Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Bailey, J. Baxley Beatty Boan Breeland Brown, G. Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cobb-Hunter Cooper Cromer Davenport Farr Govan Graham Harris, J. Hines Hodges Holt Houck Huff Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Keegan Kennedy Kirsh Marchbanks Martin Mattos McCraw McLeod McTeer Meacham Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Richardson Rogers Rudnick Scott Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Snow Spearman Stone Vaughn Wells Whipper Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkins Wofford Young, A.
So, the amendment was rejected.
Rep. FARR moved immediate cloture on the entire matter.
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Askins Bailey, G. Bailey, J. Baxley Boan Brown, G. Cromer Elliott Fair Farr Harris, J. Harris, P. Haskins Hines Houck Jaskwhich Jennings Keegan Kirsh Law Mattos McAbee McCraw McKay McLeod McMahand Meacham Moody-Lawrence Neilson Phillips Rhoad Richardson Robinson Rogers Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Snow Spearman Stuart Waldrop Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Wilkins Wofford
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Anderson Baker Beatty Breeland Brown, H. Canty Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cobb-Hunter Cooper Corning Davenport Delleney Fulmer Gamble Gonzales Govan Graham Hallman Harrell Holt Huff Hutson Inabinett Kelley Kennedy Keyserling Klauber Koon Littlejohn Marchbanks Martin McElveen McTeer Neal Quinn Riser Rudnick Scott Sharpe Shissias Smith, R. Stille Stone Sturkie Thomas
Townsend Trotter Vaughn Walker Whipper Witherspoon Worley Wright Young, A.
So, immediate cloture was rejected.
Rep. INABINETT moved that the House do now adjourn.
Rep. BOAN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, T.C. Anderson Bailey, G. Bailey, J. Baxley Breeland Brown, G. Brown, H. Cobb-Hunter Elliott Fair Farr Gonzales Graham Hallman Harris, P. Holt Houck Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Kennedy Koon Marchbanks McAbee McMahand Moody-Lawrence Neal Phillips Rhoad Rudnick Scott Sheheen Snow Spearman Stille Thomas Townsend Trotter Waldrop Whipper Wilder, J.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Allison Askins Baker Boan Canty Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cooper Corning Cromer Davenport Delleney Fulmer Gamble Govan Harrell Harris, J. Haskins Huff Hutson Keegan Kelley
Keyserling Kirsh Klauber Lanford Law Littlejohn Mattos McCraw McElveen McLeod McTeer Meacham Quinn Richardson Riser Robinson Rogers Sharpe Shissias Simrill Smith, R. Stone Stuart Sturkie Vaughn Walker Wilder, D. Wilkes Wilkins Wofford Wright Young, A.
So, the House refused to adjourn.
The SPEAKER granted Rep. INABINETT a leave of absence for the remainder of the day.
Reps. McLEOD and SHEHEEN proposed the following Amendment No. 40 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\JIC\5658HTC.94), which was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION to read:
/SECTION ___. Section 12-43-220(c) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 219, Act 181 of 1993, is further amended by adding at the end:
"No residential property owner-occupant is eligible for the assessment ratio allowed by this item unless the person both resides and is domiciled in this State."/
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.
Rep. McLEOD explained the amendment.
The amendment was then adopted.
Rep. QUINN proposed the following Amendment No. 41 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\JIC\5665HTC.94), which was tabled.
Amend the Report of the Committee on Ways and Means, as and if amended, page 4633-3, line 35, by striking /and lease-purchase payments/.
Amend further, page 4633-5, line 3, and beginning on line 20, by striking /lease-purchase payments/.
Amend further, by adding a new SECTION appropriately numbered to read:
/SECTION ___. In addition to any other limits on the revenue raising power, the governing body of a county, municipality, school district, or special purpose or public service district may not impose an additional tax or fee or remove existing exemptions except upon a three-fourths vote of the governing body."
B. This section takes effect July 1, 1994./
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.
Rep. QUINN explained the amendment.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the amendment.
Rep. QUINN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, G. Cobb-Hunter Cromer Delleney Farr Gonzales Govan Harrell Harris, J. Harris, P. Harvin Hines Houck Jennings Kennedy Kirsh Martin Mattos McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay McLeod McMahand Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Richardson Rogers Rudnick Scott Sheheen Snow Spearman Stuart Thomas
Trotter Whipper Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Worley
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Bailey, G. Baker Brown, H. Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cooper Corning Davenport Fair Gamble Hallman Haskins Hutson Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Klauber Koon Law Littlejohn Meacham Quinn Riser Sharpe Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stille Stone Sturkie Townsend Vaughn Walker Wells Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Wright Young, A.
So, the amendment was tabled.
Rep. QUINN proposed the following Amendment No. 42 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\JIC\5663HTC.94), which was adopted.
Amend the Report of the Committee on Ways and Means, as and if amended, page 4633-3, line 35, by striking /and lease-purchase payments/.
Amend further, page 4633-4, line 20, by striking /and lease-purchase payments/.
Amend further, page 4633-5, line 3, and beginning on line 20, by striking /lease-purchase payments/.
Amend title to conform.
Rep. QUINN explained the amendment.
Rep. GONZALES moved to table the amendment.
Rep. QUINN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Alexander, M.O. Anderson Askins Boan Breeland Cobb-Hunter Cromer Delleney Gonzales Harris, J. Harris, P. Hines Houck Jennings Kennedy Martin Mattos McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay McLeod McMahand McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Richardson Rogers Scott Snow Stille Stuart Townsend Whipper Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Worley
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, T.C. Allison Bailey, G. Baker Baxley Brown, H. Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cooper Corning Davenport Fair Farr Fulmer Gamble Hallman Harrell Harvin Haskins Hutson Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Kirsh Klauber Koon Law Littlejohn Marchbanks Meacham Quinn Rudnick Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Spearman Stone Sturkie Thomas Trotter Vaughn Walker Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Wright Young, A.
So, the House refused to table the amendment.
Rep. QUINN spoke in favor of the amendment.
Rep. SCOTT spoke against the amendment.
Rep. ROGERS moved to adjourn debate upon the amendment.
Rep. QUINN demanded the yeas and nays, which were not ordered.
The House refused to adjourn debate by a division vote of 40 to 41.
The question then recurred to the adoption of the amendment.
Rep. QUINN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, T.C. Allison Bailey, G. Baker Baxley Brown, H. Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cooper Corning Cromer Davenport Delleney Fair Fulmer Gamble Hallman Harvin Haskins Hutson Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Kennedy Kirsh Klauber Koon Lanford Littlejohn Marchbanks Meacham Phillips Quinn Richardson Riser Robinson Rudnick Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stone Stuart Thomas Vaughn Walker Wells Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Wright Young, A.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Anderson Askins Bailey, J. Boan Breeland Brown, G. Byrd Cobb-Hunter Farr Gonzales Govan Harris, J. Harris, P. Hines
Hodges Houck Jennings Martin Mattos McAbee McElveen McKay McMahand McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Rhoad Rogers Scott Snow Spearman Stille Townsend Whipper Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Worley
So, the amendment was adopted.
Reps. DAVENPORT and CLYBORNE proposed the following Amendment No. 43 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\JIC\5668HTC.94), which was tabled.
Amend the Report of the Committee on Ways and Means, as and if amended, in SECTION 2, page 4633-3, by inserting immediately after line 38:
/In addition to any other limits on the revenue raising power, the governing body of a county may not impose an additional tax or fee or remove existing exemptions except upon a three-fourths vote of the governing body./
Amend further, SECTION 3, page 4633-4, by inserting immediately after line 23:
/In addition to any other limits on the revenue raising power, the governing body of a municipality may not impose an additional tax or fee or remove existing exemptions except upon a three-fourths vote of the governing body./
Amend further, SECTION 4, page 4633-5, by inserting immediately after line 6:
/In addition to any other limits on the revenue raising power, the governing body of a special purpose district may not impose an additional tax or fee or remove existing exemptions except upon a three-fourths vote of the governing body./
Amend further, SECTION 5, page 4633-5, by inserting immediately after line 30:
/In addition to any other limits on the revenue raising power, the governing body authorized by law to levy school taxes may not impose an
Amend title to conform.
Rep. CLYBORNE explained the amendment.
Rep. CLYBORNE continued speaking.
The SPEAKER Pro Tempore granted Rep. CANTY a temporary leave of absence.
Rep. SHEHEEN spoke against the amendment.
Rep. CLYBORNE spoke in favor of the amendment.
Rep. SHEHEEN moved to table the amendment.
Rep. CORNING demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Bailey, G. Bailey, J. Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, G. Cobb-Hunter Cromer Delleney Farr Gonzales Govan Graham Harris, J. Harris, P. Harvin Hines Hodges Houck Jennings Kennedy Keyserling Kinon Koon Lanford Marchbanks Martin Mattos McAbee McCraw McElveen McLeod McMahand McTeer Neal Phillips Rhoad Richardson Robinson Rogers Rudnick Scott Sheheen Snow Spearman Stille Thomas
Trotter Whipper Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Worley