South Carolina General Assembly
104th Session, 1981-1982

Continuation of Appropriations Act

  *Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this
Section, the Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and
authorized to adjust the amount so appropriated according to the
following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the
Budget and Control Board by October 1,1981 the actual fall full--
time equivalent student enrollment. This figure, as reported by
the __________
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
Commission on Higher Education, shall be utilized as the number
of full-time equivalent students as used in paragraphs C and D,
of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be deter-
mined by dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit
hours being taken by students in undergraduate and first
professional courses, by twelve for graduate courses at the
master's level, and by nine for courses at the doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference
between the number of full-time equivalent students so certified
by the Commission on Higher Education and 11,230 the number upon
which the amounts in this section is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified
by the Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as
indicated in paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall
be either increased or decreased by an amount equal to the
product of $3,627 multiplied by the increase or decrease of
full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation or base pay
increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an
adjustment to the appropriation, the institution shall submit to
the Budget and Control Board and to the Joint Appropriations
Review Committee, no later than November 1, 1981, a revised
budget reflecting the increase or decrease in appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1982, the State Auditor shall audit the
computation of the full-time equivalent students of the
institution and shall report his findings to the Budget and
Control Board. If the number of full time equivalent students has
been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall require that
the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent
students be returned to the General Fund either through a
reduction of the appropriation or through a payment to the
General Fund from fees of the institution.
  Provided, further, that of the amounts appropriated within this
section $91,842 shall be expended on the Teaching and Research in
Water and Sewage (TRWS) Program.
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 6, 1981.
                            SECTION 10
                      College of Charleston
              (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 540)
I. Instruction:
 A. Instruction, General
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 475,277            $ 355,059
                                   (49)                      (49)
  Unclassified Positions           4,226,320            3,265,001
                                   (213)                    (213)
  Other Personal Service:
   Evening School Faculty          235,000               182,1202
   Summer School Faculty           245,000
   Part Time Faculty               155,000                120,122
   Student Earnings                103,189                 79,969
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 5,439,786        $ 4,002,271
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 334,800            $ 321,085
   Supplies                        207,808                196,313
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 77,100                  66,720
   Travel                          40,000                  38,282
   Equipment                       114,433                107,121
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 774,141            $ 729,521
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction--General        $ 6,213,927        $ 4,731,792
                                   ============      ============
 B. Instruction, Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 29,500           $          
  Unclassified Positions           62,500
  Other Personal Service:
   Part-Time Faculty               100,000
   Student Earnings                10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 202,000          $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 32,750            $         
   Supplies                        20,100
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                   1,500
   Travel                           8,000
   Equipment                             5,550
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 67,900            $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction - Restricted    $ 269,900           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Instruction                  $ 6,483,827        $ 4,731,792
                                   ============      ============
II. Research:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions          $ 29,106              $ 21,247
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                894                        657
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 30,000              $ 21,904
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 31,850              $ 23,506
   Supplies                        20,880                  15,409
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 100                         74
   Travel                          8,000                    5,904
   Equipment                       1,500                    1,107
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 62,330              $ 46,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total General                     $ 92,330              $ 67,904
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                $ 23,000              $       
   Temporary Positions             48,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Personal Service     $ 71,000              $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 40,250              $       
   Supplies                        17,500
   Travel                          20,000
   Equipment                       12,350
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 90,100              $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Restricted                  $ 161,100             $       
                                   ============      ============
Total Research                     $ 253,430             $ 67,904
                                   ============      ============
III. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 175,324            $ 127,975
                                   (17)                      (17)
  Unclassified Positions           224,052                163,558
                                   (11)                      (11)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                8,724                    6,369
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service                $ 408,100       $ 297,902
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                 $ 35,900        $  26,229
   Supplies                        12,200                   8,906
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                   1,000                     730
   Travel                          1,800                    1,314
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 50,900              $ 37,179
  Special Items:
   Library Books                   $ 140,850            $ 102,821
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 140,850            $ 102,821
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Academic Support, Library   $ 599,850            $ 437,902
                                   ============      ============
 B. Other Academic Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 25,599              $ 18,687
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Unclassified Positions           61,018                  44,544
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                2,808                    2,050
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 89,425              $ 65,281
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 16,070              $ 11,733
   Supplies                        10,100                   7,376
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 2,060                    1,504
   Travel                          1,900                    1,387
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 30,130              $ 22,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Academic Support      $ 119,555             $ 87,281
                                   ============      ============
Total Academic Support             $ 719,405            $ 525,183
                                   ============      ============
IV. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 442,050            $ 322,697
                                   (32)                      (32)
  Unclassified Positions           120,869                 88,234
                                   (4)                        (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                5,341                    3,899

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 568,260            $ 414,830
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 58,000              $ 42,340
   Supplies                        53,300                  38,904
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 2,550                    1,862
   Travel                          21,250                  15,507
   Equipment                       1,900                    1,387
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 137,000            $ 100,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Services            $ 705,260            $ 514,830
                                   ============      ============
V. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                       $ 50,700              $ 50,700
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             1,193,259              784,874
                                   (93)                      (93)
  Unclassified Positions           219,411                144,307
                                   (8)                        (8)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                70,000                  46,039
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,533,370        $ 1,025,920
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 194,250            $ 143,318
   Supplies                        106,750                 78,758
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 66,700                  49,208
   Travel                          22,000                  16,231
   Equipment                       85,370                  62,985
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 475,070            $ 350,500
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutional Support       $ 2,008,440        $ 1,376,420
                                   ============      ============
VI. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,178,177          $ 877,098
                                   (116)                    (116)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                1,457                    1,064
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,179,634          $ 878,162
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,150,700          $ 858,175
   Supplies                        276,000                200,597
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 80,100                  58,217
   Travel                          2,400                    1,744
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
   Equipment                       38,280                  37,992
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,547,480        $ 1,156,725
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Operation and
  Maintenance of Plant             $ 2,727,114        $ 2,034,887
                                   ============      ============
VII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 200,036           $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                88,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 288,036           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 859,600           $         
   Supplies                        790,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 274,200
   Travel                          23,000
   Equipment                       107,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,054,600         $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises       $ 2,342,636         $         
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 282,083            $ 229,386
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 282,083            $ 229,386
                                   ------------      ------------
Total Salary Increments            $ 282,083            $ 229,386
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 1,703,563        $ 1,150,720
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 1,703,563        $ 1,150,720
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer Contributions     $ 1,703,563  $ 1,150,7207
                                   ============      ============
 Total Employee Benefits           $ 1,985,646        $ 1,380,106
Total College of Charleston        $ 17,225,758      $ 10,631,122
Total Authorized Positions         (582)                    (549)
  Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year 1981-82, student
revenue designated as "tuition" may be used for general operating
purposes of the College of Charleston. Provided, Further, that
for the fiscal year 1982-83, fifty percent of the student revenue
designated as "tuition" shall be used for general operating
purposes of the College of Charleston and the remaining fifty
percent of the student revenue designated as "tuition" shall be
applied in accord with the provision of Title 59, Chapter 107 of
the 1976 S. C. Code of Laws. Provided, Further, that for the
fiscal year 1983-84, all student revenue designated as "tuition"
shall be applied in accord with the provisions of Title 59,
Chapter 107 of the 1976 S. C. Code of Laws.
  *Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this
section, the Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and
authorized to adjust the amount so appropriated according to the
following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the
Budget and Control Board by October 1, 1981 the actual fall
full-time equivalent student enrollment. This figure, as reported
the Commission on Higher Education, shall be utilized as the
number of full-time equivalent students as used in paragraphs a
and D, of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be deter-
mined by dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit
hours being taken by students in undergraduate and first pro-
fessional courses, by twelve for graduate courses at the master's
level, and by nine for courses at the doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference
between the number of full-time equivalent students so certified 
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 6, 1981.
by the Commission on Higher Education and 4,214 the number upon
which the amounts in this section is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified
by the Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as
indicated in paragraph a of this proviso, the appropriation shall
be either increased or decreased by an amount equal to the
product of $2,522 multiplied by the increase or decrease of
full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation or base pay
increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an
adjustment to the appropriation, the institution shall submit to
the Budget and Control Board and to the Joint Appropriations
Review Committee, no later than November 1, 1981, a revised
budget reflecting the increase or decrease in appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1982, the State Auditor shall audit the
computation of the full-time equivalent students of the
institution and shall report his findings to the Budget and
Control Board. If the number of full-time equivalent students has
been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall require that
the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent
students be returned to the General Fund either through a
reduction of the appropriation or through a payment to the
General Fund from fees of the institution.
                            SECTION 20
                      Francis Marion College
              (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 564)
I. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 107,676             $ 78,213
                                   (11.50)                (11.50)
  Unclassified Positions           1,892,878            1,460,077
                                   (84.84)                (84.09)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                15,191                  11,887
   Temporary Positions             154,608                129,148
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 6, 1981.
   Summer School Faculty           266,767                208,742
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,437,120        $ 1,888,067
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 214,623            $ 145,609
   Supplies                        41,135                  32,229
   Travel                          31,491                  22,839
   Equipment                       30,569                  27,014
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses        $ 317,818       $ 227,691
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction                 $ 2,754,938        $ 2,115,758
                                   ============      ============
II. Research:
  Personal Service:
  Classified Positions             $ 22,617              $ 17,697
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Unclassified Positions           30,500                  23,866
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                484
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 53,601              $ 41,563
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 472                    $ 446
   Supplies                        432                        409
   Travel                          704                        664
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses        $ 1,608           $ 1,519
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Research                    $ 55,209              $ 43,082
                                   ============      ============
III. Public Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             $ 8,250                $ 6,456
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 8,250                $ 6,456
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,502                $ 3,307
   Supplies                        691                        653
   Travel                          228                        214
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 4,421                $ 4,174
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Public Service              $ 12,671              $ 10,630
                                   ============      ============
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                 $ 102,953        $ 80,559
                                   (11)                      (11)
  Unclassified Positions           167,625                134,275
                                   (7)                        (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                7,150
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 277,728            $ 214,834
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 27,684              $ 26,137
   Supplies                        4,417                    4,171
   Travel                          739                        698
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 32,840              $ 31,006
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps and Films   $ 184,594            $ 171,532
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 184,594            $ 171,532
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Library                     $ 495,162            $ 417,372
                                   ============      ============
B. Other Academic Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 86,870              $ 67,974
                                   (7.75)                  (7.75)
  Unclassified Positions           61,000                  47,732
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                6,006
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 153,876            $ 115,706
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 23,723              $ 22,398
   Supplies                        5,495                    5,189
   Travel                          5,569                    5,258
   Equipment                       18,923                  17,863
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 53,710              $ 50,708
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Academic Support      $ 207,586            $ 166,414
                                   ============      ============
Total Academic Support             $ 702,748            $ 583,786
                                   ============      ============
V. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 211,666            $ 160,359
                                   (16.75)                   (16)
  Unclassified Positions           249,850                195,505
                                   (12)                      (12)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                29,244
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 490,760            $ 355,864
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 80,133              $ 75,655
   Supplies                        36,960                  34,895
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      6,553               6,187
   Travel                          28,732                  27,127
   Equipment                       4,100                    3,868
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 156,478            $ 147,732
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Services            $ 647,238            $ 503,596
                                   ============      ============
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                       $ 50,700              $ 50,700
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             490,934                384,150
                                   (35)                      (35)
  Unclassified Positions           109,701                 85,839
                                   (4)                        (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                12,865
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 664,200            $ 520,689
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 147,678            $ 139,985
   Supplies                        41,521                  39,201
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 10,074                  9,513*
   Travel                          6,945                    6,557
   Equipment                       26,737                  25,237
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 232,955            $ 220,493
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutional Support       $ 897,155            $ 741,182
                                   ============      ============
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant: 
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 567,546            $ 445,815
                                   (53)                      (53)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 3,000                    2,348
   Student Earnings                18,904                   1,175
   Temporary Positions             11,500                  11,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 600,950            $ 460,838
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 764,713            $ 614,336
   Supplies                        153,681                146,210
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 47,623                  44,961
   Travel                          1,281                    1,210
   Equipment                       9,139                    7,657
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 976,437            $ 814,374
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant                         $ 1,577,387        $ 1,275,212
                                   ============      ============
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 6, 1981.
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
 A. College Store:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 43,883            $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                1,000
   Temporary Positions             1,200
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 46,083            $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      $ 4,222        $         
   Travel                          402
   Purchase for Resale             258,605
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 263,229           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total College Store               $ 309,312
                                   ============      ============
 B. Student Housing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 15,721            $         
  New Positions:
   Secretary I                     8,071
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                320
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 24,112            $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 26,524            $         
   Supplies                        100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      13,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses        $ 40,124       $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Housing                  $ 64,236       $         
                                   ============      ============
 C. Food Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 54,217            $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                8,700
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 62,917            $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 11,637            $         
   Supplies                        230,169
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 156
   Equipment                       16,657
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 258,619           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Food Service                $ 321,536           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Auxiliary Enterprises        $ 695,084           $         
                                   ============      ============
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 205,833            $ 109,441
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 205,833            $ 109,441
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 205,833            $ 109,441
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 819,098            $ 549,084
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 819,098            $ 549,084
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer Contributions     $ 819,098       $ 549,084
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 1,024,931          $ 658,525
                                   ============      ============
Total Francis Marion College       $ 8,367,361        $ 5,931,771
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (259.84)              (247.34)
  Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year 1981-82, student
revenue designated as "tuition" may be used for general operating
purposes of Francis Marion College. Provided, Further, That for
the fiscal year 1982-83, fifty percent of the student revenue
designated as "tuition" shall be applied in accord with the
provisions of Title 59, Chapter 107 of the 1976 S. C. Code of
Laws. Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year 1983-84, all
student revenue designated as "tuition" shall be applied in
accord with the provisions of Title 59, Chapter 107 of the 1976
S. C. Code of Laws.
  Provided, Further, That the Board of Trustees of Francis Marion
College, with the approval of the Budget and Control Board is
authorized to sell the present home of the college president in
the City of Florence, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
the construction or renovation of a residence for the president
on the college campus. Any unused portion of these funds, upon
completion of construction or renovation of the president's home,
shall revert to the General Fund.
  *Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this
section, the Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and
authorized to adjust the amount so appropriated according to the
following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the
Budget and Control Board by October 1, 1981 the actual fall
full-time equivalent student enrollment. This figure, as reported
the Commission on Higher Education, shall be utilized as the
number of full-time equivalent students as used in paragraphs C
and D, of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be deter-
mined by dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit
hours being taken by students in undergraduate and first
professional courses, by twelve for graduate courses at the
master's level, and by nine for courses at the doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference
between the number of full-time equivalent students so certified
by the Commission on Higher Education and 2,167 the number upon
which the amounts in this section is based.
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified
by the Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as
indicated in paragraph a of this proviso, the appropriation shall
be either increased or decreased by an amount equal to the
product of $2,737 multiplied by the increase or decrease of full
time equivalent students exclusive of allocation or base pay
increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an
adjustment to the appropriation, the institution shall submit to
the Budget and Control Board and to the Joint Appropriations
Review Committee, no later than November 1, 1981, a revised
budget reflecting the increase or decrease in appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1982, the State Auditor shall audit the
computation of the full-time equivalent students of the
institution and shall report his findings to the Budget and
Control Board. If the number of full-time equivalent students has
been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall require that
the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent
students be returned to the General Fund either through a
reduction of the appropriation or through a payment to the
General Fund from fees of the institution.
                            SECTION 21
                          Lander College
              (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 586)
I. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 65,481              $ 38,394
                                   (9)                        (9)
  Unclassified Positions           1,819,920            1,323,428
                                   (89)                      (89)
  New Positions:
   Assistant Professor             37,544
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                34,990                  13,654
   Temporary Positions             118,355                 84,710
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
   Summer School Faculty           160,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,236,290        $ 1,460,186
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 158,324             $ 73,742
   Supplies                        55,336                  32,383
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      9,744               6,630
   Travel                          26,708                  12,088
   Equipment                       24,434                  15,674
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 274,546            $ 140,517
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction                 $ 2,510,836        $ 1,600,703
                                   ============      ============
III. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions             $ 68,556              $ 51,143
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Unclassified Positions           65,259                  48,683
                                   (3)                        (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                17,325                   5,137
   Temporary Positions             3,000                    2,404
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 154,140            $ 107,367
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 13,080               $ 4,092
   Supplies                        6,209                    5,001
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           1,774          1,429
   Travel                          537                        433
   Equipment                       808                        650
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 22,408              $ 11,605
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps and Films   $ 80,127              $ 62,848
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 80,127              $ 62,848
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Library                     $ 256,675            $ 181,820
                                   ============      ============
 B. Other Academic Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 19,430              $ 14,495
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Unclassified Positions           23,074                  17,213
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                2,565                      383
   Temporary Positions             5,356                    4,504
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 50,425              $ 36,595
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 12,857               $ 7,933
   Supplies                        10,685                   8,599
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      910                   732
   Travel                          7,249                    4,802
   Equipment                       4,839                    3,892
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 36,540              $ 25,958
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Academic Support      $ 86,965              $ 62,553
                                   ============      ============
Total Academic Support             $ 343,640            $ 244,373
                                   ============      ============
IV. Student Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 255,652            $ 183,628
                                   (16)                      (16)
  Unclassified Positions           27,500                  20,515
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                41,880                  15,566
   Temporary Positions             19,615                  15,811
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 344,647            $ 235,520
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 107,587             $ 38,630
   Supplies                        37,195                  21,062
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      28,921              3,536
   Travel                          36,130                  23,821
   Equipment                       17,628                  13,972
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 227,461            $ 101,021
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Services            $ 572,108            $ 336,541
                                   ============      ============
V. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                       $ 50,700              $ 50,700
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             545,892                399,830
                                   (42)                      (42)
  New Positions:
   Clerk III                       9,848
   Computer Programmer II          15,767
  Unclassified Positions           148,010                110,415
                                   (4)                        (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        1,500                    1,119
   Student Earnings                32,500                   7,401
   Temporary Positions             14,386                  12,764
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 818,603            $ 582,229
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 140,824            $ 101,241
   Supplies                        38,872                  29,639
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 36,570                  28,595
   Travel                          15,028                  10,473
   Equipment                       5,354                    4,304
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 236,648            $ 174,252
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutional Support       $ 1,055,251          $ 756,481
                                   ============      ============
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
VI. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 411,468            $ 312,035
                                   (37)                      (37)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                2,620                      391
   Temporary Positions             8,393                    6,261
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 422,481            $ 318,687
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 132,736            $ 108,279
   Supplies                        2,227                    1,788
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 41,950                  33,706
   Travel                          969                        778
   Equipment                       390                        314
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 178,272            $ 144,865
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Operation and Maintenance 
  of Plant                         $ 600,753            $ 463,552
                                   ============      ============
VII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 64,294            $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                35,000
   Temporary Positions             1,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 100,794           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 736,250           $         
   Supplies                        18,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 56,726
   Travel                          1,400
   Equipment                       5,000
   Purchase for Resale             200,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,017,876         $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises       $ 1,118,670         $         
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continuing 1980-81  $ 132,621             $ 90,141
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 132,621             $ 90,141
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 132,621             $ 90,141
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 682,637            $ 484,052
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 682,637            $ 484,052
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer Contributions     $ 682,637       $ 484,052
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits                 $ 815,258       $ 574,193
                                   ============      ============
Total Lander College                    $ 7,016,516   $ 3,975,843
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (220)                    (211)
  Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year 1981-82, student
revenue designated as "tuition" may be used for general operating
purposes of Lander College. Provided, Further, That for the
fiscal year 1982-83, fifty percent of the student revenue
designated as "tuition" shall be used for general operating
purposes of Lander College and the remaining fifty percent of
student revenue designated as "tuition" shall be applied in
accord with the provisions of Title 59, Chapter 107 of the 1976
S. C. Code of Laws.  Provided, Further, That for the fiscal year
1983-84, all student revenue designated as "tuition" shall be
applied in accord with the provisions of Title 59, Chapter 107 of
the 1976 S. C. Code of Laws.
  *Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this
section, the Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and
authorized to adjust the amount so appropriated according to the
following procedures:
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the
Budget and Control Board by October 1, 1981 the actual fall
full-time equivalent student enrollment. This figure, as reported
the Commission on Higher Education, shall be utilized as the
number of full-time equivalent students as used in paragraphs C
and D, of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be deter-
mined by dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit
hours being taken by students in undergraduate and first pro-
fessional courses, by twelve for graduate courses at the master's
level, and by nine for courses at the doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the differences
between the number of full-time equivalent students so certified
by the Commission on Higher Education and 1,607 the number upon
which the amounts in this section is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified
by the Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as
indicated in paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall
be either increased or decreased by an amount equal to the
product of $2,638 multiplied by the increase or decrease of
full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation or base pay
increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an
adjustment to the appropriation, the institution shall submit to
the Budget and Control Board and to the Joint Appropriations
Review Committee, no later than November 1, 1981, a revised
budget reflecting the increase or decrease in appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1982, the State Auditor shall audit the
computation of the full-time equivalent students of the
institution and shall report his findings to the Budget and
Control Board. If the number of full-time equivalent students has
been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall require that
the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent
students be returned to the General Fund either through a
reduction of the appropriation or through a payment to the
General Fund from fees of the institution.
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
                            SECTION 22
                       S. C. State College
              (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 608)
I. Instruction:
 A. Instruction--General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 262,626            $ 246,982
                                   (42.50)                (38.50)
  Unclassified Positions           4,147,043            3,968,406
                                   (211)                    (210)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             10,090                   9,932
   Salary Enhancement              400,313                400,313
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 4,820,072        $ 4,625,633
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 318,663            $ 246,346
   Supplies                        84,096                  57,556
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 5,309                    2,970
   Travel                          50,986                  43,172
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 459,054            $ 350,044
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instructional--General      $ 5,279,126        $ 4,975,677
                                   ============      ============
 B. Instruction--Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 83,691            $         
  Unclassified Positions           75,811
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer School Faculty           260,277
   Temporary Positions             75,389
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 495,168           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 83,304            $         
   Supplies                        102,570
   Fixed Charges and Contributions   5,583
   Travel                          186,830   
   Equipment                       89,803    
   Stipends                        156,846   
   Scholarships                    126,138   
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 751,074           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction--Restricted     $ 1,246,242         $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Instruction                  $ 6,525,368        $ 4,975,677
                                   ============      ============
II. Research Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 186,198           $         
   Unclassified Positions          167,145
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer School Faculty           224,315
   Temporary Positions             90,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 667,658           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 26,699            $         
   Supplies                        114,739
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           944
   Travel                          28,275
   Equipment                       205,372
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 376,029           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Research                    $ 1,043,687         $         
                                   ============      ============
III. Public Services:
 A. General:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             $ 14,000              $ 14,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 14,000              $ 14,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services $          2,200                  $ 2,200
   Supplies                        5,300                    5,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,000                    1,000
   Travel                          2,000                    2,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 10,500              $ 10,500
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total General                     $ 24,500              $ 24,500
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 385,774           $         
  Unclassified Positions           125,649
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             34,377
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 545,800           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 59,450            $         
   Supplies                        57,320
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 5,400
   Travel                          86,400
   Equipment                       94,910
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 303,480           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Restricted                  $ 849,280           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Public Services              $ 873,780             $ 24,500
                                   ============      ============
IV. Academic Support: 
 A. Library: 
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 58,783              $ 58,638
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Unclassified Positions           165,612                165,199
                                   (8)                        (8)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,249     
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 226,644            $ 223,837
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 18,179              $ 10,825
   Supplies                        9,379                    5,889
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           130               81
   Travel                          2,646                    1,661
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 30,334              $ 18,456
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps and Films   $ 122,207            $ 106,892
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 122,207            $ 106,892
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Library--General            $ 379,185            $ 349,185
                                   ============      ============
 2. Restricted:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Equipment                       $ 500               $         
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 500               $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Library--Restricted         $ 500               $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Library                      $ 379,685            $ 349,185
                                   ============      ============
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. Felton Laboratory School:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 35,346              $ 28,974
                                   (5)                        (4)
  Unclassified Positions           340,447                211,819
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,000                    2,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 377,793            $ 242,793
   Contractual Services            $ 8,474                $ 1,869
   Supplies                        14,508                   4,085
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,475                      415
   Travel                          857                        241
   Equipment                       574
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 25,888               $ 6,610
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Felton Laboratory School    $ 403,681            $ 249,403
                                   ============      ============
 2. Instructional Media Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 27,885              $ 27,885
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Unclassified Positions           42,720                  42,720
                                   (2)                        (2)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 70,605              $ 70,605
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 2,107                  $ 805
   Supplies                        4,247                    3,125
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 331                        126
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 6,685                $ 4,056
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instructional Media Center  $ 77,290              $ 74,661
                                   ============      ============
 3. Academic Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions          $ 198,000            $ 198,000
                                   (6)                        (6)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 198,000            $ 198,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 51,828              $ 51,828
   Supplies                        31,800                  31,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           3,500          3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses             $ 87,128    $ 87,128
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Academic Administration     $ 285,128            $ 285,128
                                   ============      ============
Total Other Academic Support       $ 766,099            $ 609,192
                                   ============      ============
Total Academic Support             $ 1,145,784          $ 988,377
                                   ============      ============
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 547,756            $ 547,756
                                   (42)                      (42)
  Unclassified Positions           91,545                  91,305
                                   (3)                        (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             90,844                  49,188
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 730,145            $ 688,249
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 14,579               $ 7,054
   Supplies                        38,596                  20,987
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           5,622          3,058
   Travel                          4,515                    2,451
   Equipment                       518
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 63,830              $ 33,550
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total General                     $ 793,975            $ 721,799
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             $ 9,500             $         
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 9,500             $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 86,561            $         
   Supplies                        10,863
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           2,058     
   Travel                          10,518
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 110,000           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Restricted                  $ 119,500           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Student Services             $ 913,475            $ 721,799
                                   ============      ============
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                       $ 50,700              $ 50,700
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             928,389                919,915
                                   (70)                      (69)
  Unclassified Positions           169,524                167,113
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 3,250
   Student Earnings                12,465
   Temporary Positions             5,400
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,169,728        $ 1,137,728
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 31,146              $ 24,132
   Supplies                        40,349                 26,420*
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 165,002                139,767
   Travel                          4,986                    2,751
   Equipment                       6,348
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 247,831            $ 193,070
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutional Support       $ 1,417,559        $ 1,330,798
                                   ============      ============
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 889,903            $ 881,012
                                   (99)                      (99)
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                5,016
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 894,919            $ 881,012
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 675,776            $ 531,617
   Supplies                        271,524                206,281
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 32,350                  25,846
   Travel                          552                        279
   Equipment                       2,297

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 982,499            $ 764,023
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant                         $ 1,877,418        $ 1,645,035
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 816,030           $         
  Unclassified Positions           193,961
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 3,000
   Student Earnings                324,877
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,337,868         $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 769,734           $         
   Supplies                        207,240
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           31,835
   Travel                          131,770
   Equipment                       55,155
   Purchase for Resale             2,076,114
   Scholarships                    404,560
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 3,676,408         $         
  Debt Service:
   Principal                       $ 40,000            $         
   Interest                        105,825
   Service Charge                  105
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Debt Service               $ 145,930           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Auxiliary Enterprises       $ 5,160,206         $         
                                   ============      ============
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 409,518            $ 264,822
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 409,518            $ 264,822
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 409,518            $ 264,822
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 1,825,531        $ 1,262,654
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 1,825,531        $ 1,262,654
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer Contribution $ 1,825,531        $ 1,262,654
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 2,235,049        $ 1,527,476
                                   ============      ============
Total South Carolina State College           $ 21,192,326$
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (715.50)              (520.50)
  *Provided, Notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in this
section, the Budget and Control Board is hereby directed and
authorized to adjust the amount so appropriated according to the
following procedures:
  A. The Commission on Higher Education shall certify to the
Budget and Control Board by October 1, 1981 the actual fall
full-time equivalent student enrollment. This figure, as reported
the Commission on Higher Education, shall be utilized as the
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
of full-time equivalent students as used in paragraphs C and D,
of this proviso.
  B. The number of full-time equivalent students shall be deter-
mined by dividing by fifteen the total number of semester credit
hours being taken by students in undergraduate and first pro-
fessional courses, by twelve for graduate courses at the master's
level, and by nine for courses at the doctorate level.
  C. The Budget and Control Board shall compute the difference
between the number of full-time equivalent students so certified
by the Commission on Higher Education and 3,532 the number upon
which the amounts in this section is based.
  D. If the number of full-time equivalent students, as certified
by the Commission on Higher Education, differs from the number as
indicated in paragraph C of this proviso, the appropriation shall
be either increased or decreased by an amount equal to the
product of $3,166 multiplied by the increase or decrease of
full-time equivalent students exclusive of allocation or base pay
increases and merit increases.
  E. Upon notification by the Budget and Control Board of an
adjustment to the appropriation, the institution shall submit to
the Budget and Control Board and to the Joint Appropriations
Review Committee, no later than November 1, 1081, a revised
budget reflecting the increase or decrease in appropriated funds.
  F. Prior to March 1, 1982, the State Auditor shall audit the
computation of the full-time equivalent students of the
institution and shall report his findings to the Budget and
Control Board. If the number of full-time equivalent students has
been overstated, the Budget and Control Board shall require that
the amount of funds appropriated to the institution as a result
of the overstatement of the number of full-time equivalent
students be returned to the General Fund either through a
reduction of the appropriation or through a payment to the
General Fund from fees of the institution.
  Provided, That of the funds appropriated for fiscal year
1980-81 to S. C. State College, any remaining balance, not to
exceed $180,000, may be carried forward into fiscal year 1981-82
and expended for data processing equipment.
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
                            SECTION 23
                   University of South Carolina
              (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 640)
U.S.C.--Columbia Campus:
I. Instruction:
 A. Regular:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 3,380,610        $ 2,553,231
                                   (346.93)              (279.45)
  Unclassified Positions           28,638,536          22,465,208
                                   (896.83)              (743.88)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 6,930                    6,300
   Summer School Faculty           2,736,793            1,386,373
   Student Earnings                4,535,937            2,888,277
   Temporary Positions             1,321,919            1,129,960
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 40,620,725      $ 30,429,349
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 910,305$
   Supplies                                  1,600,693  1,600,693
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           423,439      423,439
   Travel                          155,761                155,761
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 3,090,198        $ 3,090,198
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction Regular--General          $ 43,710,923$
                                   ============      ============
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 53,055            $         
  Unclassified Positions           172,716
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer School Faculty           3,199
   Student Earnings                14,749
   Temporary Positions             322,805
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 566,524           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 47,009            $         
   Supplies                        53,775
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           5,568
   Travel                          33,135
   Equipment                       167,340
   Stipends                        174,893
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 481,720           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction Regular-
  -Restricted                      $ 1,048,244         $         
                                   ============      ============
 Total Instruction Regular         $ 44,759,167      $ 33,519,547
                                   ============      ============
 B. Medical School:
 1. General and Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,116,351        $ 1,085,284
                                   (90)                      (88)
  *New Positions:
   Research Specialist I           66,406                  66,406
                                   (5)                        (5)
   Research Specialist II          31,075                 31,075*
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Histology Technologist          11,806                 11,806*
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Unclassified Positions           3,343,049            2,424,212
                                   (79)                      (57)
  New Positions:
   Associate Professors            1,822,152            1,822,152
                                   (41)                      (41)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                120,905                117,444
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5,1981
   Temporary Positions             21,668                  20,513
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 6,533,412        $ 5,578,892
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,075,371        $ 1,018,166
   Supplies                        381,358                375,400
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 224,731                218,262
   Travel                          173,966                169,936
   Equipment                       578,229                569,919
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,433,655        $ 2,351,683
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction Medical School  $ 8,967,067        $ 7,930,575
                                   ============      ============
Total Instruction                  $ 53,726,234      $ 41,450,122
                                   ============      ============
II. Research:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 516,856            $ 368,781
                                   (41.28)                (30.90)
  Unclassified Positions           651,477                518,898
                                   (24.36)                (19.30)
  Other Personal Service:
   Summer School Faculty           8,028                    7,298
   Student Earnings                207,964                160,720
   Temporary Positions             145,170                 60,680
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,529,495        $ 1,116,377
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 123,592            $ 122,106
   Supplies                        122,175                117,322
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 80,317                  23,096
   Travel                          52,923                  46,899
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 379,007            $ 309,423
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Research--General           $ 1,908,502        $ 1,425,800
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,392,638           $ 11,348
  Unclassified Positions           1,507,911
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 4,672
   Summer School Faculty           103,996
   Student Earnings                1,862,740
   Temporary Positions             477,353
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 5,349,310           $ 11,348
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 875,919           $         
   Supplies                        1,389,919
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 108,779
   Travel                          907,861
   Equipment                       2,296,806
   Stipends                        56,310
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 5,635,594         $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Research--Restricted        $ 10,984,904        $   11,348
                                   ============      ============
Total Research                     $ 12,893,406       $ 1,437,148
                                   ============      ============
III. Public Service:
 A. General:
   Palmetto Poison Center          $ 50,000              $ 50,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Service--General    $ 50,000              $ 50,000
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,177,896         $         
  Unclassified Positions           1,000,535
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 1,464
    Summer School Faculty          24,882
    Student Earnings               317,297
    Temporary Positions            971,853

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 3,493,927         $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,323,145         $         
   Supplies                        808,196
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           915,771
   Travel                          396,791
   Equipment                       223,211
   Stipends                        788,302
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 4,455,416         $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Public Service--Restricted            $ 7,949,343$        
                                   ============      ============
Total Public Service               $ 7,999,343           $ 50,000
                                   ============      ============
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,078,060          $ 891,533
                                   (109)                  (88.56)
  Unclassified Positions           1,058,701              787,348
                                   (55)                   (43.46)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                199,608                123,000
   Temporary Positions             10,000                   2,378
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,346,369        $ 1,804,259
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 42,437            $         
   Supplies                        72,887
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           19,479
   Travel                          16,273
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 151,076           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Academic Support Library-
  -General                         $ 2,497,445        $ 1,804,259
                                   ============      ============
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 7,175             $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                85,361
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 92,536            $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 15,571            $         
   Supplies                        15,906
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           85,634
   Travel                          226
   Equipment                       31,340
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 148,677           $         
 Total Academic Support Library-
  -Restricted                      $ 241,213           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Academic Support--Library    $ 2,738,658        $ 1,804,259
                                   ============      ============
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,224,465        $ 1,015,633
                                   (81.91)                (68.90)
  Unclassified Positions           900,094                888,302
                                   (18.50)                (18.33)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 4,673                    4,673
   Summer School Faculty           6,405                    6,405
   Student Earnings                106,203                 80,325
   Temporary Positions             143,431                 91,350
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,385,271        $ 2,086,688
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 125,205           $         
   Supplies                        102,448
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           446,348      432,052
   Travel                          146,163                146,163
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 820,164            $ 578,215
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -General                         $ 3,205,435        $ 2,664,903
                                   ============      ============
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                $ 41,458            $         
   Temporary Positions             6,188
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Personal Service     $ 47,646            $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 673               $         
   Supplies                        5,520
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           2,507
   Travel                          11,473
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 20,173            $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Academic Support-
  -Restricted                      $ 67,819            $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Other Academic Support       $ 3,273,254        $ 2,664,903
                                   ============      ============
Total Academic Support             $ 6,011,912        $ 4,469,162
                                   ============      ============
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,118,321        $ 1,780,485
                                   (162.87)              (139.07)
  Unclassified Positions           394,963                353,021
                                   (13.75)                (11.28)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 5,800                    5,800
   Student Earnings                620,017                494,000
   Temporary Positions             131,777                125,400
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 3,270,878        $ 2,758,706
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 126,213            $ 118,766
   Supplies                        160,589                124,447
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           56,882        47,489
   Travel                          112,243                112,243
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 455,927            $ 402,945
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Services--General   $ 3,726,805        $ 3,161,651
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 53,608           $          
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                261,681
   Temporary Positions             42,283
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 357,572           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 55,000            $         
   Supplies                        74,285
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 41,653
   Travel                          7,271
   Equipment                       3,792
   Stipends                        108,503
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 290,504           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Services--Restricted          $ 648,076 $         
                                   ============      ============
 C. Designated:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 136,265           $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential           19
   Student Earnings                264,349
   Temporary Positions             37,700
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 438,333           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 275,472           $         
   Supplies                        116,499
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           101,567
   Travel                          89,531
   Equipment                       23,497
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 606,566           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Services--Designated          $ 1,044,899$         
                                   ============      ============
Total Student Services             $ 5,419,780        $ 3,161,651
                                   ============      ============
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   President                       $ 62,360              $ 62,360
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             6,709,868            5,214,784
                                   (485.02)              (385.07)
  Unclassified Positions           607,591                483,668
                                   (17.50)                (10.25)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        10,799                   7,000
   Overtime and Shift Differential           35,454        24,465
   Student Earnings                150,362                106,710
   Temporary Positions             260,699                170,625
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 7,837,133        $ 6,069,612
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,195,776        $ 1,195,776
   Supplies                        363,101                363,101
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           611,414     611,414*
 *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 6, 1981.
   Travel                          292,738               292,738*
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,363,029        $ 2,363,029
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -General                         $ 10,200,162       $ 8,432,641
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 223,598           $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                103,057
   Temporary Positions             7,180
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 333,835           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                        $ 875              $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 875               $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutional Support-
  -Restricted                      $ 334,710           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Institutional Support        $ 10,534,872       $ 8,432,641
                                   ============      ============
VII. Operation and Maintenance of Plant: 
 A. General: 
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 5,773,788        $ 5,696,000
                                   (610.17)              (493.23)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 60,000                  60,000
   Student Earnings                58,410                  47,000
   Temporary Positions             185,170                168,336
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 6,077,368        $ 5,971,336
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 4,517,706        $ 3,797,024
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
   Supplies                        677,032
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           365,330
   Travel                          136,609
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 5,696,677        $ 3,797,024
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Operation and Maintenance
  of Plant-- General               $ 11,774,045       $ 9,768,360
                                   ============      ============
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 31,280            $         
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential           6,886
   Student Earnings                85,858
   Temporary Positions             144,137
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 268,161           $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 71,669           $          
   Supplies                                  28,448
   Fixed Charges and Contributions           11,742
   Travel                          1,242
   Equipment                       69,839
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 182,940           $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Operation and Maintenance 
  of Plant -- Restricted           $ 451,101           $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Operations and Maintenance
 of Plant                          $ 12,225,146       $ 9,768,360
                                   ============      ============
Continue with Appropriations Act