Supplies                                         116,100         109,224
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   56,700          53,342
   Travel                                            57,500          54,096
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 328,900       $ 309,423
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research - General                       $ 1,664,946     $ 1,387,523
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,187,607       $        
   Unclassified Positions                           919,127
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    7,118
   Summer Faculty                                    62,329
   Student Earnings                               1,170,956
   Other - Temporary Help                           352,994
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,700,131       $        
  Other Operating Expense:
   Contractual Services                           $ 442,835       $        
   Supplies                                         549,344
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   43,363
   Travel                                           385,876
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,421,418       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research--Restricted                     $ 5,121,549       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Research                                  $ 6,786,495     $ 1,387,523
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 775,746      $         
   Unclassified Positions                           783,490
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    3,529
   Summer Faculty                                    11,904
   Student Earnings                                 551,873
   Other--Temporary Help                            665,634
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,792,176      $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 665,097      $         
   Supplies                                         446,562
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  394,746
   Travel                                           200,509
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,706,914      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service                           $ 4,499,090      $         
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,017,640       $ 834,464
                                                      (108)         (88.56)
   Unclassified Positions                           936,375         765,483
                                                       (53)         (43.46)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 150,000         123,000
   Other--Temporary Help                              2,900           2,378
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,106,915     $ 1,725,325
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 26,000        $ 24,460
   Supplies                                          30,000          28,223
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   17,500          16,464
   Travel                                            16,200          15,241
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 89,700        $ 84,388
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support
  Library--General                              $ 2,196,615     $ 1,809,713
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 9,504       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  83,660
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 93,164       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,991       $        
   Supplies                                          14,464
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   65,214
   Travel                                               178
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 85,847       $        
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                   $ 26,044       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 26,044       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support
  Library--Restricted                             $ 205,055       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library                 $ 2,401,670     $ 1,809,713
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,158,730       $ 950,159
                                                    (83.88)         (68.90)
   Unclassified Positions                           126,001         103,007
                                                     (4.06)          (3.33)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    4,673           4,673
   Summer Faculty                                     6,405           6,405
   Student Earnings                                  80,325          80,325
   Other--Temporary Help                             91,350          91,350
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,467,484     $ 1,235,919
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 296,100       $ 278,572
   Supplies                                          61,200          57,575
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  219,700         206,694
   Travel                                            37,600          35,374
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 614,600       $ 578,215
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -General                                      $ 2,082,084     $ 1,814,134
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 13,000       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                       73
   Student Earnings                                  55,544
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 68,617       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 456       $        
   Supplies                                           7,531
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      131
   Travel                                             8,759
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 16,877        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic
  Support--Restricted                              $ 85,494        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Other Academic Support                    $ 2,167,578     $ 1,814,134
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support-
 -Library and Other                             $ 4,569,248     $ 3,623,847
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,032,343     $ 1,666,522
                                                   (169.61)        (139.07)
   Unclassified Positions                           343,395         343,395
                                                    (13.75)         (11.28)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    5,800           5,800
   Student Earnings                                 494,000         494,000
   Other--Temporary Help                            125,400         125,400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,000,938     $ 2,635,117
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 159,000       $ 149,587
   Supplies                                         188,100         176,965
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   27,200          25,590
   Travel                                            54,000          50,803
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 428,300       $ 402,945
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--General                $ 3,429,238     $ 3,038,062
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 48,828       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                      680
   Student Earnings                                 323,747
   Other--Temporary Help                                826
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 374,081       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 35,331       $        
   Supplies                                          47,904
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   22,565
   Travel                                             7,477
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 113,277       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services Restricted                $ 487,358       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 118,416       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 108,074
   Other--Temporary Help                             27,102
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 253,592       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 282,102       $        
   Supplies                                         114,339
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  108,251
   Travel                                            67,969
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 572,661       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services-
  -Designated                                     $ 826,253       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                          $ 4,742,849     $ 3,038,062
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   President                                       $ 62,360        $ 62,360
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                           5,951,000       4,879,820
                                                   (469.65)        (385.07)
   Unclassified Positions                           469,844         469,844
                                                    (12.50)         (10.25)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           7,000           7,000
   Overtime and Shift Differential                   24,465          24,465
   Student Earnings                                 106,710         106,710
   Other--Temporary Help                            170,625         170,625
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 6,792,004     $ 5,720,824
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 523,200       $ 504,067
   Supplies                                         515,000         484,511
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  416,900         392,220
   Travel                                            54,000          50,803
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,509,100     $ 1,431,601
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -General                                      $ 8,301,104     $ 7,152,425
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 271,628       $        
   Unclassified Positions                            26,683
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 103,473
   Other--Temporary Help                             40,390
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 442,174       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 158,419       $        
   Supplies                                          96,152
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   11,424
   Travel                                            32,651
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 298,646       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -Restricted                                     $ 740,820       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                     $ 9,041,924     $ 7,152,425
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 5,549,037     $ 5,333,419
                                                   (601.50)        (493.23)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                   60,000          60,000
   Student Earnings                                  47,000          47,000
   Other--Temporary Help                            284,000         284,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 5,940,037     $ 5,724,419
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 5,436,643     $ 2,538,041
   Supplies                                         643,582         528,352
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  237,800         167,556
   Travel                                            60,800          57,201
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 6,378,825     $ 3,291,150
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant--
  General                                      $ 12,318,862     $ 9,015,569
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 27,957       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    2,906
   Student Earnings                                  74,638
   Other--Temporary Help                            104,801
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 210,302       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 14,740       $        
   Supplies                                          88,029
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,223
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 103,992       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant--Restricted                            $ 314,294       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Operation and Maintenance
 of Plant                                      $ 12,633,156     $ 9,015,569
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,904,518       $        
   Unclassified Positions                           852,076
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                   24,456
   Student Earnings                                 228,432
   Other--Temporary Help                            204,862
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 4,214,344       $        
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations            $ 12,035,341       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                          $ 12,035,341       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                   $ 16,249,685       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 697,376       $ 542,644
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 697,376       $ 542,644
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 697,376       $ 542,644
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                $ 10,421,106     $ 7,457,481
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                        $ 10,421,106     $ 7,457,481
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                $ 10,421,106     $ 7,457,481
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                        $ 11,118,482     $ 8,000,125
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Columbia Campus                         $ 123,250,443    $ 73,666,970
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                        (3788.12)       (2486.68)
Aiken Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 78,114        $ 57,695
                                                       (10)             (8)
   Unclassified Positions                         1,465,495       1,170,661
                                                    (65.54)         (52.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                   131,153         118,340
   Student Earnings                                  17,200          13,739
   Other--Temporary Help                            140,400         111,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,832,362     $ 1,471,435
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 126,029       $ 113,056
   Supplies                                          56,424          40,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,333
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 185,786       $ 153,056
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction-General                      $ 2,018,148     $ 1,624,491
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions                             $ 8,602       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  33,401
   Other--Temporary Help                             10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 52,003       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,902       $        
   Supplies                                           9,783
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,713
   Travel                                             5,573
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 20,971       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--Restricted                     $ 72,974       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                               $ 2,091,122     $ 1,624,491
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research
 A. Restricted:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                           $ 668       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                      $ 668       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research--Restricted                           $ 668       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Research                                        $ 668       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 42,526        $       
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                             39,812
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 82,338        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 9,792        $       
   Supplies                                           4,721
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      190
   Travel                                               336
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 15,039        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service--Restricted                  $ 97,377        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Service                               $ 97,377        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 47,800        $ 38,181
                                                        (6)          (4.80)
   Unclassified Positions                            67,378          53,823
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   2,500           1,997
   Other--Temporary Help                              4,200           3,355
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 121,878        $ 97,356
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,816        $       
   Supplies                                          10,638
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      206
   Travel                                               944
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 13,604        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support
  Library--General                                $ 135,482        $ 97,356
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 4,939        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,939        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                    $ 6,889        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 6,889        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support
  Library--Restricted                              $ 11,828        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library                  $ 147,310         $ 97,356
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 41,339        $ 33,022
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
   Unclassified Positions                            42,026          33,570
                                                     (1.25)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              1,400           1,118
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 84,765        $ 67,710
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 58,145        $       
   Supplies                                          10,437
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,402
   Travel                                             1,518
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 77,502        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic
  Support--General                                $ 162,267        $ 67,710
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 9,697        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 9,697        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total other Academic
  Support--Restricted                               $ 9,697        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Other Academic Support                      $ 171,964        $ 67,710
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support-
 -Library and Other                               $ 319,274       $ 165,066
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 193,870       $ 154,864
                                                    (18.50)         (14.80)
   Unclassified Positions                            87,100          69,575
                                                     (4.19)          (3.35)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                     2,400           1,917
   Student Earnings                                  47,600          38,040
   Other--Temporary Help                              2,300           1,837
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 333,270       $ 266,233
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 56,398        $       
   Supplies                                          10,923
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      715
   Travel                                             4,638
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 72,674        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--General                  $ 405,944       $ 266,233
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 43,654       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 43,654       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--Restricted                $ 43,654       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              $ 321       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 321       $        
  Other Operating expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 19,544       $        
   Supplies                                          13,925
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,724
   Travel                                             5,801
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 43,994       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--Designated                $ 44,315       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 493,913       $ 266,233
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 228,857       $ 182,811
                                                    (23.42)         (18.74)
   Unclassified Positions                            66,932          54,466
                                                     (2.25)          (1.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              5,500           4,431
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 301,289       $ 241,708
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 60,958        $ 40,000
   Supplies                                          46,434          35,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   18,984
   Travel                                             2,662
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 129,038        $ 75,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-General              $ 430,327       $ 316,708
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 4,311       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,311       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,167       $        
   Supplies                                           6,751
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 9,918       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -Restricted                                      $ 14,229       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                       $ 444,556       $ 316,708
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operations and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 236,690       $ 189,068
                                                       (30)            (24)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              1,500           1,198
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 238,190       $ 190,266
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 236,557       $ 207,908
   Supplies                                          28,972          15,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       55
   Travel                                                65
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 265,649       $ 222,908
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maint. of
  Plant--General                                  $ 503,839       $ 413,174
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              $ 182         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 182         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 53,747         $      
   Supplies                                             367
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   11,114
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 65,228         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maint of Plant--
  Restricted                                       $ 65,410         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Operations and Maine. of Plant              $ 569,249       $ 413,174
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprise:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 40,109       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 40,109       $        
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations               $ 243,495       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 243,495       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                      $ 283,604       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits: 
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 32,711        $ 25,453
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 32,711        $ 25,453
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 32,711        $ 25,453
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 440,494       $ 418,469
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 440,494       $ 418,469
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 440,494       $ 418,469
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 473,205       $ 443,922
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Aiken Campus                              $ 4,772,968     $ 3,229,594
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                         (178.84)        (135.29)
U S C--Coastal Carolina Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 121,326        $ 95,773
                                                       (133         (10.40)
   Unclassified Positions                         1,856,034       1,482,600
                                                    (77.83)         (62.26)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                   155,500         131,601
   Student Earnings                                  44,100          35,227
   Other--Temporary Help                            118,000          94,258
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Services                       $ 2,294,960     $ 1,839,459
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 219,832       $ 197,975
   Supplies                                          35,087
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,450
   Travel                                            22,071
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 293,440       $ 197,975
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                     $ 2,588,400     $ 2,037,434
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                           $ 35,218        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 35,218        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 506        $       
   Supplies                                           4,864
   Travel                                             3,242
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,612        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--Restricted                     $ 43,830        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                               $ 2,632,230     $ 2,037,434
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
 A. Restricted:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                                $ 91        $       
   Supplies                                             288
   Travel                                            1,338 
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,717        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                     $ 1,717        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                            $ 6,308        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,308        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,728        $       
   Supplies                                           1,452
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       12
   Travel                                             1,863
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 6,055        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service                              $ 12,363        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 42,357        $ 33,835
                                                        (5)             (4)
   Unclassified Positions                            55,434          44,281
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   5,700           4,553
   Other--Temporary Help                              2,000           1,598
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 105,491        $ 84,267
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 41,209        $       
   Supplies                                           4,890
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,934
   Travel                                               398
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 49,431        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                   $ 57,688        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 57,688        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support-
  -Library General                                $ 212,610        $ 84,267
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 4,227        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,227        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                    $ 4,726        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 4,726        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support-
  -Library--Restricted                              $ 8,953        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library                   $ 221,563        $ 84,267
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 34,720        $ 27,734
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
   Unclassified Positions                           105,770          84,489
                                                     (3.82)          (3.05)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  25,300          20,210
   Other--Temporary Help                              8,100           6,470
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 173,890       $ 138,903
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 55,698        $ 40,000
   Supplies                                          46,672          30,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   47,897          24,084
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 150,267        $ 94,084
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-General             $ 324,157       $ 232,987
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 17,580       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 17,580       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  Restricted                                       $ 17,580       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Other Academic Support                      $ 341,737       $ 232,987
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                            $ 563,300       $ 317,254
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 231,936       $ 185,271
                                                    (19.77)         (15.82)
   Unclassified Positions                            32,541          25,994
                                                     (1.75)          (1.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  18,700          14,938
   Other-Temporary Help                               4,200           3,355
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 287,377       $ 229,558
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 38,328       $        
   Supplies                                           6,793
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,885
   Travel                                             7,494
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 55,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services General                   $ 342,877       $ 229,558
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 13,825       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 13,825       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services Restricted                 $ 13,825       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 47,348       $        
   Supplies                                          31,577
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   13,027
   Travel                                            39,578
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 131,530       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services-Designated                $ 131,530       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 488,232       $ 229,558
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 169,999       $ 135,795
                                                       (15)            (12)
   Unclassified Positions                            97,573          77,941
                                                        (3)          (2.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   6,800           5,432
   Other--Temporary Help                              1,100             879
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 275,472       $ 220,047
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 96,715        $ 80,000
   Supplies                                          53,837          12,840
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,239
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 159,791        $ 92,840
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-General              $ 435,263       $ 312,887
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 5,028       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,028       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                                $ 33       $        
   Supplies                                             801
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      122
   Travel                                            37,424
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 38,380       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-Restricted            $ 43,408       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                       $ 478,671       $ 312,887
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operations and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 160,063       $ 127,858
                                                       (20)            (16)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                       30              30
   Student Earnings                                  21,800          17,414
   Other--Temporary Help                              2,300           1,837
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 184,193       $ 147,139
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 463,976       $ 401,268
   Supplies                                          66,390
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   15,082
   Travel                                               323
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 545,771       $ 401,268
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operations and Maine. of
  Plants-General                                  $ 729,964       $ 548,407
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 16,091       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 16,091       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operations and Maine.
  of Plant--Restricted                             $ 16,091       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Operations and Maintenance
 of Plant                                         $ 746,055       $ 548,407
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 21,836       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Other-Temporary Help                               4,017
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 25,853       $        
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations               $ 215,802       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 215,802       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                      $ 241,655       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Employee Benefits:                         Total Funds     General Funds
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments Continued 79-80                      $ 40,612        $ 31,601
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 40,612        $ 31,601
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 40,612        $ 31,601
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 474,147       $ 468,627
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 474,147       $ 468,627
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 474,147       $ 468,627
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 514,759       $ 500,228
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Coastal Carolina Campus                   $ 5,678,982     $ 3,945,768
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                         (169.17)        (133.73)
U.S.C.--Spartanburg Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 96,395        $ 69,027
                                                       (10)             (8)
   Unclassified Positions                         1,984,555       1,582,140
                                                    (92.14)         (73.70)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                   185,104         146,039
   Student Earnings                                  38,500          38,145
   Other-Temporary Help                              93,000          70,116
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,397,554     $ 1,905,467
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 162,675       $ 162,175
   Supplies                                          41,500          30,000
   Travel                                             1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 205,175       $ 192,175
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                     $ 2,602,729     $ 2,097,642
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 12,388      $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  32,509
   Other--Temporary Help                             23,151
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 68,048      $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 20,421      $         
   Supplies                                          17,741
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,261
   Travel                                             8,379
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 50,802      $         
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--Restricted                    $ 118,850      $         
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                               $ 2,721,579     $ 2,097,642
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                         $ 2,095       $        
   Travel                                               283
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,378       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                     $ 2,378       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:                          Total Funds     General Funds
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                          $ 18,533        $ 14,804
                                                        (1)           (.80)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 18,533        $ 14,804
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service-General                      $ 18,533        $ 14,804
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 153,225        $       
   Unclassified Positions                            98,391
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  14,426
   Other-Temporary Help                              24,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 290,042        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 7,483        $       
   Supplies                                          27,532
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,180
   Travel                                             8,211
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 44,406        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service-Restricted                  $ 334,448        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Service                              $ 352,981        $ 14,804
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 66,935        $ 53,468
                                                        (6)          (4.79)
   Unclassified Positions                            90,991          72,684
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  10,700           8,547
   Other-Temporary Help                               6,900           5,512
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 175,526       $ 140,211
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 45,000        $ 35,000
   Supplies                                           2,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      800
   Travel                                               500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 48,300        $ 35,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support Library-
  General                                         $ 223,826       $ 175,211
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 10,532       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 10,532       $        
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                    $ 4,714       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 4,714       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support Library-
  Restricted                                       $ 15,246       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support-Library                    $ 239,072       $ 175,211
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 29,574        $ 23,624
                                                     (4.09)          (3.28)
   Unclassified Positions                            60,576          48,388
                                                        (3)          (2.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other-Temporary Help                              25,500          20,366
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 115,650        $ 92,378
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 43,300        $ 40,000
   Supplies                                           3,000           1,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   14,000          14,000
   Travel                                               300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 60,600        $ 55,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -General                                        $ 176,250       $ 147,378
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 2,316       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,316       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Restricted                                   $ 2,316       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Other Academic Support                      $ 178,566       $ 147,378
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support-
 -Library and Other                               $ 417,638       $ 322,589
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 213,736       $ 170,734
                                                    (19.50)         (15.60)
   Unclassified Positions                           151,012         120,629
                                                     (7.75)          (6.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  20,567          16,428
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 385,315       $ 307,791
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 45,490        $ 40,000
   Supplies                                           5,000
   Fixed charges and Contributions                    5,300
   Travel                                             2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 57,790        $ 40,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services-General                   $ 443,105       $ 347,791
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 27,818       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 27,818       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--Restricted                $ 27,818       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 1,977       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  2,000 
   Other--Temporary Help                                996
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,973       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 27,415       $        
   Supplies                                          31,326
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   10,821
   Travel                                             8,327
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 77,889       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services-
  -Designated                                      $ 82,862       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 553,785       $ 347,791
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 288,937       $ 230,572
                                                       (28)         (22.40)
   Unclassified Positions                           174,113         139,081
                                                        (7)          (5.60)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  25,000          19,970
   Other--Temporary Help                             35,204          28,120
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 523,254       $ 417,743
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 180,000       $        
   Supplies                                          35,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   58,200
   Travel                                             2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 275,200       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -General                                        $ 798,454       $ 417,743
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 39,621       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 39,621
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,500       $        
   Supplies                                          15,727
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      964
   Travel                                                54
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating expenses                   $ 18,245       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -Restricted                                      $ 57,866       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                       $ 856,320       $ 417,743
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 242,449       $ 193,668
                                                       (26)         (20.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                  13,700          10,944
   Other--Temporary Help                             29,000          23,166
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 285,149       $ 227,778
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 355,739       $ 330,739
   Supplies                                          31,000          25,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   34,000             523
   Travel                                               500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 421,239       $ 356,262
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance of
  Plant--General                                  $ 706,388       $ 584,040
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 8,613       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 8,613       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant--Restricted                              $ 8,613       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Operation and Maintenance
 of Plant:                                        $ 715,001       $ 584,040
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 35,379       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   6,262
   Other--Temporary Help                              6,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 48,141       $        
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations               $ 299,758       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 299,758       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                      $ 347,899       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                       44,096          34,312
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 44,096        $ 34,312
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 44,096        $ 34,312
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 614,038       $ 567,249
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 614,038       $ 567,249
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 614,038       $ 567,249
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 658,134       $ 601,561
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Spartanburg Campus                        $ 6,625,715     $ 4,386,170
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                         (236.24)        (166.77)
SUBSECTION 23E: USC--Beaufort Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 18,644        $ 14,893
                                                        (2)          (1.60)
   Unclassified Positions                           264,481         211,267
                                                    (13.08)         (10.45)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                      500             500
   Summer Faculty                                    32,556          26,006
   Student Earnings                                   3,150           2,516
   Other--Temporary Help                             82,600          66,438
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 401,931       $ 321,620
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 69,738        $ 55,738
   Supplies                                          15,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      700
   Travel                                             9,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 94,438        $ 55,738
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                       $ 496,369       $ 377,358
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 2,879       $        
   Other--Temporary Help                            $ 3,216       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,095
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 422
   Supplies                                              90
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      688
   Travel                                                48
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,248       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--Restricted                      $ 7,343       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                                 $ 503,712       $ 377,358
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   $ 911       $        
   Other--Temporary Help                              2,987
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,898       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Service                                $ 254       $        
   Supplies                                             521
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                      $ 775       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research--Restricted                         $ 4,673       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Research                                      $ 4,673       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 16,900        $ 13,499
                                                        (3)          (2.40)
   Unclassified Positions                            16,732          13,366
                                                        (1)           (.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   3,500           2,796
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 37,132        $ 29,661
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 17,300        $       
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,800
   Travel                                               500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 20,600        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                   $ 25,000        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 25,000        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Library--General                            $ 82,732        $ 29,661
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 2,099        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,099        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                    $ 4,726        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 4,726        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support--
  Library--Restricted                               $ 6,825        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library                    $ 89,557        $ 29,661
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                           $ 2,256         $ 1,802
                                                      (.10)           (.08)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,256         $ 1,802
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 22,000         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 22,000         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -General                                         $ 24,256         $ 1,802
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support                            $ 113,813        $ 31,463
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 32,906        $ 26,286
                                                     (3.30)          (2.64)
   Unclassified Positions                            16,384          13,088
                                                      (.86)           (.69)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                      550             550
   Student Earnings                                   5,250           4,194
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 55,090        $ 44,118
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 12,200        $       
   Supplies                                           3,750
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,000
   Travel                                             1,550
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 19,500        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services-General                    $ 74,590        $ 44,118
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 3,229        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,229        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services Restricted                  $ 3,229        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other Temporary Help                               $ 121        $       
  Total Personal Service                              $ 121        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 10,615        $       
   Supplies                                           7,024
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,181
   Travel                                               549
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 22,369        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Service-Designated                  $ 22,490        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 100,309        $ 44,118
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,008        $ 19,976
                                                     (2.20)          (1.76)
   Unclassified Positions                            37,551          29,996
                                                     (1.70)          (1.36)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                      500             500
   Student Earnings                                   5,250           4,194
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 68,309        $ 54,666
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 13,652        $       
   Supplies                                           2,250
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,700
   Travel                                             2,800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 22,402        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-General               $ 90,711        $ 54,666
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 1,168        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,168        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,059        $       
   Supplies                                           4,198
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      343
   Travel                                                12
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,612        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -Restricted                                       $ 6,780        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                        $ 97,491        $ 54,666
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              $ 500           $ 399
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 500           $ 399
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 71,707        $ 32,085
   Supplies                                          14,300           8,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 86,807        $ 40,085
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maint. of
  Plant--General                                   $ 87,307        $ 40,484
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Operation and Maintenance 
 of Plant                                          $ 87,307        $ 40,484
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        5,438           4,231
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,438         $ 4,231
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 5,438         $ 4,231
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions: 
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 75,443        $ 73,285
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 75,443        $ 73,285
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 75,443        $ 73,285
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 80,881        $ 77,516
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Beaufort Campus                             $ 988,186       $ 625,605
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                          (27.24)         (21.78)
U. S. C.--Lancaster Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 10,683         $ 8,534
                                                        (1)           (.80)
   Unclassified Positions                           374,332         299,014
                                                    (17.94)         (14.35)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                    46,100          40,495
   Student Earnings                                   9,900           8,436
   Other--Temporary Help                             39,800          35,433
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 480,815       $ 391,912
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 124,846       $ 103,843
   Supplies                                          18,500           2,382
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,500           2,125
   Travel                                             7,300           5,296
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 167,146       $ 113,646
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                       $ 647,961       $ 505,558
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 28,274       $        
   Other--Temporary Help                              1,344
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 29,618       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 917       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                      $ 917       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--Restricted                     $ 30,535       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Instruction                                 $ 678,496       $ 505,558
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 65,947       $        
   Student Earnings                                   8,622
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 74,569       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,706       $        
   Supplies                                          16,106
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,804
   Travel                                             2,955
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 27,571       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service--Restricted                 $ 102,140       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Service                              $ 102,140       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 17,323        $ 13,837
                                                        (2)          (1.60)
   Unclassified Positions                            13,184          10,531
                                                        (1)           (.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                     600             479
   Other--Temporary Help                              2,750           2,197
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 33,857        $ 27,044
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Service                             $ 29,459        $ 18,794
   Supplies                                             350              45
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,500             322
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 32,309        $ 19,161
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                   $ 31,373        $ 19,040
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 31,373        $ 19,040
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support
  Library-General                                  $ 97,539        $ 65,245
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 1,712        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,712        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                    $ 5,020        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 5,020        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support Library-
  -Restricted                                       $ 6,732        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library                   $ 104,271        $ 65,245
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                          $ 48,769        $ 38,957
                                                        (2)          (1.60)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                     500             399
   Other--Temporary Help                              5,600           4,473
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 54,869        $ 43,829
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 25,000        $ 25,000
   Supplies                                           3,000           3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 28,000        $ 28,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -General                                         $ 82,869        $ 71,829
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 1,318        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,318        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -Restricted                                       $ 1,318        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Other Academic Support                       $ 84,187        $ 71,829
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support-
 -Library and Other                               $ 188,458       $ 137,074
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 25,660        $ 20,497
                                                     (1.86)          (1.49)
   Unclassified Positions                            49,208          39,308
                                                     (2.25)          (1.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   7,000           5,592
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 81,868        $ 65,397
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 73,537        $ 45,569
   Supplies                                          11,700           4,120
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 85,237        $ 49,689
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--General                  $ 167,105       $ 115,086
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 19,992       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 19,992       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Service-Restricted                  $ 19,992       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              $ 853       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 853       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 7,205       $        
   Supplies                                           9,621
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,038
   Travel                                               730
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 20,594       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Service-Designated                  $ 21,447       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 208,544       $ 115,086
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 21,940        $ 17,525
                                                        (2)          (1.60)
   Unclassified Positions                            47,507          37,949
                                                        (2)          (1.60)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                     400             320
   Other--Temporary Help                                300             240
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 70,147        $ 56,034
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 41,279         $ 5,316
   Supplies                                           3,500             451
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 44,779         $ 5,767
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -General                                        $ 114,926        $ 61,801
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 2,326        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,326        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                           $ 256        $       
   Travel                                             5,015
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,271        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support
   - Restricted                                     $ 7,597        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                       $ 122,523        $ 61,801
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 33,472        $ 26,737
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                                450             359
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 33,922        $ 27,096
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 189,135       $ 123,895
   Supplies                                          24,850          16,268
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   15,671          15,671
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 229,656       $ 155,834
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and
  Maintenance Plant                               $ 263,578       $ 182,930
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 14,077       $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   2,142
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 16,219       $        
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations                $ 72,510       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 72,510       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                       $ 88,729       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 12,065         $ 9,388
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 12,065         $ 9,388
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 12,065         $ 9,388
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 124,419       $ 110,183
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 124,419       $ 110,183
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 124,419       $ 110,183
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 136,484       $ 119,571
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Lancaster Campus                          $ 1,788,952     $ 1,122,020
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                          (44.05)         (28.84)
USC--Salkehatchie Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 15,924         $ 7,688
                                                        (2)             (1)
   Unclassified Positions                           216,217         172,535
                                                    (11.63)          (9.30)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                    22,955          18,336
   Student Earnings                                   7,000           5,592
   Other--Temporary Help                             45,816          38,841
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 307,912       $ 242,992
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 30,086        $ 30,086
   Supplies                                          12,130           1,248
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,940           2,177
   Travel                                            23,264          19,824
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 75,420        $ 53,335
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                       $ 383,332       $ 296,327
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 19,521       $        
   Other--Temporary Help                              9,724
                                                -----------     -----------
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 621       $        
   Supplies                                           1,255
   Travel                                                61
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,937       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--Restricted                     $ 31,182       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
Total Instruction                                 $ 414,514       $ 296,327
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
 A. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   $ 300       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 300       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                       $ 300       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 91,396       $        
   Unclassified Positions                             8,184
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 99,580       $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 298       $        
   Supplies                                          15,878
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       91
   Travel                                               573
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 16,840       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Public Service--Restricted                 $ 116,420       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Service                              $ 116,420       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 8,825         $ 7,049
                                                        (1)           (.80)
   Unclassified Positions                            15,954          12,744
                                                        (1)           (.80)
   Student Earnings                                   4,000           3,155
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 28,779        $ 22,948
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 18,394        $ 10,188
   Supplies                                           2,699              60
   Travel                                             1,588              35
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 22,681        $ 10,283
  Special Items:
   Library Books and Periodicals                   $ 20,100           $ 450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 20,100           $ 450
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support Library-
  -General                                         $ 71,560        $ 33,681
                                                ===========     ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 13,361        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 13,361        $       
  Special Items:
   Library Books                                    $ 5,150        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 5,150        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Academic Support
  Library--Restricted                              $ 18,511        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library                    $ 90,071        $ 33,681
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Other Academic Support: 
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 23,766        $ 18,984
                                                     (2.03)          (1.62)
   Unclassified Positions                            11,047           8,824
                                                      (.45)           (.36)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 34,813        $ 27,808
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,495            $ 99
   Supplies                                           6,669             147
   Travel                                             4,764             106
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 15,928           $ 352
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Other Academic Support                      $ 50,741        $ 28,160
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Academic Support--Library
 and Other                                        $ 140,812        $ 61,841
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 28,163        $ 22,497
                                                     (2.63)          (2.10)
   Unclassified Positions                             7,475           5,971
                                                      (.50)           (.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                   5,500           4,393
   Other--Temporary Help                              1,200             959
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 42,338        $ 33,820
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 12,993         $ 5,000
   Supplies                                           2,382
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,176           1,000
   Travel                                             4,764
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 24,315         $ 6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services-General                    $ 66,653        $ 39,820
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                $ 18,895        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 18,895        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services Restricted                 $ 18,895        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Designated:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              $ 184        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 184        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 18,141        $       
   Supplies                                          17,432
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,942
   Travel                                               161
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expend                     $ 38,676        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Student Services--Designated                $ 38,860
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Student Services                            $ 124,408        $ 39,820
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 36,523        $ 29,174
                                                     (3.14)          (3.11)
   Unclassified Positions                            20,978          16,757
                                                     (1.05)           (.84)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 57,501        $ 45,931
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 41,667        $ 31,946
   Supplies                                           3,905           2,042
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,858           4,064
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 52,430        $ 38,052
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -General                                        $ 109,931        $ 83,983
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Other--Temporary Help                              $ 337        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 337        $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 387        $       
   Supplies                                           6,143
   Travel                                                35
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 6,565        $       
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -Restricted                                       $ 6,902        $       
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Institutional Support                       $ 116,833        $ 83,983
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 37,781        $ 30,179
                                                        (4)          (3.20)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 37,781        $ 30,179
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 97,543        $ 83,117
   Supplies                                          11,208           5,250
   Travel                                             2,382              53
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 111,133        $ 88,420
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant--General                               $ 148,914       $ 118,599
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                                 $ 1,181       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,181       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant--Restricted                              $ 1,181       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Operation and Maintenance
 of Plant                                         $ 150,095       $ 118,599
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations                $ 43,195       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 43,195       $        
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises                       $ 43,195       $        
                                                ===========     ===========
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 8,751         $ 6,809
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 8,751         $ 6,809
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 8,751         $ 6,809
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 84,045        $ 69,335
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 84,045        $ 69,335
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 84,045        $ 69,335
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 92,796        $ 76,144
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Salkehatchie Campus                       $ 1,199,373       $ 676,714
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                          (41.43)         (23.53)
USC--Sumter Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 61,347        $ 61,347
                                                     (6.70)          (5.36)
   Unclassified Positions                           594,616         594,616
                                                    (30.06)         (24.04)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer Faculty                                    54,000
   Student Earnings                                   5,200
   Other--Temporary Help                            119,837           2,931
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 835,000       $ 658,894
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 161,502       $ 142,602
   Supplies                                          32,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,600
   Travel                                            32,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 229,602       $ 142,602
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Instruction--General                     $ 1,064,602       $ 801,496
                                                ===========     ===========
Continue with Appropriations Act