Current Status Introducing Body:Senate Bill Number:237 Primary Sponsor:Courson Committee Number:13 Type of Legislation:JR Subject:Joint Legislative Committee on Children and Families Residing Body:Senate Current Committee:Medical Affairs Companion Bill Number:3163 Computer Document Number:436/12827AC.93 Introduced Date:19930119 Last History Body:Senate Last History Date:19930119 Last History Type:Introduced, read first time, referred to Committee Scope of Legislation:Statewide All Sponsors:Courson Type of Legislation:Joint Resolution
Bill Body Date Action Description CMN Leg Involved ____ ______ ____________ ______________________________ ___ ____________ 237 Senate 19930119 Introduced, read first time, 13 referred to CommitteeView additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.
Whereas, children are the cornerstones of our future, our greatest natural resource; and
Whereas, in order to do our best for our children and to maximize our efforts and their potential for a sound and promising future, we must not narrowly define issues of children but rather we must view and address them in their natural setting, the family; and
Whereas, addressing the issues of children means addressing the issues of families; many of the needs of children and of families are closely interwoven if not inseparable; some of these basic needs are for shelter, food, clothing, and health care; and
Whereas, these needs are critical to survival in our society and must be guaranteed as a right and not considered a privilege if we are truly to prepare these children adequately for the future; and
Whereas, the South Carolina General Assembly has been a leader in the country in many ways in children's issues; since 1969 the General Assembly has had a study committee, the Joint Legislative Committee on Children, dedicated to studying issues relating to children and their welfare and South Carolina was the first state to compile the laws effecting children into a comprehensive "Children's Code"; and
Whereas, this committee and the valuable contributions it has made in addressing the needs of children has made a significant impact on families, a natural and logical result of committee action, and this should be broadly embraced and fully integrated into the work of the committee; and
Whereas, it is therefore proper and fitting that this legislative committee reflect the results of its efforts and the natural expansion of its mission in the committee name. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. The Joint Legislative Committee on Children, created in 1969 by H. 1772 under the name of the Committee to Further Study the Statutes of the State Relating to Divorce, Separation of Married People, Neglected and Delinquent Children and to Consider the Feasibility of Establishing Family Courts on a Statewide basis was renamed the Joint Legislative Committee on Children in 1979 by S. 456 and continued annually in the appropriations act as the Joint Legislative Committee on Children, is renamed the Joint Legislative Committee on Children and Families.
SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.