South Carolina General Assembly
105th Session, 1983-1984

Continuation of Appropriations Act

III. Public Service:
 A. General:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            13,356             13,356
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 13,356           $ 13,356
  Other Operating Expense:
   Contractual Services            4,140              4,140
   Supplies and Materials          1,109              1,109
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  1,000              1,000
   Travel                            513                513
   Light/Power/Heat                  250                250
   Transportation                    500                500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 7,512            $ 7,512
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General                  $ 20,868           $ 20,868
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions          46,471
   New Positions:
    Program Coordinator           85,300
    Assoc County Agent            79,250
    Admin Support Spec            21,854
   Added by Budget and
   Control Board and
   Joint Legislative Committee On
   Personal Service,
   Financing and Budgeting
   Program Assistant Ext
   Service                         8,060
   Youth Counselor III            11,473
   Coordinator Ext Development    23,243
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           11,770
    Graduate Assistants            2,000
    Student Earnings               5,300
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 294,721
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           68,289
   Supplies and Materials         10,292
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    520
   Travel                          6,240
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   1,950
   Scholarships                   15,600
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 102,891
 Special Items:
   Allocation to Other State
    Agencies                     900,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Special Items           $ 900,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total Restricted             $ 1,297,612
                             ===========        ===========
Total Public Service         $ 1,318,480           $ 20,868
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Libraries:
  1. General Library:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           71,478             69,369
                                  (6.00)             (6.00)
   Unclassified Positions        209,968            203,773
                                  (8.00)             (7.75)
  Other Personal Service:
   Part-Time Faculty               1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 282,446          $ 273,142
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           16,900             14,990
   Supplies and Materials          4,558              4,221
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  5,300              4,967
   Travel                            200                190
   Library Books, Maps, and Film 150,000            103,900
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 176,958          $ 128,268
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General Library        $ 459,404          $ 401,410
                             ===========        ===========
 2. Desegregation Plan:
  Other Operating Expenses:
 3. Restricted-Library:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Restricted-Library       $ 5,000
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Libraries              $ 464,404          $ 401,410
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  1. Felton Laboratory School:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions          49,219             47,767
                                  (5.00)             (5.00)
    Unclassified Positions       435,220            240,604
                                 (25.00)            (20.75)
  Other Personal Service:
   Graduate Assistants             2,000
  Total Personal Service       $ 486,439          $ 288,371
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual services             3,566              2,413
  Supplies and Materials           4,133              2,989
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   1,204                870
  Travel                             400                275
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses  $ 9,303            $ 6,547
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Felton Lab School       $ 495,742          $ 294,918
                             ===========        ===========
 2. Instructional Media Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           40,562             39,365
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
   Unclassified Positions         54,926             53,305
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 95,488            $ 92,670
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           21,956             21,456
   Supplies and Materials          2,815              1,972
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    100                100
   Travel                            100                100
   Equipment                      20,000
   Library Books, Maps, and Film      50                 50
   Transportation                     50                 50
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 45,071           $ 23,728
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Instructional Media
  Center                        $140,559          $ 116,398
                             ===========        ===========
 3. Academic Administration:
  A. General:
   Classified positions          120,749            117,186
                                  (9.00)             (8.75)
   Unclassified Positions        269,720            261,763
                                  (8.00)             (7.50)
  Other Personal Service:
   Graduate Assistants             1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 391,469          $ 378,949
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           30,521             23,209
   Supplies and Materials         21,324             17,190
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  6,200              4,194
   Travel                          5,000              3,460
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 63,045           $ 48,053
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General                 $ 454,514          $ 427,002
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Desegregation Plan: 
   Classified Positions           73,819             73,819
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
   Unclassified Positions         14,424             14,424
  Other Personal Service:
   Graduate Assistants             3,000              3,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 91,243           $ 91,243
                               ---------       ------------
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Total Desegregation Plan     $ 91,243           $ 91,243
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Other Academic
  Support                    $ 1,182,058          $ 929,661
                             ===========        ===========
Total Academic Support       $ 1,646,462        $ 1,330,971
                             ===========        ===========
V. Student Services:
 A General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          692,960            672,617
                                 (41.00)            (41.00)
   Unclassified Positions         98,068             95,174
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   1,110              1,077
   Graduate Assistants            73,000
   Student Earnings              111,000
   Terminal Leave                    400                400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 976,538          $ 769,168
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           68,370             56,167
   Supplies and Materials         70,455             46,115
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,175              2,206
   Travel                         34,900             23,667
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 176,900          $ 128,155
                               ---------       ------------
Total General                $ 1,153,438          $ 897,323
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Desegregation Plan:
 Other Personal Service:
  Part-Time Faculty                7,400              7,400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service          $ 7,400            $ 7,400
                               ---------       ------------
  Other Operating Expenses:
Total Desegregation Plan         $ 7,400            $ 7,400
                             ===========        ===========
 C. Restricted:
 Other Personal Service:
  Graduate Assistants              1,000
  Student Earnings                 5,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service          $ 6,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           87,530
   Supplies and Materials          3,125
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,170
   Contributions                     500
   Travel                            450
   Equipment                         225
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 95,100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted              $ 101,100
                             ===========        ===========
Total Student Services       $ 1,261,938          $ 904,723
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
  Personal Service:
   President                      62,169             62,169
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions        1,263,056          1,225,795
                                 (71.00)            (71.00)
   Unclassified Positions        235,905            228,945
                                  (6.00)             (6.00)
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions              5,000              4,852
  Per Diem                         1,000              1,000
  Overtime and Shift
   Differential                    8,027              7,790
   Part-Time Faculty              16,056
   Graduate Assistants             5,200
   Student Earnings               16,000
   Terminal Leave                 13,000             12,616
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service      $ 1,625,413        $ 1,543,167
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           363,466            280,783
  Transportation                   2,671              1,843
  Supplies and Materials         127,075             89,700
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                 264,788            239,078
  Travel                          20,000             13,459
   Equipment                      57,500             39,784
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     500                346
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 836,000          $ 664,993
                               ---------       ------------
Total Institutional Support  $ 2,461,413        $ 2,208,160
                             ===========        ===========
VII. Operations & Maintenance
 of Plant:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions         1,000,039            970,537
                                 (82.00)            (80.96)
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions                200
  Overtime and Shift
   Differential                   37,000             35,908
  Terminal Leave                   8,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service      $ 1,045,239        $ 1,006,445
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           712,804            692,804
  Supplies and Materials         172,031            172,031
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                  60,400             60,400
  Travel                             500                500
  Equipment                       35,000             35,000
  Light/Power/Heat               988,700            978,700
  Transportation                  26,200             26,200
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,995,635        $ 1,965,635
                               ---------       ------------
Total Operations &
 Maintenance                 $ 3,040,874        $ 2,972,080
                             ===========        ===========
VIII. Auxiliary Enterprises:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions         1,023,024
 New Positions:
  Custodial                       16,120
  Unclassified Positions         266,847
  New Positions:
  Added by Budget and
  Control Board and
  Joint Legislative Committee On
   Personal Ser
  Personal Service,
  Financing and Budgeting
   Coach                          18,000

  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             8,217
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   3,579
    Part-Time Faculty             10,910
    Student Earnings             250,000
    Terminal Leave                 5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,601,697
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services        1,112,378
   Supplies and Materials        353,538
   Contributions                     873
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 53,261
   Travel                        352,625
   Equipment                      65,347
   Purchase for Resale         1,800,000
   Light/Power/Heat              634,307
   Transportation                    520
   Hospital Services               5,192
   Scholarships                  600,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 4,978,041
 Debt Service:
  Principal Payment               15,000
  Interest Payment                65,000
  Debt Service Charge                100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Debt Service             $ 80,100
                               ---------       ------------
Total Auxiliary Enterprises  $ 6,659,838
                             ===========        ===========
IX. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified          19,662
   Increments-Unclassified        19,219
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 38,881
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments        $ 38,881
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              97,202
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 97,202
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase        $ 97,202
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions      2,620,557          2,107,097
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions             $ 2,620,557        $ 2,107,097
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions              $ 2,620,557        $ 2,107,097
                             ===========        ===========
Total Employee Benefits      $ 2,756,640        $ 2,107,097
                             ===========        ===========
X. Non Recurring Appropriation:
  Special Items:
 Total South Carolina State
  College                   $ 29,364,567       $ 16,453,448
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (729.10)           (530.59)
     Univ of South Carolina
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        4,635,280          3,129,238
                                (366.93)           (280.30)
   Unclassified Positions     35,506,517         28,309,052
                                (866.07)           (716.99)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           300,000
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   6,300              6,300
   Part-Time Faculty             650,000
   Summer School Faculty       2,500,000          1,386,373
   Graduate Assistants         4,416,717          4,018,237
  Total Personal Service    $ 48,014,814       $ 36,849,200
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services        5,467,408          5,281,607
   Supplies and Materials      1,623,147          1,535,841
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                402,146
   Contributions                  43,600             43,600
   Travel                        725,000
   Library Books, Maps, and
    Film                         109,354
   Transportation                  3,850
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 8,374,505        $ 6,861,048
 Total General              $ 56,389,319       $ 43,710,248
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           50,157
   Unclassified Positions         72,400
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            22,000
   Part-Time Faculty              18,420
   Summer School Faculty          15,000
   Graduate Assistants            15,000
   Student Earnings              376,991
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 569,968
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Supplies and Materials       322,274
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                17,500
    Contributions                  7,420
    Travel                        37,300
    Equipment                     53,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 437,494
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted            $ 1,007,462
                             ===========        ===========
Total Instruction           $ 57,396,781       $ 43,710,248
                             ===========        ===========
II. Research:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          621,075             66,623
                                 (39.28)            (29.68)
   Unclassified Positions        736,149            638,503
                                 (21.36)            (19.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            19,853              4,700
   Summer School Faculty          14,000              7,298
   Graduate Assistants           203,380            174,400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,594,457        $ 1,291,524
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          191,209             91,894
   Supplies and Materials        221,960             83,607
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 62,376              1,021
   Contributions                   5,100              2,550
   Travel                         50,700
   Transportation                  5,340
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 536,685          $ 179,072
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 2,131,142        $ 1,470,596
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,369,603
   Unclassified Positions      2,929,587
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           814,481
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   2,425
   Part-Time Faculty              14,901
   Summer School Faculty          33,982
   Graduate Assistants         1,791,377
   Student Earnings              459,442
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 7,415,798
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services        1,279,647
   Supplies and Materials      1,205,531
   Travel                        800,000
   Equipment                   1,200,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 4,485,178
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted           $ 11,900,976
                             ===========        ===========
Total Research              $ 14,032,118        $ 1,470,596
                             ===========        ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           59,877
   Unclassified Positions        181,862
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,000
   Graduate Assistants            50,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 294,739
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           26,895
   Supplies and Materials          9,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  7,380
   Contributions                   3,350
   Travel                         17,959
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 64,584
  Special Items:
   Poison Control Center          99,000             99,000
   School Adv. Council            70,241             70,241
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items          $ 169,241          $ 169,241
                               ---------       ------------ 
Total General                 $ 528,564           $ 169,241
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,179,306
   Unclassified Positions        697,872
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           465,000
   Part-Time Faculty             105,000
   Summer School Faculty          22,000
   Graduate Assistants           400,000
   Student Earnings              111,081
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 2,980,259
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services        1,050,000
   Supplies and Materials        444,567
   Travel                        113,486
   Stipend                       800,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 2,408,053
  Special Items:
   Institute of Archeology and
   Anthropology Funds to Resume
   Activity on The Cooper River
    area project                  12,000             12,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 12,000           $ 12,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted            $ 5,400,312           $ 12,000
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Public Service        $ 5,928,876          $ 181,241
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,256,852          1,096,908
                                (109.00)            (70.14)
   Unclassified Positions      1,252,556            968,812
                                 (55.00)            (40.90)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            12,300              2,378
   Graduate Assistants           190,200            123,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 2,711,908        $ 2,191,098
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies and Materials         24,315
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 22,597
   Contributions                   4,650
   Travel                         24,500
   Library Books, Maps, and
    Film                       1,218,965
   Transportation                  5,567
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 1,300,594
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General              $ 4,012,502        $ 2,191,098
                             ===========        ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            7,797
  Other Personal Service:
   Part-Time Faculty               9,000
   Graduate Assistants             9,000
   Student Earnings               57,816
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 83,613
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           50,700
   Supplies and Materials         38,500
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 52,950
   Travel                          1,620
   Equipment                      45,521
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 189,291
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Restricted             $ 272,904
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Library              $ 4,285,406        $ 2,191,098
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,507,857          1,249,686
                                 (81.91)            (67.94)
   Unclassified Positions      1,107,477          1,093,286
                                 (18.50)            (18.25)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           143,128             91,350
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   7,500              4,673
   Part-Time Faculty               6,405              6,405
   Graduate Assistants            41,800             41,800
   Student Earnings               60,000             38,525
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 2,874,167        $ 2,525,725
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          150,000             68,372
   Supplies and Materials        167,363             21,313
   Contributions                  10,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                412,107
   Travel                         59,470
   Transportation                  5,900
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 804,840           $ 89,685
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General              $ 3,679,007        $ 2,615,410
                             ===========        ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings               50,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 50,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            1,205
   Supplies and Materials         21,707
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  2,904
   Travel                          1,120
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 26,936
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted               $ 76,936
                             ===========        ===========
Total Other Academic Support $ 3,755,943        $ 2,615,410
                             ===========        ===========
Total Academic Support       $ 8,041,349        $ 4,806,508
                             ===========        ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        2,535,080          2,190,922
                                (162.87)           (136.90)
   Unclassified Positions        488,334            434,360
                                 (13.75)            (12.29)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           110,000            110,000
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   5,800              5,800
   Part-Time Faculty               5,000              5,000
   Graduate Assistants           270,000            254,400
   Student Earnings              250,000            250,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 3,664,214        $ 3,250,482
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           67,800             33,800
   Supplies and Materials        395,675            144,079
   Contributions                   6,500              6,500
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 72,027             54,290
   Travel                        140,623
   Transportation                    748                748
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 683,373          $ 239,417
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 4,347,587        $ 3,489,899
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          194,063
   Unclassified Positions         18,309
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            44,000
   Part-Time Faculty             107,000
   Summer School Faculty          20,000
   Graduate Assistants            84,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 467,372
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           90,188
   Supplies and Materials        131,916
   Contributions                   1,166
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                180,985
   Travel                         25,000
   Equipment                      35,000
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     450
   Stipend                       447,224
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 911,929
                               ---------       ------------
Total Restricted             $ 1,379,301
                             ===========        ===========
 C. Designated:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          151,043
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            33,551
   Graduate Assistants            26,679
   Student Earnings              142,389
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 353,662
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          558,951
   Supplies and Materials        149,750
   Contributions                  12,650
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                171,400
   Travel                         81,850
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   1,200
   Equipment                     126,500
   Transportation                  8,450
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 1,110,751
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Designated            $ 1,464,413
                             ===========        ===========
Total Student Services       $ 7,191,301        $ 3,489,899
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   President                      76,466             76,466
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions        7,677,170          6,412,194
                                (478.14)           (405.15)
   Unclassified Positions        739,033            594,944
                                 (17.50)            (13.93)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           186,988            170,625
   Per Diem                        8,500              7,000
  Overtime and Shift
   Differential                   30,950             24,465
  Student Earnings               207,001            106,710
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service      $ 8,926,108        $ 7,392,404
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Supplies and Materials       1,788,451            327,305
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,788,451          $ 327,305
  Special Items:  
   Desegregation Funding          11,812             11,812
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 11,812           $ 11,812
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General             $ 10,726,371        $ 7,731,521
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          403,779
   Unclassified positions        101,483
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            20,754
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                     413
   Graduate Assistants             9,000
   Student Earnings              124,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 659,429
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          161,976
   Supplies and Materials        230,842
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 29,182
   Contributions                   8,815
   Travel                        188,314
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   9,250
   Equipment                      39,800
   Transportation                    472
   Stipend                         4,715
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 673,366
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted            $ 1,332,795
                             ===========        ===========
Total Institutional Support $ 12,059,166        $ 7,731,521
                             ===========        ===========
VII. Operation & Maintenance of
  A. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions       7,097,807          7,008,843
                                (655.17)           (646.50)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions          168,336            168,336
    Overtime and Shift
     Differential                 60,000             60,000
    Student Earnings              47,000             47,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 7,373,143        $ 7,284,179
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services        2,908,700          2,736,450
   Supplies and Materials        214,970
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                432,000
   Contributions                   1,800
   Travel                        150,000
   Light/Power/Heat            9,441,605          2,299,102
   Transportation                    850
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                 $ 13,149,925        $ 5,035,552
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General             $ 20,523,068       $ 12,319,731
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           41,050
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           157,002
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   7,726
    Student Earnings             163,674
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 369,452
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          100,850
   Supplies and Materials         77,854
   Contributions                     150
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 12,625
   Travel                            400
   Light/Power/Heat                  175
   Transportation                  1,440
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 193,494
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted              $ 562,946
                             ===========        ===========
Total Operation & Maintenance of
 Plant                      $ 21,086,014       $ 12,319,731
                             ===========        ===========
VIII. Scholarships:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           21,994
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 21,994
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          164,972
   Supplies and Materials            850
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions              1,573,301
   Scholarships                7,357,058
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 9,096,181
                               ---------       ------------
Total Scholarships           $ 9,118,175
                             ===========        ===========
IX. Auxiliary Enterprises-
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions         3,310,103
  Unclassified Positions       1,610,312
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions            720,237
  Overtime and Shift
   Differential                   66,878
  Graduate Assistants             54,298
  Student Earnings               602,763
                               ---------       ------------ 
Total Personal Service      $ 6,364,591
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services         4,358,886
  Supplies and Materials      10,293,064
  Contributions                   24,300
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                 409,775
  Travel                         532,470
  Library Books, Maps, and Film      650
  Equipment                      375,750
  Light/Power/Heat             3,261,200
  Transportation                  43,900
  Stipend                         29,575
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                  $ 19,329,570
                               ---------       ------------
Total Auxiliary Enterprises $ 25,694,161
                             ===========        ===========
X. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified         206,227
   Increments-Unclassified       254,940
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 461,167
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments       $ 461,167
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
  Base Pay Increase            1,098,017
                               ---------       ------------
Total Personal Service       $ 1,098,017
                               ---------       ------------
Total Base Pay Increase      $ 1,098,017
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions     15,348,852         10,394,742
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions            $ 15,348,852       $ 10,394,742
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions             $ 15,348,852       $ 10,394,742
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits    $ 16,908,036       $ 10,394,742
                             ===========        ===========
 Total USC - Columbia      $ 177,455,977       $ 84,104,486
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Authorized
  FTE Positions               (3572.87)           (2459.37)
Univ of South Carolina - Medical School
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          618,336            618,336
                                 (40.50)            (40.50)
   Unclassified Positions      5,043,907          5,043,907
                                 (96.20)            (96.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            18,600             18,600
   Graduate Assistants            56,076             56,076
   Student Earnings                8,450              8,450
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 5,745,369        $ 5,745,369
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          995,909            969,509
   Supplies and Materials        115,903
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 66,696
   Contributions                   2,455
   Travel                         45,000             25,690
   Equipment                      32,515
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   5,700
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,264,178          $ 995,199
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 7,009,547        $ 6,740,568
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions         83,233
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 83,233
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           24,872
   Supplies and Materials         10,087
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    551
   Contributions                     521
   Travel                          2,980
   Equipment                       1,815
   Stipend                         5,388
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 46,214
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted              $ 129,447
                             ===========        ===========
Total Instruction            $ 7,138,994        $ 6,740,568
                             ===========        ===========
II. Research:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          190,303
   Unclassified Positions        272,909
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            39,739
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                      34
    Graduate Assistants           59,527
    Student Earnings              20,794
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 583,306
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          170,782
   Supplies and Materials        254,933
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  6,002
   Contributions                     163
   Travel                         50,254
   Equipment                     142,377
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   1,483
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 625,994
                               ---------       ------------
Total Research               $ 1,209,300
                             ===========        ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           11,663
   Unclassified Positions         90,328
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,242
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 103,233
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           89,214
   Supplies and Materials         12,960
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    233
   Contributions                     233
   Travel                         11,271
   Equipment                       1,320
   Library Books, Maps, and Film      23
   Stipend                         1,959
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 117,213
                               ---------       ------------
Total Public Service           $ 220,446
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 A. Library:
  1. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         116,479            116,479
                                 (10.50)            (10.50)
    Unclassified Positions       109,643            109,643
                                  (4.00)             (4.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions               800                800
   Graduate Assistants             5,700              5,700
   Student Earnings                3,200              3,200
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 235,822          $ 235,822
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           43,515             17,785
   Supplies and Materials          7,500              5,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  9,000
   Contributions                     400
   Travel                          3,000              1,500
   Library Books, Maps, and Film 119,385
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating 
  Expenses                     $ 182,800           $ 24,285
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Library                 $ 418,622          $ 260,107
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
  1. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         147,269            147,269
                                 (10.40)            (10.40)
    Unclassified Positions       141,457            141,457
                                  (1.90)             (1.90)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            14,375             14,375
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                     250                250
   Graduate Assistants             5,000              5,000
   Student Earnings                3,500              3,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 311,851          $ 311,851
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           26,750              3,500
   Supplies and Materials         33,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  7,484
   Travel                         10,000
   Equipment                      11,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 88,734            $ 3,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Academic Support  $ 400,585          $ 315,351
                             ===========        ===========
Total Academic Support         $ 819,207          $ 575,458
                             ===========        ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           63,152             63,152
                                  (5.00)             (5.00)
   Unclassified Positions         46,250             46,250
                                   (.80)              (.80)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,450              1,450
   Student Earnings                1,200              1,200
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 112,052          $ 112,052
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            7,500              7,500
   Supplies and Materials          1,175              1,175
   Travel                          1,800                800
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 10,475            $ 9,475
                               ---------       ------------
Total Student Services         $ 122,527          $ 121,527
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          305,731            305,731
                                 (19.60)            (19.60)
   Unclassified Positions        154,074            154,074
                                  (2.10)             (2.10)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            14,375             14,375
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                     350                350
   Graduate Assistants             1,900              1,900
   Student Earnings                6,500              6,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 482,930          $ 482,930
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          324,364            324,364
   Supplies and Materials         33,000             33,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 42,484             42,484
   Contributions                  18,000             18,000
   Travel                         10,000              5,000
   Equipment                       4,736
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 432,584          $ 422,848
                               ---------       ------------ 
Total Institutional Support   $ 915,514           $ 905,778
                             ===========        ===========
VII. Operation & Maintenance of Plant:
  A. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions          26,645             26,645
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            5,000              5,000
    Student Earnings               1,000              1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 32,645           $ 32,645
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services         1,312,613          1,245,897
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                  26,935             26,935
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,339,548        $ 1,272,832
                               ---------       ------------
Total Operation & Maintenance of
 Plant                       $ 1,372,193        $ 1,305,477
                             ===========        ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions      1,076,917            970,036
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions             $ 1,076,917          $ 970,036
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
   Contributions             $ 1,076,917          $ 970,036
                             ===========        ===========
Total Employee Benefits      $ 1,076,917          $ 970,036
                             ===========        ===========
Total USC-Medical School    $ 12,875,098       $ 10,618,844
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE
 Positions                      (224.62)           (193.00)
U S C - Aiken Campus
I. Instruction:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions         102,467              53,390
                                 (9.25)              (5.98)
   Unclassified Positions     1,818,419           1,431,989
                                (65.55)             (51.62)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions          11,500
    Part-Time Faculty           154,058             111,000
    Summer School Faculty       118,340             118,340
    Graduate Assistants          13,739              13,739
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service    $ 2,218,523         $ 1,728,458
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services          365,418             343,115
  Supplies and Materials         56,375              56,375
  Contributions                   4,750               4,750
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                    780                 780
  Travel                         15,375              15,375
  Equipment                       2,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                    $ 445,198           $ 420,395
                               ---------       ------------
Total General               $ 2,663,721         $ 2,148,853
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
   Other Personal Service: 
    Student Earnings             105,229
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 105,229 
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           1,200
    Supplies and Materials         3,500
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                   100
    Contributions                    275
    Travel                         9,950
    Equipment                      1,150
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 16,175
                               ---------       ------------
Total Restricted               $ 121,404
                             ===========        ===========
Total Instruction            $ 2,785,125        $ 2,148,853
                             ===========        ===========
II. Research:
 A. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            4,545
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 4,545
  Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services              75
    Supplies and Materials            85
    Travel                         3,650
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 3,810
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Research                  $ 8,355
                             ===========        ===========
III. Public Service:  
 A. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           17,111
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           12,269
    Part-Time Faculty                899
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service       $ 30,279
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          20,450
    Supplies and Materials        30,700
    Contributions                    525
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                14,050
    Travel                         1,750
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 67,475
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Public Service          $ 97,754
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Academic Support:
  A. Library:
   1. General:
    Personal Service:
     Classified Positions         61,297             50,038
     Unclassified Positions       72,588             67,920
    Other Personal Service:
     Temporary Positions           3,355              3,355
     Student Earnings              3,300              1,997
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Personal Service     $ 140,540          $ 123,310
    Other Operating Expenses:
     Contractual Services         65,300             40,000
     Supplies and Materials        7,625
     Equipment                     3,650
     Library Books, Maps,
      and Film                   197,951
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Other Operating
     Expenses                  $ 274,526           $ 40,000
                               ---------       ------------
    Total General              $ 415,066          $ 163,310
                             ===========        ===========
 2. Restricted:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   3,722
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                      $ 3,722
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted                $ 3,722
                             ===========        ===========
Total Library                  $ 418,788          $ 163,310
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           43,257             43,257
                                  (3.20)             (3.20)
   Unclassified Positions         83,538             42,327
                                  (1.25)              (.97)
  Other Personal Service:                                         
   Temporary Positions             6,500              1,118
   Student Earnings                6,230
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 139,525           $ 86,702
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           94,767             52,000
   Supplies and Materials         11,675
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  5,425
   Contributions                     250
   Travel                          7,400
   Equipment                      23,120
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 142,637           $ 52,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General                 $ 282,162          $ 138,702
                             ===========        ===========
Total Other Academic Support   $ 282,162          $ 138,702
                             ===========        ===========
Total Academic Support         $ 700,950          $ 302,012
                             ===========        ===========
V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         226,387            203,047
                                 (17.75)            (14.94)
    Unclassified Positions        99,791             87,817
                                  (3.50)             (3.08)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            4,100              4,000
    Graduate Assistants           38,028             37,794
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 368,306          $ 332,658
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          121,280             27,000
   Supplies and Materials         24,875
   Contributions                   2,795
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    440
   Travel                          5,049
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 154,439           $ 27,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General                $ 522,745          $ 359,658
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Designated:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,105
   Student Earnings               16,677
  Total Personal Service        $ 18,782
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           30,625
   Supplies and Materials         52,315
   Contributions                   2,600
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 16,285
   Travel                         15,330
   Equipment                       4,240
   Stipend                         9,600
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 130,995
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Designated             $ 149,777
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Student Services       $ 672,522          $ 359,658
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
   A. General:
    Personal Service:
     Classified Positions        295,344            239,591
                                 (22.80)            (17.57)
     Unclassified Positions       92,805             68,686
                                  (2.25)             (1.56)
    Other Personal Service:
     Temporary Positions           4,431              4,431
     Student Earnings              4,180
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Personal Service     $ 396,760          $ 312,708
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           95,363             89,935
   Supplies and Materials         50,735             20,065
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 18,290
   Contributions                   6,450
   Travel                          6,000
   Equipment                       5,340
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 182,178          $ 110,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General                 $ 578,938          $ 422,708
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                  134
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 134
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            1,675
   Supplies and Materials         10,075
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    115
   Travel                            100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 11,965
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted               $ 12,099
                             ===========        ===========
Total Institutional Support    $ 591,037          $ 422,708
                             ===========        ===========
VII. Operation & Maintenance of Plant:
  A. General: 
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         266,668            247,779
                                 (24.00)            (22.30)
    Other Personal Service:
     Temporary Positions           1,198              1,198
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 267,866          $ 248,977
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          767,936            430,558
   Supplies and Materials         69,425             31,645
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                     75
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 837,436          $ 462,203
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Operation & Maintenance of
  Plant                      $ 1,105,302          $ 711,180
                             ===========        ===========
VIII. Scholarships:
 A. Restricted:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Scholarships                  115,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 115,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total Scholarships             $ 115,000
                             ===========        ===========
IX. Auxiliary Enterprises:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions            53,398
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions              2,602
  Student Earnings                 1,933
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 57,933
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            13,821
  Supplies and Materials         312,588
  Contributions                      280
  Travel                             360
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 327,049
                               ---------       ------------
Total Auxiliary Enterprises    $ 384,982
                             ===========        ===========
X. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified           4,805
   Increments-Unclassified         9,836
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 14,641
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments        $ 14,641
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              34,862
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 34,862
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase        $ 34,862
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions        667,883            519,002
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer Contributions $ 667,883          $ 519,002
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                $ 667,883          $ 519,002
                             ===========        ===========
Total Employee Benefits        $ 717,386          $ 519,002
                             ===========        ===========
Total U S C System Aiken     $ 7,178,413        $ 4,463,413
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (164.35)           (129.30)
U S C - Coastal Carolina Campus
 I. Instruction:
  A. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         108,986            108,986
                                 (10.40)            (10.40)
    Unclassified Positions     2,590,476          1,857,637
                                 (77.97)            (62.26)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           23,590             18,346
    Part-Time Faculty            109,000
    Summer School Faculty        215,338            131,601
    Graduate Assistants           67,675             35,227
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service    $ 3,115,065        $ 2,151,797
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services         467,550            423,489
    Supplies and Materials       112,310             94,360
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                 1,000                825
    Contributions                  7,600              6,350
    Travel                        80,500             67,700
    Equipment                     45,425             37,965
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 714,385          $ 630,689
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 3,829,450        $ 2,782,486
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            7,168
    Part-Time Faculty              7,917
    Student Earnings             145,818
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 160,903
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           4,175
    Supplies and Materials         5,655
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                 1,600
    Contributions                    150
    Travel                         7,070
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 18,650
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Restricted             $ 179,553
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Instruction           $ 4,009,003        $ 2,782,486
                             ===========        ===========
II. Research:
  A. Restricted:
   Personal Service:
    Unclassified Positions        41,797
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            9,424
    Part-Time Faculty              2,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service       $ 53,221
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           2,100
    Supplies and Materials         3,755
    Travel                        19,000
    Library Books, Maps, and Film 10,709
    Equipment                      5,400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 40,964
                               ---------       ------------
Total Research                  $ 94,185
                             ===========        ===========
III. Public Service:
 A. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            5,563
    Part-Time Faculty                353
    Graduate Assistants              160
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 6,076
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           40,203
   Supplies and Materials          2,030
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    100
   Contributions                     800
   Travel                         11,300
   Equipment                      34,300
   Stipend                         7,600
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 96,333
                               ---------       ------------
Total Public Service           $ 102,409
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Academic Support:
 1. Library:
  A. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions          53,938             45,898
                                  (5.00)             (4.39)
    Unclassified Positions        80,150             57,174
                                  (4.00)             (2.86)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            3,000
    Graduate Assistants            4,000              4,000
    Student Earnings               9,800              2,151
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 150,888          $ 109,223
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          66,534             55,967
    Supplies and Materials         7,985              6,685
    Travel                         1,900              1,600
    Equipment                      2,750
    Library Books, Maps, and Film 62,550
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 141,719           $ 64,252
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General                 $ 292,607          $ 173,475
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   1,800
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 1,800
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted                $ 1,800
                             ===========        ===========
Total Library                  $ 294,407          $ 173,475
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Other Academic Support:
 1. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           84,417             37,731
                                  (6.00)             (2.86)
   Unclassified Positions        114,645            109,060
                                  (3.66)             (3.48)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,000              2,096
   Summer School Faculty          14,500             10,600
   Graduate Assistants             7,000              6,551
   Student Earnings               12,000              7,433
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 235,562          $ 173,471
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           150,937            126,870
  Supplies and Materials          18,175             15,275
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   7,300              6,200
  Contributions                    1,225              1,000
  Travel                          24,325             20,100
  Equipment                       55,850
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 257,812          $ 169,445
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Academic Support  $ 493,374          $ 342,916
                             ===========        ===========
Total Academic Support         $ 787,781          $ 516,391
                             ===========        ===========
 V. Student Services:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          258,670            251,825
                                 (16.25)            (15.82)
   Unclassified Positions         53,103             33,594
                                  (2.32)             (1.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            14,000              3,355
   Summer School Faculty          24,662
   Student Earnings               15,500             14,938
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 365,935          $ 303,712
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          128,584            107,992
   Supplies and Materials         16,775             14,100
   Contributions                   4,500              3,700
   Travel                         13,000             11,000
   Equipment                       2,900
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 165,759          $ 136,792
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General                 $ 531,694          $ 440,504
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Designated:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                48
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service           $ 48
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          60,170
    Supplies and Materials        68,270
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                44,850
    Contributions                  9,100
    Travel                         3,700
    Equipment                        200
    Stipend                      181,143
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 367,433
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Designated              $ 367,481
                             ===========        ===========
Total Student Services         $ 899,175          $ 440,504
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Institutional Support:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          184,554            184,554
                                 (12.00)            (12.00)
   Unclassified Positions        176,639            100,724
                                  (4.00)             (2.26)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            33,000                879
   Student Earnings               27,900              5,432
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 422,093          $ 291,589
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          385,450            146,517
   Supplies and Materials         13,100              9,096
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 60,950             42,394
   Contributions                   6,700              4,669
   Travel                         28,660
   Equipment                      63,144
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 558,004          $ 202,676
                               ---------       ------------
Total General                  $ 980,097          $ 494,265
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             4,909
   Graduate Assistants             1,331
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service          $ 6,240
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            21,785
  Supplies and Materials          31,060
  Contributions                      575
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   4,800
  Travel                          14,700
  Equipment                          725
  Stipend                         22,625
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 96,270
                               ---------       ------------
Total Restricted               $ 102,510
                             ===========        ===========
Total Institutional Support  $ 1,082,607          $ 494,265
                             ===========        ===========
II. Operation & Maintenance of Plant:
  A. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         211,063            173,727
                                 (18.17)            (15.01)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           45,000             14,000
    Overtime and Shift
     Differential                  1,250                 30
    Student Earnings              12,000              5,251
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 269,313          $ 193,008
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services         843,181            784,972
    Supplies and Materials       143,025             69,945
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                 2,130              1,034
    Travel                           900                409
    Equipment                     19,050
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 1,008,286          $ 856,360
                               ---------       ------------
Total Operation & Maintenance of
 Plant                       $ 1,277,599        $ 1,049,368
                             ===========        ===========
VIII. Scholarships:
 A. Restricted:
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          10,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 10,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Scholarships-Restricted  $ 10,000
                             ===========        ===========
Total Scholarships              $ 10,000
                             ===========        ===========
IX. Auxiliary Enterprises:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           24,999
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,627
   Student Earnings                8,792
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 35,418
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            16,000
  Supplies and Materials         393,420
  Contributions                      275
  Travel                           1,700
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 411,395
                               ---------       ------------
Total Auxiliary Enterprises    $ 446,813
                             ===========        ===========
X. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified           2,602
   Increments-Unclassified        18,871
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 21,473
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments        $ 21,473
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              51,126
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 51,126
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Base Pay Increase       $ 51,126
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions       812,095            585,567
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer Contributions $ 812,095          $ 585,567
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                $ 812,095          $ 585,567
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits       $ 884,694          $ 585,567
                             ===========        ===========
 Total USC System - Coastal  $ 9,594,266        $ 5,868,581
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (162.28)           (132.74)
U S C - Spartanburg Campus
 I. Instruction:
  A. General:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         146,280             68,666
                                 (12.48)             (6.17)
    Unclassified Positions     2,545,323          1,970,553
                                 (90.47)            (71.78)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            18,150
   Part-Time Faculty             119,150             70,116
   Summer School Faculty         224,523            146,039
   Graduate Assistants            14,000             14,000
   Student Earnings               24,145             24,145
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 3,091,571        $ 2,293,519
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          432,193            409,165
   Supplies and Materials         43,785             36,973
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    450
   Contributions                   6,500
   Travel                         24,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 507,428          $ 446,138
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 3,598,999        $ 2,739,657
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             4,708
   Part-Time Faculty               2,744
   Student Earnings              136,740
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 144,192
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           28,798
   Supplies and Materials         43,450
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  1,400
   Contributions                   1,500
   Travel                          8,400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 83,548
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted              $ 227,740
                             ===========        ===========
Total Instruction            $ 3,826,739       $ 2,739,657
                             ===========        ===========
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