South Carolina General Assembly
105th Session, 1983-1984

Continuation of Appropriations Act

Paroles And Community Corrections
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director             43,971             43,971
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions          475,394            475,394
                                 (29.00)            (29.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                       30,350             30,350
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 549,715          $ 549,715
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           69,050             69,050
   Supplies and Materials         23,500             23,500
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 74,404             74,404
   Travel                         30,058             30,058
   Equipment                       7,000              7,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 204,012          $ 204,012
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administration          $ 753,727          $ 753,727
                             ===========        ===========
II. Community Corrections:
  Classified Positions         5,034,970          4,928,170
                                (336.00)           (329.00)
  Probation/Parole Agent         832,545            702,545
                                 (61.00)            (51.00)
  Administrative Support
   Specialist                     95,334             95,334
                                  (9.00)             (9.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             5,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service      $ 5,967,849        $ 5,726,049
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           475,857            475,857
  Supplies and Materials          74,100             64,100
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                  19,687             11,687
  Travel                         315,413            312,213
  Equipment                       63,300             47,300
  Library Books, Maps, and Film      200                200
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 948,557          $ 911,357
                               ---------       ------------
Total Community Corrections  $ 6,916,406        $ 6,637,406
                             ===========        ===========
III. Paroles and Pardons:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions           609,496            609,496
                                 (32.00)            (32.00)
  Unclassified Positions          43,971             43,971
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 653,467          $ 653,467
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            11,279             11,279
  Supplies and Materials          16,500             16,500
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                  28,000             28,000
  Travel                          35,000             35,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 90,779           $ 90,779
 Public Assistance Payments/Case
   Psychiatry                     33,000             33,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Case Services/Public
  Assist. Payment               $ 33,000           $ 33,000
  Special Item:
   Hearing Fees                   30,000             30,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Special Items            $ 30,000           $ 30,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total Paroles and Pardons      $ 807,246          $ 807,246
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Training:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions            36,994             36,994
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 36,994           $ 36,994
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services             9,800              9,800
  Supplies and Materials          14,400             14,400
  Equipment                          100                100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 35,750           $ 35,750
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Training                 $ 72,744           $ 72,744
                             ===========        ===========
V. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified           4,973
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 4,973
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments         $ 4,973
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              11,840
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 11,840
                               ---------       ------------
Total Base Pay Increase         $ 11,840
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
  Employer Contributions       1,529,083          1,473,483
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Employer
  Contributions              $ 1,529,083        $ 1,473,483
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
 Contributions               $ 1,529,083        $ 1,473,483
                             ===========        ===========
Total Employee Benefits      $ 1,545,896        $ 1,473,483
                             ===========        ===========
Total Parole & Community
 Corr.                      $ 10,096,019        $ 9,744,606
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (471.00)           (454.00)
  Provided, That all prisoners shall be given the benefit of earned
work credits awarded pursuant to Section 24-13-230 of the 1976 Code
since May 5, 1978, and credits for extra duty work awarded pursuant
to Section 24-13-230 from July 31, 1963, until May 5, 1978, in
determining the time required before they are eligible to be
considered for parole. Provided, Further, That revenue derived
wholly from supervisory charges paid by inmates participating in
the Supervised Furlough Program and/or by inmates under supervision
as a result of a prison overcrowding emergency declaration be
retained in aggregate by the Department of Parole and Community
Corrections to continue the supervisory effort. Provided, Further,
That revenue collected and retained in prior years from these
sources be retained and carried forward in aggregate to continue
the supervisory effort.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
under Program III entitled Parole and Pardons for Hearing Fees
shall be used to provide a hearing fee for Parole and Community
Corrections Board members under a plan approved by the Budget and
Control Board.
Department of Youth Services
I. Office of The Commissioner:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner/S                 54,435             54,435
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Classified Positions           231,358            231,358
                                  (9.00)             (9.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                       11,305             11,305
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 297,098          $ 297,098
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            23,100             21,600
  Supplies and Materials           4,864              3,364
  Fixed Charges and 
   Contributions                   5,600              5,600
  Travel                          21,000             21,000
  Library Books, Maps, and Film      100
  Transportation                     636                636
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 55,300           $ 52,200
 Public Assistance Payments/Case
  Case Services                    1,400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Case Services/Public
  Assist. Payment                $ 1,400
                               ---------       ------------
Total Office of The
 Commissioner                  $ 353,798          $ 349,298
                             ===========        ===========
II. General Institutional Programs:
 A. General Institutions:

  Classified Positions         4,278,784          4,278,784
                                (334.80)           (334.80)
  Youth Counselors               571,609            571,609
 Other Personal Service:
  Inmate Earnings                 13,767             13,767
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service      $ 4,864,160        $ 4,864,160
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           187,694            187,694
  Supplies and Materials         171,189            171,189
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                  12,960             12,960
  Travel                           7,100              7,100
  Library Books, Maps, and Film       50                 50
  Equipment                       17,237             17,237
  Purchase for Resale             80,000
  Light/Power/Heat               474,091            459,091
  Transportation                  54,352             54,352
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,004,673          $ 909,673
 Public Assistance
 Payments/Case Services:
  Case Services                   15,000             15,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Case Services/Public
  Assist. Payment               $ 15,000           $ 15,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total General Institutions   $ 5,883,833        $ 5,788,833
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Vocational Rehabilitation:
  Special Item:
  Vocational Rehabilitation
   Project                        53,661             53,661
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 53,661           $ 53,661
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Vocational
  Rehabilitation                $ 53,661           $ 53,661
                             ===========        ===========
Total General Institutional
 Programs                    $ 5,937,494        $ 5,842,494
                             ===========        ===========
III. Educational Services:
 A. Education:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          339,932            211,181
                                 (27.00)            (14.00)
   Unclassified Positions      1,371,906            654,405
                                 (74.00)            (36.50)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            21,300             14,300
   Inmate Earnings               139,600
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,872,738          $ 879,886
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           43,323             34,100
   Supplies and Materials         68,281             42,128
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 14,517             14,517
   Travel                          3,900              3,400
   Library Books, Maps, and Film  10,109              3,109
   Equipment                      45,000              7,000
   Light/Power/Heat               67,000             48,250
   Transportation                  2,632              2,632
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 254,762          $ 155,136
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Education             $ 2,127,500        $ 1,035,022
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Edu. of Children-Group
  Special Items:
   Education-Group Homes/
    Foster Care                   35,000             35,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Education - Group/Foster
   Care                           35,000             35,000
                             ===========        ===========
Total Educational Services   $ 2,162,500        $ 1,070,022
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Community Programs:
 A. Community Programs General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        5,332,524          5,063,736
                                (349.20)           (330.20)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            19,759             19,759
   Special Contract Employee     138,200            138,200
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 5,490,483        $ 5,221,695
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          824,275            821,233
   Supplies and Materials        117,736            104,736
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 82,474             82,474
   Travel                        219,043            219,043
   Equipment                      39,685             39,685
   Light/Power/Heat               37,687             37,687
   Transportation                 31,836             31,836
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,352,736        $ 1,336,694
 Public Assistance
  Payments/Case Services:
  Family Foster Care Board
   Payments                       49,920             49,920
  Case Services                  596,089            596,089
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Case Services/Public
  Assist. Payments             $ 646,009          $ 646,009
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Community Programs -
  General                    $ 7,489,228        $ 7,198,398
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Florence Crittendon Home
  Special Items:
 C. Juvenile Restitution
  Program Charleston
  Special Items:
   Juvenile Restitution Program
    Charleston                   117,000            117,000
                               ---------       ------------

  Total Special Items          $ 117,000          $ 117,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Juvenile
   Charleston                  $ 117,000          $ 117,000
                             ===========        ===========
 D. Residential Treatment-Emot.
  Special Items:
   Residential Treatment-Emot.
    Handcp                        55,000             55,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Special Items          $ 55,000           $ 55,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Residential
  Treatment-Emot. Hand.         $ 55,000           $ 55,000
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Community Programs    $ 7,661,228        $ 7,370,398
                             ===========        ===========
V. Administrative Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,845,237          1,674,462
                                (129.00)           (120.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            12,500             12,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service      $ 1,857,737        $ 1,686,962
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           355,178            324,436
  Supplies and Materials         485,664            341,564
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                 351,150            351,150
  Travel                          22,745             22,745
  Library Books, Maps, and Film      100                100
  Equipment                      220,200            172,200
  Light/Power/Heat               111,291             95,431
  Transportation                  40,140             35,140
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,586,468        $ 1,342,766
                               ---------       ------------
Total Administrative
 Services                    $ 3,444,205        $ 3,029,728
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Treatment Services:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions           798,614            798,614
                                 (43.50)            (43.50)
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions              5,500              5,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 804,114          $ 804,114
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            60,407             60,407
  Supplies and Materials          11,954             11,954
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   4,500              4,500
  Travel                          11,600             11,600
  Equipment                        2,100              2,100
  Library Books, Maps, and Film      100                100
  Light/Power/Heat                14,243             14,243
  Transportation                   1,346              1,346
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 106,250          $ 106,250
  Public Assistance Payments:
  Case Services                  351,400            351,400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Case Services/Public
  Assist. Payment              $ 351,400          $ 351,400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Treatment Services    $ 1,261,764        $ 1,261,764
VII. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified          11,935
   Increments-Unclassified        15,068
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 27,003
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments        $ 27,003
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              59,025
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 59,025
                               ---------       ------------
Total Base Pay Increase         $ 59,025
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions      2,910,646          2,606,378
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions             $ 2,910,646        $ 2,606,378
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions              $ 2,910,646        $ 2,606,378
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits     $ 2,996,674        $ 2,606,378
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Youth Services       $ 23,817,663       $ 21,530,082
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions (1017.50)           (939.00)
  Provided, Further, That the revenue generated from sale of meal
tickets by the Department of Youth Services shall be retained by
the agency and expended for the operation of the agency's
cafeterias and food service programs.
  Provided, That notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the
Department of Youth Services is authorized to dispose of farm
products surplus to the needs of the institution and to retain
these funds to offset the costs of the farming operations. Such
funds shall be budgeted through the normal budget and appropriation
process and such expenditures shall be reduced accordingly if
receipts of these funds become insufficient to meet budget needs.
  Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated under 'III B.
Educational Services' for 'Education of Children in Group or Foster
Homes' shall be paid to the school districts where such children
are sent to school for reimbursement of educational costs of such
children. Such payment shall be limited to educational costs beyond
that provided by each pupil's portion of funds generated under the
Education Finance Act plus one pupil's portion of any applicable
federal funds received by the school district. Provided, Further,
That all funds under this section not claimed by the school
districts shall be transferred to the appropriate line-items in
'III. Educational Services' for the use by the DYS special school
  Provided, Further, That the revenue returned to the Interstate
Compact Program and the revenue returned from the Juvenile
Restitution Program shall be retained by the Agency and expended
for the Operation of the respective program areas.
  Provided, Further, That of the funds appropriated in this
section, the Department shall continue to fund the Carolina Youth
Development Center and the Snowden Community Center in FY 1984-85
at the FY 1983-84 level. 
  Provided, Further, That all foodstuffs used to prepare meals
without charge or cost to children under the School Food Service
Programs prior to FY 1985 shall be exempt from sales tax.
  Provided, Further, That the funds made available to the
Department of Youth Services under the Equal School Finance Act
shall be calculated on a twelve month basis.
Law Enforcement Training Council
I. Administration:
 A. General Administration and
  Personal Service:
   Director                       46,160
   Classified Positions          344,141
  New Positions:
   Admin Spec A                   10,198
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             8,218
   Per Diem                          250
   Non-Resident Inmate Security  115,756
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 524,723
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            65,961
  Supplies and Materials          42,063
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                  10,009
  Travel                           8,267
  Equipment                      102,656
  Taxes                            2,723
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 231,679
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administration and
  Certification                $ 756,402
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Food Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           68,948
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 68,948
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services             2,000
  Supplies and Materials         272,705
  Equipment                          500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 275,205
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Food Services           $ 344,153
                             ===========        ===========
 C. Building and Grounds:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          106,115
 New Positions:
  Trades Worker                   19,616
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions              3,000
  Inmate Earnings                 45,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 173,731
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services           250,667
  Supplies and Materials         105,228
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   6,445
  Equipment                       17,296
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 379,636
  Emergency Maintenance          100,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Special Items           $ 100,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Buildings and Grounds   $ 653,367
                             ===========        ===========
Total Administration         $ 1,753,922
                             ===========        ===========

II. Training and Operations:
 A. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          395,214
  New Positions:
   Sr. Crim. Instructor           18,368
   Audio-Visual Spec              14,517
   Instructional Media Spec.      12,408
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            18,000
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   2,175
   Part-Time Faculty              68,433
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 529,115
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           88,661
   Supplies and Materials         71,737
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    218
   Travel                          4,712
   Library Books, Maps, and Film  16,890
   Equipment                      34,099
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 216,317
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Instruction             $ 745,432
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Range Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          154,480
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 154,480
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           16,000
   Supplies and Materials         76,869
   Equipment                      25,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 117,869
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Range Operations        $ 272,349
                             ===========        ===========
 C. Field Training:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          218,000
  New Positions:
   Sr. Criminology Instructor     18,368
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            13,047
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 249,415
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          126,822
   Supplies and Materials         20,000
   Travel                         24,000
   Equipment                      15,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 185,822
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Field Training          $ 435,237
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Training and 
  Operations                 $ 1,453,018
                             ===========        ===========
III. Legal Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions           68,744
  New Positions:
   Attorney II                    25,139
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 93,883
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services             2,000
  Supplies and Materials             500
  Travel                           1,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses  $ 3,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Legal Services           $ 97,383
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified          17,106
   Increments-Longevity            4,623
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 21,729
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments        $ 21,729
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              78,023
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 78,023
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase        $ 78,023
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions        303,152
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer Contributions $ 303,152
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                $ 303,152
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits       $ 402,904
                             ===========        ===========
Total S.C. Law Enf. Trng.
 Council                     $ 3,707,227
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions   (74.95)
  Provided, That notwithstanding any other provisions of law,
revenue received from the sale of meals to employees, sale of
student locks and materials, sale of legal manuals receivable
materials, tuition from military breathalyzer courses, coin
operated telephones, and revenue from canteen operations and
building management services shall be retained by the Law
Enforcement Training Council (Criminal Justice Academy) and
expended in budgeted operations for food services, training and
other related services.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, revenue received from regional and national marketing of the
'Crime-to-Court' and other South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy
and E.T.V. series shall be retained by the Law Enforcement Training
Council and expended for the expansion and improvement of the
Criminal Academy's E.T.V. program and other training programs.
  Provided, Further, That other funds authorized in Program I.C.
Buildings and Grounds, Special Item: 'Emergency Maintenance' shall
be used only for emergency maintenance needs at the Criminal
Justice Academy. Any authorization for this program unused at the
end of the fiscal Year shall be carried forward and used for the
same purpose. 
Law Officers Hall of Fame Committee
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           33,100
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             2,400
   Inmate Earnings                 1,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 36,500
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           52,969
  Supplies and Materials          23,892
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   3,470
  Travel                           6,500
  Equipment                        4,830
  Library Books, Maps, and Film    3,500
  Exhibits and Collections        21,150
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 116,311
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administration          $ 152,811
                             ===========        ===========
II. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
   Personal Service
    Increments-Classified            348
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service          $ 348
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Salary Increments          $ 348
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase               1,655
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 1,655
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase         $ 1,655
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions          6,708
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer Contributions   $ 6,708
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                  $ 6,708
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits         $ 8,711
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Law Officers 
  Hall of Fame                 $ 161,522
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Authorized FTE Positions   (2.00)
Water Resources Commission
I. Administration:
 A. Office of The Executive
  Personal Services:
   Executive Director             42,521             42,521
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions          152,670            152,670
                                  (6.00)             (6.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             4,000              4,000
   Per Diem                        5,000              5,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 204,191          $ 204,191
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            10,975             10,975
  Supplies and Materials           6,300              6,300
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   1,158              1,158
  Travel                          18,000             18,000
  Library Books, Maps, and Film      300                300
  Equipment                       10,771             10,771
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 47,504           $ 47,504
 Special Items:
  Special Meetings &
   Conferences                     1,800
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items            $ 1,800
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Office of The Ex.
  Director                     $ 253,495          $ 251,695
                             ===========        ===========
B. Administrative Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          145,876            139,910
                                  (8.00)             (8.00)
   Senior Accountant              20,058             20,058
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             5,000              5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 170,934          $ 164,968
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           45,637             45,637
   Supplies and Materials          3,820              3,820
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                119,374            119,374
   Travel                          1,500              1,500
   Equipment                       7,304              7,304
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 177,635          $ 177,635
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administrative Services $ 348,569          $ 342,603
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Administration          $ 602,064          $ 594,298
                             ===========        ===========
II. State Planning Program:
 A. Comprehensive Water
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions           79,569             79,569
                                  (4.00)             (4.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             7,000              1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 86,569           $ 80,569
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           16,364             10,664
   Supplies and Material           5,646              4,796
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                     73                 73
   Travel                          3,800              2,300
   Equipment                       1,299              1,299
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 27,182           $ 19,133
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Comprehensive Water Res.
  Plan                         $ 113,751           $ 99,703
                             ===========        ===========
 B. National Flood Insurance:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions           20,648
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 25,648
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            8,500
   Supplies and Materials          1,964
   Travel                          2,500
   Equipment                         400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 13,364
                               ---------       ------------
 Total National Flood Insurance $ 39,012
                             ===========        ===========
Total State Planning Program   $ 152,763           $ 99,701
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Surface Water Program:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          158,741            158,741
                                  (7.00)             (7.00)
  New Position:
   Proj Admstr                    22,563             22,563
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 181,304          $ 181,304
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          150,660              4,535
   Supplies and Materials          6,650              5,550
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    473                473
   Travel                         17,000              8,963
   Equipment                       7,498              6,498
   Transportation                    400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 182,681           $ 26,019
  Special Items:
   WRRl - Clemson University      50,000             50,000
   Private Coop. Water Study      92,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items          $ 142,000           $ 50,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Surface Water Program   $ 505,985          $ 257,323
                             ===========        ===========
V. Geology and Hydrology 
 A. Investigations and Tech. 
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          130,042            114,341
                                  (7.00)             (6.00)
   New Positions: 
    Geologist I                   17,805             17,805
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
    Geologist II                  20,028             20,028
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
    Admin Spec A                  10,707             10,707
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,500              2,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 181,082          $ 165,381
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          173,285            173,285
   Supplies and Materials         13,425             13,425
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,895              3,895
   Travel                         22,000             22,000
   Equipment                       2,847              2,847
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 215,452          $ 215,452
  Special Items:
   Cooperative Studies - USGS     40,000             40,000
   Ground Water Survey            25,000             25,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 65,000           $ 65,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Investigations and Tech.
  Asst.                        $ 461,534          $ 445,833
                             ===========        ===========
 B. State Capacity Use Program:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions           97,752             82,051
                                  (5.00)             (4.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             2,000              2,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 99,752           $ 84,051
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            8,621              3,740
   Supplies and Materials          3,850              2,850
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  8,317              8,317
   Travel                          7,895              4,895
   Light/Power/Heat                1,250              1,250
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                      $ 29,933           $ 21,052
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Capacity Use
  Program                      $ 129,685          $ 105,103
                             ===========        ===========
C. Piedmont Program
  Personal Service:
  New Positions:
   Geologist I                    15,701             15,701
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Civil Engr I                   18,360             18,360
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Public Info Spec II            15,701             15,701
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Geologist II                   18,545             18,545
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Proj Admstr                    22,563             22,563
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 90,870           $ 90,870
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           30,000             30,000
   Supplies and Materials          4,000              4,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  8,000              8,000
   Travel                          4,000              4,000
   Equipment                      18,000             18,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 74,000           $ 74,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Piedmont Program        $ 164,870          $ 164,870
                             ===========        ===========
Total Geology and Hydrology    $ 756,089          $ 715,806
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified           1,209
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 1,209
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments         $ 1,209
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase Personal Service
  Base Pay Increase                3,023
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service          $ 3,023
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase         $ 3,023
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions      $ 188,901          $ 173,155
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions               $ 188,901          $ 173,155
                               ---------       ------------
  Total State Employer
   Contributions               $ 188,901          $ 173,155
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits       $ 193,133          $ 173,155
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Water Resources
  Commission                 $ 2,210,034        $ 1,840,283
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions   (51.00)            (46.00)
  Provided, That the Commission may charge for the sale of
publications, postal reimbursement and photocopying costs and that
such funds shall be remitted to the General Fund.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in Program IV.
Surface Water Program, Contractual Services, $40,000 shall be used
for printing and implementation of the State Water Plan and
updating the State Water Assessment.
State Land Resources Conservation Commission
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director             42,521             42,521
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Classified Positions           247,818            247,818
                                 (13.00)            (13.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        2,695              2,695
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 293,034          $ 293,034
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           30,125             30,125
   Supplies and Materials          9,869              9,869
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 90,006             90,006
   Travel                         17,841             17,841
   Equipment                       6,950              6,950
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 154,791          $ 154,791
 Special Items:
  Total Administration         $ 447,825          $ 447,825
                             ===========        ===========
II. Conservation Districts:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          343,061            343,061
                                 (17.00)            (17.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,500              2,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 345,561          $ 345,561
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           53,500             53,500
   Supplies and Materials          9,850              9,850
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,786              3,786
   Travel                         43,850             43,850
   Equipment                       3,013              3,013
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 113,999          $ 113,999
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Aid to Conservation Districts 293,996            293,996
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Distribution To
   Subdivisions                $ 293,996          $ 293,996
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Conservation Districts  $ 753,556          $ 753,556
                             ===========        ===========
III. Mining and Reclamation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          136,662            136,662
                                  (6.00)             (6.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             4,000              4,000
   Per Diem                        1,000              1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 141,662          $ 141,662
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           18,791             18,791
   Supplies and Materials          4,200              4,200
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  2,544              2,544
   Travel                         12,000             12,000
   Equipment                       4,403              4,403
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                      $ 41,938           $ 41,938
  Special Items:
   Interstate Mining Compact       6,373              6,373
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items            $ 6,373            $ 6,373
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Mining and Reclamation  $ 189,973          $ 189,973
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Dams and Reservoirs Safety:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          205,689            205,689
                                  (8.00)             (8.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 205,689          $ 205,689
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           30,475             30,475
   Supplies and Materials         13,000             13,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,067              3,067
   Travel                         21,500             21,500
   Equipment                       7,273              7,273
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 75,315           $ 75,315
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Dams and Reservoirs
  Safety                       $ 281,004          $ 281,004
                             ===========        ===========
V. Soil Survey:
 A. Surveys:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           13,658             13,658
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 13,658           $ 13,658
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies and Materials            500                500
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  1,000              1,000
   Travel                          3,552              3,552
   Equipment                       1,013              1,013
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses  $ 6,065            $ 6,065
 Special Items: 
  Soil Survey Program:
  Research, Survey, and
   Appraisal                     110,073            110,073
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items          $ 110,073          $ 110,073
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Surveys                $ 129,796          $ 129,796
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Board of Registration: 
 (Soil Classifiers): 
  Personal Services: 
   Per Diem                          200                200
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 200              $ 200
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                            600                600
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 600              $ 600
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Board of Registration-
  (Soil Classifiers)               $ 800              $ 800
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Soil Survey             $ 130,596          $ 130,596
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Conservation Planning and Resource
  Personal Service
   Classified Positions           53,016             53,016
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 53,016           $ 53,016
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          353,191              6,296
   Supplies and Materials          2,750              2,750
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  1,196              1,196
   Travel                          3,855              3,855
   Equipment                       1,013              1,013
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 362,005           $ 15,110
  Special Items:
  Watershed Conservation:
   Research, Survey and
    Appraisal                     37,000             37,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 37,000           $ 37,000
  Total Conservation Planning and
   Resource Development        $ 452,021          $ 105,126
                             ===========        ===========
VII. Erosion and Sediment
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           16,982             16,982
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 16,982           $ 16,982
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            1,600              1,600
   Supplies and Materials          1,000              1,000
   Travel                          2,596              2,596
   Equipment                       2,075              2,075
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 7,271            $ 7,271
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Erosion and Sediment
  Control                       $ 24,253           $ 24,253
                             ===========        ===========
VIII. Land Resources
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           40,843             40,843
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 40,843           $ 40,843
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            2,000              2,000
   Supplies and Materials          1,500                900
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  1,350              1,300
   Travel                          3,870              3,870
   Equipment                       4,713              3,513
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     300
   Purchase for Resale            11,850
   Taxes                           1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 26,583           $ 11,583
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Land Resources Information
  Center                        $ 67,426           $ 52,426
                             ===========        ===========
IX. Board of Registration-
  Landscape Architects:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        1,400              1,400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 1,400            $ 1,400
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            4,250              4,250
   Supplies and Materials         10,230             10,230
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    470                470
   Travel                          2,500              2,500
   Equipment                       2,000              2,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                      $ 19,450           $ 19,450
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Board of Registration-
  Landscape Architects          $ 20,850           $ 20,850
                             ===========        ===========
X. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service 
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions         190,113           190,113
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer Contributions  $ 190,113         $ 190,113
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                 $ 190,113         $ 190,113
                             ===========        ===========
Total Employee Benefits         $ 190,113         $ 190,113
                             ===========        ===========
Total Land Resources
 Cons. Comm.                  $ 2,557,617       $ 2,195,722
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions    (52.00)           (52.00)
  Provided, That the appropriations in this section for 'Aid To
Conservation Districts' shall be used by the Soil and Water
Conservation Districts for general assistance to the district's
program. Provided, Further, That no district shall receive any
funds under this provision unless the county or counties wherein
the district is located shall have appropriated no less than three
hundred dollars to the district from county funds for the same
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
for 'Aid To Conservation Districts' shall be apportioned so that
each of the eligible forty-six counties receives an equal amount.
Provided, However, That any amount voluntarily returned to the
Commission may be transferred to other counties that have expressed
a need for additional funding. 
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
for 'Mining and Reclamation': 'Per Diem' and 'Travel' may be used
for reimbursement of expenses and per diem for the South Carolina
Mining Council.
  Provided, Further, That the Commission may retain and carry
forward funds derived from the sale of maps in an amount not to
exceed $1,000.
State Forestry Commission
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   State Forester                 50,518             50,518
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Classified Positions           726,389            700,177
                                 (38.00)            (36.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,996              3,996
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 780,903          $ 754,691
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           79,417             79,417
   Supplies and Materials         49,404             47,904
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 69,130             69,130
   Travel                         26,567             25,655
   Equipment                       4,221              4,221
   Light/Power/Heat               24,902             24,902
   Transportation                 15,175             15,175
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 268,816          $ 266,404
                               ---------       ------------
Total Administration         $ 1,049,719        $ 1,021,095
                             ===========        ===========
II. A. Forest Landowner
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        7,170,504          6,932,743
                                (532.43)           (521.42)
  New Positions:
   Forest Law Enforcement Chief   28,093             28,093
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Forester I                     37,954             37,954
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
   Admin Spec A                   10,198             10,198
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            96,965             90,465
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 7,343,714        $ 7,099,453
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          273,143            125,581
   Supplies and Materials        765,458            646,822
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 90,926             39,330
   Contributions                  12,000             12,000
   Travel                        197,821            100,599
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     300                300
   Equipment                     261,706            107,568
   Light/Power/Heat               96,894             47,364
   Transportation                524,280            273,785
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 2,222,528        $ 1,353,349
  Special Items:
   Aerial Detection               33,000             33,000
   Tankers - Rental               90,000             90,000
   Forest Renewal Program        500,000            100,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Special Items           $ 623,000          $ 223,000
 Distribution to Subdivisions:
  Allocations to Other Entities   47,100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Distribution To
  Subdivisions                  $ 47,100
                               ---------       ------------
Total Forest Landowner
 Assistance                 $ 10,236,342        $ 8,675,802
                             ===========        ===========
II. B. Seed Orchard
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             4,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 4,500
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           10,000
   Supplies and Materials         30,330
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  1,000
   Travel                          3,000
   Equipment                       5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 49,330
  Debt Service:
   Principal                     300,000
   Interest                      100,000
  Total Debt Service           $ 400,000
  Distribution to Subdivision:
  Allocations To
   Counties-Restricted           187,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Distribution To
  Subdivisions                 $ 187,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Seed Orchard
  Development                  $ 641,330
                             ===========        ===========
Total Forest Landowner
 Assistance                 $ 10,877,672        $ 8,675,802
                             ===========        ===========
III. State Forests:
 A. Manchester:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions         140,788             140,788
                                 (9.00)              (9.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions              975                 975
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service      $ 141,763           $ 141,763
  Other Operating Expense:
   Contractual Services           4,244               1,644
   Supplies and Materials        10,580               3,250
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                   300                 300
   Travel                         2,000               1,000
   Equipment                        261                 261
   Light/Power/Heat                 900                 600
   Transportation                14,259               5,489
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 32,544            $ 12,544
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Manchester             $ 174,307           $ 154,307
                             ===========        ===========
B. Sandhills:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions           258,627
 Other Personal Service:
  Temporary Positions             10,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 268,627
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services            24,650
  Supplies and Materials          24,500
  Fixed Charges and
   Contributions                   1,521
  Travel                           3,810
  Equipment                       67,650
  Light/Power/Heat                 3,800
  Transportation                  25,000
  Scholarships                     6,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 156,931
 Distribution to Subdivisions:
 Allocations To
  Counties-Unrestricted          100,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Distribution To
  Subdivisions                 $ 100,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total Sandhills                $ 525,558
                             ===========        ===========
Total State Forests            $ 699,865          $ 154,307
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified          10,206
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 10,206
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments        $ 10,206
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              25,514
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 25,514
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase        $ 25,514
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions      1,703,065          1,597,721
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions             $ 1,703,065        $ 1,597,721
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions              $ 1,703,065        $ 1,597,721
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits     $ 1,738,785        $ 1,597,721
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Forestry Commission  $ 14,366,041       $ 11,448,925
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (600.43)           (571.42)
  Provided, That for reforestation purposes on State Forest lands,
the State Forestry Commission is authorized to rent newly cleared
lands for agricultural purposes, and that such revenues shall be
remitted to the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That the State Forestry Commission may refund
deposits placed with the Commission with orders for tree seedlings.
  Provided, Further, That compensation supplements paid personnel
of the Forestry Commission by counties and/or other political
subdivisions shall not be extended in 1984-85 to additional
employees, nor shall such existing supplements be increased in
  Provided, Further, That revenue received from hunting and fishing
permits, farm land rentals, fuelwood sales, the marketing of pine
straw and miscellaneous products other than merchantable timber on
Forestry Commission lands shall be retained by the Commission to be
used for the maintenance of wildlife habitat and the administration
of these various programs on those holdings.
  Provided, Further, That when demand for forest tree seedlings
from South Carolina landowners exceeds the supply available from
Forestry Commission nurseries, the Forestry Commission is
authorized to purchase seedlings for resale at cost plus shipping.
The revenue received from the resale and distribution of these
seedlings shall be retained in a seedling purchase revolving fund
to be expended for that purpose only. 
  Provided, Further, That the Forestry Commission may sell, to the
highest bidder, the grain storage bins now located on the Jasper
County Seed Orchard. The receipts from such sale shall be retained
by the Commission to be based in the development of the seed
  Provided, Further, That the Forestry Commission may sell or trade
in for replacements, motor vehicle equipment, materials and
supplies. All proceeds of sales, less cost, shall be used by the
Forestry Commission for the purchase of replacement items.
Department of Agriculture
I. Administrative Services:
 A. Administration General:
  Personal Services:
   Commissioner of Agriculture    55,000             55,000
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Classified Positions           810,544            810,544
                                 (41.00)            (41.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             5,000              5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 870,544          $ 870,544
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           45,780             44,880
   Supplies and Materials         42,391             41,641
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 82,258             82,258
   Travel                         61,764             60,264
   Equipment                      14,066             12,316
   Transportation                  6,100              5,600
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 252,359          $ 246,959
                               ---------       ------------
  Special Item:
                               ---------       ------------

 Total Administration        $ 1,122,903        $ 1,117,503
                             ===========        ===========
B. Market Bulletin:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          132,979            132 979
                               ---------       ------------
   Supplies and Materials         97,771             97,771
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 230,750          $ 230,750
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Market Bulletin        $ 230,750          $ 230,750
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Administrative
  Services                   $ 1,353,653        $ 1,348,253
                             ===========        ===========
II. Laboratory Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          609,244            609,244
                                 (38.00)            (38.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             5,000              5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 614,244          $ 614,244
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           26,300             26,300
   Supplies and Materials         49,033             49,033
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                251,128            251,128
   Equipment                       9,350              9,350
   Transportation                  2,000              2,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 348,811          $ 348,811
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Laboratory Services     $ 963,055          $ 963,055
                             ===========        ===========
III. Consumer Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          698,750            698,750
                                 (42.00)            (42.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             9,912              9,912
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 708,662          $ 703,662
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           18,887
   Supplies and Materials         11,449             11,049
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 32,061             31,881
   Travel                        103,681             85,356
   Equipment                      12,400             12,000
   Light/Power/Heat                1,250              1,250
   Transportation                 29,314             28,314
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating 
  Expenses                     $ 209,042          $ 188,437
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Consumer Services       $ 917,704          $ 892,099
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Marketing Services:
 A. Marketing General:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          661,058            661,058
                                 (30.00)            (30.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions            11,524              5,524
   Per Diem                        7,350              7,350
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 679,932          $ 673,932
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          149,672            135,722
   Supplies and Materials         38,890             32,837
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 78,270             76,415
   Travel                         87,455             82,130
   Equipment                      11,684             11,684
   Transportation                  6,200              6,200
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 372,171          $ 344,988
 Special Item:
  Foreign Trade Missions          50,000             50,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Special Items            $ 50,000           $ 50,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total Marketing General      $ 1,102,103        $ 1,068,920
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Farm Mkt. Facilities,
  Surveys & Svcs.:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    100
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 100
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Farm Mkt Facilities,
  Surveys & Svcs                   $ 100
                             ===========        ===========
 C. Commodity Boards:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions           24,500
   Unclassified Positions         51,280
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            24,000
   Per Diem                       14,400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 114,180
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          166,011
   Supplies and Materials         36,578
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  9,970
   Contributions                  73,390
   Travel                         47,800
   Equipment                       1,400
   Light/Power/Heat                   50
   Transportation                  2,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 337,699
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Commodity Boards       $ 451,879
                             ===========        ===========
 D. Farmers Markets:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          211,085             12,500
                                 (15.00)             (1.00)
  New Positions:
  Added by The B & C Board
  and Jt. Leg. Comm. On
  Personal Service, Financing
  and Budgeting
   Public Safety Officer          40,500
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions           135,250              2,250
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 386,835           $ 14,750
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          162,873              7,750
   Supplies and Materials         60,646
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 38,466             10,500
   Travel                          4,000
   Equipment                      30,550
   Light/Power/Heat               77,095             23,500
   Transportation                  9,395
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 383,025           $ 41,750
  Permanent Improvements:
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Farmers Markets        $ 769,860           $ 56,500
                             ===========        ===========
E. Inspection Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          733,251
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions           403,874
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,137,125
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          194,768
   Supplies and Materials         36,120
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  9,186
   Travel                        162,551
   Equipment                      76,525
   Light/Power/Heat                1,200
   Transportation                  7,075
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 487,425
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Inspection Services   $ 1,624,550
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Marketing Services    $ 3,948,492        $ 1,125,420
                             ===========        ===========
V. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified          13,631
   Increments-Unclassified         1,077
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 14,708
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Salary Increments       $ 14,708
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              52,407
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 52,407
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Base Pay Increase       $ 52,407
                             ===========        ===========
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions        779,890            513,611
  Total Employer Contributions $ 779,890          $ 513,611
  Total State Employer
   Contributions               $ 779,890          $ 513,611
  Total Employee Benefits      $ 847,005          $ 513,611
 Total Department of
  Agriculture                $ 8,029,909        $ 4,842,438
 Total Authorized FTE Positions (221.00)           (153.00)
  Provided, That the Market Bulletin shall be mailed only to those
persons who request it in writing and a record of each request
shall be maintained by the Department. Provided, Further, That the
Department shall biennially purge the subscription list through use
of a coupon printed in the Bulletin.
  Provided, Further, That a daily subsistence allowance of up to
$25.00 may be allowed for temporarily employed fruits and
vegetables inspectors from funds generated by fruits and vegetables
inspection fees and budgeted under other funds in Program IV
Marketing Services, E. Inspection Services, in lieu of
reimbursements for meals and lodging expense.
  Provided, Further, That $59,816 of the amount appropriated in
I.A. Administration General, Classified Positions, shall be used to
hire four Warehouse Auditors, and $47,272 of the amount
appropriated in IV.A. Marketing General, Classified Positions,
shall be used to hire four Grain Inspectors. Provided, Further,
That this appropriation shall only be expended upon the removal of
the moratoria imposed by Acts 468 and 469 of 1982.
Family Farm Development Authority
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  New Positions:
   Executive Director             42,000             42,000
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Administrative Specialist B    13,867
   Administrative Assistant III   22,000             22,000
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Executive Assistant            24,000             24,000
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        4,000              4,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 105,867           $ 92,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           48,400              8,400
   Supplies and Materials          6,000              2,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,600              3,600
   Travel                         12,000             12,000
   Equipment                       5,233              3,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 75,233           $ 29,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Administration         $ 181,100          $ 121,000
                             ===========        ===========
II. Employee Benefits
 A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
 B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
 C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions        18,900              16,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer Contributions $ 18,900            $ 16,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total State Employer
   Contributions               $ 18,900            $ 16,000
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Employee Benefits      $ 18,900            $ 16,000
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Family Farm Development
  Authority                   $ 200,000           $ 137,000
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions   (4.00)              (3.00)
Clemson University-Public Service Activities
I. Forest & Recreation
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          568,562            410,263
                                 (39.79)            (27.48)
   Unclassified Positions        915,074            700,009
                                 (24.92)            (18.01)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             8,834              7,717
   Summer School Faculty           2,864              2,045
   Graduate Assistants           155,295            147,275
   Student Earnings                8,566              7,482
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,659,195        $ 1,274,791
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           89,178             60,898
   Supplies and Materials        219,567            169,105
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 24,472             21,377
   Travel                         49,971             46,360
   Equipment                      90,473             77,879
   Miscellaneous Gen Oper          4,170              3,664
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 477,831          $ 379,283
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Forest & Recreation
  Resources                  $ 2,137,026        $ 1,654,074
                             ===========        ===========
II. Regulatory & Public Service
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          784,250            784,250
                                 (42.88)            (42.88)
  New Positions:
   Attorney II                    25,139             25,139
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Unclassified Positions         213,601            213,601
                                  (4.45)             (4.45)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            25,000             25,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,047,990        $ 1,047,990
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           60,821             60,821
   Supplies and Materials         88,300             88,300
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 50,359             50,359
   Travel                         41,500             41,500
   Miscellaneous Gen Oper         23,000             23,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 263,980          $ 263,980
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 1,311,970        $ 1,311,970
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            17,524
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 17,524
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           21,427
   Supplies and Materials         48,158
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  2,282
   Travel                         17,192
   Equipment                      32,361
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 121,420
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Restricted             $ 138,944
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Regulatory & Public
  Service                    $ 1,450,914        $ 1,311,970
                             ===========        ===========
III. Livestock - Poultry
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,235,503          1,222,777
                                 (62.08)            (61.44)
   Unclassified Positions          7,350              7,274
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,242,853        $ 1,230,051
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          138,346            129,330
   Supplies and Materials        103,560            102,493
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 15,402             15,244
   Travel                        172,500            163,723
  Miscellaneous Gen Oper          50,000             49,485
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 479,808          $ 460,275
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General               $ 1,722,661        $ 1,690,326
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions         473,724
   Unclassified Positions         2,179
  Total Personal Service      $ 475,903
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           4,478
   Supplies and Materials         1,898
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    60
   Travel                       111,170
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                    $ 117,606
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted             $ 593,509
                             ===========        ===========
Total Livestock-Poultry
 Health                     $ 2,316,170         $ 1,690,326
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Agricultural Research:
 A. General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        4,140,835          3,032,667
                                (276.69)           (187.29)
   Unclassified Positions      3,937,053          2,683,060
                                (110.76)            (69.54)
  New Position:
   Associate Professors           70,000             70,000
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions            86,418             61,305
   Graduate Assistants           597,351            391,882
   Student Earnings              129,970             87,810
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 8,961,627        $ 6,326,724
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          849,573            731,546
   Supplies and Materials      1,526,861          1,258,400
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                234,875            198,233
   Travel                        232,403            159,782
   Equipment                     583,217            160,000
   Light/Power/Heat              317,011            266,222
   Transportation                173,269            125,815
   Miscellaneous Gen Oper         99,223             95,236
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 4,016,432        $ 2,995,234
  Special Items:
  Permanent Improvements:
  Renovations of Buildings and
   Additions - I                   3,945              2,371
  Other Permanent Improvements     4,429              2,662
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Permanent Improvements    $ 8,374            $ 5,033
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General              $ 12,986,433        $ 9,326,991
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Restricted:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          347,370
  Unclassified Positions         386,854
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions           153,149
   Summer School Faculty             744
   Graduate Assistants           125,854
   Student Earnings               75,050
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,089,021
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          157,878
   Supplies and Materials        323,762
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 30,660
   Travel                        111,088
   Equipment                     436,646
   Light/Power/Heat               19,287
   Transportation                 14,601
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 1,093,922
  Permanent Improvements:
  Renovations of Buildings and
   Additions - I                  59,359
  Other Permanent Improvements    14,740
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Permanent Improvements   $ 74,099
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Restricted            $ 2,257,042
                             ===========        ===========
Total Agriculture Research  $ 15,243,475        $ 9,326,991
                             ===========        ===========
Continue with Appropriations Act