3. To establish and maintain demonstration projects in im- proved public health methods in one or more counties in the promotion of better public health service throughout the State. 4. To encourage and promote local participation in finan- cial support of the county health departments. 5. To meet emergency situations which may arise in local areas. 6. To fit funds available to amounts budgeted when small differences occur. The provisions of this proviso shall not supersede or sus- pend the provisions of Section 13-7-30 of the 1976 Code. 39.2. Counties may continue to fund special projects in conjunction with the County Health Departments. Salaries for county special project employees, including merit in- creases and fringe benefits, shall be totally funded by the county(s) involved. County special project employees shall not be under the state merit system or state compensation plan and they shall receive their compensation directly from the county(s). 39.3. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall be authorized to continue treatment of those persons with Cystic Fibrosis who have reached the age of 18 years and continue such treatment for the life of the patient. The state funds appropriated in this section for such treat- ment will be used solely for Cystic Fibrosis patients of any age. 39.4. Federal funds made available to the Department of Health and Environmental Control for the allocation to the counties of the State for operation of county health units be allotted on a basis approved by the Board of the Depart- ment of Health and Environmental Control and the amount of State funds appropriated herein for "Public Health Dis- tricts, Community Health Services", except for salary in- creases, shall be allocated on a basis such that no county shall receive less than the amount received in Fiscal Year 1988-89. 39.5. Private donations or contributions for capital im- provements at Camp Burnt Gin shall be deposited in a re- stricted account and carried forward until sufficient amounts are available for such improvements. Any expendi- tures from the account must first be approved by the Budget and Control Board and the Joint Bond Review Committee. 39.6. The Children's Rehabilitative Services shall be re- quired to utilize any available financial resources includ- ing insurance benefits and/or governmental assistance programs, to which the child may otherwise be entitled in providing and/or arranging for medical care and related ser- vices to physically handicapped children eligible for such services, as a prerequisite to the child receiving such ser- vices. 39.7. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, the funds appropriated herein for "Cancer" and "Hemophilia Assistance" shall not be transferred to other programs within the agency and when instructed by the Budget and Con- trol Board or the General Assembly to reduce funds within the department by a certain percentage, the Department may not act unilaterally to reduce the funds for any "Cancer" and "Hemophilia Assistance" program provided for herein greater than such stipulated percentage. 39.8. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall utilize so much of the funds appropriated in this sec- tion as may be necessary to continue the Speech and Hearing programs. Any reductions in the Children's Rehabilitative Services shall be prorated among the various subprograms. 39.9. Any unexpended balance on June 30, 1989, of the amount appropriated in this Section under Program II F, 2 for Community Health Services shall be carried forward in FY 1989-90 to meet the intent and purpose of Section 122 (Aid to Subdivisions). Payment shall be made to each County Treasurer in one annual payment which shall be made as soon after the close of the previous fiscal year as practical, but no later than August 31, 1989. The portion of the carry forward that is not derived from income tax adjustments shall be credited to the General Fund, no later than August 31, 1989. 39.10. The Department of Health and Environmental Control is authorized to budget and expend monies resulting from in- surance refunds for prior year operations for case services in the following programs: Children's Rehabilitative Ser- vices, Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning, Hemophilia, Sickle Cell, Cancer and Tuberculosis Control. 39.11. No county shall supplement the salary of any DHEC employee during Fiscal Year 1989-90 except for those DHEC employees which received a salary supplement during Fiscal Year 1988-89. 39.12. Funds appropriated herein for Emergency Medical Services, shall be allocated to the Counties for the purpose of improving or upgrading the system, and shall be allocated to the EMS-Regional Councils for administration of training programs and technical assistance to the local EMS units and the funds shall be allocated by a ratio of 45 percent to the counties and 55 percent to the EMS Regional Councils. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall develop guidelines and administer the system to make allocations within each region based on demonstrated need and local match. Funds appropriated to Emergency Medical Services shall not be transferred to other programs within the De- partment's budget. In addition, when instructed by the Budget and Control Board or the General Assembly to reduce funds by a certain percentage, the Department may not reduce the funds appropriated for EMS Regional Councils or Aid to Counties greater than such stipulated percentage. 39.13. Of the amounts appropriated in Rural Health-Case Services, $443,524 shall be used for rape crisis centers around the state. 39.14. $16,000 appropriated in the Sickle Cell Program for Blood Sample Analysis shall be used by the Department to analyze blood samples submitted by the four existing re- gional programs - Region I, Barksdale Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation in Spartanburg; Region II, Clark Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation in Columbia; Region III, Committee on Bet- ter Racial Assurance Hemoglobinopathy Program in Charleston; and the Orangeburg Area Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation. 39.15. Of the amounts appropriated for CASE SERVICES (Sickle Cell) $60,000 must be divided equally among the ex- isting community based sickle cell programs located in Spartanburg and Columbia for providing preventative programs of education, testing, and counseling. $65,375 is for the community based program in Charleston. 39.16. No funds appropriated for ongoing or newly estab- lished sickle cell programs and services may be diverted to other budget categories within the DHEC budget. 39.17. The sum of $300,000 appearing under the Maternal and Child Health Section of this Act shall be appropriated to and administered by the Department of Health and Environ- mental Control for the purpose of providing appropriate ge- netic services to medically needy and underserved persons. Such funds shall be used by the Department to administer the program and to contract with appropriate providers of ge- netic services. Such services will include genetic screen- ing, laboratory testing, counseling, and other services as may be deemed beneficial by the Department, and these funds shall be divided equally among the three Regional Genetic Centers of South Carolina, composed of units from the Med- ical University of South Carolina, the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, and the Greenwood Genetic Cen- ter. 39.18. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall assign a full-time health inspector to serve at com- mercial hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal fa- cilities located in South Carolina for the purpose of assuring the protection of the health and safety of the pub- lic by monitoring the receipt and handling of hazardous waste at these sites. The Department shall implement a fee schedule to cover the costs of implementing this inspection program to be collected from such inspected facilities. 39.19. The Department of Health & Environmental Control is hereby authorized to collect, expend and carry forward revenues in the following programs: Sale of Goods (confis- cated goods, arm patches, etc.), sale of meals at Camp Burnt Gin, sale of publications, brochures, photo copies and cer- tificate forms, including but not limited to, pet rabies vaccination certificate books, sale of listings and labels, sale of State Code and Supplements, sale of films and slides, sale of maps, sale of items to be recycled, includ- ing used motor oil and batteries, etc., and collection of registration fees for non-DHEC employees. 39.20. The $10,000 appropriation to the Southeast Waste Exchange as contained in this section must be used as a con- tribution to this Exchange which is a nonprofit organization based in Charlotte, North Carolina, which serves both North and South Carolina. 39.21. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall be exempted from the requirements of Section 40-43-370 of the 1976 Code of Laws, as amended, as it relates to the requirement that a pharmacist employed by the Department may supervise no more than two adjacent districts. The Depart- ment of Health and Environmental Control shall not be exempt from any other provisions of Section 40-43-370. 39.22. That the Department is hereby authorized to sell surplus real property in Florence County and use the pro- ceeds of such sale, less the expenses required for the sale, to provide necessary physical plant and facilities for the county and district Health Department as well as other health services agencies located in Florence County. 39.23. The Department shall implement an annual fee schedule for the inspection of public swimming pools not to exceed the cost of operating the Recreational Water Program in Fiscal Year 1989-90. All revenue collected in this pro- gram shall be deposited to the General Fund. Type of Facility Fee Type Fee ($) Wading, kiddie, Construction Permit $200 plus spraying, swimming, $0.20 per diving, treatment, square ft. therapeutic, spa, of surface hot tub pools area Sliding, floating, Construction Permit $500 per rafting pools flume Wading, kiddie, Operating Permit $90 first spraying, swimming, pool plus diving, treatment, $50 each therapeutic, spa, add'l pool* hot tub pools Sliding, floating Operating Permit $50 per rafting pools flume * The $90 base fee for first pool must be applied to each property unless such property is contiguous or separated only by a street, alleyway, walk-way, highway or other pub- lic right of way. 39.24. The Department of Health and Environmental Control is hereby granted authority to charge annually for environ- mental permits, licenses, or certificates required by the Department under the Pollution Control Act, the Safe Drink- ing Water Act, the Hazardous Waste Management Act, the Oil and Gas Act or Department regulations. Type of Facility Permit Fee ($) WASTEWATER TREATMENT --Major Facility $800 (Flow greater than 2,000,000 gal/day) --Major Facility 600 (Flow 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 gal/day) --Minor Facility 500 (Flow 500,000 - 999,999 gal/day) --Minor Facility 400 (Flow 100,000 - 499,999 gal/day) --Minor Facility 300 (Flow 50,000 - 99,999 gal/day) --Minor Facility 200 (Flow 0 - 49,999 gal/day) Multiple Discharge Permits 600 Plus 300/Discharge (Greater than 5 Discharge Points) Over 5 WATER SUPPLY OPERATING PERMIT --Major Facility 800 (Serving more than 10,000 people) --Major Facility 600 (Serving 5,000 - 10,000 people) --Minor Facility 150 (Serving 1,000 - 4,999 people) --Minor Facility 50 (Serving less than 1,000 people) AIR QUALITY PERMITS --Major Facility 800 (Greater than 1,000 tons/year) --Major Facility 600 (250 - 1,000 tons/year) --Minor Facility 400 (100 - 249 tons/year) --Minor Facility 300 (50 - 99 tons/year) --Minor Facility 100 (Less than 50 tons/year) Fees charged to Cotton Gins shall be prorated on the basis of time of operation per fiscal year. Fees charged to Grain Storage Elevators shall be prorated on the basis of time of operation per fiscal year. Hazardous Waste Units 600 Fees and Expenses collected by this process shall be depos- ited in the General Fund. 39.25. The Department of Health and Environmental Control may charge and collect fees to cover the cost of operating the certificate of need program. The fee for review of cer- tificate of need projects is $500 plus .25 percent of the total project cost, not to exceed $7,500, except as provided below. The fee is payable by the applicant upon submission of a complete application and all the fees must be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the state. For an ap- plicant whose application fee would exceed $7,500 except for the cap, an additional fee of $7,500 is imposed if the ap- plicant is awarded a certificate of need, to be paid at the time of the award. 39.26. Provided that the Department of Health and Envi- ronmental Control shall not be required to undertake any treatment, medical management or health care follow-up for any person with sickle cell disease identified through any neonatal testing program, beyond the level of services sup- ported by funds now or subsequently appropriated for such services. 39.27. Appropriations in this section in the amount of $2,303,991 are predicated on revenue collections from fees in the Certificate of Need program, recreational water pro- gram, safe water drinking program, and the environmental quality control program. The department is directed to co- operate with the Budget Division of the Budget and Control Board to monitor revenue collections and, if indicated, to reduce budget authorization by an amount proportionate to any expected shortfall. All revenue collected shall be de- posited in the General Fund on a monthly basis, not later than the fifteenth day of each month. 39.28. The Department of Health and Environmental Control is authorized to charge each public water system requesting the Department's assistance an annual user fee for chemical monitoring and reporting requirements as prescribed in the 1986 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments in accordance with the following schedule. A public water system which con- ducts its own monitoring is not subject to the annual user fee. Population Served Annual User Fee 150,001 - 250,000 $4,000 100,001 - 150,000 3,500 50,001 - 100,000 3,250 25,001 - 50,000 3,000 10,001 - 25,000 2,750 3,301 - 10,000 2,500 1,001 - 3,300 1,500 501 - 1,000 1,000 101 - 500 500 51 - 100 300 25 - 50 200 39.29. Pursuant to Section 44-7-84(A) of the 1976 Code, the maximum number of Medicaid patient days for which the Department of Health and Environmental Control is authorized to issue Medicaid nursing home permits is 3,112,465. 39.30. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall assign full-time health inspectors to serve at commer- cial incinerators which dispose of infectious waste for the purpose of assuring the protection of the health and safety of the public by monitoring the receipt, handling and dis- posal of infectious waste at these sites. The Department shall implement a fee of up to $5.00 per ton of infectious waste to cover the costs of implementing this inspection program, not to exceed $150,000, to be collected quarterly from such inspected facilities to be deposited in the Gen- eral Fund. 39.31. The Department shall revise fees for vital records to supplant the reduction of State funds appropriated for the operation of the Vital Records Office. The fee for a birth certificate search will not exceed $6. The revision of fees may provide for such increases in personal services and employer contributions as may be necessary by the Appro- priation Act but other operating funds may not exceed the level of expenditure of FY 1988-89. All funds in excess of the above must be remitted to the General Fund. 39.32. The Department shall revise drug control registra- tion fees to supplant the reduction of State funds appropri- ated for the operation of the Drug Control Program. The fee charged for drug control registration will not exceed $75. Such revision of Drug Control registration fees shall not exceed $80,000 and all funds generated by the revision that do exceed $80,000 shall be remitted to the General Fund. 39.33. Every county in South Carolina may have at least eighty-eight long term care beds in the county. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control is authorized to allocate to each county, the Medical Facili- ties Plan notwithstanding, the number of beds required to assure a minimum of eighty-eight nursing care beds including existing beds and beds approved under the Certificate of Need program. 39.34. Of the funds appropriated for the Bureau of Health Facilities Regulations, the Department must add two public health analysts to increase the frequency of inspections for residential care facilities. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- I. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICE: COMMISSIONER/S 96,897 96,897 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 5,911,581 5,742,417 (235.00) (230.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 392,544 392,544 (7.00) (7.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 35,000 35,000 PER DIEM 8,500 8,500 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 5,002 5,000 SPECIAL CONTRACT EMPLOYEE 30,000 30,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 6,479,524 6,310,358 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 713,000 688,000 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 272,775 250,275 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 221,067 127,425 TRAVEL 117,171 110,171 EQUIPMENT 183,374 183,374 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 11,400 11,400 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,518,787 1,370,645 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 1,271,866 1,238,032 TOTAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 9,270,177 8,919,035 ============================ II. COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 27,667,594 15,103,299 (1541.70) (751.38) NEW POSITIONS: PSYCHOLOGIST II 56,372 56,372 (3.00) (3.00) COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE 260,570 260,570 (15.00) (15.00) MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR II 250,530 250,530 (15.00) (15.00) MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR I 233,898 233,898 (15.00) (15.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 121,405 6,205 PER DIEM 43,340 23,340 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 384,994 208,994 SPECIAL CONTRACT EMPLOYEE 42,000 42,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 29,060,703 16,185,208 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,499,508 3,002,172 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,842,682 629,682 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 2,547,229 806,935 TRAVEL 635,004 98,421 EQUIPMENT 1,518,086 240,591 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 114,950 7,450 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 557,684 107,684 TRANSPORTATION 82,913 28,913 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 18,798,056 4,921,848 SPECIAL ITEM GATEWAY HOUSE 100,000 100,000 PALMETTO PATHWAYS 50,000 PROJECT STRIDE 48,000 48,000 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 198,000 148,000 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CASE SERVICES 2,262,595 401,595 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 2,262,595 401,595 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 5,762,315 3,437,893 TOTAL COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH 56,081,669 25,094,544 ============================ III. COMMUNITY SERVICES TO CHILDREN PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 1,403,333 735,000 (87.00) (40.00) NEW POSITIONS: MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR I 147,000 147,000 (6.00) (6.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 20,000 20,000 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 25,000 10,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 1,595,333 912,000 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,149,070 2,149,070 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 40,000 40,000 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 25,000 25,000 TRAVEL 40,000 40,000 EQUIPMENT 10,000 10,000 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 1,000 1,000 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 5,000 5,000 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 2,270,070 2,270,070 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- CASE SERVICES 550,000 550,000 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 550,000 550,000 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 235,890 114,400 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES TO CHILDREN 4,651,293 3,846,470 ============================ IV. INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 64,129,166 62,220,671 (3093.66) (3035.42) NEW POSITIONS: PSYCHOLOGIST 40,334 40,334 (2.00) (2.00) STAFF PSYCHIATRIST 653,400 653,400 (9.00) (9.00) CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER 83,048 83,048 (4.00) (4.00) DIR. PROF. SERVICES 82,083 82,083 (1.00) (1.00) REGISTERED NURSE 263,388 263,388 (11.00) (11.00) ACTIVITY THERAPIST 83,850 83,850 (6.00) (6.00) CHILD PSYCHIATRIST 140,000 140,000 (2.00) (2.00) SOCIAL WORKER 45,098 45,098 (2.00) (2.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 3,508,570 3,468,570 (87.00) (84.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 994,223 531,583 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 2,520,392 1,363,506 PATIENT EARNINGS 88,402 63,402 INMATE EARNINGS 27,381 7,381 OFFICER OF DAY AND NIGHT 881,083 781,083 SPECIAL CONTRACT EMPLOYEE 25,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 73,565,418 69,827,397 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,486,785 6,661,785 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 8,351,496 5,846,496 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 2,331,579 780,979 TRAVEL 199,748 99,748 EQUIPMENT 901,335 551,335 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 96,338 61,338 PURCHASE FOR RESALE 450,000 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 3,353,631 2,903,631 TRANSPORTATION 222,740 122,740 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 25,393,652 17,028,052 PUBLIC ASISTANCE PAYMENTS CASE SERVICES 1,890,907 1,840,907 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 1,890,907 1,840,907 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 15,958,645 15,583,645 TOTAL INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC 116,808,622 104,280,001 ============================ V. ICF/SKILLED NURSING CARE PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 12,136,247 7,477,335 (898.85) (446.65) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 132,757 132,757 (2.00) (2.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES TEMPORARY POSITIONS 92,678 43,678 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 843,332 333,332 OFFICER OF DAY AND NIGHT 193,500 118,500 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 13,398,514 8,105,602 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,799,439 3,653,439 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,821,387 814,387 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 1,487,776 87,930 TRAVEL 19,294 8,794 EQUIPMENT 133,807 42,593 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 5,696 3,196 PROPERTY TAXES 195,000 95,000 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 629,189 319,304 TRANSPORTATION 11,680 11,680 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 13,103,268 5,036,323 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 33,000 33,000 INTEREST 22,000 22,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 55,000 55,000 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CASE SERVICES 93,000 7,500 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 93,000 7,500 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 2,859,262 1,888,068 TOTAL ICF/SKILLED NURSING CARE 29,509,044 15,092,493 ============================ DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- VI. ALCOHOL & DRUG PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 5,726,783 4,711,857 (286.25) (238.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 52,183 52,183 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 46,305 46,305 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 79,917 77,416 PATIENT EARNINGS 34,322 34,322 OFFICER OF DAY AND NIGHT 22,167 22,167 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 5,961,677 4,944,250 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,160,847 1,095,247 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 367,523 333,223 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 83,848 29,936 TRAVEL 4,079 3,254 EQUIPMENT 37,113 35,913 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 6,574 5,074 PURCHASE FOR RESALE 75,000 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 196,864 166,502 TRANSPORTATION 4,380 4,380 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,936,228 1,673,529 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CASE SERVICES 36,440 36,440 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 36,440 36,440 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 1,151,445 951,566 TOTAL ALCOHOL & DRUG 9,085,790 7,605,785 ============================ VII. DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 4,725,972 3,421,772 (266.00) (207.00) NEW POSITIONS OCCUPATIONAL TRAIN. COOR. (6.00) (6.00) CLINICAL COUNSELORS (7.00) (7.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 146,878 137,878 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 181,786 151,986 OFFICER OF DAY AND NIGHT 30,000 30,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 5,084,636 3,741,636 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 536,439 516,439 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 424,314 409,314 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 99,233 99,233 TRAVEL 44,514 24,514 EQUIPMENT 84,995 74,995 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 773 773 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 54,815 27,815 TRANSPORTATION 7,368 7,368 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,252,451 1,160,451 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CASE SERVICES 4,000 4,000 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 4,000 4,000 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 999,453 802,483 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED 7,340,540 5,708,570 ============================ VIII. CONTINUUM OF CARE PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 1,530,042 309,822 (88.00) (10.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 54,571 54,571 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 62,000 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 4 3 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 1,646,617 364,396 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 117,425 92,625 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 33,950 31,450 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 223,050 223,050 TRAVEL 86,700 37,260 EQUIPMENT 22,200 22,200 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 2,800 2,800 TRANSPORTATION 7,000 2,500 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 493,125 411,885 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CASE SERVICES 4,390,294 1,590,466 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 4,390,294 1,590,466 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 306,523 69,812 TOTAL CONTINUUM OF CARE 6,836,559 2,436,559 ============================ TOTAL DEPT. OF MENTAL HEALTH 239,583,694 172,983,457 ============================ TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (6699.46) (5158.45) ============================ 40.1. All Federal Funds received by the Department of Mental Health from patients' Medicare benefits shall be con- sidered as patient fees under the provision of Act No. 1276 of the 1970 Acts (provision for the issuance of bonds to be repaid from patient fees) except that the Department shall remit to the General Fund of the State $290,963 from such funds to support the appropriation for administrative costs of the collection of Medicare benefits. The Department shall retain and expend up to $3 million of all Medicare Re- venue earned prior to July 1, 1988, but received in FY 1989-90 from cost recovery efforts, all additional prior earnings shall be remitted to the General Fund, except that the cost and fees of identifying and collecting such addi- tional Medicare Revenue to which the Department is entitled may be paid from funds actually collected from such efforts. 40.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and in addition to other payments provided in Part I of this act, the Department of Mental Health is hereby directed during Fiscal Year 1989-90 to remit to the General Fund of the State the amount of $3,800,000 to be paid from the surplus funds in the paying patient account which has been previ- ously designated for capital improvements and debt service under the provisions of Act 1276 of 1970. 40.3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law and in addition to other payments provided in Part I of this act, the Department of Mental Health is hereby authorized during the Fiscal Year 1989-90, to provide the funds budgeted herein for $5,214,911 for Departmental operations, $400,000 for the Continuum of Care, $50,000 for Palmetto Pathways, up to $1 million for budget deficiencies and up to $3.5 million for the Justice physical plant improvements, which include Fire and Life Safety from the Patient Fee Account which has been previously designated for capital improvements and debt service under provisions of Act 1276 of 1970. 40.4. It is the intent of the General Assembly that in the event the Department of Mental Health must implement a reduction-in-force plan, that the Department shall make ev- ery effort to avoid any reduction in personal services at Community Health Centers. 40.5. All Community Mental Health Centers receiving funds from the State shall, as a priority, provide services for children, the chronic mentally ill and the elderly mentally ill. 40.6. The Department of Mental Health may carry forward the money appropriated herein to continue services within the Continuum of Care Program; these funds shall not be ex- pended for any other purposes within the Department. 40.7. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law and in addition to other payments provided in this section, the De- partment of Mental Health is authorized to utilize up to $1,530,520 of the funds collected from paying patients hos- pitalized in the acute care units of the William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute to defray the cost of training mental health personnel and psychiatric research at that facility pursuant to Section 44-11-10(2), Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976; these being a part of the funds previously designated for capital improvements and debt service under the provisions of Act 1276 of 1970. 40.8. The Department shall allocate all general increases for Community Mental Health Centers and Clinics according to the funding formula developed by the Department for distrib- ution of block grant funds. 40.9. The Department of Mental Health is authorized to retain and expend institution generated funds which are budgeted. 40.10. The Budget and Control Board shall authorize the Department of Mental Health to carry-forward any remaining funds allocated for Harris Psychiatric Hospital in FY 1988-89 to assure full-funding of Harris Psychiatric Hospi- tal in FY 1989-90. The Department is authorized to utilize these funds to provide for community screening and service for potential admission to Harris Psychiatric Hospital. 40.11. The Department shall contract with the Department of Social Services to ensure that payments of General As- sistance made to mentally disabled individuals who would not be eligible for income supplement under the general proviso for General Assistance are reimbursed by the Department to the Department of Social Services. 40.12. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law and in addition to other payments provided in Part I of this act, the Department of Mental Health is authorized to utilize up to $500,000 Patient Fee Funds to cover expenditures initi- ated as a result of the transfer of appropriate patients from the Department of Mental Health to the Department of Mental Retardation, these funds having been previously set aside for the renovation of Dowdy-Gardner for additional Intermediate Care-MR beds. 40.13. Prior to the referral of a child by the court to the Continuum of Care for Emotionally Disturbed Children, the Continuum of Care must be given the opportunity to eval- uate the child and to make a recommendation to the court re- garding (1) the child's suitability for placement with the Continuum under the criteria set out by law; (2) the agen- cies which offer services most appropriate to meet the child's needs, and the proportionate share of the costs among the agencies to meet those needs; and (3) the neces- sity of obtaining other services for the child in the event that such services are not available through the existing service delivery system. 40.14. It is the responsibility of all agencies, depart- ments, and institutions of state government, to provide at no cost and as part of the regular services of the agency, department, or institution such services as are necessary to carry out the provisions of Chapter 83 of Title 44 (Continuum of Care), as amended, upon request of the Continuum of Care and/or the appropriate court. 40.15. Recognizing that the Department of Mental Health has been cited in its recent Management Letter for a liabil- ity of $806,142 owed to its own Patient Fee Account, this amount being expended for general operations by the agency in prior fiscal years, and that resources are no longer available to repay this account other than by requesting ad- ditional General Fund dollars, the General Assembly hereby authorizes that the agency not repay this liability to the Patient Fee Account. The Department shall insure that the necessary financial controls are in place to prevent future audit exceptions in this area. Provided, further, that the Department of Mental Health is hereby exempted from the pro- vision of indirect cost for an amount not to exceed $517,068 as incurred in Fiscal Year 1984-85. 40.16. Prior to any transfer of funds from the current budget for Harris Hospital, the Department shall notify the Chairmen of the Joint Appropriations Review Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Com- mittee. 40.17. The Department shall submit monthly revenue and expenditure reports to the Budget and Control Board, the Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. 40.18. Of the new funds appropriated herein for Community Mental Health, the Department of Mental Health is directed to expend $260,000 of the FY 89-90 appropriations to provide for the expansion of Autistic services in the community. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL RETARDATION TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: COMMISSIONER/S 75,504 75,504 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 5,106,307 3,183,142 (238.00) (157.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 451,481 451,481 (7.00) (7.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 40,755 6,255 PER DIEM 7,500 7,500 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 11,397 2,198 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 5,692,944 3,726,080 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 703,895 127,450 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 244,299 19,860 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 198,468 3,775 TRAVEL 54,485 4,618 EQUIPMENT 407,700 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 13,719 791 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 95,000 TRANSPORTATION 6,370 624 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,723,936 157,118 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 7,416,880 3,883,198 ============================ II. SERVICES SUPPORT: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 10,303,207 7,710,830 (736.00) (562.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 209,572 84,572 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 62,863 30,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 10,575,642 7,825,402 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,464,832 922,484 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 4,392,521 1,875,603 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 1,059,742 90,417 TRAVEL 23,330 1,150 EQUIPMENT 900,160 246,537 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 3,166 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 2,293,510 1,431,967 TRANSPORTATION 162,689 19,600 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 11,299,950 4,587,758 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS: DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL RETARDATION TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- CASE SERVICES 820 720 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 820 720 TOTAL SERVICES SUPPORT 21,876,412 12,413,880 ============================ III. DEVELOPMENTAL: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 9,864,876 4,253,947 (556.00) (253.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 69,028 35,000 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 2,050 1,750 PATIENT EARNINGS 311,471 215,771 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 10,247,425 4,506,468 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 57,432 21,058 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 259,248 98,452 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 7,779 1,035 TRAVEL 12,154 7,254 EQUIPMENT 41,242 9,300 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 12,949 8,739 PURCHASE FOR RESALE 37,500 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 50,000 TRANSPORTATION 1,275 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 479,579 145,838 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS: CASE SERVICES 3,880 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 3,880 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL 10,730,884 4,652,306 ============================ IV. HEALTH: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 8,599,271 4,177,604 (444.51) (232.68) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE TEMPORARY POSITIONS 64,362 42,362 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 185,000 68,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 8,848,633 4,287,966 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 793,284 478,396 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 829,074 665,972 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 8,344 144 TRAVEL 4,202 1,527 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL RETARDATION TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- EQUIPMENT 47,864 4,054 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 3,676 446 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 9,000 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,695,444 1,150,539 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS: CASE SERVICES 403,052 30,000 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 403,052 30,000 TOTAL HEALTH 10,947,129 5,468,505 ============================ V. COMMUNITY: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 2,632,035 1,662,483 (122.00) (81.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 28,444 16,908 O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 26,248 15,971 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 2,686,727 1,695,362 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62,912,479 16,393,824 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 78,244 44,731 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 66,859 33,650 TRAVEL 77,409 62,054 EQUIPMENT 26,910 6,400 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 2,167 1,167 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 22,798 3,798 TRANSPORTATION 5,936 3,936 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 63,192,802 16,549,560 SPECIAL ITEMS: SPECIAL OLYMPICS 25,000 25,000 LOCAL COST OF LIVING INCREASE 1,517,700 1,517,700 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 1,542,700 1,542,700 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS: CASE SERVICES 200,000 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 200,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY 67,622,229 19,787,622 ============================ VI. RESIDENTIAL: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 32,022,766 19,993,058 (2372.00) (1518.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 214,775 74,792 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL RETARDATION TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS -------------------------- O.T. & SHIFT DIFFER. 566,167 293,190 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 32,803,708 20,361,040 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 530,687 69,205 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,331,882 396,589 FIXED CHGS. & CONTRIB. 49,308 1,308 TRAVEL 6,093 3,213 EQUIPMENT 179,049 22,260 LIB BOOKS, MAPS & FILMS 1,534 1,534 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 200,000 TRANSPORTATION 1,000 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 2,299,553 494,109 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS: CASE SERVICES 97,275 1,000 TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS 97,275 1,000 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 35,200,536 20,856,149 ============================